
Alcoholism is life without a future. In this regard, they talk about increased tolerance to alcohol.

Today, the problem of alcoholism is of interest to every Russian. According to statistics, more than 3% of people suffer from this disease. The number of alcoholics in our country exceeds 5 million people. An even more horrifying picture concerns the country's younger generation. On average, children try alcohol for the first time at the age of 13. Minors consume almost every day not only low-alcohol drinks, but also vodka. The peak of mass abuse of alcohol falls on the age group from 14 to 15 years. Needless to say, these young people are the future of our country.

Problems of alcoholism

Alcoholic drinks have become almost an integral part of the life of a modern person. He drinks when he is happy or sad, bad or good. It is quite difficult to meet such a family where they do not drink alcohol at all. The vodka business today is one of the most profitable, and the grandiose pace of its development is regularly observed. Alcoholic products on the tables have ceased to be something special. This is quite a common thing. However, do not forget what it leads to.

The main reasons for the decline in life expectancy today are chronic stress, unhealthy lifestyle, coupled with addictions: smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol can be unambiguously described as a legal drug, since it, along with other drugs, causes painful addiction. It is impossible to find a certain line when an elementary cheer up with a glass turns into an addiction.

Psychological dependence is the initial stage of the formation of alcoholism. Then comes the physical. Here, simple fun is no longer enough. Social problems also come with a hangover: at work, in relationships with people. Over time, the first deviations in the work of the body necessarily appear. The problem with alcohol is a social evil from which addicts themselves, their relatives, loved ones and even children suffer.

Alcohol affects teenagers differently than adults. The brain in adolescents under 20 years of age is different in its reaction to the information received. It was created in order to learn, being in the stage of establishing real connections between nerve cells. Alcohol completely destroys this function, and this directly affects the work of the brain in the future.

The effect of alcohol on the body

The whole human body suffers from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Primarily the central nervous system. People who have problems with alcohol stop eating normal food. As a result, alcoholic beverages destroy B vitamins in the central nervous system, and new ones are not supplied with poor-quality nutrition, which leads to degenerative lesions. The detrimental effect on the growing body has no boundaries.

In addition, a complete decrease in the body's immune defenses was noted, which inevitably leads to increased susceptibility to any infectious diseases.

Main symptoms

An acute problem with alcohol has arisen over the past few decades. Of the total number of patients registered in narcological clinics, 90% are persons suffering from dependence on alcoholic beverages. The problem of alcoholism remains relevant. Moreover, it occupies a leading position in the overall structure of narcological diseases.

The main symptom of alcoholism is a persistent psychological dependence. That is, when a person in a sober state already feels uncomfortable. Signs of attraction to alcoholic beverages begin to manifest themselves to varying degrees. A person remembers from past experience that taking another portion of alcohol will lead him to a normal, comfortable state in his opinion. This gives rise to an obsessive thought about taking alcohol, and it is quite difficult to distract yourself from abuse.

When dependence is formed, social factors collapse, quantitative control is lost. A person prone to alcohol addiction, after the next festive feast, is unlikely to go home immediately without going to a stall or store for an additional portion of alcohol. People who can no longer imagine any solemn event without alcoholic beverages automatically fall into the risk group, which sooner or later will definitely start addiction.

The main sign of the manifestation of alcoholism can be called the growth of tolerance. A person gradually increases his average dose of alcohol. To feel the usual stage of intoxication, he needs a much larger amount of alcohol, which, in their opinion, gives confidence and calmness. This is already a fairly serious stage of the disease. The next stage is the hangover syndrome.

Alcoholism treatment

Problems with alcohol consist in the patient's refusal to acknowledge his own illness. Most addicts try to convince not only those around them, but also themselves, that they can give up alcohol at any time, they just need to want to. Every alcoholic will say, "I don't have a drinking problem!" At the same time, they really believe in it and this gives them confidence, and they do not try to deceive others, but the signs are already there.

Patients swear by oath to their loved ones that each regular binge was the last and will not happen again. They sincerely try to contain their craving for alcohol and break down again. But why do few people manage to cope with this terrible disease alone, and what gives alcohol to addicts? There can be many reasons for alcohol addiction.

Alcohol is dangerous to human health, this truth is inspired almost from childhood. But, nevertheless, the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed is not decreasing, although many are aware of the dangers of such an attitude towards themselves and their bodies. Starting with small doses, a drinking person gradually forgets about the line between a healthy person and a sick person, not having time to notice how he has slipped into the pool of alcoholism. Problems with alcohol arise unexpectedly for a drinking person, developing into a complex of troubles that lead to conflicts in the family, at work, among friends.

Awareness of the problem

Alcohol abuse depends on a number of factors. Important things to note are genetics, upbringing, social environment, and emotional health. Nationality also plays a role, since representatives of some nations easily perceive alcohol, while the body does not have mechanisms that can withstand the effects of alcoholic beverages.

Undoubtedly, a person's close circle of friends plays an important role. If you have friends who suffer from this problem, you can easily join in alcohol. A separate category are people with mental disorders such as depression, anxiety. In this case, alcohol is used as an antidepressant, which aggravates the situation.

The presence of alcoholism should be recognized in such cases:

  1. A person experiences a sense of guilt due to the use of alcoholic products.
  2. A drunk person hides his drunkenness in every possible way, often deceiving others.
  3. A person uses alcohol to relax, calm down or feel better.
  4. Close people and friends are concerned about your condition.
  5. A person who consumes alcohol suffers from memory lapses. Often he cannot remember what happened when he drank alcohol, how he behaved at that time.
  6. A person who has a problem with alcohol drinks much more than he actually needs. That is, we are not talking about taking a certain dose in order to cheer up, but about drinking large amounts of alcohol, most often uncontrollably.

Signs of drunkenness

Toxicologists recommend distinguishing between concepts such as alcohol abuse and alcoholism. People who are accustomed to abuse alcohol products have some limit on its consumption, while for an alcoholic there is no such concept. In any case, drinking alcohol is dangerous to health.

Common signs of drunkenness include:

Signs of alcohol addiction

Alcoholism includes the same symptoms as drunkenness. But it is necessary to notice one neoplasm that appears at this stage - physical dependence. A person suffering from alcoholism simply cannot be without alcohol. This is his need, without him he cannot concentrate and feel good and comfortable.

Alcohol abuse leads to the formation of two main signs of this problem: tolerance to alcohol and the desire to get drunk. In the first case, an addicted person cannot feel good without another portion of alcohol. But here lies a pitfall: the susceptibility to alcohol decreases, as a result of which the usual dose of alcohol for him becomes small, unable to cause a feeling of intoxication. As a result, the alcoholic uses large doses, and each time their size only increases until it reaches the limit.

With a hangover syndrome, the situation is as follows. Arising as a reaction to addiction to alcohol, a hangover is a signal that indicates serious problems. It is the hangover syndrome that is some kind of finish line, which indicates addiction to alcohol and, at the same time, serious problems. In the absence of a hangover, the body of an alcoholic experiences some discomfort, the alcoholic himself experiences symptoms such as fear, nausea, dehydration, insomnia, depression, headache. In some severe cases, the refusal of alcohol leads to the appearance of hallucinations and convulsions.

In addition to the above signs, there is also such a symptom of alcoholism as loss of control. This is expressed in the use of a large amount of alcohol, including against one's will.

An alcoholic loses his interests, imaginary ones arise, associated with the use of alcohol or the elimination of the consequences of its use. A sick person refuses from his affairs, which once gave him pleasure, moreover, he may be aware that drinking alcohol has a detrimental effect on him, but he is unable to refuse it.

The denial of drunkenness and myths about alcoholism

Denial of drinking is the biggest barrier to quitting alcohol.

The desire to drink alcohol is so great that a person dependent on alcohol finds a lot of excuses for his actions.

This makes it difficult for him to evaluate his behavior and the negative consequences that arise due to the use of alcohol.

The most popular means of denial is the use of large amounts of alcohol, the alcoholic himself does not notice this. All negative consequences are ignored and most often underestimated by the alcoholic. In addition, a person suffering from alcohol dependence believes that his family and close friends overestimate the problem, exaggerating it. The alcoholic himself blames others for his drinking.

There are several imaginary installations in a drinking person.

Help for a sick person

The most important thing is to be able to admit that you are wrong. This truth is the basis of family relations, the basis of friendship between people. This also applies to alcoholism.

Recognizing that there is a problem is the first step towards getting rid of it.. And as mentioned above, an alcoholic tends to deny the presence of a problem, so it is extremely difficult to get an alcohol-addicted person to take a sober look at himself, no matter how much he is persuaded.

The second important aspect in getting rid of addiction is the help and support of relatives. And no matter what path is chosen to get rid of alcoholism: a rehabilitation center, self-treatment or other methods, a person suffering from alcoholism should feel support, support, know that he is not doing it in vain. Otherwise, the patient risks only losing time.

Further recovery requires the normalization of the psyche, adherence to a healthy lifestyle and making informed decisions in the future. To maintain sobriety for a long time, and preferably forever, a former alcoholic will have to face all the problems that he once tried to get rid of with the help of alcohol. An inability to cope with depression and stress, mental health problems, or childhood trauma may become noticeable during the recovery period.

An alcoholic needs the help of relatives, because without his support he will not be able to get out of this pool. But what should relatives and friends do to really help him, and not harm him? First of all, one should not read notations to the patient, somehow punish him or, even worse, threaten him. All this will be perceived by him in a completely different way, but rather as aggression towards him.

In no case should you justify the actions of an alcoholic and not blame his problems on yourself. This will make him feel guilty, which backfires. In addition, it will deprive him of his self-esteem, which will only aggravate the situation.

You should not drink together with a person suffering from alcohol dependence, as this will not lead to anything good. You should not enter into disputes with an alcoholic, any attempts to convey information to him will not have the desired effect.

It is extremely difficult to admit this problem. It is even harder to watch how a dear and beloved person is in this nasty whirlpool of drunkenness. But there's nothing you can do about it - that's his decision. So, he himself must understand that by doing this he hurts not only himself, but also his relatives. Nevertheless, the only way to avoid this problem is a complete rejection of alcohol, because there is never too much health, just like simple human happiness. And you can know it only when you are sober.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

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  • Introduction
  • 1.1 History of alcoholism
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Today Russia is on the way to becoming a civil, socially developed society. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia is a welfare state, and in Russia the person, his rights and freedoms are proclaimed to be the highest value (Art. 2.7). The state assumes responsibility for the social protection of all citizens. Particular attention of the social policy of the state is aimed at people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, in need of social assistance, less protected and vulnerable.

This is how the state fulfills its obligations in the field of social security and protection of the disabled, the low-income, orphans, homeless people, military personnel, single-parent families, etc.

Today in Russia there are many unresolved problems that are periodically voiced in civil society, by the President in messages to the Federal Assembly, in scientific and journalistic literature, etc. Along with such problems as poverty, a low standard of living of the population, a high level of crime, and an increased percentage of disability among Russians, the problem of alcoholization of the nation is noted.

The problem of alcoholism in Russia, like most social problems, is systemic, affecting all aspects of human life.

The problem of alcoholism in Russia, as a question of a national threat, was first voiced in the 90s of the twentieth century, when the percentage level of alcoholization of the nation reached 22.7% of the population of Russia.

Today, questions devoted to the problem of alcoholism and ways to solve it are studied and consecrated by specialists of various profiles and directions - from medical workers to law enforcement agencies and the president. Proceeding from the fact that alcoholism is a systemic and multilevel problem, it is solved by medical, social workers, psychologists, social educators, of course, legislative and executive bodies.

The most important direction in the fight against the problem is social, public. Existing medical and social methods for diagnosing, treating and rehabilitating alcoholics are constantly being reformed under the influence of the evolution of issues, theoretical studies on the topic of alcoholism are at a high level today, highlighting important aspects of the problem, affecting carriers - female, teenage, children's alcoholism, professional, domestic, etc. .d.

alcoholism social treatment russia

1. Analysis of the degree of development of the problem

1.1 History of alcoholism

It is customary to take the 16th century as the beginning of the era of alcoholism in Rus', when caravans of wine and wine poured from abroad. vodka. Many now may take the latter for a typo and inconsistency in time, attributing merit for the invention of the "forty-degree" Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. However, there is an opinion that in fact vodka appeared much earlier. No one can name the exact date, and different sources name different authors of this drink. One of them is the Arab doctor Pares, who invented an analogue of vodka back in 860. Exclusively for noble medical purposes.

Mendeleev did indeed make some contribution in 1865 by defending his Discourse on the Combination of Alcohol with Water. But with his scientific work, he tried to determine the ideal ratio of these two liquids for food, so to speak, needs. He did not claim the laurels of the discoverer at all. However, this event was overgrown with many lyrical digressions, which ultimately made this outstanding chemist the father of vodka.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the production and drinking of alcoholic beverages in Russia was banned. The government wanted an industrial revolution, scientific discoveries and an increase in the level of knowledge of the population. Prohibition was fully adopted in 1914 and lasted until 1925.

It was in the mid-20s that Stalin and the Politburo decided to terminate this law on the territory of the entire USSR. The leader himself called the official version the need to restore after the First World War and the temporary introduction of a monopoly on vodka in order to stimulate the economy. However, the people said that the "go-ahead" for alcohol was given only for personal reasons and whims of Joseph Vissarionovich: in his homeland, in Georgia, the use of wine was an ancient revered tradition. From here it is easy to guess what Stalin's attitude to alcohol was. And the cult of personality dictated to society a certain fashion for many things.

Then there was the protracted and merciless Great Patriotic War (WWII), which greatly shook the physical and mental state of the entire Russian people. Every day the soldiers went to the front, without fail taking "People's Commissar's 100 grams" - to raise their spirits and dull the feeling of fear of the smell of death.

After Yuri Levitan announced the victory over the Nazi invaders to the whole country, euphoria swept the country. The long-awaited time of hopes and plans for the future has come. The people began to relax en masse, "licking their wounds" and losses, not without the help of vodka. The Russian spirit felt free, however, for the nervous system, abrupt, even if so successful, changes were a real test. As a result, in the first few years after the end of the Second World War, the number of regularly drinking citizens increased sharply.

Further more. During the time of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, there was no time to deal with social problems. The Party frantically developed agriculture in an attempt to outdo the United States of America. And Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who came after Khrushchev, respected the feast, so his addictions were carefully projected onto the population, which considered the times of his reign to be golden, calm and stable.

2. Alcoholism is a social threat

2.1 Causes of alcoholism and features of the problem

Alcohol consumption is a mass phenomenon associated with such social categories as traditions and customs, on the one hand, and public opinion and fashion, on the other. Also, alcohol consumption is associated with the psychological characteristics of the individual, the attitude to alcohol as a "medicine", a warming drink, etc. Alcohol consumption in certain historical times took different forms: a religious rite, a method of treatment, an element of human "culture".

Alcohol is often resorted to, hoping to feel a pleasant mood, reduce mental tension, drown out the feeling of fatigue, moral dissatisfaction, get away from reality with its endless worries and experiences. It seems to some that alcohol helps to overcome the psychological barrier, to establish emotional contacts, for others, especially minors, it seems to be a means of self-affirmation, an indicator of "courage", "maturity".

For many centuries, the search for the most effective means and ways to protect people from the harmful effects of alcohol has been carried out, various measures have been developed to eliminate the numerous harmful consequences of drunkenness and alcoholism, and, first of all, measures to save, return to normal life the ever-increasing number of victims of addiction to alcohol - patients with alcoholism. The centuries-old history of the anti-alcohol struggle left many examples of the use of various measures for these purposes, up to such radical ones as the imprisonment of drunkards, their physical punishment, putting to death, a complete ban on the production and sale of alcoholic beverages, etc. Nevertheless, alcohol consumption continued steadily grow, covering all new groups and strata of the population.

Today the problem of alcoholism is unresolved both in the world and in Russia. Now in Russia there are more than 2 million citizens suffering from alcoholism, which brings this problem out of the private, local to the area of ​​state problems, the problem of alcoholism has long turned into a large-scale medical and social threat to the Russian nation.

Alcoholism is a severe chronic disease, in most cases intractable. It develops on the basis of regular and prolonged use of alcohol and is characterized by a special pathological state of the body: an irresistible craving for alcohol, a change in the degree of its tolerance and degradation of the personality. For an alcoholic, intoxication seems to be the best mental state.

This attraction is not amenable to reasonable arguments to stop drinking. An alcoholic directs all his energy, means and thoughts to obtaining alcohol, regardless of the real situation (the availability of money in the family, the need to go to work, etc.). Once drunk, he tends to get drunk to complete intoxication, to unconsciousness. As a rule, alcoholics do not eat, they lose their gag reflex and therefore any amount of alcohol they drink remains in the body.

In this regard, they talk about increased tolerance to alcohol. But in fact, this is a pathological condition when the body has lost the ability to fight alcohol intoxication through vomiting and other defense mechanisms.

In the later stages of alcoholism, alcohol tolerance suddenly decreases, and in the hardened alcoholic, even small doses of wine have the same effect as large amounts of vodka in the past. This stage of alcoholism is characterized by a severe hangover after drinking alcohol, poor health, irritability, malice. During the so-called binge, when a person drinks daily, for many days, or even weeks, pathological phenomena are so pronounced that medical assistance is required to eliminate them.

Researcher Martynenko in his work "Personality and Alcoholism" brings out the most understandable definition of alcoholism.

Alcoholism is a pathological condition characterized by a painful addiction to the use of alcoholic beverages and damage to the body caused by chronic alcohol intoxication.

In Europe and America, alcoholism is the most common form of substance abuse. There is a direct relationship between the amount of absolute alcohol consumed per capita per year and the prevalence of alcoholism in society. So, in France, the country with the largest amount of absolute alcohol consumed per capita (18.6 liters per year), the number of people suffering from chronic alcoholism is approximately 4% of the total population of the country and 13% of the male population (from 20 to 55 years old). In Canada, this number approaches 1.6% of the total population. In Russia in 2005, the prevalence of alcoholism was 1.7% (1650.1 cases per 100,000 population).

Alcoholism is one of the varieties of drug addiction. At the heart of its development lies the mental and physical dependence on alcohol.

Alcoholism can develop both under the influence of external and internal factors.

External factors include features of upbringing and living of a person, traditions of the region, stressful situations. Internal factors are represented by a genetic predisposition to the development of alcoholism. At the moment, the existence of such a predisposition is not in doubt. Family members of alcoholics have a risk of developing this pathology about 7 times higher than people whose families did not have alcoholics. In this regard, there are two types of alcoholism:

Type I alcoholism develops under the influence of both external and internal (genetic factors). This type of disease is characterized by early onset (young or adolescence), occurs only in men, and is severe.

Type II alcoholism develops purely due to a person's genetic predisposition to this type of disease and, unlike type I alcoholism, it begins later and is not accompanied by aggressive behavior and criminal inclinations of patients.

Once in the body, ethyl alcohol stimulates the release of endogenous opioid substances - a group of peptide hormones responsible for the formation of a sense of satisfaction and lightness. Dutch scientists from the University of Maastricht have discovered a genetic mutation that causes a tendency to alcoholism. The mutation affects the gene encoding the structure of the mu-opioid receptor of cells that responds to beta-endorphin (a human opioid hormone that controls behavioral responses associated with feelings of satisfaction) (2007). This moment is the main one in the process of formation of mental dependence on alcohol. In most cases, drinking alcohol pursues such goals as: getting rid of sadness and avoiding pressing problems, facilitating communication with people, gaining self-confidence.

2.2 Preconditions that stimulate the growth of alcohol consumption

Over the millennia of life on Earth, people have formed the habit of using products containing alcohol. They drink them for different purposes, except for one thing - none of the drinkers sets themselves the task of becoming a drunkard, and even more so an alcoholic.

All drinkers have one thing in common: the absolute conscious denial of sobriety as a mandatory norm of life. But when a person who has become a victim of alcohol addiction tells the doctor the history of his illness, he quite sincerely assures that if he knew how it would end, if he had been stopped in time, then this would not have happened. It is difficult to imagine in our time a person who would not be aware of the possible consequences of drinking alcohol.

Few people take into account that alcoholism as a disease has a significant difference from other diseases, at the first signs of which a person goes to the doctor and undergoes the prescribed course of treatment (in the worst case, he is treated himself). Having become ill with alcoholism, even having felt that he can no longer drink like others (people who are not dependent on alcohol), he does not take any measures to get rid of this disease and reacts very painfully to the advice of relatives to stop and soberly assess his condition. He, as the narcologists say, "gets along" with his illness.

An objective assessment of the results of wine drinking shows that not everyone who drinks alcohol becomes an alcoholic. But everyone pays for this "pleasure" with a part of their health, the abilities and health of their children, a decrease in working capacity, and often - the destruction of the family, the loss of love and respect of others.

This is not to say that the tragic consequences of drinking alcohol were not known before. The paradox is that since people learned how to make alcohol-containing liquids and use them to cheer up, they soon became convinced that the “fun” or other emotions they caused were fraught with troubles and illnesses. But the psychological nature of the emotion is such that there is always a desire to repeat it.

The prerequisites should also include the general social ill-being of Russian society, the low standard of living and the high level of poverty and lack of culture.

Of course, heredity also plays a role. We must not forget the family climate - often children in a family of alcoholics become infected and fall ill with this disease.

3. Ways to solve the problems of alcoholism

3.1 Medical and social aspects of the disease and treatment

Alcoholism is not a habit, but a disease. The habit is controlled by consciousness, it can be eliminated. Addiction to alcohol is more difficult to overcome because of the poisoning of the body. About 10 percent of people who drink alcohol become alcoholics. Alcoholism is a disease characterized by mental and physical changes in the body. Alcoholism develops in the following way:

Initial phase: intoxication with loss of memory, "eclipse". A person constantly thinks about alcohol, it seems to him that he has not drunk enough, he drinks "for the future", he develops a greed for alcohol. However, he retains the consciousness of his guilt, avoids talking about his craving for alcohol.

Critical phase: loss of self-control after the first sip of alcohol. Desire to find an excuse for his drinking, resistance to all attempts to prevent his desire to drink. A person develops arrogance, aggressiveness. He blames others for his troubles. He begins to drink heavily, his friends become random drinking companions. He is forced to leave his permanent job, loses interest in everything that has nothing to do with alcohol.

Chronic phase: daily hangover, personality breakdown, clouding of memory, inconsistency of thought. A person drinks alcohol substitutes, technical liquids, cologne. He develops baseless fears, delirium tremens, and other alcoholic psychoses.

One of the characteristic complications during hard drinking is delirium tremens.

Delirium tremens is the most common alcoholic psychosis. It usually occurs in a state of hangover, when a drunkard develops unconscious fear, insomnia, hand trembling, nightmares (chases, attacks, etc.), auditory and visual deceptions in the form of noises, calls, shadow movements. Symptoms of delirium tremens are especially pronounced at night. The patient begins vivid experiences of a frightening nature. He sees insects crawling around, rats, monsters attacking him, bandits, feels pain from bites, blows, hears threats.

He reacts violently to his hallucinations: he defends himself or runs away from persecution. During the day, the hallucinations fade somewhat, although the patient remains agitated, his hands tremble, he is fidgety and cannot sit quietly in one place.

Another form of psychosis is alcoholic delirium. It also occurs after a short drunkenness, but unlike delirium tremens, it is not accompanied by hallucinations. Such patients are haunted by obsessive thoughts. Most often it is a delusion of suspicion, persecution, jealousy. For a drunkard, for example, it seems that a conspiracy is arranged against him. Seeing no way out of this situation, he may commit suicide.

How often some people proudly note in themselves and their comrades an increased resistance to alcohol, believing that this is due to physical health. But in fact, increased resistance to alcohol is the first sign of incipient alcoholism, a symptom of a serious illness.

For an alcoholic, what a glass, what a glass, what a bottle of wine - everything is one. Already from a glass of alcohol, he comes into a kind of state of euphoria - excitement, which only increases his desire to drink, and then subsequent doses change his appearance little, although noticeable changes occur in the body.

At first, the alcoholic is extremely active, trying to drink another shot "out of turn", begins to run amok or fool around. But here the last drop overflows the limits of stability, the alcoholic "disconnects" from the outside world, falling into oblivion. Loss of control over the amount drunk, exorbitant greed for alcohol and the accompanying uncontrolled, unleashed, often cynical behavior are persistent signs of alcoholism.

The drunkard has a weakened will - and not only to limit the intake of alcohol, but also in relation to other business aspects of everyday life.

Often, during festive feasts, one can observe how people, after drinking alcoholic beverages, behave unleashed, their movements become more clumsy. The effect of alcohol on them is immediately noticeable. And if you ask its participants how often they drink, most will answer that it is irregular.

However, even after a single drink of alcohol, people have a restless night, and in the morning they get up broken, with a swollen face and a sore head. The working day, as a rule, turns out to be spoiled, and if a person is connected with mechanisms, for example, with a machine tool or a car, consider that on this day he has a sharply increased risk of an accident or even a catastrophe. In mental workers, after drinking alcohol, their thought processes deteriorate, the speed and accuracy of calculations fall, as they say, the work falls out of hand.

So, even after irregular, accidental drinking, serious problems occur in the body, indicating severe poisoning. If the use of alcohol takes on a systematic character, a person drinks on any occasion, looking for any reason to get drunk, then this is already called domestic drunkenness. For a drunkard, the meaning of the festive event does not matter, he is indifferent to whether others approve of his behavior.

At this stage of initiation to alcohol, the attitude of the drinker to others, to the generally accepted and acceptable norms of behavior, changes to a large extent. For a drunkard, drinking companions become the closest people, even if they were at the same table for the first time. The time, place, and setting in which people drink is of no importance.

Thus, the difference between episodic drinking and drunkenness lies not only in the amount drunk at a time, but also in the psychological attitude of the drinker.

In the first case, a person celebrates some solemn or significant event, and in the second, he drinks only to bring himself into a state of intoxication. If you keep a person from drinking in time, this prevents his fall and the development of alcoholism.

To understand the development of alcoholism, you need to know the effect of alcohol on the nervous system.

Alcoholic anosognosia (Latin anosognosia alcoholica) is the inability of an alcoholic patient to critically assess his morbid condition, including his inability to abstain from alcohol or stop drinking in time.

The concept of attitude to the disease, which is understood as a complex of experiences and sensations of the patient, his intellectual, emotional and behavioral reactions to the disease, treatment and interaction with others, in patients with alcoholism is most often associated with the severity of alcoholic anosognosia (denial of the disease). The influence that alcoholic anosognosia has on the course of the disease, and the difficulties that one has to face while overcoming it in the process of anti-alcohol treatment, have led most authors to consider anosognosia as the main clinical and psychological phenomenon that reflects the attitude towards the disease in alcoholism.

However, despite the recognition by clinicians of the leading role of anosognosia in shaping the attitude towards the disease in alcoholism, in experimental studies using the questionnaire "Type of attitude towards the disease" it was found that in these patients the anosognosic type of attitude towards the disease is not the leading one. According to the results of these studies, the anosognosic type is presented on a par with such types as ergopathic and harmonious, while in some cases the harmonious type of attitude to the disease may prevail over others.

These results emphasize the ambiguity and multidimensionality of the concept of "anosognosia", which is only to some extent inherent in patients with alcoholism and does not exhaust all possible contents of the patient's attitude to his illness, but is associated with other subsystems of personality relations and occupies a certain role in the personality structure.

These personality structures, which directly influence the attitude towards the disease and in different ways "shape" the attitude towards it as a whole, primarily include premorbid personality traits. MM. Meyerzon identified 6 variants of the attitude towards the disease in alcoholism, depending on the severity of different types of character accentuations in these patients: anxious-sensitive, ergopathic, apathetic, hypochondriacal, egocentric and anosognosic. Other variants of the relationship between anosognosia and premorbid personality traits in patients with alcoholism are also described. At the same time, the study of anosognosia as a certain form of attitude to the disease in alcoholism, of course, is not limited only to the study of its links with premorbid personality characteristics, since the structure of "alcoholic" anosognosia itself is very vague in content, which, despite the close attention of many researchers, is still remained insufficiently developed from clinical and psychological positions.

Anosognosia is considered differently both as a manifestation of a psychoorganic syndrome and as a manifestation of alcoholic personality changes. A number of authors consider anosognosia as a system of psychological defense, and it is believed that the protective function of anosognosia is associated, on the one hand, with biological dependence on alcohol, and on the other hand, with the need for socio-psychological adaptation and the resulting attempt to avoid the “stigma” of an alcoholic. It should be noted that in the Western literature devoted to the problem of alcoholism, the concept of anosognosia is practically not used, the most common term is "alcohol denial". At the same time, despite the difference in terms, both domestic and foreign authors are similar in defining the content of this concept, which is considered as non-critical: an assessment of one's condition, which consists in denying both the disease as a whole and its individual symptoms. The semantic similarity of the terms "alcoholic denial" and "denial" as the name of defense mechanisms indicates that in Western literature alcohol denial was initially considered as a protective personality formation. Consideration of alcoholic anosognosia as a manifestation of the originality of the psychological defense system seems to be the most adequate and allows us to separate the concepts of attitude towards the disease in a patient with alcoholism and anosognosia. Indeed, the concept of "attitude to the disease", as a particular of the most general system of personality relations, according to V.N. Myasishchev is complex and implies the presence of both conscious and unconscious mechanisms of adaptation to the disease and the role of the patient, while anosognosia is that part of it that includes predominantly unconscious processes represented by psychological defense mechanisms.

Based on this, it becomes necessary to consider in more detail the action of psychological defense mechanisms in the process of forming attitudes towards the disease, since the participation of unconscious processes in the formation of attitudes towards the disease is the least studied problem. Its consideration is associated with significant difficulties, due to the fact that there is a significant discrepancy regarding the classifications of psychological defense mechanisms, which is associated both with the fuzziness of the definitions of defense mechanisms themselves and the hierarchical relationships between them. However, it should be noted the provisions common to most authors; defense mechanisms are unconsciously operating techniques and ways of processing feelings and thoughts associated with an intrapsychic conflict in the driving forces of behavior, which provide regulation, direction of this behavior and reduce anxiety and emotional stress. All mental functions are involved in this, but each time one of them can act as a protective mechanism and take on the main part of the work of experiencing. These can be emotions (disgust), perception (perceptual defense), thinking (intellectualization), attention (switching), as well as a wide variety of behaviors - from artistic creation and work to theft. The defense mechanisms may also include humor, sarcasm, irony, foolishness.

In addition, each mechanism is applicable both to a specific case and to a wide class of phenomena. Usually, not one mechanism is involved in the experience, but a whole system of such mechanisms is created. According to D. Rapoport, clinical experience shows that defense mechanisms themselves become the subject of defense formations, so that in order to explain the most common clinical phenomena, one has to postulate entire hierarchies of such defenses and derivative motivations, building one on top of the other.

The latter seems to us the most important, as it helps to clarify the meaning of anosognosia or alcohol denial, which is also a system consisting of various defense mechanisms that play a different role at each stage of resolving a conflict related to alcohol abuse.

At the first stage of this conflict, alcohol itself acts as a means of protection, which, according to De Wit et al., can act as a means of: a) protection from strong affective states that threaten the subject: anger, fear, helplessness; b) protection against feelings of despair in some individuals with signs of depression; c) protection from primary anxiety in persons with signs of a disintegrated "I"; d) easing the symptoms of neurotic, psychotic and sexual disorders.

The fact that alcohol acts with a protective function that replaces the action of a number of protective mechanisms is also evidenced by the work of those researchers who have shown that teetotalers are distinguished by the predominance of a pronounced protective structure with a more rigid "super-ego", compared with patients with alcoholism, in whom this phenomenon is not observed.

As alcohol dependence grows, another level of conflict arises between the increased need for alcohol and environmental pressures and cultural beliefs about moral and ethical standards. At this stage, a different defense system emerges to deal with this conflict.

The protective mechanisms functioning at this stage are considered in detail by E.E. Bechtel, who describes the system of defensive behavior of patients with alcoholism, which includes: expanding the range of acceptability; partial satisfaction of the need; perceptual defense, which can manifest itself in several forms (ignoring drunkenness, perceptual evaluative deformation, shift in emphasis, partial perception); formation of the opposite reaction; rationalization.

Similarly, the mechanisms of protection in patients with alcoholism are described in Western literature. They are called the preferred defense structure, consisting of various defense mechanisms, and are considered to be used by every alcoholic in various combinations. The preferred defense structure includes such mechanisms as denial, projection, all-or-nothing thinking, minimization and avoidance of conflict, rationalization, propensity for non-analytic forms of thinking and perception, passivity and self-assertion, obsessive focusing.

3.2 Social methods of combating alcoholism, preventive work

Prevention of alcoholism is a complex of psychological methods and techniques for the formation of a negative attitude towards alcohol. And also these are effective methods of forming such a lifestyle and personality orientation, in which the possibility of craving for alcohol is minimized.

There are three stages of prevention of alcoholism:

Primary prevention is a range of activities aimed at preventing the causes of alcoholism long before they can appear in a person. Younger and middle age is the most optimal period in terms of the formation of anti-alcohol attitudes. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of this age category, explanatory work should be directly aimed at the demythologization of alcohol as a symbol of prestige. In anti-alcohol work, which is designed for the adult population, it is necessary to tell in an accessible form about the harmful properties of alcohol and the possible consequences of its use, to form in the public mind an alternative to a lifestyle that includes alcohol consumption.

Centuries-old human experience has proved that an effective method of prevention is not destructive, which is based on intimidation and intimidation of a person. Namely constructive. This method is aimed at forming such a semantic orientation of a person for whom alcohol cannot be a value.

Secondary prevention works directly with people who already drink alcohol. The composition of this prevention includes early diagnosis, disclosure of the psychological ill-being of the individual, which is directly related to the causes of alcoholism, the offer of broad psychological assistance (clinical conversation, communication groups, meetings with former alcoholics, anonymous narcological and socio-psychological help offices, work with the immediate environment and abuser's family, etc.).

Tertiary prevention provides qualified assistance to patients recovering from alcoholism. This goal is served by Alcoholics Anonymous, the formation of sobriety clubs, the organization of psychological consultations for convalescents, and so on.

Modern society is struggling to fight drunkenness and alcoholism, passing laws that provide for the arrest and imprisonment of troublemakers or the prohibition of the production and sale of liquor. The diversity of views of various religious organizations on the issue of total abstinence makes it difficult for people to understand the difference between alcohol consumption and alcohol abuse. Sometimes people think that asking a person if they drink is considered a bad omen, because such a question implies criticism, and it usually causes a defensive hostile reaction. At the present stage of development, many suffering from alcohol addiction seek help or are forcibly sent for treatment only after some kind of life crisis, returning from the other world.

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism in the earliest stages are of great importance, as in any other disease.

The main thing is the awareness of people about the harmful effects of alcohol on human life. Currently, a huge number of articles are published in newspapers and magazines, many films and television productions are devoted to this problem. Sobriety is actively promoted in educational institutions, children are encouraged to go in for sports, and in order to implement a healthy lifestyle, sports halls and playgrounds are being actively built, the necessary sports equipment is being purchased. The healthy lifestyle movement and efforts to reduce the risk of chronic disease contribute to a more constructive societal attitude towards alcohol consumption.


The problem of alcoholism is a branched complex of social pathologies that affect the normal functioning of society. The problem is as old as the world, but more relevant than ever.

Along with medical and social workers, the state as a whole, civil society and various public institutions are solving this problem. One of the ways to overcome this plague is effective prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, illustrative examples of the social and medical consequences of alcohol consumption also effectively affect the minds of young people.

Today, the role of the state is growing in solving the problems of alcoholism, especially child and adolescent alcoholism, which is now gaining momentum, as one of the main threats to the entire nation. The problem of female drunkenness, which undoubtedly affects the demographic situation in the country, domestic drunkenness and alcohol abuse in families and at work, continues to remain unresolved.

The problem of alcoholism for our country is super-relevant. The etiology and mechanisms of the disease require further study. As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, therefore, in addition to treating the disease, which is not effective today (up to 80% of relapses), it is required to eradicate the causes of this problem. A relatively simple way out of this situation would be a radical increase in the price of alcoholic beverages, which would reduce their availability. But important social measures today still remain bans on drinking alcohol, high preventive and propaganda work, etc.

Today the problem of alcoholism is unresolved both in the world and in Russia. Now in Russia there are more than 2 million citizens suffering from alcoholism, which brings this problem from the number of private, local to the area of ​​state problems. The problem of alcoholism has long turned into a large-scale medical and social threat to the Russian nation.

The theoretical features of alcoholism, social and medical aspects, and preventive measures considered in this paper are already working in a complex way to help all specialists who solve the social problem of alcoholism.


1. Babayan E.A., Gonopolsky M. Child and alcohol - M.: Vesma-T, 2001. - 168 p.

2. Volkova S.V., Babenko L.I. Methodological guide to ensure primary prevention of alcoholism among minors. M.: Publishing house Your time, 2003. - 31 p.

3. Gogoleva A.V. Addictive behavior and its prevention. M.: NPO MODEK Publishing House, 2003. - 240 p.

4. Guavin, Donald Alcoholism / Per. from English. - M.: Olimp-Business, 2002. - 224 p.

5. Johnson, Vernon How to get a drug addict or alcoholic to be treated / Per. from English. - M., 2002. - 193 p.

6. Eryshev, O.F. Alcohol dependence: Formation, course, therapy / Eryshev O.F., Rybakova T.G. and others, - St. Petersburg: Elbi-SPb., 2002. - 193 p.

7. Korobkina Z.V., Popov V.A. Prevention of drug addiction in children and youth: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. - 192 p.

8. Lisitsyn, Yu.P. Alcoholism: (Medical and social aspects) A guide for doctors / Lisitsyn Yu.P., Sviridov P.I. - M.: Medicine, 1990.

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How to help an alcoholic? As a rule, relatives of a person who saw a problem in a person’s alcoholism are puzzled by this question. Narcologists of rehabilitation centers often notice one stable trend: people turn to doctors only at the stage when alcoholism already comes into its own, and it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of it.

Problems with alcohol? This is solvable!

There are several stages in the formation of alcohol dependence, and it is most reasonable to start treating alcoholism at the first stage. Before assessing the stages of alcoholism, you need to understand what precedes their consolidation.

Are you interested in the causes of alcoholism?

We are committed to prevention and treatment

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There are a lot of reasons for the development of alcohol dependence, but the main ones are still three:

The first cause of alcoholism: regular drinking

Regularity refers to the stable intake of alcohol for various reasons and without them. Moreover, absolutely anyone can become addicted, even one who drinks alcohol once a month with friends during feasts. The fact is that in a state of intoxication, people feel a rise in emotions, feel more beautiful, accomplished, successful, and the opinion of friends, toasts, and a festive atmosphere reinforce this mood. On the one hand, the tendency to reinforce positive moments in the company smacks of positive ideas. And on the other hand, a conditioned reflex is fixed: it’s good where there is alcohol.

This is explained very simply. Alcohol at the level of physiology inhibits the work of the anterior cortex of the brain, as a result of which the basic instincts are disinhibited and value judgments are dulled. A person begins to feel euphoria, fearlessness, is not afraid of death, the sea is knee-deep and mountains are shoulder-deep. Since a person tries to perform “acts”, and then remembers this as the best time spent, I really want to repeat such sensations. Over time, your own hormonal system begins to fail. Hormones are not produced in such quantities that emotions of this level arise arbitrarily. You have to resort to stimulants. Starts wanting to drink. Dependence and conditioned reflex attachment of the state of pleasure to alcohol begins to form. And after some time, the alcoholic ceases to feel the joy that alcohol gave, but will feel the pain of a hangover, alcoholic psychosis will appear, tremors will appear and all the other "charms" of alcoholism

The second reason for alcoholism: loneliness in the family and society

How to help an alcoholic? First of all, you need to understand that alcoholism in most cases is provoked by a feeling of loneliness. Moreover, a person can be socially active, married, he can be outwardly all right. And at the same time, the feeling of loneliness will force him to take a glass.

How to help an alcoholic?

We know what to do and how to provide effective assistance

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Loneliness is a subjective feeling when it seems that the world does not understand and does not accept you. And all thoughts about how to help an alcoholic stop drinking should be based on understanding the causes of this phenomenon.
The results of most studies on the causes of alcoholism demonstrate a commonality of opinion: most people become addicted, being totally alone. At the same time, almost everyone has something stable: either a family or a job. But being alone with their emotions is hard for people, and they preferred avoidance tactics. Moreover, this tactic was actively consolidated, among other things, by the first reason for the formation of addiction: the opportunity to spend time with friends and relatives under the influence of alcohol. People felt alcohol as a blessing, as an opportunity not to be introduced into the realities of life, they felt satisfaction and did not feel unnecessary and empty.

In many situations, people were looking for a drinking companion just to bask in the fire of someone's soul, someone who would understand and not judge. And all this was supported by alcohol. Maybe at first expensive, then not so much. And then the very fact of reinforcement ceased to be significant. Alcohol became closely associated with an independent source of pleasure. And even interlocutors were not needed. Alcohol replaced the emptiness in the soul. But during sobering up, loneliness with new forces rolled over and made me suffer. The way out was obvious: another portion of alcohol and then again drunken alcoholism and pain, the search for drugs and remedies for alcoholism, and then the next stage of treatment.

The third reason for alcoholism: the indifference of relatives

As we said above, many relatives of addicts begin to think about how to help an alcoholic at home only when alcoholism becomes a clear problem. While a person consumes within the so-called norm, no one thinks about anything. They don’t think even in those cases when binges begin, because an adult is able to solve his problems himself, isn’t it? And so many people argue.

However, the alcoholic himself, seeing that his relatives indulge his behavior, is sure that his behavior is correct. After all, no one claims otherwise! As a result, more and more becomes dependent on alcohol. And that's exactly what you can't do. It's called doing a disservice.

Alcoholism as a problem: expert opinion

The problem of alcoholism in Russia is that all three causes are ineradicable as long as such an economic, political and social situation exists. But even if we consider alcoholism as a social problem, it can be solved little by little within each individual family. The main thing is to tackle the problems of youth, alcoholism and drug addiction of young people, and then adults, at that stage, until alcohol won and enslaved the human mind.

Alcoholism does not develop overnight, as is often the case with drug use. The initial stage may be no different from everyday drunkenness. However, alcohol tolerance gradually increases. Therein lies the problem of teenage alcoholism. Teenagers 11-16 years old are proud that they can drink more and more and not even get drunk at the same time. Adults are also proud of this, although such tolerance is much more dangerous for adolescents: after all, they grow, develop, the body has not yet fully formed.

But this opportunity - to drink more and not get drunk - is not at all a reason for pride. This is precisely the increase in tolerance to alcohol, which in practice means that the body ceases to perceive the poison as an irritant, and builds the decay products of ethanol into the metabolism. More enzymes are produced that are ready to break down alcohol, the organs work for wear and tear. And if even more poison eventually enters, active cell destruction begins. And in the end, everything comes to the fact that an irreversible stage sets in: alcohol becomes a necessary part of the metabolism, and the body no longer removes ethanol due to breakdown with the help of enzymes, but it requires another portion for normal functioning. From that moment on, alcoholism and chronic alcoholism set in, in which it is impossible to get away from alcohol on your own.

We understand the causes of alcoholism and treat it at any stage

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  1. The first stage of alcoholism- characterized by the presence of binges, which happen precisely for the reason that a person needs another portion of alcohol for a hangover. The solution to the problem of alcoholism in this case rests on getting rid of the physiological craving for alcohol. That is, a person will have to go through a painful period of alcohol withdrawal: simply, the withdrawal of an alcoholic and only then look for the psychological causes that led to addiction.
  2. In the second stage of alcoholism- The patient no longer controls the craving for alcohol, although it seems to him that he does. In fact, he wants to drink for no reason, and not at all as an addition to a meeting of friends or as an addition to a holiday.
  3. The sedative effect of alcohol disappears, it is replaced by another: invigorating, activating. After drinking alcohol, a person no longer feels complacency and relaxation, but, on the contrary, behaves aggressively and irritably. He is looking for the same as himself, ardent lovers of an active feast, constantly increasing the volume of alcohol consumed. Soon even a bottle of vodka is not enough to get the right dose. A person drinks to a state of oblivion, until he is completely drunk.
  4. The third stage of alcoholism- comes up almost imperceptibly. At first, breakdowns and aggressive behavior are not perceived by others as manifestations of the problem. It seems that the person is simply tired or exhausted from work. Relatives do not even associate a person's behavior with alcohol consumed. And then it turns out that the final stage of alcoholism is just around the corner. Irreversible physiological changes in the work of organs begin, and degradation of the personality is also noted. An alcoholic gradually loses emotional ties with his relatives, becomes heartless, cruel, rude, aggressive. He behaves asocially: skips work, is rude to others, unable to control his own actions, loses orientation in time. The kidneys, liver, heart are depleted, blood vessels, the brain suffer, mental processes change. Alcoholism leads to manifestations of delirium tremens and clouding of consciousness.

How to help an alcoholic not to drink: what to do for this - how to teach to live soberly?

How to help an alcoholic get out of a binge? It is easiest to start treatment at the first stage, but, as we said above, at this stage, few people understand that alcoholism has enslaved a person. But even in the third stage, a cure is possible, but a huge amount of effort will have to be made. Today, narcologists have quite effective tools with which alcohol addiction is removed. First you need to get rid of the withdrawal symptoms in order to stand at the level of the body before the next dose of alcohol. However, alcoholics who have drunk up to the third stage, alas, almost never stop drinking and drink heavily until the end of their lives, which ends in a completely unhappy way.

Is it possible to help an alcoholic if he does not see the problem himself or is sure that he can cope on his own, but in the end he cannot cope? You can, if you organize your actions correctly. In this case, work on yourself should be carried out according to a certain scheme. One of the most effective schemes is the 12-step program.

only specialists are able to help an alcoholic and help correctly

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Ways to solve the problem of alcoholism: the program "12 steps"

Alcoholism is a social problem. Society itself breeds alcoholics, and in this society, people who have recovered from addiction cannot quickly adapt, often again becoming involved in their problem. The most effective way to get rid of addiction today is the 12-step program. She has been known in Russia since the 90s, although in fact she is almost 100 years old. The program has been tested on hundreds of people and has become popular due to its effectiveness.
It was developed in the 30s. last century members of the American AA community. Then the steps were supplemented and formed the basis of an organized process of alcoholism treatment, and in the 1960s. the program began to be used in the United States, and then in other countries of the world. The principles of the program are confirmed by special studies, and almost 80% of drug treatment centers base their methods on the basis of the "12 steps".

The problem of alcoholism in the family can be solved if the rehabilitation center follows the rules of the program and gives patients the opportunity to receive support during social adaptation.
The purpose of the program is to cultivate the desire for life, the renewal of spiritual priorities and the formation of the emotional core of the personality, the education of the psychological maturity of a person. But the first part of the treatment begins with the sobering up /events/protrezvet-na-domu-ili-v-klinike/ and this part cannot be neglected. The procedure for cleansing the body, and in the slang of an alcoholic prokapka, is available 24 hours a day.


A person understands that he is not able to fight his addiction alone. If before treatment a person was convinced that he could cope on his own, then it's time to admit that help is needed.


Many people think they know how to help an alcoholic get out of a binge. However, a person needs a more powerful basic installation than just the support of loved ones. He needs faith in something stronger and more serious than himself. For this, addicts turn either to mentors, or to religion, or to systemic priorities that are established within the framework of a rehabilitation center. That is, a person must have a speculative and clear support on which he can hope, wait for protection, confidence. This is the initial stage of shifting attention from alcohol to some goal. At first, this is a substitution of concepts, but there are further stages.


Patients are taught to trust above all the power within themselves. Either this understanding comes through the realization of divine providence, or through the understanding that not everything in the world revolves around the selfish interests of the individual. At this stage, addicts are taught to make decisions and take responsibility for them.


Psychological work on the causes that led to alcoholism. At this stage, hidden complexes, fears, motives that forced a person to lead such a lifestyle are exposed. Here we have to admit that man is weak and imperfect. And do not be afraid of this, do not condemn, but learn to overcome yourself.


The dependent person understands that he is an ordinary person, the same as many others. No worse and no better, just as prone to emotions and negative actions, and he is no longer afraid to tell his face about his shortcomings. At this stage, a free attitude to the past is comprehended, when past actions do not burden, but are simply part of the experience for reassessment.


This step is the most difficult for most. It's one thing to admit you're wrong. Another is to start taking action. As former addicts write on the forums: how to help an alcoholic stop drinking? Lead him by the hand to a way to solve the problem. But only he can take the next step. And this step is the way into the unknown. This is what addicts fear the most. After all, you will have to not only not hide from yourself, but also show yourself to others. Do not feel sorry for yourself, but try to change, no matter what. And this is where support matters more than ever. And if the 12-step program includes religious motivation, then faith in God is also important.


Stage of humility and patience. It's hard to change yourself. But there are friends, advisers, religion. There is something to look forward to. Hard time. But it is it that tempers and teaches.


And at this step it becomes easier. At this stage, the problems of women's alcoholism, which are more difficult than men's, have been overcome. A woman is less protected and more subject to condemnation from society. A woman wants to be interesting, exciting, a muse and a keeper of the hearth, or dynamic and socially active. She wants to be in demand. And if this does not give her an inner feeling, she draws confidence in alcohol, along the way, covering them with the fears and pain of loneliness. It is more difficult for a woman to become independent, because she is by nature a dependent being. Therefore, for women, the eighth step is even more important than for men, since at this stage, patients learn to forgive themselves and others for their circumstances and not blame fate for their problems.


The stage of relative socialization. When there is a desire and inner readiness to make contact. Perhaps to apologize to someone, perhaps to get rid of gnawing guilt. That is, to improve relationships, to atone for the suffering of those whom you hurt with your actions, when your loved ones thought about how to help an alcoholic stop drinking at home.


At this stage, patients learn to understand that the life path traveled is not smooth. If there are mistakes, one must learn to correct them, and not "hide in a glass of alcohol."


The main problem of alcoholism among young people is the lack of moral guidelines. It is about them that we are talking about the 11th step of the cure. Patients learn to draw solutions and answers in contact with the soul and the divine, learn to look for support in themselves, and not in some external manifestations.


A new life and social adaptation begins, which requires no less serious efforts. Unfortunately, the memory of the body is very strong, and if a person who has lived in a greenhouse for a long time in a hospital abruptly returns to society, he is simply not ready for this.

He has forgotten how to live a normal measured life, he does not understand how people will react to him after learning about his past. He simply could forget the skills of normal communication. And the probability of a breakdown after remission is so high that it is at stage 12 that it is necessary to carry out intensive work. Here the patient is helped by psychologists and psychotherapists of all directions. Everyone is engaged in their own direction, and most often social adaptation occurs in stages.

Helping an alcoholic understand the causes of drinking

solve problems of alcoholism with complex methods

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The advantage of the 12 Step program lies in the fact that all those who have already managed to get out of the vicious circle inspire others by their example, consolidating their results along the way. And they help at the stage of recovery and completion of treatment, which does not occur abruptly.

First, the patient can be moved to separate rooms, which he can already leave, focusing on the instructions of the curators. That is, the return to society should be smooth. Programs of behavior are given so that the urgency of the problem of alcoholism does not appear again.

Of course, some patients - at least 50% - undergo repeated treatment. It cannot be said with certainty that such social problems as drug addiction and alcoholism can be cured with the help of rehabilitation centers. But even 50% of those who have recovered is a colossal result. And this is much better than not trying to be treated at all.

The main thing that treatment gives is support and faith in the result, which is gradually fixed. Those who didn't fall didn't get up. And if you once again fell and became a victim of alcoholism, try again and again until the victory is yours.

Alcoholism - everyone knows that this is a disease and a very serious one, which begins through the fault of one hundred percent of the person himself. It starts with the smallest, then the person is drawn in and becomes a chronic alcoholic.

In this article I will tell you about the causes and signs of alcoholism. How to avoid or relieve alcohol hangovers. How can you help those who suffer from alcoholism.

What herbs will help in the treatment of alcoholism at home. You will learn about all this by reading the article. What and how to do to help an alcoholic.


Alcoholism is a chronic disease that affects not only the alcoholic, but also the people around him. Especially relatives who get the most from such a patient.

The person becomes addicted both mentally and physically. The degradation is complete, which cannot be ignored. Diseases of internal organs begin, metabolism is disturbed.

The nervous system fails and very seriously. Comes to white fever. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. My friend's husband drank himself to delirium tremens and hanged himself. He was then so as not to be mistaken, so 26 years old.

Alcoholic hallucinosis. They are mostly auditory hallucinations. The same thing happened to my friend's husband. There was a small child left. Of course, then she arranged her life, and the child was left without a father.

Alcohol addiction can happen to anyone. Not necessarily from the heredity of the environment or personality traits. A person who constantly consumes alcohol can develop alcohol dependence.

It is possible, of course, to become an alcoholic by inheritance, but not always. Basically it is a long heavy drunkenness. A person who drinks like this is sure that there is nothing wrong with it. But how deeply he is mistaken!

The tendency to alcoholism is not only from heredity, but also from family relationships, and from traditions, which in some families very often remind of themselves. Often the problem of alcoholism is the environment.

Consequences of alcoholism:

  • The psyche of an alcoholic is destroyed and it is very dangerous for the brain
  • personal degradation occurs
  • alcoholics find it difficult to communicate
  • losing interest in oneself
  • Losing interest in their appearance
  • depression
  • Bad mood
  • indifference to everything

But that's not all, the problem of alcoholism is a violation of sexual activity. The man becomes impotent, and the woman's menstrual cycle is disturbed.

Signs of alcoholism

The main signs of alcoholism are:

  • irresistible desire to drink alcohol
  • loss of control - that is, no willpower to give up alcohol
  • physical addiction

hangover syndrome

Hangover syndrome, what is it:

  • throbbing headache on waking in the morning
  • dry mouth
  • nausea
  • sweating
  • weakness
  • apathy
  • forgetfulness
  • slow reaction

What causes a hangover syndrome is that you drank too much and did not control yourself. The result of a hangover syndrome is dehydration of the body after drinking alcohol. This phenomenon occurs after the decomposition of alcohol in the body.

How to help an alcoholic

Every alcoholic needs help; he can't handle it on his own. So he needs advice. Not just advice, but to whom he can turn to get real help.

1. Self-help: you need to ask a doctor who can prescribe a special drug.

2. Help of a psychotherapist: a person who abuses alcohol needs mental and psychological help. Only a psychotherapist or psychologist can provide significant assistance.

How to avoid an alcohol hangover

  • do not drink on an empty stomach
  • drink in moderation
  • the absorption of alcohol will slow down thanks to a glass of milk that you drink before drinking alcohol
  • dilute alcoholic drink with water
  • do not mix alcoholic beverages
  • drink more water before and after drinking alcohol

How to relieve alcohol hangover pain

  • drink a cup of any herbal tea every hour
  • will help improve the condition of a walk in the fresh air
  • drink as much water as possible, at least eight hundred nine hundred milliliters
  • drink activated charcoal
  • drink cucumber pickle, curdled milk or apple cider vinegar diluted with water
  • to increase blood sugar, reduce feelings of weakness, dizziness, have a light snack
  • don't drink alcohol
  • it is good to sweat in a hot bath

Treatment of alcoholism at home

Very effective helpers in the treatment of alcoholism are medicinal herbs. Basically, herbs act as poisoning agents for alcohol and do not harm the body.

These herbs will help:

Common lamb. What is the essence of treatment with this herb? She develops a reflex of aversion to alcohol. Four days after the last drink of alcohol, give half a glass of fresh decoction to drink on an empty stomach.

Decoction recipe:

Pour ten grams of raw materials with one glass of boiling water and boil for ten minutes.

After fifteen minutes, let the patient first sniff vodka or wine, and then drink. After a while, maybe after fifteen minutes or after three hours, vomiting will begin, which is repeated several times. Give alcohol before every vomiting. Aversion to alcohol will come after two or three sessions.

Ordinary centaury. For alcoholism, drink a decoction of one tablespoon three times a day. Take one tablespoon of a mixture of wormwood herbs and centaury grass in a ratio of 1: 4 and pour a two-hundred-gram glass of boiling water.

European hoof. For alcoholism, drink a decoction of the roots of this plant. Drinking a person suffering from alcoholism should be imperceptible to him. This mixture causes vomiting and you need to drink for several days. Until a person develops a strong aversion to alcohol. In a glass of boiling water, five grams of the roots of the plant. Mix imperceptibly one tablespoon of decoction with half a glass of vodka and let the alcoholic drink.

Licorice naked. If chronic alcoholism, drink a decoction of one glass three times a day fifteen minutes before eating from this mixture: one hundred grams of horsetail and licorice pour three liters of boiling water.

There are a lot of medicinal herbs that can treat alcoholism, relieve hangovers and generally bring our body back to normal. I tried to give simple recipes that will help you effectively cope with alcoholism.

Be healthy and happy.

Video - Methods of getting rid of alcoholism
