
How to prepare a saturated saline solution. We grow a crystal of copper sulfate (quick way)

Get a job: solution, what substance, and in what quantity should be prepared. Based on the solubility coefficient, calculate the required amount of substance and water. Transfer the substance to be dissolved with a spatula onto a pre-weighed watch glass and weigh a little more than the calculated value. The weight of the substance is determined by the difference between the total mass of the substance with the watch glass and the mass of the pure watch glass. Place a sample of the substance in a glass with a capacity of 250 ml and add the required volume of water, taken with a cylinder, to it. With a small portion of water from the selected volume, wash off the remnants of the substance from the watch glass into a glass for dissolution.

Use the reference manual to determine how the solubility coefficient changes depending on the change in temperature. Achieve the dissolution of the excess mass of the substance in a given volume of solution by changing the external conditions (how to do this in a particular case?). Bring the prepared solution to standard conditions and, if excess solute crystallizes, filter. Determine the density of the saturated solution using the procedure described below.

Calculate the molar concentration and the molar concentration of the solution equivalent. Present the results of the experiment in the form of a table.

Table 1

    Determination of the density of the solution

To determine the density of the solution, a set of hydrometers with different calibration scales is used. The solution for measuring the density is placed in a tall vessel (cylinder), not completely filling it. From the set, choose a hydrometer with a density scale that is closest to the expected density of the solution. The hydrometer with its wide weighted end is slowly immersed in the solution. In this case, the thin part of the hydrometer is held with two fingers until a buoyant force (floating) is felt. The hydrometer is released and the density is read from the lower level of the solution meniscus on the hydrometer scale. If the hydrometer floats or the level of the solution does not reach the scale, a hydrometer with a scale designed for a higher density should be used. If the hydrometer sinks in solution or the liquid level is above the graduated scale, use a hydrometer designed for a lower density.

When using a hydrometer, before and after use, rinse it in distilled water and dry it with filter paper. Why is it necessary to do this?

The densities of solutions of acids, alkalis, salts, depending on the concentrations of their solutions, are presented in reference manuals.

    Preparation of solutions by dilution

Get 2 tasks from the teacher:

    From the previously prepared saturated NaCl solution, prepare a more dilute salt solution of a given molar concentration in a given volume (100, 50, 200, 250 ml). To do this, it is necessary to calculate what mass of the solute is required to prepare a given volume of the solution, in what volume of the initial solution the calculated mass of the solute is contained. Select the required (calculated) volume of the solution with a pipette and transfer to a volumetric flask. Bring the volume to the mark by adding distilled water. Check the correctness of the preparation of the solution by density (See reference book Yu.Yu. Lurie).

Experience 1. Preparation of an alkali solution with a given mass fraction for a sample of crystalline alkali

    Get an assignment from a teacher. Prepare a certain amount (in ml) of a solution of concentration given by the teacher from crystalline sodium or potassium hydroxide and water.

    Weigh out the calculated amount of potassium or sodium hydroxide in a pre-weighed beaker on a technical balance. (Caution! Protect your eyes! Do not touch the alkali granules with your hands! Take the substance only with a clean spatula!)

    Use a measuring cylinder to measure the required amount of water, pour the water into a glass and dissolve the alkali in it, gently stirring the solution with a glass rod. Cool the solution to ambient temperature.

    Determine the density of the resulting solution. To do this, pour the solution into the prepared dry (or rinsed with this solution) cylinder, lower the hydrometer into it so that it does not touch the walls of the cylinder, does not sink or float. Mark the division of the scale, which coincides with the lower edge of the meniscus of the liquid in the cylinder, read the scale from top to bottom. Rinse the hydrometer with distilled water, wipe it carefully and hand it over to the laboratory assistant, pour the solution into the prepared flask. Compare the obtained value of the density of the alkali solution with the table and determine the mass fraction of the prepared solution according to the table, based on the experimental value of the density of the resulting alkali solution.

If the tabulated density data do not exactly match the hydrometer readings, then the concentration is determined by interpolation. In a narrow interval, the dependence of density on concentration can be considered linear. Let us assume that with the help of a hydrometer it is found that the density of the solution is 1.247. The table also shows densities of 1.241 and 1.263, which correspond to concentrations of 22% and 24%. Therefore, a change in concentration by 2% corresponds to a change in density by 1.263-1.241 = 0.022. Our solution differs in density from 1.241 by a value equal to 0.006 (1.247-1.241). We make a proportion:

0.006 –X% X = 0.3%

Therefore, the original solution contained 22 + 0.3 = 22.3%

    Enter the obtained data in table 2.

table 2

Experience 2 Determination of the molar concentration of the equivalent of the prepared alkali solution

    Determine the exact concentration of the alkali solution prepared in the previous experiment by titrating it with an acid solution of exactly known concentration. The titration operation is performed as follows. Rinse the burette with an acid solution of exactly known concentration. Use a funnel to fill the burette with the solution. Then fill the burette with the acid solution so that the meniscus of the solution coincides with the zero division of the burette. The spout of the burette must be completely filled with liquid (there must be no air bubbles). Rinse a thoroughly washed 5 ml pipette with the analyzed alkali solution prepared in the first experiment. Then, with this pipette, take 5 ml of alkali solution into a conical titration flask (remove the last drops from the pipette by touching the pipette tip to the wall of the flask, but don't blow it!). Add 2-3 drops of methyl orange indicator to the flask. What color will the solution take on? Put the flask with the solution on a sheet of white paper and place it under the burette so that its end is immersed in the flask by about 1 cm. Place the flask with the reference solution next to it (add 2-3 drops of the indicator into distilled water). Add the acid solution from the burette drop by drop into the flask with the alkali solution with the left hand, constantly stirring the liquid with the right hand by rotating the flask. Do not remove the flask from under the burette. The end of the reaction is determined by the instantaneous change in the color of the alkali solution. As a result of this experiment, the amount of acid required to neutralize the alkali is determined to the nearest 1 ml. The titration is repeated at least 3 times. The result of the first experiment is considered as indicative and is not taken into account in the calculation. In subsequent titrations, first quickly add from the burette into the flask the amount of acid necessary for neutralization, with the exception of the last milliliter, which is added dropwise to the solution until the addition of one drop causes a change in color of the solution.

Compare the color of the solution at the equivalence point with the color of the reference solution.

The volume of the acid solution used for neutralization is counted from the lower meniscus with an accuracy of 0.05 ml. From the data obtained, which should not differ from each other by more than 0.1 ml, find the average value.

Table 3

    Compare the concentration of the alkali solution calculated in experiment 1 and experiment 2. Explain the results.

    Control questions.

    When interacting with water of a certain metal, when heated, a divalent oxide of this metal was formed with a mass of 16.2 g and hydrogen with a mass of 0.4 g. Determine which metal was taken to react with water

    A solution with a mass fraction of sulfuric acid of 44% has a density of 1.34 g / ml. Calculate the amount of substance H 2 SO 4 that is contained in 1 liter of such a solution.

    Determine the mass of sulfur oxide (VI), which must be dissolved in 4 kg of water to obtain a solution with a mass fraction of sulfuric acid of 4.9%.

    Determine the mass of a solution with a mass fraction of sulfuric acid of 5%, which will be required for the reaction with 4 g of copper oxide (II).

    To completely dissolve magnesium oxide weighing 3.6 g, a solution of hydrochloric acid weighing 65.7 g was required. Calculate the mass fraction of HCl in the acid solution.

    Calcium oxide weighing 2.8 g was dissolved in 200 g of hydrochloric acid. Calculate the mass fraction of calcium chloride in the resulting solution.

    An excess of potassium sulfide solution was added to a solution of lead (II) nitrate weighing 250 g. A precipitate was formed weighing 47.8 g. Determine the mass fraction of lead (II) nitrate in the initial solution.

    Calculate the mass fractions of sulfur and sulfur oxide (VI) in sulfuric acid and oleum, assuming that it has the composition H 2 SO 4 *SO 3.

    An excess of barium chloride solution was added to 50 ml of a solution with a mass fraction of H 2 SO 4 12% (density 1.08 g / ml). Determine the mass of the precipitate formed.

    The action of an excess of sulfuric acid on potassium chloride weighing 14.9 g produced hydrogen chloride, which was absorbed by 80 g of a solution with a mass fraction of sodium hydroxide of 15%. Determine whether the resulting solution will be alkaline or acidic.

There are many instructions on the Internet on how to grow crystals from various chemicals. We decided to check everything ourselves, and as a base we took ordinary table salt, which can be found in any kitchen.

So, our task is to grow beautiful salt crystals from a saturated solution. Ideally, ideal rectangular crystals should be obtained (this is due to the fact that NaCl has a cubic crystal lattice), but in reality ... however, we will not get ahead of ourselves yet.

For the experiment, we need two clean half-liter glass jars. In the first, we will prepare our solution, in the second, we will grow the crystal itself.

Solution preparation

The first step is to prepare a saturated salt solution. To do this, fill the first jar with water (ideally - distilled, I poured from the filter) by 80 percent and put it in a water bath. The latter is an ordinary low pot of water, which is heated on a burner. Our jar is placed in this pan.

As the water in the jar heats up, add table salt there. Here we are in for a surprise that no one talks about - a large amount of "garbage" in food salt. All these grains float to the surface, and they must be carefully removed. Or, if you have filter paper, then pass everything through it.

Salts can be poured with a margin so that the solution is definitely saturated. As a result, part of the salt will no longer be able to dissolve, and will lie at the bottom. To get rid of this salt, as well as any debris (which are precisely the growth centers of extra crystals), we pour the solution into the second jar.


Before all the manipulations that were described above, you need to prepare the embryos. Our crystals will grow on them. It is better to take more embryos, since it is more convenient to attach them to a thread. To do this, we proceed as follows: pour salt into the salt shaker and shake until all the small crystals are poured out. All large ones will remain inside (they cannot pass through the holes of the salt shaker). From them, we select the ones we need. Again - the ideal embryo should have a shape close to rectangular, with minimal deviations (otherwise you will get what I did).

The selected embryos (or one embryo) are fixed on a thread, and the thread is wound on a pencil so that the immersion depth can be adjusted.

crystal growth

Now - the longest phase of the experiment. We pour the saturated solution into the second jar, immerse our embryos there, wrap it in something so that it cools more slowly, and wait. If everything is correct, then the next day our embryos will already grow up, if everything is wrong, they will dissolve. Now we just cover the top of the jar with paper so that dust does not get into it, and we wait another 3-4 days. Since the water gradually evaporates, the salt should be deposited. And it will be deposited just on our embryo, that is, the crystal will grow.

This is where the imperfection of the embryo comes into play. What happened to me - a pile of crystals - you can see in the video. For clarity, I painted some of the edges with a black marker, so that the whole construction became surreal in the spirit of Salvador Dali.

Nevertheless, it can be noted how perfect the edges of the resulting crystals are - all even and 90 degrees.


To fix the embryo, I made a loop on the thread into which I inserted a crystal of salt. Naturally, this led to the fact that in the resulting crystal the thread was ingrown right in the middle! All this looks ugly. Can you think of a way to attach the embryo so that after growth you can safely separate the thread from the crystal? For the most successful way - a bonus of 30 rubles.


Crystal… From this word it really blows with magic. I don’t know about the magical properties of crystals, but they definitely have a variety of useful physical properties. Crystals are widely used in modern electronics, optics, and other fields of technology. And, of course, the crystals are simply beautiful. They attract the eye with their regular shape and natural symmetry. And this applies not only to precious crystals, but also to crystals grown from improvised means.

We already know something about the crystalline state of matter from the article on crystals. Is it time to move on to practice?

The crystal growth experiment has a number of features. One of these features is the duration of the experiment. The thing is that a good and beautiful, and, most importantly, a large crystal cannot be grown quickly. This takes time. That is why the experience of growing crystals for nine days was developed in the Live Experiment section, where you could observe the progress of the process and, perhaps, even conduct your own experiment in parallel. This article is a summary of the information obtained during the experience. So, instructions for those who want to grow a crystal themselves.

For this we need:

  • The container in which the crystal will grow. It is best if the container is transparent, such as a glass jar. In this case, it will be convenient to monitor the progress of the process.
  • A small piece of cardboard to cut out the container lid
  • Funnel
  • Filter paper or any material with which it will be possible to filter the solution. You can use a napkin.
  • Thread. It is better to take a thinner and smoother thread, for example, silk.
  • And, of course, the substance from which we will grow the crystal. Copper sulphate is used in the experiment. The crystal from it should turn out to be a beautiful blue color. In addition, getting blue vitriol is quite simple - it is usually sold in any gardening store. If you could not find blue vitriol or are just too lazy to go to the store, then you can use any crystalline substance, for example, ordinary table salt or sugar.

Before starting the experiment, I must warn you, in case you want to repeat it, about personal safety measures. You will be working with chemicals that can harm you. Do not use food containers for your experiment, use protective equipment (gloves, glasses), wash your laboratory glassware thoroughly. If chemicals come into contact with skin or eyes, rinse thoroughly with water. If swallowed, seek medical attention.

Well, with the formalities over, let's get started.

As I said, growing crystals is a procedure that has some peculiarities. Another feature of this experiment, in addition to the duration, is the need to grow the so-called seed, i.e. a small crystal, on the basis of which a large crystal will grow. You can do without a seed, but in this case it is difficult to grow a beautiful single crystal. Therefore, it is better to grow a seed after all, especially since there is nothing complicated in this.

Prepare a saturated solution.

Let's pour some copper sulphate into a glass container (hereinafter I will talk about copper sulphate, since it is he who is involved in the experiment, but you use the substance that you managed to find).

Pour salt (and copper sulfate is sulfur-copper salt) with a small amount of hot water. The use of hot water is mandatory, because. at elevated temperatures, the solubility of salts increases.

It is better to place the container in a water bath so that the solution does not cool prematurely.

Stir the salt until dissolved, and then add more salt and stir again. We repeat this until the salt ceases to dissolve in water.

Thus, we have obtained a saturated salt solution.

Now the resulting solution must be filtered. This must be done so that no foreign particles, such as dust or impurities, remain in the solution. Foreign particles can serve as additional centers of crystallization, i.e. other crystals will begin to form around them, but we do not need this. At this stage of the experiment, this is not very critical, but later the purity of the solution will be very important.

After filtering, you need to throw a few salt crystals into the solution - seeds will begin to form on them.

Now the container needs to be placed in a place where a more or less constant temperature regime will be ensured (the windowsill is great for this), and covered with something to prevent foreign impurities from entering.

The solution will begin to cool and supersaturate, i.e. salt will begin to become more in solution than it can dissolve at a given temperature. The salt will begin to crystallize, and the grains of salt that we added to the saturated solution will become the centers of crystallization. You will have to wait 2-3 days. After that, we proceed to the next stage of the experiment.

It can be seen that crystals began to form at the bottom of the vessel.

The crystals have grown. In principle, they are large enough to be used as a seed, but I will try to keep them for another day.

Well, enough time has passed, and we have formed a good seed material. It remains to choose the right candidate.

Pretty pretty already, isn't it? But we will not stop there and will continue our experiment.

It seems that the resulting mass of crystals is a monolith, but in fact it is not difficult to separate the crystals.

Try to choose a crystal of the most correct shape. I chose far from the largest available, but I liked its shape the most. The more correct the shape of the seed, the more correct the shape of the crystal will be in the future. To make the dimensions of the seed more clear, I put a match next to it.

Now you need to tie a thread to the seed. As I wrote at the beginning of the article, it is better to take a less fuzzy thread so that side crystals do not form on its protruding fibers. Do not use wire as a hanger.

Now the thread with the seed must be passed through the lid of the container and fixed on the reverse side. You need to fix it so that at any time it is possible to adjust the height of the suspension. For example, you can wind the excess thread on the match from the back or secure the thread with a paper clip.

Now we need to prepare a fresh salt solution. It is done in the same way as for the seed: dissolving salt in hot water until it stops dissolving, filtering the solution. In this fresh solution we place our seed. Make sure that the seed does not touch the bottom and walls of the container, otherwise the crystal will begin to grow in an irregular shape.

And now we have two ways. The first one is more complex. It requires more attention and effort. The fact is that the most beautiful and regular crystals are obtained when the crystallization process is slow. Therefore, we need to ensure smooth cooling of the salt solution. To do this, we need to place our seed container in thermo-vessels, constantly monitor the temperature of the solution. In simple terms, there is quite a lot of fuss. But the reward for such efforts is worthwhile - the crystal will turn out to be as clean and regular as possible.

The second way is much easier. You have placed the seed in a hot solution and you can forget about it for a while, leaving the crystallization process to chance. With this method, the growing crystal may not be an ideal shape, but the growth process will be faster.

I chose the second way. In the end, after going down the easier path and gaining some experience, I can always do a more complex version of the experiment. In addition, you need to keep in mind that the quick version of the experience does not mean at all that it can be done in a couple of hours. Even with an accelerated experience, the crystal will grow for several days. In the case of a long-term option, the experiment can stretch for 1-2 months.

But in both cases it is necessary to monitor the growth of the crystal. Once again, you don’t need to take out the crystal and touch it - this may affect its shape. If side crystals begin to form on a crystal or thread, they must be carefully removed so that they also do not spoil the shape of the main crystal.

And one moment. If you lowered the seed into the solution, but it did not increase, but quite the opposite, it dissolves, then this means that you have prepared an unsaturated solution. The procedure for preparing the solution will have to be repeated.

So we continue to monitor the growth of the crystal. If you have any questions, you can contact me in the comments or through the feedback form.

During the day, the crystal grew significantly. In the photo, the crystal is compared with a match and a crystal - an understudy of the seed, which I left yesterday just in case.

However, as you can see, the shape of the crystal is not ideal, there are many defects. This is the result of the rapid growth of the crystal. But do I still like him?

I updated the solution as I did before, and lowered the crystal back into it. Since the crystal size increased significantly compared to the previous day, an adjustment in the height of the seed suspension was required. The experiment continues.

Crystal has grown. Again updated the copper sulphate solution.

The crystal barely fits into my glass! Do not forget to clean the thread from growing small crystals.

Well, here comes, I think, the last day of the experiment. The latter is not because the crystal will not be able to grow further, but because it has become too crowded in my laboratory glassware. We take out the crystal, cut the thread to the very root and blot it with napkins. We are one step away from admiring our work of art. The fact is that if you leave the crystal as it is, it will collapse pretty soon. To prevent this from happening, it must be "dressed" in a protective shell. The best option is to cover it with clear varnish. You can also place it in a hermetically sealed container, for example, in a jar. But it seems to me that the best option is to cover it with varnish. This will give it additional brilliance, and it will be possible to observe it, as they say, live, and not through glass.

And now you can take a good look at the crystal. Of course, his form was not perfect. But I deliberately chose the fast way of crystal growth instead of the qualitative one. In any case, I was pleased with the result. In nine days, the crystal grew more than seven centimeters in length - a pretty good result!

I even wanted to give it a name. Names are given to large and unique gemstones. For example, how the famous diamond was given the name "Count Orlov". My crystal, of course, is far from a diamond, but is it dear to me in its own way? Therefore, not without a share of humor, I decided to call the resulting seven-centimeter pebble the Kid.

Good luck with your experiments!

Growing salt crystals at home is a unique opportunity to observe the process of the origin of such phenomena in nature, as well as a chance to get a very unusual and surprisingly beautiful craft. The process is completely safe, does not require deep knowledge in the field of chemistry, does not involve the use of chemical reagents and can be carried out not only by adults, but also by children.


In order to grow a salt crystal at home, you should prepare the necessary equipment, materials and tools.

1) The main ingredient is salt. The purer it is, the more successful the result of the experiment will be, and the clearer the crystal faces will be. Considering that table salt in most cases


in itself a large amount of small debris, it is better to give preference to sea salt without dyes and all kinds of additives.

2) It is also more correct to take water that is maximally purified from various impurities, i.e. distilled. If this is not at hand, pre-filter plain water.

3) For growing crystals, use a thoroughly washed non-metallic container that will not oxidize under the influence of salts. It is better to take glassware. If even the smallest specks still appear inside the bowl, they will certainly slow down the growth of the main crystal, turning into a kind of basis for the development of small specimens.

4) The basis for the future large crystal can be either a small crystal of salt or any other object, for example, a wire, a thread, a piece of a branch.

5) Also useful in the formation of a crystal from salt, a wooden stick for stirring the solution, paper napkins, filter

or gauze, varnish to cover the finished salt crystal.

Prepare the materials and tools necessary for growing a crystal, be patient and get to work. The process itself will not require special participation from you. In a glass cup, prepare a saturated saline solution from 100 ml of hot water and 40 g of salt, let the liquid cool and pass it through filter paper or cheesecloth folded in several layers.

The next step is to place the object, around which the crystal will subsequently form, into a container with saline. If you want to get a copy of the traditional form, put an ordinary grain of salt in the bottom of the cup. If you want to grow an elongated crystal, tie a grain of salt to a thread and fasten it in a container so that it does not touch its bottom and walls. If your plans are to get difficult


bizarre shape, the basis for the future crystal should be a small curved twig or twisted wire. As a basis for a crystal, you can use absolutely any object that is not subject to salt oxidation.

Be sure to cover the cup with the crystal with a lid, a sheet of paper or a napkin to prevent debris and dust from getting into it. Next, send the container for storage in a dark, cool place without drafts and provide it with complete peace of mind. During the development of the crystal, do not allow changes in air humidity and sudden changes in temperature in the room where it is located, exclude shaking it and moving it too often. Do not place the crystal near heating appliances and near the stove.

As the crystal grows, the salt content of the liquid surrounding it will decrease. With this in mind, once a week add a saturated saline solution to the container. When the crystal has grown to the desired size, carefully remove it from the liquid, place it on a clean paper towel and blot gently with a soft cloth. In order for the fragile crystal to acquire


strength, cover it with a colorless nail polish. If this is not done, the craft will collapse. In a dry air environment, the crystal will crumble into powder, with high humidity it will turn into gruel.

White crystals are obtained from common salt and sea salt.

You can get a craft of a different shade with the help of several simple ways.

1) A colored salt crystal can be obtained if you use not ordinary salt, but, for example, copper sulfate, which can endow the result of your work with a rich blue color.

2) Instead of clear nail polish, you can use a color coat to treat the crystal.

3) At the stage of preparing the crystal, add food coloring to the salt solution, for example, to color Easter eggs.

If you notice that the crystal does not take on the shape that was planned, carefully scrape off the excess areas with a sharp knife or nail file. Subsequently, treat those places of the crystal that you would not like to allow to grow with glycerin or any other thick fatty compound. You can remove the applied product with alcohol or acetone.

It is possible to fail in growing a crystal from salt for several reasons. First, a piece of salt taken as a basis can


This is usually signaled by an insufficiently saturated saline solution that you used for growth.

Secondly, instead of one large crystal, you can get several small ones at once. This can happen due to the presence of foreign impurities in the solution or the ingress of specks, dust particles and other undesirable objects into it. Thirdly, when obtaining colored specimens, the color of the finished crystals may turn out to be uneven. The main reason for such

- insufficiently thorough mixing of the dye after adding it to the brine.

More or less decent

in size

the crystal will form no earlier than 3-4 weeks after placing its base in a saline solution, so be patient and do not forget to follow the basic recommendations for self-growing crystals from salt in

at home

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crystals bewitch. It is difficult to imagine a more refined and perfect natural form. Snowflakes, quartz, beryl, chrysolite, amethyst ... We can admire the creations of nature, or we can get crystals at home.

You will need

  • For this we need:
  • Regular edible salt.
  • Two glasses and a bowl of water.
  • Water. Better without impurities, you can take distilled.
  • Thread, thin wire or twig of any tree (without leaves).
  • Or a small crystal of salt, which can be found in any pack.


First stage:

Pour salt into a glass and pour it over

Place the glass in

with warm water (50°C - 60°C). Stir the salt in

until complete dissolution. When the salt has dissolved, add more, stir the solution again. If the water in the bowl is cold,


a little hot to keep warm. Add salt several times until it no longer dissolves in water. That is, until the appearance at the bottom

sediment that remains after stirring for three minutes. Pour the solution into a clean glass so that the sediment does not get into it.

Second phase:

If you want to

grow a crystal

traditional form, you need to throw a large grain of salt that you have chosen into the prepared solution. It is she who will become the basis for the growth of the crystal. To obtain an elongated shape, the thread must be lowered into the glass. It must be hung so that it does not touch the walls and bottom. To get a complex shape of a crystal - hang on

thread a small twig

Or thin wire.

Third stage:
After a couple of days, you can see the growth of the crystal. You can let it grow until there is contact with the glass wall. If you want to enlarge your crystal even further, prepare another larger container of saline solution and place it there.


It is worth remembering that:
While the crystal is growing, it should not be removed from the solution once again.
The solution evaporates and must be renewed at least once a week.
To prepare the solution, distilled water is best.
The growing crystal should be protected from dust, vibration and light.

Helpful advice

In addition to salt crystals, crystals of copper and copper sulfate can be grown at home.

In order to grow crystal from salt, you first need to prepare a sufficiently concentrated brine solution. Salt is added to a glass of water until it no longer dissolves during stirring.

Now you should heat the resulting mixture to achieve complete dissolution of the selected salt. A glass of salt solution is placed in a container of hot water. Then the resulting concentrated salt solution is poured into a special beaker or container. Using a wire jumper (it can also be made from the rod of an ordinary ballpoint pen), a crystalline “seed” is suspended on a thread - a salt crystal, so that it is completely immersed in the resulting solution and does not touch the walls of the chemical beaker. Also, the crystal can be lowered to the bottom of the glass. On this "seed" and your future crystal will grow. The container with saline should be placed in a warm place and left open. To grow a crystal from salt, you need to wait a while. After a few days, your crystal will increase significantly in size. At the end of three days after the start of the experiment, the “seed” thread, which is dipped into a concentrated saline solution, will turn into a “necklace” of small crystals. If you want your crystal to grow even faster, you must repeat the procedure for preparing the saline solution. Your "seed" can be placed in a new salt solution and add the required portion of table salt. It must be remembered that the saline solution must be highly concentrated - during the preparation of the mixture, salt must remain at the bottom of the beaker. For example, about 35 grams of edible salt can be dissolved in 100 ml of water at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. As the temperature increases, the solubility of table salt increases. When your crystal grows to the desired size, it should be pulled out of the solution and dried with a soft cloth or paper towel. Then the thread is cut off, and the edges of the crystal are covered with a colorless varnish in order to keep it from “weathering” in the air. Using this method, salt crystals of any shade or shape can be grown.


  • what can be made from salt in 2018

Grow crystal independently, in domestic conditions, even people who are little acquainted with chemical processes will be able to do it, and the result, like the manufacturing process itself, will undoubtedly bring great pleasure. So, get ready, we begin to conjure and "chemize".

You will need

  • Colored soluble salt (dichloride or nickel sulfate) or common salt; spring or filtered water, metal container, stove, rope (woolen or pile thread), colorless nail polish.


To get started, purchase a colored soluble salt, such as dichloride or sulfate

You can buy this substance in almost any pharmacy or order it online. If it is impossible to get the above material, ordinary table salt is also suitable.

Take a glass of clean water. Water and salt should be in a ratio of 1/2.5, i.e., for example, for 100 ml of water you will need at least 250 grams of salt. Slowly add the salt to the water and stir until completely dissolved.

Pour water into a metal vessel and put on fire. Stirring constantly, heat the water until supersaturated.


Remove the container with the resulting supersaturated solution and, without letting it cool, lower a small rope inside (


there will be woolen or any other pile thread, as it will help

crystal it is better to fasten on the base).

Over the next three days,

crystal saltization. Cooling the solution too quickly can result in an irregular and unattractive shape. That's why it needs to be chilled.


This is best done at room temperature. Then you

no doubt

Get the right shape, graceful

crystal s.

crystal remove from solution and pat dry on all sides with a paper towel. Trim the end of the wool if necessary.

and immediately cover all the edges with a colorless varnish (regular varnish is suitable for

). This operation is mandatory and will help prevent

crystal from the so-called weathering (i.e.

splitting over time

in direct contact with air)

As you can see, growing

crystal ov - a very entertaining and not requiring much effort. After three days, lowered into the water

literally turns into a shiny, sparkling necklace that can become a stylish accessory, decoration on the New Year tree or just a pride of the first successful witchcraft at home

Helpful advice

Attention: the success of the experiment and the beauty of the crystal directly depend on the quality of the water, so it is better to choose spring or filtered water.

Related article

Edible salt - an unusual use


  • salt crystals

Of course, grow crystal diamond in domestic conditions is impossible. But here on my own get very beautiful crystal salt is quite possible. Since it is fragile and afraid of water, it will have to be stored in a transparent box.


Decide if you need the right

crystal or some of its deviations from the correct form are allowed (sometimes the second is obtained even

more beautiful

). In the first case, the water must be distilled, and the salt must not be iodized. In the second case, use tap water and any table salt.

Boil about half

water. While it boils, be careful not to scald

Start adding salt to it. To do this, you can use, for example, a V-shaped segment

metal, keeping your hands away from the vessel. Continue pouring it in until the solution becomes supersaturated (small spots begin to form on the walls of the vessel).

crystal iki salt).

Soak a piece in a supersaturated salt solution

Then dry it and it will be covered with small

crystal ikami.

One of the largest crystal ov separate and hang on a thread.

Pour the supersaturated solution into a clean vessel in such a way that small particles do not get into it.

crystal icing from the walls of the vessel in which boiling was carried out. Let it cool, then add to the solution


crystal hic on a thread. It must not touch the bottom.

Leave the vessel in a place where it will not be moved. Small

crystal ik will gradually increase in


When it reaches the size you want, remove it, then dry it thoroughly and transfer it to a transparent box.

If desired, make a device for lighting

crystal and LEDs. What it will be depends on your


You can highlight as one large

crystal and several smaller ones. In the latter case, they can be used to make a composition composed not only of

crystal ov, but also from others


Don't forget to add a background and cover the composition with glass, as touching

crystal s deteriorate.

Helpful advice

Protect finished products from mechanical influences and moisture.


  • how to grow crystals at home

From about four to seven or eight years of age

child there comes a period when he develops an attitude to life and self-confidence. During this short time, parents need to do a lot to raise an independent, successful person from a baby.


A socially successful person is unlikely to grow up in a family where a passive, consumerist attitude to life flourishes, where


low self-esteem. Remember that children learn by watching you. Try to be your child's role model. If loved ones are honest with


He learns justice from them and will be sure to be honest with them. If the parents are successful, and the kid will strive for success.

To the child for the development of healthy self-love and the formation of the right


you need to know that he is loved and valued, that he is what he should be. Children need to feel that their parents are proud of them and do not regret that they were not born different. Remember: neither expensive toys, nor other gifts and material goods can replace

your parental participation in his life, attention and love, which allows

feel your value.

Remember that numerous prohibitions, as a rule, do not help to achieve the desired result. The kid will

on the contrary, annoying parents, or perceive it as a tough instruction for life, forming an inferiority complex. And it is incompatible with success.

One of the main postulates of a successful, self-confident


“My opinion matters to others.” And the little man must know this. Treat any of his problems not condescendingly and condescendingly, but seriously and in a friendly way. Try to communicate with the child on an equal footing, encourage his independence. But always offer your baby your help when you see that he needs it.

Respect and support all the wildest dreams and plans of your

Discuss them seriously. It is important to teach your child to recognize the strengths of others.

It is worthy to lose without despair and without giving up. After all, everyone has the right to make a mistake.


Today, nail stylists offer to build up acrylic or helium nails of any length in a few hours. However, often such a manicure harms the nail plates. And not everyone can afford such pleasure. But you can also have your natural nails


beautiful and long.

You will need

  • - 1 tbsp. cottage cheese;
  • - 1 tbsp. nettles;
  • - 1 tbsp. dandelion leaves;
  • - boiling water;
  • - 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • - glycerin;
  • - iodine;
  • - salt;
  • - 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.


To make your nails grow longer, wash the dishes more often. Only use mild detergents with a neutral PH for this. Warm water and fat promote marigold growth.

Doing house cleaning, mopping, laundry, wear rubber gloves. Washing powders and other chemical cleaners destroy the nail plate. And then use a special cream for nails.

The cream can be bought at the store or you can make it yourself. For example, cottage cheese and herbal. Take one tablespoon each of crushed fresh dandelion leaves and nettle leaves. Pour a small amount of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours.

Then squeeze the herb and mix it with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Mix well and apply the mixture on your nails. Wash your hands with warm water after 20-30 minutes.

Do oil baths twice a week. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, such as sunflower or olive, a few drops of glycerin and a few drops of iodine. Mix well. Dip your fingers in the oil for 5-10 minutes.

Drink vitamins and special bioactive supplements. For the rapid growth of nails, calcium, vitamins of groups A, B, E, H are needed.

To keep nails strong and


They need salt baths. Pour about a third of a glass of salt into a metal cup. Fill it with a glass of water. Put on medium heat. Wait for the salt crystals to dissolve.

Then cool the solution a little, so that the hand endures. Dip your fingers into the salt water and hold them there until the solution cools. Then wash your hands with warm water and lubricate them with a special cream. Repeat this procedure once a week.

If you have the opportunity to go to the salon, sign up for paraffin therapy. This procedure mineralizes the nails and prevents their deformation. Paraffin baths should be done at least once a month.

From time to time, let your nails rest for a few days from varnish. And so that the nail plates are well saturated with oxygen, lubricate them with 3% hydrogen peroxide.


  • how to make nails long at home in 2018

Most modern parents raise their children according to the basic principle of child-centrism: "All the best for children." And few people think about the fact that the happiness of a child does not lie in the latest iPhone model and not in a huge number of additional activities.

How to raise a child? Modern parents, for some reason, are increasingly investing in the answer to this question material value, and not moral. We completely forgot that an inexpensive education and the best things in the “arsenal” of our children are the basis of character, habits and attitudes towards the world around us, relatives and friends. We raise children on the principle of child-centrism. Russian journalist and prose writer Yevgeny Schwartz described this social phenomenon in the middle of the last century more precisely than all psychologists and teachers: “Children need to be pampered, because this is the only way to grow real robbers out of them.”

If the best becomes the enemy of the good

Modern moms and dads are trying to compensate for the lack of their attention and personal communication with all the best - commercial schools and clinics, branded clothes and expensive gadgets. Harmonious development? Easy - drawing, swimming pool, sports, foreign languages. And this approach has a negative impact not only on the child, but also on adults. You need to have time for everything - to work, to take away at lunch or take the child to a circle (training, classes). Not everyone can afford nannies and assistants, which means you will have to sacrifice your minutes of rest and nerves.

Detocentrism is the principle of building family relationships when the whole world revolves only around the child and for the child.

The first victim of child-centrism is adults. And the point is not only that they have a big load, but also that sooner or later mom and dad (grandparents) arrange a competition - who will be able and manage to do as much as possible for their beloved child. A conflict develops, which the child observes, and it is he who begins to consider himself the culprit.

Happiness is not in wealth or poor "rich" children

For a child, the fuss around him sooner or later becomes like a dance with tambourines, and he begins to hate it or take it for granted. As a result, he builds a family according to the principle "everything for me, I am the center of the universe." But what will this family be like if the other half was brought up in exactly the same way?

In tsarist Russia, the smallest rooms were allocated for children's rooms, even in rich large houses. And several children lived in such rooms.

I will show you the world of harmony and happiness

Teaching a child is the main task of parents. In our example, they form the image of the surrounding world and the model of behavior in the family. During the period of character formation, mom and dad should take on the role of leader, leader and mentor. In a family where child-centrism is practiced, this role is shifted and shifted to the child - he decides what and when, why and how much. The unformed nervous system of children in such a family is subject to stress, which by the age of 16-18 results in a steady apathy. The child simply gets tired of the fuss and striving for the unattainable. And if he also did not justify some of the hopes of his parents, then this can result in a stable inferiority complex.

Psychologists say that self-confidence is formed when a child feels protected and weak, follows his parents, listens to their advice and takes what is offered to him, and not what he chose himself. But you should not forget about the freedom of choice either - every step needs to be discussed with the children, their opinion should be found out and taken into account.

What is the secret of success

Child-centrism is a trap in the modern world, but avoiding this "trap" is easy. How to raise children correctly? Follow just 4 basics of communication.

  • Show that your other half means a lot to you too.
  • Be selfish - do not forget about your desires, needs, do not try to predict the desires of the child.
  • Clear boundaries, even in the daily routine (breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleep, time for games and activities) will help reduce the baby's anxiety and build a sense of self-confidence. In addition, the rules of conduct are also important - it is impossible and possible to remain unchanged, regardless of the situation.
  • Away with illusions - you do not need to raise your child, protecting him from reality. This will teach him to adequately perceive society, build relationships with others without the help of parents.

And most importantly - be together more, talk, become a friend, and not a source of material wealth.


  • What to do if the child grew up selfish? How to re-educate him?

How to grow a crystal at home from salt

Salt is one of the most mysterious crystals on our planet. No wonder it has always been highly valued and widely used in magical rituals. Today it is cheap, but still has not revealed all its secrets. Scientists say that in the future, salt crystals will be the main carriers of information.

Water is no less a strange substance. It can be in all states of aggregation, and the solid fraction is lighter than the liquid. Their combination greatly enhances the properties of both elements.

Many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva, for the treatment of PRESSURE JUMPS and hypertension. We definitely recommend checking it out.

No wonder the composition of sea water in terms of the concentration of sodium chloride exactly corresponds to the parameters of human blood plasma.

A solution of salt in water has been used for practical medicine from time immemorial. Predominantly hypertonic, that is, more than 0.9%. This number indicates the isotonic concentration, similar to that in the blood. Salt water has the ability to kill germs in a wound, promoting wound healing.

This quality is in demand when canning anything, both in industrial and at home conditions.

The ability of a hypertonic solution to create osmotic pressure is used to draw out all sorts of harmful substances from adjacent tissues in a diseased organism.

This effect is also used in industry for cleaning and disinfection purposes.

Cool salt solutions come in handy both for their application on the surface of human skin and inside the body.

  1. Lotions in places of violation of the integrity of the skin.
  2. In areas of the body under which inflammatory processes develop.
  3. Mouth rinses.
  4. Therapeutic enemas and douches.
  5. Intravenous administration.

The latter method requires the use of solutions manufactured under industrial conditions of pharmaceutical enterprises. Parenteral infusions of hypertonic saline fluid are carried out in cases of emergency care for large blood loss or to stop urine production.

In the first situation, salt draws fluid from the surrounding tissues into the bloodstream, maintaining a sufficient volume of blood in the vessels for life.

In the second case, it inhibits the body's loss of the necessary moisture by disturbing the system of enraged urination by diseased kidneys.

I recently read an article that talks about "Normalife" treatment of hypertension and vascular cleansing. With the help of this syrup, you can FOREVER cure hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, neuroses and many other diseases of the heart and blood vessels at home.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a bag. I noticed changes in a week: pressure returned to normal, constant headaches and dizziness subsided, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely, vision and coordination improved. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

For other activities, you can prepare a solution of the required concentration literally in the kitchen of your own apartment. This will require salt, a tablespoon, a clean container and purified warm boiled water. Basic math skills will also come in handy.

The resulting composition to combat suppurative processes in superficial wounds or inflammation of the joints is wetted with cotton fabric. It should have 8 layers.

Then it is squeezed out and superimposed on the affected area. In no case should polyethylene or other material that can block air ingress be used. The lotion is simply bandaged or fixed with adhesive tape at the site of application.

For such purposes, a salt solution with a concentration of 10% is prepared. This is the maximum allowable dilution. Stronger formulations will wreak havoc by drying out and destroying underlying healthy tissue.

The defect or inflammation will only increase. This solution can be used to cleanse the liver. Lotions alternate with heating the organ with a heating pad. Salt helps poisons to enter the lumen of the excretory ducts, and heat expands their lumen.

As a result, the contents enter the intestinal space and are expelled out. This technique can be used only with the permission of a doctor.

In the mouth, the mucosa is quite resistant to chemical attack, but requires careful handling. Therefore, the concentration of the solution should be lower than on the skin. 2% or slightly more salt content is enough. Rinsing with sore throat, stomatitis, tonsillitis helps well.

Washing the nasal passages with a similar solution relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, warms it up, increasing blood circulation.

Promotes the outflow of mucus and pus from the sinuses with sinusitis. The patency of the airways is restored. Sometimes an antibiotic powder is added to the composition for a greater effect.

During constipation, dry stools cannot come out of the insufficiently hydrated intestines. In this case, an enema with a hypertonic solution is placed.

It simultaneously destroys fecal conglomerates and attracts fluid into the intestinal lumen. The irritating effect of salt stimulates peristalsis. The intestines are emptied.

For klistir, the required concentration of the solution is 5%. The same amount of sodium chloride will be required in the composition for douching with inflammation of the vagina and treatment of the perineum during cystitis.

So that the infection does not spread to a neighboring organ. Two physiological openings are too close.

It is very easy to prepare the solution. To do this, stock up on salt, a stainless steel tablespoon and a glass vessel. The use of objects made of chemically resistant materials is necessary, since NaCl is an aggressive substance and can destroy the structure of the vessel, the molecules of which will enter the solution.

30 g of salt is placed in the volume of a tablespoon without a slide. Therefore, to obtain a 10% solution, you will need 3 tablespoons and a small pinch per 1 liter of pure water.

Other concentrations can be obtained from this amount by dilutions. This will serve as simple mathematical calculations. For example, a 5% composition can be obtained from 10% by diluting it with clean water of the same volume.

You can use your sense of taste to make small amounts of salt water, for example, to flush your nasal passages. Add salt little by little to a glass of water and taste the resulting solution on your tongue. It should be salty, but not cause a burning sensation and nausea.

If you use a ready-made pharmacy isotonic 0.9% solution, then to get 10% you need to add exactly three tablespoons of salt to it. After all, 1% is already contained in it initially. You can use distilled water as a liquid base.

It is better to warm it up a little before mixing. Heat will act as a catalyst for the process. Then sodium chloride will disperse faster and break up into small particles. If a saturated liquid is to be used for internal consumption, it must be boiled for safety.

Cool under a tight lid. In modern medicine, the actions of a saline solution are replaced by antibiotics, to which microbes quickly become addicted.

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs along the way destroy the activity and integrity of the gastrointestinal tract. All of these and other medicines can cause allergic reactions.

Absolutely all drugs have contraindications and undesirable third-party effects that will require the appointment of other drugs to eliminate the disorders caused by them. And so a sick person will walk in a vicious circle from the next pill to the next injection.

Salt does not have these negative qualities. All that is required is a competent approach to choosing the correct concentration of it in a solution and observing the time and frequency of exposure. Of course, this is not a panacea.

But in vain it is impossible to forget such a valuable assistant in maintaining and restoring one's health. As a condiment in excess, salt is white death. But as a deliverer from adversity - a doctor.

Have you ever experienced high blood pressure!? Judging by the fact that you are now reading this article, then you know firsthand what is:

  • dizziness and headache often occur.
  • heart palpitations appear.
  • there is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion ...
  • and you have been taking a bunch of medications for a long time, dieting and watching your weight ...

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? And how much time have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL AGAIN. And this can lead to more serious consequences, such as heart attack and stroke.

Deterioration of general well-being makes a person think about the state of his health, consult a doctor for help. This is the right approach, since timely diagnosis of pathology allows you to start treatment on time, preventing the occurrence of dangerous complications. In such a situation, the patient's mood is worsened only by the thought that he will have to incur unforeseen expenses, since medicines in a pharmacy are often highly priced.

A special saline solution is used to treat hypertension.

In fact, it is possible for certain diseases not to purchase pharmaceutical products, but to prepare them yourself at home. In particular, it is quite easy to prepare a hypertonic sodium chloride solution, which has unique therapeutic characteristics. It is enough to listen to the recommendations of the doctor and strictly follow the instructions received.

Trying to find information on how to prepare a hypertonic solution at home, you will be incredibly surprised, because for this you only need to prepare water and rock salt. Many reject table salt, considering it the culprit of many diseases. This is partly true, but only if salty foods are consumed in large quantities. Rock salt not only promotes the successful functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, this unique natural product has amazing healing properties. In addition, such a tool is able to quickly destroy harmful microorganisms, viruses and bacteria, preventing the development of the inflammatory process.

Now that it has become clear how useful hypertonic saline is in the treatment of certain pathologies, many people have a question where to find a recipe for its preparation. Many refuse such an idea right away, believing that they will have to carry out some incredible manipulations. If fear manifests itself or laziness overcomes, then, of course, it is easier to go to the pharmacy and purchase a ready-made hypertonic salt solution in it. However, in this case, you will have to tune in to the fact that the wallet will be empty by several bills.

Still, it’s easier to take care of your own health on your own by getting the right portion of saline hypertonic solution at home, especially since no complicated manipulations are supposed to be performed, the recipe does not contain complex components. It is enough to prepare a glass of water and a few tablespoons of rock salt. The hypertonic saline solution owes its name to the fact that its preparation involves the use of a sufficient amount of sodium chloride, which is no coincidence, since such a concentration allows osmotic pressure to prevail over intracellular pressure.

Doctors claim that a 10 percent solution is able to successfully remove excess fluid from the intracellular space. And it's so easy to make sure if you get acquainted with all the healing properties of this amazing hypertonic saline solution, and then apply the knowledge gained in practice. One may be surprised that the prepared remedy is able to remove excess fluid not only from the subcutaneous layer, but also from its deeper layers. It is also impressive that a person gets rid of not only puffiness, but along with the liquid come out:

  • purulent accumulations;
  • pathogenic microorganisms;
  • dead cells of the epidermis;
  • toxic ingredients.

As a result, such a simple recipe contributes to the cleansing and renewal of fluid in a specific area of ​​the body, followed by the process of eliminating the cause that provoked the pathology. At its core, a hypertonic solution performs the same functions that are assigned by nature to the lymphatic system. If it does not cope with cleansing tasks, then the person himself must help the body undergo a good and gentle cleansing.

Despite the fact that treatment with a hypertonic saline solution has shown good results, it is still strictly forbidden to self-medicate. It is important to consult a doctor, undergo a diagnostic examination in order to accurately understand what depresses the body, what pathology is actively developing. The doctor will definitely develop a scheme for providing assistance, involving the successful combination of drug therapy and the use of traditional medicine recipes, including the use of water with salt dissolved in it.

The list of pathologies that can be successfully eliminated by using a hypertonic solution is quite large, so many truly consider this remedy unique. Salt water solution can cure:

  • headaches and migraines;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sore throat;
  • hypertension;
  • bouts of hypertension;
  • puffiness;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hematomas;
  • joint damage;
  • pathological changes in tissues;
  • gynecological diseases.

The use of saline solution also applies to such cases as frostbite of the limbs, burns, purulent wounds. It is even possible to alleviate a person’s condition after insect bites if a saline solution is applied to the damaged area.

Convinced that salt is an excellent remedy in experienced hands, it is useful to find the right recipe that fully informs you how to make hypertonic saline. This is very important, because on the Internet you can often find distorted information, using which you can not only not get the expected result, but also harm the body. The correct prescription can be provided by the attending physician when prescribing the main treatment.

To prepare a hypertonic solution, you need to boil and cool water in advance. If desired, you can use melted or distilled water. Next, measure exactly one liter of such water, pour 90 g of salt into it. Now it is very important that each salt crystal is completely dissolved. For this reason, it is recommended to thoroughly stir the resulting solution, if this process is accompanied by difficulties, you can slightly warm the water. After dissolving all the salt, the solution is ready for use.

By the way, in medical practice, not only a 10% solution can be used, but also a solution with a lower salt concentration. In particular, if gargling is to be done, then salt is taken in the amount of 2 g per half glass of water. For washing the nose, which is often recommended when sinusitis is diagnosed, you need to use 80 g of salt per liter of water. For an enema, a 5% sodium chloride solution is considered ideal.

For the treatment of certain diseases with a solution of sodium chloride, it is required to apply lotions or dressings to the affected areas. It is very important to use only a fresh product, since the one that was prepared the day before loses a lot of its healing properties. For this reason, doctors recommend not to take one liter of water as indicated in the recipe, but to independently calculate the ratio needed to prepare about 200 ml. healing fluid. It is this amount that will be enough for one procedure.

Immediately before the procedure, the solution must be heated so that it is hot, but does not burn the skin. When the prepared solution is ready, you need to take a piece of gauze folded in 8 layers and lower it for one minute. After that, you need to squeeze the cut so that no trickles of water run from it. A gauze cut should be wrapped around the affected area, and a woolen cloth should be applied over it. If suddenly you didn’t find a gauze cut in your stock, and it’s too late to buy, since all pharmacies are closed, it doesn’t matter, use a towel or flannel fabric, the result of such changes will not worsen.

If you had to wrap part of the leg so that the bandage does not fall off, you can wrap it and secure it with an additional bandage. In no case should it be fixed with cellophane or other materials that prevent the normal penetration of air. The healing properties of a hypertonic solution will manifest themselves only if normal air access is provided to it. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to use the unique solution, because, like many medicines, this solution also has several contraindications.

In particular, the doctor will not even allow to try such a prescription for those who have previously been diagnosed with:

  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • heart pathology.

Important to remember that the solution is applied only externally, it should not be allowed to be injected under the skin. If one wishes to experiment, tissue necrosis and more dire consequences may occur. Experimenting with your own health is unacceptable.

So, treatment with a saline solution is indeed accompanied by high efficiency, if carried out with the permission of the doctor, and all manipulations are carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions provided.

Get a job: solution, what substance, and in what quantity should be prepared. Based on the solubility coefficient, calculate the required amount of substance and water. Transfer the substance to be dissolved with a spatula onto a pre-weighed watch glass and weigh a little more than the calculated value. The weight of the substance is determined by the difference between the total mass of the substance with the watch glass and the mass of the pure watch glass. Place a sample of the substance in a glass with a capacity of 250 ml and add the required volume of water, taken with a cylinder, to it. With a small portion of water from the selected volume, wash off the remnants of the substance from the watch glass into a glass for dissolution.

Use the reference manual to determine how the solubility coefficient changes depending on the change in temperature. Achieve the dissolution of the excess mass of the substance in a given volume of solution by changing the external conditions (how to do this in a particular case?). Bring the prepared solution to standard conditions and, if excess solute crystallizes, filter. Determine the density of the saturated solution using the procedure described below.

Calculate the molar concentration and the molar concentration of the solution equivalent. Present the results of the experiment in the form of a table.

Table 1

    Determination of the density of the solution

To determine the density of the solution, a set of hydrometers with different calibration scales is used. The solution for measuring the density is placed in a tall vessel (cylinder), not completely filling it. From the set, choose a hydrometer with a density scale that is closest to the expected density of the solution. The hydrometer with its wide weighted end is slowly immersed in the solution. In this case, the thin part of the hydrometer is held with two fingers until a buoyant force (floating) is felt. The hydrometer is released and the density is read from the lower level of the solution meniscus on the hydrometer scale. If the hydrometer floats or the level of the solution does not reach the scale, a hydrometer with a scale designed for a higher density should be used. If the hydrometer sinks in solution or the liquid level is above the graduated scale, use a hydrometer designed for a lower density.

When using a hydrometer, before and after use, rinse it in distilled water and dry it with filter paper. Why is it necessary to do this?

The densities of solutions of acids, alkalis, salts, depending on the concentrations of their solutions, are presented in reference manuals.

    Preparation of solutions by dilution

Get 2 tasks from the teacher:

    From the previously prepared saturated NaCl solution, prepare a more dilute salt solution of a given molar concentration in a given volume (100, 50, 200, 250 ml). To do this, it is necessary to calculate what mass of the solute is required to prepare a given volume of the solution, in what volume of the initial solution the calculated mass of the solute is contained. Select the required (calculated) volume of the solution with a pipette and transfer to a volumetric flask. Bring the volume to the mark by adding distilled water. Check the correctness of the preparation of the solution by density (See reference book Yu.Yu. Lurie).

Experience 1. Preparation of an alkali solution with a given mass fraction for a sample of crystalline alkali

    Get an assignment from a teacher. Prepare a certain amount (in ml) of a solution of concentration given by the teacher from crystalline sodium or potassium hydroxide and water.

    Weigh out the calculated amount of potassium or sodium hydroxide in a pre-weighed beaker on a technical balance. (Caution! Protect your eyes! Do not touch the alkali granules with your hands! Take the substance only with a clean spatula!)

    Use a measuring cylinder to measure the required amount of water, pour the water into a glass and dissolve the alkali in it, gently stirring the solution with a glass rod. Cool the solution to ambient temperature.

    Determine the density of the resulting solution. To do this, pour the solution into the prepared dry (or rinsed with this solution) cylinder, lower the hydrometer into it so that it does not touch the walls of the cylinder, does not sink or float. Mark the division of the scale, which coincides with the lower edge of the meniscus of the liquid in the cylinder, read the scale from top to bottom. Rinse the hydrometer with distilled water, wipe it carefully and hand it over to the laboratory assistant, pour the solution into the prepared flask. Compare the obtained value of the density of the alkali solution with the table and determine the mass fraction of the prepared solution according to the table, based on the experimental value of the density of the resulting alkali solution.

If the tabulated density data do not exactly match the hydrometer readings, then the concentration is determined by interpolation. In a narrow interval, the dependence of density on concentration can be considered linear. Let us assume that with the help of a hydrometer it is found that the density of the solution is 1.247. The table also shows densities of 1.241 and 1.263, which correspond to concentrations of 22% and 24%. Therefore, a change in concentration by 2% corresponds to a change in density by 1.263-1.241 = 0.022. Our solution differs in density from 1.241 by a value equal to 0.006 (1.247-1.241). We make a proportion:

0.006 –X% X = 0.3%

Therefore, the original solution contained 22 + 0.3 = 22.3%

    Enter the obtained data in table 2.

table 2

Experience 2 Determination of the molar concentration of the equivalent of the prepared alkali solution

    Determine the exact concentration of the alkali solution prepared in the previous experiment by titrating it with an acid solution of exactly known concentration. The titration operation is performed as follows. Rinse the burette with an acid solution of exactly known concentration. Use a funnel to fill the burette with the solution. Then fill the burette with the acid solution so that the meniscus of the solution coincides with the zero division of the burette. The spout of the burette must be completely filled with liquid (there must be no air bubbles). Rinse a thoroughly washed 5 ml pipette with the analyzed alkali solution prepared in the first experiment. Then, with this pipette, take 5 ml of alkali solution into a conical titration flask (remove the last drops from the pipette by touching the pipette tip to the wall of the flask, but don't blow it!). Add 2-3 drops of methyl orange indicator to the flask. What color will the solution take on? Put the flask with the solution on a sheet of white paper and place it under the burette so that its end is immersed in the flask by about 1 cm. Place the flask with the reference solution next to it (add 2-3 drops of the indicator into distilled water). Add the acid solution from the burette drop by drop into the flask with the alkali solution with the left hand, constantly stirring the liquid with the right hand by rotating the flask. Do not remove the flask from under the burette. The end of the reaction is determined by the instantaneous change in the color of the alkali solution. As a result of this experiment, the amount of acid required to neutralize the alkali is determined to the nearest 1 ml. The titration is repeated at least 3 times. The result of the first experiment is considered as indicative and is not taken into account in the calculation. In subsequent titrations, first quickly add from the burette into the flask the amount of acid necessary for neutralization, with the exception of the last milliliter, which is added dropwise to the solution until the addition of one drop causes a change in color of the solution.

Compare the color of the solution at the equivalence point with the color of the reference solution.

The volume of the acid solution used for neutralization is counted from the lower meniscus with an accuracy of 0.05 ml. From the data obtained, which should not differ from each other by more than 0.1 ml, find the average value.

Table 3

    Compare the concentration of the alkali solution calculated in experiment 1 and experiment 2. Explain the results.

    Control questions.

    When interacting with water of a certain metal, when heated, a divalent oxide of this metal was formed with a mass of 16.2 g and hydrogen with a mass of 0.4 g. Determine which metal was taken to react with water

    A solution with a mass fraction of sulfuric acid of 44% has a density of 1.34 g / ml. Calculate the amount of substance H2SO4 contained in 1 liter of such a solution.

    Determine the mass of sulfur oxide (VI), which must be dissolved in 4 kg of water to obtain a solution with a mass fraction of sulfuric acid of 4.9%.

    Determine the mass of a solution with a mass fraction of sulfuric acid of 5%, which will be required for the reaction with 4 g of copper oxide (II).

    To completely dissolve magnesium oxide weighing 3.6 g, a solution of hydrochloric acid weighing 65.7 g was required. Calculate the mass fraction of HCl in the acid solution.

    Calcium oxide weighing 2.8 g was dissolved in 200 g of hydrochloric acid. Calculate the mass fraction of calcium chloride in the resulting solution.

    An excess of potassium sulfide solution was added to a solution of lead (II) nitrate weighing 250 g. A precipitate was formed weighing 47.8 g. Determine the mass fraction of lead (II) nitrate in the initial solution.

    Calculate the mass fractions of sulfur and sulfur oxide (VI) in sulfuric acid and oleum, assuming that it has the composition H2SO4*SO3.

    An excess of barium chloride solution was added to 50 ml of a solution with a mass fraction of H2SO4 of 12% (density 1.08 g/ml). Determine the mass of the precipitate formed.

    The action of an excess of sulfuric acid on potassium chloride weighing 14.9 g produced hydrogen chloride, which was absorbed by 80 g of a solution with a mass fraction of sodium hydroxide of 15%. Determine whether the resulting solution will be alkaline or acidic.

To the question Tell an idiot how to make a crystal from salt? I dissolved in water up to a fig of salt (in warm). given by the author XMatvey the best answer is Pour table salt into a glass and leave for 5 minutes, after stirring. During this time, a glass of water will heat up, and the salt will dissolve. It is desirable that the temperature of the water does not decrease yet. Then add more salt and stir again. Repeat this step until the salt no longer dissolves and settles to the bottom of the glass. We got a saturated salt solution. Pour it into a clean container of the same volume, while getting rid of excess salt at the bottom. Choose any larger crystal of table salt you like and put it in the bottom of a glass with a saturated solution. You can tie a crystal to a thread and hang it so that it does not touch the walls of the glass. Now we have to wait. After a couple of days, you can notice a significant growth for the crystal. Every day it will increase. And if you do the same again (prepare a saturated salt solution and dip this crystal into it), then it will grow much faster (remove the crystal and use the already prepared solution, adding water and the necessary portion of food salt to it). Remember that the solution must be saturated, that is, when preparing the solution, salt should always remain at the bottom of the glass (just in case). For information: in 100 g of water at a temperature of 20 ° C, approximately 35 g of table salt can be dissolved. As the temperature rises, the solubility of the salt increases.
This is how table salt crystals are grown (or salt crystals, the shape and color of which you like best)

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Tell an idiot how to make a crystal from salt? I dissolved in water up to a fig of salt (in warm).

Answer from grow up[newbie]
you need to tie a thread to the salt crystal and lower it to the bottom of the glass so that it does not touch its walls, and leave it for several days, the crystal will grow every day.

Answer from Hair[guru]
Salt already consists of crystals, but small ones.

Answer from Hashid Gabbasov[guru]
The maximum solubility is at about 41 C (a funny solubility arc, you heat further and dissolve less). Pull off the hair of the girl's beloved and immerse the largest crystal in weight. They grow very large. I don't remember how many grams per litre. Nitrous silver record. 1700 per litre.

Answer from I-beam[guru]
"... Choose any larger crystal of table salt you like and put it on the bottom of a glass with a saturated solution. You can tie the crystal to a thread and hang it so that it does not touch the walls of the glass. Now you need to wait. After a couple of days, you can notice a significant crystal for growth. Every day it will increase ... "
We quote everything!

Answer from Andrey Shahnov[guru]
woolen thread hanging down the center of the glass

Answer from Peacemaker With Bazooka[guru]
Salt crystals - the growing process does not require any special chemicals. We all have table salt (or table salt) that we eat. It can also be called stone - all the same. Salt NaCl crystals are colorless transparent cubes. Let's start. Dilute the sodium chloride solution as follows: pour water into a container (for example, a glass) and place it in a saucepan with warm water (no more than 50 ° C - 60 ° C). Of course, ideally, if the water does not contain dissolved salts (i.e., distilled), but in our case, tap water can also be used. Pour table salt into a glass and leave for 5 minutes, after stirring. During this time, a glass of water will heat up, and the salt will dissolve. It is desirable that the temperature of the water does not decrease yet. Then add more salt and stir again. Repeat this step until the salt no longer dissolves and settles to the bottom of the glass. We got a saturated salt solution. Pour it into a clean container of the same volume, while getting rid of excess salt at the bottom. Choose any larger crystal of table salt you like and put it in the bottom of a glass with a saturated solution. You can tie a crystal to a thread and hang it so that it does not touch the walls of the glass. Now we have to wait. After a couple of days, you can notice a significant growth for the crystal. Every day it will increase. And if you do the same again (prepare a saturated salt solution and dip this crystal into it), then it will grow much faster (remove the crystal and use the already prepared solution, adding water and the necessary portion of food salt to it). Remember that the solution must be saturated, that is, when preparing the solution, salt should always remain at the bottom of the glass (just in case). For information: in 100 g of water at a temperature of 20 ° C, approximately 35 g of table salt can be dissolved. As the temperature rises, the solubility of the salt increases.
This is how table salt crystals are grown (or salt crystals, the shape and color of which you like best)


Continuation. See Nos. 4-14, 16-28, 30-34, 37-44, 47, 48/2002;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25-26, 27-28, 29, 30/2003

§ 6.1. Solutions, concentration, solubility


There are substances with an unlimited ability to dissolve in each other (for example, sulfuric acid and water or ethyl alcohol and water) and with a limited ability. To quantitatively characterize one substance to a limited extent dissolve in another, use the concept solubility, which is expressed by the concentration saturated solution.
A saturated solution is obtained when further dissolution of a given component in the solution stops. In a saturated solution, the concentration of this component is maximum under these conditions. A saturated solution must always be in equilibrium with the crystalline component (precipitate). The concentration of this component in a solution is called its solubility. A solution in which the concentration of this component is below its solubility is called unsaturated.
A solution in which the concentration of a solute is greater than its solubility is called supersaturated. Such solutions are usually obtained by supercooling the solution below the temperature at which it becomes saturated.

Sometimes they talk about the dissolution of metals, such as sodium in water or zinc in sulfuric acid. But we will call dissolution only such a process in which the solute can be separated from the solution in its original state by such simple operations as evaporation of the solvent, recrystallization, etc.

Solubility is conveniently expressed in mol/l, but it is often expressed as a percentage by mass, i.e., the number of grams of a solute in 100 g of a saturated solution. Solubility is sometimes expressed as the number of grams of solute per 100 g of solvent.

Example. The solubility of sodium chloride (common salt) NaCl in water at ordinary temperature (20 ° C) is 31.6 g per 100 g of water. Calculate the salt content of 10 g of saturated sodium chloride solution. (Note: "in saturated solution", not "per 100 g of water"! Solubility is expressed by the mass of salt that can be dissolved in 100 g of water to form a saturated solution.)

Let us determine the mass of water in 10 g of a saturated NaCl solution. Let us take the mass of sodium chloride in this solution as X g, then the mass of water will be equal to (10 - X) G.
Let's make a ratio:

Hence 100/(10 – X) = 31,6/X, And X= 2.4 g sodium chloride. The mass of water in this solution: 10 - 2.4 \u003d 7.6 g.

For most substances, solubility is highly dependent on temperature. To determine the solubility at different temperatures, reference tables or solubility curves are used (Fig. 6.1).
If a saturated solution is prepared at a temperature t 2 containing m 2 g of the substance per 100 g of water, and then cool to a temperature t 1 , at which the solubility is m 1 g, then a precipitate will form (provided that no supercooling has occurred and no supersaturated solution has formed) with a mass ( m 2 – m 1) Mr.

How many grams of potassium nitrate will precipitate when a solution of potassium nitrate in water saturated at a temperature of 60 ° C is cooled to a temperature of 20 ° C (see Fig. 6.1.)?

The solubility of sufficiently soluble substances is most simply determined by evaporating a certain amount of the solution and weighing the mass of the dry residue.

The mass of potassium nitrate in 100 g of solution is 13.02 100/50 \u003d 26.04 g. This mass of potassium nitrate falls on 100 - 26.04 \u003d 73.96 g of water in a saturated solution. We make the ratio:

Where X\u003d 26.04 100 / 73.96 \u003d 35.2 g. This is the solubility, that is, the mass of a solute in a saturated solution per 100 g of water.

One of the ways to purify them is based on the different solubility of substances - recrystallization. Purification is reduced to the dissolution of a contaminated substance in a suitable solvent at an elevated temperature and the subsequent separation of crystals of the substance to be purified from a supersaturated solution at a lower temperature.

Look at fig. 6.1. What substances can be purified by recrystallization? Is it possible to purify sodium chloride with this technique?

The saturated solution that remains after separation of the precipitated crystals is called royal. Some impurities may be removed with the precipitate. With repeated recrystallization, the purity of the substance increases.
The solubility of a substance, in essence, is the equilibrium constant of the heterogeneous process of the transition of a substance from a crystalline phase to a solution. In this regard, from the values ​​of solubility at two temperatures, it is easy to calculate the changes in enthalpy (thermal effect) and entropy during dissolution.
Let at a temperature T 2 the solubility of a substance is R 2 , and at a temperature T 1 solubility is R 1 . We compose a system of two equations with two unknowns ( H And S):

Then we calculate H And S.

Example. The solubility of silver chloride in water at a temperature of 10 ° C is 6.083 10 -6 mol / l,
and at 25 °C - 1.249 10 -5 mol/l. Calculate the change in enthalpy and entropy during the dissolution of silver chloride:

AgCl( kr.) = AgCl ( rr).

We compose a system of two equations:

We find from the first equation:

H solution = 27,997.048 + 298.2 S solution,

and substitute into the second equation:

28 282,968 = 27 997,048 + 298,2 S solution - 283.2 S sol.

We define S solution:

15S solution = 285.920;

S solution = 19.06 J/(K mol).

So, we have obtained a positive value of the change in entropy during the dissolution of silver chloride, showing that when silver chloride passes from the crystalline state to the solution (in the form of silver ions and chloride ions), the degree of disorder in the system increases.
We find the change in enthalpy by substituting the value S solution = 19.06 J / (K mol) into one of the equations, for example:

H sol \u003d 27,997.048 + 298.2 19.06 \u003d 33,681 J / mol.

When silver chloride is dissolved in water, 33.68 kJ of heat is absorbed per 1 mole of this substance.

The chemical composition of natural waters is of great importance in human life. For making various drinks
water is required, which has strictly defined concentrations of dissolved substances.
Absolutely insoluble substances do not exist in nature. Even the cleanest water on Earth in Lake Baikal contains salts that are washed out of rocks and soils by rivers flowing into the lake. Rain and water from melted snow are not completely pure water, but water containing 10–20 mg of dissolved substances per 1000 g of water. However, such water can be used for technical purposes when distilled water is required, for example, for preparing a sulfuric acid solution for a car battery.
If the water is kept for some time in a silver vessel, bacteria in the water die almost completely. Metallic silver dissolves in water, and silver ions have a strong bactericidal effect. In field conditions it is useful to drink water from a silver (silver-plated) glass. The use of silver cutlery when eating is also very helpful. Disinfects water and silver chloride, although it is practically insoluble in water. Small wounds can be treated with such solutions.
Natural waters differ in composition and amount of dissolved substances.
The concentration of organic substances in river water is about 20 mg/l, in ocean water - about 4 mg/l.

List the sources of organic matter in natural waters.

The lowest mineralized water in the world is the water of Lake Baikal, since the total content of inorganic salts in the lake does not exceed 100 mg/l.

In no case do not try to remember the numerical data that will be given below. Try to compare the composition of some waters.

Chemical composition of Lake Baikal water (mg/l):

The water of Lake Baikal tastes like distilled water. Notice how few chloride ions, iron ions, are in this water! Try to explain why there are quite a lot of bicarbonate ions and calcium ions in Baikal water.

Japan has repeatedly offered to buy Baikal water and build a pipeline for this.
Some information about Lake Baikal. Baikal is about 25 million years old. Baikal is the deepest body of water on the globe, located on the continent. The maximum depth is 1620 m. The volume of the lake is 23,000 km 3. The waters of Lake Baikal are transparent up to 40 m. Baikal contains 1/5 of the world's fresh water reserves.

Lakes containing inorganic salts above 35 g/l are mineral lakes. The saturated solution of these lakes is called brine. Due to the increased viscosity of highly mineralized waters, the distribution of heat from the surface into the depths of the water is difficult, therefore in summer the upper layer of water can heat up to a temperature of 50 ° C, in winter the water may not freeze even at -20 ° C.
Lake Baikal can be contrasted with another world-famous lake - the Dead Sea (Israel, Jordan) near Jerusalem. The composition of salts is dominated by magnesium chloride (52%) and sodium chloride (30%), there are also potassium chloride and magnesium bromide. Of course, all these substances in an aqueous solution are in the form of ions, but when they say "magnesium chloride", "sodium chloride" and other salts, they mean salts formed during the evaporation of water. Due to the high mineralization in the waters of the Dead Sea, there are no living organisms, except for some bacteria (preserved from ancient times). The water of the Dead Sea and the mud of the coast have high healing properties. The sea air is saturated with bromine and iodine vapors.

The water of the Dead Sea is thick and oily, like sunflower oil. It is impossible to walk along its bottom without special shoes, because it is dotted with sharp salt crystals. Water pushes a person out, so swimming on your stomach should be very careful - the buoyancy of water is so great that it turns a person over, and because of this, you can break your spine. World-famous resort towns have recently been built on the coast and new ones are being intensively built. They say that by working with their feet, a person swims not forward, but backward. To prepare a bath with water at home, the composition of which is close to the composition of the Dead Sea water, you need to throw three bags of salt into the bath, add water and mix (they say that this is impossible).
The Dead Sea is located almost 400 m below sea level. The depth of the lake reaches 356 m. The lake is fed by the waters of the Jordan River and several other small rivers. The surroundings of the lake are known for the fact that in 1947, in the caves of the Qumran desert area on the western coast of the Dead Sea, a young man of a nomadic Bedouin tribe, while searching for an escaped goat, found clay vessels with leather scrolls of ancient manuscripts describing the historical situation (2000 years ago) of the emergence of Christianity. These manuscripts are called Qumran manuscripts after the place where they were found.

Imagine that you work for a resort agency. You need to know which resorts treat certain diseases. This applies to the composition of mineral waters. What would you say to someone who wants to go to Pyatigorsk or Kislovodsk? Or maybe it's better not to travel far, but to drink "Moscow" mineral water?

The composition of the "Moscow" mineral water (g / l):

Compare the composition of the "Moscow" mineral water with the composition of the water of Lake Baikal. To do this, find the same ions and express their concentrations in the same units.

Kislovodsk is famous for its sources of narzan. Below is the chemical composition of narzan (g/l) of one of the sources of Kislovodsk:

What is the difference between Narzan water and Moscow mineral water?

Do you like to conduct scientific experiments and want to involve your children in this? The best way to do this is to try to grow a crystal together from ordinary salt, which everyone in the house probably has.

Safety regulations

The experiment is based on the chemical reaction of a saturated salt solution. Both cooking and sea are used almost every day in everyday life, it will not harm you. But still try to work with gloves and a scarf. This will prevent the ingress of foreign objects into the liquid - dust, hair.

If you have unhealed wounds or burrs on your hands, you need to be very careful, as the solution can corrode the skin in damaged areas and cause acute pain.

In order to grow such a crystal at home, you do not need any laboratory equipment. Everything you need is at your fingertips.

Regular salt crystals should have even, large faces

Do not add natural or artificial colors. This makes no sense: the salt crystal will still grow colorless.

How to grow a crystal

So, water and salt will act as reagents in the experiment, and the equipment will be:

Note! Jars or glasses must be absolutely clean. Any mote on their inner surface can become the basis for the growth of additional crystals that interfere with the main one.

Solution preparation

The germ of a crystal of sea or common salt

Prepare the embryos on which the crystals will grow. They should be large so that you can easily attach them to a thread.

The easiest way to make a selection is as follows: pour salt into the salt shaker and shake until all the small crystals fall out. Those that did not go through the holes of the salt shaker and remained inside are great for our purpose. Choose the largest of them, with a shape close to a rectangle, with a minimum of deviations.

Try to choose the largest and evenest crystals as the embryo of the future crystal

Fix the selected embryo on a thread, and, in turn, wind it on a stick or pencil so that over time it will be easy to adjust the immersion depth.


The main and longest phase of the experiment begins. In a saturated solution poured into a second jar, immerse the embryos, wrap the container with something warm so that the liquid cools more slowly.

If the solution was sufficiently saturated and clean, the embryos will increase slightly in a day. Otherwise, they will dissolve.

Now cover the top of the jar with paper to avoid dirt and dust, and leave for 3-4 days. Water will gradually evaporate, and salt will precipitate, growing on the embryo and ensuring the growth of crystals.

It is at this stage that mistakes made in the preparation process may appear. For example, you could incorrectly fasten a loop of thread on a crystal, and it will simply grow into the middle. To avoid this, fasten the embryo not in a knot, but in a thread loop, both ends of which are brought out. After the growth process is over, pull the ends of the loop one by one to loosen the clamp, and remove the thread.

If you want to grow a crystal quickly, take it out of the container after a few days. Over time, it should already increase in size. Prepare a new saturated salt solution and lower the crystal there again. Some experts advise simply adding the required amount of salt to the jar and mix thoroughly.

How to make a crystal at home (video)

As you can see, growing a crystal is not that difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the technology and follow the recommendations. Although this process is not a quick one, in the end you will get beautiful souvenirs that can be used as decoration or a gift. Tell us in the comments about your experience and what difficulties you faced. Good luck!
