
The benefits and harms of eating dried figs. For the urinary system

Figs can be eaten independent fruit or within different dishes, from this it does not lose its useful properties. It is generally accepted that figs do not have big amount vitamins, but it contains a large number of glucose, copper, sucrose, organic matter, pectin, fiber and iron.

The fig tree grows in Iran, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey and Central Asia. Very well adapted to climatic conditions in the Crimea and the Caucasus. And initially, the birthplace of this plant is considered to be Asia Minor.

On average, the tree grows up to 12 meters in height, its crown is wide, sprawling. The trunk has a dark gray color, its roots are powerful. On average, ficus can bear fruit for up to 200 years, and under favorable climatic conditions, its height reaches 80 meters. The leaves are beautiful, large, hard, with falling stipules. Trees grow female and male, and are pollinated among themselves with the help of insects (os - blastophage). The fruit of the fig tree resembles a pear in shape, the color is from blue-black to yellow, but yellow-green are more common. Taste u fresh figs sweet and juicy.

IN fresh figs contain up to 24% sugars, while in dried figs this figure triples and amounts to 77%.

The calorie content is very high: from 214 to 340 calories per 100 grams of dried product. This is due to the high sugar content in the fruit: for example, one fig sweeter than any candy 2 times.

Folk uses of figs for medicinal purposes

Figs, or fig widely used in folk medicine. Even in ancient times, they discovered how the benefits and harms of figs affect the health of the whole organism. Unique, healing properties This fig berry is excellent in the fight against coughs and sore throats. Tinctures, decoctions are prepared from the fruits and leaves of figs, taken orally as a medicine or compresses and lotions are made:

  1. Brew 2 tablespoons of dry seedlings in 1 glass of water or milk. This decoction is very good as a diaphoretic and a remedy for lowering body temperature.
  2. Can be applied to a specific area on the body to accelerate the maturation of abscesses or abscesses. For these purposes, both dried fruits and decoctions are suitable.
  3. For a mild laxative effect, simply eat figs.
  4. Figs contain a large amount of iron and are very useful for anemia.
  5. For colds and viral diseases, decoctions are taken orally, gargle.

Contraindications to the use of wine berries

Figs have beneficial properties, but they are also harmful. You can not take figs for people who suffer from diabetes. Due to the high content of oxalic acid in it, figs are not recommended for gout and pancreatitis.

The fig tree is useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but in the stages of severe inflammation and exacerbation, it can have the opposite result. This is where the benefits and harms of figs are combined.

It has contraindications for obese or overweight people.

Beneficial features

The most useful is the ingestion of fresh figs, but this berry comes to us in the form of jams, jams or dried. In this form, the composition of its substances changes slightly, but from this medicinal properties figs for human health do not weaken.

Eating wine berries regularly and in small doses can reduce a protruding tummy.

A large amount of potassium and sodium is very beneficial for the health of the hematopoietic and of cardio-vascular system body to prevent hypertension. The finitsin, which is part of the composition, perfectly lowers the level of blood clotting, promotes the resorption of blood clots.

Nutritionists recommend including berries in the diet for gastritis, as it restores intestinal motility and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber cleans the intestinal walls from fecal deposits. Due to the action of the berry on the human intestine, the absorption of cholesterol into the blood is inhibited.

The immune system is very grateful to figs for required amount vitamin C and beta-carotene. Cells of the immune system live and divide due to the beneficial properties of figs and provide the body with high resistance to viral and colds.

Figs in cosmetology

Many women try to maintain their attractive appearance and youth for many years. Figs contribute to this when taken orally, and when applied externally. The beneficial properties of the wine berry have been known for a very long time, and women have invented and tried a large number of recipes that include figs. Many cosmetic companies produce entire lines of various masks, lotions and creams. And from the pulp of fresh figs, rejuvenating face masks are prepared at home.

When taken orally, it has the following cosmetic properties:

  • strengthening of the nail plate;
  • improves skin condition;
  • smoothes wrinkles, making the skin supple and elastic;
  • improves the condition of the hair, prevents hair loss, cross-section, brittleness and dullness;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • promotes a beautiful tan;
  • fights acne and acne;
  • used for weight loss.

A beauty salon can be arranged at home. For example, to moisturize your hair, prepare the following mask: take a few pieces of figs and boil it in milk, cool, apply to the hair along the entire length, Special attention given to the roots. After that, wrap your head with a warm towel and stay like this for 40 minutes, then wash off the mask. Your hair will shine and become more hydrated and look healthy.

The benefits of figs for women and their body are irreplaceable. If during the period painful menstruation eat 3 berries a day - the menstrual cycle will soon normalize. For expectant mothers, this fruit contains a large amount of fiber and trace elements. During pregnancy, if you include it in your daily diet, it will replenish the body of a pregnant woman enough iron and will help maintain normal weight without harming the child and the health of the woman.

The benefits of figs for men and their body are irreplaceable. The fig tree has not bypassed in its medicinal properties and male half population. So, it is reliably known that an infusion of 5 figs, filled with boiling water and infused for an hour, can (with a course of 1 month) significantly help a man in curing prostatitis. It also supports the health of the entire excretory system and prevents the formation of kidney stones. True, the properties of figs will not cure prostatitis completely, but will help the disease to recede.

Fig king table

Dishes with figs are very popular in many countries of the world. A bunch of culinary masterpieces from it prepare the chef for the most refined gourmets. Figs can be one of the components of a sauce, main course or side dish. Also with this wine berry are obtained excellent desserts and baking. It is loved by adults and children, and the benefits of eating it are truly priceless.

Botanical characteristics of figs

Figs (fig tree, fig, wine berry) belong to the Crassulaceae family. It is a dioecious deciduous fruit tree. The height of the trunk is on average 10–20 m. The roots of the plant are powerful, woody, rooted deep enough in the soil. Common figs have dioecious flowers, collected in inflorescences, which can be spherical, pear-shaped or flattened.

The fruit has a thin skin, is a small achene, located inside a fleshy pear-shaped receptacle, weighs 20–75 g. The fig tree grows in Asia Minor (the birthplace of the plant), occurs naturally in Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Turkey and Central Asia . Figs are grown as a cultivated plant in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Useful properties of figs

Fig fruits contain sugars, pectin, proteins, fats, apple and citric acid. Anthocyanin glycosides, pantothenic and folic acids are present. Useful action vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, PP have an effect on the body and the work of various systems. Carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper are very effective in many diseases - these substances are involved in all processes of vital organs human body.

The leaves of the plant are rich in furocoumarin, psoralen and bergapten. Tannins and resinous substances were also found in them. Except ascorbic acid and routine, there is an essential oil.

Figs have a laxative, diuretic and expectorant effect, lower blood cholesterol levels, and its fatty acid omega-3 and omega-6 are essential for cardiovascular and nervous system. The plant also has anti-inflammatory properties.

The use of figs

Official medicine has long recognized figs as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for many diseases. Delicious fruits and healthy fruit are used in the treatment of blockage of the pulmonary artery, vein thrombosis, to restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The diuretic properties of figs make it possible to use it in diseases of the kidneys, hypertension.

The plant has an expectorant effect colds, relieves severe conditions with bronchitis and laryngitis. Broths, jams, boiled figs in milk have a diaphoretic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Decoction of figs: 2 tablespoons of dried figs are boiled in 1 glass of milk until softened. Take the drug 100 g 2-3 times a day. Such a medicine is recommended for, for gargling, externally in the form of poultices for acute inflammatory formation in the periosteum or connective tissue, abscesses,.

Fig fruits are useful for both adults and children. If you need to get rid of boils and, urticaria and ulcers, fresh leaves must be applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Recommended use fresh fruit weakened people who have suffered any disease. Figs can be dried, and in this or fresh form they are useful in epilepsy. Fruit juice helps to remove sand from the kidneys, heal wounds. You can get rid of warts and birthmarks by applying crushed unripe fruits to the skin.

The ashes of fig wood are insisted on water and lotions are made with this liquid for inflammation of the nerve. Fig leaves help with hardening of the eyelids and thickening of the membranes of the eyes. The resulting milky juice from figs is used to treat the initial stage of cataracts, remove the wet veil. and trace elements that make up figs contribute to the production of serotonin, a substance that improves mood and improves well-being. Folic acid is useful for pregnant women, as it participates in hematopoietic processes and supports immune system. Figs are considered the richest fruit in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and fiber. Figs are the leader in the content of minerals, which are so necessary in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Calcium has a beneficial effect on bones and. Thanks to fiber, the body easily fights cholesterol and gets rid of toxins. Prepared from figs delicious jams, marshmallow, sweets, compotes, wine, vinegar.

dried figs

In dried and dried form, the fruit has a high concentration of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugar. In 100 grams of this valuable product contains three hundred and forty kilocalories, so this is a very nutritious fruit. It is especially recommended to use it for problems with blood vessels and the heart, the ficin enzyme has a beneficial effect on the treatment of thrombosis.

Dried figs are effective as an antipyretic and have a diaphoretic effect. medicinal fruit acts as a laxative, and the miraculous decoction dried fruits figs in milk is used for whooping cough, dry cough, and swelling of the vocal cords. Dried fruits today can be bought at any supermarket, you need to choose light yellow fruits. They fill the body with energy, give strength, cheer up. Figs are used as an antitumor agent, they are taken during irradiation and anemia.

Figs with cough milk

In folk medicine, with coughing fits during a cold and with a decoction of fig fruits in milk, they are used. The course of treatment should be continued for 10-15 days, the drug will relieve cough and increase the body's resistance to respiratory diseases.

Recipe for figs in milk: for cooking healing drink you need to take 1.5 liters of pasteurized milk with a fat content of 3.2%, pour it into enamel pan, heat up, place one medium-sized well-washed fresh or dried fruit there, bring to a boil. With the lid tightly closed, the composition should be kept for 0.5 hours on low heat until the volume decreases by about 1/3, then wrap the pan to steam the figs and leave it until it cools completely: 3–4 hours is enough for the figs to give all their beneficial features.

It is necessary to store the product in a jar, tightly closed nylon cover, in a refrigerator. More than 0.5 liters of the drug cannot be cooked, on the second day it will thicken, it will be a little viscous.

Calorie content of figs

Fresh figs contain up to 24% sugars, dried ones - from 50 to 77%. The calorie content of dried fruits is 214 kcal per 100 grams, this is due to the high sugar content, it is impossible to eat a lot of them, a feeling of fullness quickly arises. If there is a body's need for sweet foods and at the same time you want to maintain harmony, then it is better to use figs. Since one fruit contains on average 40 to 50 calories and approximately 2 grams of carbohydrates, it is healthier than any candy. The fruits have very little fat.

Fig cultivation

Figs is quite exotic plant, not very adapted to living in Russia or Ukraine. But gardeners have learned to grow this crop in the southern regions, even on open field. The tree loves good lighting. Doesn't grow well under straight lines. sunbeams prefers moist soil. Figs are characterized by parthenocarpy - the formation of fruits without fertilization. Deciduous plant in general is not very demanding to care for, but needs good drainage.

During its development, it is necessary to limit the growth of the root system in order to prevent the growth of branches and trunk in height, otherwise such a tree will produce a small crop. Before planting, it is necessary to clear the soil of weeds, apply mineral fertilizer. Every spring around the fig tree should be mulched with rotted manure. After the formation of skeletal branches, pruning is performed to obtain a sufficient number of fruit branches, removing about half of the old fruit branches and shortening them to two leaves. This is done after the removal of the first and second harvest.

Fig Recipes

A decoction of dry fig seedlings in milk: 20 g of dry seedlings are poured into 1 cup of boiling milk and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. They drink a decoction with hot fruits for coughing, bronchial, tumors.

Decoction of fig fruits:

Recipe number 1: two tablespoons of dry seedlings should be poured with one glass hot water, insist on a water bath for half an hour in a sealed container, then strain, bring the liquid to its original volume and drink 0.5 cup three times a day before meals.

Recipe number 2: 50 g of dry fruits must be poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. It is recommended to drink the remedy at 3 times a day for 1/2 cup along with mashed fruits.

Fig leaf infusion: 3 tablespoons of dry leaves (collected before flowering) should be crushed, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 4-5 hours in a thermos. Take an infusion four times a day for 1/2 cup with bronchial asthma, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Recipe for laxative balls: 100 g figs, 100 g raisins, 0.5 teaspoon ground ginger and 0.5 teaspoon nutmeg chop and mix. We form a sausage from the resulting mixture and then cut it with a knife into circles 1 cm thick. Roll balls out of them and eat 1-2 balls in the morning on an empty stomach with constipation.

Fig syrup: to prepare it, you need to pour 8 pieces of crushed fruits into 250 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, then remove the figs, add 1 cup of sugar and add water to the original volume. Next, boil the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved, add the juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of ginger and pour the liquid into a vessel. Adults need to drink the remedy for 3-4 dessert spoons, children - 1-2 dessert spoons per day for problems with the digestive tract and.

Fig salad: mix 300 g of figs, 150 g of prunes, 2.5 tablespoons of almonds, 1 cup of acidophilus, orange zest, sugar to taste. Morning salad will help the cardiovascular system.

Figs for weight loss

Vitamins, beta-carotene, minerals, amino acids, pectin, fig enzymes have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Concentration nutrients in figs is in the correct ratio, this allows them to be well absorbed by the body. Figs have more potassium than bananas, it contributes to the normal functioning of the stomach, muscle elasticity, and removes excess fluid from the body. Figs are rich in substances that help reduce hunger.

Fruit grains are fiber that relieves constipation. All these wonderful properties make figs indispensable product with weight loss. There are many ways to replace sugar, which is so harmful for overweight people. Using figs with natural sugars, the presence of which is evidenced by a white coating on dried fruits (glucose crystals), it is recommended to replace one of the meals with two or three fruits several times a week.

In this case, no more food should be consumed. Many fruits cannot be eaten, otherwise the result will be the opposite. The fruit helps to restore strength, fills with energy. With the help of figs, the effect that is bad on the body during weight loss is noticeably reduced.

fig fruit

Depending on the variety, figs can have both yellow and black-and-blue color. But most often you can see yellow-green pear-shaped fruits the size of a walnut. The immature fruits contain milky juice, the taste is very sharp. Ripe fruits are full of small seeds, have a taste from sugary sweet to moderately sweet, as they contain fructose and glucose, malic and citric acids. The usefulness of fruits is determined by the presence of salts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, vitamins A, B and C.

carotenoids, pectin substances, enzymes, minerals, proteins and fats are stored in dried fruits, and their concentration in this type of fruit increases. Before use, the peel of the dried fruit is best removed or soaked in water, because it is highly rigid. The water in which the figs were soaked has healing properties, since minerals and minerals pass into it. fruit sugar so you can drink it.

Fig varieties

There are many varieties of figs. Dried fruits include:

gray early

Brunswick (chapla)


Crimean black


Sochi - 4




Variety allows you to choose the best of the best varieties, all of them have excellent characteristics, bear fruit well and do not require special care.

Nikitsky fragrant variety, used for making dried fruits, jams, and for fresh consumption.

Brunswick fig variety has very large fruits, differs in skin color, it can be bluish-purple or dark brown. The pulp is juicy, white or pink in color.

Magnolia also has large fruits, their skin is amber, the variety is used for canning.

In Corderia, the fruits are pear-shaped, large with a yellowish-greenish tint. pulp amber color juicy and very sweet. This variety of figs is common in dry areas.

San Pedro white - capable of producing two crops: one gives fruits with a shiny, yellow skin like a lemon, from the second harvest you can harvest fruits with a greenish tinge sea ​​water color, with red pulp, similar to strawberries, juicy, incredibly tasty and fragrant.

San Pedro black also gives two harvests: one, with fruits large sizes, used for fresh consumption, the second, with small fruits, is used for drying.

Smirnensky variety has medium-sized pear-shaped fruits. The skin is brownish-purple, sometimes greenish, the flesh is brownish-pink.

Figs during pregnancy

It is important for every woman during pregnancy to eat right, replenish the body with vitamins and other useful elements positively affecting the development of the fetus. Figs are one of the most essential ingredients in the diet of expectant mothers. Vitamin C, folic acid, proteins, potassium, calcium, iron, women will receive in sufficient volume, consuming at least 2-3 fig fruits daily.

In order not to gain weight, lovers of sweets can use figs as a sweet substitute. Figs satisfy hunger, natural sugar is not harmful to mother and child. A doctor's consultation, of course, in this matter will not be superfluous, since pregnant women with a diagnosis of "gestational" figs can be harmful.

fig leaves

Many today eat the fruits of this tree, but knowing the power of the leaves, they can be used to treat many ailments. Fig leaves are also edible, they help with diabetes, and are effective in lowering levels. Fig leaves - popular natural remedy from stomach ulcers. A decoction of dry fig leaves is drunk for dysentery, colitis.

Fig leaf infusion: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour and taken 1/3 or 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. You can make an infusion of fruit in milk.

fresh leaves figs are used to quickly ripen boils. Decoctions of leaves treat cough, bronchial asthma, kidneys.

Black fig

Black figs are incredibly useful, their healing properties are recognized official medicine. Eating one fruit daily for a month can reduce the likelihood of sclerotic plaques and blood clots. Useful substances of figs affect the functioning of the brain, capillaries. Essential oils enrich the blood with oxygen, the fruit is recommended for people of mental labor, creative individuals. Black figs are good to use in inflammatory processes in the larynx, kidneys, and urolithiasis.

This fruit also helps with bronchitis. Due to the presence of salts of potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, it is excellent for complex therapy for cardiovascular disorders, anemia. This is one of the most excellent folk remedies, which must be included in the diet of the elderly, real elixir youth, which will fill the energies, give strength. Black figs contain ficin, which can cleanse blood vessels giving them strength and elasticity.

Recipe number 1: mash well in a glass warm milk 4-5 pieces of figs. Take the remedy for 0.5 cup 2-4 times a day for bronchitis, tracheitis.

Recipe number 2: you need to boil on low heat in 1 glass of water 3-5 pieces of figs for 5 minutes, then knead and grind. Take a decoction during the day before meals, divided into equal portions. The tool promotes the crushing of stones and removes them from the kidneys and bladder.

Black figs combined with almonds are an excellent remedy for weight gain with severe weight loss and loss of appetite.

Contraindications to the use of figs

Figs are contraindicated in pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract. The ban on the use of figs applies to diseases such as enteritis, obesity. Because figs contain oxalic acid, people prone to the formation of stones in gallbladder, this fruit is also contraindicated.

Expert editor: Kuzmina Vera Valerievna| Dietitian, endocrinologist

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

The fig is the first plant whose name is mentioned in the Bible and is probably the oldest cultivated plant in the world.

Figs have several common names.

Figs have been known since ancient times

This is a fig tree, this is a fig tree, you can also hear the name "vin berry" and a fig tree.

Where does it grow

The fig tree has been known since ancient times. The mention of the fig tree dates back to the Bible and the Old and New Testaments. In Italy, legends are built around this unique tree and its delicious fruits.

In the Middle East and in Arabian tales, it is unthinkable not to meet some interesting fact or a legend associated with this ancient plant.

Figs grow in subtropical conditions. Often found in the Mediterranean countries, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Central Asia.
Figs grow in the subtropics

There are two varieties of figs: early (white) and blue (purple), which ripens two months after harvesting white fruits.

Processing types

With such a wide popularity and gastronomic appeal of this plant, it is still better to know how useful figs are and how to use them in different types.

It is used fresh, like berries, as a treat, dessert.

Also, the fruits are dried, dried, and already in dried fruits they also use the beneficial properties of figs. Dried fruits (per 100 g of the product) contain about 250 - 258 kcal, while fresh ones contain only 50 kcal.

Jams and jams are often made from the fig tree.

Composition of figs

The fruits of the fig tree contain almost all the substances and trace elements necessary for the health of the human body.
These are, the main ones, in mg (per 100 g of product):

  • Calcium - 162;
  • Sodium - 10;
  • Phosphorus - 67;
  • Potassium - 680;
  • Iron - 2.03;
  • Magnesium - 68;
  • Zinc - 0.55;
  • Copper - 0.287;
  • Manganese, Selenium, etc.

dried figs retains all useful properties


  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • Betaine;
  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Niacin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Folic acid, etc.

The composition of these fruits also includes fats, carbohydrates, vegetable fibers(fiber), starch, proteins and sugars.
That is why the beneficial properties of fresh figs are valuable for both women and men.

Dried figs retain all their beneficial properties in full.

Because this method is nothing more than getting rid of moisture in fruits, while preserving all vitamins and nutrients.


What are the benefits of figs and is it harmful:

Contraindications and harm

The beneficial properties of figs are obvious, but what are the contraindications and are there any?
The fruit of the fig tree is not desirable for consumption by people with disabilities digestive tract and intestines.

The fig tree is one of the few fruits that contains oxalates, a special substance found in some plants.

When these compounds become too abundant in body fluids, the process can lead to kidney or gallstone problems.

High concentration dietary fiber in figs can lead to excessive intestinal motility, which causes abdominal cramps and loose stools. Also, figs can bring harm to the body of those who are obese instead of good.

You will learn all the details about the benefits and dangers of figs from the video:


Since freshly picked figs can be stored for a very short time, about three days, and in a hermetically sealed container for about a week, figs are often dried or dried for future use.
What is the difference between the properties of dried figs, what are its benefits and harms, unlike useful qualities fresh fruit?

Dried fruits contain many times more sugar than fresh ones. The shelf life is significantly increased due to the lack of moisture in the pulp.

Once dried or cured, figs become a rather coarse food. Dried figs are eaten like raisins or ordinary dried fruits, but it is also possible pre-soak in boiling water or cold water.

The benefits and harms of dried figs

The most important property of dried figs for the body is the benefits that can be obtained throughout the year, regardless of the harvest season.
What is useful dried figs for women, this, among other things, is also an effective prevention of varicose veins. A few fruits are enough daily diet to keep the veins of the legs in good shape.

Figs tones the veins of the legs
The fig is known as Cleopatra's favorite fruit. Figs have beneficial properties for women in general for health and in particular for weight loss.

Dried fruits are divided into dried fruits of carbohydrate and lipid properties.
Dried fruits of the carbohydrate spectrum, these are figs, prunes, dates, apricots, etc. They consist of dried or candied fruits and are high in sugar and vitamins (especially A and E), but low in protein and lipids.

Dried fruits of the lipid (or oil) spectrum include fruits, seeds or toasted legumes, including walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and almonds. They are low in sugar but high content protein and lipids, although these are mostly "good" fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (Omega 9), which help fight cholesterol. They are also rich in vitamin A, E, calcium and potassium. The calorie content of oily dried fruits is about 600 kcal per 100 grams.

The top 10 aphrodisiac products include dried figs, so it is useful for men too. special properties. No wonder the ancient Greeks regularly used figs during sexual rites, when they celebrated the harvest of the year.

During pregnancy, figs undoubtedly bring more benefit than can be harmful if overused.
You will learn all the details from the video:

So, the harm of dried figs is minimal. It can only be applied if consumed by a person with an unhealthy gastrointestinal tract, or when overeating.

How to choose

It's good when the fig tree grows in own garden or in the region where the consumer lives.

But when you come to a store in the Urals, in Siberia or, for example, in middle lane Russia, you need to know how to choose dried figs so as not to waste your money.

Dried figs are best chosen for the following visible properties:

  • color from beige to light gray;
  • the surface must be matte;
  • a light layer of whitish color (protruding glucose);
  • no brown dents or damage.

Attention! If the surface is glossy, then the fruits are treated with sulfur waste.
Observing these few conditions, the purchased dried figs will only benefit, and not harm the buyer's body.

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This tree is mentioned in the Bible: Adam and Eve, expelled from paradise, were covered with its leaf, Christ cursed it, finding no fruit on it. But now we are all happy to find these juicy, sweetish fruits on store shelves. Figs - the same Fig tree from the Garden of Eden, the same Fig tree from the biblical parable. Eating fresh or dried fruits of this extraordinary tree, few people think about how important figs are for our health: everyone, especially women, needs to know the beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit.

Useful properties of figs

All the benefits of figs are in their amazing chemical composition. Each of the substances contained in it, getting into the human body, does a huge, exorbitant work there, debugging the vital activity of many systems and organs. Since the fruit comes to our table in different forms, it is quite natural to ask how fresh figs are useful and whether they lose their properties when dried. Indeed, there is a difference.

1. Chemical composition and useful properties of fresh figs:

  • glucose makes figs an excellent antitoxic agent;
  • fructose enhances the breakdown of alcohol in the blood, prevents the formation of plaque on the teeth, controls the level of sugar in the blood;
  • organic acids promote the regeneration of cells and tissues, so the benefits of figs for women are obvious: it has excellent anti-aging properties;
  • tannins are known for their anti-inflammatory and soothing effects;
  • proteins activate all metabolic processes in the body and are the building material for cells;
  • fats - main source energy for a person;
  • vitamins: carotene, B1, B3, PP, C - nourish cells, strengthen the immune system;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus - active participants in metabolic processes;
  • the calorie content of fresh figs is only 49 kcal, so the product is used in various weight loss programs.

2. Chemical composition and useful properties of dried figs:

  • glucose and fructose content dried fruits increases by 1.5 times, so they remove toxins from the body several times faster than fresh ones;
  • protein becomes almost 5 times more, so the benefit of dried figs is that a person receives much more energy;
  • the calorie content of dried figs increases to 214 kcal;
  • all other useful substances remain safe and sound even in dried fruits.

All these beneficial properties of figs make this fruit simply indispensable in some cases. Knowing him so unique composition, doctors and nutritionists have long recommended its use for certain diseases and cosmetic problems. Therefore, every woman who seeks to preserve her youth and beauty should know how useful figs are.

The use of figs in medicine and cosmetology

The unique medicinal properties of figs make it possible to use fresh fruits as an aid in the treatment and prevention of many fairly serious diseases. Moreover, they are used not only within traditional medicine: doctors very often prescribe figs to their patients in the following cases:

  • at food poisoning and intoxication of the body, with diarrhea and dysentery;
  • as a prophylactic in the fight against diabetes and caries;
  • against fatigue, as a natural energy drink;
  • with stress, nervousness, depression;
  • to strengthen immunity and against beriberi;
  • as a diaphoretic and antipyretic;
  • with anemia, since figs promote hematopoiesis;
  • in the treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and various cardiovascular diseases;
  • with pain in the chest;
  • for coughs, colds and bronchial asthma, rinsing with infusion of fig fruits is recommended;
  • the same infusion can be used for compresses in the treatment of abscesses of various origins, calluses, open wounds and tumors that do not heal for a long time (anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of tannins in the composition of fruits work);
  • doctors prescribe it as a diuretic for nephritis;
  • it also helps with whooping cough.

Dry fruits also have all the above listed properties, and besides, they are also used as effective remedy for weight loss, as they have a laxative effect. As a raw material for medicines, the fig leaf is used, which is the basis of the Psoberan drug used to treat baldness and vitiligo. Fig fruits can be found in the composition of the Kafiol laxative. Seed fruit, brewed in milk or boiling water, is used as a cough and sore throat remedy. In pharmacies, you can buy fig syrup - it tastes good and has very useful properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscular rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

The beneficial properties of figs for women and in cosmetology have been used:

  • improves skin condition: smoothes wrinkles, makes it supple and toned;
  • nails cease to exfoliate, become strong and durable;
  • strengthens hair, prevents their loss, brittleness and section;
  • has cleansing properties, exfoliating dead cells and providing cells with full respiration;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • eliminates acne, pimples.

Therefore, in modern cosmetology, fig extract is so actively used to create a whole line of masks, creams, lotions, tonics, healing and very effective cosmetics for hair and skin care products. From the pulp of this fruit, excellent anti-aging homemade masks are obtained.

So no matter how you turn this fruit - one sheer pleasure. But this is only at first glance. Given it powerful action on the body, it is worth remembering that figs are good and bad in one shell. You need to know the contraindications to its use, so as not to harm your health.

Contraindications and harm

There are not as many contraindications for the use of figs as indications, but they still exist:

  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, enteritis);
  • gout;
  • obesity.

With these diseases, figs can be eaten, but in very limited quantities.

Now you know if figs are good for you and if they are contraindicated for you. To make your skin shine with youth and beauty, your hair scattered in a thick cascade over your shoulders, and health cares have left you, do not neglect the fruits of a modest fig tree. It, like a life-giving source, will nourish your body with the necessary substances and will not let it go astray in its work.

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Many people know the name fig, but not everyone knows that this is not the only name for this plant. A fig tree, a fig tree, a fig, a fig or just a fig - this is the variety of names for this crop.

It is no coincidence that figs are called wine berries. The fact is that figs, ripening on a branch, begin to ferment under the influence of the sun and turn into real wine.

Figs are considered such an ancient plant culture that the mention of it can be found in the Bible: it was the leaf of the fig tree that covered Adam and Eve, who were expelled from paradise, and Christ, not finding fruits on it, cursed. And now we are happy to use these juicy and sweet fruits, which, by the way, are a culinary delicacy. It is worth noting that fresh figs are enough perishable product. Therefore, many prefer to enjoy fine taste dried figs that have absorbed all the energy of sunlight.


Figs are useful in any of its forms: as a dried fruit, canned and fresh. At the same time, many are interested in the question of whether dried figs lose their beneficial properties. We answer - it does not lose, but differs from fresh fruits in sugar content - in fresh fruits, the sugar content is about 24%, and in dried - about 37%.

The benefit of figs is given by its amazing chemical composition- pectin, vitamins, organic acids. Fig fruits contain such important minerals for the body as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium.

12 health benefits of figs

Fig fruits have not only bright palatability but also exhibit medicinal properties. And if you know what the benefits and harms of figs are, you can use this product with maximum benefit for good health.

The healing properties of figs, of course, are determined by the presence of a rich vitamin and mineral complex. Daily use several fruits of figs will forever forget about the deficiency in the body of a whole list useful substances. That's why special benefit figs give children and people with reduced immunity.

Regular consumption of fig fruits will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body.

    A large amount of magnesium and potassium makes figs able to normalize the work of the heart by maintaining normal blood pressure, lowering blood clotting, reducing the risk of thrombosis and tachycardia. Thanks to the substances ficin and pectin, which are part of figs, the blood thins, the resorption of cholesterol plaques occurs faster, and, consequently, the risks of developing a heart attack and stroke are reduced.

  1. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.

  2. Dried figs have an expectorant property, which is used in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, cough, tonsillitis, pneumonia, whooping cough. Only use in this case figs are more effective in the form of gruel with warm milk.

    The substance coumarin contained in figs is capable of developing prostate, breast and colon cancer. And benzaldehyde, which is also found in figs, completely blocks the development of tumor cells.

  3. Anti stress properties.

    Tryptophan and other organic acids in figs improve mood, increase energy, and help normalize sleep.

  4. Fresh figs have a low glycemic index which makes it possible to use them for people suffering from diabetes mild form. A decoction of fig leaves will help reduce the level of insulin in the blood.

    Fig juice helps to cope with ulcers, acne, as well as all sorts of wounds that he literally sticks together.

    Due to the presence of coumarin and furocoumarin in the composition of figs, painful symptoms during menstruation will come to naught. At the same time, three fruits of figs a day will restore strength and the amount of nutrients in the woman's body, which she needs so much during this period. Figs are also useful during pregnancy, firstly, with a unique set of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the development of an unborn baby. Secondly, the use of figs will save you from the occurrence of frequent phenomena during pregnancy - constipation and increased gas formation. Thirdly, figs are an excellent prevention in the fight against anemia due to the iron they contain.

    Due to the large amount of dietary fiber contained in figs, this fruit can be consumed during a diet.

  5. Influence on the work of the musculoskeletal system.

  6. Prevention of age-related macular degeneration.

    Numerous studies prove that eating three or more figs a day can help reduce the risk of developing vision problems in older people.

  7. Prevention of problems with potency in men.

    In the East, for many centuries, fig fruits have been used to increase male sexual strength, figs will also help in the fight against prostatitis, one has only to pour boiling water over the fruits and consume the decoction daily.

Not only fruits, but also fig leaves have found application in medicine, they are the main raw material for the production of the drug "Psoberan", which is effective in the treatment of baldness and vitiligo.

Many will be surprised by the fact that in pharmacies you can buy fig syrup, which also has a whole list of healing properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscular rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

Thus, the benefits of figs in the treatment of certain diseases are simply invaluable. Possessing a pronounced antipyretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory effect, fig fruits make every cell of our body work in a new and more efficient way.


In addition to the undoubted benefits, figs can cause some harm to health. Therefore, before using them, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

  • figs, especially dried ones, will be harmful in severe forms diabetes;
  • having a tendency to gout, you should not eat figs, due to the presence of a large amount of oxalic acid.
  • dried figs can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, so you should not use it for various inflammations of the digestive system.
  • Sweet figs eaten in large quantities can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity.
  • in the presence of stones in the kidneys or gallbladder, you should not use figs because high content oxalates, which will only exacerbate the course of the disease.

Figs should be used with caution. breastfeeding, because laxative effect fruit can cause diarrhea in the baby.

It is worth using dried figs with caution in bronchial asthma, since the fruit is often treated with sulfites and sulfur dioxide, which increases the shelf life of the product, but can provoke diseases of the respiratory system.

Eating too many figs can cause:

  • diarrhea
  • caries;
  • allergy.

It is also worth refusing to eat figs on the eve of the operation. This is due to the fact that the fruit promotes blood thinning, which can cause bleeding.

There are many legends around figs. For example, the botanist Theophrastus, well-known in antiquity, described hundreds of varieties of figs even before the advent of our era, and the most fragrant fruits were given their own names. And Cleopatra loved figs so much that even in the last minutes of her life she wanted to enjoy its taste, ordering to bring a snake in a basket with these fruits.
