
The dangers and benefits of decaffeinated coffee. Coffee brands, composition

Decaffeination- a process that results in a product (coffee, cocoa or tea) without caffeine. Decaffeinated (English decaffeinated) - that is, not containing caffeine.

100% caffeine removal is hardly possible, which is why decaffeinated drinks typically contain about 1-2% of the original amount of caffeine.

Speaking specifically about coffee, the decaffeination process usually begins with steaming unroasted (green) coffee beans. They are then placed in a solution that extracts the caffeine but leaves other important chemicals in the beans. The extraction process is repeated many times (from eight to twelve times) until up to 97% of caffeine is removed from the beans.

I think many people know that Arabica coffee contains half as much caffeine as Robusta, so the taste of the first is considered softer and nobler.

Caffeine in coffee.

Since caffeine is a substance that affects the psyche, excites the nervous system and stimulates nervous disorders, its use is contraindicated in a number of diseases: hypertension, nervous system disorders, insomnia, tachycardia. Also, caffeine has the property of stimulating cardiac function, as well as a diuretic effect.

By the way, let me remind you, when drinking a cup of coffee, do not forget to drink a glass of ordinary drinking water (to restore the water balance in the body and prevent dehydration). For the same reason, I do not recommend "refueling" coffee in conditions where there is no way to replenish the "reserves" of water.

As for the positive effects of caffeine, many experts believe that it has a positive effect on the human body during training: it not only makes us more resilient and increases energy reserves, but also causes muscle cells to use more fat as an energy source than would normally be used in the absence of caffeine.

However, as I already mentioned, caffeine has a psychostimulant effect and has an effect on the central nervous system. As a result, even healthy people are not recommended to abuse caffeinated coffee in the afternoon, and even more so before bedtime. In particular, for this reason, more and more people (including myself :) prefer decaffeinated coffee.

Decaffeinated coffee: benefits vs. harms.

If we talk about the benefits of decaffeinated coffee, I’ll say briefly: its benefits are the same (as regular non-decaffeinated coffee), except that the drink does not have a powerful tonic and stimulating effect. In a word, there is no caffeine - there are no side effects from it. And if you drink coffee for taste and aroma (like me :), then this option is quite suitable for you.

In addition, such a drink can be drunk almost without restriction (including before bedtime) - this will not affect sleep. Pregnant women are also not allowed to use it.

By the way, decaffeinated coffee during pregnancy reduces the risk of having children with low birth weight, and also limits the risk of preterm birth compared to pregnant women who drink regular coffee.

It is impossible not to say about this aspect: as a diuretic, coffee (any!) Accelerates the leaching of calcium. And the higher the dose of caffeine you consume, the higher your risk of osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become brittle.

A decaffeinated drink has a mild (compared to classic coffee) diuretic effect. But since in a cup of coffee (150 ml) without caffeine, the content of the latter still fluctuates at the level of 3-4 mg, then the effect will, of course, be weaker than from ordinary coffee. However, you should not forget to drink water either.

By removing fluid from the body, coffee lowers blood pressure. This should be remembered by people suffering from hypotension, as in regular coffee, the caffeine compensates for the decrease in pressure from the diuretic effect. Thus, the decaffeinated drink has a hypotonic effect. Is it a disadvantage or a virtue - to judge each of you.

If we talk about the taste of decaffeinated coffee, as for me, it is no different from ordinary coffee (if you buy ground and high-quality, from a good manufacturer, then, I assure you, hardly anyone will be able to distinguish it from a classic caffeinated drink just by taste. Checked repeatedly :). I personally always buy coffee from the German brand Dallmayr. It is 100% Arabica, light roast and mild flavor without bitterness.

P.S. Where is more caffeine?

Here are some popular foods and drinks that contain caffeine. Compare its content (mg) in 1 cup (150 ml) of drink or in 125 g:

  • Ground coffee - 115;
  • Instant coffee - 65;
  • Tea - 40;
  • Cola - 18;
  • Cocoa - 4;
  • Decaffeinated coffee or tea - 3;
  • Dark chocolate - 80;
  • Milk chocolate - 20;
  • Two pain pills - 60

How much does decaffeinated coffee cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Such a drink as coffee has long become a favorite on all continents of the planet Earth. The official history of coffee began in the 14th century, when coffee trees were brought from Ethiopia to the Arabian Peninsula. Already at the beginning of the 16th century, European merchants began to buy coffee beans in large volumes in Arab ports. In nature, there are about 90 species of coffee trees.

However, only two main types of plants are used for the production of the drink - Arabica, as well as Robusta. As a result of scientific research, it was found that the chemical composition of coffee contains about 1200 different compounds, 800 of which are responsible only for the original flavor of the drink. Coffee has special invigorating properties, which are due to the content of a significant amount of caffeine in the composition of the drink.

At its core, caffeine is a crystalline alkaloid found in the coffee or tea tree, as well as guarana and some other plants. Caffeine is actively used in the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of medicines that help with headaches, as well as migraines. It is worth noting that caffeine in large quantities is addictive, and also negatively affects the state of human health.

Composition of decaffeinated coffee

That is why decaffeinated coffee is currently very popular and in demand. Coffee beans undergo a decaffeination process. As a result, the chemical composition of coffee is freed from caffeine. In the composition of decaffeinated coffee, there is still a certain amount of a chemical compound harmful to the human body in large quantities. However, it would be more correct to say that decaffeinated coffee contains a meager amount of the substance.

Benefits of decaffeinated coffee

There are several main methods for decaffeination of coffee, which differ in the technique, as well as in the chemical reagents used in the processing of coffee beans. The main benefit of decaffeinated coffee is the low content of caffeine in the chemical composition of the drink. In addition, the benefits of decaffeinated coffee bring the same as a regular drink.

However, true connoisseurs of coffee consider the product without caffeine not invigorating enough. However, decaffeinated coffee will benefit some groups of people, such as pregnant women. Decaffeinated coffee does not have a powerful tonic effect on the human body, unlike the classic types of the product.

The dangers of decaffeinated coffee

However, in addition to the benefits, there is also a danger of decaffeinated coffee for human health, which lies in the chemical composition of the drink. It is worth noting that the harm of decaffeinated coffee, as in the case of conventional types of drink, can occur with regular use of the drink in unlimited quantities. Since decaffeinated coffee contains a certain amount of caffeine, this product is not recommended for use in a children's nutrition menu.

Calorie decaffeinated coffee 194.8 kcal

Energy value of decaffeinated coffee (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 0.1 g (~0 kcal)
: 0 g. (~0 kcal)
: 2.8 g. (~11 kcal)

Can a favorite drink be consumed without restrictions? Probably yes, if you remove the caffeine from it. But is this coffee really harmless?

Coffee has on the nervous system. That is why it helps to cheer up, concentrate, wake up in the morning. This property is due to the presence of caffeine in the composition - a fairly strong stimulant. But it is precisely because of this very caffeine that they talk about the dangers of a fragrant drink, as well as the need to limit its portions.

A good solution to the problem was getting decaffeinated coffee. After all, it turns out that such a drink is completely harmless and can be consumed in unlimited quantities. In fact, not everything is so simple.


A "safe" product is obtained by decaffeination. There are several options for technologies that allow you to extract caffeine from grains, while leaving all other components in them.

German entrepreneur Ludwig Roselius made a business out of this discovery and began producing a caffeine-free product.

After that, other technologies were developed: hot water treatment, steam. In most cases, various extraction chemicals are additionally used.


To find out how useful such a drink is, you need to list why caffeine is harmful.

Large amounts of caffeine can cause various problems.

  • Insomnia, anxiety, not passing fatigue - that's what can be observed in the diet. Moreover, a tense psychological state can lead to depression. A caffeine-free drink will not have this effect.
  • Increasing pressure. Although this issue is debatable. And it is believed that it is not caffeine that contributes to an increase in performance. Everyone reacts differently to coffee. And if the dependence of blood pressure on the number of servings of coffee is noted, then it is quite possible that without caffeine, grains will no longer have such an effect.
  • Caffeine affects the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle. When a large portion of caffeine enters the body at once, tachycardia may be noted, headaches of a vascular nature often appear. What's more, if you supplement caffeine with nicotine, you can significantly increase the risk of a heart attack. That's why a "coffee-free" drink can be especially popular among smokers.
  • Caffeine negatively affects the liver. Again, we are talking about large portions of it. Accordingly, if there are problems with this organ, coffee should be limited. Probably, decaffeination can help you not to give up your favorite drink.
  • Influence on the risks of oncology. Although this issue is very, very controversial. According to some studies, coffee, being a powerful antioxidant, prevents the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. For others, it helps. Therefore, if you believe the second version, then decaffeinated coffee is an opportunity to enjoy a drink without fear of getting sick.
  • Caffeine has a diuretic effect. That is why it is recommended to drink coffee with water. This is necessary to restore the water-salt balance. And, by the way, along with water, calcium is also excreted from the body, which leads to the risk of developing osteoporosis - brittle bones. A decaffeinated drink does not have this effect, at least not to the same extent. The less caffeine, the less calcium is leached out.

So far, all of the above has been in favor of "neutralized" coffee. However, he also has disadvantages.

  • Decaffeinated coffee lowers blood pressure. This is again due to the diuretic effect. But if in a regular drink the effect is balanced by the effect of caffeine, here hypotensive patients can feel a noticeable malaise. However, this fact can be usefully used by hypertensive patients.
  • It is impossible to completely remove caffeine. Therefore, a small percentage (1-2) of it still remains in the grains. Do not forget about this when offering such coffee to children or, for example, pregnant women.
  • Various chemicals are used to remove caffeine from beans. And you can not be completely sure that they are completely removed during processing. Natural grains are still without chemistry.
  • In general, decaffeinated coffee does not differ in taste and aroma from traditional coffee. It just does not have an invigorating effect, so you can drink it even at night. And as a fairly safe alternative to an exciting drink, it is very good.

Many people cannot imagine their morning without a cup of fragrant, strong and invigorating coffee. Despite everything, not everyone can resist the aroma of this divine drink. Those who are contraindicated in its use have found an alternative - decaffeinated coffee. The benefits and harms of such a product have become the subject of debate.

Decaffeinated coffee like dough without flour

There is an opinion that for the first time decaffeinated coffee was tested in the distant 14th century. One traveler was carrying coffee beans on a ship. As a result of the storm, all the grains were flooded with water. He dried them, roasted them and put them on the market.

Modern manufacturers of coffee products have long invented the formula for the perfect decaffeinated coffee. How is this drink made? There are many ways. Around the 15th and 16th century, varieties of coffee trees were discovered that did not contain caffeine in their beans. By the way, caffeine is considered an alkaloid that causes addiction.

These trees grow exclusively in Brazil, so the cost of the drink is correspondingly high and not everyone can afford to enjoy it. Other producers on the European continent began to come up with ways to eliminate caffeine from coffee beans. Most often, coffee beans are placed in warm water, and after soaking, they are treated with a special substance. The taste of such a drink changes significantly, and not for the better.

There is another way in which charcoal is used. A special technology allows you to eliminate caffeine, but retain all the aromatic oil extracts. The lack of caffeine does not affect the taste of the finished drink.

It is not too often that we buy decaffeinated coffee, and the brands of such a drink remain unknown to many. On the world market, you can buy ground coffee or instant coffee. Check out the products on offer in your nearest supermarket and you can find decaffeinated coffee brands from these brands:

  • "Aromatico";
  • "Grandos Extra Mocha";
  • Grandos Express.

Such drinks are made mainly in Germany, the United States of America, Switzerland and Colombia. There are also elite varieties of the drink, but you are unlikely to find them in a regular store.

Benefits in detail

It's no secret that natural coffee can be addictive. This is all due to the content of caffeine, which belongs to the group of alkaloids. Over time, especially with excessive use of an invigorating drink, irritability or depression may appear. For various reasons, people try to change their habits and adjust to drinking decaffeinated coffee.

The benefits of this drink are undeniable. This coffee does not contain fats and proteins, and the proportion of carbohydrates is negligible. What can not be said about the calorie content, because it reaches 194.8 Kcal. In addition, a caffeine-free drink has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • increased mental and physical activity;
  • the body becomes more resistant to stressful situations;
  • irritability appears less and less;
  • by improving the absorption of glucose, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced;
  • men can protect themselves from developing gout;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • reduces the risk of developing prostatitis.

There is an opinion that drinking decaffeinated coffee has a beneficial effect on the potency and activity of spermatozoa. To prevent the development of the above ailments, you should drink no more than five cups per day. Doctors say that an invigorating drink without an alkaloid substance helps prevent prostate cancer.

Particular attention should be paid to the beneficial properties of decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women. Women who are in an interesting position should generally forget about the existence of caffeine. What if before you could not live a day without a cup of coffee? We need to look for an alternative. Doctors say that decaffeinated coffee can satisfy gastronomic needs and benefit the body.

You can consume no more than 2-3 cups of this drink per day. This amount will be enough to satisfy your need. It also reduces the risk of miscarriage. But first, it is better to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

but on the other hand

Harm and benefit are lovebirds, two sides of the same coin. Despite the fact that decaffeinated coffee does not contain an alkaloid, as a result of chemical processing, a bunch of new elements have appeared in the drink that are not so useful.

When using 1-2 cups a day, there can be no talk of any harm. But those who drink more than 5 cups a day should think about the harm done to their body. Danger can lurk where it was not expected.

So, excessive consumption of a decaffeinated drink is harmful to our health. It consists in the following:

  • the level of intraocular pressure may increase, as a result of which the likelihood of developing glaucoma increases;
  • frequent consumption of a decaffeinated drink increases the secretion of gastric juice, which can lead to diseases of the digestive tract;
  • the drink has pronounced diuretic properties, and this should be taken into account for people suffering from ailments of the urinary system.

If the daily norm exceeds 2 cups of such a drink, then addiction may develop, and other unexpected and unpleasant guests will come along with it:

  • excessive irritability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • apathy;
  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased fatigue.

In some sources, you can find information that excessive consumption of decaffeinated coffee can cause the development of cancer cells. This fact has not been fully investigated and proven by scientists, although several hypotheses already exist.

Many people start their morning with a cup of aromatic coffee. At the same time, a healthy lifestyle has been actively promoted lately, and probably everyone knows about the dangers of caffeine. Manufacturers found a way out: they began to produce a drink without caffeine. There are still many rumors about the dangers and benefits of natural coffee without caffeine. How harmful this drink is, and what is the use of it, we will consider further.

Useful information about caffeine

Caffeine is scientifically called a purine alkaloid. It is found in tea leaves, coffee beans, guarana, cocoa, mate, cola and other plants. The substance is a psychostimulant, having a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Once in the human body, caffeine accelerates heart contractions and dilates blood vessels. Due to this effect, the substance is actively used in pharmaceuticals: it is used to create many medicines against migraines, headaches, and also as a stimulant for the heart muscle. Until now, all areas of influence of caffeine on the human body have not been studied, but it has been accurately proven that it has an effect on the central nervous system. The taste and aroma of coffee excites the mind, eliminates drowsiness and fatigue.

How is decaffeinated coffee made and what is decaffeination

Manufacturers obtain decaffeinated coffee through a special process called decaffeination. Its essence lies in the fact that caffeine is removed from coffee beans. There are several ways to do this, but the most common is the so-called "European" method. Grains are filled with hot water (but not boiling water). The water is drained, and the beans are placed in a special chemical solution that removes the caffeine from them. Usually either ethyl acetate or methylene chloride is used. After that, the grains are again poured with hot water, rinsed well and dried thoroughly. In the process of such decaffeination, grains lose many useful trace elements, but the “European” method is most often used because its cost is quite low.

There is another way of decaffeination that is produced naturally. The fruits of certain varieties of coffee trees contain theobromine instead of caffeine.

Even with the most careful removal of caffeine, some of it remains in the beans. Although the taste of coffee is preserved, it will still differ not for the better from the traditional drink.

The decaffeination process removes almost all of the caffeine from the beans.

Is there caffeine in instant coffee?

Instant coffee is a drink obtained from coffee beans, which are transformed into water-soluble granules with the help of technological processes. Coffee beans are roasted, crushed and treated with hot water. The resulting product can be dried in different ways, but as a result of each of them, coffee powder is obtained, which dissolves in boiling water.

Soluble granules are made from Robusta beans, which are known to contain more caffeine than Arabica. One cup of instant drink contains about 60-80 mg of caffeine. Some coffee bean manufacturers offer decaffeinated options.

Nutritional value and composition of decaffeinated coffee

Nutritional information for a decaffeinated drink (100 grams):

  • proteins: 0.1 gram (0 kcal);
  • fats: 0 grams (0 kcal);
  • carbohydrates: 2.8 grams (11 kcal).
  • ground coffee (100 grams) contains 194.8 kcal.

The amount of caffeine in a drink will determine whether the drink is decaffeinated. A drink with a caffeine content of less than 2.5% is considered as such. This means that the substance is still present, albeit in small quantities. Also, traces of chemical compounds that were used in the decaffeination process may remain in the grains after processing.

Norms of use per day

250 ml of decaffinate contains about 5.5 grams of caffeine. This is a very small amount, so it is believed that even 10 cups of such a drink will not be harmful to health. But this applies exclusively to caffeine, however, the composition of a decaffeinated drink contains chemicals and all kinds of additives, as well as natural acids, fats and sugar. If you drink a drink in large quantities, it can adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

It is advisable to drink 3-4 cups a day, no more.

Popular decaffeinated coffee brands

Global manufacturers offer both ground and instant decaffeinated drink. Both types are freely available for sale, but if you want to purchase quality products, it is better to buy them in specialized stores.

Popular decaffeinated coffee brands:

  • "Grandos Express";
  • "Aromatico";
  • Grandos Extra Mocha.

Depending on the manufacturer, the caffeine-free product is produced in the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Colombia.

Well-known brands Nescafe, Jacobs Monarch, Lavazza offer caffeine-free versions of their products.

Beneficial features

Decaffeinated coffee is healthier than regular coffee

Advantages of decaffeinated coffee over regular coffee, and its benefits:

  • does not cause dependence on the use of the drink;
  • does not affect the central nervous system;
  • reduces the risk of liver disease;
  • recommended for people with diabetes;
  • reduces the risk of prostatitis and gout;
  • improves metabolism;
  • removes toxic contaminants from the body;
  • is a prophylactic against the occurrence of benign neoplasms.

Important! Decaffeinated coffee beans can lower blood pressure, so the drink is recommended for hypertensive patients. For those with low blood pressure, decaffinate is contraindicated.

Can this drink be harmful?

Many people think that decaf is completely harmless. Unfortunately, this is not a completely correct statement. Decaffeination occurs with the participation of not harmless chemicals, some of which remain in the grains. The caffeine content in the drink will be negligible, but there are plenty of harmful ingredients. What can happen when drinking a large amount of drink:

  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • an increased amount of gastric juice is produced, which leads to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the body is dehydrated, so be sure to add a glass of water to the usual daily amount;
  • leaching of vitamins and microelements from the body;
  • the appearance of depression, depression, lethargy is possible.

Can pregnant women drink decaffeinated coffee?

Doctors do not recommend drinking regular coffee for pregnant women. But decaffinate for expectant mothers, on the contrary, will only benefit. Studies have been conducted, as a result of which it was proved that the use of decaffinate reduces the risk of miscarriages in the early stages.

On a note! Future mothers should observe the measure and not abuse the drink. 2-3 cups a day will be enough.

Caffeinated drinks are not recommended for children under 5 years of age. At this age, they should drink water, tea, compotes and juices. The most suitable age to get acquainted with the drink is 13-14 years old, when the child's psyche is already strong enough. At the same time, doctors warn that it is better to offer a teenager green or herbal tea.

Decaffeinated coffee can be drunk even during pregnancy

Recipes with decaffeinated coffee

Decaffinate is prepared in the same way as regular coffee. It is combined with cream, milk, ice cream, sugar. It is better to grind the grains immediately before use. There are a lot of ways to prepare a delicious drink, so everyone can choose the right taste.

Decaffinate with orange


  • ground decaffinate - 3 tsp;
  • 1 medium orange;
  • a few tablespoons of sugar;
  • cold water - 150 ml;
  • whipping cream (at least 35% fat).


  1. Pour coffee powder with cold water, put on a slow fire. After boiling, remove from the stove, wait a minute, then bring to a boil again, but do not boil.
  2. Grind orange zest on a fine grater. Put half a teaspoon of crushed zest into cups.
  3. Whip cream with sugar.
  4. Pour the drink into cups, top with whipped cream and orange slices.

Chocolate decaffinate


  • a few teaspoons of ground decaffinate;
  • 100 ml of cold water;
  • 10 grams of dark chocolate;
  • sugar.

How to make a drink with chocolate:

  1. Cook decofinate according to the standard recipe, adding sugar.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces, heat in a water bath. Stir to get a uniform viscous mass.
  3. Put the chocolate mass into warmed cups, pour the drink on top.
  4. You can add warmed cream. Serve with ice cream.

Decaffeinated coffee: reviews and comments

Yana, 27 years old: “When I was pregnant, I really wanted real strong coffee. My doctor advised me to drink a decaffeinated drink instead of my usual one. Saw "Jacobs", adding cream. It tasted almost the same as ground coffee. After giving birth, when I was breastfeeding, I also drank only it. ”

Ilya, 47 years old: “Because of heart problems, I was forbidden to drink coffee. At first I switched to chicory, but the taste is not the same. I tried decaffinate, and now I drink it regularly. It’s a whole tradition for me to brew coffee on the stove in the morning, and then slowly enjoy a cup of coffee.”

Maria, 37 years old: “I read a lot about the harm and benefits of decaffinate. I took up the study of information, because ordinary coffee provoked a strong heartbeat in me. I can’t stop drinking coffee, so I chose the decaffeinated option. I bought it at the Lavazza supermarket and was very pleased. I brew a drink in a coffee machine, the taste is excellent.

Everyone decides for himself what to choose: decofinate or regular coffee. If you do not abuse the drink, a couple of cups of decaffeinated coffee will not do harm, rather, on the contrary. You do not need to give up the pleasure of drinking a cup of aromatic drink, you just need to follow the measure so as not to harm your health.
