
What are the consequences of beer. In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government to limit the sale of alcohol sufficient? What does official medicine say?

Beer in modern Russia has become an integral part of men's gatherings, bachelorette parties and even youth and teen parties.

A drunk mug (or two) does not knock you down like vodka. Therefore, beer is considered a harmless drink, which some so-called experts recommend drinking even for nursing mothers. But we must not forget that although it is a weak, but alcoholic product.

If you drink beer in reasonable portions, it benefits the human body. Being a diuretic, beer helps to reduce swelling of the extremities. It can be used to prevent cardiac diseases.

Beer has a calming effect due to the content of hops and B-vitamins in it. The presence of many trace elements in it helps to strengthen the immune system.

Alcohol contains ethyl alcohol, toxins, salts of heavy metals and other substances that destroy the human body. When drinking beer often and in large quantities from a very young age already by the age of 30, a person begins to experience its destructive effect.

Interruptions begin in the work of all internal organs, the brain. The appearance of both men and women is changing. An addiction develops from a foamy drink, which is called beer alcoholism.

beer alcoholism

Beer, like any other alcoholic drink, includes ethanol, which is addictive and, as a result, alcoholism. An alcoholic is a person who does not belong to himself. All his thoughts, feelings and desires are connected only with the desired drink.

Problems begin at work, in the family, with friends. The thirst for life disappears, apathy for everything that happens appears. The person becomes aggressive towards others.

Alcoholism no less scary than any other. It comes on gradually, but it is very difficult to cure. Over time, if you do not stop drinking beer in liters, it ceases to act as before.

The body needs more and more alcohol to get the right dose of alcohol.. As a result, a person switches to stronger drinks. Alcohol does its destructive work, and a person turns into a real alcoholic.

The effect of beer on the body

Beer is most often a carbonated drink.. As a result, it is more rapidly absorbed into the tissues of the body than other non-carbonated wines. His destructive effect affects human organs

  • liver,
  • kidneys
  • stomach
  • cardiovascular system,
  • nervous system
  • brain.


The liver is one of the most important internal organs. She, passing through herself all the foods and drinks that enter the body, removes toxic substances from them.

Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver. The constant influence of ethanol on it leads to the fact that the liver increases in volume, fatty degeneration and various types of hepatitis are observed.

All of these are the initial stages of death. diseases - cirrhosis of the liver, from which a person dies, experiencing terrible pain, for three years.


The kidneys are responsible for removing fluid and toxic substances from the body. While drinking beer.

They are forced to work several times more and more actively than usual, filtering toxins from the body.

Together with beer from the body all useful substances are washed away. As a result of constantly increased activity of the kidneys, they can lose their efficiency.


Beer, getting into the stomach, irritates his mucous. With the constant influence of alcohol develop different types of stomach ulcers.

In addition, the glands that are involved in digestion stop working, which leads to gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heart and blood vessels

Drinking man very often concerned about pain in the heart.

During the hangover period, he:

  • difficulty breathing,
  • dizzy,
  • sweating starts
  • noticeable interruptions in the work of the heart.

This suggests that the person is experiencing heart failure. The heart of the drinker is flabby and increases in volume.

Vessels become thinner. The heart muscle weakens, blood circulation is disturbed, pressure rises.

All this can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases which will sooner or later lead to:

  • stroke,
  • heart attack
  • paralysis of the limbs
  • of death.

Nervous system and brain

Beer after penetration into the body is very quickly spread through it with the help of blood vessels.

All nerve endings, the central nervous system and the brain are exposed to its action.

Under the influence of alcohol contained in beer, a large number of brain cells die.

As a result, the drinker has:

  • memory lapses occur
  • deteriorating brain activity
  • the level of intelligence decreases.

The effect of beer on a man

In addition to the fact that frequent drinking of beer disrupts the activity of the main human organs, it affects a man destructive to his reproductive system.

Frequent use of a foamy drink leads to the fact that in the male body there is a hormonal imbalance, the production of the male hormone inherent in it slows down.

This generates:

  • decrease in sperm quality
  • decrease in sperm activity,
  • erection problems,
  • impotence.

All of the above symptoms inevitably lead to a violation reproductive function and infertility.

The conception of a child under the influence of alcohol leads to abnormal formation of the fetus, the presence of many deviations in physical, mental and mental development.

The female hormone contained in beer often leads to the fact that the appearance of a man begins to resemble a woman's.

He's starting to get delayed fat in the waist and hips, breasts increase in volume by female type.

His figure ceases to be male. Frequent drinking of beer leads to the fact that a person is gaining a lot of excess weight, followed by related problems:

  • diabetes,
  • hypertension,
  • heart failure.

The influence of beer on women

First of all, a woman who consumes alcohol excessively should remember that it is much more difficult than in men to be removed from her body.

A hangover lasts for quite a long time and can lead to irreversible changes in the functioning of internal organs.

beer alcoholism

most often develops into its most severe form. This usually applies to women. The cure for this disease lasts a long time, and not always successfully.

female hormones, which are part of beer, violate the endocrine system of a woman. An excess of it leads to the fact that a woman gradually turns into a man.

Hormonal imbalance leads to change in the menstrual cycle.

If you do not start the right treatment, but, on the contrary, spur changes with beer, then this is fraught with the threat of never becoming a mother. For women who drink early menopause and menopause.

Changes in the functioning of the endocrine system disrupt the functioning of the whole organism. The possibility of breast cancer in a drinking woman almost doubles.

Harm of unfiltered beer

Unfiltered beer is beer that has not gone through the stages of purification and conservation. This is a natural product from healthy products: hops, malt, yeast.

If you drink unfiltered beer a little and infrequently, then it helps to improve the body: improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, is a diuretic.

Beer contains a lot of vitamins.

In its natural form, it has a cloudy consistency, sediment, and its shelf life is just a few days.

In most cases, manufacturers are trying to improve the external consumer qualities of the drink and increase the shelf life. Therefore, beer goes through some stages of purification, which is why all its useful properties are lost.

In unfiltered beer, as in any other, contains a certain percentage of alcohol. Therefore, it (with excessive use) affects the human body in the same way as any alcoholic product.

In unfiltered beer the fermentation process does not stop, so it can adversely affect the work of the intestines and stomach.

In addition, there is a great danger of being poisoned by stale unfiltered beer.

Harm of non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer has the same beneficial properties as any other. But there is no less harm in it.

Foaming in non-alcoholic beer occurs due to the addition of cobalt to it, the use of which leads to cardiac dysfunction.

Non-alcoholic beer contains a very small percentage of alcohol, but if you drink it a lot and often, then it, like ordinary beer, can provoke alcohol addiction in a person.


To the question is it bad to drink beer, it is difficult to answer unambiguously.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each person - the presence of chronic diseases, a genetic predisposition to alcohol, his age and gender.

We can only say with certainty that in unreasonable quantities, beer turns from medicine into poison, which destroys his strong and courageous beginning in a man, and makes a sexless creature out of a smart and beautiful woman.

Taking beer as a medicine, it is enough to limit yourself to 300 ml several times a week.

If a person is not confident in his resistance to a disease such as alcoholism, then he Eliminate beer completely from your diet.

The representatives of the stronger sex have long been making up jokes and anecdotes about beer bellies, they say, the belly does not appear “from” the use of a foamy drink, but “for”. Unfortunately, few men listen to the Ministry of Health, which warns that excessive beer consumption is harmful to health. Despite the fact that the diagnosis of "beer belly" in medicine does not exist, the abuse of beer leads to irreversible negative consequences in the human body. To figure out if this foamy drink is as safe as it seems at first glance, we offer you together with our experts.

The disastrous consequences

According to statistics, every inhabitant of our country, including teenagers, on average drinks more than 100 (!) liters of beer per year. Such abuse of a foamy drink not only causes alcohol addiction, but also turns the figure of men and women into something unimaginable. In men, the stomach resembles a heavy burden, and women are increasingly like pregnant hippos. This is due to the fact that beer contains phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones, which are rich in hops. With excessive passion for this drink, hormones accumulate and change hormonal metabolism. As a result, the figure of men becomes effeminate: the mammary glands increase, and fat breaks off in the abdomen and buttocks. In addition, do not forget that beer, like any alcohol, stimulates appetite. It is rare when men and women drink beer without salted fish, nuts, chips and other pickles. Is it worth mentioning that this food does not bring any health benefits, especially when combined with alcohol?

Note that this intoxicating drink not only spoils the figures, but also provokes the development of many diseases. For example, beer lovers are more likely than others to have impaired kidney function and intestinal microflora, since the yeast contained in beer provokes dysbacteriosis. The cobalt chloride (foam stabilizer) present in this drink thickens the walls of the heart and causes tissue death in the heart muscle. And, of course, the abuse of beer cannot but affect the condition of the liver. First, this organ increases, then hepatitis occurs, and later fibrosis and cirrhosis may develop. And one more thing: beer contains various phenolic compounds that adversely affect the genitourinary system and can cause cancer.

How much beer to drink, so as not to harm health?

It is no secret that the recommended dose of alcohol that the body is able to process and completely neutralize is 35 ml of alcohol per day. For comparison, a 0.5 liter bottle of beer contains about 50 ml of alcohol. Therefore, if you drink a malt drink more than twice a week, and even not just one bottle, but several, then you cannot avoid a hanging belly and health problems.

If the roundness in the tummy has already become your “decoration”, but you do not want to put up with a belly, then in addition to a strong desire, you will need to follow a diet and exercise regularly. The enemies of the beer belly are running, swimming, brisk walking, cycling. At the same time, with an integrated approach, you can achieve the first results in a few months. But on the condition that from now on you do not drink beer, even non-alcoholic.

By the way, the opinion that such beer is good for health is erroneous. It tastes and looks very close to the traditional drink. At the same time, psychological addiction to the process of opening and pouring will sooner or later lead to the fact that you want to drink a glass or two of intoxicating drink. And this leads to alcohol addiction, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Summing up all of the above, we came to the conclusion that beer is far from a harmless drink that only quenches thirst. Excessive use of it has a detrimental effect on the body both internally and externally. But that doesn't mean you can't afford a glass of really good quality drink. Try to drink beer no more than twice a week and only on a full stomach. At the same time, lead an active lifestyle and watch your weight. If you notice that after drinking beer, fat began to be deposited in the abdomen and on the hips, give up the intoxicating drink and think about your health!

To date, beer is the most common drink that has a weak concentration of alcohol. It is generally accepted that beer is revered only by men who, drinking this drink, thus have a rest after working days. But more and more often you can see women who abuse this intoxicating drink, not thinking about the irreversible consequences that can result from drinking large amounts of beer. Since ancient times, the beer drink has been used exclusively for medicinal purposes, but many years later, because of this drink, the number of people drinking beer is growing all over the world.

Its special feature is that everyone who drinks beer does not recognize it as an addiction, which is why beer alcoholism is so common.

Why beer is bad for men

Today, almost every man cannot imagine relaxing with friends or watching a football match without this intoxicating drink. Yes, and just a can of beer in front of the TV every day is considered acceptable, but under this lies a lot of negative consequences, they can be:

  • One of the most important factors is the dependence on beer, which can lead to the negative effects of alcohol on the human body. In connection with the abuse of beer in large quantities, the consequence may be hormonal changes in the body. This is due to the fact that the beer drink contains a large amount of female hormones of phytoestrogens, produced by a combination of malt and hop "knobs" that can suppress male testosterone;
  • The consequence of such suppression can be such consequences as obesity according to the type of a female figure, hence the “beer belly” arises, and most importantly, with the use of a large and constant amount of beer, the male function gradually weakens. The result can be impotence, and the risk of having healthy children also increases significantly;
  • An excess of the female hormone also leads to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the male body. This is manifested in the fact that men begin to be more prone to the bitchiness characteristic of women, they can significantly increase their breasts and even have cellulite. The consequence of the predominance of these hormones can also affect the behavior of men in the body, feminine qualities begin to predominate and quite often their voice timbre changes, it becomes higher.

In addition, the predominance of the female hormone in the body of a man not only affects sexual function, but it also has a very large effect on the cardiovascular system, which can lead to a heart attack.

What harm does the abuse of beer bring to women

Every year the number of women drinking beer is increasing, but for the most part, none of them fully understand what the consequences may be in the future. The body of a woman is very fragile with a very complex structure, which is aimed at giving birth to healthy children.
The negative consequences that can occur if you abuse beer:

  • The use of a beer drink negatively affects the reproductive function. The phytoestrogens found in beer significantly increase the amount of female hormones in the body. The consequence of this may be that women become aggressive as a result of overexcitability in this state are very often subject to the occurrence of promiscuity;
  • But still, the main negative consequence is that women who consume a large amount of beer drink expose their future children to the risk of being born with all sorts of pathologies and abnormalities. And also this low-alcohol drink can lead to the emergence of various diseases directly related to reproductive function and the result in such cases may be infertility or pathological miscarriage of the fetus;
  • Even if a woman who has been drinking a foamy drink for such a long time manages to get pregnant, then there is a very high risk of giving birth to a child with a pathology. Very often, children born to mothers and fathers who drank beer from a very young age are already addicted to this drink.

Such internal changes go unnoticed and become clear as a result, but outwardly this is very significant. This often affects the condition of the skin of the face, it becomes more wrinkled and the aging process occurs much earlier. As well as complete apathy and irritability, aggressiveness - these are all external signs of alcohol addiction.

How does beer alcoholism affect the body as a whole?

The detrimental effect of beer on the body, whether a man or a woman, can also lead to general negative consequences. First of all, beer negatively affects the functioning of the brain. This is due to the fact that the presence of alcohol in beer promotes agglutination of red blood cells, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. This process contributes to the death of nerve cells, because due to clogging of neurons, they cannot receive the required amount of oxygen.

But what is characteristic is that this process of neuron death exposes a person to euphoria while drinking alcoholic beverages, but “retribution” comes as a consequence of short-term bliss, which is why a headache very often in the morning.

The body, having come in the morning, begins to actively recover a little, and for this it is necessary to use all the organs in order to remove the consequences of drinking from the body. Therefore, the kidneys and liver begin to work in an enhanced mode at this very time they are placed on a huge burden, which requires huge costs.

The very frequent use of an intoxicating drink exposes these vital organs to exhaustion and wear, which can lead to serious diseases. During the period of purification of the body from alcohol intoxication, the kidneys, liver and brain require a large amount of water. And as a result of the fact that while drinking beer, the excretion of water increases, the next morning there is mainly a general malaise and a very headache. Due to the lack of moisture, the “cleansing” organs have to look for water throughout the body, so with a hangover you always want water.

Due to the fact that certain organs are subjected to a huge load, this is all displayed on the heart. Due to constant stress during the recovery process, the heart begins to increase, it depends on the amount drunk, because the more alcohol, the longer it will take to remove it. In this case, the heart needs more volume to support vital organs. But as a result of constant overload, the enlarged heart can stop due to the fact that it will not be able to pump such an amount of blood throughout the body. Such a toxic component as cobalt, a stabilizer used to fix beer foam, also has a very negative effect on the heart.

Each time you drink a beer drink, the amount of this substance increases, because it tends to accumulate in the body and this can lead to cardiac arrest.

It is believed that alcoholism is a craving for the use of hard liquor. Nevertheless, most alcoholics start with the simplest: with the usual weak beer. Beer is sold everywhere and is inexpensive, making it accessible to people of all ages.

Today, beer is drunk "everyone and everywhere", young and elderly, men and women, boys and girls, in the subway, at the station, on the street on the go, they drink beer and gin and tonic from bottles, cans and this does not surprise anyone, rather the opposite , - everyone treats this as a common phenomenon that characterizes our days.

About the composition of beer

Beer is a drink usually made from barley malt with a small amount of alcohol. For its preparation, special brewing malt, hops and water are used, most often with the addition of rice or sugar. Commercially available beers are divided into two groups: light (for example, Zhigulevskoye, Moskovskoye) and dark (for example, Velvet, Porter, etc.). As a rule, the alcohol content of beer ranges from 2.2 to 3.5%, although there are varieties with a higher alcohol content. Indeed, many still consider beer to be harmless, harmless, and even a useful “refreshing” drink. This opinion is also supported by the rather insufficient awareness of the population about the “merits” of beer that it actually possesses.

The history of the discovery of beer

The history of the discovery of beer goes back thousands of years, although in some sources of information it is still quite common to find statements about the comparative youth of this drink. By the way, according to legend, one of the medieval rulers of Flanders, Gambrinus, is considered the inventor of beer. This, by the way, explains the fact that many beer bars in our country, and abroad, bear his name. However, we repeat, as history testifies, beer was familiar to people for many centuries before the birth of Gambrinus.

Reasons for drinking too much beer

“How pleasant and tasty after a tiring day of work, returning home, drink a bottle of cold flavored beer. Feel how the tension goes away, how relaxation and peace appear” - such thoughts are typical for many drinkers of beer.

And this is actually true, the pharmacological effect of beer is such that it is actually good for calming and relaxing. As a result, with beer, a person accustoms himself not only to the usual intoxicating effect of alcohol, but also to a sedative. After a certain time, it also becomes a necessary element of rest, tranquility. Doses of beer increase, alcoholic excesses occur, memory lapses appear. The first beer intake is postponed to an increasingly early date - in the early evening, late afternoon, noon, and, finally, in the morning. Alcoholism is formed, beer becomes a habit and penetrates the cells of the whole organism.

Beer alcoholism creates a deceptive impression of well-being. Beer, according to most, is almost no alcohol. Beer alcoholization for a long time is not characterized by fights with a sobering-up station, typical of alcoholic excesses. The desire to drink beer does not cause such anxiety in a person as the need for vodka. Beer alcoholism is formed much more slowly, insinuatingly than vodka. But when it develops, it leads to very severe forms of alcoholism.

Advertising plays a huge role in the development of beer alcoholism. Take a look at what we are taught: any situation in life is not complete without drinking. People think it's safe, that beer is not vodka, otherwise it wouldn't be advertised. But in our country, a significant part of the population already has a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, so beer plays the same role as vodka.

Drinking beer is a path to chronic alcoholism

Frequent drinking of beer is a shortcut to the formation of chronic alcoholism, known as gambrinism. At least thirty percent of lovers of "Bavarian", "Czech", "Zhiguli" and similar drinks become alcoholics in the coming years, and almost the same number become candidates for them. Addiction to beer develops much earlier than to vodka. And our scientists began to talk about this more and more often today, calling for putting things in order in the “beer business”.

In general, addiction to low-alcohol alcoholic products, turning into alcoholism, develops four times faster than to strong ones. In this case, the disease is much more difficult to treat. At the same time, diseases such as hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, and various lesions of the central nervous system are also rapidly progressing among beer drinkers. These people are aging faster. This is understandable. After all, beer, unlike vodka or wine, is often consumed regularly and in large quantities.

Beer alcoholism develops from excessive drinking of beer. A person can easily become an alcoholic without even knowing it. An alcoholic, unfortunately, can also be considered someone who does not drink wine or vodka, but drinks several liters of beer every day. According to the concentration of ethyl alcohol, four liters of beer are equivalent to a bottle of vodka, and the depth of poisoning depends precisely on the content of ethyl alcohol in the body. A small volume of a drink with a large strength leads to rapid intoxication. If you drink a large volume with a lower strength, intoxication will come more slowly, but the concentration of ethyl alcohol will remain the same.

And it doesn’t make much difference whether to drink a bottle of vodka (200 g of alcohol) or four liters of beer every day - in both cases it is alcoholism. Such a vision of events can be an unexpected discovery for people who do not understand what intoxication is or have never thought about it. Often such people do not recognize themselves as alcoholics, although in reality they have openly expressed alcohol dependence. Not a single alcoholic started right away with vodka or moonshine. He starts with beer or wine, or the proverbial cocktails. But at the same time, the mechanisms of dependence are formed in the same way. Thus, the following chain can be traced: "beer consumption - beer alcoholism - ordinary alcoholism".

Consequences of beer alcoholism

Now a lot of scientific evidence has accumulated, showing that beer consumed more than 0.5 liters per day, contrary to the ingrained opinion of most people, is not at all a harmless, harmless drink, but quite the opposite. Regular use of this "soft" drink leads to the gradual development of many diseases. Contained in beer, albeit in small quantities, alcoholic toxins (and they enter the body in rather dangerous amounts if a person consumes beer during the day in large quantities), as well as a number of other compounds alien to the body, distort the course of metabolic processes, impair the functions of vital organs and systems. In this case, the cardiovascular system, the digestive organs and the brain are primarily affected.

Unfortunately, many people are still quite ill-informed about the insidiousness of beer. And an example of this is the often occurring real beer feasts, moreover, with the use of a large amount of pickles. And this is typical for many countries of the world, including ours. In Bavaria, for example, traditional beer festivals are held annually. The next one, which took place recently, brought sad records. On this day, more than 5 million liters of the "wonderful" Bavarian drink were drunk. 223 lovers of it were even taken to hospitals in an unconscious state.

With the frequent use of beer, the activity of the gastrointestinal apparatus is in a state of chronic overstrain, especially the liver. The toxic substances of beer, like other stronger alcoholic beverages, as evidenced by recent neurochemical studies, stimulate the release of potent hormones of adrenaline (or, as it is called, the anxiety hormone) in brain cells, which leads in some cases to outbreaks of aggressiveness. At the same time, the so-called hormone of sadness is released into the bloodstream, which contributes to the development of a depressed mood.

Beer is no less dangerous product (if abused) for the central nervous system than other high-strength alcoholic beverages. American scientists, after conducting a series of studies, concluded that drivers drinking beer before a trip is potentially more dangerous than drinking wine.

Beer is quickly absorbed into the body, overflowing the bloodstream. With a large amount of alcohol consumed, varicose veins and expansion of the boundaries of the heart occur. Radiologists call this phenomenon "beer heart" syndrome or "nylon stocking" syndrome. If you abuse beer, then the heart "sags", becomes flabby, and its "live motor" functions are lost forever.

Also, in response to taking beer in the male body, a pathological substance begins to be released (in particular, in the liver), which suppresses the production of the main male sex hormone methyltestosterone. As a result, female sex hormones begin to be produced: the pelvis becomes wider, the mammary glands grow.

Scientists have found that drinking beer causes obesity, exacerbates chronic diseases, and new ailments appear. By the way, for reference: even seemingly harmless, according to many, a mug of beer, drunk daily for a year, gives a weight gain of up to 15 kg. True, this was known before. No wonder Bismarck once said: "Beer makes one lazy, stupid and powerless."

Why beer is dangerous for teenagers

Beer is especially dangerous for the younger generation, whose hallmark over the past three decades has been acceleration. And this means that the rapid improvement of the physical development of boys and girls is noticeably ahead of the mental. The increasing lability of the neuroendocrine system, accompanied by active puberty at the same time, makes the body of young people the most vulnerable to many harmful environmental factors, including alcohol and tobacco in the first place. The so-called normal dose of alcohol for adults, and this, of course, applies to beer, for the younger generation will be above the threshold, and therefore much more toxic. And an important role in the development of predisposition and addiction to low-alcohol drinks is played by the features of the function of the hypothalamus, because some of its specific formations are actively involved, as already noted, in the formation of alcoholism.

Beer is now readily available and relatively inexpensive. That is why even schoolchildren and students can afford to drink beer. All kinds of cocktails, in which there is practically nothing of those components that are indicated in the composition: neither rum, nor real gin, nor natural juices, are also not toys. Many teenagers think that beer and cocktails are not dangerous, that they just change the mood for the better, do not interfere with thinking too much, allowing them to control their bodies quite tolerably, and therefore do not cause themselves to be taken seriously. But, as it often turns out, after a couple of years after the systematic use of these low-alcohol drinks, it is no longer possible to live without alcohol.

As medical observations show, when a teenager consumes beer in the coming months, rarely years (and the countdown, of course, is from the first glass of beer or wine), they get used to them quite quickly, and by the end of the year, which most often happens, already a certain stereotype of alcoholic behavior, which increases the body's need for more frequent beer intake, moreover, in an ever-increasing dose. In the second year of the “beer life”, mental dependence is already formed, i.e., the craving not only for beer, but also for stronger drinks increases sharply. After some time, a physical dependence on alcohol is also formed. There are all signs of teenage alcoholism.

Beer and pregnancy don't mix

It has long been known that beer has a toxic effect on organs and their cells responsible for procreation. Beer in some cases leads to the development of infertility. And if pregnancy occurs, then the toxic compounds of beer, as well as other alcoholic beverages, can lead to the development of anatomical and mental defects, with which children are born (unless, of course, they live to give birth) into the world. The poisonous properties of beer increase dramatically if it is used in conjunction with vodka or wine.

In this case, beer noticeably lengthens the time of action of other alcohol-containing products, at the same time increasing their harmful effect on the body of both parents and the fetus. An indisputable conclusion follows from this: since someone drinks beer, then at the same time it is categorically not recommended to use other wine and vodka products. The toxic properties of beer increase even more sharply if a person also smokes, because tobacco and alcohol toxins (of course, beer toxins) are synergists. They are strong catalysts for each other. That is why the harm from the simultaneous use of these products is much greater than from their simple arithmetic sum.

There is considerable evidence that beer is a more common cause of pregnancy complications and pregnancy outcomes than wine. And this is evidenced not only by experiments on animals, but also by clinical observations. In addition, drinking beer during the months when the mother is breastfeeding the child leads to serious health problems for children.

The German researcher I. Leibzon, having traced the fate of 300 children aged from one to five years, whose mothers used home-made Bavarian beer, traditional for their places of residence, during breastfeeding, came to the conclusion that 87% of their offspring lagged behind in intellectual development and 67 % suffered from certain diseases of the digestive system. But what turned out to be completely unexpected, the mortality rate among newborns in the first year of life was 15.6%. And in the nursing mothers themselves, as shown by the work of the Australian surgeon Y. Rosenthal, in 59% of cases, inflammatory processes of the mammary glands (mastitis) that were difficult to treat were diagnosed.

Beer stimulates the growth of cancer cells

Beer, as evidenced by the work of oncologists, also contributes to the development of malignant neoplasms, stimulating the growth of cancer cells. Now it has become known that in a healthy human body there are oncogenic cells in one or another quantity, which, with reliably functioning adaptive mechanisms, are destroyed by special killer cells, or T-lymphocytes (blood cells).

They do an excellent job if the human biological systems function normally, that is, they are not exposed to harmful environmental factors, including alcohol and tobacco origin. But in smokers and drinkers, this defense system always suffers, which explains their increased susceptibility to the development of cancerous processes.

Features of the treatment of beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism invariably leads to ordinary alcoholism if it is not detected and treated in time.

But it should be noted that in the treatment of beer alcoholism and the refusal to drink beer, it will never be possible to resume “cultural drinking”. This happens because the brain metabolism is disturbed and the normal reaction to alcohol and beer will never be restored. Any consumption of alcohol will inevitably lead to a breakdown, immediately or some time later, metabolic disorders will occur. Even long-term abstinence does not allow you to count on the fact that “the body has been cleansed” and you will be able to drink culturally again.

Another difficulty is that beer cravings are much more difficult to fight than vodka cravings. Beer alcoholism is an extremely dangerous disease that does not release and is difficult to treat. After a long time, a person will want to inhale this aroma again, feel this taste, feel this deep relaxing effect, this self-confidence and this peace. You have to be prepared for this, and if you decide to stop drinking, then go all the way!

So, our advice is this - "Get joy from life, including from beer - but do not fall into a trap"! And if problems arise, stop immediately, on your own or with the help of a doctor.

There are enough beer lovers in our country. According to statistics, for every average Russian (including women and children) there are about 60 liters of foamy drink per year. This is not as much as in the Czech Republic or Germany, but the figure is still impressive. There is nothing to rejoice here: despite the assurances of the producers that beer is absolutely harmless, the consequences of its active consumption cannot be considered positive in any way. Let's talk about the negative impact that a popular drink has on the body.

Beer is not a strong drink, but some of its varieties contain up to 14% alcohol. This means that when consuming 1 liter of beer, a person receives the amount of alcohol contained in 100 ml of vodka, and this is combined with a liquid that is in the process of active fermentation. Such a "cocktail" corrodes the mucous membrane of the stomach, while poisoning the body with the decay products of alcohol.

It has been clinically proven that in a person who constantly consumes beer, gastric juice first becomes thick and slimy, and then ceases to be produced in the proper amount at all, as a result of which food in a partially digested form enters the intestines from the stomach. There are classic symptoms of alcoholic gastritis: a feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdomen, problems with stools, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. As a result, working capacity decreases, general weakness and depression occur.

Source: depositphotos.com

The danger of drinking beer is that it is usually drunk in large quantities. At the same time, the liver receives a serious overload, especially since a specific snack is usually added to a decent dose of alcohol, consisting of dried or smoked fish, or (even worse) crackers, chips and other products, which include synthetic flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers and lots of salt. If such episodes are repeated regularly, the liver can no longer cope with the removal of toxins from the body.

Beer lovers often have cases of chronic hepatitis, which is asymptomatic for a long time. The result may be the development of cirrhosis of the liver. The popular drink does no less harm to the pancreas: under its influence, the release of enzymes, on which the processes of food breakdown and absorption of nutrients depend, is disrupted.

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Everyone knows that beer has a diuretic effect. But the point here is not only the problems associated with the need to frequently empty the bladder. With such active urination, substances necessary for vital activity are washed out. In addition, when eating “beer” snacks, the body receives excess salt, which tends to bind and retain water. As a result, the mechanism for maintaining water-salt and acid-base balance begins to malfunction. This leads to pain and weakness in the legs, increased susceptibility to colds, and impaired heart function.

Organic lesions can also result from beer alcoholism: vascular sclerosis, hemorrhages and kidney infarction, and death of kidney tissue.

Source: depositphotos.com

When drinking beer, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly, causing instant vasodilation. Constant exposure of this kind provokes not only the development of varicose veins, but also the expansion of the chambers of the heart. At the same time, a characteristic picture is observed on the radiograph, which experts call "bovine (beer) heart syndrome" ("kapron stocking syndrome"). The heart wall becomes flabby and swollen with fat on the outside.

Beer alcoholics often complain of heart rhythm disturbances, weakness, shortness of breath, and exercise intolerance. The risk of developing coronary heart disease, heart failure, heart attacks and strokes is very high for them.

Source: depositphotos.com

Hormonal instability

In the production of beer, hop cones are used, the extract of which gives the drink a pleasant bitter taste. However, the composition of this plant also includes phytoestrogens - substances that act on the body in almost the same way as female sex hormones. The use of beer in an immoderate amount causes a hormonal failure in a man, leading to a change in the timbre of his voice and appearance. The notorious “beer belly” appears, as the body begins to store fat, depositing it in the “female” zones, the volume of the mammary glands increases, and body hair decreases. Suppression of testosterone production causes a decrease in libido and a weakening of potency.
