
How many kcal in 1 carrot. We list the main useful properties

Carrot is a biennial plant, a vegetable that is one of the most common and useful. Dishes with carrots are recognized by many cuisines of the world.

In Europe and Asia, carrots are added to salads, hot main courses, soups, vegetable stews, pilaf, etc. Carrot juice is the most common vegetable drink after tomato juice.

But in addition to the use of carrots in cooking, it is also used for various diseases, as well as for general strengthening of the body, because carrots have a huge amount of useful substances.


The energy value of carrots is 32 kcal per 100 gr. product.

It consists of:

  • Proteins - 1.3 gr.;
  • Fats - 0.1 gr.;
  • Carbohydrates - 6.9 gr.

Also in 100 gr. carrots are present: water (88 gr.), monosaccharides, disaccharides, starch, pectin, organic acids, ash.

Carrots are rich in vitamins. In it you can find vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, E, C, PP.

It contains the following elements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, iodine.

Carrots contain polysaccharides, which are a source of energy during metabolism.

Carrots have a fairly high content of beta-carotene (9 mg per 100 g).

Useful properties of carrots

We list the main useful properties:

This list is endless. There are also beneficial functions of carrots that have not yet been studied and discovered. We can only guess about them, but we have just proved that carrots are already not only a culinary, but also a medicine.

Benefit and harm

Benefit or harm - what is more in carrots? The answer is unequivocal and obvious - benefits. But you need to know about the harm that it can cause in some cases.

Well, harmful properties, as we see, are also present. But they can be avoided if you have a sense of proportion when there are no acute diseases.

Thus, carrots are a vegetable that is indispensable in cooking. Modern cuisine involves the addition of carrots to the lion's share of different dishes.

In addition, carrots give us the opportunity to combine business with pleasure. This is an excellent remedy, which is both independent and an additive to medicines for many diseases.

Carrots have been cultivated for several millennia; even in ancient Egypt, the plant was used for medicinal purposes. Russia ranks second among the largest producers of root crops, second only to China, and ahead of the United States. Why is this culture so popular? Carrots are a vegetable that has a pleasant balance of useful properties and affordability. In culinary terms, the amazing compatibility of carrots with other ingredients is striking. There are many ways to prepare this product, and the taste qualities pleasantly complement equally desserts and main dishes. Separately, the bright saturated color of the vegetable is pleasing, aesthetically complementing any combination. It remains to find out the calorie content of carrots in order to become a fan of this vegetable forever.

Useful and harmful properties of carrots

The spheres of the positive impact of this product on the body are extremely diverse. Omitting data on the issue of "calorie content of carrots", it is possible with a light heart to call a red vegetable a panacea for many diseases:

  • bones (nails, hair) - strengthening with calcium,
  • heart - potassium nutrition,
  • kidneys and liver - cleansing, cell renewal, removal of stones,
  • eyes - improved vision due to vitamin A,
  • vessels - excretion of cholesterol, strengthening of the walls,
  • cells - slowing down aging through the action of antioxidants, general rejuvenation,
  • blood - the concentration of sugar decreases (prevention of diabetes),
  • teeth (oral cavity) - cleansing through antibacterial action, strengthening enamel and gums, removing plaque,
  • nervous system - stabilization with B vitamins.

In addition to the above, carrots affect the body as a whole, removing harmful residual substances (toxins, salts of heavy metals, slags) with the help of fiber, have an anti-inflammatory effect, prevent the formation of oncological complications (substance falcarinol), improve the condition in case of respiratory diseases due to phytoncides.

Freshly squeezed carrots have a separate set of advantages (we will touch on the calorie content later): relieving fatigue, improving appetite, reducing the toxic effects of antibiotics, strengthening immunity, improving complexion, the condition of hair and nails.

The harmful effects of the product come down to two aspects:

  • overeating (no more than 1 kg - a day) - accompanied by headache, lethargy, drowsiness, excessive load on a weak intestine is possible,
  • allergies (especially seeds) - burning in the mouth, nausea, eczema.

The use of carrots is contraindicated in the presence of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and malfunctions of the renal system (excessive accumulation of potassium).

How many calories are in carrots

Let's analyze the pressing issue of the carrot product: calorie content and benefits for weight loss. In the process of getting rid of excess weight, numerous useful properties fade in front of the high energy value of the product. Let's bring carrots to court: the calorie content per 100 grams will be 32 units. The figures are low and inspiring.

The reverse side of the coin is the high content of carbohydrates - almost 8 grams (for 100 g of product). For this reason, many protein diets (Montignac, Kremlin), focused on the rejection of the "dangerous" element, include carrots in the list of forbidden desires. At the same time in the same universe with equal rights exists. There is no consensus on the orange vegetable among nutritionists.

When calculating the daily calorie intake, it is worth considering the method of preparation of the product, which affects the final energy value:

  • boiled - 25 kcal (100 grams),
  • baked - 28 kcal (100 grams),
  • stew - 40-45 kcal (100 grams) (with vegetable oil - 81-85 kcal),
  • - 56 kcal (100 grams),
  • fried - 75 kcal (100 grams),
  • in Korean - 85-130 kcal (100 grams).

According to the given data, it can be seen that the calorie content of raw carrots exceeds the indicators of the cooked and baked product, therefore, dietary nutrition can include both options for serving the product.

In general, the beneficial properties of carrots for weight loss come down to saturation for a long time with a small amount of calories, accelerating the metabolism with an active energy release (the effect of polysaccharides), splitting complex carbohydrates with the impossibility of putting them into "repositories".

Calorie content of carrots (raw, boiled)

The mysterious product "carrots": calories are shuffled in completely unexpected ways with different preparations, but each dish has a number of advantages and is good for the body.

Grated raw carrots (apple/orange/grapefruit salad sprinkled with lemon juice) will do to improve eyesight. Vitamin A, useful for the eyes, is absorbed only together with fats, so dressing in the form of sour cream or vegetable oil is necessary. However, the calorie content will jump up (up to 95-98 kcal - 100 grams).

To strengthen the gums, you should gnaw the whole carrot, chewing the pieces thoroughly. The calorie content of the fruit may vary depending on the sweetness (32-44 kcal - 100 grams): a more orange vegetable is more sugary, high-calorie and healthy. Raw carrot cleanses the blood and intestines of toxins, supplies the body with a vitamin complex.

With beriberi and high blood pressure, it is recommended to use a vegetable boiled in a peel: the content of antioxidants triples, the level of phenols that prevent premature aging increases. However, the anti-cold effect decreases due to the reduction in the amount of vitamin C.

Table of calorie content of carrots of various cooking options

Carrot calorie table
Dish/Product Calories per 100 grams
Raw carrots 32
stewed carrots 45
Carrots with butter (salad) 127
Carrots with mayonnaise and garlic 113
boiled carrots 27
fried carrots 77
Carrots baked 74
Carrots with apples 41
Carrots with cheese 147
Carrots with vinegar 51
Carrots with sour cream 104

Before the end of the working day is still far away, and an empty stomach increasingly reminds of itself with a dissatisfied rumbling? If you need to have a snack, but you are afraid of spoiling your figure, then satisfy your hunger with fresh carrots. And in order not to doubt the usefulness of such a product, look at how many calories are in raw carrots and how it will help your health.

Sweet root with dietary abilities

If you need to lose a few kilos, then it is better to use not some overseas delicacy, but an affordable and tasty vegetable - carrots. Moreover, it will "facilitate" the weight with health benefits. This is one of the oldest garden crops. This vegetable is to the taste of both children and adults: it is juicy and sweet. And carrots are well preserved until the new harvest, so it helps to overcome spring beriberi. It will provide thrifty hosts with vitamins and vegetable fiber.

And if you do not have your own garden, then you can always buy an orange root crop on the market. Such a source of beta-carotene is quite inexpensive. And its use will positively affect the work of blood vessels, heart, kidneys, liver and eyes, improve intestinal motility. For those who have extra pounds, it is simply irreplaceable, since the calorie content of boiled and steamed, baked and fresh carrots is really low.

What is the calorie contentin 100 grams of fresh carrots?

Even among other products from the garden, carrots stand out for their low energy value. Our heroine has the following calorie reserves (per 100 g):

  • calorie content of raw carrots (whole) - 32 kcal;
  • grated - 26 kcal;
  • carrot juice - 28 kcal;
  • carrot puree - 24 kcal.

Considering that the average weight of a root crop (which is grown without growth stimulants) is 85 g, then it is easy to calculate how many calories are in fresh carrots per 1 pc. One vegetable will give only 27.2 kcal.

Double Benefit: Carrots Plus Supplements

It is very good for health (but not for the waist) to use carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil. The thing is that beta-carotene is a fat-soluble compound. In order for the body to absorb it, it must be dissolved in some kind of fat. The number of calories in these and other dishes prepared using carrots will be as follows:

  • with sour cream (fat content 20%) - 102.8 kcal;
  • with sugar - 57 kcal;
  • with sunflower oil - 75.2 kcal;
  • carrot salad (from a grated vegetable, lemon juice and 1 tablespoon honey) - 60 kcal;
  • salad of carrots, garlic - 32.67 kcal (if you add olive oil, the calorie content will increase to 188 kcal).

Attention: the champion dish for the minimum number of calories is grated carrots with an apple. There are only 14 kcal per 100 g.

My love is my carrot: can the diet consist only of an orange vegetable?

Carrots will make you forget about hunger and help you get slim. This is fully facilitated by low calorie content and the presence of many useful components. It is allowed to eat in the morning or at night. When losing weight, a delicious root crop will help you comfortably lose 3 to 5 kg.

Due to the rich content of vitamins and minerals, carrots are considered an extremely healthy product. The unique properties of the root crop are used for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. But is a vegetable so useful, and how does its use affect the body?

What is carrot made of

The search for an answer to the question of the effect of carrots on humans should begin with a study of its composition. First of all, it should be noted that the fruits of this plant contain a large amount of carotene, which is processed in the body into vitamin A, which favorably affects vision and slows down the aging process.

In addition, carrots in moderation have B vitamins, which reduce the effects of negative effects on the nervous system. From the vitamin group, the red root crop boasts the presence of vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and E. The first of them helps to cope with infections and resist allergens. And vitamin E improves tissue regeneration and tones blood vessels.

Carrots contain many sugars, but glucose is predominant. Much is known about the properties of this monosaccharide: a positive effect on the central nervous system, muscle tone.


As with any other type of product, depending on the method of preparation, the calorie content of the dish also changes. Carrots in this case are no exception. The table shows data on the most popular ways of feeding a root crop.

As can be seen from the table, the least high-calorie is boiled, baked and stewed vegetables. And the most high-calorie is Korean carrots.

The positive effect of carrots on humans

Having studied the composition of the root crop, we can conclude that carrots have a number of properties that positively affect human health. Thanks to beta-carotene, the vegetable boasts its healing effect on the retina. In moderation, the plant is useful for people suffering from eye diseases (conjunctivitis, myopia, night blindness ...).

Fresh carrots have a positive effect on the gums. A separate point is the benefit for children. Thanks to vitamin A, which promotes intensive growth, the root vegetable is recommended for children.

Due to the large amount of vitamins in its composition, an orange vegetable is recommended for use by people suffering from beriberi.

Carrot juice, which has antiseptic properties, is used to gargle and treat wounds.

The use of carrots in cooking

Due to the large number of useful properties, carrots are used in the kitchens of all countries of the world. Root crops are used in children's and dietary, and lenten menus. From the red plant, you can cook various delicacies, both familiar to the layman, and completely unexpected forms like cutlets or casseroles. Below are some interesting dishes prepared using the orange root vegetable.

Dishes with carrots

carrot cake

Meal preparation:

  1. In a large bowl, mix chicken eggs, vegetable oil, sugar.
  2. Add flour with baking powder, soda, crushed cloves, cinnamon, ginger. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Grate carrots on a fine grater.
  4. Pour coconut flakes, raisins, small nuts and grated carrots into the dough.
  5. Prepare the cake pan. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil.
  6. Divide the dough into two equal parts, place half in the mold.
  7. Bake the cake for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Then bake the second cake in the same way.
  8. To prepare the cream, mix cream cheese, orange juice, powdered sugar. Thoroughly beat the resulting mass.
  9. Lubricate the first cake with half of the resulting cream.
  10. Cover with a second cake, smear the cake with cream on top. Garnish with orange zest.

French fries

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • Carrots - 220 grams;
  • Dried basil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

Meal preparation:

  1. Cut carrots into strips.
  2. Finely chop the garlic.
  3. Mix chopped garlic, sunflower oil, salt and basil.
  4. The resulting seasoning is added to the carrots.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  6. Lay parchment on a baking sheet, put carrots and bake for 15 minutes.

Salad "Carrot"

Ingredients needed for cooking:

Meal preparation:

  1. Boil carrots, potatoes and chicken eggs.
  2. Boil the chicken breast in lightly salted water.
  3. Cut mushrooms, fry with onions.
  4. Grate boiled carrots and potatoes on a coarse grater, and eggs on a fine grater.
  5. Lay out the potatoes, top with a layer of mayonnaise.
  6. Put mushrooms, breast on top.
  7. Top with grated egg.
  8. Lay grated carrots on top.

Carrots for weight loss

In many Russian publications devoted to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, the orange root crop is considered unacceptable for consumption during diets. However, foreign authors often idolize this vegetable, considering it an effective assistant in combination with fitness exercises.

So let's try to identify a number of useful qualities for people who want to lose weight, thanks to a diet menu using carrots.

One of the main benefits of a red vegetable for weight loss is its high fiber content. And this means that due to the coarse dietary fiber, an orange vegetable will be very satisfying. Simply put, eating 200 grams of carrots can make you feel fuller than eating, for example, 200 grams of grapes.

Carrots help keep tissues and muscles in good shape. And this during the diet reduces the risk of sagging skin and the appearance of stretch marks.
The advantage of carrots is that you can cook many dishes from it. The root crop can become the basis for meatballs, casseroles and salads.
In combination with exercise, the carrot diet for weight loss is good because the combination of vitamins A, E and fructose gives a big boost of energy and allows you to quickly restore strength.

Also undeniable "For" in favor of an orange vegetable is the shelf life. Carrots are stored for a long time and retain most of their beneficial trace elements even at low temperatures.

"Against" carrots

People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should limit themselves in the use of carrots. Carrots, including in the form of juice, are contraindicated in exacerbation of ulcers, inflammation of the intestines, gastritis and high acidity.

But even absolutely healthy people should not abuse the red vegetable. Excessive consumption of carrot juice or fresh root vegetables can lead to temporary yellowing of the skin. This happens when the body cannot cope and does not have time to process all the keratin into vitamin A. Yellowing in itself is not scary, but walking with yellow skin is a dubious pleasure. It is always worth remembering that the daily intake of a root crop is 270-300 grams of juice or 4-5 small fruits.

Dishes from boiled carrots, eaten separately from other foods, can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is recommended to use a boiled vegetable in combination with other products, for example, carrots go well with cottage cheese and fish.

How to choose the most delicious and healthy root vegetable

It would seem that there is nothing easier than choosing the most delicious and healthy carrots. But as practice shows, this question is of interest to many, which means that not everyone knows a few simple rules that must be followed when choosing the best root crop.

You need to choose an orange plant, first of all, visually: try to choose a vegetable that is strong, with a smooth surface. A common misconception is that carrots should be taken with lush tops. In fact, the presence of thick tops is a sign of a large core, which means that the vegetable will be too tough.

When choosing carrots, preference should be given to bright orange fruits. The ideal weight for 1 carrot is 150 grams.

The surface of the vegetable should be even and smooth, the presence of growths is unacceptable, as they are an indicator of either the disease of this root crop, or they indicate the presence of nitrates in it. Of course, it is harmful to the body.

If you want to choose juicy carrots, then you should pay attention to the roots are thick, short with a dark orange peel. Such fruits are best used to obtain juice. And fruits with a light orange peel contain less juice, but they are better suited for cutlets and casseroles, as they keep their shape better.

You will learn interesting facts about the benefits of carrots in the following video:

Summing up, we can say that the beneficial properties of carrots dominate the list of negative points. This root vegetable can definitely be called useful. But, at the same time, carrots are delicious, which is not always the case with healthy food. The main rule in the use of carrots is to know the measure and follow simple rules while enjoying your favorite carrot cakes and cutlets. On the rejection of carrots, in addition, it is worth considering for people suffering from individual intolerance or allergic to them. By following these simple rules, you can maximize the benefits derived from eating a vegetable.

In contact with

Perhaps there is no more useful and affordable vegetable that must be used in our diet.

Carrots are a storehouse of nutrients. It contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for vitamins of groups: E, C, K, B, PP; as well as a wide variety of trace elements: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, copper, potassium, etc.

Carrots are a recognized leader in the content of carotene, which in our body turns into vitamin A. And as you know, vitamin A is good vision, healthy skin, hair and nails. It is enough to eat 30 grams of carrots a day to gain its daily intake.

Carrots contain a large amount of fiber, for this reason it is good for obesity, as well as for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

The presence of potassium, phosphorus and a set of vitamins in carrots makes it possible to successfully use it for the prevention of heart disease.

Carrot juice helps with diseases of the liver, kidneys, anemia, polyarthritis and atherosclerosis.

Carrots are successfully used in many diets: carrot diet for 3 days, carrot diet for 10 days. Carrot juice is very good to use for cleansing the body, both separately and mixed with other vegetable juices.

How much does one carrot weigh? In the absence of scales, you need to know that one medium tablespoon long carrot weighs about 125 grams and contains only 44 calories.

For the full assimilation of carotene and its transformation into vitamin A, it is necessary to consume carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil. It is also important to use freshly made juice and fresh carrot salads. The amount of nutrients in peeled carrots quickly decreases from contact with air.

When choosing carrots, pay attention to color and size. The largest amount of vitamins is found in carrots of medium size and bright color. Larger varieties contain more nitrates, pale varieties contain less carotene.

Korean carrots are very popular. It contains carrots, sugar, salt, spices, vinegar and a mixture of oriental spices. The calorie content of Korean carrots is 134 calories per 100 grams, so you should not use it for a diet.

T table of caloric content and nutritional value of carrots.

The product's name Number of grams of the product Contains
fresh carrot 100g 35 kcal
boiled carrots 100g 24 kcal
carrot in Korean 100g 134 kcal
proteins 100g 1.3 gr.
fat 100g 0.1 gr.
carbohydrates 100g 6.9 gr.
dietary fiber 100g 2.4 gr.
water 100g 88 gr.

100 grams of carrots contain the following trace elements: Calcium 27 mg, Magnesium 38 mg, Sodium 21 mg, Potassium 200 mg, Phosphorus 55 mg, Chlorine 63 mg, Sulfur 6 mg, Iron 0.7 mg, Zinc 0.4 mg, Iodine 5 mcg, Copper 80 mcg, Manganese 0 .2 mg, Selenium 0.1 mcg, Chromium 3 mcg, Fluorine 55 mcg, Molybdenum 2 0 mcg, Boron 200 mcg, Vanadium 99 mcg, Cobalt 2 mcg, Lithium 6 mcg, Aluminum 323 mcg, Nickel 6 mcg

Carrots contain the following vitamins: Vitamin PP 1 mg, Beta-carotene 12 mg, Vitamin A (RE) 2000 mcg, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.06 mg, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.07 mg, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.3 mg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.1 mg, Vitamin B9 (folic) 9 mcg, Vitamin C 5 mg, Vitamin E (TE) 0.4 mg, Vitamin H (biotin) 0.06 mcg, Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 13.2 mcg, Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 1.1 mg

Nika Sestrinskaya -site-specific
