
Is honey with Ivan tea candied? How long can you store

Fireweed honey has long been used to strengthen and improve the body. This honey contains many valuable components and is an indispensable remedy for colds and flu. This natural product owes its beneficial properties to its unique composition, the abundance of valuable amino acids and minerals.


This variety of honey is extracted from Ivan-chai (a medicinal herb that grows in Siberia and Altai). Fireweed honey is effective in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and successfully copes with the prevention of neuroses and nervous disorders. This product is used as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, helps fight gastritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and throat, and is effective for healing the skin.

Due to its chemical composition, fireweed honey improves blood formation, normalizes bowel function, effectively fights insomnia, and improves the health of young nursing mothers.

Also, this product increases male potency and is involved in the prevention of prostate diseases.

Daily use 1 tsp. fireweed honey helps to strengthen the immune system, saturates the body with essential vitamins, and normalizes blood pressure.

Among other useful properties of fireweed honey, it is worth highlighting the following features:

  • antibacterial and antiviral properties;
  • improvement of internal organs;
  • treatment of peptic ulcers;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • skin pore cleansing, wrinkle prevention;
  • improving well-being;
  • prevention of throat diseases;
  • reducing the likelihood of the harmful effects of stress;
  • sleep normalization.

Another effective method of using fireweed honey is the manufacture of cosmetic products for face and body skin care. With the help of fireweed honey, you can easily get rid of acne, enlarged pores and pale skin color. If you make masks from fireweed honey, you can strengthen the hair roots and normalize fat metabolism on the scalp. It also helps to improve the structure of nails, gives the skin a healthy color and a natural glow.

The high calorie content of fireweed honey does not allow us to call it a dietary product. But this variety is an effective drug that helps get rid of colds and strengthens the immune system well: it is enough to use 1 tsp. fireweed honey daily.


In large doses, fireweed honey can cause obesity. There are no saturated fatty acids in this product, but there is a significant amount of carbohydrates and sugar. Therefore, fireweed honey is not suitable for people with diabetes.

Fireweed honey contains no carcinogens and harmful substances. But crustaceans can easily appear if you bring it to a boil.


There are 328 kcal per 100 grams of fireweed honey (16.3% of the daily requirement).

The nutritional value


Fireweed honey should not be consumed if a person has already experienced allergic reactions to honey. But, even despite the absence of allergies, you should not eat this product immensely, because. it is a strong allergen.

Therefore, they should not be strongly carried away and abused.

In moderation, fireweed honey can be eaten by pregnant and lactating mothers. Infants do not need to give this product. It can be gradually introduced into the diet of children after three years.

Vitamins and minerals

The substances found in fireweed honey have strong antioxidant properties. Moderate consumption of this product helps to rejuvenate the body and increase immunity.

Vitamin name Quantity (per 100 g) % DV
Vitamin H (Biotin) 0.04 µg 0,08
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.01 mg 0,67
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 30 mcg 1,67
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 100 mcg 2,1
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.1 mg 5
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) 15 mcg 3,75
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 2 mg 2,22
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.4 mg 2

In addition to vitamins, fireweed honey contains a whole range of minerals that help strengthen the body and improve well-being.

Mineral name Quantity (per 100 g) % DV
Calcium 14 mg 1,4
Magnesium 3000 mcg 0,75
Sodium 10 mg 0,78
Potassium 36000 mcg 1,4
Phosphorus 18 mg 2,25
Chlorine 19000 mcg 0,8
Iron 0.8 mg 4,4
Sulfur 1 mg 0,1
Zinc 94 mcg 0,78
Iodine 2 mcg 1,3
Fluorine 100 mcg 2,5
Copper 59 mcg 5,9
Cobalt 0.3 µg 3
Manganese 34 mcg 1,7

Thanks to fireweed honey, you can quickly strengthen the body and give the body an additional strengthening of its protective functions. Fireweed honey is rightfully considered a valuable beekeeping product, which must be consumed to stimulate the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

It is safe to say that most people have never heard of the existence of fireweed honey and are not even aware of its interesting healing properties.
Nevertheless, with regular use, fireweed honey helps to significantly improve the condition of the body and rejuvenate it.

What it is?

Very often in meadow open spaces or even along highways you can find thickets of an interesting fireweed plant, popularly known as Ivan-tea.
This uncomplicated plant exudes a strong, pronounced aroma that attracts bees like a magnet. Therefore, a delicacy with an interesting name, an unsurpassed floral aroma and an exquisite, pleasant taste, in fact, is honey from willow-tea.

Important: in appearance, this beekeeping product is in many ways similar to yellow or greenish cream, while it is absolutely transparent. It is prone to rapid crystallization, and the grains themselves are more like snow flakes, and the process of grain formation is accompanied by a change in shade to milky white.
Of course, such signs can confuse even experienced honey lovers, to say nothing of the average buyer! But these are the features of real fireweed honey, for which he also received the nickname "snowy".

It consists of:

  • Sahara;
  • tannins, including tannin;
  • antioxidants;
  • trace elements;
  • amino acids;
  • macronutrients;
  • vitamins, in particular C, B1, B2, B3, E, PP.

Beneficial features

Since fireweed or Ivan tea is a medicinal plant, the honey obtained from it also has healing powers.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of fireweed honey can also be useful in cosmetology.
For example, masks prepared on its basis help:

  • slow down the aging process;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • make the skin silky and velvety;
  • cleanse pores;
  • improve the quality of skin nutrition, etc.
  • Important: it is better to apply any masks on steamed skin.

To cleanse problematic skin, it is recommended to use honey water for washing your face or take honey baths in order to improve the skin of the whole body. For example, with acne, you should try wiping your face with a lotion made from 1 tbsp. l. fireweed honey, 1 liter of water, 1 liter of chamomile decoction. The remaining mixture must be stored in the refrigerator.
A mixture of 200 ml of marigold decoction and a tablespoon of honey can also cope with acne, acne and oily skin. It is impregnated with the required amount of cotton swabs and applied to the face for at least 20 minutes. This procedure allows not only to narrow the pores and disinfect the skin, but also to moisturize it well. You will find many excellent honey recipes for skin cleansing and inflammation control in the article:

Attention! Before applying any product to the face or large areas of the skin, it is necessary to check how well it is tolerated. To do this, it is applied to the skin of the elbow bend, the reaction is evaluated after 12 hours.


In general, those who suffer from allergic reactions to bee products will have to completely abandon fireweed honey. In all other cases, you can take it, but only in moderation.
Hypertensive patients should be especially careful with it, since mixing fireweed honey with plant extracts such as eleutherococcus and others can lead to an increase in pressure.

How to choose?

Thus, it has already become clear that fireweed honey has a characteristic appearance, which is why many people mistake a fresh product for sugar syrup or another kind of fake. Therefore, it is very easy to refuse an extremely useful and little-known to the general public, but at the same time one of the most popular products in Russia, because willow-tea thickets still amaze with their density and prevalence.

Thus, almost no one can tell how to distinguish a fake fireweed honey. In this case, you should usually rely on your own intuition. Although you can still verify its naturalness with the help of ammonia. It must be added to honey diluted in half. If after that the solution does not immediately turn into a dirty brown color or a precipitate does not fall out in it, honey is considered natural.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

  • 1. Composition
  • 2. Useful properties
  • 3. Contraindications
  • 4. Choice of this variety
  • 5. Recipes with this variety for health

Honey card

ColorYellowish-greenish, after crystallization becomes light.
TasteUnusually delicate soft caramel taste.
AromaAroma of fireweed flowers.
Crystallization timeOne and a half to two months.
ViscosityThe thickness is very similar to milk cream.
calories316 kcal per 100 g.
Collection geographyRussia, Siberia, Caucasus, Far East, Mongolia.
Collection periodJuly August.

Many people who are interested in beekeeping products are probably aware of such a variety as fireweed honey. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows its healing characteristics. The product has truly unique medicinal properties. They consist in improving the general condition of the body, strengthening the defenses.

Fireweed honey is extracted by bees from a medicinal plant, which is scientifically called fireweed, and popularly called Ivan-tea. The plant is quite common. It somehow attracts the bees with its scent. Therefore, about 500-600 kg of honey is collected from one hectare.

Fireweed has long been used in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases. It helps fight respiratory problems, has antibacterial and antiviral qualities.


Fireweed honey includes sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), tannins, microelements, macroelements, antioxidants. Ascorbic acid is also present in the composition, the amount of which is even greater than in citrus fruits.

vitaminsmg/100 g product
IN 10,4-0,5
AT 20,2-0,4
AT 90,06
AT 60,03

The optimal composition and its healing qualities contribute to the widespread use of the product in alternative medicine.

Beneficial features

Fireweed honey is very beneficial for human health. Often used to treat arthralgia, otitis, laryngitis. Helps stop bleeding. It is used for ARVI or flu, relieves symptoms of a sore throat.

Consider more useful properties of the product. Among other things, the following qualities stand out:

  • Strengthening the heart and vascular walls
  • Taken for prostatitis
  • Improving digestion
  • Get rid of nerve problems
  • Useful during lactation
  • Treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcers
  • Anti-inflammatory property.

Also, experts recommend using fireweed honey for diseases of the duodenum and colon, pathologies of internal organs.
There is an effective effect on stress, headaches, insomnia, nervous system disorders, etc.

Fireweed honey is considered a natural hematopoietic stimulant. It is used for chronic convulsions, allowing for prolonged use to significantly reduce their number. Doctors advise in diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension to normalize pressure.

A light crystallized variety is often included in creams, scrubs, masks. Helps keep skin silky and soft. Gets rid of stretch marks and cellulite.


Fireweed honey is contraindicated only in case of allergic reactions to beekeeping products. Experts advise using it in the recommended doses (adults - about 100 grams, children - 30-40 grams per day). During the treatment of diseases with honey, it is advisable to adhere to the proportions indicated in proven recipes.

The choice of this variety

In order to easily distinguish a real quality product from a fake, you need to study the features of this variety:

  • White color because it is sold candied
  • Having a slight crunch
  • Astringent taste and floral aroma.

You can distinguish natural fireweed honey from fakes by checking for the content of artificial dyes. To do this, you need to mix 200 grams of the product with 300 grams of water. Then add a little ammonia. In case of precipitation, the product is considered to be of poor quality.

Recipes with this variety for health

  • Pour fireweed honey (about three to four tablespoons) with a cup of warm water, leave for 20 minutes. Take before meals. - Treats pancreatitis.
  • For the treatment of ulcers, 2 tablespoons of honey are diluted in three liters of water. Infuse for about an hour and drink a glass three times a day.
  • Psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Mix in equal proportions (about 300 ml each) fireweed honey and warm water. Drink throughout the day.
  • BPH. Three tablespoons of fireweed grass, 50 grams of honey and half a liter of boiling water. Insist and take on an empty stomach.
  • Brew chamomile and add 30 g of honey. - We treat prostatitis.

The value and beneficial properties of natural honey is well known. Its regular use helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the protective ability of the body, and overall improve well-being. Taking into account a large number of varieties of honey, it can be noted that each of them has its own characteristics and properties, as well as taste. Accordingly, we give preference to one or another variety, choosing it individually for ourselves.

Fireweed honey also deserves attention and is very popular. The amazing properties of this product are due to its composition. This honey is obtained from the Ivan-chai plant, or fireweed, which is an excellent honey plant. It is distinguished by a very delicate, subtle aroma and amazing taste. For those who still do not know anything about what fireweed honey is, we will consider its useful properties and contraindications in this article.

Vitamin composition and value

A large number of microelements and minerals important for life are found in honey from willow-tea. It is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, as well as P and E. Few people know that this product surpasses even citrus fruits and black currants in terms of the amount of ascorbic acid. This explains its ability to quickly fight viruses.

This natural product contains tannins and a large amount of antioxidants that help cleanse the body. For example, a substance such as tannin gives honey an astringent, enveloping effect. And flavonoids have a beneficial effect on all organ systems, improving their functioning and activating the production of beneficial enzymes.

The unique composition of honey obtained from fireweed distinguishes it from other varieties: this product does not cause allergic reactions, which means it is indispensable for those who are prone to allergies.

Fireweed honey - benefits for the human body

Fireweed honey is certainly incredibly healthy. But this is not a panacea or a medicine, but just a product that nature has given to promote health and prevent various diseases. It is recommended to include it in your diet and use it regularly to forget about many ailments. Decoctions, infusions, creams and ointments are prepared from this product.

This tool is useful for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it has a strengthening and cleansing effect. Surprisingly, depending on what time of day it is used, you can get a different effect on the nervous system. For example, in the morning with a couple of spoons of honey, you can cheer up well and prepare the body for an active working day. Before going to bed, the use of fireweed honey will help relieve fatigue, and vice versa, it will relax and prepare the body for a restful sleep. In the evening, you should eat a smaller portion to achieve the desired effect.

Since it has an enveloping and astringent effect, it is useful to have it on hand in case of gastritis attacks, as well as for those who suffer from low stomach acid. In such cases, it is recommended to start the day not with a cup of coffee, but with a glass of warm water with the addition of a spoonful of bee products. This normalizes digestion and prepares the stomach for various foods throughout the day.

Fireweed honey is famous for its antiviral, antibacterial properties, so it is indispensable for colds and during seasonal exacerbations of SARS. Enveloping the throat, honey has a curative effect on sore throats and colds.

An effective remedy for cramps, spasms and headache attacks, this natural product can be considered a universal remedy in the fight against poor health. Its regular use will make you feel much better, heal the internal organs and rejuvenate the body, and thanks to its beneficial properties, it has also established itself as an effective cosmetic product. Honey has a narrowing effect on the pores, rejuvenates the skin, relieves inflammation in acne and improves fat metabolism. Masks from such a gift of nature give the face a healthy look and a natural glow. Honey is useful both for the skin of the hands and for nails, improving their structure and making them strong and strong. In addition, its external use has a healing and disinfecting effect on wounds, scratches, bruises.

About who is dangerous fireweed honey (contraindications for use)

If honey is used with caution, it will have a healing effect, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. So, hypertensive patients taking other drugs to lower pressure and medicinal herbs should be treated with caution. In combination with them, honey can greatly increase blood pressure.

Despite the hypoallergenicity of this type of beekeeping product, you should still consult an allergist before feeding it to a child. This also applies to its external use. Some people have too sensitive skin to experiment with such natural cosmetics.

Contraindications should be taken into account for people who are prone to fullness. This product does not contain fat, but contains a lot of sugar and carbohydrates. If you eat it in large quantities, you can provoke obesity. For the same reason, diabetics should avoid it.

Also, those who eat fireweed honey can expect harm even where no one is waiting for it. It can easily turn into poison if the heating technology is violated. So, at 40 degrees Celsius, it produces carcinogenic substances and products that cause the development of cancer cells. So those who like to make last year's honey thin by heating should do it only in a water bath without contact with hot water, controlling the temperature of the product.

If you carefully and attentively treat the products that the environment offers us, then you can give yourself excellent health and enviable well-being. Be healthy and enjoy the gifts of nature.

Fireweed honey has truly unique properties, thanks to which it has been popular since time immemorial. Even in the old days, people understood that this beekeeping product not only absorbs all the useful things that are in honey plants, but also retains it for a long time. The beneficial properties of fireweed honey are widely used in modern folk medicine to get rid of ailments and in cosmetology to improve skin condition. It is even included in a number of creams and scrubs.

Description of fireweed honey

The honey plant for this beekeeping product is fireweed, popularly known as Ivan-tea. The plant itself is medicinal, and it transferred all its healing properties to nectar. Bees love to fly over Ivan tea, which often forms entire plantations. Its aroma is so pronounced that it attracts these working insects. Bees collect pollen and nectar from it and produce an amazing delicacy.

Outwardly, fireweed honey looks like this, which sometimes confuses buyers, who even think that they are trying to hand over a fake product. Its consistency is reminiscent of yellowish or greenish cream. In addition, it quickly crystallizes and becomes lighter, like snow. It is even called "white honey" or "snow".

The delicacy has an excellent aroma, which has absorbed the incredible smells of fireweed, and excellent taste. Such excellent qualities should be enough to ignore the unusual appearance and acquire real honey, and not artificial, the beauty of which is deceptive.

Ivan-tea, growing on an area of ​​1 hectare, allows the bees to collect nectar, which is enough to produce 600 kg of healthy treats. Honey is consumed fresh, it is added to pastries, and tea is also brewed with it.

The composition of fireweed honey and its beneficial properties

The composition of this beekeeping product contains an incredible amount of various useful substances. These are sugar, and antioxidants, and tannins. Fireweed honey also contains various vitamins: groups B, PP and E. It contains much more ascorbic acid than citrus fruits. Ivan tea, which serves as a honey plant, belongs to plants with healing properties, and all of them are duplicated in honey.

It is not for nothing that traditional healers have long used fireweed honey in their recipes, the beneficial properties of which can be endlessly discussed. Use it in the following cases:

  • with SARS and other colds, nectar improves well-being and relieves acute symptoms;
  • in case of nervous disorders, it will help to calm down and restore normal sleep;
  • in diseases of the stomach that increase its acidity, nectar is very helpful in relieving inflammation and eliminating unpleasant symptoms;
  • with anemia and other blood diseases stimulates the process of hematopoiesis;
  • with headaches of various origins;
  • honey is a valuable product in the fight against prostate diseases;
  • recommended for use by women who feed their baby with their milk.

Even official medicine advises the use of fireweed honey in a number of cases, for example, in case of cardiovascular diseases. It is believed that the product is an excellent tool for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which is so necessary for atherosclerosis. Its use helps to strengthen the heart muscle.

Ivan-tea nectar is useful for hypertensive patients, as it normalizes blood pressure. If you eat a teaspoon of honey before going to bed, then you can forget about insomnia, only you need to drink it not with boiling water, but with warm water. And it would be nice to use a treat not when something already hurts, but for preventive purposes.

Cypriot honey can be used not only by itself, but also in combination with other beneficial substances. So, it is good to use it together with fish oil, which contains a lot of retinol. This union forms epithelial tissues.

Fireweed honey has not only useful properties, but there are also contraindications. It should not be used by those people who are allergic to any bee products. If a person is not allergic, then honey should be consumed in limited quantities. You can not eat a delicacy in huge portions.

Traditional medicine recipes

Healers often advise using fireweed honey for depression. The recipe for its use in this case is quite simple: you should take 1 tbsp. l. product in the morning and evening. For the best effect, Ivan-tea nectar is used along with a decoction of St. John's wort, but this composition is harmful for high blood pressure.

With angina, a decoction of plantain, lungwort and sage is used (each ingredient is 0.5 tablespoons) and a glass of boiling water. After complete cooling, fireweed honey is added to it - 2 tbsp. l. Reception rate - 100 ml before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Healing potion according to folk recipes can be prepared for the treatment of prostate adenoma. It consists of Ivan-tea nectar and propolis tincture, mixed in equal amounts. Reception rate - 1 tsp. half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. And the tool must be put under the tongue and slowly dissolve.

Honey will also help improve the state of the immune system: it is enough to drink tea once a day not with sugar, but with one spoonful of fireweed nectar. In the same way, you can solve the problems of the digestive system, for which it will be enough to drink a glass of water daily, in which 1 tsp is dissolved. nectar.

Fireweed honey has a wound healing property, so it is used to prepare a solution for lotions and baths. Traditional healers suggest preparing such a potion according to the following recipe:

  • 50 g of eucalyptus leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • the solution is kept in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • the prepared broth must be filtered;
  • in the cooled broth is added 2 tbsp. l. honey.

Ivan tea as a medicinal plant is used in cosmetology, and the nectar from it is even more so. Fireweed honey is an excellent remedy for eliminating skin defects. With a tendency to acne, you can use honey water, prepared from 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. honey. To enhance the effect, instead of water, you can use a decoction of chamomile. This lotion has antibacterial properties, it is incredibly easy to make and is not so expensive.
