
How to make dried (dried) figs at home. How to dry figs at home

October 2, 2017

Figs are delicious and healthy treat. It can be bought at ready-made, because this product is in almost every store. Better yet, cook it yourself. How to dry figs at home? To do this, several proven methods are used, which will be discussed in the article.


There are several drying options. With each of them it will be possible to save a lot of vitamins and valuable substances. Before you learn how to properly dry figs, you should prepare it for the procedure. For drying, choose ripe fruit. It is important that they themselves fall from the tree. Then the figs must be washed, remove the damage. It is necessary to determine what it will be - sweet or with a natural taste.

If you like sweet taste, then you should prepare the fruits for drying. Pour water (3 cups) into the pan, bring it to a boil. Then add sugar (1 cup), boil the figs for 7-10 minutes. Stir gently while cooking. Then they should be thrown into a colander and dried. After that, the product is ready for processing. How to dry figs at home is described below.

In the sun

How to dry figs at home in their natural form? Clean and dried fruits should be laid out on a wire rack. When drying, figs attract insects, so the grate should be wrapped with gauze, which will also protect against dust.

The product must be installed so that air flows to the fruits from all sides. To speed up the process, the figs are cut sharp knife in half and place on the wire rack cut top. Drying time is 4-6 days. Then the fruits are strung on a strong thread and taken to the shade for drying.

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How to dry figs in the oven? To perform this procedure correctly, you must follow some recommendations. Dry fruits should be placed on a wire rack. Do not use a baking sheet for this. In order for the figs to dry out, air must come from all sides. If the grate has large holes, it is covered with gauze.

Turn the oven on to minimum and leave the door ajar. Turn the fruits over every 2 hours. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 days. This is the answer to the question of how to dry figs in the oven.

Electric dryer

This device reduces the drying process, while the product retains juiciness and acquires a golden hue. How to dry figs in a dryer? This work is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. Cut the fruits into 2 even parts and put on a towel, which will allow you to remove the liquid after blanching.
  2. The halves must be laid out on the pallets of the device.
  3. If the fig is not large, then the processing time is no more than 10 hours.
  4. Large berries dry for a long time.

Drying figs at home in a dryer is very convenient. The fruits are no less tasty and healthy.


Housewives need to know not only how to dry figs at home, but also how to store them. To do this, you need bags made of thick material or paper. This will preserve the juiciness and taste, as well as prevent the appearance of mold.

If a white coating has formed on the dryers, this indicates the presence of crystallized glucose, due to which the product has a sweet taste. Fruits should not be left in a humid room so that they can be preserved for a long time.


Figs have other names: fig or fig. The fruit is medicinal, so it is used in the treatment of various ailments. The leaves serve as raw materials for the Psoberan remedy for baldness and vitiligo. And the fruits are used in the manufacture of the drug "Kafiol" for the treatment of constipation. Infructescence is used to get rid of cough, diseases of the nasopharynx.

Fruits are treated:

  • anemia
  • fever
  • bronchial asthma;
  • muscular rheumatism;
  • constipation;
  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • colds of the genital organs of women;
  • skin diseases.

Figs have antipyretic, laxative, diaphoretic effects. It is also known for its nourishing, softening, healing and antioxidant effect. The fruits contain pectin, which restores connective tissue. This property is indispensable for the treatment of injuries, fractures, diseases of the joints.

WITH regular use figs cleanses the blood, strengthens vascular system improves the elasticity of veins and capillaries. The dried fruit contains ficin, which reduces blood clotting, protects against the formation of blood clots, and reduces atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. Dried figs restore strength in case of exhaustion, beriberi. It improves brain function, improves tone and performance. Fruits treat a lingering cough, make breathing easier. Eat special recipes for which they are preparing medicinal products to relieve the symptoms of a cold.

Who doesn't need to eat a berry?

Fruits should not be consumed when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity
  • acute gastrointestinal disease;
  • diarrhea
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout.

People with allergies should also not include dried figs in their food. In case of contraindications, it is advisable to consult a doctor.


100 g of the product contains 248 kcal. This delicious sweet dessert will be suitable for those who follow the figure. When choosing dried fruits, you need to pay attention to:

  • color - light brown;
  • shape - slightly flattened;
  • size is the same.

Dried figs should not smell of mold, sourness. This indicates a poor quality product. It is better to throw away such berries than to get poisoned. If there are sugars on the fruits, then the product is prepared with syrup. The surface should not be dark spots.

How to use?

Figs are included in many dishes. dried berries taken in food:

  • as a standalone product;
  • as an additive to sauces, desserts, compotes;
  • with honey, cream, cheese.

Just keep in mind that with the addition of other products, the calorie content of the dish increases.

How else can you prepare?

Figs can be prepared in the form of jam. It will take 1 kg of fruit, 0.5 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water. Berries should be pierced with a toothpick. Syrup is made from sugar and water. When it boils, figs are added to it. It only takes 5 minutes to boil. If the fruits remain at the top, they must be immersed in syrup with a wooden spatula. Then remove the workpiece from the heat and leave for 12 hours.

Then the jam is boiled again for 5 minutes. Then the gas must be turned off and the product left for 12 hours. The third time, you should boil it again, after which the dessert is laid out in jars. The result is a tasty and healthy jam.

Freezing is considered another way of harvesting. It is advisable to take dark figs, which must first be washed. The fruits should be dried, and then put into bags, remove the air and place in the freezer. In winter, a tasty and healthy delicacy will be ready.

Thus, figs can be harvested different ways. Drying is a common method of harvesting berries. They retain taste, aroma and benefits. Using any suitable method, it will be possible to prepare a valuable dried fruit.

There are about a dozen ways to dry figs in order to long-term storage. The choice of option depends on:

  • maturity and varieties of figs;
  • weather conditions of the harvesting region;
  • presence/absence special device for drying fruits and vegetables.

Ways to dry figs

1. In the sun figs are dried in the southern regions and countries with a subtropical/tropical climate in hot weather with normal humidity or humidity slightly below normal. Excess moisture present in the air slows down the drying process and provokes the spread of mold and rot.

Before drying figs in the sun, you should prepare:

  • 5 l pot;
  • colander;
  • spoon or spatula;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • paper towels;
  • stainless steel metal grate;
  • 2-3 meters of gauze with one sheet;
  • the same amount of cotton fabric;
  • covering film over an area the size of a grate.

The sequence of actions is designed for a workpiece of 2-3 kg fresh figs. In this method, it is dried entirely. The color of figs can be from green to yellow. Black figs are best used to make jam, rather than dried in the sun.

  1. Place the fruits in a saucepan, cover with water and rinse gently. Throw away in a colander.
  2. Put the pan on the fire, mix water with sugar and prepare syrup. Due to natural chemical composition fig fruits are prone to fermentation. Overripe seedlings begin to sour already on the tree. Processing with boiling syrup displaces excess air from them, and sugar acts as a preservative. You can blanch without sugar, if the task is to preserve the natural taste of the wine berry.
  3. Pour the figs into the pan, cover and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Take out the fruits in a colander and let cool.
  5. Spread the berries on a grill under the sun so that they do not touch each other. Provide air access from all sides.
  6. Turn the fruits once a day for even drying.
  7. If there are a lot of insects around, cover the fruits with gauze.
  8. At night, cover the grate with a dry cotton cloth, and on top with a film to protect it from dew and condensate, or bring it into the house.

Under the hot sun wine berries dried completely in 2-3 days. Their skin becomes dense and dry, no moisture is released from the fruit when pressed. The color of the finished dried figs with initially light shades becomes golden or golden brown.

If, with this method of processing, increase the proportion of sugar in the syrup, for example, take 2 cups of sugar for 3 cups of water and boil the figs for 12-15 minutes, then after drying, candied fruits will be obtained.

2. In an electric dryer
the fruits are dried in slices. You can dry dark figs. Need to:

  1. Cut the fruit into slices 2-3 mm thick.
  2. Lay the slices on the drying rack in 1 layer.
  3. Set the temperature to +55…+60 °C.
  4. Load the tiers, change their places every 4 hours so that the circulating air blows the figs evenly.

Depending on the power of the device, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe grates and the size of the slices, the fig dries out in 1-2 days.

3. In the oven figs can be dried both black and green; whole or cut into halves/quarters; pre-glazed with syrup, boiled or fresh. Basic principles:

  1. Always set the minimum temperature. The recommended temperature for drying figs is +60 °C. If it is higher in a particular oven, for example, it starts from +100 ... +120 ° C, the fruits should be turned over more often - every 2 hours.
  2. Berries, cut into halves / quarters, place cut side up.
  3. Do not use a baking sheet or baking dish. Dry only on a wire rack so that the fruits are blown with air.
  4. Keep the oven door ajar at all times. When the door is closed, moisture remains inside, so the figs will bake in own juice and not dry out.

Cooking time depending on oven model, position of trays, drying temperature and culinary form figs: from 8 hours to 2 days. Its readiness should be periodically checked tactilely, visually and by taste.

4. In the microwave you can dry figs if it is equipped with convection, grill and wire rack.

  1. Fresh fig fruits should be cut into thin slices and placed on a wire rack in 1 layer.
  2. For drying, use the "Defrost" mode, the initial time is 30 minutes. Keep the door closed!
  3. After the timer has expired, check the readiness. If the slices are slightly damp, extend the time by 5-10 minutes until completely dry.

5. Airfryer figs are dried fresh and cut into quarters.

  1. Place the pieces of fruit on the grill cut side up so that they do not touch each other.
  2. Set the temperature to +55 °C.
  3. Insert a skewer (usually included in the kit) between the grill and the lid of the air grill and thereby ensure the outflow of moist air.

Drying time will be about 12 hours. Readiness should be checked organoleptically.

6. In a slow cooker of course, you can dry the figs if you really want to and there is absolutely no other option. However, this appliance is not intended for drying fruits and vegetables. The output portion will turn out to be very small, since its volume is limited by the diameter of the multicooker bowl. Need to:

  1. Cover the bottom of the bowl parchment paper.
  2. Slice the figs thinly.
  3. Lay out the cut on paper in 1 layer.
  4. Keep the multicooker lid open until the end of the drying process.
  5. Select the “Baking” mode and save it until it is visually half cooked, when the figs wither and leave it most of moisture.
  6. Reset the mode and set "Auto heating".
  7. During the entire drying process, periodically check the readiness and turn the slices.

7. In a dehydrator the drying time of figs, cut into slices of 2-3 mm, will be 24-36 hours. This device differs from a conventional vegetable dryer by uniform blowing of the trays without temperature loss between levels, so it can be lowered from the recommended one.

  1. Cut the fruit into thin slices.
  2. Arrange on a wire rack in 1 layer.
  3. Set the temperature to +43 °C.
  4. Check dried fruits in a day. If necessary, leave for another 12 hours.

8. In Isidri Figs can be dried quickly and evenly.

  1. Cut the fruit into slices of 2-3 mm.
  2. Place on the grids in 1 layer, while the slices can touch each other.
  3. Set the temperature to +55 °C.
  4. Load dryer.

Drying time: 9-10 hours.

How to store dried figs at home in an apartment

1. In room conditions this dried fruit can be stored:

  • in ties, strung on cotton threads, away from the stove, hood and open windows. Shelf life - 2-3 months at a temperature of +20 ... +22 ° C and normal humidity (60-70%). The disadvantage of the method: the fruits are sensitive to fluctuations in humidity, can become moldy and rot.
  • in linen or canvas bags, no more than 2 kg in one bag, in a dry, ventilated area. The storage requirements are the same. With this method of storage, the old-timers of Abkhazia and Azerbaijan recommend eating September preparations before the New Year. The maximum storage period is until March, that is, no more than 7 months.
  • in glass jars vacuum lids . This is Nai The best way storage at room conditions. So the tender dried fruit will be protected from fluctuations in humidity and temperature, the ingress of pathogenic bacteria and mold spores. Shelf life - up to 1 year.

2. In the refrigerator, dried figs are stored in airtight containers, the tightness of which is carefully checked. They should be placed on the bottom shelf. Shelf life with proper drying will be up to 12 months.

3. Containers are also used in the freezer for storing dried fruit. Freezing taste qualities dried figs keep up to 24 months.

How to choose a good dried fig in the market / store

1. GOST for dried figs in terms of its storage.

The current GOST 12003-76 states that dried fruits without factory processing must be packed in containers with a net weight of up to 25 kg. Storage should be carried out in compliance with sanitary standards at a temperature of +5 to +20 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 70% in warehouses free from the presence of various pests.

High-quality dried figs should be dense, but at the same time elastic; have a characteristic odor and organoleptic properties. Its color must be uniform. It varies from beige and golden to dark brown. It depends on the color of the raw material.

  • with traces of moisture and condensation;
  • a large number of mechanical damage;
  • rotten and with signs of fermentation;
  • with a taste of gasoline;
  • covered with spots;
  • moldy;
  • eaten away by insects;
  • with traces of rodents.

2. Do I need to wash store-bought dried figs before eating?

Before eating, dried fruits must be washed, pre-soaked in warm water for a few minutes. This will remove dust, dirt particles, bacteria and possible traces of chemicals from their surface.

3. White coating on figs - what does this mean?

White coating on dried figs does not pose a danger to the consumer. This is just crystalline sugar that has come through, the excess of which is due to the natural sweetness of the fruit or the method of drying with pre-treatment syrup.

Video instructions

How to dry figs for the winter

How to Dry Figs Properly (Step by Step Recipe)

How to dry figs at home? The issue for residents of the southern regions is not relevant. But for those who, returning from a vacation at sea, took with them a bucket of ripe, delicious figs, our article will come in handy. Because you won't be able to eat them anyway. Figs begin to deteriorate already on the 3rd day when room temperature. In the refrigerator - for 5 days.

Frozen figs, when thawed, turn into a slippery, unappetizing mass. Therefore, drying is the best way to store figs. By the way, dried figs in the freezer can lie quietly for up to 2 years. In room conditions, it is stored for up to 10 months. And processed with sugar syrup and dried - only 30 days. But first things first.

How to prepare figs for drying

In principle, nothing complicated or abstruse is required. The fruits must be sorted out. Crumpled or beaten to eat immediately. Scratched ones can also be eaten. Or cook to dry.

The next step is the obligatory washing of the fruit. Someone will say that in the south, figs are not washed before drying. Well, they collect them from under the tree and immediately drag them to dry. And you drove several thousand kilometers. And yes, don't freak out! Wash who I say! From childhood, they were taught: everything that you put in your mouth, everything needs to be washed. But dried figs are still not going to admire, you will eat it.

Then the fruits are dried on a sieve or an old thick towel. Paper kitchen utensils will work too. Just don't rub the figs while washing, and trying to remove any remaining water afterwards. too thin and tender skin easily damaged even from a simple push. Let the water dry on its own.

Figs can be dried whole or cut into halves or quarters. The form does not affect the final result in any way, the taste qualities also do not change. Here the principle of personal preference and aesthetic perception operates. For example, a purely feminine "I wanted it that way, that's why I cut it." As convenient as they are.

Advice. When buying figs, be aware that yellow ones are best for drying, and purple ones for jam.

Where to dry figs

In the southern regions, this issue does not arise. The climate itself favors drying outdoors under hot sunbeams. IN middle lane and to the north such heat can not be seen. But, if the weather is clear and unusually warm, then you can try this method.

To begin with, prepare the lattice. I love handy. It is very important that the figs are blown fresh air bottom and top. If you put them on a baking sheet, then the fruit can simply ferment or start to rot. Figs are laid out on a wire rack and placed in a sunny, well-ventilated place.

It is advisable to close the entire structure with a thin non-woven material or thick gauze. And below too. Wasps, fruit flies and a whole bunch of other insects also like to taste sweet pulp. They need such tricks.

The drying process lasts about 5 days, with breaks for the night. By the way, in the evening the grate needs to be removed into the house. You never know, it will rain or the dew will sit down. Excess moisture is a big hindrance in your business.

Some sources recommend boiling figs in boiling sugar syrup for 10 seconds and only then determine for drying. Allegedly for better conservation colors. I think this is pointless, because all dried figs are the same light brown color.

Unless, to prevent putrefactive processes or prevent fermentation, the procedure will quite help. True, such candied fruit is stored for a very short time.

Advice. Try to make half of the blanks with boiling sugar syrup treatment, and the other half without. At the same time, compare tastes.

What to do for those whom the sun does not favor with hot rays even in summer? There is an exit. Even two. Choose any suitable one.

For happy owners home dryer. Whole or cut into halves (quarters) figs are laid out on the grates. The temperature is set no higher than + 65 ° С. Because the sugar in the pulp at more high temperature caramelized and can change the final taste of the finished product.

By the way, an incomprehensible white coating on dried figs is the sugar that has come out.

Drying time is approximately 6-8 hours. It all depends on the degree of loading and the power of your device. Readiness is checked visually. Fruits decrease in size, acquire a light brown hue. When pressed, it is felt that the skin has become dense and elastic.

There are recommendations to flatten the figs to a flat shape. It is not necessary to do this at all. Because that's what they do in the case of large-scale preparations. Flattening saves space, such figs are put on a string and hung up for storage.

If you have to dry a small amount of, then you can then store the figs in usual form without additional manipulations.

Just do not ask where at home to keep a bucket of dried figs. Only a third of your bucket will remain (fruits are greatly reduced in volume and weight), and you will definitely find where to attach it.

Advice. Cut the dried fruit. If there is no visible juice, then you have dried it properly.

And if there is no sun and electric dryer? Where to put the remaining figs? Dry of course! Only in the oven. Whole or chopped, it doesn't matter. The main thing is back on the grid. The tray or baking sheet will allow the fruit to bake before the drying process begins. And we don't need it.

Showing the smallest temperature regime. Ideal +60°С. But sometimes the minimum temperature is higher, oven models are different. In this case, you will have to turn the workpieces more often so that they do not burn. And in any case, be sure to leave the door ajar so that the evaporating moisture has the opportunity to freely go outside. It is difficult to name the drying time exactly, it all depends on the degree of heating of the oven. On average, it takes about 8 hours.

Readiness is also determined as described above. We check with handles for elasticity and rigidity, with eyes for color and with a knife for juiciness.

Advice. Let dried fruit cool completely before storing. Otherwise, condensation will appear, and with it mold.

How to dry figs at home? Everything is very simple. It is important not to delay, otherwise the fruit will spoil. And so you can carry a wonderful delicacy from your own freezer for a long time.

Video: how to choose the right dried figs

The flower or fruit of a fig is a product that has huge amount useful compounds, vitamins and minerals.

It contains potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and there is much more fiber in figs than in any other vegetable or fruit. And if you are lucky to buy or collect good harvest fresh figs, you should know how to prepare it. You can make jam, but it is easier and more practical to dry the fruits, so that later, as needed, they can be eaten or added to compotes and desserts. Dried figs retain all their benefits, which is especially pleasant for fasting people.

How to dry figs

There are several options for drying fruits: naturally and in the oven. To start, a few tips:

1. From 2 kg fresh product get 700-800 gr. dried;

2. You need to harvest only the most ripe fruits. Ripeness indicator - the fruit falls to the ground, it only needs to be washed and can be prepared for storage;

3. Before cutting for drying, the fruits are not cleaned, only the drips, bursting places are cut off, dried with a paper towel;

4. To get a sweeter taste of dried figs, you can boil the syrup from a part of sugar and 3 parts of water, boil the figs in the syrup for 10 minutes, then take out the fruits and start drying. The syrup is used for cooking compotes and jelly.

But many people like regular taste dried figs, not too sweet, slightly nutty and very pleasant. And now, how to dry figs naturally:

1. Cut the washed and dried fruits into halves with a sharp knife;

2. Put the fruit on a metal grill or drying tray. If the cells are too large, then pre-lay the dishes with gauze, fixing it on the sides so that it does not squeeze through;

3. The figs are laid out with the cut side up;

4. Cover the berries with gauze and secure the fabric so that it does not loosen and stick to the juicy berries;

5. Leave in the open sun for a day, bring into the room at night.

How to make dried figs in the oven

1. Prepare the product as indicated in the previous version;

2. Turn on the oven at 60 C and wait for it to warm up completely. If there is no such low temperature limiter, you need to set it to the heating that is considered minimal and slightly open the cabinet door without closing it during the entire drying process;

3. Put the prepared halves of the fruit on a wire rack or a baking sheet with a cellular bottom - this is a must, since the berries must be ventilated from all sides, otherwise they will be baked;

4. Put the berries in the oven, dry, turning over from time to time, about 8-24 hours.

Readiness is determined by an incision in the skin - the juice does not flow, which means that the berries are dry. You can also dry whole fruits, but then the process will take twice as long.

dried figs calories

If you are afraid to get better, you should know how many calories are in dried figs - there are only 248 kcal per 100 g. product. This is a tasty, sweet and very pleasant snack for those who follow the figure. But how do they eat dried figs? It should be remembered that when choosing dried figs, you need to pay attention to:

1. Color - light brown with a matte finish.

2. Shape - slightly flattened;

3. Size - the same, not very large.

The taste of dried figs is only fresh and sweet, any aromas of mold, sourness are a sign poor quality product. It is better to throw away such figs so as not to get poisoned. If saccharins appeared on the dried fruits of the fig tree, then the figs were dried with the addition of syrup. Discard such a product, it may not be very pleasant to taste. And, of course, there should not be any dark spots on the product, this is a signal that the already rotting crop is drying, which means that there will be no benefit from food.

We chose dried figs, how to eat:

1. Use as an independent product, cut into pieces or you can bite off the fruit;

2. Add to meat sauces, desserts or compotes;

3. Eat with honey, cream, cheese.

But still, it is worth remembering how many calories are in dried figs so that the delicacy does not become excessively “fat” and does not harm the waist. A well-dried fig fruit has up to 250 kcal / 100g, adding a spoonful of honey, you will not increase the calorie content too much, but you will get it perfectly healthy breakfast. And by the way, do not damage the thorough washing of the fruit, preferably with a brush and in warm water, you also need to dose dried fruit. There is a lot of fiber in the fig tree, so when eating figs for the first time, you should be very careful.

How to store dried figs

It is not enough to dry the fig tree; at the slightest violation of the storage technology, all the work will be wasted. Special difficulties not in storage, it is enough to place the fruits in glass jar with a perfectly fitted lid and put the product in the refrigerator. Shelf life up to 8 months. But how to store dried figs if there are a lot of them? To freeze! Impact negative temperatures extends the shelf life up to a year, while the fig tree does not lose its properties and qualities after defrosting.

Dried fig compote

Recipes with dried figs are varied. You can add fruit to morning muesli, porridge or desserts. It is very good to make compote from dried figs, which also includes dried apricots, prunes. Figs are taken in an arbitrary amount, like the rest of the ingredients, sugar is added to taste. Pre-washed dried apricots and prunes pour boiling water, boil until fully prepared and add pieces of washed dried figs. Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes, add sugar and you can treat yourself to a vitamin and pleasant drink.

There are many ways to save figs for the winter. For example, drying them at home. All the benefits of dried figs are due to the richness of the vitamins, macro- and microelements contained in it. The fruits retain the entire stock necessary for a person minerals, pectin and fiber.

The benefits of fig fruits

Dried fruits have a pleasant sweet taste. They have almost no contraindications for use in moderation.

Useful properties of dried figs:

  • It is rich in potassium, which reduces the risk of heart problems.
  • Keeps blood vessels in good shape.
  • Just two dried fruits a day will improve the functioning of the stomach and relieve problems with the digestive system.
  • Fruit fig tree useful for the prevention of hypertension and promote good and proper blood formation.
  • In a limited amount, dried figs are indicated for diabetes mellitus.

And only the presence of an allergy to this fruit can be the reason for the complete exclusion of figs from the diet.

The subtleties of the selection and preparation of fig fruits

Ripe fig fruits attract with their unusual aroma. But they are very delicate, with a thin skin that is easy to damage.

Therefore, the choice must be approached carefully:

  • When the first fruits of figs begin to ripen, it is better to spread a clean cloth under the tree - this will protect the padans from excess debris.
  • Only ripe fruits are selected for drying. yellow fruits more suitable for drying, and purple ones are more often used for making jam.
  • To the touch, the fruits selected for drying should be moderately dense, soft ones are not suitable for drying.
  • All the fruits that have fallen from the tree must be sorted and only undamaged ones should be set aside for harvesting. Slightly scratched fruits can also be dried. The rest, slightly crushed crop, must be eaten, because figs quickly oxidize and lose all their beneficial properties.
  • The harvested crop must first be washed and laid out on a cloth to dry from moisture. It is not recommended to wipe the figs - damage the thin skin. Damaged fruits are not suitable for drying.
  • Dry the figs whole or cut into pieces - it's up to you. It does not affect the taste and quality in any way.

Qualitatively dried fruits have a flattened shape, soft to the touch. They are usually light beige or brown in color.

Tip - you can identify overripe figs by their characteristic sour smell. Such fruits should be discarded.

Air drying

The issue of air-drying a bountiful harvest does not arise for residents of the southern regions. And their own harvest, not brought from afar, and a lot of hot sun.

The fruits are not cut and dried whole:

  1. Before laying out on nets for drying, each fruit must be dipped in boiling water. sugar syrup. This will help to avoid fermentation processes.
  2. When placing the fruits, the rule is observed - the top of the fig should be turned towards the sun. In wet weather and at night, lattices with figs are brought into the room.
  3. So that the fruits do not cake, they must be turned every two days.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that midges and wasps do not sit on the fruits. You can cover the grids with gauze or use a thin non-woven material.
  5. After about a week, when the figs have dried up, they can be removed from the grill, slightly flattened (to give the shape of a disk) and strung on a strong thread. You need to dry the figs in the air in a shaded place and a calm corner.
  6. Sometimes some housewives fumigate figs with sulfur before drying. This speeds up the drying process.
  7. Well-dried figs are elastic to the touch and when squeezed, the pulp does not squeeze out through the eye.

Tip - do not dry the figs on a tray or baking sheet. It can ferment, and the process of decay will begin.

Drying figs in the oven

A harvested fig crop or a gift brought from afar can also be dried well in the oven. Cut the figs or harvest the whole fruit - it does not matter. It's just your desire. It is important to use only the grid for these purposes. On a solid pallet you get baked figs.

The procedure for drying figs in the oven:

  1. Bring the temperature in the oven to 60 degrees.
  2. Arrange whole figs or fig halves on the grill.
  3. Place the rack in the oven and leave the door ajar. This will allow any moisture that builds up to escape, and the figs will dry out rather than bake.

Drying will take about two days. If you need to go somewhere, you can turn off the oven and then continue the drying process. The fruits will need to be periodically turned over for uniform drying.

Drying figs in an electric dryer

For drying fig fruits electric dryer you need to cut them in half. Further:

  1. Select the drying mode on the appliance with a temperature of 60 degrees.
  2. Rinse the figs, dry lightly with a napkin and divide into two parts with a sharp knife.
  3. Put the figs on the shelves, leaving a small distance between the pieces. This will allow air to circulate freely.
  4. The first result can be seen after about 8 hours. If the fruits are dry, then you can already remove the trays from the electric dryer and let the fruits rest.

Only completely cooled fruits are placed in storage containers.

Tip - you can check the quality of drying simply by cutting the figs. In a quality dried fruit, you will not see juice.

You can store harvested figs at home in an airtight closed container, in a dry place and away from sunlight.

  • Dried figs keep well in the freezer for up to two years. Before being placed in the refrigerator, the dried fruits are lined with parchment paper and placed in a container.
  • At room temperature dried fruit stored for no more than 10 months.
  • Dried figs, which were dipped in sugar syrup before drying, are stored for no more than a month.

Fig tree fruits in dried form are essential in the diet of both children and adults. IN moderate amount they have practically no contraindications. A sweet delicacy of figs, in addition to the joy of taste, gives a person all the necessary vitamins, minerals and valuable substances.

They can be served with tea as a natural sweetness, you can cook and decorate desserts. Dried figs can be used to make sauces for chicken and meat dishes.
