
Pastila at home is a simple recipe. Pastila from apples

It is not known for certain who invented marshmallow. This Russian delicacy has been prepared in Kolomna since the 14th century. Apples, lingonberries, raspberries, currants, mountain ash, and honey served as the starting material. Later, the Russian merchant Prokhorov optimized the product. He thought of adding to the marshmallow why the dessert acquired beautiful colour, white matte, as if porcelain. In the 19th century, the Kolomna dessert was so popular that it was even exported on an industrial scale to Europe. But even simple Russian housewives knew how to make marshmallows from apples and other fruits. The recipes were passed down from mother to daughter.

Unfortunately, now in stores in boxes labeled "Pastila" synthetic marmalade with a creamy thickener is often sold, which has nothing to do with traditional delicacy. If you don't want to spoil your teeth and consume extra calories let's remember old recipe how to make apple marshmallow. This exclusive sweet takes a lot of time, but not effort. Since the lion's share in its preparation is drying. Previously, sugar was brought "from overseas", and it was expensive, not affordable ordinary people. IN the old fashioned way only apples are used.

How to do without sugar

My fruit, remove the core with seeds. If there are spoiled places, they must also be cut out. Pour water into a saucepan (not enameled!) by one centimeter. Pour apples on top - how many will go into the container. Bring to a boil and cook for small fire covered until apples soften. The time depends on the variety, maturity, size of the fruit. We express the juice and drink it: it is very tasty and healthy. We wipe the pulp through a fine sieve or in a blender. Before preparing apple marshmallow, we cover it with paper or cling film. We apply a layer of puree about 3-4 centimeters thick. Let's get the board out into the sun. If there is no particular heat, then we take it into the room for the night so that the marshmallow does not get damp. In principle, two or three days are enough. Then we cut the sweetness into pieces, put them in a box.

How to make apple marshmallow with sugar

We take sour varieties. Antonovka is ideal for this method of preparing dessert: it contains a lot of pectin. We put two kilograms of apples on a baking sheet, pour half a glass of water and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 degrees. Cool slightly and wipe (or puree in a blender). We shift the apple mass into a saucepan and boil over very low heat, stirring occasionally, up to 2/3 of the volume. The puree will become thick and slightly golden color. It should be chilled. If juice appears, strain it: we do not need excess liquid. Transfer to a mixer and beat. When the mass brightens, add a glass of sugar. Continue whisking until the crystals are completely dissolved. Dry as in previous recipe.

It is very difficult for sweet tooth to switch to proper nutrition despite enough big choice delicacies - after examining the ingredients, you can find in the composition of the mass harmful substances. And here is a home-made pastille from natural ingredients will become amazing dessert, which is suitable for both children and adults: nutritious, healthy and low-calorie.

In a slow cooker

Preparation time: 60 minutes (+5 days).

To prepare marshmallows in a slow cooker, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of green apples;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 75 g of nuts (they can be removed if you want to get a more dietary product);
  • 0.5 st. lemon juice.

The process of preparing dessert in a slow cooker is as follows:

  1. Thoroughly wash the apples, cut out the core, peel and fall asleep in a blender, bring to a puree state.
  2. We shift the mass into the multicooker bowl, add sugar, mix.
  3. Close the lid, set the "Cooking" mode.
  4. Add after an hour lemon juice and finely crushed nuts, mix.
  5. If the mass turned out to be very liquid, cook for another half hour.
  6. When excess moisture evaporates, lay out the resulting jelly on paper, level it.
  7. Leave on the windowsill for 4-5 days.

In the oven

Cooking time: 6 hours.

Calories per 100 g: 290 kcal.

Considered the most fast way receiving healthy treats. You need similar ingredients and in the same proportions as in the recipe above, but only a few steps will change in preparation. After applesauce is prepared, it must be poured onto a baking sheet covered with parchment, the layer thickness is about 0.7 cm. After that, dry the marshmallow at a temperature of +50 degrees for six hours.

To check the readiness of the treat, you just need to see if the marshmallow is falling behind the paper - if so, you can turn off the stove.

Cut the finished dessert into strips, twist and put away for storage.

On open air

Cooking time: 80 minutes (+5 days)

Calories per 100 g: 115 kcal.

This the recipe will do if the sun is very active. To make pasta you need:

  • 1 kg of sweet apples;
  • water.

How to cook healthy sugar-free marshmallow

Preparation time: 60 minutes (+3 days).

Calories per 100 g: 79 kcal.

If you do not want to include sugar in your diet, then when preparing marshmallow, you can replace it with liquid honey - buckwheat or flower is best suited for this purpose.

The ingredients are simple:

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • 3-4 tbsp honey;
  • ground cinnamon to taste.

Wash apples thoroughly, peel, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan and cook in own juice- they should be soft. After that, grind them in a blender, add cinnamon, heated honey, mix thoroughly.

We distribute the mass on the dryer tray and leave to dry for 12 hours. Then we take it out into the air and keep it for another 2-3 days in the air.

Recipe for pastila Belevskaya at home

Cooking time: 80 minutes (+7 hours).

Calories per 100 g: 337 kcal.

This is an old recipe for making such a delicacy, the preparation of which is available to every housewife. Cooking does not require a large number of ingredients, the process itself takes an average of 6 hours. The main thing is to strictly observe the technology when working with each ingredient.

The delicacy is stored for quite a long time if it is closed in a glass jar.

The ingredients are as follows:

  • 2 kg of apples (it is better to take Antonovka);
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • powdered sugar.

The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. We wash and clean apples, remove the stalk and seeds. We put it in a small container and send it to hot oven- the fruits should soften (you can also cook on the stove).
  2. We grind the fruits through a sieve or pass in a blender to a puree state.
  3. We break the eggs into a dry container, and the whites must be separated from the yolks.
  4. Beat the egg whites, add sugar to the mass - it should turn into a thick foam.
  5. Separate 3-4 tablespoons of foam, add the rest to the puree.
  6. We cover the baking sheet with paper, pour the mashed potatoes with a layer of about 1-2 cm, level with a spatula.
  7. We sprinkle powdered sugar.
  8. Dry at a temperature of +70 degrees in the oven for 4-5 hours, opening the door.
  9. We cover with whipped protein, put pieces of marshmallow on top of each other, dry for another 2 hours in the oven.

Cool the delicacy, cut into pieces and serve.

How to cook with apples and plums

Cooking time: 60 minutes (+1 day).

Calories per 100 g: 220 kcal.

To do this delicious treat you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 large apples;
  • 2 tbsp. drain.

The use of ingredients in such proportions will allow you to get a tasty and tender treat.

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. We prepare apples: wash, remove the core, bones, cut off the skin. My plums, we take out the seeds. Finely chop the apples, put them in a blender (meat grinder) along with plums, grind them into a puree.
  2. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, spread the puree in an even layer up to 1 cm thick. Put in the oven at the minimum temperature (+ 50-70 degrees) for 5 hours. Open the door to let excess moisture out. You can also make marshmallows in a dryer: about 15 hours at a temperature of +35 degrees.
  3. The marshmallow is ready when it begins to separate well from the parchment. We cut the delicacy into strips, roll it into rolls and serve it to the table.

To keep the pastille longer, it is better to place it in glass jars, and the delicacy must be completely dry, otherwise mold may appear.

Delicate combination with pumpkin

Cooking time: 90 minutes (+8 hours).

Calories per 100 g: 80 kcal.

When preparing such a pastille, you need to take:

  • apples;
  • pumpkin in equal proportions.

You should not use sugar - the delicacy will be sweet anyway, but you can add a little honey if you wish.

The cooking process will be as follows:

  1. My apples, divide into quarters, cut out the core, cut into cubes. If used summer varieties fruit, you can leave the skin - it will be very soft, but with winter apples it must be removed.
  2. We clean the pumpkin, cut it into cubes, remove the bones. For cooking, it is best to take large saucepan with a thick bottom so that the mass does not burn.
  3. Pour water into the container - about 1 cm, throw chopped apples and pumpkin into it. Put the container on medium fire, constantly stir the mass. Watch the consistency - the pieces should become soft.
  4. After that, pour the contents of the saucepan into a sieve. When the liquid drains, grind the puree in a blender or grind through a sieve. Add honey and cinnamon.
  5. We heat the oven to +60 degrees. We cover the baking sheet with paper, spread the puree with a layer of about 1 cm. We send the baking sheet to the oven for 4-5 hours.
  6. We turn the dried fruit layer over and send it back to the oven for two hours. After that, we take out the pastille, sharp knife cut into pieces, sprinkle with powdered sugar and put in glass jars.

Recipe using quince

Preparation time: 60 minutes (+2 days).

Calories per 100 g: 190 kcal.

You need ingredients such as:

  • 1 kg of quince;
  • 3 medium apples;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 1 lemon (juice)

Stick to the following technology:

  1. Wash fruits, peel, cut into pieces, remove seeds.
  2. We put them in a saucepan, add a little water and put on slow fire for 50 minutes.
  3. Add sugar, lemon juice and cook, stirring constantly, until the mass becomes thick.
  4. We lay out the finished mass on a cutting board, slightly wetting it with water, level it so that a layer up to 1 cm thick is obtained.
  5. We cover it with gauze and put it in a dry room for two days.
  6. After that, cut the marshmallow into diamonds and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Delicate, familiar since childhood delicacy has won the hearts of sweet tooth all over the world. The ancestors of marshmallow and marshmallow, more reminiscent of meringue in composition, appeared in ancient times in Southeast Asia. Their main ingredients were beaten egg whites and granulated sugar. Then the resulting viscous mass was dried in the sun or baked in an oven. Some cooks decorated the sweetness with pieces of fruit, others added nuts to it.

Recipes oriental sweets together with merchants migrated to Europe. Each country has improved them in its own way. In Russia, the process of creating a new dessert also interested confectioners, because Russian people have always loved to eat deliciously. Recipe Creator apple marshmallow, now present on every counter, is considered Ambrose Prokhorov. We will also consider how apple marshmallow is prepared at home.

There was a legend in the Prokhorov family that their great-grandfather got rich in the time of Peter the Great selling bast and bought land along the Oka. In his possessions, he planted a huge apple orchard, which bore excellent fruit.

Once the family of the descendant of the first owner of the garden received a rich harvest of apples and baked some of them. It was also impossible to finish the delicious cooked fruits, and Ambrose Prokhorov suggested trying to beat them with egg whites and dry them. The apples were so sweet that almost no sugar was added to the mass.

Pastila dried in a Russian oven was called Belevskaya, after the land near the Oka. Two years later, the delicacy won the first medal at the St. Petersburg Gardening Exhibition. Newspapers sang healthy sweetness, and the Prokhorovs were proud of both the head of the family and the garden that became famous.

There were no more extra apples, since they all went to the preparation of Belevskaya pastila. Ambrose opened stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.

Today, marshmallow according to his recipe is also made in Kolomna, where the "Museum of Pastila" is open in an old wooden manor. The delicacy is quite dense, it needs to be cut with a knife, but it is just as tasty and natural as at the end of the 19th century.

Most Popular Recipes

Preparing pastille from apples at home is quite simple. Few products are required for her, but appearance and the taste of the dessert directly depend on their quality.

A contemporary and competitor of Prokhorov, merchant A.I. Abrikosov, forced his workers to use only the most ripe fruit without the slightest flaw. for the sake of High Quality sweets he planted own gardens, and the workers picked pears, apples and berries in them.

There are several pastille recipes from Russia, from the East and from Southern Europe. You can try several options to choose the one that best suits the tastes of family and friends.

This type of pasta is prepared with the minimum amount Sahara. Its main ingredient is apples. It will require:

  • 2 kg sweet and sour apples;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10 g of powdered sugar.

This is the order of preparation.

  1. Wash apples, dry and cut off the skin with flaws. Remove the twig and skin underneath. Arrange the apples on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. Bake apples until they are completely softened.
  2. After cooling the apples, grind them through a sieve to separate grains and skins from the puree. Ready puree beat with a mixer for 10 minutes. and a half share of granulated sugar.
  3. Beat the egg white with the remaining half of the sugar until a dense mass is formed.
  4. Combine puree and protein-sugar mixture and beat for a few more minutes until smooth. When ready to separate most(a few tablespoons) of the mass and put in the refrigerator.
  5. Preheat oven to 60-70 degrees. On a baking sheet covered with baking paper, alternately lay out the cakes, up to 1.5 cm thick. Dry them in an ajar oven for 5 hours. Once the toothpicks are dry when pierced, remove them and let them cool.
  6. Coat the cakes with the previously separated whipped mass and put one on top of the other. Ideally, the pastille should be 3-4 layers. After that, return it to the oven and bake in the same temperature regime about an hour. Cooled top and lower cakes Sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut marshmallow into portions.


The recipe can be made more useful if you do not add granulated sugar to it. In this case, juicy and dense, but very sweet apples will also be required. For an additional shade of marshmallow taste, a pinch of vanillin or cinnamon is poured into the whipped mass.

Fans of originality with the help of food coloring give the cakes different shades.

Kolomenskaya with sugar

Kolomna pastila is looser and sweeter than Belevskaya. It will require many times more sugar for it, and fewer apples. Due to this, the cake will be airy. Composition of products:

  • 800 g of juicy sour apples;
  • 170 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10 g of powdered sugar.
  1. Wash apples, dry and cut out spoiled pieces. Bake them in the oven at 180 degrees until soft. After freeing them from the core and skin with a fork and knife or rubbing through a sieve, beat the pulp into a puree. Its weight should be 500 g.
  2. While the puree is not completely cooled, pour all the sugar into it, stirring. In warm puree, it will quickly dissolve, after which the mass must be cooled to room temperature.
  3. Pour protein into it and 10 minutes. beat the mixture with a mixer until a dense white substance is obtained. Separate a few tablespoons of the mass immediately and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour the remaining mixture onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper and dry for 5-6 hours in an ajar oven at 60-70 degrees. As soon as the cake becomes golden and stops sticking to your hands, remove it from the oven and put it on the table to cool.
  5. After cooling completely with a sharp knife, carefully cut the cake into 3 parts (it is very loose). Spread each with the mixture from the refrigerator, including both sides of the top cake and sides. Put the resulting semi-finished product back in the oven and dry for another hour at 60 degrees.
  6. Sprinkle all sides of the finished cooled marshmallow with powdered sugar and cut into narrow high strips.

This variety of marshmallow is rolls of hard thin cakes. They do not include egg white, but even with it, honey would still not allow the cakes to become airy.

Composition of products:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

This is the order of preparation.

  1. Apples, peeled and seeds, chopped thin slices. Put them in a saucepan, pour 100 ml of water and bake in the oven at 160 degrees until soft.
  2. Beat the ready apples in mashed potatoes and put it on the stove over low heat to boil until golden brown. When ready, beat it again with a mixer.
  3. In the process of whipping, pour honey into it and add cinnamon. Put the mass in a thin layer on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  4. Dry the cakes with the oven ajar for 2-3 hours. The warm cake will be soft, then it will harden, so cut it into squares and roll the rolls without letting it cool completely.


The same procedure can be done without the oven. In the sun, marshmallow will also dry out in 4-5 days, but you need to protect it from flies and wasps by covering it with gauze. At night, treats should be brought into the house.

With walnuts

In the East, nuts are added to many sweets. Thus, the chef makes their taste more refined. Pasta is no exception.

It will require:

  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass walnuts;
  • 100 ml of water.

The order of preparation is as follows.

  1. Peel the apples, cut into small slices, add water and bake in the oven until soft. Then beat them in mashed potatoes and boil on the stove until dark.
  2. Finely chop the walnut kernels. Pour them and granulated sugar into a puree and cook, stirring, for another 10 minutes.
  3. Put the finished mass on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and dry in an ajar oven over low heat for 6-8 hours. The thickness of the future cake should not exceed 1.5 cm, otherwise it will dry longer.
  4. Cut the finished marshmallow into strips and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

With agar-agar

Pastila prepared on the basis of agar-agar is similar to marshmallows. It turns out more elastic than on the basis of whipped protein.

It will require:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 400 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 g of agar-agar;
  • 60 ml of water.

This is the order of preparation.

  1. Make apple puree and beat it with a mixer. In the process, add 250 g of sugar. Pour the protein into the cooled homogeneous mass and beat for 10 minutes.
  2. Dissolve agar in water. Add 150 g of sugar and 1 min. boil on fire. As soon as it cools down a little, pour it into the whipped mixture and continue to beat with a mixer for a couple more minutes. In this case, it is important to observe one condition: do not let the syrup cool completely, but do not brew protein with it.
  3. Pour the finished mass into the mold and leave to harden at room temperature few hours.

with banana

Banana is very sweet, so no sugar is added to it. Its structure is quite airy, and the need for protein also does not arise. It is enough to beat 2-3 bananas with a mixer, add applesauce and put the mass on a baking sheet covered with foil or baking paper.

Banana marshmallow dries for about 8 hours and becomes dark brown.

Homemade apple marshmallow should be wrapped in paper and put in a bag. In the refrigerator, this well-baked product can be stored for several months, but it is unlikely that it will remain intact before this period. The delicacy is too tasty for family members to forget about it.

Baking paper with finished cake The marshmallow will not come off easily unless moistened with water for a few minutes. Only after that it will not have to be torn off, and the surface of the cake will remain smooth.

For the preparation of dessert, apples should be carefully selected. If their pulp is cottony, the dessert will fail. Only dense juicy pulp will give the mass for the cake the necessary viscosity, and the finished pastille will have a rich taste.


Apple marshmallow, prepared at home, will make a special impression on children. And adults will also like that dessert, usually bought in a store, is made at home. Knowing several recipes, you can choose the right one and adjust the amount of sugar. Someone tries to avoid it, while others have nothing against the airy sugary sweet pastille cakes.

The photo shows how delicious they are. natural treat does not require additional decorations, but when the marshmallow is served to festive table, it is permissible to come up with a sprinkling of small multi-colored dots or sugar flowers.

In part of the mass left to lubricate the cakes, you can add food coloring and, without cutting the marshmallow, turn it into a bright scarlet cake. For each event, it is worth choosing a special decoration for sprinkling. There will be plenty of time for this, since the marshmallow dries in the oven for a very long time, but it delicate taste will exceed all expectations.

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I suggest you cook apple marshmallows for the winter at home - the recipes are so simple that many housewives fell in love with them. So much so that many have long acquired the status of "family". Sometimes it seems mistakenly that beautifully packaged store-bought sweets in abundance are made according to a very complicated recipes inaccessible to us. This is wrong!

What we buy now by the same name is a pitiful semblance of a dessert that Dostoevsky and Chekhov loved and described in his novel The Ice House by Lazhechnikov. And in the famous cookbook of S. A. Tolstoy, at number 151, the recipe for "Tolstoy Pastila" is listed.

Did you know that pastila is our invention, a national Russian dessert, and in the good old days called "canned". We owe the uniqueness of Russian apple marshmallow to the fact that in ancient times it was prepared from sour varieties of apples, in particular, Antonov, sour "wild" that did not grow in Europe.

It is known that there are three centers for the production of apple marshmallows in Russia. The oldest is Kolomna, it was there, in the 14th century, according to monastic documents, that they first began to make a delicious delicacy. And in 1735 the first pastille factory was opened.

In 1903, Emperor Nicholas II arrived in the city of Kolomna on a visit. Chuprikov, the owner of the Kolomna marshmallow factory, was given a high honor to meet him at the railway station! According to the tradition that has been going on since the time of the great Catherine II, at the solemn meeting, the famous Kolomna marshmallow was served to the emperor.

Another center - the ancient city - Rzhev, became famous for the fact that marshmallows were produced there "of a more aristocratic quality" - so Prince Meshchersky wrote in the middle of the 19th century.

The third center was the ancient city of Belev, in the Tula region, apple marshmallow made it famous throughout the world at the end of the 19th century. The recipe for Belevsky apple marshmallow was invented by the merchant Ambrose Pavlovich Prokhorov. In more detail, I will introduce you to the recipe for the famous marshmallow.

Previously, there were several types of marshmallow - airy, dense and crispy. The airy, now known as Belevskaya, was beaten with sugar and egg white, honey was added to the dense one, which planted air bubbles. A large amount of sugar and proteins are put in crispy, thanks to which it tastes like meringue. It was this, according to rumors, that Dostoevsky loved the Big Sweet Tooth.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, nuts, cocoa, cinnamon and even hops have been added to marshmallows. So there was an apple marshmallow under the speaking name "Sobriety". It also included mint and lemon zest. The creators of "Sobriety" seriously argued that with its help you can recover from drunkenness. Miracle - marshmallow at the World Exhibition of Paris in 1907 was awarded the Big Gold Medal.

Apple marshmallow from Russia was known abroad and loved throughout Europe. In London, Vienna, Paris and other European capitals there were Russian shops selling sweets from our country, including marshmallows.

Apple pastille at home

If you don't want to consume extra calories and ruin your teeth, make your own at home. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but the effort is at least, since the lion's share of the hassle is drying the product.

To make the delicacy even tastier, some tricky tricks in making apple marshmallows at home will help you:

  • Take sour varieties of apples, they have more pectin - a natural gelling agent. The airiness, color and taste of the dessert depend on the quality of the apples.
  • If you have apples of other varieties that are not acidic enough, after preparing the mashed apples baked in the oven, reduce them a little in a saucepan so that the mash comes out thick. You can find out about recipes for harvesting by clicking on the link.
  • Various thickeners are now sold, and if it is impossible to achieve a thick, non-spreading puree with your variety of apples, add a little to the mass during cooking, making the marshmallow airy and porous.
  • Bake whole apples, and only then remove the core - Antonovka on the cut quickly darkens, and the marshmallow should be light in color - the best option. I have a selection of incomparable ones, go to the link - you will not regret it.
  • The most delicious marshmallow the one dried in the sun. But our craftsmen adapted ovens, special dryers, and even heating batteries. It is convenient to dry on a baking sheet, a large cutting board, but ideally, in the sun, marshmallows are dried on a wooden frame covered with fabric.
  • If the delicacy does not separate well from the parchment, then it is not completely dry.
  • Be on the lookout during drying: if you overdry the marshmallow, then they will come out apple chips. Do not dry out - viscous toffee.

sugar free apple pie recipe

You can cook marshmallow without an oven and the recipe is in front of you. The delicacy is perfect for anyone who counts calories, due to health problems should not consume sugar. By the way: earlier in the villages, marshmallows were made according to this recipe because sugar was too expensive.

Making homemade pasta:

  1. Cut clean apples, removing the core and all unnecessary.
    Pour about an inch of water into the bottom of the pot. And stack the chopped apples, filling the pan to the very top.
  2. Slowly bring to a boil over low heat and cook covered until the apples are soft. Cooking time will depend on the variety and maturity of the fruit.
  3. Drain excess juice (do not pour it out, there are a lot of vitamins in it - drink it to your health!). And chop your own apples. You can work with a blender or wipe on a sieve.
  4. Now you can proceed to the last stage - drying. The most common way is drying in the sun. On a baking sheet or cutting board (I have a very large dough board, half a table), spread parchment paper or cling film. Lubricate a little with vegetable oil so that the pastille then easily separates. And add apple puree. Make the layer not very large, 1 cm, otherwise the delicacy will dry for a long time.
  5. In the sun, the dessert will harden for 2 - 3 days, at night, of course, it needs to be brought home. When the top is dry, flip the pastille over and dry the back side.
  6. If you like, then sprinkle the finished marshmallow with powdered sugar, cut it into slices, squares, strips - as you like. Dessert is stored in glass containers or a cardboard box.

Interesting! French culinary specialists, in the 19th century, used the recipe for Kolomna marshmallow. But they improved it a little by adding whipped proteins to apple puree. So the now well-known marshmallow was born.

Pastila from apples with sugar in the oven

To make homemade apple marshmallow with sugar, take sour apples (wild apple is good).

  • For 2 kilograms of apples, one glass of sugar is needed.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Put the apples on a baking sheet, on the bottom of which pour half a glass of water.
    Bake the fruit in the oven for 40 minutes, setting the temperature to 170 degrees.
  2. Let cool slightly and rub into the apple mass.
  3. Put the resulting puree in a saucepan, proceed to boil it. If you are making marshmallow from antonovka, then boiling is not necessary.
  4. Do it on the lowest heat, stirring occasionally. And wait until it becomes 2/3 smaller in volume. You'll know it's time to finish when the applesauce is thick and golden.
  5. Drain excess juice.
  6. At the next stage, you need to beat the puree with a mixer or in a blender. The mass will become lighter.
  7. Add the sugar to the puree and continue beating until all the sugar crystals have dissolved.

Drying homemade marshmallows in the oven:

  1. Spread puree on parchment paper, laid out on a baking sheet (do not forget to grease with oil so that it does not stick), and put in the oven at 40 - 50 degrees.
  2. It will take a lot of time to dry - up to 6 hours, but sometimes less. You can do this: dry for 2 hours, opening the door a little, then let it stand for a while with the door open and dry more if necessary. At the end of drying, turn the marshmallow layer over and dry on the reverse side.
    It remains to cut the layer into pieces and place in storage.

Apple marshmallow - soufflé with protein


  • Applesauce, ready-made - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 150 - 200 gr.
  • Protein - 1 pc.

Preparing air paste:

  1. Bake apples, mash them. If it's not too thick, boil it down.
  2. Beat the puree well in a mixer, after in small portions add sugar and beat thoroughly until stiff peaks.
  3. Then add the separately whipped protein to it, beat the apple mass again.
  4. Drying marshmallows is carried out in the same way as in the previous recipe, I will not repeat, everything is written in detail.

Homemade apple pastille with honey

Honey candy can be made in small molds, especially if there are few apples.

  • For 2 cups of applesauce, take 1 cup of honey.

We make pastille according to this recipe:

  1. Put the apples on a baking sheet, add a little water and bake until soft (you can halves, but put them cut side up).
  2. Make a puree and measure its amount in glasses. Mash the apples or beat, then beat the honey with a mixer (heat the candied a little to become spreadable).
  3. Combine honey with applesauce and beat well together.
  4. Put in molds, tin ones are perfect for cupcakes, layer height 2 - 3 cm.
  5. Put the molds on a baking sheet and dry at 40 - 50 degrees for several hours.
    At the end of drying, fold the layers in 2, one on top of the other, smearing them with honey.

In the dessert box:

If you, friends, have eternal question: “what to do?”, of course, with the harvest of apples, cook apple marshmallow at home. Amazing treat, with at least amazing story reward you for your hard work delicious taste. Another one in the video step by step recipe. Be sure to look. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

A large harvest of apples always stirs in the heads of gardeners thoughts about how to process the harvested crop. Great option- drying apples. At the same time, you can prepare not only a compote mixture, but also a magnificent vitamin dessert- homemade pasta. Apple marshmallow is prepared not only from fruits that have passed heat treatment but also raw. Today we will talk about this in more detail.

Any apples are suitable for making marshmallows, but sweet and sour varieties are always preferred. If you have fruits from your own garden, then this is just wonderful! If you buy apples in a store, then do not forget to thoroughly rinse them from the top wax layer that manufacturers cover the fruits in order to keep them longer. Apples should be ripe, firm, without damage, wormholes and rotten parts.

Raw apple pastille recipe


  • apples - 2 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • cinnamon - to taste.


Washed apples are cut into quarters and a seed box is cut out from them.

Then granulated sugar is added to the apple mass. Its quantity is approximate, since different varieties apples have varying degrees sweets. IN this case it is better to be guided by your taste. If you do not accept sugar in your diet at all, then you can either completely refuse it in the recipe, or replace it with a sweetener or honey.

At the final stage, add cinnamon.

Ready sweet mass, as soon as possible, sent to dry. Don't be alarmed if the puree turns dark. This is because apples oxidize when exposed to air.

There are several ways to dry marshmallow:

Option number 1. On air.

Baking sheets or trays are covered with baking paper or cling film. Using a cotton ball, the surface is smeared a small amount vegetable oils. Spread the apple mass on top with a layer of no more than 5 millimeters. At the same time, from the edges the thickness of the workpiece should be greater than in the middle.

They dry the marshmallow on the balcony, on the windowsill or on the kitchen cabinet, but in all cases, the workpiece must be protected from insects. This can be done with a piece of gauze. It is important to cover the structure so that the fabric does not touch the puree. Otherwise, it will be impossible to tear off the gauze from the marshmallow.

Option number 2. In the oven.

The fruit mass, as in the previous case, is laid out on pallets with paper. Containers with marshmallows are placed on the upper level oven. In order for the air to circulate without difficulty, the oven door is kept ajar.

The temperature of the oven must reach 100 degrees. Experienced Housewives also set the convection mode, if present in your oven model. The average drying time is 5 - 8 hours.

Option number 3. In the dryer for vegetables and fruits.

The fruit mass is laid out on grids covered with parchment or on special trays for making homemade marshmallows. The main thing is not to forget to lubricate the containers with a thin layer. vegetable oil. The maximum heating temperature is set on the unit, and the product is dried until cooked, not forgetting to rearrange the trays once an hour. Approximate time drying in electric dryer– 6 – 9 hours.

Ready marshmallow does not stick to hands, and, at the same time, remains elastic and pliable. It is carefully removed from paper or film, and rolled into a roll when warm. If the marshmallow was made from grated apples, then its structure is unlikely to allow it to be twisted into a tube. Therefore, such a marshmallow is simply cut with kitchen scissors into small rectangles or squares.

Watch the video from the channel "Tomochka Clever" - Recipe for homemade apple marshmallow in the dryer

Recipes for making "live" marshmallows from apples and other fruits

Apple marshmallow with peaches

  • apples - 500 grams;
  • peaches - 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 50 grams.

Fruits are cleaned of seeds and pierced with a blender along with skins. Sugar is added to the fruit mass and sent for drying.

Pastila from raw apples, sunflower seeds and walnuts

  • apples - 5 pieces;
  • crushed walnuts - 2 tablespoons;
  • sunflower seeds - 1 tablespoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

Pastila from apples, pears and cherries

  • apples - 500 grams;
  • pears - 300 grams;
  • cherry - 300 grams;

Chop the fruit with a blender and put it in a colander to drain excess juice. Then add sugar to the puree and dry.

Pastila from apples and bananas

  • apples - 500 grams;
  • banana - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.

Watch the video from the channel "Cooking healthy and tasty - Evgeny Arefiev's channel" - Pastila from fresh apples

How to store homemade marshmallow

The prepared marshmallow can be kept in the main compartment of the refrigerator for 1 month. If the workpiece is designed for more than late deadline use, it is better to freeze it. To do this, on the packaging bags put a mark about what type of marshmallow is frozen and the date of its preparation.
