
Cold salting of mushrooms for the winter. How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars in a cold way

Salted mushrooms are one of the most delicious dishes that can be put on any table. As a rule, they are salted and pickled. Many choose the first method, since with such processing of mushrooms they retain more taste. Pickled mushrooms are stored in a cool and dark place, as they will quickly deteriorate in a warm place.

How to salt mushrooms - a quick method

In order to try pickled mushrooms, you do not have to wait long. You can try pickling mushrooms with a quick method. So they will turn out no less tasty. They can be eaten throughout the week after salting. Store mushrooms in a cool place.

What you need to cook mushrooms with a quick method:

  • Fresh mushrooms 5 kg.
  • Salt 200 gr.
  • Dill stalks.
  • Bay leaf 10 gr.
  • Peppercorns 30 gr.
  • Vegetable oil to taste.


  • First of all, you need to prepare the mushrooms. To do this, we clean them and rinse with cold water, then we clean the mushrooms from dirt. It is best to take mushrooms of the same size, so they will be better salted and turn out to be tastier.
  • We take a suitable container and put mushrooms there with caps down. Sprinkle mushrooms with salt and spices.
  • Leave the mushrooms for a few minutes in the pickling container. During this time, the mushrooms will give juice. Immediately after the mushrooms are covered with the resulting brine, you can leave them for 2 hours and only then serve them to the table.
  • Ready mushrooms should be washed with cool water and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Salting mushrooms in a cold way

The cold method of salting mushrooms is suitable for freshly harvested mushrooms. So they will turn out tastier and retain a maximum of vitamins. For this method of pickling, medium-sized mushrooms are perfect.

What you need for salting mushrooms in a cold way:

  • Ryzhik 1 kg.
  • Coarse salt 50-60 gr.
  • Currant leaves 5-7 pcs.
  • Bay leaf 10 pcs.
  • Allspice 10 pcs.


  • At the bottom of the salting container we spread currant leaves, bay leaf and a little black peppercorns. Then sprinkle everything with salt and put some of the mushrooms on top.
  • Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt and spices, then spread the mushrooms. Lay currant leaves on top of all layers.
  • We cover the last layer with gauze and put oppression on top, on which you want to install the load. It can be either an ordinary jar of water or a stone.
  • We leave the mushrooms in a dark and cool place for a month. After that, mushrooms can be served at the table.

Salting mushrooms in a hot way

Hot-cooked mushrooms keep much longer than mushrooms cooked in other ways. The reason lies in the way they are processed and salted. Mushrooms of various sizes are suitable for salting.

What you need to cook mushrooms in a hot way:

  • Ryzhik 1 kg.
  • Coarse salt 50-70 gr.
  • Fuck root.
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves.
  • Currant leaves.
  • Bay leaf.


  • We prepare the mushrooms. To do this, they need to be cleaned and all dirt removed. Then we wash the mushrooms with water and let them dry.
  • Fill the mushrooms with water and put them on fire. Bring water to a boil and cook for about 3 minutes. Then we turn them over in a colander and let them cool.
  • Prepare horseradish root. To do this, cut it into narrow and small strips.
  • In a ready-made container for salting on the bottom, lay out part of the mushrooms with caps up. A layer of mushrooms should be sprinkled with salt and spices. After that, you can lay out a layer of mushrooms and sprinkle it with salt and spices on top.
  • On the topmost layer, lay out a clean napkin and put oppression.
  • We put the container with mushrooms in a cool place.
  • After a month, you can transfer the mushrooms to clean, sterilized jars for storage.

Salting mushrooms is one of the most famous ways to process these mushrooms. With a fairly simple processing, they will turn out tasty and fragrant. The considered recipes will allow you to save all the taste and maximum vitamins of these mushrooms.

The most delicious grandmother's recipe for pickling mushrooms

Mushrooms salted in this way are very tasty, they retain their red color and the aroma of mushrooms.
We sort out the saffron milk caps, remove the wormholes, cut off the legs, leaving only the hats. I usually divide mushrooms into fractions, large medium and small.

With this method of salting, we wash the mushrooms. We spread it in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water over it, so that the mushrooms are all in the water. Close the lid and let stand for 2-3 minutes.

We take it out of boiling water or pour it into a colander, let the water drain and dump the mushrooms back into the dish. When the mushrooms have cooled to room temperature, salt them directly in the dish. I take a look at the salt. On a full three-liter dish of mushrooms, I put two handfuls of salt (regular salt, not extra). If you want saltier, add three handfuls.

Stir and let stand for 20 minutes, mix again and lay out in sterilized jars.

We lay it tightly so that the liquid closes, pour 1 tablespoon of salt on the very top, put a leaf of horseradish or a circle cut out of a plastic cover.

Do not fill the jar to the top, do not report 1 cm, close it with a boiled polyethylene lid.
We take half-liter jars, it’s very convenient, I took it out and ate it.

I make several options, just salt, without adding spices and with garlic (it turns out so yummy!).
If you want with garlic, use garlic chives. I tear it from the garden, wash it and put it on the bottom of the jar, in the middle and on top. There are no garlic feathers at hand, put garlic cloves, no need to chop, just clean and put in a jar of mushrooms. For a half-liter jar - 3 small cloves of garlic.

When salting mushrooms, I do not recommend adding other spices, you will kill the taste of mushrooms.
You need to store jars of mushrooms in the refrigerator, on a shelf where it is colder. You can eat after 3 days, they are the most delicious during this period!
This recipe has one drawback, these mushrooms are stored only until the New Year, and if with salt ..., you guessed it, 2 months, no more.

Helpful Hints:

If the mushrooms are too salty, rinse them with running water and soak a little in cold water or milk.

If the mushrooms begin to turn sour (lactic fermentation occurs, fermentation of mushrooms is not harmful, but the mushrooms acquire a sour taste, which not everyone likes), rinse thoroughly with water and salt, put back in jars.

Recipe for salting mushrooms in a dry way

We carefully sort the mushrooms, remove the needles and leaves. Separate the caps from the legs (the legs are good to fry, and the caps are great for salting).
With the dry method of salting, the mushrooms are not washed, but wiped with a soft cloth.

We dump the sorted mushrooms into an enamel bowl and sprinkle with salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon with a slide of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms. If you are afraid that they will turn sour, put a little more salt.

But I warn you that salted mushrooms retain less useful properties.
We mix the mushrooms with salt gently, they can be wrinkled, leave for salting for a day, stirring occasionally. Mushrooms will give a brine and shrinkage will occur.

We lay it out in sterile jars, carefully seal it so that the brine is above the mushrooms, not to the very top of the jar, put a sheet of horseradish on top and pour a tablespoon of salt, it is advised to pour 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, but I have not tried, they say such mushrooms are well preserved.

Before closing the jar with a plastic lid, put a wooden or plastic circle on top.
Those who love with spices can put washed greens, dill, horseradish leaves, currant leaves, lavrushka, garlic leaves in jars, or better put the greens directly in an enamel bowl where the mushrooms will be salted.

Ryzhik salted in this way will darken, this is normal. If the top layer does get moldy, just carefully remove and discard, the rest of the mushrooms are edible. You can eat such mushrooms in 7-10 days. Store blanks in a cool place at 4-5 degrees Celsius.

Recipe for salting milk mushrooms

We sort the milk mushrooms, clean them of needles and debris, rinse and soak in cold water, placing them in an enamel bowl. In order for the bitterness of the mushrooms to come out, you need to soak for 2-3 days. Water must be changed, otherwise sour, the color will be gray.

When the milk mushrooms are ready for salting, they will become elastic and will not crumble. Feel free to drain the water and rinse well. Salt in the same bowl.

Salt consumption 60g per 1 kg of milk mushrooms.
Salt and mix, put oppression on top and let it salt.

In no case do not use iron, aluminum things, bricks and stones of unknown origin for oppression.

In milk mushrooms, you can add dill umbrellas, currant leaves, horseradish.
Salted milk mushrooms are laid out in jars, I advise you to put them in liter jars.
I pour a little salt on the bottom, in the middle and on top, this is for insurance against souring. I lay the mushrooms tightly, pressing down. I sort by diameter, small in one jar, large, medium in others.

We close with a plastic lid, store in a cold place at a temperature of + 4-5 degrees. Milk mushrooms are stored for a very long time, up to 3 years. But it is recommended to store up to one year, and there at your discretion.

You can eat such milk mushrooms in 20-30 days.

It is very laborious to salt milk mushrooms, but they turn out to be very crispy and tasty.
If the mushrooms get moldy or dark on top, just take them out and throw them away, and you can eat the rest.

My grandmother salted mushrooms in such ways, as she gets out of the cellar, and with boiled potatoes, just a miracle! Picking mushrooms is a pleasure and eating too, it turns out a solid positive!

The methods are tested, you can salt! There are still a huge number of ways to prepare mushrooms for the winter, I tried many, but returned to my grandmother's recipes, they are more reliable.

Ryzhik "nesting" in groups in spruce, pine forests. Fans of "silent hunting" know that they should be looked for in the grass and in places where moss grows. The season runs from July to October. This species is almost impossible to confuse with other forest "brothers". They are yellow-pink or orange-red in color. At the cut point, a milky juice appears, which has shades of red. In the air it changes - it becomes green. Redheads gained their popularity hundreds of years ago. They were present at the tables of kings and common people. Mushrooms were exported to France and cost fabulous money.

Beneficial features

The bright saturated color of mushrooms was due to the high content of beta-carotene, which, when ingested, becomes retinol. In addition, they contain vitamins of group B, C. They are rich in fiber, ash substances, saccharides, which are necessary for the proper functioning of organs and body systems.

Ryzhiki does not require pre-soaking. On the contrary, if this is done, they will lose their aesthetic qualities, the hats will be deformed.

Salting methods

Cooking mushrooms is carried out according to two main technologies - cold and hot methods.

  1. Cold. The product fully retains all its useful properties. The aroma remains unchanged. A distinctive feature is long-term storage without seaming and sterilization. This technology is also called the dry or wet method.
  2. Hot. Requires a certain amount of time, as it involves heat treatment. Its main advantage is that fruiting bodies of various sizes are suitable for harvesting.

Before salting, mushrooms need to be prepared. Carefully clean the caps and legs with a knife. In case of heavy contamination, rinse well in running water.


Peculiarities . Marinating does not require water. Dry-cooked mushrooms are very convenient to use in salads. You can combine them with fresh herbs, raw or boiled vegetables.


  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 40 g salt.


  1. We put the mushrooms in a container in layers, salt each layer. We leave under pressure.
  2. We take it out into the cold.
  3. Ten days later we taste the workpiece.

For dry pickling, it is better to select small fruiting bodies. They do not need to be cut into pieces.


Peculiarities . Ready mushrooms will make a good company for boiled or fried potatoes, hot meat dishes. You can experiment with spices. The mushrooms turn out crispy, even despite the absence of vinegar.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 40 g currant leaves;
  • four garlic cloves;
  • 20 bay leaves;
  • 30 peas of allspice;
  • 100 g of salt.


  1. We spread the mushrooms in containers in layers, alternating them with spices, spices and salt.
  2. Cover with gauze, leave under oppression for six hours. After that, add a new portion of mushrooms.
  3. Having finished laying, we keep the container with the workpiece at room temperature. We change the gauze every three days.
  4. After two weeks, we lay out the mushrooms in sterile jars. Close with plastic lids. We take it out into the cold.

Cold-cooked mushrooms are not "friendly" with high temperatures. Therefore, they should be stored below 10°C. A pantry, cellar or refrigerator will do. Under such conditions, the workpiece can stand for two years.

With vinegar

Peculiarities . The hot cooking method guarantees a long-term storage of snacks - more than two years. The risk of mold is reduced to almost zero.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 800-900 ml of water;
  • 40-50 g of salt;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 100-125 ml of vinegar;
  • four bay leaves;
  • four cloves;
  • allspice and black peppercorns.


  1. Prepare the brine: add spices, salt, sugar to boiled water.
  2. Throw the mushrooms into the marinade and cook for five minutes.
  3. Add vinegar and cook the same amount more.
  4. We lay out in sterile jars, roll up, warm.
  5. Refrigerate after complete cooling.
  6. You can take a sample after a month and a half.

In addition to vinegar, ascorbic or citric acids are suitable as a preservative. If vinegar essence is used, then it should be added in smaller quantities. A teaspoon is enough for 1 kg of mushrooms.

Pickled whey

Peculiarities . Such mushrooms are good because they are perfectly absorbed by the body due to the lactic acid produced during the fermentation process.


  • 2.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 30 g of dill seeds;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • 80 g of salt;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 100-120 ml of serum;
  • horseradish and currant leaves, horseradish root.


  1. We act step by step: chop the greens, finely chop the garlic, three horseradish.
  2. We lay the mushrooms in a container in layers, alternating with salt, spices and spices.
  3. Mix whey with sugar, which should be completely dissolved. We fill it with mushrooms.
  4. We cover the mushrooms with gauze, leave under oppression. We change the gauze every three days.
  5. We keep in the cold for three to four weeks.

Unlike a blank in a jar, pickled mushrooms can become moldy. In this case, you need to rinse the new gauze in warm water with salt. You should also remove the layer of mushrooms with mold. The rest is sprinkled with dry mustard.


Peculiarities . The result of such a recipe is an appetizing and fragrant salad, an addition to a stew or other multi-component dish. Ryzhiki are sweetish. May complement potatoes, rice, pasta. Large mushrooms are suitable for this recipe. During heat treatment, they will not lose their shape, like small ones. They don't even need to be cut. They will fit in jars, as they will turn out to be soft and plastic.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 300 g of onion;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 150 g of tomato paste;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 40-50 g of salt;
  • 30-40 g of sugar;
  • spices and spices.


  1. First of all, you need to boil the mushrooms for 40 minutes. Then we wash them with cold water and put them in a colander to get rid of the liquid.
  2. We mix mushrooms with tomato paste, sunflower oil, spices and spices.
  3. Add grated carrots and finely chopped onion, salt, sugar.
  4. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 60 minutes.
  5. We lay out in sterile containers, roll up, warm.
  6. We take out to a cold place after complete cooling.

You should not combine mushrooms with other mushrooms, they are self-sufficient and do not tolerate "neighbors in the bank."

Almost any container is suitable for blanks, not just glass jars. You can salt mushrooms, for example, in a saucepan. It should have a flat surface without any external damage, much less rust or holes. Otherwise, the oxidation process may begin, which will lead to product deterioration. If the method without cooking is used, then a wooden tub is suitable. The option is optimal for giving, a private house, where there is enough free space. The original way of cooking mushrooms is the ambassador in bottles. Small fruiting bodies are selected that can be pushed into the neck.

For canning, it is not necessary to use fresh mushrooms, frozen ones are also suitable. In the freezer, they are laid out in one layer and slightly frozen. Then they are transferred to bags and left for storage. It is very important not to wet the mushrooms before freezing, so that they are not saturated with excess water. They are washed after defrosting, immediately before salting.

As a prevention of the appearance of mold, time-tested folk methods are used. A spoonful of vegetable oil is added to jars before seaming. Together with vinegar or citric acid, it acts as a preservative. A sprig of heather or spruce is placed in a barrel or pan at the bottom. They do not allow mold to appear and provide the harvest with a forest aroma.

Despite the fact that mushrooms are useful for the body, there are contraindications to their use. They are not recommended for people suffering from acute diseases of the stomach and intestines. In large quantities, they should not be used by pregnant women, children, the elderly.

Ryzhik are among the best candidates for salting. Upland mushrooms are distinguished, which differ in a rounded cap with edges bent to the stem, and spruce, with a funnel-shaped upper part and light circles on it. Knowing how to pickle mushrooms at home, you can get an excellent snack for any holiday. It is recommended to store the finished product in a room that is well ventilated. Permissible temperature - from +5 to +6°C.

When starting to harvest mushrooms for the first time, people ask the question how much time the mushrooms are salted. The answer to it depends on which method was chosen. There are two cooking methods:

  1. dry or cold;
  2. hot.

Each option has its own characteristics, pros and cons.

Method one

Salting mushrooms in a dry way refers to quick types of cooking. It is recommended to use only fresh, self-collected mushrooms, since it is impossible to determine the collection period for purchased specimens.

Salting mushrooms is quick and easy. There are two options:

  • Mushrooms are thoroughly washed, cleaned of damaged areas and legs. After that, they are laid with a plate up, covered with salt and left for 1.5 hours. After the time has elapsed, the resulting reddish juice should be drained, the finished product washed and served.
  • There is also a dry ambassador of mushrooms. Unlike the previous version, the mushrooms are not washed, but simply thoroughly cleaned. For 1 kg of prepared material, 40 g of salt will be required. No spices are needed. Actions are similar to those indicated in the first recipe.

It does not stand out in a separate group, since it actually does not differ from dry. Some housewives add onions and allspice. The amount of salt used is 50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Sometimes oppression is used for full salting, which is left for at least forty days.

It should be remembered that thanks to the quick method, mushrooms can be eaten after salting. However, for long-term storage, other options should be chosen.

Through numerous experiments, the housewives came up with such an interesting option for extending the shelf life of the workpiece: dry-cooked mushrooms are laid out in jars, poured with brine (separately prepared), after which they are sterilized for half an hour and rolled up. It turns out delicious.

Method two

The hot salting method takes quite a lot of time when compared with the previous option. Its advantage is that the time of picking mushrooms does not matter. Although it would be correct to throw out the mushrooms collected later than two days, and not salt them. In this way, unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

Consider some proven recipes for making salted mushrooms for the winter. The number of ingredients is indicated based on 1 kg of starting material.

The first option is boiling. For this you need:

  1. salt - 50 gr.;
  2. sweet peas - 1 pc.;
  3. coriander (optional)
  4. Bay leaf.

Mushrooms are moved, cleared of debris. This recipe does not require pre-rinsing. Large specimens are cut into two to four parts. Prepared mushrooms are folded into a saucepan, filled with water, then brought to a boil and left for five minutes. Be sure to remove the foam so that it does not happen that the salted mushrooms ferment.

Boiled mushrooms are laid out in a container for subsequent salting. This should be done in layers, sprinkling each new layer with salt and spices. Then they need to be covered with a clean cotton cloth, put a wooden circle on top and press it all down with oppression. It is recommended to leave the container for a month and a half, the room temperature is not higher than + 8 ° С.

Previously, not only mushrooms were salted, but also other mushrooms in deep cellars. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the brine - it should not turn black, and also periodically wring out or, better, change the fabric.

Option two - without boiling. Need to prepare:

  1. salt - 50 gr.;
  2. allspice - 1 pc.;
  3. Bay leaf;
  4. black pepper - 5 gr.;
  5. black currant leaves - 20 gr.

This method will teach you how to salt mushrooms without boiling. Dry-cleaned mushrooms are blanched with boiling water, then washed with running cold water and dried. The bottom of the container is covered with half the leaves, as well as spices. On top you need to put mushrooms, be sure to plates down. Sprinkle with pepper, salt, close the remaining currant greens. The container is covered with a cloth, then with a circle and oppression.

Salting mushrooms and milk mushrooms

It is generally accepted that mushrooms and milk mushrooms cannot be salted together. The opinion regarding the incompatibility of different mushrooms is valid only in relation to the mixing of different families, that is, tubular and lamellar. Another prerequisite is strict adherence to the cooking technology.

Here are some tips on how to salt milk mushrooms and mushrooms.

For 1 kg of mushrooms, about 50 g of salt will be required. It is not recommended to add any spices and spices to preserve the taste and aroma of milk mushrooms and mushrooms. Salt and mushroom caps are placed in layers in a container (these can be jars or wooden barrels) with plates down. Cover the inflated circle and load with a clean cloth or towel. After three days, the contents will thicken, the vacant place is filled with fresh mushrooms. This continues until compaction is complete. The resulting brine should completely cover the workpiece. With its deficiency, a saline solution is prepared separately (for 1 liter of water - 20 g).

It should be remembered that milk mushrooms must be soaked before salting - this way you can get rid of bitterness due to the milky juice they secrete. Do this in water with the addition of salt and citric acid. Based on 1 liter of water, 10 and 2 g of these ingredients will be required, respectively. Soaking time - at least two days. Another option is blanching in boiling water with the addition of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of liquid for 5-6 minutes. After that, the mushrooms are allowed to drain and dry.

There is another recipe for joint salting. To do this, boil milk mushrooms prepared in the above way, as well as peeled mushrooms in brine (at the rate of 30 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for at least 30 minutes. Be sure to remove the resulting foam. Then discard in a colander, rinse with cold running water.

Put the prepared mushrooms in a container, layering with salt and spices. Cover with a clean towel, circle and oppression. Keep for two days at room temperature, then take out to a room with a temperature not higher than +8°C. After how many days can you eat salted mushrooms and milk mushrooms? The recommended period is 30 days.

Salting saffron milk mushrooms and volnushki

Despite the popular belief that it is better not to salt these mushrooms together because of the bitterness that the latter give, there are a large number of recipes for salting mushrooms and volushki. Consider the proven and most delicious way.

Volnushki should be soaked in lightly salted water (it is recommended to change the liquid every 3-4 hours). When asked how much to soak, mushroom pickers give different answers. But on average, this process takes at least three days. After that, rinse the mushrooms under running water. Ryzhik is easy enough to clean. The prepared ingredients are laid out in layers, sprinkled with salt (30-40 g per 1 kg of product). You can add spices - pepper, bay leaf, horseradish, blackcurrant leaves, dry dill. Although for mushrooms it will be overkill, so it is better to do without additives.

Close the container with a towel, press down with a circle and oppression. Mushrooms will settle naturally. The vacated space is filled with freshly prepared components. As soon as the subsidence is over, the container is taken out to a cool place and left for at least 1.5 months.

To get a delicious dish and not have to throw away spoiled mushrooms, you need to know some cooking secrets.

Redheads and soaking

Inexperienced housewives often wonder if mushrooms should be soaked before salting. No need. It is known that these mushrooms are suitable for consumption even raw, of course, if they are not collected near the road.

Also, mushrooms are one of the few that do not give bitterness, so soaking them is not advisable. This is the answer to the question of inexperienced mushroom pickers - how to pickle mushrooms so that they do not darken. Moreover, prolonged contact with water negatively affects the shape of the cap, which is why it is recommended not to wash the mushrooms, but to clean them with a dry cloth or toothbrush.

Proper storage

How to store salted mushrooms is another question that is often asked by people who are harvesting these mushrooms for the first time. The answer to it depends on which pickling method was chosen.

If you decide to use the cold method, the mushrooms should not be left at room temperature. The optimal mode is not higher than 10 ° С. Time is two weeks. Ready mushrooms can be stored in jars after salting for another 1.5 months. This time is enough for the workpiece to acquire its ideal taste. A fully finished product retains its qualities for two years if stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

The recipe for salting mushrooms at home, based on the hot method, does not affect the time of complete salting - all this also takes a month and a half. But it is he who is most often chosen, since the risk of mold covering the workpiece is practically zero.

How to avoid darkening

Mushrooms are very tasty, but mushrooms that require a delicate attitude. Therefore, you should know how to salt mushrooms so that they do not darken. To do this, avoid contact of mushrooms with water. If you have to process a large amount of raw materials at once, already processed specimens are immersed in water with salt and citric acid. They should be there no longer than five minutes.

Ryzhik sour, fermented - what to do?

Inexperienced mushroom pickers are often faced with a situation where the brine acquires an unpleasant taste. What to do if salted mushrooms are sour? First of all, the mushrooms are pulled out of the container, washed thoroughly and boiled in fresh water for no longer than 5 minutes. Then you should discard them in a colander and let the liquid drain.

Salting mushrooms for the winter in glass jars is quite possible. Dried mushrooms are laid out in sterilized containers, poured with freshly prepared brine. Salts for it are taken at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 2 liters of liquid. Roll up the lids and put in a cool place.

If the mushrooms have fermented, mold has appeared on the surface, you should thoroughly rinse the cloth with which they were covered in warm, slightly salted water. After removing the moldy mushrooms, a healthy layer is sprinkled with dry mustard. Next - a clean and dry cloth, a circle and a fairly heavy oppression.

Our compatriots have long salted saffron mushrooms. They were not only delivered to the royal table, but also exported to Europe. Today, housewives use glass jars for salting mushrooms. And what did the saffron milk mushrooms in Rus' pickle? For this, wooden tubs or barrels were used - the most convenient and safe way.

In winter, salted mushrooms at home are a real delicacy. There are several types of them and all are suitable for salting. Pine and spruce red mushrooms are more common, where fir predominates, the brightest and densest salmon grows. When salting mushrooms at home, it is very important to preserve the unique taste of fungi. Therefore, in the old days, mushrooms were generally salted without seasonings, only salt. Strong red mushrooms salted at home have a peculiar taste and tart forest aroma. How to salt mushrooms for the winter.

Salting mushrooms in a cold way

Classic cold salting does not require spices and seasonings. Freshly picked mushrooms are sorted out, removing wormy, damaged ones, the legs are cut off. Ryzhiki recommend not to wash, although it is better to rinse quickly. Soaking mushrooms for salting is not required, orange juice is not at all edible. Put a couple of horseradish leaves on the bottom of the salting dish, lay out the hats in layers (5-6 cm high), salt the rows. Leaves of horseradish or oak, a plate and oppression are placed on top. According to the recipe for a kilogram of raw mushrooms, 40-45 grams of salt will be required. After 3-4 days, they try the salting, if necessary, add salt.

When the salted mushrooms settle, you can report to others. Make sure that there is a lot of brine, there should be about 3 cm of liquid above the plate. If necessary, add salted boiled water, store the brine in a cool place. Transfer completely salted mushrooms together with brine into glass jars and pour vegetable oil on top. Oil film protection against mold and mushrooms will not deteriorate. Delicious, although the flavor of the salt is not spicy. Fans salt mushrooms with dill, bay, currant leaves, garlic. Salted spruce mushrooms are brown in color but remain tasty. Pine ones also darken, especially the top layer, although the aroma of mushrooms remains unchanged.

Salting mushrooms in a hot way

Cooking for mushrooms is contraindicated, the unique camelina taste and aroma are lost. The sorted, washed caps are blanched in boiling water for one and a half / two minutes, or poured over with boiling water a couple of times. By the way, this method helps to avoid a large darkening of mushrooms. Fungi will become elastic, slightly reduced in size. Rinse the mushrooms in cold water, when cool, salt as in a cold way.
