
What coffee is suitable for divination. Location of symbols and approximate time of manifestation of events

How to correctly conduct fortune-telling for love with the help of coffee grounds. When, for the accuracy of the result, it is worth using divination on Tarot cards. The correct recipe for brewing prophetic coffee.

Despite the rapid breakthrough of mankind in the field of high technologies, we still cannot comprehend the secrets of tomorrow. And in order to somehow open the veil of the upcoming future and learn about the intimate and secret, people, obeying their original nature, turn to all sorts of divination. And among the various methods and options, divination for love, fate, future and health according to the images created by coffee grounds is no less popular than the fragrant and invigorating drink itself.

For several centuries, hereditary fortune-tellers and soothsayers, peering into the coffee grounds, have been telling the inquisitive about their fate and the future of their loved ones. incredibly common throughout the globe, does not require the use of special paraphernalia, but does not tolerate fuss and malice.

For several centuries, hereditary fortune-tellers and soothsayers, peering into the coffee grounds, have been telling the inquisitive about their fate and the future of their loved ones. incredibly common throughout the globe, does not require the use of special paraphernalia, but does not tolerate fuss and malice.

The whole world around us is a complex intricacies of energies, which is still incomprehensible and intangible for a person. And natural coffee is the most powerful energy absorbent, intensively absorbing into its grain not only the forces of the soil, sunlight and water, but also the fluids of the energy trace from human thoughts, emotions and experiences. But, precisely because of the probability of shifting energies, fortune-telling on coffee grounds requires concentration, a clear statement of the question and moral purity of thoughts, in principle, just like fortune-telling on Tarot cards.

The properties of coffee have not yet been fully explored by science. Scientists claim that the amount of macro- and microelements in it is slightly more than 2000, but so far no one has authoritatively confirmed its final composition. The whole world knows the tonic properties of coffee beans, but only a few have comprehended their magical ability to broadcast about the past, present and future.

So, you want to know if you need to consider moving to another job. Or there will be a fortune-telling on a person. Or there was an idle interest in what awaits tomorrow at the party. How to get the right answers from coffee grounds?
In any case, one should not spontaneously and carelessly grab the first cup of coffee that comes across in a cafe and immediately make a decision based on an allegedly bad or positive sign seen there.
Fortune telling on coffee grounds, like any divination ritual, is a sacred procedure that requires peace of mind and thoughts and a calm, even intimate environment.

Auspicious timing

People of various faiths resort to divination on coffee grounds, therefore, on the basis of separate confessional rules, it is better to refuse this procedure on the days of major religious holidays and the day before. It is advisable to exclude the ritual if you are irritated, stressed or physically weakened, as well as:

  • in inclement weather;
  • on Saturday and Sunday;
  • on the first and last day of the lunar cycle.

For the Orthodox, the best time for fortune-telling about relationships and the opportunity to find out what the object of love dreams thinks about me is Christmas time. These days it is customary to tell fortunes for young girls, but older and married ladies can get an answer to a question that concerns them or find out the true cause of family discord.

Hereditary fortune-tellers who have comprehended the sacred secrets of esotericism scrupulously approach the appointment of fortune-telling time. It is important for them that a person comes to the session with the purest energy possible. For those who independently comprehend the secret signs of fate hidden in the ornate drawings of coffee grounds, it should be noted that the time after midnight is not the most suitable period for fortune telling. This is the destiny of the dark forces and one can easily succumb to numerous pernicious temptations and the unfavorable influence of otherworldly forces.

Fortune telling on a person’s attitude and on a love topic in general gives the clearest answer already at the end of daylight hours, and on other issues you can analyze what you see in the coffee grounds from early morning until late evening.

Coffee selection

You will need only natural coffee. Without admixture of aromatic and flavoring additives. Ideally, it is better to purchase it in grains and grind it yourself on a simple mechanical coffee grinder a few days before the procedure. This will clear the product of extraneous energy and external negativity and mutually adapt your energy balances. It is preferable to grind the grain fine, but not dusty.
If you intend to conduct a fortune-telling to find out what a person thinks about me, try to make it so that he buys coffee for the ritual. Here you can give free rein to your imagination, because it is not necessary to notify the object of interest about the ultimate goal of the purchase.

Preparing dishes

Modern etiquette allows you to drink coffee from cups of any shape and volume. We stipulate right away - fortune-telling is carried out exclusively using a classic coffee cup. It means that:

  • it is made of porcelain or first-class faience;
  • its shape has a narrow bottom;
  • the diameter and height of the cup are approximately equal to 5 cm;
  • its volume is 50-70 ml.

The saucer should also initially come with a cup in the kit. But the spoon can be used as a tea or coffee.

Why is the shape and volume of the cup important?

A small volume of the drink accumulates more information and energy messages coming from your aura. Accordingly, images and signs will have clearer contours and semantic specifics.

The shape of the cup may be more refined, but it will be difficult for an inexperienced person to understand what he sees and distinguish between symbols and signs. A smooth transition from a narrow bottom to a wider top creates an excellent ergonomic surface and allows you to comprehensively and thoroughly analyze the existing pattern.

Can I take someone else's cup

If living conditions require the sharing of dishes, then a few hours before the ritual, they should be thoroughly washed and dried with a cotton towel. Eliminate the use of detergent; instead, you can use plain table salt.

an object that captures you. In the absence of the opportunity to treat the object of passion from your dishes, you should not resort to stealing and temporarily borrowing his cup. This will impose an unfavorable connotation on the divination process.

So let's make coffee.

No coffee machines or automated coffee makers. For fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the energy of the drink cannot be oversaturated with the influence of negative external sources, which are mechanisms and ferrous metals. A copper cezve, a silver or ceramic coffee pot, and the most critical but likely option is an aluminum or stainless alloy cezve.

Pour two teaspoons of ground coffee at the bottom of the cezve, pour 100 ml of unboiled water and put on a small fire. Stirring lightly, wait until the coffee just starts to boil, and remove from the stove for 30-40 seconds. After sedimentation of foaming, put the cezve on the fire again and bring the coffee almost to a boil again. Repeat the procedure 3 times and you should get a thick foam and tart, well-brewed coffee.

Why you shouldn't bring coffee to a boil

With a full boil, coffee will lose not only its taste, but also part of the volatile components. This will disrupt the natural energy balance of the product and reduce the reliability of divination.

Can sugar be added

For fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the drink should not contain any flavoring additives, which include sugar and other sweeteners. But a pinch of rock salt or pepper will make the fortune-telling “What he thinks” more clear and reliable.

The nature of these products in itself determines the excellent information exchange between energies. They allow you to make coffee more receptive and sensitive to energy fluctuations. But if this flavor combination is unpleasant for you, then brew traditional black coffee.

The freshly brewed drink is mixed again to prevent sediment from forming, and poured into prepared dishes. Concentrating on the question posed, you drink coffee in small sips and slowly, until a thick but liquid thick remains at the bottom of the cup. Left-handed and right-handed drink coffee in the usual manner.
After, holding the cup on weight, cover it with a saucer and turn it over from you. If you are right-handed, then you will have a saucer in your left hand. With your right hand, lightly press the inverted cup against the saucer and make three small circles in a horizontal plane counterclockwise. After waiting 1-2 seconds, take the cup by the handle and turn it over towards you and peer into the images that the thick has formed.

In an inverted cup, you may not immediately see the signs, because it is not in vain that people have been accumulating information for centuries about the secret meaning that lies in the intersection of lines and volumes created by coffee grounds.

Slowly and concentrating on your question, you should carefully consider the entire pattern that has formed. If there are no clearly defined shapes, try to analyze the contents of the cup first horizontally and then vertically. Completely immerse yourself in the process and simply peer without any underlying desire to see a specific symbol.

As soon as you can turn off your conscious, your unconscious itself will point you to the secret signs in the coffee grounds. That is why people see different things in the same cup. Yes, and the symbols reflect the given and the future for people with different mental organization in different ways. For example, for representatives of the creative profession, a bird seen will mean an incredible spiritual impulse, backed up by professional success, and for a worker, this indicates the possibility of enchanting and fun organizing your leisure or vacation.

But there are signs that carry general information:

  • Many parallel lanes - work trips or travel.
  • The moon or planet is unexpected support from the outside.
  • Clock hands are good changes.
  • A flower or a bud - new feelings.
  • Heart - love reciprocity.
  • Horseshoe - personal happiness.
  • A star is business success.

The most important and significant events are in the center of the bottom. The farther the drawings are removed to the edge, the less significant they are or moved away in the time period. All events that are characteristic of the present are reflected on the wall of the cup facing you. Information about upcoming events is on the opposite side, respectively.

Supplement the information with other types of fortune-telling

Without practical experience, it is quite difficult to navigate in the inexpressive forms and patterns of coffee grounds. Here, innate intuition and prophetic foresight are important, which by nature are not characteristic of many.

To maximize the secret meaning, you can duplicate fortune-telling on coffee grounds in another way. or online will allow you to quickly verify the correctness of your judgments and interpretations.

Do men guess on coffee grounds

The mentality and energy of women and men are, of course, different and even diametrically opposed. But the secrets of the future intrigue the stronger sex no less than the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. From the esoteric aspect, fortune-telling on coffee grounds is just as relevant and expedient for men as it is for women.

Another thing is that they, as a rule, ignore fortune-telling about family relationships, and prefer more constructive questions, “What does the boss think about me?”, “What is the career prospect?” and are interested in physical health and real material wealth.

Regardless of the result of fortune-telling, it is important to remember that even the most negative or positive prediction for the future can change as a result of certain actions in the present. Esoteric symbols show us the likely path and potential obstacles, but everyone writes the script of their own life on their own.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is gaining more and more popularity every year. Many believe that this method of divination is the most accessible and does not require prior preparation. But it is not so. Of course, we can even guess every morning before a cup of hot coffee, but, alas, this will not be a magical ritual, but just a game.

First, before guessing on the coffee grounds, you should properly brew the drink. To do this, you need to pour cold water into the Turk and pour three tablespoons of coffee into it with the words: “for the past, for the present, for the future.” Sugar should not be added in any case! In the process of preparing coffee, it is necessary to stir it three times clockwise, and three times against. When foam appears, turn off the fire. Magic coffee is ready!

After that, you need to carefully pour the drink into a rounded white cup. It is strictly forbidden to stir coffee in a cup. Now you should wait a minute for the coffee to cool down a bit. During this time, you should carefully focus on your problem. After that, drink the drink, holding the cup in your left hand. Make sure there is little water left at the bottom. After all, if there is a lot of liquid, then you will not be able to recognize the symbols and signs.

After drinking the drink, gently tip the cup onto the white saucer with your left hand. It is necessary to let it stand a little thicker so that the pattern is fully formed. When you notice that the coffee liquid has taken shape, you can begin the direct process of divination.

Carefully examine the drawing from all sides and angles and determine what exactly the resulting figure looks like. There are a great many meanings of divination on coffee grounds and interpretations of signs. Consider the most common and simple symbols that can tell you about upcoming events.

lines on a saucer may indicate an ambulance trip. If they tend to the edges of the saucer, this means a trip abroad. Lines with dots indicate difficulties on the road.

squares can be a harbinger of getting big money. It can also mean a promotion and new financial prospects. If there are four points in a square, this is a sign of pregnancy for a woman.

Cross in the very center of the saucer, means someone's unexpected death. Connecting crosses speak of a serious illness, and a row of three crosses portends an unprecedented success.

Circles indicate failures and the impossibility of overcoming difficulties. The figure portends walking in a vicious circle and the inability to break out of bounds and avoid trouble.

Triangle means career advancement. The more triangles in the figure, the more successful the career and financial issue will be.

Rhombus- a harbinger of success on the love front. If the drawing looks like a wreath, then this means help from one influential person.

All these signs can roughly answer all your questions about the future. However, if you want to study the symbols of divination on coffee grounds in more detail, then you should be patient and drink a single cup of coffee.

You may not believe in the irrational, but sometimes even convinced materialists want to look into their future or try to interpret signs from the past. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to go to a hereditary sorceress or look for a crystal ball; any non-professional can guess on coffee grounds. The main thing is to find a cup of invigorating aromatic drink.

The first rule of divination is to take only real ground coffee. The finished drink should be poured into a white cup with smooth walls, always with a handle, and let it stand for 5 minutes (at this time, you need to formulate your question as precisely as possible). After that, drink coffee (never pour it out), leaving about a tablespoon of the drink at the bottom of the cup. Holding the cup in your left hand and focusing on your question, shake the grounds in a circular motion three times counterclockwise, then cover the cup with a saucer, turn it upside down sharply, turning it in any direction, and once again ask your question or make a wish. The most important are the symbols located around the place where the handle is attached. "Coffee blots" to the left of the handle have a negative connotation, while those to the right have a positive connotation. The figures at the top rim of the cup talk about the present, and at the bottom - about the future. Remember that coffee in a cup shows the future, and in a saucer - the past. And the last thing - a figure that "looks" at the pen will directly affect your life, and looking in the opposite direction - has an indirect relationship specifically to you.
You need to consider the figures in a certain order: first from the edge of the cup to the center of the bottom, then horizontally from left to right, then horizontally from right to left, and last - the bottom and center. Never try to interpret the figures separately, consider all the "blots" together, trying to line them up in one associative array.

The most common figures and their meaning:

Two faces looking at each other - you love and are loved.
Two faces in a circle - imminent marriage.
Two faces separated by a line - divorce, betrayal in love.
A face in profile is a strong defense.
Eyes - a change in life.
The hand is a disappointment.
Butterfly - love letter.
Camel - wealth.
Snake - intrigues, cold, treason.
Cat - poverty, poverty, ruin.
Swan - unexpected money.
Fly - great wealth, inheritance.
The spider is an unexpected gift.
Fish - good news or travel.
The dog is a true friend.
Duckling - the spouse (wife) is faithful to you (true).
Trees are obstacles on the way.
A car is a road, a trip, a journey.
Fork - wealth, life in luxury.
Key - all doors are open in front of you.
The ring is an engagement, a wedding, an important union.
Scissors - good luck.
Shoes - meeting, danger.
Dishes - a sudden meeting.
Candle is a dream.

Many people say that curiosity is an exclusively female vice, but in fact it is not. Absolutely all people have a passion for the unknown future, constantly looking for answers to a wide variety of questions that relate to their lives, relationships, etc. You can see a hint in everything, but the main thing is to know the meaning and interpretation of these signs.

Coffee grounds - an attribute that will help open the door to the future

The peculiarity of this divination method

In such cases, people turn to fortune tellers for help, but today this pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, you can search the Internet, so to speak, for budget options for predictions. To do this, just enter a few simple words: how to learn to guess on the coffee grounds.

But, despite the fact that such a ritual is extremely popular, it is not as simple as it might seem at first. Fortune telling on coffee grounds has a lot of features and peculiarities, and in order to master fortune telling on coffee grounds at home, you need to carefully understand all the points.

Coffee is the world's most popular and consumed beverage, so it's no surprise that many people choose coffee to know the future.

Coffee is the world's most popular drink. That is why it is most often chosen for fortune telling.

The study of the symbols that form at the bottom of the vessel will allow you to understand what awaits the fortuneteller in the near and future future (as options, it can be a dolphin, trees, flowers, an owl, or even a devil).

The main points of such fortune-telling

A person who wants to get an answer to a seemingly simple question is primarily interested in: how to guess on coffee grounds?

Historical records say that for the first time coffee for divination began to be used in the 18th century. These were Italians who were very fond of drinking and at one time, they simply noticed that peculiar symbols and even drawings appeared at the bottom.

This interested them, so they began to make lists of the emerging drawings, and in parallel with this, the decoding of the symbols was carried out. This is how the Italians established interactive links between their favorite drink and what awaits them in the present and future.

Despite the fact that almost 3 centuries have passed since then, the process of divination on coffee grounds has not changed much. The only thing is that previously the fortuneteller read various words of a spell or prayer so that coffee could absorb magical properties, and a connection with the other world was established.

Today, the rules of divination are much simplified. If you want to know the expected ways of development in life, then it will be enough to brew a good, thick and always natural drink.

Preparatory measures

In order to tell fortunes on coffee grounds, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. This includes:

  1. Quality organic coffee. Proportion in the ratio of 2 large spoons of grains and one spoon of fine grinding.
  2. Turk and water, which will be enough for one serving of thick coffee.
  3. Solid color (preferably a white cup) volume: no more than 200 mm and a saucer. Why exactly like this? It is best to guess on it, because you, the fortuneteller, will be able to consider all the contours of the figure, and as a result, you will get a more accurate result by reading the interpretation or designation.

For fortune-telling, you need to purchase high-quality natural coffee

From those grains that were prepared earlier, you need to brew a portion of coffee on low or medium heat. Moreover, this can be done both by an assistant and directly by the one who began to guess on coffee grounds at home in order to get an answer to a question regarding the future.

As soon as it is ready, you need to take a porcelain cup and pour the drink along with the sediment. Then you need to wait until the coffee cools down a bit. The next step of the instruction: how to guess correctly on coffee grounds, involves uttering a clearly expressed question, then the fortuneteller must drink a drink, but the grounds remain at the bottom of the cup.

The final stage: the cup is taken by hand (it is desirable that it be left) as it is closer to the heart and they begin to vigorously rotate in the direction of the clock. So three full circles are done. After that, they tip over on a clean dish, and do it so that the sediment that remains on the bottom forms a clear image of the pattern. After counting to 7, the cup is gently lifted. Now, you need to carefully consider and study what patterns appeared on the walls of the vessel.

If you take the ideal alignment, then you should get approximately 3 - 6 characters. Only in this way, the prediction can be considered correct. If the fortuneteller could not even consider a couple of drawings, it should not be ruled out that, after a while, it is necessary to repeat fortune-telling on coffee grounds.

Fortune-telling should be repeated after a certain period of time, if the fortuneteller could not even consider a few drawings

Interpretation of the received images

In order to get a good result on your own, you need to first undergo a little training from the best fortunetellers. Details play a huge role in this process. Therefore, when a person consults with professionals, you need to ask a lot of questions: and not just how to guess on coffee grounds, or how often can you guess?

It is important to be able to consider all the variations of symbols, as well as determine exactly where it is located.

In order to make a complete prophecy, you need to consider exactly how the stains from the thick are located on the walls and bottom. For example, the spots remaining below indicate specific phenomena that fortunetellers previously experienced, those that remained in the middle (on the walls) speak of the future.

Another aspect is the direction of symbols when divining on coffee grounds. Each of them speaks of his own:

  1. If the drawing is directed to the handle of the vessel, then this characterizes a fortuneteller.
  2. If the thick spots are located in the middle, this indicates the events that are taking place at the given moment, that is, in modern times.
  3. If the pattern is located below, then you should be wary, because this is not the best omen that awaits you.
  4. The image directed in the direction of the hands of the clock will soon come into life.
  5. The image, concentrated against the arrow, says the opposite. That is, about leaving the environment of the questioner, some kind of person.

The most famous symbols for interpretation

When fortune-telling takes place on coffee grounds, the meaning of the figures is a very important component, so people began to develop entire decoding books.

The most popular drawings are:

  1. Numbers.
  2. Letters.
  3. Owl.
  4. The Dragon.
  5. Tree (plants).
  6. Dolphin.
  7. Heart.
  8. Geometric figures.
  9. Body parts.

Numeric characters

Numerical designations in fortune-telling on coffee grounds have a unique meaning that can be compared with the past, present and future. Everything depends exactly on where they will be after the ceremony.

What do they mean:

The number 10 prophesies happiness and good luck

  • 10 - promises you that in life you will be pursued by luck and happiness;
  • 9 - speaks of new acquaintances or an unexpected meeting;
  • 8 - this figure indicates a possible quarrel, for example, with a close friend or some kind of relative;
  • 7 - home comfort, family, mutual understanding and love;
  • 6 - this number symbolizes wedding chores, but she also warns that problems may arise at this time;
  • 5 - gossip;
  • 4 - do not despair and lose hope for the best;
  • 3 - financial success, as an option, the successful completion of the transaction;
  • 2 - problems with the physical or psychological state;
  • 1 - love;
  • 0 is a good number, which implies that the person who begins to guess was "born in a happy shirt."


Coffee grounds carry a lot of information that needs to be properly understood. Therefore, it is important to understand the interpretation of symbols more specifically than letters.

The importance that letters carry is very diverse. Some say that it is time to take well-established actions, others show future events:

  1. I - speaks of good news and a prosperous life.
  2. Yu - predicts a bad mood.
  3. U - soon you will have to return some debt.
  4. III - a depressive state caused by unfavorable news.
  5. H - someone from the inner circle needs protection, support or help.
  6. C - warns that on this day you can not start something new.
  7. X is wedding chores, marriage.
  8. F - says that you have to survive the sudden arrival of guests, who, in addition, will begin to share their experiences.
  9. U - predicts changes in personal life, or some new acquisitions.
  10. T - you will need to make a difficult choice.
  11. C - expect joyful and favorable news, surprises.
  12. R - addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  13. P - in the near future, you may encounter lies or insincerity.
  14. O - friends or loved ones will turn away from you or completely refuse, a feeling of loneliness.
  15. N - troubles or nervous experiences.
  16. M - changes in the standard way of life, changes in business, lack of stability.
  17. L - new acquaintances of a romantic nature, relationships and love.
  18. K - spiritual problems, the fortuneteller should take care of additional protection, get a new cross.
  19. And - all the secret will be revealed (disclosure of secrets).
  20. Z - you are experiencing or will be experiencing household or household chores.
  21. W - clarification of relations in the family circle, obvious or hidden dissatisfaction.
  22. E - if a person is experiencing problem situations, you need to remember one fact: your conscience is clear.
  23. D - promises material problems, lack of money.
  24. D - visit the temple, buy and light a candle for your health.
  25. B - this speaks of possible difficulties and sorrows.
  26. B - a fortuneteller, will receive a new position, power or authority in the near future.
  27. A - in the future, the questioner will win in some business or situation.

A - a letter symbolizing the fortuneteller's quick victory (for example, promotion at work)

Owl in fortune-telling

When we reproduce the rite, the symbols for divination on coffee grounds can also have a negative orientation. As one of the options, this is an owl. This is a symbol from the category: "completely saturated with negativity."

Interpretation one

The first sensible story tells that the bird is a symbol of difficulties and difficult trials. But do not fall into despair and give up, these difficulties are sent solely so that a person can gain important and valuable experience. Therefore, the situations that are happening must be viewed through the prism of life experience, solely as an exam from above.

Second interpretation

The second interpretation is loneliness. This is more a statement of fact, that is, the owl does not give other options for the development of events. But even here there is a positive moment, it is not said exactly how long this state will last. There is no clear statement that loneliness will continue until the last day of life, most likely, it may be a short-term separation from a loved one, which will end with a meeting.

Third interpretation

Even when we are guessing on coffee grounds, the interpretation of an owl is a complex, hard-tolerated disease or even death. Moreover, this is comparable not only with the fortuneteller, but also with people close to him.

But you should not take everything at face value, death in the interpreters of dreams is a sign of good change. That is, you disappear to old habits and lifestyles, and are reborn for more positive things.

Long-term illness can mean mental or physical discomfort, which can be associated with the elimination of bad habits and the acquisition of completely new good and necessary skills.

dragon mark

Divination for the future with the help of coffee predicts many different situations and possible developments. When performing the ceremony, it is quite possible to see an animal that is not quite ordinary, rather it can be called the most prominent representative of the mythical world - this is a dragon.

It, like all other symbols, has more than one meaning. First, when the contour of this powerful being is visible, it must be compared with the rest of the images seen, because it can simply be a link.

If fortune-telling is carried out by a lonely woman or girl, then the dragon indicates that in the close circle of the fortuneteller, there is a man who will reciprocate.

If the lady is married, then the animal has a negative direction, saying that discord may begin in the relationship, as a third party is wedged into them.

If a married lady is guessing on the coffee grounds, the image of the dragon takes on a negative meaning - conflicts with her husband await her

The dragon also symbolizes success in undertakings and warns business people about possible difficulties with current proposals. If today you have received dubious requests for cooperation, then you should refuse them, because they do not bode well.


Since we are just learning to distinguish between symbols, we need to double-check the information offered. After all, some expressions, especially on the Internet, may not be written by professional fortune-tellers and interpreters.

One of the most common drawings that appears during the ritual is a tree. Its meaning fully depends on the choice of the fortuneteller and the events that precede it.

Pay attention to all the details of this picture:

  1. If the tree turned out, as it were, with flowers (fruitful), then this only means that in the near future the fortuneteller will have a pleasant material nature (this can be a gift or premium or inheritance).
  2. Large and long roots are insecurities and complexes that can be a strong obstacle to achieving a specific goal.
  3. A spreading large tree with branches - shows that in this situation the questioner will have the freedom to choose from the options offered.
  4. Broken trunk - indicates the failure of the work begun.

The location of the picture also matters, if the plant is on the wall of the vessel, then you should pay attention to your loved ones, if at the bottom, then you will have to struggle with the difficulties that prevent you from succeeding.


Fortune telling on coffee grounds and the meaning of the symbols of fish, means confidence in one's abilities, strengths, and capabilities, control over the current situation. The meaning of figures in divination on coffee grounds, more precisely, mythical creatures, is very exciting, since it has a direct connection with the otherworldly world unexplored by man.

This large mammal can act as a complementary element, and denotes a reliable shoulder of a loved one, in other words, support. For such circumstances, the general picture implies that a person practicing divination will receive help from a brother, friend, etc.

Another meaning suggests that the dolphin symbolizes the journey. Moreover, this value is based on the observations made. According to mythology, these cetacean fish are considered guides between worlds, respectively, they are positioned as harbingers of the path.


In most cases, it symbolizes romantic and intimate relationships and unconditionally love. Fortune telling is no exception, so if during the ritual you get this sign, it shows that fate has prepared for you a meeting with your soulmate. If the drawing has a clear outline, then the symbol indicates:

  1. Strong relationships.
  2. Confession of romantic feelings.

Did you see a heart with clear contours? You can expect flirting!

If the contour has fuzzy lines, or the heart is presented not as a whole, but as halves, then this indicates a bad development of events. Often, in such cases, relationships can be tested for strength. Partners may quarrel and even break up. As an option for married people, the symbol of a disconnected heart prophesies a long conflict situation.

You need to pay attention to where the picture is located. Depending on the location, the symbol will show a clear picture of what is happening in life. If it manifested itself correctly, then the meaning will be obvious. If it is upside down, then changes await you. After all, the figure shows that the fortuneteller lives in dreams, which overnight can be broken by the harsh realities of life.

Geometric figures

  1. A square - a rectangle with a regular line indicates that at this stage of life you have everything you need. If you are guessing for the future, then life in abundance awaits you.
  2. Circle - denotes the changes that will be caused by a new acquaintance. Wait for the usual rhythm of life to change.
  3. Triangle - also promises dramatic changes, but an unexpected meeting will affect this, and perhaps even with the person with whom you stopped communicating.
  4. Oval - if you are not yet married / married, then this symbol prophesies a happy relationship.
  5. Arc - try to carefully monitor your surroundings, perhaps among them there are those who envy you. This sign speaks of the danger emanating from such a person.
  6. Line - direction is important here. If from top to bottom, then you may receive a scolding from your superiors, or some kind of bad news. The strip in the opposite direction, speaks of improvements in a career plan: bonus or promotion.
  7. Point - shows that fortune smiles at you. Take advantage of the opportunities that appear at this moment, success is guaranteed.
  8. Zigzag - indicates that adventure awaits a person, but here you need to carefully look at additional components. If the line is strongly curved or interrupted, then these changes will be negative, try to be more careful in completing work assignments.
  9. Rectangle - this figure has a positive meaning. It shows that everything in life is getting better and you should accept these pleasant changes.

A rectangle is a figure that indicates that everything is getting better in life. All you have to do is enjoy the good times

Body parts

Since it is not difficult to guess with the help of coffee, this is a favorite way to find out the future of many people. As for the decoding of these characters, then:

  1. Hand - predicts certain events that will eventually bring regret and disappointment.
  2. Head - changes in the usual way of life. Depending on the details, these changes will be negative or positive.
  3. The leg is a good symbol, as it predicts a long or short journey.
  4. Eyes - indicate changes that relate to the professional or other spheres of life of the fortuneteller.
  5. Silhouette - it is important here who it will be (a man or a woman) if the first then a pleasant and exciting romance awaits you, which can develop into some kind of stronger relationship, if the second - then this speaks of a wedding.
  6. Lips - a fortuneteller, the most pleasant news awaits. They can be both from relatives and from previously unfamiliar people.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds, signs help to understand the situation and decide on the further development of events.

With the help of decoding, make a forecast for the future, in this case, the main emphasis is on the correctness of all stages of fortune-telling.

People know a lot of fortune-telling, one of the most popular ways to find out what awaits you in the near future is coffee fortune-telling. Its prevalence is largely due to the ease of implementation and reliable results. But the most important part in this procedure is to establish the correct designation of the figures that appeared on the coffee grounds in the process of divination.

If you want to seek advice on the future of your coffee drink, stock up on the following tools:

  • a porcelain cup of a single color;
  • ground coffee;
  • coffee pot.

Also, before embarking on the divination procedure itself, you will need to sit quietly for several minutes, moving away for a moment from the whole world around you and mentally hold the question that worries you.

Pour ground coffee beans into a coffee pot or a special Turk, bring them to a boil. Then pour the resulting drink into a cup and, when the coffee has cooled down a bit, drink it. And then turn the coffee grounds on a plate. Then take the cup in your hands, again concentrate on the topic of your question and turn the cup three times in a circle in a clockwise direction. Do this vigorously enough.

Then you need to carefully study the resulting pattern. So the spots located on the walls of the cup will tell you about the near future, and the images on the bottom will tell you about past events. Next, we will tell you how to correctly interpret the result.

Deciphering patterns on coffee grounds

People and body parts:

  • Eyes - changes will burst into your life.
  • Head - in the circle of your acquaintances there is a very positive guy who will have a good effect on your future.
  • Head in profile - you have very good protection.
  • Female head - get ready, soon love will come into your life.
  • Male head - portends you separation from your loved one.
  • The head is turned up - you have a powerful patron.
  • The head is turned down - you should be more careful, you are in danger.
  • Mouth - wait for positive news, you will also receive support from your friends and relatives.
  • Two heads that are located in the center of the cup - you will soon get married.
  • Two profiles that the line crosses - such a pattern promises a quick quarrel with a dear person.
  • A lot of goals - if it’s hard for you now, don’t worry - soon help will come from loved ones.
  • An old woman - her appearance indicates a strong love relationship and a happy married life.
  • Hand - something will cause you disappointment, you will part with your illusions.
  • Man and animal - in the circle of your acquaintances there is a person who is ready to provide you with care.

Animal world

  • Butterfly - they will write a love letter to you.
  • Bull - beware of danger.
  • Camel - soon you will achieve material success.
  • Dove - you have a very good, sincere friend.
  • Raven - see him unfortunately.
  • Hare - personifies a rhinestone, the inability to correctly understand current events.
  • The snake is an insidious person who wishes you harm.
  • Cow - luck patronizes you, you will soon become happy.
  • A cat is not a very favorable symbol, to material losses, ruin.
  • Chicken - you will have to help a new person in your environment.
  • Swan - quite unexpectedly, you will receive a large amount of money.
  • Leo - powerful friends, power.
  • Fox - you will encounter cunning, insincerity, lies.
  • Frog - see her to receive good news.
  • Bear - be careful - you are in danger, but you can still protect yourself from it.
  • Ant - appears on the coffee grounds to the hassle, fuss.
  • Fly - you will soon gain an inheritance, get rich.
  • The deer is a symbol of honesty, wisdom and openness.
  • Eagle - now you are forced to fight with someone, but you will certainly win this fight.
  • Spider - you will receive a nice present.
  • Rooster - promises good news, happy events.
  • Fish - get ready for a pleasant trip and positive news.
  • Elephant - acts as a symbol of strength, portends material success.
  • Dog - you have a faithful companion.
  • Owl - a serious illness is not ruled out.
  • Tiger - aggression.
  • The lizard is a nice surprise, a surprise.

See how fortune-telling is performed on coffee in this video clip


  • Oak - indicates victory.
  • Willow - portends depressive states with tears.
  • Clover - believe me: very soon there will be no trace of your problems.
  • Bush - the business that you set about will soon end in failure.
  • Forest - you have chosen the wrong path in life or your partner.
  • Lily - if she is located along the walls, then she promises stability in relations, and if at the bottom - conflicts.
  • Get ready to put on your wedding dress.
  • Violet - marry a rich man.
  • Chrysanthemum - love will come to you in adulthood.


  • Car - promises pleasant trips, travel.
  • - you will have a mutual feeling.
  • Angel - get good news, someone will pleasantly please you.
  • Fork - testifies to material well-being, luxury.
  • Coffin - portends unfortunate events.
  • The coffin and the cross are death.
  • A coffin and a bed - someone will soon become seriously ill.
  • Door - you will be successful in all your new ventures.
  • Home - you will find marital happiness.
  • Dagger - you have enemies, aggression towards you.
  • The key is that you can safely take on any new business - they will end in success.
  • The wheel is an interesting adventure.
  • The ring is for the wedding.
  • Hammer - you will make decisions at random, but everything will end well.
  • Knife - you will face loss, damage, you will have to sacrifice yourself.
  • Scissors - promise well-being.
  • Shoes - beware of danger.
  • A tool - to serious quarrels and scandals.
  • Folder - things will end in success.
  • The loop is a very unfavorable symbol, it predicts bad events and death.
  • Glove - old love will return to your life.
  • Horseshoe - to good luck and success.
  • Dishes - meet an old friend unexpectedly.
  • Candle - to dreams.
  • Chair - money, a good career.
  • Flag - warns of possible danger, act thoughtfully.
  • The hat is a sign of success and glory.
  • The anchor is a symbol of good luck, happiness, success with a clear picture and problems in the love sphere with a blurry picture.


  • Arc - the appearance of an insidious enemy.
  • Star - you will get rid of what is bothering you.
  • Square - you will not need anything.
  • The cross - to bad news (if it is solid) and to a successful married life - if it has clear contours, and is white inside.
  • Circle - you easily make new acquaintances.
  • Oval - promises a quick wedding, marriage.
  • Dots with strokes - happy events are coming, success.
  • Triangle - you will suddenly be very lucky (if it is closed), the appearance of a patron in life (if closed).
  • Dash - change jobs.
  • Quadrilateral - you are lucky in the love sphere.


  • One is you are loved.
  • Two - to failure, adverse events.
  • Three - to successful transactions, financial profit.
  • Four is success.
  • Five - to empty talk, gossip.
  • Six - get married soon.
  • Seven is a mutual feeling.
  • Eight - quarrel with a loved one.
  • Nine - new acquaintances.
  • Ten and one hundred - to luck and success.
  • 101 and more - to longevity.

Knowing how to correctly guess on coffee, you can lift the veil of the future a little, and find out what fate has prepared for you in the near future. The main thing is to sincerely believe in him and adhere to all the rules described above.
