
Step by step recipe for drying strawberries. Harvesting strawberries for the winter in an electric dryer

In the cold blizzard of winter, late in the evening, over a cup of tea, nostalgia for the hot and generous season of summer will suddenly flood in. And then we will be warmed by our favorite delicacy - dried strawberries, the calorie content of which is much higher than fresh ones, but this heat energy is so necessary in cold weather! By adding a few pieces to tea, you can enjoy not only the wonderful taste, but also the aroma of a summer berry meadow.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been drying fruits and vegetables. Dried in the sun, in ovens, oven. Now this process has become much faster, easier, more comfortable with the advent of electric dryers. And the product yield is better, with minimal loss of nutrients, clean. The owners of this miracle now have the opportunity to dry vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms and even meat and fish at home. Each hostess will be happy with her preparations.

How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer?

Fragrant gourmet chips are obtained from dried strawberries, which are adored by children. The drying process of this berry is quite difficult and you will need to be patient. The range of electric dryers is quite wide, and therefore their principle of operation is different. It is worth reading the instructions carefully, because. the drying time of berry plates can vary from 6 to 12 hours. It is not recommended for novice housewives to leave the appliance turned on overnight - the bottom layer of strawberry slices may burn. Having studied everything you need, we proceed to the drying process itself.

  1. We wash the berries under running water, remove the stalks. Let the water drain well, you can spread it on a board, fabric. We cut each berry into flat slices, the approximate thickness is 4 mm, small berries can be whole or in half. It is very convenient and quickly obtained with an egg cutter.
  2. We spread the berries on clean pallets in one layer, preferably without touching each other. If the holes are large, additional nets should be purchased. We turn on the operating mode of the electric dryer, set the temperature in the range of 50-55. Periodically check, if necessary, rearrange the pallets.
  3. Ready-made dried strawberries are soft, plastic, do not release juice when pressed. Much depends on the thickness of the cut, on the drying time.
  4. After complete cooling, the dryer will be easier to lag behind the tray, if necessary, carefully use a knife.
  5. We put the finished product in dry, clean jars, close with a vacuum lid and store at room temperature.

About 1 kg of berries will be placed on five pallets, the drying yield will be 70 g. The calorie content of 100 g of dried strawberries is 273 kcal. The shelf life of dried fruits is up to 2 years.

Dried strawberries

There is another way to dry this berry, and it will turn out dried. Dried strawberries are sometimes called Thai. Let's look at one of the recipes!

  1. Pour 1 kg of berries with 400 g of sugar and put the bowl in the refrigerator for a day.
  2. We prepare syrup based on 350 g of water - 350 g of sugar. Pour the chilled berries into boiling syrup and boil for 10 minutes. We recline in a colander (sieve), let the water drain.
  3. Put the strawberries on a baking sheet and place it in an oven preheated to 85 degrees. After 30 min. take out, cool, mix with a wooden spatula.
  4. We carry out heat treatment 2 more times, but we reduce the temperature in the oven to 75 degrees. Then we cool and keep the berries at a temperature of 30 degrees for 6-8 hours, it is possible in an electric dryer.

You can choose both drying methods to compare the taste of this wonderful berry crop. Although the process is time consuming, it is worth it! "Small spool but precious!" Both dried and dried strawberries have more vitamins and microelements, the calorie content is increased, which means that our body will receive energy nourishment or a charge of vivacity. Treat yourself and your loved ones to this wonderful delicacy!

For the winter is a long but pleasant process. Drying is one of the simplest and cheapest types of harvesting. You can dry almost anything your heart desires: greens, fruits, vegetables, berries and other gifts of rich Russian nature. Drying fruits has various advantages and advantages that open up at different times, from cooking to enjoyment.

Let's talk about drying strawberries in the oven. Let's talk about the benefits and advantages of this berry. Let's talk about the most important thing - the method of harvesting. It is worth starting with the fact that there are strawberries in almost every garden, cottage. Strawberries are a wonderful berry that does not require special care, while it has a pleasant delicate taste that is liked by both the smallest representatives of mankind and the elderly. Strawberries do not lose their amazing taste after drying in the oven, and useful substances remain in it in large quantities, so that strawberries after drying in the oven have amazing taste and useful properties.

Before drying strawberries, they must be collected, washed, cut into equal parts - slices, laid out on a baking sheet so that air can envelop a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fruit. Many experienced housewives dry strawberries in a microwave, while all the taste and useful properties remain unchanged. Drying strawberries in the oven takes about 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the temperature. The recommended drying temperature for strawberries is 60 degrees Celsius. After drying in the oven, strawberries can be laid out on a tray or a special flooring on the windowsill, where a pleasant and healthy summer sun will fall on strawberry pieces, which will give a fragrant tan and additional vitamins to this product. Chopped strawberry slices can be dried on the windowsill or put in a storage place where the slices are completely dry, thereby protecting themselves from the influence of microbes.

You can store dried strawberries in a bag in a cool place where sunlight, dust and dirt will not fall. It is in such a place that strawberries dried in the oven will be stored for more than one month. You can store strawberries for a very long time, but the best option would be to use them within one year. With prolonged storage, vitamins and other beneficial substances decrease, thereby making strawberries less healthy and tasty than before. Dried strawberry slices are best stored in a gauze bag, and the contents should be constantly checked. Even under all storage conditions, some slices may deteriorate and must be isolated from normal strawberry slices.

Various preparations, in this case, dried strawberry slices in the oven, are a delicacy for moths. Moth is a pest for dried strawberries and many other and various preparations. So that the moth does not harm, it must be placed in a place inaccessible to moths, or use special mild-smelling moth remedies. Moth is a vicious pest that eats not only woolen fabrics, but also various blanks for the winter.

Before eating, slices of dried strawberries should be thoroughly washed under warm water, and then soaked for the necessary time in cold water so that the slices become soft and pleasant to eat. Dried strawberries can be consumed separately from all foods, or they can be used in various recipes. Many professional purveyors prefer dried strawberries with warm milk. This combination is very useful and pleasant to use. In addition, various other berries and fruits can be added to such a dish. In this case, it must be borne in mind that many fruits do not combine, which can result in an unexpected taste. But so much the better, by changing the components of this simple to madness, but tasty dish, you can get a taste that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

There are many vitamins in dried strawberries: PP, A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, N. Carbohydrates are 80% fructose, sucrose, glucose. There is a wide range of minerals: potassium, boron, magnesium, manganese, iodine, calcium, sodium, iron, chlorine, sulfur. The composition contains pectins, essential oils, phenolic acids, tannins, a lot of quinic and malic acids. There is a low rate of fat - 0.38 g. The presence of proteins - 0.2 g, protein - 0.6 g, fiber - 5.9 g. 100 g of dried berries contain 31% of the daily carbohydrate intake (84.3 g).

How strawberries affect the body

In dried form, strawberries do not lose their range of useful properties. On the contrary, the concentration of organic substances and pectin acids increases, which ensure the removal of toxins and toxins. The amount of vitamin B9 increases several times, which has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system and blood composition.

The use of dried strawberries supports the activity of the heart muscle, improves the vascular system, and improves immunity. Dried berries have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, antiviral, antiseptic, diuretic effects. Strawberries are useful for many diseases of internal organs, low hemoglobin, gout, cystitis, rheumatism, ascites. Stimulates the work of the thyroid gland, lungs, bronchi, increases blood circulation. Tones the nervous system, improves mood, relieves stress. Restores the water-salt balance, inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, normalizes blood pressure.

When dried strawberries are included in the diet, the intestines work better, metabolism accelerates, metabolic processes return to normal, and overweight decreases. The skin acquires a healthy appearance, as collagen production is activated. It has been proven that daily consumption of 10-15 berries prevents the formation of malignant tumors in the esophagus and rectum, protects against atherosclerosis.

How to choose

Dried strawberries that you have prepared yourself are considered a healthier product. To do this, you can apply various drying methods: spread out in the sun, use a stove, an electric dryer for vegetables. When buying in a store or on the market, you need to make sure that there are no impurities, dirt, broken berries. Poorly dried or wet specimens should not be taken. The smell should not have notes of mold and mustiness. Candied fruits in sugar will bring you extra calories. Quality strawberries should be red in color, regular in shape and have a sweet taste.

Storage methods

Dried strawberries do not lose their useful qualities for two years. This requires a dry room, lack of sunlight, sealed packaging in the form of ceramic or glass containers.

What is combined with in cooking

Dried strawberries are used in baking, to create confectionery. Add to tea, compotes are boiled with it, combined with dried fruits. Used in fillings for pancakes, as an ingredient in muffins, mousses, cocktails, ice cream, and various desserts. In crushed form, a fragrant confectionery powder is obtained, which is used in cereals, with cottage cheese, yogurt. It goes well with cream, sour cream.

Useful food combination

The high energy value of dried strawberries provides for restrictions while observing the calorie content of the diet. Nevertheless, it is popular with nutritionists and is relevant for those who want to lose weight.

It is used as a vitamin supplement in cereals, muesli, vegetable stews, casseroles, side dishes. It is combined with fat-free cottage cheese, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, rice. Harmonious with nuts, dried fruits, spices. Used in fruit, vegetable, arugula, spinach salads dressed with yogurt or balsamic vinegar. Popular for snacks. When following a low-carbohydrate diet, dried strawberries are not included in the diet.


Strawberries can cause allergies, so give children with caution only from the age of 6. Not recommended for hyperacidity, exacerbations in the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive use can cause swelling of the sinuses, larynx, urticaria, skin redness, itching, and abdominal pain. It is unacceptable to combine with the intake of diuretics.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Doctors recommend dried strawberries for daily use as a prevention of various diseases and to maintain immunity. In folk medicine, decoctions of dried berries are used for colds and viral manifestations, as well as an antipyretic and diuretic. Assign for the treatment of the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders, anemia, constipation, beriberi, hypertension, rheumatism.

Strawberries are used to restore microflora, relieve swelling, enhance intestinal motility, and lower cholesterol. In the form of prevention of the urinary system, oncological, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis. Extracts from dried berries are used to heal wounds, eliminate hemorrhoidal formations.

Inclusion in the diet restores skin elasticity, stimulates cell regeneration. Dried strawberry powder is added to scrubs and masks. Especially effective are such methods to eliminate increased greasiness, to narrow pores, and dry acne. Ice cubes for cryomassage are made from a concentrated decoction of strawberries. A decoction with soda and alcohol is used to strengthen the gums, eliminate periodontal disease.

Sweet summer berry is most often rolled up in the form of compote or jam. However, if the household has such miraculous kitchen appliances as an electric dryer, the process of harvesting strawberries for the winter can be approached not so traditionally.

Using a dryer, it is easy and simple to prepare from berries:

  • dried fruits;
  • marshmallow.

The berries must first be prepared: rinse well and remove the tails. Intact strawberries are selected separately for drying, and slightly crushed berries can be used to make marshmallows.

How to make strawberry dried fruits?

Whole clean berries must be carefully cut into slices no more than 1 cm thick. Then put in a dryer on mesh pallets, while doing this as tightly as possible in order to dry more berries at a time.

In a large dryer of 15 pallets, about 6 kg of fresh berries can be dried at one time (an average of 400 g per pallet). And ready-made strawberry dried fruits from this amount of berries will come out 10 times less.

Depending on the thickness of the cut berries, the drying process will take 4 hours or more (the thicker the slices, the longer they dry). The finished dried fruit will bend, but not break, and at the same time, moisture should not remain in it. It is better to store dried strawberries in jars under a lid in a dark place.

Features of the preparation of strawberry marshmallow

Since the berries should be crushed to prepare marshmallows, crushed strawberries can also be used, as long as it is not completely sour or rotten.

On average, 200 g of sugar is enough for 1 kg of strawberries, but if desired, its amount can be increased or decreased. This is already a matter of taste.

The process of harvesting strawberry marshmallows is as follows:

  1. Pour berries into a blender.
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Grind to a puree.
  4. Lubricate the tray (tray) with fresh fat (so that the marshmallow falls well behind).
  5. Pour the puree-like mass into a tray (no more than 400 ml) and level with a spoon so that it evenly covers it.
  6. Set the dryer to 65 degrees.

In order for the pastille to turn out elastic and curl well, it must be dried for about 25 hours. It is recommended to store the finished product in a container under the lid.

Dried strawberries retains vitamins and its beneficial properties. Dried strawberries can be used as a dessert or added to tea. In addition, when preparing this dish, you will also get strawberry juice and strawberry syrup infused with sugar.
Step 1: Candied strawberries Wash the strawberries, remove the sepals, put in a bowl. Sprinkle strawberries with sugar (400 gr.), close the lid, put the bowl with strawberries in the refrigerator and leave it for a day. After a day, drain the strawberry juice into pre-prepared pasteurized jars, close the lids, use this juice for no more than 2 months. Step 2: Drain Strawberry Syrup 350 gr. the remaining sugar pour 350 gr. water, put in a saucepan over low heat, let the mixture boil. After boiling, pour strawberry berries into the sugar syrup (those that have been defended for a day in the refrigerator). Close the pot with a lid and continue to cook for about 5-7 minutes. Then turn off the fire. Let the strawberry syrup cool. After 15 minutes, pour the contents of the pan into pasteurized jars. Use a colander to strain. Seal the jars with a can key. Step 3: Cook the strawberries Transfer the berries that have remained in a colander to a baking sheet, let them cool. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 85 degrees. Put a baking sheet with chilled strawberries in the oven for half an hour. Remove the strawberries from the oven after 30 minutes. Cool the strawberries again, stir them with a spatula. Then put the strawberries back in the oven. Repeat this action a total of 2 times. Don't overcook the strawberries! Step 4: Leave strawberries at room temperature Transfer the strawberries from the baking sheet to a sieve, leave them at a temperature of about 30 degrees. After 6-9 hours, transfer the strawberries to paper bags. In paper bags and at room temperature, strawberries should lie for 5-6 days. After which it is ready for use. Bon appetit! - It is important to choose the right berries for making sun-dried strawberries. Strawberries should not be overripe, choose ripe, large berries. - Dried strawberries should be stored at a temperature of 12-18 degrees. It is better to keep it in glass jars with tightly closed lids. The maximum shelf life of dried strawberries is 2 months. - You can make delicious fragrant tea from ready-dried strawberries. Brew it for at least 5 minutes. - Dried strawberries can also be eaten with whipped cream, ice cream, cookies, as a dessert for evening tea.
