
Candied oranges are a healthy sweet for adults and children. Recipes for candied oranges and pastries with them

What a wonderful aroma citrus fruits exude as soon as we start peeling them! You should not throw away these useful natural gifts, because you can cook wonderful candied fruits from orange peels without spending a single ruble. Learn about all the intricacies of this process.

The benefits and harms of candied orange peels

Citrus fruits are used in various fields (perfumes, pharmaceuticals), but cooking takes the first place in popularity. Citrus peels can be used to make jams, sauces, baked goods, and sweets. Housewives are often interested in the benefits and harms of candied orange peels. The benefits are undeniable, since the fruit zest contains many vitamins, trace elements, and essential oils. People suffering from diabetes, obesity, hypertension should be very careful when eating treats.

How to make candied orange peels

A very long time ago, when sweets were a rare delicacy, and not an ordinary food product, in the East they learned how to make candied fruits from orange peels. Trying to cook with your own hands a delicious, healthy sweetness no worse than the one sold in stores will be within the power of everyone. To do this, you need to take sugar, water, a couple of kilograms of fruit and allocate a little time.

candied orange peel recipe

Mastering cooking is as easy as eating homemade sweets. It will take you a little time, but the process is not at all laborious, but the result will delight everyone! The recipe for candied orange peels can be changed at your discretion by adding spices and “adjusting” the degree of bitterness. The longer the peel is soaked and the thinner the white layer is left on it, the sweeter the finished dish will be.

Classic Candied Orange Peel Recipe

  • Preparation time: 5-6 days.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.

To prepare this dish, you need to choose medium-sized fruits, preferably with a thick skin. The process of making sweets according to the classic recipe for candied orange peels will take several days - this is how long they should be brought to taste. During this time, the peel completely loses bitterness, is saturated with sweetness and becomes very tasty.


  • peel - 500 g;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • water for syrup - 400 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the pieces of peel in a saucepan with plenty of cold water and leave for three days. Change the water as often as possible so that bitterness leaves the product during soaking.
  2. Remove the semi-finished product from the water, dry, cut into cubes or strips.
  3. Boil them for 15 minutes, then immerse them in a pre-prepared syrup.
  4. To cook it, a couple of glasses of sugar are poured into the water and brought to a slow fire until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. Cooking the peel in syrup should be no more than a couple of minutes. After, without taking it out, leave it to soak throughout the day.
  6. It is necessary to boil the product twice more, each time letting it brew. After 3 times you are done.

Quick recipe for candied orange peels

  • Cooking time: 7 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A quick recipe for candied orange peels comes down to the fact that the ingredients are boiled for at least 2-3 minutes, and then infused. This option is suitable for those who like a light bitterness and a more tart taste, and the addition of fragrant spices gives the treat an oriental touch. Pour the pieces of zest with sweet syrup, place in a jar and store in a dark place.


  • peel - 500 g;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • allspice - 3 peas;
  • vanilla - 1 pod;
  • star anise - 1 star ..

Cooking method:

  1. Trim the zest from the fruit, leaving a small layer of pulp about a centimeter thick.
  2. Boil 3 liters of water. Place the peel in it, cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  3. Drain the boiling water, hold the pieces under running water. While they are being washed, put the pot of water back on the fire.
  4. Put the cooled pieces in boiling water, repeat the procedure. After you drain the water and cool, leave them to drain.
  5. At this time, prepare the syrup: pour 400 ml of water into the pan, add sugar, spices. The vanilla pod is pre-opened and added to the total mass along with the seeds. We will boil the syrup for 5 minutes, then add the peel, sweat for about an hour.
  6. At the end, take out the pieces, cut them, leave to dry for 6 hours.
  7. Close ready-made candied orange peels in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe for candied orange peels from Yulia Vysotskaya

  • Cooking time: 1 day.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Julia Vysotskaya is sure that many dishes can be supplemented with citrus fruits. They are used in baking to give a brighter taste, decorate drinks and desserts, or simply pamper yourself and guests with a wonderful, natural delicacy. It will successfully replace even sweets, but the main thing is to cook them correctly. To do this, we use the recipe for candied orange peels from Yulia Vysotskaya.


  • fruits - 3-5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Preparation of candied fruits from orange peels you need to start by thoroughly washing the fruit. Next, cut off the peel from them, then cut it into pieces.
  2. Place the peel in a saucepan, pour water so that it only slightly covers them. Boil 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, pour fresh portion of cold water. Add salt, after boiling, cook for another 10 minutes. This stage will help to quickly get rid of the natural bitterness of fruits, while maintaining the rich aroma and taste of the zest.
  4. Drain the salt water, pour the peel with water, boil for another 10 minutes, drain in a colander.
  5. For syrup, you need to combine sugar and water, bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, add butter.
  6. Immerse the slices in boiling syrup and cook for 30 - 40 minutes until they become transparent.
  7. Take out and dry at room temperature.

Candied orange peels from Alla Kovalchuk

  • Cooking time: 4 hours.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Another delicious way to prepare treats, which has many fans, is candied orange peels from Alla Kovalchuk. The TV presenter is a supporter of sweet candied fruits, in which there is as little bitterness as possible. Therefore, she recommends peeling fruits with a knife, making a thin cut so that there is as little white layer on future sweets as possible. The product should be stored in parchment packaging or a jar so that candied fruits cannot spill out.


  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar for syrup - 400 g;
  • water for syrup - 300 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon sticks - 1 pc.
  • ginger root - 10 g;
  • cardamom.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the fruit so that there is almost no white layer left on the skin.
  2. Cut the zest into strips and roll into rolls, then string on a string in the form of beads.
  3. For 1 hour, the rolls are placed in cold water. After this time, transfer them to a saucepan, pour fresh water and boil for 15 minutes. Then change the water again and boil for another 15 minutes.
  4. Repeat the procedure a third time and drain the last water.
  5. To make syrup, pour sugar into water. Next, you need to put the rolls in it and boil for 20 minutes. Add all the spices, lemon juice (can be replaced with acid) and leave to cook for another 20 minutes.
  6. Allow the dish to cool, then remove the rolls and remove the threads from them.

Although making candied orange peels is not very difficult, here are some tips from the masters that will make it easier for beginners:

  • The fruit is easy to peel by cutting the peel crosswise, or making a horizontal cut in a circle, and then separate with a spoon.
  • It is better to peel off the peel in large pieces, then the candied fruits can be given a beautiful shape and the same size.
  • Candied orange peels can be stored in jars like jam, and leftover syrup can be used for baking or soaking cakes.
  • It is important to boil the syrup over low heat, otherwise it will caramelize and turn into a candy, and the candied fruits will not be soft, but hard.
  • Ready-made candied orange peels can be dipped in melted chocolate, sprinkled with sugar, icing or served in its natural form, if desired.

Video: Candied orange peels

Candied orange peels can be easily and quickly prepared at home. I use such candied oranges (as well as lemon, tangerine and lime) throughout the year for various homemade pastries (,). They are perfectly stored and give baking a wonderful taste and aroma. And the kids and my husband love candied orange peels and by themselves, as an independent dessert / sweets.


  • for 600 gr. orange peels
  • 600 gr. sugar + ½ stack. sugar for sprinkling
  • water


  1. We collect the orange peel. If the “collection” process lasts 2-3 days, then we put the peel in a small resealable box (or container) and store it in the refrigerator, adding new peel as it is replenished until the right amount is reached.
  2. When the "collection" is over, wash the orange peels thoroughly and fill them with cold water. We keep the crusts in water for 2 days, changing the water 3-5 times a day and “washing” the crusts each time before changing the water. It turns out everything that oranges have been processed with (which is very important lately), as well as bitterness. On the 2nd day, I had orange peel in the refrigerator, as it was hot in the apartment.
  3. Drain the water, squeeze the peel lightly. We cut the crusts into stripes, and then into cubes or short rectangles, so that later it would be convenient to use candied fruits for baking.
  4. Weigh the chopped peels and sugar. Sugar should be taken by weight as much as you take orange peel (not oranges). For example, I took 600 gr. sugar per 600 gr. orange peels. Pour sugar into a saucepan in which we will cook candied fruits.
  5. 1st way. Cooking sugar syrup. Pour the sugar with water, enough water is needed to just cover the sugar. We put on fire. Stirring, let the sugar dissolve, bring to a boil, let it boil for 5-7 minutes.
  6. 2nd way. We are preparing caramel sugar syrup (as an option, it has the right to life, but this method is much longer and more complicated, and the difference in the result is almost not noticeable). Pour sugar into a saucepan, put on fire and caramelize, stirring with a flat spatula so that nothing sticks to the bottom and does not burn. Pour 300 ml of hot water into the melted caramelized sugar, stir. If pieces of caramel form, let them dissolve while continuing to boil the syrup.

  7. In the finished sugar syrup (regular or caramel - according to your desire), pour the chopped orange peels, mix.
  8. Cook over low heat for 50 minutes-1 hour. (until transparent and until the liquid evaporates) without a lid, stir from time to time. At first, infrequently, as the water evaporates, more often.
  9. When all or almost all of the liquid has evaporated, the candied fruits are ready. We turn them off. Pour on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, lay out more or less. Let cool, stirring occasionally with a fork so that the candied fruits do not stick together.
  10. Sprinkle the cooled candied fruits with a third of sugar for sprinkling. Stir, sprinkle with another third of the sugar. Stir and sprinkle with sugar again. Sugar should stick evenly to the candied fruits so that they do not stick together later.
  11. Let the candied fruits dry on a baking sheet for 2-3 days, periodically stirring them with a fork. Then we lay out in clean, dry jars and tightly close the lids.
  12. You can add candied orange peels to various muffins and cookies, desserts, pastries instead of or along with raisins. Or just put it on a plate and slowly “eat” with the family.

Bon appetit!

Or berries prepared by long-term boiling in a rich sweet syrup, followed by drying. As a rule, candied fruits are prepared from quince, cherries, peaches, mountain ash, pineapple, papaya, as well as lemon, watermelon or orange peels. The finished product is stored in a container with a ground-in lid without moisture. Used to decorate or flavor pastries, desserts, fruit salads.

Making candied orange peels is not much more difficult than making regular berry jam. True, this process cannot be called fast, because fruits must be boiled for a long time, then dried, rolled in powdered sugar, and packaged in jars. You will have to tinker a lot, but as a reward you will get tasty and healthy sweets, and even a fragrant, thick syrup, which is perfect for impregnating biscuits.

This article provides the most detailed instructions on how to cook yourself.

Express - recipe

Preparation of candied fruits takes several days, given the time of cooking and drying. But there are also faster options. The result is no worse.

For syrup, you will need granulated sugar in the amount of two glasses and two liters of water, a little citric acid or vinegar (the solution should have a slight sour taste). Take enough orange or lemon peel so that it can all fit freely in the bowl. Before cooking, the peel does not need to be cut, it will be enough to remove it. For sprinkling, prepare powdered sugar (glucose, fructose in powder are suitable). However, you can, without particularly bothering, use ordinary granulated sugar for sprinkling.

First, we need to speed up the cooking time of the orange (lemon) peel. To do this, we use the following method.

Pour two liters of water into the pan, put the peel and put on fire. After the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat and leave to cook for another fifteen to twenty minutes. Then we throw the peel on a sieve, wash it and set it to boil again, filling it with cold water. This time we will add quite a bit of salt to the water to remove the bitter taste of the peel. After fifteen minutes, drain the water again, wash the skins and repeat the operation for the third time. After that, we cut the washed skins into strips and proceed directly to cooking in syrup.

We spread the orange peels in a saucepan, pour hot water in which sugar is diluted, and cook until the syrup thickens, not forgetting to stir so as not to burn. At the end, add boil for another two or three minutes, take out the peel with a slotted spoon and lay it on a wire rack so that the syrup stacks. We roll the finished candied orange peels in powdered sugar, lay them on a baking sheet and put in a warm, turned off oven to dry. If you are going to use candied fruits as a filling for baking or dessert, you can put them in a jar immediately after cooking.

Candied orange peels. Traditional recipe

To prepare candied fruit, carefully peel the fruit, then cut off the albero (the white layer between the zest and the pulp) and soak for a day. The water will need to be changed several times to finally remove the bitterness. After soaking the crust, cut into thin strips and boil until they become soft.

Sugar syrup for the preparation of candied fruits is based on a ratio of 1: 1.5 (a glass of water and one and a half glasses of sugar). After the sugar has completely dissolved and the water boils, put the chopped crusts into a container with syrup and boil until thickened. Finding out if the syrup is ready is very easy. Just drip it on any smooth surface. If the drop does not spread, but retains its shape, then the candied fruits are almost ready. Remove the pan from the stove and leave the crusts in the syrup for a couple of hours so that they are completely soaked. After that, we take out the candied fruits with a slotted spoon, roll in sugar and lay them out on a wire rack to dry.

To give the finished candied fruit a pleasant sweet and sour taste, you can add lemon juice to the syrup for cooking. By the way, it is much more useful than acid or vinegar recommended in many.

If you do not have the opportunity to prepare candied fruits on the same day, citrus peels can be dried. After soaking, they will return to their original shape.

Enjoy your meal!

The attitude to this rather old-fashioned delicacy is ambiguous.

On the one hand, in the memory of many, the memories of delicious candied fruits made by grandmothers and mothers are still alive, on the other hand, the shops are now simply crammed with sweets and various desserts, and very few people find the strength and time to cook them with their own hands.

Nevertheless, there are supporters of self-preparation of sweets and there are many of them. Healthy, containing no dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives, candied orange peels are uniquely tasty, moreover.

It is not difficult to prepare them, there are many recipes: classic ones that turn orange peels into candied fruits slowly, in a few days, and modern ones that take less time, but also give excellent results.

Three crusts ... orange

You can try to make candied fruits the way they were done before, now this recipe is already considered a classic.

Cooking candied fruits will take a lot of time, but the process itself is by no means laborious. It's all about long-term soaking of the crusts to remove bitterness, they must be soaked for three days.

Crusts should be poured with plenty of water in a large container and the water changed frequently so that they do not deteriorate. After the specified time, the finished semi-finished product is thrown into a colander, then cut (cubes, strips).

Chopped crusts are boiled like regular jam. Syrup is prepared (water is poured into the pan and sugar is poured), chopped crusts are placed in it, brought to a boil, boil for two to three minutes.

After that, insist until the next time (that is, a day). This sequence must be repeated three times.

After the third infusion, the finished candied fruits are thrown back into a colander (the syrup can be collected and used later). Then they can be rolled in sugar, powdered sugar, dried and used for their intended purpose, including for adding to pastries.

The degree of sweetness can be adjusted by making the syrup with more or less sugar. The recipe is not in vain called a classic, as a result of cooking according to it, candied fruits turn out the way they should be.

Quick recipe for candied orange peels

For those who are interested in the idea of ​​making candied fruit but would like to speed up the process somehow, there are many recipes that minimize or eliminate soaking.

In order to try making candied fruit without soaking, you need to eat at least 5 large oranges. In addition, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Sugar - 3 cups;
  • Citric acid - 3 g;
  • Salt.

The crusts are laid in a saucepan with cold water, boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the water is drained, the crusts are washed with cold water (they must be placed in a colander).

These simple steps must be repeated again, only salt (a teaspoon) must be added to the water. For the third time, they are also poured with cold water, boiled, boiled for 10 minutes, and this time - also with the addition of salt (a teaspoon).

Sugar is poured into the pan, a glass of water is added. After boiling, with stirring, the semi-finished product is poured out.

Candied fruits should become transparent, if this happened before the end of the specified time, no need to digest. They must be removed from the fire, put in a colander.

Of course, it took less time, it's not 6 days, but you can see that the process is troublesome and very laborious.

Another recipe for making sweets without soaking

To cook candied orange peels relatively quickly, you need the following ingredients:

  • Peel - 500 g (you will have to urgently eat 7-10 oranges, it is better to choose with a thick peel);
  • Sugar - 600 g;
  • Lemon juice - 4 tablespoons;
  • Allspice - 3 peas;
  • Vanilla pod, star anise.

Wash the fruits thoroughly, preferably with a brush, then cut off the tops. Cut off the peels, while leaving a small layer of pulp, about a centimeter thick.

Take a large pot, boil 3 liters of water. As soon as the water boils, put the orange peels into it.

After boiling, cook a little (2-3 minutes) over low heat.

After that, quickly drain the boiling water, put the semi-finished product in a colander and place it under cold running water. While the semi-finished product is under cold water, a pan with three liters of water is again placed on the fire.

After boiling, the cooled crusts are again poured into the pan, and then, after 3 minutes, they are again placed under cold water, after which put a colander with boiled crusts and let the water drain completely.

Now you can proceed to the preparation of syrup. All the same three-liter saucepan, in which sugar, 400 ml of water and the spices listed above are now placed.

Vanilla pod, pre-open, use with seeds. The syrup is brought to a boil and boils for 5 minutes, then the crusts are poured into the pan.

After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum, simmer for about an hour. Then remove from heat, let cool to room temperature, keep in the refrigerator for a day.

The next day, you can transfer to a jar along with syrup. You can first remove the crusts and cut them, boil the syrup separately to make it thicker.

Then combine the ingredients again and store in the refrigerator (close tightly).

The second option is to cut into cubes and air dry for about 6 hours, and then store in a closed container (to avoid drying out).

Candied tangerine peels

Candied tangerines can be prepared in the same way as orange ones. They have an unusually delicate taste, very soft.

For cooking you need:

  • Peel from 10-12 tangerines;
  • 300 g sugar.

The peel is soaked in cold water for about 12 hours. You need to change the water at least twice.

The syrup is prepared with the addition of two glasses of water, no more than 15-20 minutes over low heat.

The peels cut into strips are placed in syrup, after boiling, they languish for another 15-20 minutes. After that, the container with the semi-finished product should cool completely.

The cooking process is repeated until the candied fruits become transparent. Upon reaching readiness, they need to be held in a colander, allowed to completely drain the remnants of the syrup.

Further - to taste: sprinkle with sugar, powder or glaze with chocolate. Collect the syrup, pour it into a resealable container, use it as an addition to tea drinking, to a cup of coffee, to prepare a unique, but tasty drink.

  1. You can get a more refined delicacy if you dip the resulting candied fruits into melted chocolate;
  2. In addition to oranges, lemons and grapefruits can be used to prepare candied fruits, but the latter are best cooked according to the classic recipe, because they have more astringency);
  3. Traditionally, only thinly cut zest is used for candied fruits, but thick peels can also be used, just the taste will be more tart;
  4. Sprinkling can be not only sugar, but also powdered sugar. Candied fruits can be stored up to 8 months, in glass, tightly closed, in the refrigerator;
  5. To prepare a dessert - orange or tangerine - it is better to use bright orange fruits with a thick crust, candied fruits will be very tasty and soft;
  6. If you melt the chocolate, add a little butter, and then dip the finished candied fruits into the warm glaze (without sprinkling with sugar or powder), you will get real sweets (butter can be omitted). After cooling, store in the refrigerator;
  7. Salt when cooking candied fruit is better to add stone, not iodized.

The recipes above can be varied, add more ingredients, try and develop your own proportions and cooking methods. The main thing is not to forget to eat oranges so that there is always something to cook delicious and natural sweets from - candied fruits from citrus peels.

Candied fruits are boiled in candied syrup and then dried and cut into pieces. You can cook them throughout the year from the collected berries and fruits. For special gourmets, culinary specialists offer to pay attention to candied fruits from carrots, green tomatoes and even pumpkins. But for most people, the most familiar and delicious is the classic taste of candied fruits made from orange peel. They are eaten as an independent dessert or as a topping on pastries and ice cream.

Beneficial features

Few people know, but candied fruits are not only a delicious dessert, but also a tremendous benefit for the body. All useful substances pass into candied fruits. Therefore, the complex of vitamins B, PP, A, C, potassium, magnesium and iron found in any citrus fruit is also uniquely present in home-made candied fruits. The benefit of orange peel also lies in the fact that it contains a huge amount of essential oils that have an antibacterial effect that is important in the treatment of colds. In this regard, candied fruits are recommended to be eaten as preventive measures or at the first signs of influenza and SARS.

It should be noted that long-term storage of this product negatively affects the preservation of useful substances in the composition. Incorrect processing during preparation may also affect the benefits of the product. You need to be more careful with this. Regular consumption of candied fruits has a positive effect on the general state of immunity due to the large amount of vitamin C. This dessert is recommended for people with high cholesterol levels. It's no secret that orange peel is an effective helper in combating stress and depression, helping to relieve tension after a long day at work.

In the classic recipe for candied fruits, additional ingredients are often added to enhance the beneficial properties of this product.

Possible harm and contraindications

The possible risk associated with eating candied fruits made from orange peels is due solely to an allergic reaction to fruits from the citrus family. Orange peel can be the strongest allergen that causes a negative reaction from the body to the product. It is worth noting that even during the cooking process, which is necessary for the preparation of candied fruits, it does not reduce the risk of an acute allergic reaction.

Particular care must be taken with children. In a small child, as a rule, an allergic reaction is more painful than in an adult who has grown stronger. In addition, the presence of carbohydrates in the composition of candied fruits (we are talking about granulated sugar) classifies this product as a high-calorie one. 100 grams of candied fruit contains about 300 kcal. Therefore, people who are obese or actively trying to lose weight should use this product with extreme caution and in moderation. It is also worth noting that it is advisable for a person suffering from diabetes to refrain from the abuse of candied fruit.


Classic recipe

First of all, let's decide on the necessary ingredients:

  • 500 grams of orange peels;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons orange liqueur

The recipe for making candied oranges is extremely simple and unpretentious.

  • For orange peels, select 5-6 ripe oranges from the store. Give preference to fruit fruits of medium size, the same size. Fruits with a fairly dense and thick skin are needed, which will become the basis for the preparation of candied fruits. That is why it is recommended to carefully examine each fruit for cracks or dents on the surface before buying. A ripe and tasty orange is characterized by a pronounced citrus aroma.
  • Then each fruit must be washed well in water at room temperature and lightly rubbed with a brush. This step cannot be ignored, as the orange peel may have come into contact with a large number of dirty items during transport.
  • After washing with a kitchen knife, make a small cut in the form of a cross in the upper part of the fruit. Peel the orange from the peel. It, in turn, must be cleaned of a white porous film. If you have a kitchen scale, weigh the resulting peel volume. If the mass of crusts is less than 500 grams, you will need to peel another fruit.
  • The resulting zest must be cut into a thin strip or small squares. Due to the fact that during the cooking process the peel will decrease in size, it is permissible to cut it into a slightly larger size.

To get rid of the bitter taste characteristic of the orange peel, it is recommended to pre-soak it.

  • Spread the zest in an even layer on the bottom of the pan and cover with cool water. Close the pot with a lid. After 2 days, it is advisable to change the water in the pan a couple of times, for example, in the morning and in the evening. After 2 days, transfer the orange peels to a colander, allowing the liquid to drain.
  • For the preparation of candied oranges, an equally important ingredient is sugar syrup. To obtain it, pour the required amount of granulated sugar into a container with a thick bottom, add water. On low heat, wait until the mixture boils. Remember to constantly stir the syrup. Then, as the granulated sugar begins to dissolve in the water, reduce the heat to a minimum value. Continue to boil the syrup until it thickens.
  • After the syrup is ready, it's time to add orange peels to it. Continue cooking at minimum power. Do not cover the pan with a lid and constantly monitor the preparation of the syrup. Do not boil or boil. Thoroughly mix the syrup with the crusts a couple of times. After 50 minutes, you will need to add freshly squeezed lemon juice and orange liqueur. The latter is not at all required to be added, so this step can be skipped. Continue to boil the mixture for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the syrup container from the stove and let the contents cool. Then transfer the orange peels to a colander to drain all the syrup. Spread the candied fruits in an even layer on baking parchment paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar or finely ground sugar. Leave the candied fruits to dry for a short time.
  • The resulting dried candied fruits are stored in the refrigerator in a closed container with a tight lid.

Quick Recipe

The ingredients for a quick recipe are not much different from the classic, you only need to add a small amount of salt. This is a recipe for candied fruits from Yulia Vysotskaya, which she often makes for her household. You will need:

  • peeled peel of 5 large oranges;
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 grams of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The technology for preparing candied fruits from orange peel according to the express recipe is as follows.

  • Peeled orange peel is laid out in an even layer on the bottom of the pan. Next, you need to fill the crusts with water so that it completely covers the entire surface. When the water begins to boil, it is necessary to reduce the power of the burner and leave the orange peels to cook for about 10-12 minutes.
  • Then the orange peels are laid out in a fine strainer and doused several times with a portion of ice water. Then, following the first step, put the orange peels to cook for a few more minutes. When the water starts to boil, add a teaspoon of salt. After that, you will need to pour the contents again with ice water. Repeat the procedure 2 more times.
  • After completing the above steps 3 times, the contents are cooled in cold water and cut into a thin strip, no more than 2 centimeters in length.
  • Next, granulated sugar is evenly poured into a container with a thick bottom and poured with a glass of hot boiled water. Add sliced ​​orange peel. After the contents begin to "digest" (within half an hour), turn off the fire. Stir the contents regularly to keep them from sticking to the sides of the pot.
  • The last step in preparing candied fruits according to an express recipe will be the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Recipe for candied fruits without granulated sugar

As mentioned earlier, candied fruits, due to the use of a large amount of granulated sugar, may be contraindicated in people suffering from diabetes. However, there is a fairly simple recipe that will allow you to make candied fruit without adding sugar. Let's start with the ingredients:

  • 50 grams of orange peels;
  • 40 milliliters of water;
  • 90 milliliters of tuberous sunflower syrup (you can find it in the store under the name Jerusalem artichoke).

Actually, here is the recipe itself, which is not so difficult to perform.

  • All the above ingredients must be thoroughly mixed. Put on the stove and wait until the contents begin to boil. After that, the power of the burner will need to be reduced to the minimum value. Leave the contents to simmer for 90 minutes.
  • Remember to be careful to ensure that the contents are heated evenly in the pan. Stir and turn the syrup regularly. This will allow the orange peels to cook well.
  • Orange peels with Jerusalem artichoke must be brought to a translucent thick consistency. This process is quite time consuming and can take about 150 minutes. At the end of the candied fruit cooking, the water, in most cases, has already evaporated.
  • After completing the preparation of candied orange peels, they must be distributed evenly on a baking sheet over the entire surface of parchment paper. Pay special attention to the quality of baking paper. To speed up the process, candied fruits can be dried in the oven or in a dehydrator. However, candied fruits, as a rule, dry within a day on their own.
  • You can see a visual recipe for making candied orange peels in the next video.
