
Belevskaya pastila with their own hands at home. Belevskaya apple marshmallow - a simple, tasty and healthy homemade recipe without sugar

Belevskaya pastila, the recipe of which we will describe below, is a regional variety of Russian pastille. As you know, it began to be produced since the end of the 19th century. This happened in the Tula region, or rather, in the city of Belev. Hence the name of the presented delicacy.

Belevskaya apple marshmallow, the recipe of which involves the use of simple and available products, is done quite a long time, but not very difficult. The most popular ways to prepare such a treat are those that use several egg whites, strongly whipped together with granulated sugar, as well as the pulp of baked apples.

Step by step video recipe

So what kind of fruits are needed to make a very tasty Belevsky marshmallow? The recipe for such a dessert recommends using the Antonovka variety. Most often, this delicacy is made in the form of rolls. However, we recommend forming it in the form of a cake.

Belevskaya apple pastille: a step-by-step recipe

It often happens that in the end summer season so many sweet apples ripen in the orchards that the summer resident cannot even imagine what can be made at home from such a huge amount of fruit. Jam, jam, compote - how to prepare all these products for the winter, many housewives know. But what to do if you are fed up with these sweets and want to surprise your family members with some original delicacy? In this case, we recommend that you prepare such a dessert as Belevsky pastille. We will present the recipe for this product right now.

What products are needed?

So let's start. What do you need to buy to make a tender and very tasty apple belevskaya marshmallow? The recipe for this delicacy requires the use of products such as:

  • apples are sweet and as fresh as possible (it is advisable to take the Antonovka variety) - about 3 kg;
  • powdered sugar - about 200 g;
  • squirrels from large village eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine sand-sugar - about 400 g.

Required inventory

What will be needed? You involuntarily wonder what inventory is needed to get such a beautiful and unusual delicacy like belevskaya pastila? The recipe for this product requires the use of clean and dry dishes. Namely, you will need:

  • mixer, blender and meat grinder;
  • sieve;
  • large spoon;
  • large baking dish;
  • pot;
  • a baking sheet measuring 20 x 30 centimeters;
  • baking paper;
  • culinary spatula;
  • the knife is sharp.

Fruit selection and processing

Now you know what you need to prepare in order for you to get a real Belevsky marshmallow. The recipe for the presented delicacy recommends using Antonovka apples as the main product. What is the reason for this choice? Firstly, the presented fruits are very sweet and tasty. Secondly, they are easy to heat treat.

Thus, before preparing marshmallows, you should purchase right amount apples. They should not be soft, have wormholes, and putrefactive parts. To do delicious marshmallow, it is necessary to take only ripe and fresh apples, just picked from the trees.

Before use this product for the preparation of marshmallow, it should be well processed. To do this, all purchased apples need to be washed under warm water. Next, the fruit must be divided into 4 slices, and then cut off the seed box from them and remove the stalk. As for the peel, you can leave it. But this is only if the apples were not purchased at the store and are not covered with a wax film.

Heat treatment of apples

How is belevskaya pastila prepared? The recipe at home involves the use of available and simple ingredients. However, it should be noted that such a delicacy is made for a long time. First you need to grind all the processed fruits into a puree. But before this process, they must be subjected to heat treatment.

So, apples chopped into slices should be laid out in a deep form and placed in the oven. If you are afraid that the fruits will burn on the dishes, then you can pour a little water into them. It is recommended to bake chopped apples at a temperature of 185 degrees until their pulp becomes as loose as possible.

Fruit crushing

Are the baked apples ready? Now they must be carefully removed from the oven and transferred to a deep saucepan. Next, you need to grind the fruit into a homogeneous puree using a mixer, meat grinder or blender. It is best to carry out this process with the last device.

Having carried out the plan and received a homogeneous gruel, it should be rubbed through a very fine sieve. This is done so that the finished pastille is tender and tasty, and also does not include large pieces of apples.

After all the applesauce has passed through the sieve, it must be whipped again. It is desirable to carry out this process with a mixer for a long time (from 30 to 180 minutes). During this period, the airy applesauce will be well saturated with oxygen, become lush and light.

Preparation of the second part of the base

Now you know what you need to do to get such a product as Belevskaya pastila. The recipe with a photo of this delicacy is not very complicated.

After active mixing applesauce, you should immediately proceed to the preparation of another part of the base. For this, it is necessary to separate egg whites from the yolks and place them in the refrigerator for a few minutes. After the component has cooled, it should be removed and beaten using a blender or mixer. At the same time, fine sand-sugar should be added to the product gradually.

It is required to actively mix these ingredients until you get a strong foam with racks of peaks.

The process of joining pieces of dough

Such a delicacy is formed quite easily. To do this, you need to combine both parts of the base in one pan and beat them a little. Next, the resulting mass must be divided into 2 halves. They must be placed on different baking sheets, which should be covered in advance with cooking paper.

After completing this process raw marshmallow it is required to level with a culinary spatula so that its thickness is the same over the entire surface.

The heat treatment process in the oven

Having laid out the protein-apple base on the sheets, they should be immediately placed in the oven. It is recommended to bake such products on very low heat (about 140-155 degrees) for several hours. In this case, the marshmallow should not burn, but only dry well. By the way, many experienced chefs it is recommended to keep the door oven a little ajar.

Taking the treat out of the oven

When pastila is gone maximum number moisture, it will become elastic and pliable, it can be safely removed from the oven. You should not be upset if you notice that the product is firmly stuck to the cooking paper. It's okay. To gently separate the marshmallow, it must be turned over, and then slightly moisten the baking paper with water. Having absorbed moisture, it will leave well, as soon as you grab one of the corners and slightly pull it up.

After separating the dried products from the cooking paper, they must be cut into 4 cakes. As a result, you should get 8 rectangular apple layers.

Making the stuffing

Cream for bonding apple marshmallow is prepared quite easily. To do this, just beat the sand-sugar with chilled egg whites. By the way, if you do not want to deal with this process separately, we recommend that you simply leave some of that sweet foam that was previously prepared for the base.

The process of forming homemade Belevsky marshmallows

After a long kneading and drying of all the ingredients, the moment you have been waiting for has come. Time to form the pastille. To carry out this process, you will need some kind of flat dish, on which you need to place one of the prepared cakes. Its surface should be generously smeared with a sweet protein cream, and then covered with another layer. As a result, you should get a kind of cake, which consists of 8 apple cakes.

We decorate a delicacy

Finally, powdered sugar should be rubbed into the prepared dessert. You heard right, the delicacy is not required to be sprinkled with sweet powder, but to be rubbed on all sides, including the side parts.

How to properly store and serve?

After the belevskaya pastila is ready, it can be immediately eaten. To do this, the dessert must be cut into pieces and presented to family members along with tea. If you want to keep it for a long time, That ready-made treat wrapped in a bag and placed in the refrigerator. It should be noted that in this case you will get a very tender and soft marshmallow. If you need to make it drier and crispier, then it is recommended to store such a product at room temperature. Enjoy your meal!

Belevskaya pastila without sugar: recipe

Those who have tried this dessert at least once know that it turns out to be very sweet and even somewhat sugary. And this is not surprising, because the recipe for this delicacy includes a large number sugar, as well as powdered sugar.

But what to do if you do not need high-calorie Belevsky marshmallow? Recipe "Lenten pastille" will suit you the most. hallmark of this dessert is that it does not include a single gram granulated sugar. But in this case, it is recommended to take the most sweet apples.

Otherwise, the method of preparing Belevsky delicacy is practically no different from the above.

Can it be done in a dryer?

It should be noted that for the preparation of such a dessert it is not necessary to use an oven. Then how is Belevskaya pastila made? The recipe in the dryer is the most common way for those who value their time and do not like to mess around for a long time. culinary delights. Indeed, thanks to such a device, you can make this delicacy much faster than using an oven. To do this, a mixture of applesauce and whipped proteins must be laid out on baking paper, and then placed on an eclectic dryer. After a few hours, delicious and soft product will be completely ready. In the future, a stand should be placed on it. protein foam and roll into a roll. In this form, Belevsky marshmallow can be stored in the refrigerator, after wrapping it with cling film.

Summing up

It should be especially noted that the recipe for making delicious Belevsky marshmallow has not changed for several decades. That is why it is known by many experienced chefs who love to cook unusual and sweet desserts using fresh fruits. However, you can make such a delicacy in your own way, adding certain ingredients to it (for example, cinnamon, a little honey, food colorings etc.).

Pastila belevskaya recipe at home

Before, I didn’t even know that there was such a recipe, the recipe for Belevskaya marshmallow. But my desperate search for a marshmallow recipe that was soft and not rubbery led me to this version of marshmallow. Why do I say "not rubber"? The classic recipe for marshmallows, including fruit and sugar, has the following result - a thin fruity platinum that is chewed rather than eaten ... It's delicious, definitely delicious. This is useful, certainly useful, especially considering great amount chemistry in modern chewing gum and chips.

But not everyone likes toffees that stretch and chew for a long time. I personally don't like them.

Therefore, when I found a recipe for marshmallow that bites softly and, moreover, is even more delicious than the classic recipe, I was very, very pleased. And here I am sharing this recipe.


  1. apples - 2 kg,
  2. sugar - 100 gr,
  3. egg (egg white) - 1 pc.

Actually, that's all the products. We start cooking with apples.

I cut the apples into quarters and cut out the core with stones from them.

wash and peel apples

Then I sent the apples to the slow cooker for stewing, until completely soft. There are several options for preparing apples for marshmallow:

  1. baking in the oven;
  2. stewing with a minimum amount of water in a saucepan on the stove;
  3. stewing in a slow cooker.

I tried all 3. And the last one, in my opinion, is the most convenient and effective. At the bottom of the multicooker, I poured literally 25-30 ml of water.

send apples to the multicooker

They stew there for 30-40 minutes. The result is very soft. When they are cooked, take out the apples and let them cool down a bit.

ready apples

Now the stewed apples, I grinded to a smooth puree in a large mixer. Small pieces of the skin, very demanding housewives can grind through a sieve. I didn't do this for two reasons:

  1. when grinding, there will be a loss of puree;
  2. just laziness;
  3. It won't get any worse than this.

puree for pasta

Now we beat 1 protein with 100 grams of sugar to thick peaks. Since you do it on a biscuit. Add the whipped egg white to the puree and then gently fold in.

combine applesauce with whipped protein

It turns out a lush apple mass.

Now you need to put the applesauce on a baking sheet with parchment.

Here are some secret tips. If the first time you don’t get marshmallow, try baking on a special silicone mat (it’s much easier to remove and bake).

The layer should be 1.5-2 cm. The number of hours that you will bake in the oven depends on the thickness of the puree layer. My pastille baked for 8 hours.

Since my oven is not convection, I left the oven door ajar. Approximately 3 fingers wide. IT IS IMPORTANT! If you are baking in conventional oven, close the door - the marshmallow will either burn or be raw all the time!

This is how it turned out when I took it out of the oven. The edges of the marshmallow are of course drier. They are cut separately and in industrial production they make separate

baked pastille from the oven

Now the layer of marshmallow needs to be turned over onto the laid out parchment.

To separate the parchment on which the marshmallow was baked, take a grease brush and coat the entire underside of the marshmallow with water. It is not necessary to be zealous much, a lot of water is not very good. Just wet it a little.

moisten the bottom layer of parchment with water

Wait 3-4 minutes and remove the parchment as you remove the skin burned on the beach))).

After that, I cut the marshmallow into equal pieces and laid them one on top of the other in 3 layers.

lay 3 layers of marshmallow

And finally, in order to make it convenient to eat, I cut it into small rectangles.

Such pastille is stored for a long time without a refrigerator. Very tasty!

belevskaya pastila recipe with photo

The whole delicious idea began with a little trouble - the technology of cookies from Antonovka apples was violated (the variety of apples is extremely important). As a result, they decided to save the resulting steamed porridge by combining it with proteins and hot drying. According to the merchant's chefs, this should not only save the recipe, but also significantly increase the shelf life of the resulting product. Thus was born Belevskaya pastila, which brought to the world confectionery the new kind sweets, able to retain its original appearance and taste for a long time.

The recipe for Belevsky marshmallow is not so much complicated as it takes a long time to prepare. But, if you really want your marshmallow to repeat the excellent dessert of past years, then you will achieve it only in this way.

For cooking you will need:

  • Apples grade necessarily "Antonovka" - 2 kg
  • Protein from chicken eggs-2 pcs
  • Sugar - 1 cup (250 ml)

Apples are recommended to be brought into the proper form for cooking. To do this, rinse each thoroughly, remove the peel and core, cut the fruit into several slices. Some crafters do not peel young fruits, believing that rubbing through a sieve will do the job much better and reduce cooking time.

We will do as it is written in the original recipes, otherwise the Belevsky marshmallow will be wrong. After peeling the apples, place them in the oven for baking. Thermal treatment at 180 degrees after a third of an hour makes the pieces melt before our eyes. As soon as you notice that the apples have become soft enough, like a steamed pumpkin, you can pull them out in order to rub them through a sieve.

In the resulting puree, add half of the main mass of granulated sugar. Get half a cup for the resulting mass. Now you have to do the hard work - beat the puree until fluffy and white. This is how Belevsky sweetness and the desired dessert of all noble gentlemen begins to be born from under your whisk. Whipping will take a long time, but if you have a mixer with the right features, this will greatly facilitate your task in making Belevsky marshmallows with your own hands.

Few products - a lot of effort

In principle, the recipe is not only simple, but also requires minimum quantity products, although mixing them takes about 30-60 minutes. Proteins, which Belevsky sweetness needs, are beaten separately until white. Sugar is gradually added, each time a tablespoon, so as not to violate the technology of a steeply whipped mass.

Now that we have both mixtures ready according to the recipe, we must carefully combine them, creating a masterpiece of taste delight. According to the author's note, it is necessary to leave 4 tablespoons of proteins separately for the next steps that the recipe covers.

The finished mass of mashed potatoes, sugar and proteins is evenly spread on baking paper. The layer must be made thin and smooth, like a sheet of paper. The oven for marshmallow should be heated to a temperature of 100 degrees and be ajar when cooking. Pastila will be ready in 5-7 hours. In color, it will resemble yellow-golden paper, it will be elastic and dense to the touch.

After our Belevsky marshmallow was in the wild, it is separated from the paper, cut into equal parts and fastened together with whipped proteins, which, according to the recipe, should remain with us before mixing the protein and applesauce. It turns out a multilayer marshmallow, in the form of a square log.

But that is not all. The resulting sweet burnt is again sent to the oven to reach fully prepared after a couple of hours. The temperature in the oven remains the same 100 degrees and the oven itself is slightly ajar.

So simple and at the same time complicated recipe Russian dessert that came to us from the distant 800s. After preparation, Belevskaya pastila can be stored for a long time in papyrus paper at room temperature.

Video recipe for making Belevsky marshmallow

Eating the famous marshmallow in different countries had its own characteristics, but everywhere it was akin to a real ritual. If in Russia it was cut like bread and eaten with tea, cold, hot milk and honey, or cut into cubes, mixed with sour cream, sprinkled with lingonberries or cranberries, then in France Belevsky marshmallow was preferred with champagne or white wine, in England - with coffee, chopped thin slices, with whipped cream and mint leaves, in Holland - with cheese, in Spain - with tangerine jelly or buttered.

More than once Belyovskaya or, as it was also called, Prokhorovskaya, marshmallow won first prizes at various exhibitions. The merchant opened his stores in the largest cities of the country. However, in 1918 the property of the Prokhorovs was nationalized. Only during the NEP, the son of Ambrose Prokhorov, Nikolai, was able to restore production by opening the Prokhorov and Sons store in Moscow. After an attempt to take the production of marshmallows under state control, Nikolai Prokhorov was asked to become the chief engineer of the Belevsky State drying plant. Nikolai, who refused, was repressed.
From the early 1990s to these days the production of marshmallow on a factory scale was suspended, however, Belevsky craftsmen continued to manufacture and briskly trade the delicacy in the markets of the town.

Today they are trying to launch marshmallow in mass production but to be honest, the taste is different from the original. On order in Belev they sell a dessert for about 1,500 rubles. per kg.

In vain, do I have Belevsky roots? Having waited for the Antonovka harvest in the fall, I decided to figure out marshmallow at home.

How to cook.

You need to take apples of the Antonovka variety 8 kg, egg whites - 8 pcs., Sugar - 2 kg and powdered sugar for wiping.
Apples must be washed, wiped, peeled. Cut into slices. In the oven preheated to 220C, send the dishes (aluminum) with apples and bake until soft. It took me about 6 hours to do this (correction: to clean-cut-bake :)).
Baked apples must be cooled and rubbed through a sieve in order to get rid of any remaining seeds. If the apples were previously cleaned perfectly, then the baked ones can be mashed with a blender.
As a result, I got a saucepan of mashed potatoes. Beat this puree with a mixer until it increases in volume by at least 20% and brightens. This means that the apples are saturated with oxygen - the marshmallow should be airy, like puff.
In another bowl, beat the sugar and egg whites. Can you imagine, earlier in Belev, sugar and proteins were whipped by hand for a day or even more!
Then you need to combine the puree with the protein-sugar mixture and mix.
Then you need to set aside a jar of the mixture for lubricating the rolls in the future (I had a 750 ml jar). Remove the set aside mixture in the refrigerator, put the rest on a baking sheet lined with parchment 2-3 cm high and send it to the oven preheated to 60-70C for 6-7 hours.
After the allotted time, the marshmallow should be removed from the oven, still warm, put face down on the table. Peel off the parchment by lightly dampening it with water. Lubricate the marshmallow layers generously with the set aside mixture, wrap tight rolls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment seam down to dry at a temperature of 40-50C for 3 hours.

Ready rolls get, rub powdered sugar(grate, not sprinkle!), roll up in parchment and send to the refrigerator. Or eat :) Although, honestly, after a long cooking process, the eyes are unlikely to look at them :)
They say that Belevsky candy can be stored in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for a year. I set aside 1 roll for the sake of the experiment: six months have already passed.

Today I will offer you a recipe for the famous Belevsky marshmallow.
A bit of history. The merchant Prokhorov lived in the city of Belev, Tula province. A very long time ago, his ancestors supplied bast to the northern capital of the Russian Empire - St. Petersburg. For this they received a good monetary reward from Tsar Peter.

The money was spent on the purchase of land in the Tula province in the city of Belev. And a huge apple orchard was planted. Antonov apple trees were planted. Then the family was engaged in drying apples and supplying these products for the needs of the Russian army.

There were always a lot of apples, not always ideal apples ripened. It was necessary to figure out how to use and not lose large crops of apples. They were baked, soaked, dried. Until they came up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpreparing marshmallow from baked apples.

According to another version, once they baked so many apples that they did not know where to put them. So we decided to beat the apple proteins with sugar, combine them with baked apples and dry them. So it was possible to increase the shelf life of applesauce.

The received treat was very pleasant. The recipe was finalized and started industrial production marshmallows. Then the famous Belevsky marshmallow began to be delivered to Europe. In France, it was served with champagne, and in England - with tea.

During the Soviet era, the pastila factory was expropriated, and the son of the merchant Prokhorov was offered the position of chief engineer of the factory. He refused and was punished for it.

Fortunately, the recipe for the production of Belevsky marshmallow has been preserved.

Let's try to recreate this delicious delicacy at home.

I want to present you two recipes for making Belevsky marshmallow. Classic and modified by me.

So, we are preparing Belevsky marshmallow according to the classical method.


  • apples - 1.5 kg (it turns out somewhere around 500 g of applesauce);
  • sugar - 200g;
  • egg white - 2 pcs.

I immediately deviate from the rules classic recipe, since I take a different variety of apples, “Antonovka” does not grow in my dacha, although at one time I bought an Antonovka seedling. But instead of "Antonovka" another variety of apples grew. When selling, I was deceived or made a mistake. But that's another story!

It's OK. But if you come across Antonovka apples, make marshmallows from these wonderful apples with a unique aroma.

I used delicious apples varieties "simirenko". I took illiquid apples, with spots, wormholes, which I then removed. Some horrible apples and other varieties. But it is not important.

I decided to change the recipe a bit. Add nuts and reduce the amount of sugar, since my apples are sweet.

So, I offer my recipe for making marshmallows with whipped proteins and nuts.


  • apples (for 500g applesauce);
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a handful of roasted peanuts.


It turns out very tasty. natural delicious sweet dessert, without dyes, preservatives, flavor and odor enhancers. A useful natural storehouse of vitamins will appeal to both adults and children.

You can store in boxes, containers, shifting with baking paper. Shelf life up to a year in a dark place. At room temperature.

I keep this pastille in tin cans from under imported cookies, shifting layers of marshmallow with paper.

Treat your guests with belevskaya apple marshmallow with tea, or you can offer this marshmallow to

It will be delicious!
