
What to put on the New Year's table. Herring appetizer


What dishes should be on New Year's table? Olivier salad is the alpha and omega of the New Year's table. And in a sense, Olivier is even cooler than borscht. Because chefs are ready to argue for hours about what “real, proper borscht” should be. But on the web. And for the "wrong" and offline you can grab. For example, if you add an apple to it. Or don't add. By the way - meat or sausage?


It is not known who first thought of mimosa, looking at the crumbled yolk, but the name, you see, is appropriate. Because mimosa is a very strange flower, and "Mimosa" is very strange salad. Canned fish with eggs and butter An absolutely killer combination. Deadly delicious, although it would seem - what a disgusting thing, right?


Herring under a Fur Coat

Required ingredients for this classic dish- herring, beets, potatoes and onions. Additional - carrots, eggs, apples. But the most important thing in the famous fur coat is the cooking process: the ingredients must be grated, and then laid in layers, generously smearing each layer with His Tenderness. Otherwise, it will be completely, not at all. And really: who wants to eat a salad of sweet beets and salted fish, huh? But if you lay it in layers - a completely different matter!

Sandwiches with red fish

You know the recipe: cut off a piece of white (required!) bread, generously grease with butter, put the fish on top. And dill there for beauty. In fact, if you eat a couple of these sandwiches, you won’t want anything else, and even Olivier will have to be stuffed into yourself. Why are they, you ask? The answer is obvious: to fit more vodka. In a sense, bread and butter act as a physical barrier to intoxication. And the fish - well, what about the fish? Don't put sausage in there!


Yes, yes, the immortal one “What a muck is this your jellied fish". Or a chicken. Doesn't matter. Important: pour the jelly product in which circles of boiled eggs, carrot stars and green sprigs will harden. It doesn't taste good, but it's very pretty. True, in Lately a dish with aspic has gone out of fashion. Now some hostesses do the following: the ingredients are put into the egg shell, poured, and cleaned before serving.


The question is, why make a double of aspic, only from meat, right? What a stupid question! Aspic is terribly ugly, but incredibly tasty. And it slips, again, easily. This is very important point! Even if nothing at all climbs into you, you can always compliment the talent of the hostess by pushing a piece of jelly into yourself. An important New Year's dish!

cold cuts

Dish with sliced meat products came to us from those times when you had to hunt for sausage, and bake boiled pork on your own in advance - because you will never buy such a thing. Now boiled pork is again baked on their own, because if you buy some inedible rubbish - this is the time. And two - since you still cut something all day, why not cut a few more slices? And three - how can it be without cutting at all? And from what then to prepare a hodgepodge of the second number?


Pickled garlic, sauerkraut, red garlic, wild garlic and mushrooms. Of course, mushrooms - salted milk mushrooms, pickled mushrooms and a bowl of mushroom platter. Great snack under vodka! The problem is that now they rarely drink vodka at all: ladies prefer wine, men prefer whiskey or cognac. But both of them regularly eat wild garlic, which completely kills the taste of any drink. Tradition!

baked bird

In general, of course, there should be duck with apples, but chicken and potatoes will do. The main thing is that inside the unfortunate bird there must be more toppings. Because it's quick and easy - both hot and garnish at once. True, you still need to be able to stuff the bird, and it is desirable to sew it up, and in principle you need to simultaneously bring to readiness both the bird itself and what they stuffed into it - in general, this is not a quest for beginners. But two in one!


Yes, we almost forgot the most important thing: if there is no vase with tangerines on the table, then this is not the New Year with you, but some kind of profanity!

I'm really looking forward to the New Year. Because, among other things, I really love Olivier. This pickled cucumber, chicken ham, and, of course, a fresh cucumber, a carrot, and most importantly, that the peas be worthy. A feast of taste for me. Olivier, a chicken and a herring under a fur coat, pour all this with champagne - here you have a traditional ritual table for the New Year. But jokes aside: why, in fact, why do we eat so much on New Year's Eve? Where did it come from? And what traditions are we serving in this way?

Food almost always, in every tribe, in every family, was furnished as a kind of ritual. This ritual should show the structure of the team (even within the framework of the family) and affirm the solidarity of this team in the face of higher powers. As never before, this is relevant in transitional days, on days of great holidays. And the New Year is a very mystical holiday for us - a holiday of changing one year to another, one beginning to another. So the whole family gathers at the table and eat prepared by the caring hands of the hostesses. It is interesting that until now quite often we automatically, at some level of “genetic memory”, retain the seating plan that has existed for centuries: men are closer to the main place of the table, women are further away. Men occupy the right side. Women - left. And if you, having come to visit, show observation, then you can quite confirm this (or refute, of course). This also has its own explanation. The main place at the table is a place at the red corner, in new year's eve this place is strangely replaced by a TV or any other object that helps us see this transition, midnight - it. This place next to the "red corner" is occupied by the head of the house, most often, even in our emancipated society, this is the father of the family. The fact is that our ancestors were sure that it was the eldest in the family who kept in touch with God, and therefore he was seated closer to God, who was “kept” in the red corner. True, it was not always more convenient for the elder to sit, because he sat a little obliquely and shrunk - leaving room for God. From these same ideas, a special food culture arose, especially at the festive table, which in modern society resulted in table decoration and special behavior behind it on New Year's Eve and on other major holidays.

Our ancestors believed that during a meal, any, light and dark spirits stand at the table, and in accordance with the behavior at the table, one or another rejoices. With righteous behavior, angels rejoice, with inappropriate behavior, devils. There is a common expression “to swing a demon” - if you cross your legs and shake it slightly while eating, it is believed that a demon will immediately sit on your leg - and let's ride. In no case should you scold food, scolding food is scolding the gift of God, as they used to believe. Food is better to praise, in order to avoid. And especially on the night when you plan the coming year in your space. If you scold the food, say that it is not tasty, then you will eat like this all year long or you will get some other consequences associated with the deprivation of God's mercy. Until now, in families that observe a way of life close to traditional, they thank not the hostess for food, but God, and if a guest does not know the rules of this house and sends his thanks to the hostess, she corrects him: “Thank God.”

What should be on the New Year's table? Definitely bread and salt. Bread is a symbol of the body of the family, a receptacle for happiness and well-being at home, a very sacred food. Handle it with care, do not throw it away, do not throw it on the floor, do not leave it to dry. The second most important “dish” is salt, something that makes our life brighter and more fun, the joy of life, symbolizes all life as a whole. Refusing bread and salt is still considered indecent. And, again, automatically many housewives put bread and salt on the festive table, without thinking about what they actually put.

Having inherited, in general, if not Slavic culture, then an obvious inclination towards it, we also inherited rituals, the meaning of which we do not understand, but we still perform. So the New Year's meal serves ideas, of which I have described only a few of the most important.

In addition, of course, the New Year's table should be rich and plentiful (that is, there should be dishes that are prepared in the family from year to year, just for this holiday) - this approach calms our "pagan" souls and allows us to make a symbolic sacrifice for the glory of the future year and the grace of God.
With coming!

A joyful and troublesome New Year is approaching. Discuss with friends and colleagues holiday menu, search original recipes new dishes, you think - this time everything should work out in at its best, and as a result, you have time to buy and cook something on hastily. Common situation? If yes, we will help to fix it, if not, we will show you how not to fall into the trap of total employment in the future. Is waiting for you detailed instructions on the subject of what should be on the New Year's table, what should not be there, in what style to serve, how to avoid force majeure and meet the holiday in good mood. And all this - taking into account the characteristics of the character and personal preferences of the Yellow Earth Dog, the mistress of 2018.

In this article:

A Brief Overview of the Features of the Year of the Dog

Tired of the fiery passions of the unpredictable Monkey and cocky Rooster - get ready for a break. The astral circle of the eastern horoscope made another round and the reins of power were received by Yellow Earth Dog. A philosophical mindset, the ability to instantly concentrate and relax, a cheerful disposition are the main character traits of the hostess of 2018.

A smart animal prefers not to perform useless actions, which means that stability, calmness, a slight stagnation in business, a period of unhurried reflection and prioritization await us. The main thing in the year of the Dog is family, friendship, love, loyalty, the ability to appreciate what we have.

Two characteristics of the new ruler harmoniously combine practicality and carelessness. Earthy - stands firmly on its feet, keeps the hearth, thrifty and prudent. Yellow - knows how to rejoice, loves friendly companies, fun holidays, personal comfort, Tasty food, but can be content with little. If you want to ride the wave of good luck, let it all into your life.

Make friends with the Dog: what food should be on the table

The Astral Dog is wary of new people in its environment, but gluttony is its weak link. If you want to attract the master's eye and earn favor, organize New Year's feast on a grand scale. Just remember that the emphasis should not be on the external surroundings in the form of decor and exotic recipes, but on a simple menu that will not leave anyone hungry.

Must be on the table:

  • meat in any form;
  • vegetables and greens;
  • side dishes of pumpkin and potatoes;
  • sweet fruits of bright colors;
  • desserts from cottage cheese and berries;
  • drinks - non-alcoholic and alcoholic.

In what proportions to mix the ingredients and what to cook depends on the preferences of the cheerful company that will gather in your home. It is categorically impossible to meet the year of the Dog alone, as well as to be zealous in the kitchen to the point of complete exhaustion. Cooking should not be the main occupation. This is done quickly, fun, unpretentious, in the style of a picnic in nature.

Sample New Year's menu 2018

Your task is to understand the direction, rethink it from the point of view of your own capabilities and taste habits, put it into practice, showing a creative approach.

New Year's table 2018 can be like this:

The focus is on meat, the basis of the Dog's diet, and the New Year for vegetarians is cancelled. :) Consider this a harmless joke, remember the omnivorous guest of honor and the opportunity to set the table varied, plentiful and tasty for any company. If your beliefs allow, cook the fish.

There are divers and just lovers of aquatic fauna. You can make an imitation of meat abundance - buy products in a vegan store. Limit yourself in nutrition in order to lose weight, relax and arrange a belly feast for one day. The symbol of the year will see in you not a weak individual with a poor appetite, but a kindred spirit.

Unwanted ingredients and culinary delights

When compiling the menu for the year of the Dog, remember that our four-legged friends are by no means ascetics. Sweet tooth can empty a bowl of cookies without asking, gourmets are happy to eat oranges or grapes, philosophers are not averse to tasting beer and wine.

There will be no fatal consequences from such delights, but there are products that can harm a dog's health:

  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • spicy sauces and seasonings;
  • fatty meats;
  • desserts with great content Sahara.

You can not do without these dishes - leave them to a minimum, after all, preferring more wholesome and healthy food.

Look for novelties for New Year's menu 2018, and salads in the shape of the symbol of the year are everywhere. Funny muzzles and figurines evoke emotion at the beginning of the holiday, until they are touched. But imagine the state of the totem guest when you start eating her. Give up on this idea or make a salad in the form of a sugar bone.

Be sure to be on the table for alcohol or the Dog is against - the question is wrong. You can drink drinks of any strength, but remember about moderation. Raise your tone and enjoy good alcohol- this is quite in the spirit of the hostess of 2018. But beware of the grin of sharp teeth, she does not tolerate persistent amber and inadequate behavior of overwhelmed individuals.

Organizing a party is a team effort.

Expect good changes from the year of the Dog - start with collective creativity. This should bring good luck. Involve the maximum number of participants in the organization of the holiday, ideally all. Discuss the list of dishes in advance and make a menu.

Distribute responsibilities according to interests and let everyone get their front of work:

  • buying food and drink, can be divided into several people;
  • cooking barbecue or other main course;
  • salads from those who are best at them;
  • especially busy people - assistance directly during the holiday;
  • talented - preparation of an entertainment program;
  • creative - fireworks and other New Year's shows.

Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone - you will act in the spirit of the Dog, you will start the New Year's marathon in a cheerful state and in a good mood.

Remember the unpretentiousness of a democratic hostess, do not create an excessive entourage, but try to feed her and all the guests to their fill. And a beautifully laid New Year's table will help to demonstrate the hospitality of your home.

Serving: from simple to sophisticated

You should not get hung up on trifles and observe almost court etiquette. Everything should be simple, fun, home-like, but stylish and with a twist. There are several options to choose from. You can choose one of them or come up with something of your own using the ideas.

Rustic style - linen tablecloth and napkins, ceramic tableware, straw or wooden vases, glasses without decor.

Shabby chic - White tablecloth, dishes in a small flower, glasses on high legs, openwork porcelain salad bowls, silverware and soft lighting.

In yellow-brown tones - a tablecloth with a warm shimmering sheen, contrasting napkins, glasses and plates with gilding, candles in copper candlesticks.

The serving style should match the menu: abundant and simple - rustic, light - shabby chic, sophisticated or exotic - tan. Any decoration is welcome. If you know how to do it and love it, do it. New Year's fairy tale, the desired does not coincide with the actual - scatter sprigs of greens, pieces of colored pepper, cherry tomatoes.

What should be on the New Year's table is up to you. And here good mood and good company are indispensable conditions. Happy New Year and true friendship with the Yellow Earth Dog!

The New Year is a special holiday and the question of what should be on the table in 2019 according to the Eastern calendar should be puzzled in advance. Following the Dog, the Yellow Earth Pig will become the mistress of the year. This animal will complete the twelve-year cycle, so it should be met as it should be.

Symbol of the year

So what distinguishes the symbol of the next year, what is his temper and taste preferences? This is a fearless animal, which is distinguished by adventurism, cheerful character and love for children. The piglet is peaceful, fair and unhurried. It is believed that luck will go to people who are gambling and risky.

What dishes to cook

Despite the fact that the pig is quite omnivorous, to a greater extent on the New Year's table in 2019 there should be dishes from vegetables and various cereals. Fish and eggs are allowed. Meat will do any, except pork - rabbit, duck, chicken, beef, lamb.

Since the pig is an unpretentious animal, the dishes should be prepared simple. It's better to give up exotic salads in favor of the classic "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat."

Important! If, nevertheless, the hostess wants to surprise her guests, then you can stop at several options for appetizers from baked vegetables, mushrooms, and potatoes.

Of desserts, preference should be given to pies or rolls with berry filling, chocolate sweets with nuts, baking with candied fruits and pancakes.

Despite the omnivorous nature of this animal, the festive table should not be oversaturated. high-calorie foods- 1-2 mayonnaise-based salads will be enough.

It is not worth skimping and being lazy in cooking! There should be an abundance of food on the table, albeit simple and uncomplicated, but tasty and varied!

table decoration

Table decor will allow you to create festive mood. Golden garlands represent the color of the year - yellow. Be sure to have fruits of the same color - bananas, lemons, quinces, apples and pears. Vases with chocolate truffles in golden foil. Tablecloth, napkins can also be chosen in yellow or golden hue. good decoration on holiday table there will be candles.

Do not forget about the dishes themselves. Any salad can be "beat" in the form of a pig.

sample menu

In order to make it easier for housewives to prepare for the holiday and not rush among all kinds of snacks, salads and hot dishes, below is a festive menu that will definitely appeal to the symbol of 2019.

Traditional french appetizer from vegetables, which is delicious both hot and cold. For a 30 cm mold you will need:

  • zucchini - 2 medium fruits;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • extra virgin olive oil - 4 tbsp. l;
  • Provence herbs - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the zucchini, tomato, eggplant, bell pepper into thin slices.
  2. Lay on oiled olive oil baking sheet all the vegetables in turn.
  3. Drizzle with oil on top, season provencal herbs, salt.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes in the oven.
  5. If desired, ready-made ratatouille can be sprinkled with grated hard cheese.

Baked beef in red wine

This main hot dish will really surprise all guests. You will need:

  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • onion - 2 kg;
  • dry red wine - 500 ml;
  • fresh rosemary - 2 sprigs;
  • thyme - 2-3 sprigs;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • oil for frying;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Cut up the meat.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings.
  3. Fry the meat first until crispy, then the onion until softened.
  4. In a thick-walled saucepan, lay the meat and onions in layers.
  5. Put whole garlic and herbs on top.
  6. Salt, cover with a press - you can use a small plate.
  7. Pour in wine and simmer until the meat is cooked for 2-2.5 hours.

This meal will great side dish to hot. Moreover, it contains ingredients that the pig especially loves. For pilaf you need to prepare:

  • pumpkin - 1 pc.;
  • steamed long-grain rice - 800 g;
  • dried fruits - 1 kg (300 g of prunes and dried apricots, 200 each of white and black raisins);
  • ghee - 300 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. pre-washed in cold water boil the rice until half cooked.
  2. Steam dried fruits in boiling water for half an hour.
  3. In a frying pan, melt the butter, honey and boil the fruit in the mixture.
  4. Let them cool, mix with rice.
  5. Cut off the top of the pumpkin, remove the seeds. Start with rice.
  6. Close the crown and bake for 1 - 1.5 hours.

Serve the whole pumpkin spectacularly - cutting off slices with pilaf to guests.

You can choose any salads, but preferably with a minimum inclusion of "overseas" ingredients. For dessert, serve portioned panna cottas ( creamy jelly with fruit), eclairs or pancake cake.

The proposed menu is only the basis and one of the most good options. To it you can add large plates of cheese, meat and vegetable cuts, several cold snacks (sandwiches, aspic, stuffed mushrooms or eggs)

Remember that there should be a lot of dishes, tasty and beautiful. And then the Yellow Pig will surely be supportive of you and your family throughout 2019!

There are a few days before the New Year, and all hostesses begin to think about what 2018 should be like and what should be on the table this festive night. I so want that on the New Year's table, in addition to familiar dishes, such as salad "Olivier" and New Year's "Fur coat" there was something original and new. Therefore, in order for everything to go as it should, you should preview new recipes in advance and after that you can start cooking. festive dishes.

In order for the upcoming New Year to be special for you, in this case it is better to celebrate this celebration, taking into account the Eastern calendar, according to which the entire upcoming a year will pass under the sign of the Dog. But the celebration of the New Year should be prepared more carefully, not like in previous years. This business concerns different moments and in particular the choice of products for the festive table.

Holiday table decoration

On the eve of this celebration, one exciting question arises, what should be on the table in the year of the Dog and what will be the New Year's table in 2018. But you should definitely pay attention to the decor of the table and it is very important, because you need to appease the hostess of the coming year by any means. After all, only in this case it will bring you happiness, love and prosperity.

And since the main color will be red, it is advisable to use it in the decor. New Year's tablecloth must necessarily be red or made in its other shades. It will also be good to have other shades of gold in the decor. Therefore, try to connect everything correctly and harmoniously. The table should also have beautiful tableware and elegant glasses for the lungs alcoholic beverages. And then the Dog will surely appreciate all the luxury of your ceremonial table. This dish A must if you want to surprise!

What are the best dishes to cook?

What should be on the table (photo), thinking over the New Year's table of 2018, try to have only natural dishes, which it is desirable to prepare only from fresh produce, so you should refrain from using any canned food and vegetables, except traditional salads from which they are made.

The menu for the New Year's celebration should be quite varied, because, as you know, this animal is an omnivore and she will surely like not only fresh fruits and vegetables, but also a variety of fish and meat dishes.

IN ceremonial dishes should not contain any harmful chemical additives, preservatives and dyes. The dog will surely appreciate if you serve an oven-baked turkey, all kinds of stuffed rolls or pork or chicken chops to the table.

You should also be aware that this animal will eat a variety of seafood with great pleasure, so they should also be on your New Year's table. For example, you can prepare an Olivier salad, in which you can add boiled sausages instead of boiled sausages.

The main emphasis should be placed on the taste and attractiveness of the prepared dishes. Without a doubt, this animal will please a great abundance fresh fruit, but, unfortunately, your invited guests will perceive this vegetarian menu. Therefore, it is better to serve variety of snacks and of course the hot dishes. And then the solemn menu will surely please everyone. We bring to your attention the most interesting and unusual dishes that will satisfy any demanding gourmet.

On the eve of the upcoming New Year's celebration, a special list products that the Dog should like.

chicken eggs in large quantities the dog loves to eat. So try to this product was presented on the festive table as an appetizer or as an ingredient in other dishes. In this case, everything depends solely on your imagination.

Hard cheese. According to scientists, the dog also really likes cheese, so you should not choose any specific types of cheese for your New Year's table. You can serve to the table, a whole plate with cheese sliced, which will consist of different varieties cheese.

Red fruits and vegetables orange flowers. As dogs prefer, there are many fresh vegetables, and the coming year will pass under the auspices of a yellow dog, then vegetables and fruits should be made in orange or red. It is desirable to serve bell pepper on the table, fresh tomatoes and carrot slices. As for fruits, in this case you can pay attention to ripe tangerines and oranges, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries. In addition to the red color, all of the listed products contain a large number of vitamins and others useful substances.

You can also add fruits to various desserts and even to some original salads.

Try to make sure to cook something new in order to know what should be on the table and what kind of New Year's table in 2018 to prepare.


Stuffed eggs

We would like to bring to your attention the most interesting and simple snack, which is also prepared very quickly. Eggs stuffed with cheese wonderful decoration your holiday table.
Chicken eggs - 6 pieces;
Feta cheese - 110 grams;
Grainy mustard - 2 tablespoons;
1 clove of garlic;
For decoration:
sprigs of parsley;
1 carrot;
1 cucumber;

Place the eggs in a heat-resistant bowl and boil until tender, boil after boiling for at least 10 minutes. Cleansing ready eggs from the shell and, using a knife, cut them into two parts. Rinse the peeled garlic running water to remove the thin film. Grind the garlic with a garlic press or just rub it on a grater.

Using a teaspoon, remove the yolks from the eggs, transfer to a separate container and chop using a fork. Grind feta cheese separately until smooth. Combine the crushed yolks, mustard seeds and cheese together. Mix all components until a homogeneous mixture is formed. If suddenly you get a thick mixture, dilute it with a spoonful of sour cream. Add ground pepper and salt to taste.

Stuff the protein halves with the resulting filling, for this you can use a special bag. From a cucumber and a peeled carrot, cut out a variety of molds and decorate our cooked snack with them.

Jellied pike perch

What else can be served from snacks to the festive table? For example, housewives can cook aspic from pike perch. It is very bright and hearty meal the capricious Dog will surely like it, as for the guests themselves, they will also be delighted with such a wonderful snack.

Pike perch, weighing 1-1.5 kilograms;
1 kg small fish for fat (carp, perch or ruff);
Water - 1.5 liters;
4-5 eggs;
Carrots - 2 pieces;
1 onion;
Fresh greens;

If you don’t know, this is what the New Year’s table of 2018 should be like and what should be on the table of fish dishes!

So, let's start cooking. Thoroughly clean the fish, gut, remove the head, tail, fins. Place everything in a suitable container, fill with water and place on fire to boil. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat so that the fish languishes. When an hour has passed, add pike perch fillet, peeled vegetables, peppercorns and one bay leaf.

After 20-25 minutes, pull it back. The broth should boil for about two hours. While the broth is cooking, take the molds and put a layer of pre-cut carrots, hard-boiled eggs and chopped greens on the bottom. You need to cut everything and lay it out carefully, you can not chop the greens, just put a small twig.

Then lay out the pike perch fillet cut into pieces. When the broth is ready, it should be well filtered and poured into prepared forms. Gelatin is not used in the cooking process, so the aspic will come out very tender and will have good taste, and also it will be free of unwanted impurities. Before serving, the aspic is carefully removed from the molds and decorated with greens.


As for salads on the festive table, you can cook those salads that you and your household like best. Below are a few of the most interesting recipes holiday salads.

Salad "Herringbone"

Ease of preparation and available products, these factors make this New Year's salad with fish more in demand than the rest.

Boiled pelengas - 450-500 grams;
200 grams of fresh carrots;
150 grams onion;
Boiled potatoes - 400 grams;
3 eggs;
1 bunch of dill;
Mayonnaise - 160 grams.

Fish, eggs and potatoes must be boiled in advance. To keep the dish under the salad clean, you need to cover it parchment paper, and leave an empty cone in the center. Cut the potatoes into cubes and put on a dish in the form of a cone and a little salt. Onions and carrots should be fried in a pan in oil until a golden hue appears. After that, put it in a layer on top of the potatoes and grease it with mayonnaise.

Clean the boiled fish small bones and cut into cubes. You can use canned food instead of fresh fish. The best is tuna in oil. Tuna salad is usually tender. Put the next layer of fish and grease it with mayonnaise.

Peel the eggs and separate into whites and yolks. Yolks will be needed for decoration. Grate the whites on a grater, and put them out last layer. Then, lettuce in the shape of a Christmas tree needs to be paved with dill, moving from the bottom up. Now you should decorate the Christmas tree using mayonnaise, make a neat garland. Grate the yolk and sprinkle the Christmas tree. Should look very nice.

Now find in the refrigerator suitable materials for "toys", in this role may be: pomegranate seeds, sweet corn, small pieces of carrots or beets. A star for the top can be made from a circle of cheese or carrots. In addition, the trunk of the Christmas tree can be made from cinnamon sticks, if it is at hand. Ready to put in the refrigerator for a while, where it will soak well.

Salad "Sytny" with chicken and mushrooms

Thinking about what the New Year's table of 2018 should be like and what should be on the table. Photo of making it delicious salad will help you cook it very quickly.

Chicken meat - 220 grams;
Mushrooms - 4 pieces;
lettuce leaves;
Olive oil (for dressing);

Boil chicken meat in water with salt and one bay leaf. Rinse the mushrooms, lettuce and chinese cabbage and wait for the food to dry.
Finely chop the Chinese cabbage. Cut off the legs of each mushroom and cut the caps into four parts, then cut them into plates. If suddenly you use small mushrooms, then you can immediately cut them into plates.

Mix chopped cabbage and chopped mushrooms in a suitable bowl. in pieces large size cut the lettuce or just tear it with your hands. Cut the cooled meat finely enough and add it to other products. Sprinkle with pepper and a pinch of salt, pour over with olive oil and mix all the contents.

Hot dishes

As for, in order to surely please the Dog, it is better to cook fish, chicken or some other bird. Also on the New Year's table should be various side dishes from vegetables. You can serve mashed potatoes or a delicious vegetable stew.

Chicken stewed in sour cream

1 chicken carcass;
55 grams of butter;
2 eggs;
150 grams of sour cream;

Cut the chicken carcass along the tendons into eight parts, then put in a deep frying pan with a small amount melted butter. Fry each slice of chicken until golden brown, and then sprinkle with spices.

Cover the pan with the meat on top and continue cooking for twenty minutes. In a separate container, beat a few eggs, add sour cream and beat again until formed. uniform consistency. Pour the resulting mixture into the pan to the fried chicken. After that, hold the meat for a few more minutes over medium heat until the mixture thickens. Arrange the chicken pieces on a suitable plate and top with the sauce.

Pike stuffed

Pike - 1 kilogram;
2 carrots;
1 nori sheet;
1 potato;
2 onions;
1 egg (boiled);
50 grams of lightly salted fat;
100g white bread;
1 egg (raw);
100 grams of milk;
ground paprika;


Let's start preparing the filling for, for this, finely chop the onion. Peeled potatoes should be cut into small cubes, grated carrots. Heat a few tablespoons of sunflower oil in a frying pan, put the vegetables and fry for about five minutes.

Peel the pike carcass from the husk, to do this, place the fish in a container with water and you can start cleaning it. Also, gills must be removed from the pike and washed several times. Make a neat incision along the belly, pull out all the insides from the carcass. Then remove the ridge in the fish. Remove the fillet from the skin using a small spoon.

If possible, remove all bones from fish meat. Grind pieces of fish meat using a meat grinder, one boiled egg, required quantity low-salted bacon and slices of white bread, which must first be soaked in milk and squeezed. Add to received minced fish fresh egg and mix again.

Now it's time to beat the minced meat with your hands, or you can use a food processor with a dough attachment for this. Separate about 10% of all cooked minced meat, and mix with sweet ground paprika.

Divide a sheet of nori into several long strips, and put minced meat with paprika on top. Twist them into long rolls, and in order for you to determine how many rolls we need for fish, one roll can be applied to a pike and measure the resulting distance.

Put the rest of the minced meat on top of the fish skin, and put twisted rolls on top. Connect the carcass together and carefully sew up with threads. Put sliced ​​carrots on the prepared baking sheet, sliced ​​onions, you can also put a few sprigs of rosemary. Put the pike on top of the vegetables and place in a heated oven and bake until tender. Serve cooked fish, preferably chilled, along with any side dish.


What are the best desserts to serve? First of all, it is desirable to serve a lot of fresh fruits and berries, especially exotic ones. Also be sure to prepare fruit salad and for the kids you can make ice cream smoothies. A fruit sorbet will be the most an unusual dessert that adults and kids will love.

strawberry sorbet

400 grams of fresh strawberries;
3 bananas;
6 tablespoons of thick condensed milk.

So that you can have delicious
