
Does the tea wash out? How to remove and how to remove tea stains from clothes? How to wash tea from white clothes and tablecloths

Tea stains can be removed with household products: ammonia, vinegar, citric acid, glycerin and others. You can also use stain removers, and in extreme cases you have to go to dry cleaning.

Instructions on how to remove tea stains depend on the surface on which the contamination has occurred. They remove stains with a variety of means - household (lemon juice, glycerin, ammonia and others) or professional. In some cases, you can get by with a simple machine wash. Our recipes will help to cope with the problem in the most common situations.

Machine wash

If the stain on jeans, T-shirts and other surfaces is relatively recent, it can be removed with a normal wash. Usually, deciding how to wash tea can be very simple.

Use regular automatic washing powder and add a little stain remover. The washing mode is selected depending on the type of fabric, for example, for cotton, cambric, guipure - delicate mode. And for denim, jersey T-shirts, sweaters and other similar items, you can use everyday washing.

If the tea party took place a long time ago, stain removal occurs differently:

  1. First, wash the thing in a basin with warm water (temperature is about +35 ° C - the hand should not be burned).
  2. Then soak the item in water with hand wash powder for about 4-5 hours.
  3. After that, the trace usually disappears, but it is better to additionally wash it on a typewriter.
  4. After washing, rinse the laundry with warm water, especially if it is children's clothes and other delicate items of clothing.

Similarly, you can remove coffee stains or.

Note! If the contamination is very fresh, it can be dealt with with ordinary dishwashing detergent. It can be "Fairy", "AOS" and many others.

Removing stains from whites, tulle, tablecloths and towels: 5 effective remedies

Very often you have to figure out how to remove welding stains on white. Far from all cases, bleach is used - often household products (acids or glycerin) can cope with pollution.


Glycerin and ordinary edible salt are mixed to a mushy consistency, applied to the surface of things and incubated for up to 1 hour.

It is necessary to wait until the stains lose their saturated color.
They should become the color of weak tea (if it is brewed for a short time). Next, the thing is washed in the machine.

Advice! If the clothes are made of wool and other delicate fabrics, it is better to do it by hand.

Mix glycerin with ammonia in a ratio of 4:1. The solution is applied to a cotton swab and the stain is wiped, then they act as described above.

Lemon acid

Mix citric and oxalic acid in a ratio of 2:1. The mixture is dissolved in a glass of water, then they act in a similar way. Oxalic acid has powerful bleaching properties, so it can remove both black and green tea stains. But for colored and black things, it is undesirable to use it.

Similarly, you can mix citric acid with ammonia in a ratio of 2: 1, apply the mixture to the fabric, wait until the stain fades and wash it by hand or in a typewriter.

Reference! If there is no citric acid, it can be safely replaced with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another effective remedy is a pharmacy solution of hydrogen peroxide.

A cotton swab is moistened in it, after which the contamination is abundantly wiped with it, and then processed manually or in a typewriter. So you can wash a variety of clothes, such as a dressing gown, shirt, coat.

If the fabric is rather embossed (knitted sweater, scarf) or dense (terry towel), etc., it is better to hold the product for more than 1 hour.

If it is not too thick (knitwear, leatherette, etc.), you can hold it for up to half an hour, and then wash it in the usual way.


Removing traces of tea from paper

If stains appear on the surface of paper wallpaper, cardboard or documents, they are removed by another method:

  1. Mix cool water with hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2: 1, blot the paper with a rag soaked in this solution.
  2. Then it is washed off with clean water with calcium hydroxide (this is slaked lime), which are mixed in equal proportions.
  3. The last step is to dry the paper with napkins or clean cotton rags.

There are many effective ways to help remove .

Professional stain removers

If the soiling is quite old or the products described above did not help, you need to purchase a professional stain remover, which is used, for example, when washing clothes for hotel rooms.

There are quite a few effective remedies. The most popular are the following:

  • "Sarma";
  • "Bos plus";
  • baby soap "Eared nanny";
  • Faberlic;
  • Vanish;
  • Astonish.

How to use Vanish to remove tea, see the video:

Thus, there are many ways to remove tea stains. In most cases, they really allow you to quickly solve the problem. However, if the effect is insufficient or you are afraid to spoil an expensive item, it is better to contact a dry cleaner or a cleaning service.

Larisa, August 15, 2018.

Almost no day goes by without a cup of tea. This invigorating drink, for all its merits, has one significant drawback - it is not easy to remove tea stains, especially from white clothes.

Despite these difficulties, there are many household and folk remedies that will cope with these dark marks at home. Some of these cleaning methods even deal with old stains.

The coloring properties of tea are due to the content of tannin in this drink. Moreover, green tea contains much more of this substance than black tea. Therefore, ugly stains remain from any of these drinks. The peculiarity of tannin is that these properties do not appear immediately, it is much more difficult to remove old stains than fresh ones.

If there is a trace of tea leaves on the clothes, you should immediately wash the thing in the washing machine. The temperature regime is selected depending on the type of material, it is advisable to add a gentle bleach, for example, Vanish. For white cottons, use bleach with chlorine.

If it is not possible to wash your favorite clothes in a typewriter, you can do it manually, but you should adhere to certain principles:

  • To avoid streaks, the stain should be treated from the edge to the middle.
  • Before using a cleanser, you must first test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.
  • For thin fabrics, bleach should be diluted with a little water.
  • The tea stain should not be rubbed hard, so as not to damage the fabric.

Important! For children's clothes, only gentle bleaches and other household products should be used.

To clean tea stains from clothes, try one of the popular remedies:

Means Mode of application
Acid (citric or oxalic) Acid can remove tea marks from whites, towels, bed linen or tablecloths.

For things made of cotton or linen, both citric and oxalic acid are suitable. Lemon is good for new spots.

Wet a cloth in a solution of citric acid and blot the problem area, after 15 minutes you can wash it with water.

If the first time it was not possible to get rid of the dark trace, you need to moisten it with ammonia, then again with acid.

Oxalic acid will do better with old stains (dilute a teaspoon in 200 grams of water).

It can quickly remove a tea stain on white; for colored things, this solution is fatal.

Glycerol Stains from tannin will help clean alcohol glycerin, heated to 60 degrees.

They need to treat the contaminated area, wash after 20 minutes. Glycerin paste is suitable for fabric with pile or carpet.

It is prepared as follows: mix four tablespoons of glycerin with two teaspoons of salt.

We treat the problem area with this composition and wash it off after 20 minutes.

bleach solution The tool is contraindicated for things made of silk, wool and synthetics. But from cotton fabrics, tea is perfectly washed.

Soak the item in a solution of bleach for five minutes, then wash it.

Vinegar Vinegar must be mixed with water to form a weakly concentrated solution.

They need to pour a dark spot, then rinse.

Bura This substance will remove tea stains from your favorite sweater, jacket, coat or jeans.

You will need a 10% tetraborate solution and a cotton pad.

We process the dirty stain with a solution using a disk, then we erase it in the usual way.

chlorine bleach To remove a trace of tannin from natural fabrics, a bleach containing chlorine, such as the already familiar "Whiteness", will help.

For thin fabrics, this tool is not applicable.

Hyposulfate This substance is sold in any pharmacy.

Dilute a teaspoon of hyposulfate in a glass of water, treat the contaminated area, then rinse with a solution of two tablespoons of ammonia and a liter of water.

Ammonia Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water, use a cotton pad to treat the stain with a solution until it is perfectly clean.
Chlorox Chlorox is a modern cleaning agent for whites. It must be added along with washing powder to the compartment of the machine and washed.
Domestos You need to apply a couple of drops of liquid Domestos on the fabric and wash, the trace will disappear literally before your eyes.
soda ash The problem area must be moistened with water, then covered with a layer of soda ash.

How to remove tea stains from other surfaces?

Often, tea drinking can lead to stains on the sofa or carpet. A fresh stain should be immediately blotted with a small napkin or towel.

Important! Do not rub the stain, otherwise it will spread over the surface of the carpet or furniture.

Now we are preparing a simple solution: dilute a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid in half a liter of cold water. We process the tea trail with this solution, then we wet it with table vinegar and leave it for a short period.

Another effective method is to treat the stain with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin. After processing, it is necessary to keep this mixture on the surface for 15 minutes, then wipe it with a damp cloth.

Soap solution will help to clean the leather sofa from the remnants of tea. Grate laundry soap and stir in hot water and gently work the tea trail.

No less frustration causes a tea mark on important papers or an expensive book. It is also quite possible to remove the remnants of tea from paper. To do this, you need 3% hydrogen peroxide and slaked lime (one teaspoon per 200 grams of water). We moisten a cotton swab in peroxide and process the tea trail. If a dark mark remains, moisten it with a lime sponge. Then you need to dry the sheet of paper well.

The second method of paper surface treatment is based on the use of chlorine bleach mixed with water. We treat the stain with a solution and iron the sheet with an iron.

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In the article we discuss how to wash tea. You will learn what effective measures can be taken if you accidentally spilled tea on your shirt or trousers during breakfast, learn how to choose products that can remove stains from various fabrics with maximum results.

The tradition of drinking tea exists among many peoples of the world. The drink helps to warm up on cold winter days, gathers loved ones at the table during celebrations, the morning menu and evening family gatherings rarely do without it. Lovers of pampering themselves with a drink often face a problem when tea stains remain on white or colored fabrics, which can be very problematic to remove. It is even more difficult to wash tea from a white tablecloth in order to return it to its original elegant, festive look.

If possible, wash the item immediately before the stain dries.

Such difficulties are due to the fact that the leaves of the plant contain substances that not only affect the taste of the drink, but are also capable of coloring any type of tissue. Tannin and biological pigments, essential oils and proteins quickly penetrate into the structure of the fibers, forming annoying brown spots on white clothes. To wash tea and extend the life of your wardrobe item, simple rules dictated by many years of experience and application are called upon:

  • Do not be lazy to take off your dress and wash the tea stain, even if you are late for work, it is enough to hold a fresh stain for several minutes under a stream of cool water to forget about such a nuisance.
  • Under the influence of high temperatures, tannins and proteins will be firmly fixed in the fabric, and it will be almost impossible to remove them from their homes. Wash white and light-colored things from tea stains at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C
  • Do not allow the stain to take over large areas of your clothing, immediately blot spilled liquid with a clean paper towel or dry towel, and use their absorbency during stain removal by placing several layers under the cleaning area.
  • The cleaner will not spread and stain neighboring areas with tea pigmentation if you start processing the pollution from the edge to the center.
  • Keep in mind that an effective home remedy for tea stains on a white cotton t-shirt can just as easily ruin a colored silk blouse, apply a little solution in an inconspicuous area and see if it is safe in a particular situation.

As you can see, the rules do not require special training and are universal for dealing with most types of pollution that await us in everyday life. Efficiency, the right choice of cleaning agent, accuracy and sequence of actions - these are the basic principles that allow you to completely remove tea stains from clothes at home.

6 ways - how to wash tea

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is a universal and most popular remedy. that has proven its effectiveness for many years. Soap will remove tea stains from light and dark clothes, regardless of the type of material. Most importantly, do not put the damaged item in the laundry basket, lather the dirty area well and leave it to sour for 10-20 minutes. Most likely, this time will be quite enough for the stain to disappear and not leave behind dark streaks.

The advantage of laundry soap is that if you suddenly forget a thing soaked in a soapy solution, and it has to sour in water for a single hour, this will not affect the quality of the product and the achievement of the desired result.

Dishwashing liquid

Before using any product, test it on a small area of ​​fabric.

If there is no laundry soap in the house, use other improvised means. Try washing black tea off whites and coloreds with dishwashing liquid. Opt for thicker gels that are easier to localize to enhance their cleansing action.

Take a clean soft sponge and lightly rub the liquid into the fabric, let the thing lie in this state for five minutes. Rinse with warm water and check the result of your efforts, if it did not please you, repeat the procedure again, increasing the contact time of the fabric with the detergent.


Before washing tea from clothes or tablecloths made of white thick cotton or coarse linen, loading them into the drum of an automatic machine, wipe the soiled area with a cotton pad soaked in 10% ammonia.

For processing fine silk fabrics, it is better to use an aqueous solution of ammonia in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water. Stubborn dried tea stains on jeans can be removed with a composition that includes several active ingredients.


  1. Ammonia - 1 tsp
  2. Ethyl alcohol - 1 tsp
  3. Glycerin - 2 tsp

How to cook: Add ammonia and ethyl alcohol to glycerin warmed to room temperature and mix.

How to use: Spread the resulting mixture over the stain, allowing it to sit on the fabric for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the treated area, then wash the entire item. Do not forget about the general rules for removing stains given at the beginning of the article.

Result: Alcohol solution corrodes tea pigments and neutralizes their coloring effect on fabric fibers.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide will remove and discolor tea stains on whites. Moisten the contaminated area and pour 1-2 small spoons of 3% peroxide on it, or apply a cotton swab soaked with liquid. After half an hour, rinse off the solution and wash the item in accordance with the requirements indicated on the label.

Use hydrogen peroxide with caution on colored fabrics. The bleaching properties of this rather aggressive product can change the color, causing irreparable damage to the appearance of a wardrobe item.

Glycerin and table salt

Make a slurry of slightly warmed glycerin and salt, spread it on the soiled area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product and hold for 20 minutes. This grandmother's method allows you to remove stains from green and black tea on clothes made of delicate silk and woolen fabrics without compromising their quality. Before the main wash, it is recommended to rub the stain removal area with glycerin soap.

Lemon juice

Anyone who loves to indulge in tea with lemon probably does not even suspect that they have a natural first aid in the fight against stains. Squeeze some fresh juice on the spot or soak with a solution of citric acid diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. Blot the area to be treated with cotton pads, changing them as they become dirty. The acidity of this citrus breaks down tannin and whitens the fabric, restoring its original purity and fragrant freshness.

How to get tea out of carpet

Carpets suffer from various kinds of pollution no less than kitchen towels. Wash tea from fabric flooring using the methods above, or use the following recipe.


  1. Table vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  2. Dishwashing liquid - 1 tbsp.
  3. Water - 2 tablespoons

How to cook: Mix all ingredients.

How to use: Soak a sponge in the resulting solution and apply for a few minutes on the stain. To remove the product, use cool or sparkling water, and blot the remaining moisture with a dry cloth.

Result: Under the action of the active substances of the mixture, the dirt will dissolve.

How to get tea out of a couch

To remove the tea leaves that left a mark on the sofa, try immediately after the “accident”. Since large furniture cannot be placed under running water, thoroughly moisten the dirty area with warm water before applying any cleaning agent. As stain removers, use products depending on the type and color of the fabric surface. These can be acidic or alcoholic solutions, universal salt and laundry soap. There is an experience of successfully working on tea stains with baking soda paste and shaving foam, which absorb vegetable dyes.

The main point that you should pay attention to when wet cleaning the sofa is to prevent the stain from spreading over a large area. To prevent this from happening, carefully and repeatedly blot the treated area with napkins and dry it with a cold stream of air from a hair dryer.

For more information on how to remove tea stains, see the video:

What to remember

  1. A tea stain on colored or white clothes is not a sentence. Remove this contamination with the help of well-known home remedies that have been helping housewives solve household problems for many years.
  2. Do not experiment with cleaning products, follow the rules and tips for practical use. The chemical properties of solutions can not only save a thing from contamination, but also complicate the situation even more.
  3. Most recipes are only effective on fresh stains. If you have already washed a soiled T-shirt in the general mode at a high temperature, you will most likely have to say goodbye to the thing.

In advertisements for laundry detergents, you can often hear that they easily cope with any pollution. Unfortunately, in practice this is not always the case. One of the most difficult stains to remove are traces of tea. Today you will learn how easy and fast they can be withdrawn.


Prepare a slightly concentrated vinegar solution. Pour it over the tea stain. Rinse after a couple of minutes. The tea stain will disappear.

baking soda

Wet the tea-stained area with warm water. Apply a little baking soda to the stain and rub it. Leave for a couple of hours. After the specified time, rinse thoroughly. There will be no trace left of the stain.

Table salt and glycerin

Not an old tea stain can be easily removed with a mixture made from table salt and glycerin. Apply it on the speck and leave until the tea stains are discolored. After a good wash the little thing, according to the instructions indicated on the label.

Glycerin and ammonia

Mix a couple of teaspoons of glycerin and half a teaspoon of 10% ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and wipe the tea stain with it. After washing the little thing in soapy water and rinse well.

How to get old tea stains out

Old tea stains will go away easily and quickly if you wash them with a solution prepared from a teaspoon of oxalic acid, a couple of teaspoons of citric acid and a glass of water.

How to remove tea stain from white fabric

Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water. Place a napkin or white clean cloth under the stain and wipe the stains with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution. It may happen that there are stains on the thing. Do not worry, they can be removed if moistened with a 10% solution of citric acid, left for a quarter of an hour, and then washed in warm soapy water.

If it was not possible to remove a tea stain from a snow-white fabric using the method described above, then you can resort to a fairly aggressive, but effective means- bleach solution. Soak the product in it for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly in clean water. Attention: this method can only be used to remove tea stains from cotton products, it is not recommended to use it for cleaning silk, woolen and synthetic items.

How to remove a tea stain from colored fabric

Soak a cotton swab in 10% borax solution. Wipe the tea stain with it. The resulting stains can be removed if you use cotton wool soaked in a 5% solution of citric acid with the addition of ordinary table salt. After the procedure, the thing should be rinsed in cold, and then in warm water.

How to deal with tea stains on delicate items

If you need to remove an old tea stain from a product that requires delicate care, then hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. Moisten the contaminated area with the solution, and after 10-15 minutes, thoroughly wash the item in cold water.
