
What kind of meat is suitable for pork barbecue. How to choose meat for barbecue

Meat for barbecue should be pink, tender, moderately fatty. But a little about everything.

It's already autumn, and ahead of us is a warm "Indian summer", when it's still so good to gather with family and friends in nature, make a fire, get marinated meat for barbecue from a backpack and cook our favorite, real "picnic" dish - barbecue. In order for your barbecue to turn out juicy, tender, tasty and become a symbol of a successful picnic, you need to prepare the right meat for barbecue. And for complete success - excellent meat for barbecue.

For cooking yourself delicious dish in nature, of course, you will need fresh, pink and high-quality meat for barbecue. After all, nothing can spoil our barbecue like poorly selected meat. The quality of meat is the key to success, and also a complete guarantee that your barbecue this case it will turn out really tasty, fragrant even for an inexperienced chef. You can not use frozen or fresh meat for barbecue, as both options can ruin this delicious, delicacy dish. The reason lies in the fact that frozen meat will never be juicy, as when defrosting most of water is lost, and marinated barbecue meat will have a specific smell.

What kind of meat for barbecue will be right if it is cooked on wood or coals? Today, supermarkets, butcher shops and markets offer customers ready-made barbecue meat wrapped in plastic bag or a wrapper. Also, shops offer to buy meat for barbecue from them without specifying detailed culinary specialties its manufacturer.

If there is no time, and you have already been invited to a picnic, then in the meat department you will pick up meat for barbecue, marinade ready with all the necessary spices. Just buy, bring and fry. The only pity is that we will not be able to try whether the butchers turned out a good marinated meat for barbecue.

In this case, the buyer will have to rely on the decency of the seller and on his own experience, of course. But it’s better not to rely on chance, but to learn yourself and continue to know how to cook meat for barbecue.

It is important to decide initially whether you want to marinate pork meat for barbecue, then bake it on the fire, on the grill, or if you prefer to use ready-made marinated barbecue meat for a picnic. If cooking barbecue is a special ritual for you, then we offer you an article in which we will describe what kind of meat is best for barbecue to choose, so that the barbecue turns out juicy, tender and appetizing, and also tell you how much meat you need for barbecue.

So, what is the best meat for pork skewers to buy? Bacon pork is the best lean meat with a thin layer of soft pink bacon. This bacon is considered the most valuable. And a good barbecue will turn out from the tenderloin, because this is the most tender part of the pork. The juiciest pork meat is the neck with thin fatty streaks. A barbecued ham is fine, just use the meatiest part of it. In the ham, the connective tissue is tender, and the amount of fat is small, so this is the best lean meat for barbecue. You can also buy a loin on the bone or a shoulder blade. It is boneless, however, it will require you to marinate longer and long cooking at the stake.

Always check what kind of barbecue meat you bought. Pork can be old, you can simply slip the pork of a sow or a boar. Such meat is not something that can be cut and cannot be bitten off with teeth.

Choosing meat for barbecue. How to choose meat for barbecue

When choosing meat for barbecue, you need to know a few rules on how to choose meat for barbecue:

  • The most important aspect is the color of the meat. It should be uniform and natural. The surface of the meat for barbecue is always glossy, if it is slippery, then this means that the meat is not fresh. Also, when choosing meat, be sure to look at how it looks on the very cut. High-quality pork meat is easily recognized by its characteristic pink color.
  • Fat layers in pork should be light yellow. If they are too bright or, conversely, dark yellow, then the meat is of poor quality, you should not buy it, especially for barbecue.
  • The meat should be very tender and soft enough, as cooking small pieces barbecue on wood does not imply too long exposure to heat. This means that the meat for barbecue should have time to reach the maximum before readiness. a short time. How to choose meat for barbecue so that the dish does not turn out too tough and dry. There must be a little fat in the meat, it will not allow the kebab to dry out.
  • The consistency of meat for barbecue should be elastic and dense. To check if the meat is fresh, press it with your finger. If the dent that was formed when pressed disappears in a split second, then the meat is fresh, and if the dent remains, the meat is not fresh, do not take it, just ruin the barbecue.
  • The smell of meat should be pleasant, fresh, and the cutting scent and sharp meat - this meat is clearly not the first freshness.
  • It is better to take meat for barbecue a little chilled, since such meat has taste qualities several times higher than that of frozen or fresh meat.

Here are a few general rules, which you should always be guided by when choosing the right meat for barbecue. But that is not all. In many ways, the taste of the barbecue will depend on the type of meat, and on what kind of marinade you prepare from it.

Shish kebab is prepared from any meat - pork, lamb, beef, chicken and even offal. From the kidneys and liver, shish kebab even turns out nothing! For barbecue, take not only meat fillet, it turns out delicious barbecue from meat with a bone. However, we all know that the best meat for barbecue is pork or lamb. We have lamb meat - a rarity, so many people prefer to cook pork barbecue.

And one more thing, how much meat do you need for barbecue? The question is purely individual. Naturally, on big company 1-2 kilograms of pork will not be enough. Keep in mind that raw pork meat is fried by about 25%, i.e. if you use 200 grams of meat for one skewer, then you will get 50 grams less kebab from it.

How to marinate meat for barbecue. The wisdom of the marinade

Almost 50% of the success of a delicious picnic barbecue depends on the marinade. Of course, you can simply fry meat for barbecue without marinating on a fire, without bothering to prepare the marinade. For some reason, culinary specialists and gourmets believe that for fresh and juicy meat marinade is not needed. Very tough and old meat needs a marinade. However, it takes a lot of skill to cook the right meat for a barbecue, because even the highest quality meat on a fire can do all of its best. best juices lose and all "shrink".

If you are an experienced, experienced barbecue, you know how to properly prepare the coals and light a fire, then you can not marinate the meat. But marinated meat is much juicier. Enveloping all the meat, the marinade will not allow the meat juice to flow out. In addition, the marinade will protect the meat so that it does not burn at the stake. Marinated meat becomes softer, and the kebab cooks even faster and is better absorbed in the body.

All housewives know how to marinate meat for barbecue, as each of them has her own exclusive recipe. Marinating meat for barbecue classic recipe known for a long time. Such a meat recipe for barbecue is too banal, but no one has yet refused it. IN classic pickling Meat for barbecue includes meat, onion, spices, salt and water. Everything would be fine, but vinegar gives the meat a share of rigidity, so it is difficult to cook such a barbecue on a fire to make it juicy and tasty. Yes, and people are so arranged that you always want to experiment with products, and even more so with barbecue.

So, how to marinate meat for barbecue using a minimum of products and make the barbecue delicious? It's hard to imagine, but it's really possible. Pork meat for barbecue should be marinated only in onions! We dare to assure you, you definitely did not eat anything tastier. Onions are the foundation of any marinade. For barbecue marinade you need to take a lot of it, so the marinade will turn out juicier. As usual, for the marinade, the onion is cut into rings, or you can chop it with a blender, chop it with a knife or pass it through a meat grinder. If vinegar is present in the recipe for preparing barbecue marinade, then it is better to replace it with lemon juice, as vinegar can make the pork harsh.

Take for barbecue regular ingredients based on 1 kilogram of meat - 500 grams of onions, spices, black pepper and table salt, as always, to taste. If you like greens, then if you wish, you can throw a few sprigs of parsley into the marinade.

How to soak meat for barbecue. Pork meat cut into portioned pieces cubes. Finely chop the onion for pickling. Then rub the meat with onions thoroughly. Doesn't this preparation process remind you of sauerkraut For winter salting? Yes, it looks very similar. Immediately add spices to taste, salt and pepper. Put the marinated pork in the cold so that it marinates well. Naturally, you are interested in the question: how much to marinate meat for barbecue? It would be better if you let the kebab stand for at least ten hours, then the meat will be tasty, the kebab will turn out soft and will melt in your mouth. To give a special taste and for a change, you can safely add fresh red tomatoes to the barbecue. The main thing, we repeat once again, not a gram of vinegar. You can make the same recipe chicken kebab or veal. It will turn out delicious too. This kebab can be treated to kids, because it does not contain vinegar.

We offer another option, also good. This is a special marinating of meat for barbecue, so that the dish turns out to be impossibly soft. To do this, in the recipe for barbecue meat, we include dairy products. For example, spoiled milk or fat-free kefir. If you want to experiment, then add kiwi juice or mashed potatoes to the marinade. Kiwi juice will add spice to the kebab, the main thing here is not to overdo it with this fruit (0.5 kilograms of kiwi should be taken for 3 kilograms of meat), and also stick to the bookmark time. Kiwi juice should be added 0.5 hours before frying the kebab, if you add it earlier, the meat will simply fall apart.

You can marinate meat for barbecue pork using the following recipes:

Basic marinade: vinegar, vegetable oil, crushed spices, Dijon mustard.
spicy marinade: Cayenne pepper, lime juice, yogurt, lemon juice.
Sour - milk marinade : garlic, yogurt, turmeric, cardamom, marjoram, cinnamon, cloves.
Soy marinade: soy sauce, a mixture of seven peppers, a mixture of Chinese five peppers.
Russian marinade: the basis for the marinade can be - simple bread kvass with honey and onion.
Lemon marinade: lemon juice and zest, fresh mint, oregano and olive oil. Lemon juice - great alternative vinegar, we have mentioned this many times. With the help of lemon juice, you can easily get rid of fairly tough meat.
Unusual marinade- the meat is marinated in cherry or pomegranate juice. Also suitable for marinating barbecue mineral water, cognac, soy sauce, vodka, beer, wine, ketchup, low-fat mayonnaise(pork meat is already a little fatty), as well as any spices to taste. It is better to salt the marinade at the end of the marinade, as salt makes the pork meat tough. And, perhaps most importantly, the meat should be marinated in dishes that do not oxidize.

In general, we see that there are a lot of pickling methods. But the best guide in this marinade world is your own taste. Only your taste will tell you what kind of marinade your barbecue will make unique, original, fragrant to the point of madness!

barbecue meat recipe

Today, there are many recipes for cooking barbecue, but each meat recipe for barbecue is varied in its own way. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the recipe for cooking shish kebab on mayonnaise and ketchup.

Marinade recipe for pork "Megapolis". For 300 grams of pork you will need:

A set of products for cooking meat for barbecue:

mayonnaise and ketchup 100 grams;
salt, black pepper;
lemon juice to taste;
minced garlic.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Recipe for barbecue meat"

Combine ketchup and mayonnaise and mix. Then add the onion, passed through a meat grinder or through a press, then pour in the garlic pre-chopped through a garlic press (you can chop coarsely), black pepper, pour in the squeezed lemon juice. At the end, you can salt the marinade. In the resulting marinade, you can put pork meat, mix it in the marinade. Let stand five to eight hours (the more the better). Marinade with chopped pork put aside to infuse in a cool place. Before you fry the barbecue in nature, remove the garlic from the marinade.

The best barbecue meat recipe

This recipe for cooking meat specifically for barbecue turns out to be very tender, as it includes mayonnaise and mustard.

A set of products for cooking meat for barbecue:

2 kilograms of pork neck;
4 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
2 tbsp. spoons of mustard;
5 bulbs;
Bay leaf, freshly ground black pepper;
1 lemon;
hops - suneli.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "The best meat recipe for barbecue"

Now everything is small. 8 hours for the kebab to be well cooked. The initial phase is marinating meat for barbecue. To do this, take pork neck, cut into portioned identical pieces and gradually put them in a container, where the meat for barbecue will be marinated. Pork between the layers should be well flavored with freshly ground black pepper, add mayonnaise, hops - suneli, bay leaf, mustard. Carefully lay down a layer of onions. Onion pre-cut into rings. Top all layers of meat with the juice of one lemon. Leave in this state for one hour, then you can mix well and remove the marinade for 7 hours in cool place let it marinate. Pork should be salted just before you fry the kebab. Shashlik cooks for fifteen minutes over burning coals.

Marinating meat for barbecue

Classic recipe for marinating meat. This great recipe without adding vinegar. Lemon juice will perfectly replace it, the dish will turn out soft and tender.

A set of products for cooking marinated meat:

1 glass of lemon juice and water;
3-4 onions;
1 teaspoon of salt;
1 bay leaf;
0.5 teaspoon of sugar;
peppercorns and ground to taste.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Marinating meat for barbecue"

Marinate pork meat for barbecue, no less important factor than selection good meat. Various recipes cooking kebabs for a picnic use the most various marinades For pork meat. Wine, kefir, mayonnaise are added to the marinade according to modern method. Below we have given the most familiar to us and the most regular recipe meat for pork barbecue, based on onions and lemon juice.

Peeled onions should be chopped into half rings. Mix the meat cut into equal pieces with pepper, bay leaf and table salt. Dissolve sugar and salt in water, add lemon juice to it and pour meat over it.

What to cook barbecue from - lamb, pork or beef - the secrets of handling different types meat.

Mutton. The meat is quite specific, it is dry, and ready kebab cools quickly, so it must be eaten with heat, with heat. This shish kebab is preferred by Azerbaijanis. For barbecue choose a loin, back leg young lamb, on the grill they also cook meat on the ribs.

Lamb is cut into medium pieces, pepper and dried thyme are added, the juice of one lemon is squeezed out per one kilogram of meat and poured with vegetable oil so that it slightly covers the meat. After 1-2 hours of such pickling, lamb can be cooked. There are no special secrets of frying: the main thing is to ensure that the meat does not burn.

Lamb is best salted right before frying. If you do this in advance, the salt will be better absorbed into the meat, and it will release a lot of juice, as a result, the kebab may turn out to be dry.

Pork. The ideal meat for barbecue, according to Armenians and those who do not follow the figure too much, is soft, juicy, fragrant and marinates quickly. The neck and tenderloin are suitable for barbecue (those parts of the carcass that are not involved in the movement). The main thing - a piece for barbecue should not be too greasy. As a marinade, it is better to use not the usual vinegar (it makes the meat tougher), but lemon juice, dry wine, kefir. From spices are preferred: a mixture of peppers, thyme, nutmeg, coriander. No need to marinate pork for days, just two hours is enough. On medium heat of coals, the kebab will be ready in 15-20 minutes.

First, the pork is sprinkled with seasonings and salt, then briefly put under oppression, and only after that it is poured with wine or another marinade.

Beef. Lean beef is the perfect barbecue meat for those who are used to counting calories. However, you will have to tinker with it - it marinates longer than pork and the result is noticeably tougher. Choose for barbecue beef tenderloin. Fresh meat is not immediately used - they allow blood to drain. In the evening, beef should be poured with carbonated mineral water and leave it in the refrigerator until morning. This will shorten the marinating time. In the morning, take the meat out of the water, salt, pepper, add the onion sliced ​​into rings, herbs (blue basil is best), spices and marinade (the same as for pork). After 2-4 hours, the meat can be fried.

If there is meat for barbecue, but you forgot the skewers at home, look for the willow! Plane twigs of the desired length from its branches and string the meat. There is a lot of moisture in the willow branches, and the willow skewer will not fry along with the meat on the fire, as will happen, for example, with birch or aspen. Bon appetit!

Meat for barbecue you need to choose the right one so that you can enjoy a delicious meat dish. good recipe pickling, high-quality frying and well-chosen sauce - all this is an integral part of delicious barbecue cooked on open fire. But it all starts with a trip to the market, where you have to explore a wide range of meat assortment and choose the highest quality piece of tenderloin. Pork, lamb or beef - today you will find out and be able to deliciously feed the whole family in nature.

The best meat for barbecue

The first question you may have when choosing the best meat for barbecue: chilled or steam? Immediately, we note that the steam room (about 3 hours after slaughter) is not suitable, because it will turn out to be too hard, but in the chilled one the muscles are already relaxed, which means that the pieces after frying will remain soft and juicy. It is better not to take frozen ones, because after defrosting they have lost their juice.

In order for you to be able to distinguish a chilled tenderloin from a thawed tenderloin in the store and in the market, you may need a simple tip: you need to press on a piece with your finger and see what happens with the resulting notch. If the recess slowly disappears, then you have a chilled piece in front of you, and if it remains so, then immediately pass by this butcher shop, they are trying to sell you a frozen thawed piece. Thawed tenderloin has a loose texture and more saturated color, and when pressed, it releases red juice, and when chilled, it releases colorless meat juice.

Feel free to sniff the selected piece: the smell must be pleasant, without chemistry, dampness, rot and mustiness. You will immediately determine that this is not a fresh tenderloin in front of you, you should smell it.

Of particular importance is the appearance: the surface must be dry, slightly damp, slightly shiny and must have a uniform color. If you have meat in front of you that is too dark in color, then it is better to refuse to buy it, because it is old and definitely not suitable for. Don't buy a tenderloin with a wet, sticky surface, it's either not fresh or it's been loaded with chemicals and water to add weight.

If you are by appearance identified a suitable piece, be sure to ask the seller to show it to you from all sides, because often the veins and fat on the counter are hidden inside, and you will be disappointed when you unwrap the purchased product at home.

It is better to choose a large whole piece so that it can be cut into any, at your discretion, pieces. Even if fat “hangs” somewhere near the selected piece, then at home you can cut it off and freeze it, and later use it for cooking homemade dishes and soups.

further choice, what meat is best for barbecue depends on your individual preference. And we will tell you how to properly pickle any of the selected varieties.

What meat is best for barbecue

If we talk about proper barbecue meat, then it is certainly lamb, but due to the fact that it is difficult to find high-quality lamb on the market and in stores, traditionally in our country they choose a good low-fat piece of pork. If you are lucky enough to buy a tenderloin of a young lamb, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying a real Uzbek shish kebab.

In countries Central Asia and in the Caucasus, lamb is traditionally fried on coals, for this they choose only tenderloin of a young lamb, which has a bright red color, and if you are going to buy barbecue meat on the market and noticed that it has a dark color, this indicates that the lamb is old, and therefore not suitable for this recipe. Old lamb will remain very tough after grilling. For our marinating recipe, you will need hindquarters, a loin, or a good tenderloin.

    Lamb - 1 kg

    Kurdyuk - 200 g

    Parsley root - 1 pc.

    Ground paprika - 1 tsp (without slide)

    Onion - 100 g

    Salt - 1 tsp

    Vegetable oil - 100 ml

Purchased lamb must be thoroughly washed running water and pat dry with a kitchen towel to remove any excess water. Then cut the pulp into pieces, about 20 g each, this is a piece weight of 2 by 2 cm. Fat tail fat is added to make the lamb juicier. In Uzbekistan, it is cut into the same slices as the tenderloin itself, but we suggest you cut it into 3 mm thick plastics. Put the prepared products in a large bowl.

Peel and chop the onion randomly, and then add to the bowl with the meat cubes. Next, spices are added - salt, ground coriander, paprika, if desired, ground black pepper, cumin, etc. And then vegetable oil is poured into the bowl and everything is mixed so that the oil and spices are evenly distributed. Leave them to marinate for about 20 minutes.

Lamb should be strung on skewers, alternating pieces and plates fat tail fat: on one skewer there should be 4 meat slices and 3 fat tail. Please note that in other recipes you may come across advice: never cut the flesh into small pieces, this rule does not apply to lamb, because it is with such cutting into small slices that it turns out surprisingly tasty and juicy dish well roasted on coals.

The lamb will cook for about 10 minutes, in the process it should be constantly turned over so that it is fried evenly, but not burnt. When serving a dish from the fire to the table, be sure to serve a spicy tomato sauce and pickled onion, it will be the best side dish to hearty lamb. Now you know how important it is not only to make the right choice, what meat for barbecue buy, but also how to properly cut and marinate it.

Meat for barbecue: pork

Speaking of the most popular barbecue meat, pork will become the absolute leader in sales on the eve of all holidays, when we traditionally go out with our families to nature not only to enjoy outdoor activities, but also to try a delicious dish cooked on hot coals.

Pork is a versatile option for a delicious dish, and with a wide selection in the markets, you can easily find a quality piece of meat. The color of the pulp should be light pink, and there must be small fatty layers in the structure. The neck is ideal, this is the part that is located on the neck of the will of the ridge, the part on the back, also located near the ridge, is also suitable. Fans of lean, dry pork can be advised to choose a loin.

Knowing what meat for pork skewers, you can easily cook very tasty and juicy meat dishes, you just have to choose decent recipe pickling. Here your eyes may run wide, as each hostess solemnly declares that only her recipe allows you to cook delicious barbecue. Pork is marinated in pineapple and kiwi, in onions and herbs, in mineral water and beer, in mayonnaise and yogurt. Exactly on last version we want to draw our attention to:

    Pork - 1 kg

    Natural yogurt (without additives) - 0.5 l.

    Onion - 2 pcs.

    Chili pepper - 1 pc.

    Rosemary - 3 sprigs

    Marjoram - 3 sprigs

    Paprika - 1 tbsp

    Garlic - 6 cloves

As you can see, thanks to spicy greens and spices, the pork will turn out to be very fragrant, and thanks to the yogurt-based marinade, it will be surprisingly tender. Instead of natural yogurt you can take yogurt or low-fat kefir anyway, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Pork should not be cut too small or too large slices: small ones will turn out to be too dry, and large ones will not have time to cook in the middle, when their surface is already “black”. The ideal size of a piece of pork is 3 by 3 cm.

Pork must first be washed with running water, if necessary, cut off excess parts that may hang on the sides, and then dry paper towels. Cut the pulp into square pieces and put in a large bowl, send the chopped onion there. Pour half a liter of yogurt into a bowl, add chopped garlic to the same place as the rest of the spices and herbs.

Pork should be marinated for at least 2 hours in yogurt, but should not be left for more than three hours. Then the pieces can be strung on skewers and cooked on medium coals for about half an hour until each piece is well cooked on all sides and in the middle.

How to marinate meat for barbecue

If you can't choose best meat for pork skewers, because on the eve of the holidays, high-quality pulp is quickly dismantled. And you could get a piece of tenderloin from the back, which will be quite rigid, so for it you need to choose special recipe marinating, thanks to which the meat will become more tender and softer.

There are some truly unusual exotic recipes, how to marinate meat for barbecue, for example, using tropical fruits - kiwi and pineapples. Thanks to the acid contained in these fruits, the meat fibers are destroyed, and therefore the pork becomes softer.

Marinating meat for barbecue in kiwi will not leave anyone indifferent, in such a marinade you can cook even the toughest pulp:

    Pork - 1 kg

    Kiwi - 3 pcs.

    Onion - 3 pcs.

    Garlic - 3 cloves

    Salt to taste

    Spices as desired

First, thoroughly rinse and dry the meat, and then cut it into medium pieces. Onions must be peeled and chopped into half rings, garlic should not be passed through a press, but it is better to cut it into very thin plates.

In a bowl, mix all prepared ingredients with spices (it can be dried herbs, Khmeli-Suneli mixture, red ground pepper, paprika) and salt.

Now you can start kiwi: peel the fruits and grind in a blender in a puree, or you can grate the fruits. Puree should be sent to a bowl of pork and mix thoroughly. You can also pour beef with the same marinade, it needs to languish in the marinade for at least two hours, but half an hour will be enough for pork.

Pork marinated in this way can be cooked not only on coals, but also in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. No less unusual is obtained in pineapples.

How to marinate meat for barbecue

Despite the fact that the beef is quite tough and dry, if you know how to marinate meat for barbecue, it will also turn out very tasty cooked on coals. Be sure to take young beef - its flesh is light light. Buy exclusively tenderloin, only it is suitable for barbecue.

IN Georgian cuisine There is wonderful recipe marinating and charcoal beef tenderloin:

    Beef - 2 kg

    Onion (large) - 3 pcs.

    Wine natural vinegar- 5 tablespoons

    Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Beef should be cut into medium-sized pieces of approximately the same size and put in an enameled bowl. Salt and freshly ground pepper, finely chopped onion are added to taste. In Georgia, they are not indifferent to a variety of spices, so young coriander seeds and chopped coriander greens are added to beef. Pour vegetable oil into a bowl and the indicated amount wine vinegar which will make the beef tender. Then all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the bowl is covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Marinated barbecue meat on good coals cook quickly, just half an hour is enough and the pieces of beef will be ready. When you roast them on the coals, be sure to make sure that no fire appears. And in the process of frying the skewer, you need to constantly turn the pieces so that the pieces are cooked evenly from all sides.

The classic barbecue meat is pork. How to choose it correctly so that the dish is a success - that's what we'll talk about in today's article.

Most chefs adhere to the stereotype - we use meat pulp for cooking second courses, and meat on the bone is perfect for cooking first courses. To some extent, this is correct, why go into the anatomical features of the animal and choose which dish this or that piece of pulp is suitable for. But in vain, because if you know what part of the carcass is at your fingertips for cooking, then we can say that the issue of success is resolved by itself.

The preparation of any dish begins, first of all, with the choice - and you can make it correctly and thoughtfully not only in the market in a wide range, but also in the nearest store. For example, the most precious part of pork - tenderloin, is not suitable for making rich meat broth fragrant soup. And it’s not at all because this part of the carcass is bad - the whole point is that this cut has a completely different purpose.

Also, if you know that Ham great for baking in the oven, it is silly to use it for cooking chops or beef stroganoff. But the pulp of the shoulder blade, on the contrary, loves a long stew in the sauce, and you can make an excellent gravy from it.

Of course, all these tips only work if the meat is fresh and has not been repeatedly frozen. But the freshness itself must be correct - the meat must be ripe for 3 - 4 days before it turns into a butcher in the skillful hands of appetizing pieces. And then you can choose exactly what you need to prepare a particular dish.

So, the basic rules for choosing meat

There are several basic principles, and if you follow them, you can be guaranteed not to spoil a piece of good meat. How to choose pork for charcoal barbecue?

About the freshness of meat

Wherever a purchase is made - in the market or in the supermarket, the most important thing is to pay attention to the freshness of the product.

  • A piece of meat must be clean and dry, without blood and mucus on the surface;
  • The juice flowing from the meat should be transparent, and its cut should be evenly pink;
  • It is worth refusing to buy if it comes from meat bad smell. A slightly sweetish, unsharp smell should come from the meat. If something still confuses - make a purchase elsewhere;
  • The elasticity of meat and its consistency are important indicators. If, when you click on a piece, it does not return to its previous shape for a long time, the meat is clearly not the first freshness, and if it does not take its shape at all even after a while, then this product is old, spoiled and of poor quality;
  • An important indicator is the fat on the piece - if it is sticky and opaque, then the freshness indicator is clearly at the lowest point. And if body fat gray and slimy - this indicates damage to the product.

A few words about age

In order for the dish chosen for cooking, including pork kebab, to be very successful, it is necessary to give preference young meat animal. But how to correctly determine the age and make optimal choice product, and what meat to choose for pork barbecue?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the color - light pink, bright red, but in no case gray or maroon. The color color is uniform and slightly glossy, the darker the meat, the older the animal is, which means it is drier, fibrous and tougher.

How can you simplify the task of choosing? It is enough to ask the seller to cut off a thin piece, almost transparent, and if it is easily torn by hand, then this is the fresh meat of a young individual.

About storage methods

Fresh meat

This category includes meat within 3-4 hours after the slaughter of the animal. It is this meat that is best suited for cooking barbecue and other sweets on an open fire. However, the pulp must be pickled, fried without pre-marination and adding spices is not recommended.

chilled meat

The product is considered chilled only if the meat has been stored in a refrigerator up to +4C and has never been frozen. It is from such meat that good barbecue, or fried on a grill or open fire.

When choosing, you should be careful - an unscrupulous seller will try to sell the defrosted part of the carcass under the guise of a chilled product. An excess of excess moisture inside the meat may indicate this, and the chilled meat will look almost dry.

What kind of meat to choose for dumplings cooked at home with the family? It is from the chilled that you get a juicy and tender filling.

frozen meat

Far from the best perfect choice, but most supermarkets and shops offer the buyer just such products. However, upon repeated defrosting, the structure of the meat fibers is destroyed, and the original piece of meat loses not only its shape, but also its taste.

In conclusion about the freshness of the product

Do not be shy when choosing and carefully inspect and select the product, you should ask the seller to show you all the pieces you like. For the seller, this is not difficult, because this is his job and he is interested in buying, and for you there is a guarantee that you will make the right choice.

What part of the carcass is best for cooking pork skewers

After we figured out the degrees of freshness of meat for cooking pork kebabs and other dishes, it remains only to figure out how to choose meat for barbecue so that it turns out tender, juicy and fragrant.

According to professionals and amateurs on an open fire, from pork carcass the neck is best for cooking kebabs. Meat with thin veins will turn out in any case, it will be juicy and tender, and there is no need to marinate the pulp for a long time and use strong mixtures for this.

The loin (back muscle) will also be good, this meat is dense in composition and will appeal to those who do not like fatty meals. A piece can be divided into 2 parts - cutlet and entrecote, both parts are ideal for baking them on charcoal or grill.

If it was not possible to buy a tenderloin or neck, then you can use a ham for cooking. Of course, it is not so tender, but if you cut it correctly into portioned pieces and pick up the marinade, then this part of the carcass can surprise and delicate taste and structure of meat fibers.

The ribs are perfect for charcoal cooking as well as for other dishes. For example, using them, you can cook the first and second courses in a cauldron or in a saucepan on the stove, the ribs perfectly give their taste to the broth. Additionally, it is worth noting that there is enough meat on them to make it tasty and fragrant.

Suitable for roasting on coals and brisket, but the whole excess fat it is necessary to cut off, and notch the skin of the fat without cutting through to the end. The piece must be well marinated with the addition of grain mustard.

The shoulder blade and shank are suitable for baking as a whole, but they will not work as a barbecue. These parts of the carcass require thoughtful and long pickling, but with proper experience, they can be amazingly cooked on coals.

What meat to choose for cutlets so that they are not tough, but remain lush and airy? Everything is simple here - a cut of carcass with fat is suitable for cooking, but the films must be cut off, a spatula for this is an ideal choice.

Almost any part of the pork carcass is perfect for grilling, provided that the meat is properly marinated and fried. If a piece of meat looks dry, you can add juiciness to it by adding onion and vegetable oil. And quite the opposite - if it is fatty, then it is worth removing the excess fat, and the addition of mustard compensates for the remnants and will help improve the taste of the product.

Where is the best place to buy good meat?

Having dealt with the issue of the freshness of meat, let's try to figure out where it is best to buy it. There are many disputes on this topic, between supporters of farms and markets, and stores with constant product quality checks.

On the one hand, buying desired part carcass in the market, you can carefully look at it, even turn it in your hands, smell the selected product, and even ask the butcher for advice. Taking into account the plan for cooking the dish, you can consult and choose the right cut. But on the other hand, the market is not the most hygienic place to buy, because besides you there are other buyers who want to make a purchase and check the quality of the piece of meat they like. So if you decide to make a purchase in the market, make it in the morning, when all the products are fresh and do not have time to stale and weathered.

There are also large supermarkets and small shops selling both fresh and frozen meat products. There constant control quality, compliance with expiration dates and optimal conditions storage. This is certainly a good sign, but to inspect the product as it is possible on the market is unlikely to succeed.

That's really all that I would like to tell you about right choice pork for cooking different dishes, both on a conventional stove and on an open fire.

This article is searched for:

  • what part of pork is better to take for barbecue
  • pork barbecue meat
  • what part of the pork carcass is better to take on a barbecue
  • what part of pork is best for barbecue

It is difficult to find a person who would not like barbecue. famous meat dish caucasian cuisine became a real hit in all countries of the world.

Kebabs - business card outdoor recreation. Everyone associates this dish with spring and summer mood, sun, green grass and pleasant smell campfire. The phrase “going to barbecue” means nothing more than a pleasant pastime on fresh air together with friends and family.

Apart from good mood in such a “outing”, the main thing is that the barbecue itself turns out to be juicy and soft. That is why it is very important to choose the right meat, marinate it deliciously and roast it properly on coals.

Let's figure out how not to make a mistake in choosing meat for barbecue.

Only fresh meat

Whatever meat you choose for barbecue, the most important thing is its freshness. There should be no mucus, blood, liquid on the meat. Each piece should be elastic and even.

Color fresh meat on the cut it is bright red, the surface is slightly moistened, not sticky, and the meat juice is transparent. Stale meat feels sticky and wet to the touch, and the secreted juice is cloudy.

Smell quality meat should not cause negative emotions. If it is unpleasant, you should not buy meat. The meaty smell should be pleasant.

A very important indicator of freshness is the consistency of meat: fresh meat is dense. This can be determined by pressing a finger on the cut surface. The hole formed in this case is quickly leveled. In meat of suspicious freshness, the pressure pit flattens out slowly. In poor-quality meat, the fossa does not even out at all.

Also, the freshness of meat can be judged by the consistency of fat. In meat of suspicious freshness, the fat will be dull, sticky, and in poor-quality meat, it will be gray-yellow in color, sometimes with mucus.

Preference for young meat

When choosing meat for barbecue, you need to pay attention to its age. Whenever possible, young meat should be chosen. The darker the color of the meat, the older the animal, the denser the muscle fibers. Shashlik from such meat will turn out tough.

The color of the meat should be natural and uniform, not dull, but glossy. Beef should be red, pork should be pink, lamb should be red with layers of white, not yellow fat. Too dark meat color is a sign that the animal is old.

The age of the meat can be checked with simple test: a thin piece is easily torn even by hands.

Fresh, chilled or frozen meat

Steam meat. Fresh meat is considered up to 3 hours after slaughter. For some reason, some mistakenly believe that preference should be given to just such meat. And this is the biggest mistake. Fresh meat is absolutely not suitable for barbecue. Such meat will be very difficult to eat, it will be tough, like a sole. But the aged meat will be soft. The muscles of the animal must be relaxed.

Chilled meat. Chilled meat should be stored at 0 to 4 degrees. If possible, chilled meat should be chosen for cooking barbecue. Its taste is much higher.

Frozen meat. Frozen meat can be used to make delicious kebabs, but only if it has not been re-frozen. To distinguish frozen meat from re-frozen, you need to touch it with your finger. When touched, a dark spot will remain on the frozen meat, and the re-frozen meat will not change color.

Be careful. Sometimes sellers can deftly deceive a client by passing out re-thawed meat as chilled. It's easy to check. Wetter meat indicates repeated defrosting. Fresh meat does not leave a wet mark and has a slightly damp surface. But thawed meat, when pressed, releases meat juice.

So, for cooking kebabs, only fresh, young meat should be preferred. We choose either chilled meat (preferably!), or meat frozen only once.

Feel free to choose meat slowly, thinking and testing. In this matter, it is better not to rush anywhere, but to choose really quality product. Otherwise, not only mood, but also health will be spoiled.

Now it remains to determine which parts will make the best barbecue.

Lamb shish kebab

Previously, barbecue was generally prepared only from lamb. by the most the best choice tender milk lamb meat up to two months old is considered. However, it will be possible to enjoy such meat only in the spring. At other times of the year, preference should be given to the meat of young lambs up to one year old.

Lamb skewers will turn out delicious if you take the pulp from the back leg, loin or tenderloin. Not everyone uses lamb ribs for barbecue. However, if you are a bone lover, it is quite possible to try.

You need to eat lamb skewers immediately, without delay, because lamb freezes very quickly.

Pork skewers

Many people prefer pork skewers. Please note that the meat should not be very fatty.

For pork barbecue, it is best to take the neck - this is the part of the carcass located along the ridge on the neck. Here the streaks of fat are evenly distributed in the meat. Such a barbecue will be soft and juicy. You can also use tenderloin, loin, ribs. Even for pork barbecue, you can use meat located along the spine, while it is recommended to completely remove fat from it.

Less dry will be ham skewers - parts of the carcass with a small amount fat. This part of the pork is better to marinate well. In general, pork is good because you can cook a delicious barbecue from many of its parts. The only question is how and for how long to marinate the meat.

But the meat located in the back should not be used for barbecue. The dish will be too hard and dry.

Beef skewers

Unlike pork, beef skewers can turn out harsh. Because of this, beef requires the longest marination. By the way, it is recommended to marinate beef in carbonated water.

If you decide to fry kebabs from this particular meat, then it is better to take beef fillet or brisket. back leg beef carcass also suitable for barbecue, however, it is recommended to use only the inner part or separate places from the thin and thick edges.

Of the beef meats, veal is considered the best choice for barbecue.

