
How to cook pork pilaf in a pan. Crumbly pork pilaf three recipes on the stove, in a slow cooker and in a cauldron over an open fire

Every culinary specialist who has somehow learned how to fry scrambled eggs knows that cooking pork pilaf is one of the most controversial moments in cooking in the post-Soviet space. Some call pilaf almost any porridge made from rice with meat. Others twist their noses and prove that cooking delicious pork pilaf is given to rare virtuosos. And in order to properly cook pork pilaf, you need to be almost a master chef. A lot of controversy is also going on about pilaf in a slow cooker.

I am of this opinion. How to cook delicious pork pilaf can be read in many cookbooks. For example, Stalik has a recipe. But I do not want to participate in any discussions about this. After all, every mistress in the kitchen is a sorceress. And adapting a good pilaf recipe to home conditions is not so easy. And if we cook pork pilaf at home, then it will definitely differ from how it is cooked in the East. This, perhaps, is about the same as a Chinese woman will tell a Ukrainian woman how to cook borscht properly.

In addition, I personally ate several varieties of pilaf. The Crimean Tatars, in Bulgaria, in Turkey, have Azerbaijani plov. And they were all different, but each one was delicious in its own way.
But still, I will share with you my recipe for a delicious pork pilaf. This option is very popular with my guests. I make pilaf not very greasy, as we tend to eat healthier. But I “customize” the taste of pilaf due to the right combination of spices and friable rice.


  • 500g rice
  • 500 gr pork
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
  • seasoning mix: zira, barberry, turmeric, paprika, black pepper
  • saffron (if any)
  • head of garlic


Bon appetit!

As an example, I chose Samarkand pilaf. It is always prepared in such a way that the rice remains crumbly. If this does not happen, then for one single reason - you use more water than required, and you end up with a shawl. Follow our step-by-step instructions, and you are guaranteed to get an excellent crumbly pilaf - rice to rice.

Ingredients for 10 servings:

  • Pork (pulp) - 1 kg;
  • Rice - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 800 g;
  • Onion - 600 g;
  • Garlic - 4 heads;
  • Barberry - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Zira - 1 tsp;
  • A mixture of peppers - 1 tsp;
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • Refined vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Water - about 2 liters (depending on the diameter of the dishes for cooking pilaf).

How to cook crumbly Samarkand pilaf (step by step instructions with photos)

Soak the rice in water.

In order for rice in pilaf to be crumbly, it should be rinse thoroughly in several cold waters, gently rubbing the grain between the palms until the water becomes completely clear. This means we got rid of rice flour, which makes rice sticky. We drain the water.

Cut the carrots into large elongated sticks.

Onions should be cut into half rings.

We send the chopped onion to the wok (cauldron) with hot sunflower oil.

We soak the barberry berries peeled from the branches.

After reaching a light golden color of the onion, put the pieces of pork (the size of a large nut) into the wok.

(After frying the meat, it’s the turn of laying the carrots, which should also be fried in hot oil, soaked in it. We don’t mix the carrots with the meat, but press its layer with a spatula over the entire surface so that it is covered with a layer of liquid from oil, onion and meat juice.

We clean the heads of garlic from the rough lower part of the rod and the flaking husk, trying not to damage the last layer of the hard shell of its cloves.

We salt our preparation of zirvak abundantly (about 2 tablespoons of salt for this portion). Oriental cooks often add glutamate.

Grind the pepper mixture in a mortar. Hot pepper and zira will be laid whole.

Add zira and a hot pepper pod, pour the products fried in a wok with hot water.

Now turmeric, soaked barberry berries and a mixture of peppers grated in a mortar should be placed in zirvak.

We put out the zirvak for about 10 minutes. The first stage of cooking Samarkand pilaf is over - zirvak is ready!

We put rice in zirvak, distributing it over the entire surface, without damaging the layers of meat and carrots. Let's let the rice soak in hot oil zirvak, pressing it with a spatula - this the second secret of looseness of rice.

While spreading the rice, add the heads of prepared garlic to it.

Gently pour boiling water over the rice so that it is covered by about 1.5 cm.

After soaking the top layer of water, we make holes with a stick for better evaporation of moisture.

After the water is almost completely absorbed into the rice, spread it with a spatula (skimmer) in a smooth slide, make a minimum fire, cover with a lid and a towel, and leave it to languish for 20, and sometimes 40 minutes, depending on the type of rice . This stage is the third secret of crumbly rice.

This recipe will help you easily cook crumbly pork pilaf, just the one that is loved so much. There are many thousands of recipes for preparing this wonderful dish, and if you don’t know how to cook pork pilaf, then be sure to try cooking pilaf according to our recipe. The main feature of the preparation of any pilaf is its two mandatory components: zirvak and part of the cereal. Another special difference between pilaf and other dishes is not what products you use, but in the cooking technology. Loose pork pilaf is far from being possible for many, but everything is in your hands. For many, plov is traditionally made with rice and meat. be it pork, beef or lamb. but few people know that pilaf made from sturgeon fish is especially valued. But today we will not go deep and deviate from the pilaf to which we are accustomed and will tell you how to cook pilaf with pork. The cooking time will be approximately 2 hours, the recipe is not complicated and if you follow our recommendations, then everything will definitely work out!

Energy value for 1 serving (200 gr.):


  • Pork pulp - 500 gr.
  • Round rice - 400 gr.
  • Carrots - 300 gr.
  • Onion - 200 gr.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • Ground black pepper
  • Turmeric

How to cook pork pilaf

Let's take a closer look at how to cook pork pilaf.

Step 1

Cut pork into small pieces

Step 2

chop the onion

Step 3

And cut the carrots into thin strips

Step 4

Rinse the rice with water (necessarily cold!) until the drained water runs clear. Pour the oil into the cauldron and in the already heated one, add the onion. Fry until golden brown. Add meat and fry over high heat until browned.

Step 5

Then add the carrots and simmer for another 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 6

Salt, pepper and add turmeric. Fill everything with water so that it covers the meat. Close the lid and simmer for 20 minutes. So we will prepare zirvak. Peel the garlic and carefully place it on top of the meat

Step 7

Drain the water from the rice and add it to the so-called zirvak, on top of the meat. If necessary, pour in water, it should cover the rice. Cover with a lid and simmer until done.

In no case will we claim the title of classic pilaf with pork, since dishes with this meat in the homeland will never be cooked. So our version is purely Russian, but so that we don’t end up with porridge with meat, we will take some rules and principles for preparing real pilaf and transfer them to our dish. There will be two recipes: the first is extremely simple, in a frying pan, for a quick dinner, without any special dances with tambourines; the second will be more like his older brother, he will be cooked in a cauldron with more careful adherence to the basics. Both will be step by step and with photos.

The basic basics of cooking pilaf that we need

However, first, nevertheless, about the products and these very basics. It is clear that pilaf is a dish of meat with rice. We have pork today.

What part of the pork carcass (cut) is better to take for pilaf?

It is believed that for stewing (and in my opinion pilaf is roasting followed by stewing) the shoulder blade and ham are best suited. But of these, the ham is more expensive, the shoulder blade is much cheaper, and in finished form nothing is inferior to it in taste.

How to choose rice for pilaf?

You need long grain rice. It, as a rule, does not boil “into porridge”, does not stick together. Very often, cereals are recommended to be soaked for a short time in hot water. It is believed that this way it will turn out more crumbly. Based on this, you can successfully buy steamed rice and get a good result without soaking.

What is zirvak?

This is a part of pilaf without cereals. Those. ingredients such as meat, carrots, onions and everything else that is cooked in the first stage before rice is put in.

What dishes are suitable for cooking pilaf?

In everyday life at home, it is best to take thick-walled dishes: pans with a thick bottom, ceramic refractory pots for stewing, ducklings, etc. Something that takes a long time, but warms up well, but when warmed up, it keeps heat well.

What spices are needed?

On sale there are ready-made sets of spices for pilaf. Usually they include: cumin, barberry, hot pepper, turmeric (or saffron), dried onion and garlic. It is best to look at the seasonings on the market by weight, they will be fresher and more aromatic than those packaged in their original packaging.

Pilaf with pork in a pan - recipe with photo


  • pork shoulder - 400g;
  • rice - 350g;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • salt - to taste;
  • tomato paste - 1 tsp;
  • spices for pilaf;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.

How to cook pork pilaf

  1. Let's prepare the food first. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Carrots are usually cut into strips, but for simplicity and speed, we rub on a coarse grater. There should be a lot of carrots. We cut the onion finely.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan. Despite the fact that pork meat is fatty, oil will be required decently. Rice then absorbs it well, becomes oily, and pilaf is not greasy. Warm up well.
  4. We put the meat, mix so that all the pieces are covered with oil. Fry for 10-15 minutes until crispy, stirring occasionally.

  5. I put carrots and onions. We mix everything well. Cook for about 5 minutes so that the vegetables are also slightly browned.
  6. We pour spices. Their number depends on your preferences. Someone likes the fragrance to be very barely perceptible, someone likes it brightly expressed. The quantity also depends on the quality, fresh spices will need less. So look for yourself. I usually put in about 1 teaspoon.
  7. Salt and add tomato paste.

  8. Pour the rice in advance into a cup, one in which you can then pour water. Pour the rice on top of the zirvak in an even layer.
  9. And pour hot water from the kettle (boil it a little in advance). The amount of water is determined by the volume of rice. Let's say you had rice in a volume of 1 glass, which means there should be 2.5 times more water, i.e. 2.5 glasses.
  10. Cover the pan tightly with a lid. We reduce the fire to the lowest possible and leave to cook until all the water is absorbed and the rice becomes soft.
  11. When we see that there is no more water on the rice, we taste it. If it is soft, the pilaf is ready. But pay attention, the top layer of rice can be, as the Italians say about pasta, "al dente", i.e. a little hard, while inside it will be completely soft. If you notice that there is still liquid left in the pan, cover the lid and wait a little more.
  12. Usually the pilaf is not stirred, but I like to do this: when it is ready, I turn on the high heat and, with high heat, stir the contents of the pan for 1 minute.

Now that's all for sure! The dish is ready, you can call everyone to the table.

Recipe for pilaf with pork in a cauldron

The cauldron should ideally be cast iron, but it is very difficult to find one now. On sale are mainly aluminum with or without non-stick coating. In such dishes, it is good to cook pilaf on the stove or over the grill (with a special grate under the cauldron).

Composition of products:

  • pork ribs - 1.5 kg;
  • long grain rice - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 5 pcs;
  • carrots - 3pcs;
  • spices;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.

How to cook pilaf with pork

  1. My ribs, cut into separate pieces with a bone. If they are long, cut in half. If there is fat, do not trim it.
  2. We clean the onion, cut into half rings.
  3. Washed, peeled carrots cut into thin strips.
  4. We will cook without oil. Therefore, first we put two pieces of pork in a heated cauldron and wait for the fat to melt. Then we rotate them there to grease the walls of the cauldron with melted fat and put a few more ribs.

  5. Fry them on all sides.
  6. Put the onion, fry until translucent.
  7. Now you can put all the remaining meat.
  8. We add spices.
  9. We put the carrots and fry the whole zirvak well.

  10. Fill with hot water so that the gona covers all the pork with vegetables. We put a whole, not peeled head of garlic and chili pepper. Cover with a lid and cook for 1.5 hours.
  11. After this time, remove the garlic and pepper. Do not throw away the garlic, it is very tasty and then you can eat it with pilaf.
  12. Rinse the rice several times with running water until the water runs clear. We put it in a cauldron with a slotted spoon, level it, but in no case mix it with meat. If necessary, add a little water to cover the rice. Close the lid again and cook for 20 minutes.
  13. During this time, the rice will cook until half cooked. We rake it with a slotted spoon to the center to form a slide. You can return the pepper and garlic to the cauldron. We stop heating, cover the lid and keep the pilaf for about half an hour until the rice absorbs all the water and becomes soft.

That's all! Your pilaf in a cauldron is ready!

Pilaf with pork is an incredibly tasty and satisfying dish. Many housewives find pilaf difficult to cook and prefer not to cook it at all. But it's not! Pilaf is a quick and easy dish. Today, the site "Quick Recipes" offers recipes for pork pilaf cooked in a cauldron, slow cooker and in a pan.

Pilaf is a very common dish in Central Asia. The main ingredients for its preparation are, first of all, rice, lamb and the so-called zirvak - meat and onions with carrots overcooked in overheated fat.

However, depending on taste preferences, the composition of the components can be changed. For example, replace lamb with pork. As you know, this type of meat has a delicate texture and taste, and, therefore, pork pilaf turns out to be very rich, fragrant and unusually tasty.

Despite the huge variety of ingredients that can be added to pilaf (vegetables, various spices to improve the taste and golden color), the technology for its preparation is approximately the same and usually includes three stages:

  • heating oil or mixture of fats
  • cooking zirvak
  • adding rice, bringing the dish to readiness.

Products must be placed in overheated fat in a strict sequence: first meat, then onions, the final stage in the preparation of zirvak is carrots. Next, spices are added, the rice is laid in an even layer, without mixing with frying, and it is poured with water at the rate of 125-130 gr. water for 500 gr. rice. Rice should be filled about 1.5 cm, if it is too dry, you can add a little more water.

When the pilaf boils, it is not recommended to cover it with a lid. But as soon as the moisture has almost evaporated, the dish should be tightly closed, after having pierced it in several places, so that the rice will stick. Then carefully mix the rice with the bottom layer until smooth.

Pilaf with pork - a classic recipe


  • Pork - 1 kg (neck)
  • Rice - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Seasonings for pilaf - to taste
  • Salt - to taste


Cut the meat. Cut carrots into strips, onions into half rings. Heat vegetable oil to smoke. Holding the lid in your left hand, carefully place the meat in portions, each time closing yourself from splashes. Cover with a lid and simmer until the oil becomes clear. After - lay the vegetables. As soon as the vegetables simmer a little, add seasoning. Rinse rice in several waters. Add to vegetables with meat, without stirring. Pour boiling water 1.5 fingers above the rice. And turn on the biggest fire. As soon as all the water boils away and the rice is dry, put the whole garlic, peeled, inside. Put on the smallest fire, sometimes piercing with a wooden stick and adding a little water to the bottom so that the pilaf does not burn. Simmer for 30 minutes until rice is done.

How to cook pilaf in a pan


  • 550 ml of water;
  • 450 pork;
  • 4 pieces of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 8 barberry berries;
  • 280 g of rice;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 90 ml of oil.
  • Time is 1 hour and 35 minutes.


Wash the meat, clean it, then cut into bars. Take out the cast iron cookware, then place the meat in it, put it on the gas. Turn on a small fire, let the liquid evaporate from the product without oil. When the water leaves, pour in a little oil, then fry the pork until golden brown. After that, pour water, but so that the meat is not completely covered. Boil, close the lid for half an hour, sometimes looking. During this time, peel and rinse the carrots. Next, cut it into strips and set aside. Rinse rice until clear water. Finely chop the onion, wash it and peel it. When all the water boils away from the meat, pour in the remaining oil, add carrots, onions.

Simmer over low heat for five minutes, stirring occasionally. Add spices, rice, pour a little more than half a liter of water. Season the future dish, close for half an hour. Peel the garlic and arrange on the pilaf. Do the same with barberry. Cook for another ten minutes, then let the dish stand before serving.

Cooking delicious pilaf in a cauldron


  • Pork (pulp) - 500 g
  • Rice (round) - 400 g
  • Carrots (large) - 3 pcs.
  • Bulb onion (large) - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 5-10 tbsp. spoons
  • Black pepper, ground

Cooking method:

Wash pork, cut into small pieces. Wash rice, fill with water. We clean the onion, cut into half rings. We clean the carrots, cut into strips. In a cauldron, heat the vegetable oil, fry the onion. There should be enough oil so that the onion can fry freely. When the onion is fried until golden brown, add the meat, fry over high heat on all sides. Add carrots. We fry for another 10 minutes. Salt, pepper, pour boiling water to cover the top, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat under the lid. Spread the garlic cloves evenly over the meat. Drain the water from the rice and place it on top of the meat. We do not stir. Add enough boiling water to cover the rice. Simmer over low heat, covered, until the rice is tender (about an hour). If necessary, you can add a little boiling water.

Pilaf with pork in the oven


  • pork - 1 kilogram;
  • steamed rice - 500 grams;
  • water - 750 ml;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • salt to taste;
  • turmeric - 4 grams;
  • ground chili pepper - 2 grams;
  • cumin - 3 grams.


We wash the rice. We cut the pork into cubes of 2-3 cm. Cut the carrots and onions finely. Fry the meat until golden brown. We spread the vegetables to the meat and fry for 7-8 minutes. Add salt, turmeric, cumin and chili. We mix. We spread the meat with vegetables on a baking sheet or in a roaster. Pour the cereal on top, pour boiling water. Cover the baking sheet with foil (or a lid if you are using a roaster). We send it to the oven (190 degrees; 55 minutes).

How to cook pork pilaf in a slow cooker

Pilaf is loved for its rich rich taste and excellent aroma. Meat combined with friable rice and vegetables will be the highlight of any table.

Option No. 1


  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 400-500 g of pork;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 2 measuring cups of rice;
  • 4 measuring cups of water;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Food preparation:

Wash and cut the meat into cubes, wash and peel the vegetables. Finely chop carrots and onions. Rinse rice with clean water.

Cooking method:

Place the ingredients in a bowl in the following order: vegetable oil, pork, carrots, onions, rice, salt, spices. To fill with water. Cook in ~pilaf~ mode.

Option number 2

We suggest preparing a spicy version of this dish, which men will especially appreciate.


  • 350 ml water
  • 300 g pork (neck part)
  • 150 g onion
  • 150 g carrots
  • 150 g basmati rice
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 3 g anise
  • salt - to taste

For submission:

  • parsley (dill) - to taste

Cooking method:

Cut pork into medium pieces. Peel the onion then cut into slices. Peel carrots, then cut into cubes. Lightly beat off the chili with the back of a knife. Cut off the bottom of the head of garlic. Fry the pork in a bowl in oil for 1-2 minutes. Add onions and carrots and sauté 1-2 minutes. Salt. Add anise, chilli. Add pic. Pour in water, put a head of garlic on top, then cook for 9 minutes at a pressure of 30 kPa, either in the "Cereals" or "Rice" mode. Put pilaf on a plate, garnish with herbs, serve.

Option number 3


  • Pork (ham, shoulder, neck) 500 g
  • Bulb onion 250 g
  • Carrot 250 g
  • Spices for pilaf 2 g
  • Vegetable oil 200 g
  • garlic 100 g
  • Steamed rice 300 g
  • Water 500 ml
  • Coarse salt 20 g

Cooking method:

Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, put the pieces of pork and chopped vegetables. Close the lid, start the "Frying" program for 15 minutes. At the end of the program, open the lid, pour rice in an even layer, add spices, then pour everything with water. Close the lid, start the Pilaf program. At the end of the program, mix everything well.

Option number 4


  • 500 g pork;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 3 measuring cups of rice;
  • spices, salt, tomato paste to taste;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 6 measuring cups of water;
  • 3 medium carrots;
  • 2 small onions.

Food preparation:

Wash the meat and cut into cubes, rinse the rice and soak in water with spices and salt. Wash and clean vegetables. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion.

Cooking method:

Put the meat in a multicooker bowl greased with vegetable oil. Turn on the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes. Then add onions and carrots to the meat. At the end put garlic and a spoonful of tomato paste. Place prepared rice on top. Fill with boiling water and turn on the “Pilaf” mode.

Pilaf with pork is an independent and hearty dish that practically does not require additions. You can serve pilaf with fresh vegetable salad or pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Have you already tried to cook pork pilaf according to our recipes? Share in the comments!

Bon appetit!
