
Regular pudding. pudding ingredients

Initially, the pudding was known as the food of the shepherds - with the help of this hearty meal I could go all day without eating. It was prepared from the leftovers of lunch or dinner, various meat scraps. But a lot has changed since the 18th century, when pudding was introduced. IN cookbooks The English (and not only) have accumulated a considerable number of recipes for this dish. Of the savory ones, it is worth noting white, Yorkshire and black. The latter is made from bovine, calf or pig blood, fat and crackers and enclose it all in the long intestine. It looks very much like a sausage. White pudding differs from black pudding in that there is no blood among its ingredients.

But if meat puddings popular mainly in the UK, the sweet ones are loved all over the world. The most common of these is flaming Christmas pudding. This, by the way, was served at Christmas in the school cafeteria of Hogwarts, where the young wizard Harry Potter studied. Plum pudding, as it is also called, is made from dried fruits, nuts and beef fat, which is sometimes replaced with vegetable. The mixture is soaked in brandy or other alcohol, and when served ready meal they flambé it on the table, that is, set it on fire. It looks very impressive - a good idea for a holiday.

Sweet puddings include rice, plum, cottage cheese, chocolate, orange. A well-known italian dessert from cream - panna cotta - also belongs to this family. As a rule, sweet puddings involve the use of a water bath. And for lazy housewives dry mixes are available in stores. Chefs also call them “five-minute dessert”: the powder from the bag must be mixed with milk and sugar, brought to a boil, poured into a mold and allowed to harden. While the guests will eat the main course, the dessert will wait for its finest hour in the refrigerator.

For 6 persons: eggs - 2 pcs., sugar - 100 g, milk - 100 ml, butter - 120 g, lemon peel - 10 g, flour - 250 g, apples - 6 pcs., cherries - 100 g, plum jam - 70 g, cinnamon - 1 tsp, powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l., salt

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with sugar, milk, butter and zest. Add flour sifted with salt. Beat for 5 more minutes. Whip the egg whites, add to the dough. Cut apples into slices. Cover the bottom of the form with parchment, grease with oil and cover with a layer plum jam. Place apples, cherries on jam, sprinkle with cinnamon. Pour out the dough. Bake for 45-55 minutes at 180°C. Sprinkle the finished pudding with powder.

Calorie per serving 371 kcal

Cooking time from 80 minutes

6 points

For 4 persons: bread crumbs - 250 g, sugar - 200 g, flour - 1 tbsp. l., eggs - 3 pcs., dried fruits - 100 g, butter - 150 g, walnuts - 100 g, carrots - 1 pc., lemon peel - 30 g, apples - 1 pc., raisins - 500 g, cognac — 250 ml, vanillin, cardamom, salt

Grate apple and carrot. Grind nuts, zest, apple, carrots, dried fruits, raisins in a blender. Add sugar, salt, flour, eggs, loaf crumbs, butter (125 g), cognac, vanillin, cardamom. Mix the mass with your hands. Grease the form with oil and put the dough there. Tamp, cover with parchment and wrap with foil so that the flavors do not evaporate during cooking. Put the pudding on water bath and keep at least 4 hours. Monitor the water level in the pot. Remove the finished pudding. Before serving, it can be poured with cognac and immediately set on fire.

Calorie per serving 698 kcal

Cooking time from 280 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 10 points

For 6 persons: milk - 1 l, semolina - 200 g, eggs - 4 pcs., sugar - 150 g, butter - 50 g

Bring milk to a boil. Reduce the flame and, stirring, introduce semolina in a thin stream. Increase the heat again and, without stopping stirring, bring the mass to a boil. Reduce heat again and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from fire. Add sugar and butter. Separate the whites from the yolks. Put the yolks into the porridge and beat lightly. Cool down. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into pudding. Mix. Pour the resulting mixture into a greased form and bake for 25-30 minutes at 200 ° C. Cool and put on a dish upside down. Can be served with chocolate, jam or jam.

Calorie per serving 312 kcal

Cooking time from 70 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 6 persons: peaches - 6 pcs., butter - 125 g, sugar - 170 g, eggs - 2 pcs., flour - 120 g, baking powder - 2 tsp, cinnamon

Peaches cut, put in a saucepan, add water (4 tablespoons), sugar (3 tablespoons) and cinnamon. To put on medium fire and simmer until fruit is soft (10-15 minutes). For the dough, grind butter (110 g) with sugar until creamy, beat in eggs, add flour and baking powder. Mix until smooth. Grease the form with oil, put the peaches on the bottom, put the dough on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.

Calorie per serving 312 kcal

Cooking time from 90 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: milk - 500 ml, sugar - 100 g, round-grain rice - 100 g, vanilla sugar- 1 tsp, cherry jam, salt

In a bowl, mix milk, sugar, vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt. Put on high heat and bring to a boil. Then reduce the flame to a minimum, add unwashed rice and cook for 45 minutes. The rice should become soft and the liquid should be almost completely absorbed into it. Put the finished pudding in bowls, pour over with cherry jam, garnish with a berry. Such puddings can be served with any fruit, syrups and jams. Very good also rubbed with powdered sugar strawberry.

Calorie per serving 215 kcal

Cooking time from 120 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 5 persons: oranges - 1 pc., sugar - 90 g, kefir - 200 ml, cream - 200 ml, milk - 200 ml, gelatin in plates - 10 g, vanilla - pod, berries and jam - for decoration

Soak gelatin in cold water. Cut the vanilla and take out the seeds. Pour milk and cream into a saucepan, add sugar, vanilla bean and seeds and put on low heat. Cut the zest from half an orange with a knife and send it to the milk with cream. Grate the zest of the remaining part of the orange and pour into kefir. As soon as bubbles appear in milk and cream, add gelatin, remove from heat, remove zest and vanilla pod, mix. While whisking kefir, pour in the hot milk mixture. Pour the mixture into glasses and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Garnish with berries and jam.

Calorie per serving 239 kcal

Cooking time from 250 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 6 persons: flour - 300 g, milk - 500 ml, eggs - 4 pcs., butter - 100 g, salt

From flour, salt, milk and eggs, knead the dough, as for pancakes. Put one teaspoon of oil into muffin cups. Put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C and hold until the butter melts and begins to practically smoke. Take out. Pour the dough into the molds by about half the volume. Place in oven and bake until golden color(about 35 minutes). Remove the finished puddings from the mold and serve immediately. By the way, such puddings can be stuffed with any fillings.

Calorie per serving 336 kcal

Cooking time from 90 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 10 persons: pork blood - 1 l, pulp pork neck- 200 g, pork fat - 800 g, salted pork fat - 150 g, onion - 2 pcs., buckwheat - 200 g, cream - 200 ml, red wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l., pig intestines, cloves, paprika, salt, ground black pepper

Boil the neck for 1.5 hours. Strain the broth, chop the meat. Boil cereals in broth. pork fat, chop the onion and lard. Fry everything for about 20 minutes. Pour vinegar into the blood, mix, strain and combine with meat, buckwheat and spices. Pour in the cream. Salt the intestines and leave for 2 hours. Rinse, dry. Stuff the intestines with minced meat. Pierce with a needle and boil for 20-40 minutes.

Calorie per serving 656 kcal

Cooking time from 350 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 10 points

The word pudding comes to mind the most delicate pastries melting in the mouth. This is partly true. But how to cook pudding so that it becomes like this? This is traditional for the British - christmas dish- a dessert baked in a water bath. Sweeteners are required in its composition: sugar, honey, as well as milk, flour and vanillin. Initially, pudding was called porridge with meat and plum sauce. Added to the composition fat tail fat, and before serving, soaked with cognac or brandy and set on fire. And now varieties of meat puddings have been preserved in English cooking.

How to cook pudding: you can't do without milk ...


chicken eggs 3 pieces) Vanillin 1 gram Cottage cheese 1 package

  • Servings: 2
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

Cooking pudding

Dish features:

  • The main ingredient is not only flour, but also semolina, rice - dessert sometimes resembles porridge.
  • We cook pudding not only in a water bath, but also in a slow cooker, in an oven, microwave oven.
  • It is enough to use puddings in bags - you need to dilute according to the instructions with milk.

But the main difference is that the dish is eaten fresh, and does not ripen for several weeks, like the ancient Angles.

The recipe will benefit from the addition of dried fruits, bananas, berries. Kissels, custard or cream are served with the finished pudding, sour creams and sauces.

How to cook pudding at home: a curd story

A healthy and tender dessert turns out to be curd base. Lined with parchment or greased vegetable oil frying pan and put the dough in it. Before cooking, grind the cottage cheese - use a sieve or blender.

  1. Beat 3 eggs, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt to taste, send vanillin on the tip of a knife or a small bag to the mass vanilla sugar.
  2. Enter 3 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina - replace flour. Then it's the turn of the curd. Everything is mixed until smooth. Transfer the dough to the pan.
  3. Sent to the oven for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 160 - 180 degrees.

A dish is baked in a microwave oven for up to 10 minutes, iron containers, containers with gilded and metal ornaments are not used!

Meet Alice, this is pudding: how to cook it?

The classic recipe for an "angelic" dessert also does not require flour. But it looks like a cake. Need regular products, which are in almost every kitchen: 0.1 kg of rice; 400 ml of milk; a handful of raisins; zest from half a lemon; a couple of st. l. Sahara; 4 eggs and 2 tbsp. l. butter.

  1. Put a piece of butter on the bottom of a heated frying pan, put the washed under running water rice, pour hot boiled milk and send the zest there. Everything is languishing under a closed lid until the cereal is half cooked.
  2. The yolks are beaten separately with sugar, vanilla, salt, raisins are also mixed in. The mixture is combined with rice "porridge", set aside from the stove.
  3. Separately, beat the proteins until a thick fluffy "cap". All connect. Lay out in a baking dish.

Dessert is prepared for 40 - 50 minutes at a standard temperature - 160-180 gr. When posted on portion plates it is easy to see that on the cut this dessert resembles a biscuit, so you should not be afraid of falling off.

The main thing is that there is nothing easier than making pudding at home, even a teenager who is allowed to use the stove will master the recipe. And even if something doesn’t work out, sauce or fragrant brewed tea will always help fix everything. This is how the atmosphere of a home holiday is created.

A long time ago, pudding was a dish consisting of the remains of the most different dishes- lemon or orange peel, chicken, eggs, raisins, sugar, sausage trimmings and many other ingredients. But now the pudding is no longer the remains of food, but full meal, which is very fond of both children and adults, which, moreover, is prepared as easy as shelling pears. And in this article you can read the top most delicious recipes how to make pudding at home.

And before reading our selection, we recommend that you look at the photo pudding recipes that have already been published on our website:

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One of the simplest, but very tasty and fragrant desserts is an orange-curd pudding that requires very little time and effort to prepare. First of all, you need to break 3 eggs into a bowl, add 100 grams of sugar to them and beat it all for 5 minutes with a mixer. Then the pudding recipe requires taking 250 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, add to it, squeezed from half an orange, juice and finely chopped peel from a whole orange, and then mix well.

Now it remains only to mix the curd and egg mass, and then pour the resulting mixture onto a mold covered with parchment and oiled, which will need to be placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for half an hour. And in half an hour, the orange-curd pudding will be completely ready for use!

If previous recipe does not suit you, and you are looking for other options on how to make cottage cheese pudding, use the recipe for cottage cheese and semolina pudding, which conquers with its delicate taste. And the first thing you need to cook is ordinary semolina porridge in milk, for which you first need to put 0.5 liters of milk on the fire, and as soon as it boils, add 150 grams of semolina there, and cook the porridge, stirring constantly until cooked.

In the meantime semolina is preparing, take a pound of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, knead it, and immediately add a pinch of vanilla to it, 50 grams of raisins, finely chopped lemon peel and 4 egg yolks. The whole mixture is thoroughly mixed and combined with cooked semolina. After that, beat with 50 grams of sugar 4 egg whites until foam forms there, and combine them with the curd-semolina mass.

Now it remains only to put the mixture into a mold covered with parchment and brushed with oil, and send it to the oven preheated to 1800 C. Bake pudding until golden brown.

And you will surely like it.

Appetizing bread pudding

Thinking about what and how to cook pudding at home again, look around you in the kitchen and you will surely see a stale half-eaten bun or White bread, which has already become hard as a stone, but has not become moldy. Here it will be the basis for the preparation of the next delicious dessert.

First, prepare the ingredients for the pudding. To do this, break 250 grams of bread into small pieces, mix them in a bowl with finely chopped three apples, pears or apricots, removing the peel and seeds from them, and set aside.

Then we mix a glass of milk, half a glass of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and a teaspoon of vanilla in a small saucepan, and send the mixture to the fire. As soon as the milk boils, you need to remove the pan from the heat and wait a bit for it to cool. After that, add 4 eggs to it and mix thoroughly.

Now it remains only to put bread with fruits on a mold covered with parchment and pour them with milk and eggs. Then it is worth waiting for 10 minutes until the bread is saturated with milk, and send the form to the oven preheated to 1800 C for half an hour. You can serve the pudding with cream, jam, condensed milk, jam or honey at your discretion.

Very popular with families rice pudding, the preparation of which is similar to the preparation of pudding from bread. To make it, first pour half a liter of milk into the pan, then add finely chopped lemon peel, a glass of cream and half a glass of sugar. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, and then put the pan on medium heat. As soon as the liquid boils, remove the pan from the heat and add 50 grams of butter and finely chopped nutmeg to it.

Then we take 200 grams of rice, wash it thoroughly under running water and put it on a mold covered with parchment and greased with vegetable oil. After that, pour the rice with the liquid from the pan, and put the form in the oven preheated to 1800C for 20 minutes. Later given time we take out the mold, mix the almost ready pudding, and then send it back to the oven and bake until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Sweet tooth will surely love the easy to prepare chocolate pudding. To prepare it, the first step is to grate 100 grams of dark chocolate. Then you need to melt 2 tablespoons of butter and mix them with 100 grams of flour, and then add half a glass of cream there, mix everything again and pour the mixture into a saucepan. We put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and immediately add the grated chocolate, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Then we wait until it all boils again and set the pan aside.

While the mixture is cooling, separate the yolks from the whites of 4 eggs, then beat them separately and add to the pan, then mix again. Now it remains only to cover the baking dish with parchment, grease it with oil, pour the resulting mixture into it and send it to the oven preheated to 1800 C for 30 minutes. After the allotted time, we take out the mold from the oven, sprinkle the pudding with grated milk chocolate, cut it into portions and serve.

And be sure to try it, it turns out very tasty.

On holidays great success will use chocolate and vanilla pudding, which is not only very tasty, but also looks very impressive. True, in order to cook it correctly, you need to constantly look at the pudding recipe with a photo during cooking.

First of all, mix a glass of sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour and a glass of milk in a saucepan, and then put the resulting mixture on medium heat. We wait until the mixture boils, reduce the heat and continue to cook it until it thickens, not forgetting to stir from time to time so that nothing burns. In parallel with this, melt 1 tablespoon of butter, and as soon as the mixture thickens, remove the saucepan from the heat, add butter to it and mix.
After that, it will be necessary to divide the milk mixture in half, pouring half of the milk into another saucepan. Then add 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar to one saucepan, and 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the other, after which we put both mixtures on the fire and cook until they thicken even more, remembering to stir.

Now it remains only to chop with a knife 3-4 walnuts for the layer and you can proceed to the last step. To do this, take transparent cups and pour, alternating, mixtures from the first and second stewpan, between which we pour some nuts. Decorate the dessert with grated chocolate on top and send holiday pudding for children and adults in the refrigerator for half an hour, so that it finally thickens.

apple banana pudding

Very nutritious for children and adults will be apple-banana pudding, which is both tasty and rich in beneficial to the body vitamins and minerals. To prepare it, you need to grate on coarse grater peeled and seeds 2 sweet apples and 2 bananas, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to them, the same amount lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly. Then grind 1 cup of hercules in a coffee grinder and add it to the fruit, after which we mix everything again. Next, add 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 glass of milk to the fruits and hercules - and mix again.

Then we take another bowl, break 4 eggs into it, add a pinch of salt and half a glass of sugar to them, and beat it all until a white foam appears. As soon as the foam appears, pour egg mixture into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients and, again, mix thoroughly. Now it remains only to shift the mixture into the multicooker bowl, close it with a lid, set the “Frying” mode and bake the pudding in the multicooker for an hour. And after 60 minutes, the finished pudding can already be served with tea.

Chocolate pudding will appeal to gourmets who are tired of biscuit and sand cakes, custard and butter roses. The dessert, invented by the British, turns out to be airy, with a delicate and melting structure. For people who are intolerant to gluten, we have come up with an option without wheat flour. And working women and men who don’t have time to make cakes and cookies will love the recipe in the microwave.

Hello from England

Basis for traditional dessert brought from the UK will become cow's milk. For 6-7 servings you will need 1.5 liters of product. Part classic pudding includes other components:

  • white or Brown sugar- 250 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • corn or potato starch- 1 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • natural cocoa powder - 70 g.

The dessert is supplemented with a sweet sauce, for which you will need 10–20 g of crushed peanuts, a few pieces of dark chocolate, and vanillin. And some wheat flour to thicken the gravy. As well as a 100-gram piece of butter or margarine for a delicate taste.

Pour 1 liter of milk base into the pan. The workpiece is brought to a boil and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. So that dry foods do not stray into lumps, cocoa, sugar and starch are combined in a separate bowl. And then half a cup of warmed milk is poured into the components in a thin stream, stirring the mass with a whisk. When the products become homogeneous, they are sent to the pan with the base. Set the minimum temperature and simmer the pudding until the dessert becomes thick. The mass is stirred with a whisk so that it does not burn and does not curl.

The base is poured into pre-prepared forms. You can use ordinary cups or special silicone accessories. The bottom of the containers is recommended to be lubricated with butter or water to make it easier to get the pudding.

The dessert is cooled to 35-37 degrees and hidden in the refrigerator so that it completely freezes. In the meantime, the dish reaches the correct consistency, cook sweet sauce. Eggs are beaten in a bowl. When chicken ingredients turn into lush mass and increase in volume by 1.5–2 times, they are combined with 120–150 g of sugar and a pinch of vanillin. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, mix 500 ml of the remaining milk and 30–40 g of flour. All the lumps are broken with a whisk, and then the egg billet is poured into the future sauce. You can add 1-2 tbsp. l. cocoa to give the gravy a chocolatey tint.

The milkshake is heated, but it should not be brought to a boil. The maximum temperature is 80–85 degrees. When the mass becomes thick, it is removed from the stove and seasoned with butter. You will get a sauce that tastes like custard. It is cooled in the refrigerator separately from the pudding.

The preparation of the dish is started in 1.5–2 hours, when the base and gravy have hardened. First, dessert is taken out of the glass. If the pudding sticks to the dishes, the container is dipped for a minute in hot water. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the dish does not melt. The base is laid out on a plate, watered on top custard sprinkled with crushed peanuts. Can be garnished with chocolate chips, fresh or frozen berries, dried fruit pieces, or a sprig of mint.

Gluten Free Recipe

If one of the family members cannot tolerate dishes that contain Wheat flour or natural cow's milk, it is pampered with a special gluten-free pudding. You will need:

  • cocoa powder - half a cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 1.5 tsp;
  • starch - a third of a glass;
  • regular or cane sugar- 1.5-2 cups;
  • canned coconut milk- 1 l;
  • salt - 15 g.

This amount of products is enough for 6-8 servings. Cooking diet pudding practically indistinguishable from traditional recipe. Dry preparations are mixed in a saucepan, and then cold coconut milk is slowly poured into the components. Dessert is put on medium heat, brought to 90 degrees and immediately turn off the stove. The saucepan is left on the burner for 2-3 minutes. The mass must be stirred with a fork or a whisk so that it does not stick to the bottom of the container and does not burn.

Pour the gluten-free pudding into a clean bowl or cups. The cooled dessert is put in the refrigerator and wait until it becomes thick, like jelly. Before serving diet dish Sprinkle with a mixture of cocoa powder and powdered sugar. The sauce for such a pudding is not prepared, but you can decorate it with allowed products. For example, chocolate or coconut chips.

Exquisite option

Pudding with Mascarpone cheese and strawberries will surprise guests and will please even capricious gourmets who hate the classic English dessert. gourmet dish comprises:

  • pasteurized or natural milk - 700 ml;
  • cane or white sugar- half a glass;
  • cinnamon - 5 g;
  • semolina - half a cup;
  • bitter chocolate - 2 tiles;
  • almonds - 75 g;
  • fresh or frozen strawberries - 300–320 g;
  • Mascarpone cheese - 240–250 g;
  • rum - 1 glass.

Milk, brought to a boil, is poured into a saucepan with semolina in a thin stream. To prevent the pudding from burning, the dishes should have a thick bottom. The products are stirred with a whisk until smooth, and then seasoned with sugar and put the container on slow fire. After 15 minutes, pour into hot semolina chocolate chips. Remove the dessert from the stove when the bitter component has melted. Pour in rum mixed with cinnamon, cool to 50–60 degrees and combine with 120 g of Mascarpone cheese. Beat the ingredients with a blender or mixer to make the dish fluffy and airy. Carefully transfer the base to pre-prepared forms, cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Before serving, the almonds are roasted and peeled. cut into thin plates or crushed with a mortar. The remaining cheese is whipped until it increases in volume. You can fill it with powdered sugar. The pudding is taken out of the molds, decorated with strawberries cut into slices. Squeeze whipped cheese on top for dessert and sprinkle the dish almond crumb. It remains to put a sprig of mint on a plate, and homemade pudding will be no different from the restaurant option.


Spend 1.5 hours preparing some dessert? Why, if there is a fifteen-minute option for the lazy? Modified pudding contains:

  • margarine - 180-190 g;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa - 45 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - a quarter of a glass;
  • baking powder - at the tip of a knife.
You need to get the margarine in advance so that it melts when room temperature. soft ingredient ground with sugar and cocoa powder. Beat cold milk with eggs until smooth, pour in the oil base in a thin stream. The baking powder is poured into the flour, and then both ingredients are added in small portions to the margarine mass. The dough is beaten with a whisk, and it is even better to use a mixer that will turn the products into a fluffy and airy blank with a uniform consistency.

Chocolate pudding is divided into portions and spread in Silicone forms. The bottom of the containers is lubricated with water. Dessert is put in the microwave and the maximum temperature is chosen. It will take 6-7 minutes for the mass to bake well. The pudding is infused for 4-5 minutes, and then served with tea. You can decorate the dish with whipped cream, nut crumbs or coconut flakes.

Homemade pudding is much healthier and tastier than store-bought powdered puddings. Of course cooking English dessert takes a lot of time, but there are simple recipes for microwave oven. To make the dish dietary, it is enough to replace natural milk low fat, and instead of sugar, take stevia. And enjoy the air pudding, which does not harm the figure.

Video: chocolate pudding in 15 minutes

pudding is the most delicate dessert, which is a typical representative of English cuisine. He has a lot of advantages. Delicate, airy, amazingly tasty. At the same time, it is prepared from the most simple products literally within minutes. Today we will look at milk pudding recipes. Be sure to try one of them. It will become a favorite in your cookbook.

Little fussy

It's no secret that children rarely love healthy food. Sweets, chips and crackers are always welcome. But to drink milk before going to bed - this still needs to be persuaded. Do not need anymore. If you know the recipe for milk pudding, then you have already found an option on how to feed healthy dessert your baby. By the way, you can cook several servings at once, because dad will also not refuse such a treat.

Dish properties

Of course, this is a healthy and high-calorie dessert. Below we will look at milk pudding recipes, among which you are sure to find the one that you like the most. Calorie content per 100 g - 110 kcal. But try to resist and not eat a few of these servings. However, children, with their mobility, will only benefit.

  • Dessert is easily absorbed by the body and does not irritate the mucous membranes. It is useful for good blood circulation, bone repair and growth, and a fast metabolism.
  • It helps to keep the body in good shape, promotes tissue regeneration and stimulates appetite.
  • Of course, it is possible to say exactly about the properties of a dish only by analyzing a specific recipe. milk pudding can be done with chocolate, berries and fruits, condensed milk. All these components change the calorie content and vitamin and mineral composition.

main ingredient

Of course it's milk. Moreover, you can change the calorie content by adding butter or cream. In this case, the dessert will turn out even more tender. Egg, sugar and starch are also often used for cooking. Sometimes swollen gelatin is added to the mass. Puddings can be boiled or baked, cooked in a water bath. After that, the mass is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator for cooling.

Delicate milk pudding

A recipe with a photo makes it possible to evaluate the result in advance and decide for yourself whether to cook this dish. But since it is eaten very quickly, there is a reason to make several servings at once. Let's look at the cooking method:

  • Soak a teaspoon of gelatin in a quarter cup of water. Leave to swell.
  • Pour 400 ml of milk into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. Cook until sugar dissolves.
  • Beat the yolks of two eggs and add to 100 ml of milk. Pour the mass into a saucepan.
  • Keep on fire for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Pour the mass into molds and send to the refrigerator.
  • After hardening, it can be decorated with chocolate.

Vanilla cream pudding

Most people like the classic version, but some prefer a more delicate and creamy treat. In this case, consider the step-by-step recipe with a photo. Milk pudding is similar to ice cream. The difference is that cream and butter are used. Another highlight is the use of vanilla and cinnamon. Thanks to them, the dessert acquires a special flavor. Do not save on the quality of products, only in this way you can please your family with a tasty and healthy dish.

  • Take 250 g of milk and cream.
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and powdered sugar.
  • Yolks from three eggs.
  • Vanillin.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Butter. Approximately 30 y.

Pour half of the milk and yolks into a cup. Add powder, starch and spices. Mix thoroughly. Bring the rest of the milk and cream to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and combine both parts. Now put back on the fire and bring to a boil. Add butter. After a minute, pour the mass into molds and put in the refrigerator.

starch recipe

Milk pudding can be prepared with a little starch added. But if you like a dense dessert, then be sure to try this option. You will need half a liter of milk and a bag of pudding powder. It can be taken different, almond, vanilla, coconut. Dilute the contents of the sachet in a small amount milk.

Put the rest of the milk on the fire, add sugar, salt and butter. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Now pour into the starch diluted in water and boil again. Remove from heat again and boil again. But don't boil the pudding, otherwise it will become like rubber. Serve the pudding to the table by pouring chocolate or sprinkling with coconut.

pudding for tea

It is prepared very simply minimum set products. The result is a nice cake that is great for tea drinking. And it will look good not only as a dessert for afternoon tea, but also on festive table. Moreover, all the products for dessert are already in your refrigerator.

Consider the cooking method:

  • Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, add 3 teaspoons of tea leaves and bring to a boil. Now it needs to be filtered and cooled a little.
  • Beat one egg with three tablespoons of sugar and put in total weight. You can add some vanilla.
  • Pour the pudding into molds and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The temperature must be set to a small, 130 degrees. Ready dessert need to be poured into moulds. Before serving, you can decorate with a delicate cream.

Treats for children

If the holiday is approaching, then every mother wants to please the baby with something tasty. Why not make milk pudding for one year old baby. The recipe can be slightly modernized for your child, so that the result is healthy treat, taking it into account individual characteristics.
The pudding has a particularly delicate texture than regular porridge. Therefore, the baby rarely refuses such a treat. The kid will enjoy this dish with great pleasure. You can cook it on the basis of milk rice or semolina porridge. If she stayed after breakfast, then she would do just fine. The preparation is very simple. Add yolk and raisins to the porridge, mix well and add whipped protein. This mass must be placed in a baking dish and baked in the oven until golden brown.

Starch based baby pudding

Do not forget that when you cook for children, you must definitely carry out heat treatment products, so jelly options don't fit here. Try classic version milk pudding for a child of 1 year. The recipe consists of the simplest products.

  • Dissolve 15 g of starch and one yolk with sugar in 100 g of milk. Beat everything and add a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  • Separately, you need to bring 300 ml of milk to a boil and pour the prepared mass into it. At the end, add a little butter and whipped protein.
  • The pudding is baked in the oven for 5 minutes.

This dish will help diversify your table, and prepare a new and interesting dessert on hastily. Change the design, add berries and fruits - and get the perfect option every time.
