
What is useful bergamot for the body. Tea with bergamot: useful pleasure or harm to the body? What kind of tea can be brewed with bergamot

About bergamot (not a pear variety, but a plant from tropical countries) was recognized by many thanks to its unique refreshing aroma.

A hybrid obtained by crossing a citron (a close relative, but with low-juicy fruits is enough large sizes) and orange (in turn, a hybrid of pomelo and tangerine, small with a sour-bitter taste), was named bergamot after the city near which it was supposedly mass-cultivated - Italian Bergamo.

A distinctive feature of bergamot is the abundance of essential oil contained in all parts of the plant, and giving gourmets that very recognizable aroma.

The mentioned variety of pears "bergamot" has nothing to do with bergamot citrus, except for the pear-shaped form inherent in both types of plant fruits.

Like any other citrus, bergamot has a number of unique features beneficial to the body, which will be discussed later.

What is eaten with

This is not to say that bergamot is a favorite delicacy for many. The sour-bitter taste of its pulp, hidden under a thick layer, is already very specific. juicy peel, which, by the way, is very easy to separate.

Bergamot in pure form most often used for making jams or preserves, candied fruits, marmalade and other desserts that involve the use of a large amount of sugar that can compensate for the natural acid of the fruit.

They are prepared directly in the places of growth of this evergreen shrub. Fresh bergamot fruits are not exported for lack of demand for them, which cannot be said about the derivative of this amazing plant- essential oil.

It is to obtain this most valuable raw material that bergamot is mainly grown.

All parts of the bush are literally saturated with a rich aroma: flowers, bark, leaves. But the richest source of the odorous extract is the peel of the fruit.

From it, traditionally by hand, precious oil is pressed, which is an excellent raw material for the cosmetic, food, perfume, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The scope of extracts from bergamot is incredibly wide.

Perfumes, essences, medicines, cosmetics, food, etc.

The biochemical composition of both the citrus itself and its essential oil is highly active and can help solve a large number of various health problems, so the presence of bergamot ether in any product guarantees a healing effect.

After studying medicinal properties, bergamot became popular all over the world and the British played a significant role in this with their famous teas"Earl gray" and "Lady Grey", which are known to include dried bergamot peel slices.

A bit of history

The homeland of the hybrid plant is considered to be Asian territories, presumably China.

Tall shrub does not tolerate sudden changes temperature regime and feels good only where it is constantly warm and in abundance of moisture - these are ideally subtropics.

With success, the plant is cultivated in the Caucasus, India, Mediterranean countries. Italy is considered to be the recognized world leader in the cultivation of bergamot and the production of healing essential oil.

Until the 17th century, bergamot did not have the recognition it has today. The situation was corrected by perfumers who, based on pressed citrus oil, began to produce perfume water called "Royal".

So bergamot became the ancestor of the world's first colognes, and remains the same ingredient in many modern perfumes.

The healing properties of plant parts were also given great attention. Scientists and hobbyists for a long time carefully studied the effect of bergamot oils on the body and came to the conclusion that it is not only an excellent raw material for perfumes, but also an amazing medicine.

In this regard, bergamot became even more in demand and popular: it began to be widely used first in folk and then in traditional medicine.

Written evidence (old medical reference books) and ancient recipes have survived to this day. medicines from bergamot.

Chemical composition

Bergamot with a very low calorie content (only 35 kilocalories per 100 grams of pulp) has a rich and rich vitamin and mineral composition. His the nutritional value close to an orange: very little fat (0.2 g), a lot of water, fiber and carbohydrates.

However, despite the apparent diet, the use of bergamot in in kind almost impossible due to the low taste of the fruit.

In the human body the whole bouquet useful substances Bergamot comes mainly from the mentioned essential oil, but also from fresh or dried citrus peel.

Among the most valuable chemical compounds in bergamot are:

  • almost all B vitamins, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene;
  • a large number of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • in abundance of manganese, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, salts of copper, iron, zinc, potassium.

Bergamot oil is rich in methyl anthranilate, terpineol, limonene, caprylic acid, camphene, bergapten, citral, etc.

What is bergamot useful for, and where is it best to use it? It should be said right away that therapeutic effect has not only fresh fruit bergamot, but also, of course, its peel and essential oil.

1. One of the main and valuable properties bergamot is its antiseptic action. The oil perfectly heals and disinfects the wounds itself. varying degrees complexity, is used to treat absolutely all skin rashes and diseases.

2. Bergamot is famous for its hair-strengthening effect - oil, peel or pulp can be simply rubbed into the scalp. This will help prevent and stop hair loss, as well as relieve oily seborrhea.

3. For colds and viral diseases shows inhalations with bergamot oil, gargling and washing the sinuses.

4. Copes well with cough, dilutes sputum, promotes its withdrawal from the bronchi and lungs.

5. The plant has a pronounced antipyretic effect, is used for hyperthermia.

6. Bergamot is the best therapeutic and prophylactic agent for inflammatory processes in oral cavity. It disinfects, heals, aromatizes.

7. The plant is an aphrodisiac, equally intensely affects men and women, enhances libido, improves the quality of intimate relationships.

8. Increases lactation.

9.The aroma of bergamot acts as a tonic for the nervous system.- relieves depression and fears, nervousness, improves mood, improves perception of the world, memory and concentration, relieves the feeling of overwork. Recommended after intensive mental work.

10. Eliminates spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, improves peristalsis, promotes more proper and complete digestion.

11. It helps very well with vegetative-vascular dystonia, improves the condition of blood vessels, reduces the number of attacks, and ensures good health.

12. Relieves itching and redness from insect bites, burns.

13. Helps with herpes, eczema, psoriasis, skin ulcers, acne.

14. Cosmetologists actively use bergamot oil to combat excessive oily skin, enlarged pores, and sweating.

15. It has a pronounced antiviral effect, strengthens the body.

16. The oil is used for anti-cellulite massage, weight and figure correction procedures.

17. It is considered a proven antifungal agent for thrush and other diseases caused by various fungi.

18. Has an anthelmintic effect.

19. When regular use maintains cholesterol at an acceptable level and does not allow it to rise.
Bergamot is also known to relieve muscle pain and fatigue.

Bergamot - harm

In nature, plants that are practically harmless to the body are quite rare, and bergamot is one of them.

It has only a small part general contraindications- children under 6 years old, people with individual intolerance, allergy sufferers.

Overeating bergamot does not threaten anyone for the already mentioned reasons for the specific taste.

Therefore, pamper yourself more often with a wonderful gift of nature and human hands - bergamot essential oil - and be healthy.

For the first time, scientists-breeders bred the bergamot orange in Italy, crossing an orange with a lemon and thus obtaining a fruit with a delicate original aroma.

Many people love tea with bergamot, which is very popular in our time, but not everyone knows that bergamot is undersized. fruit tree from the citrus family. Every third person is sure that it is grass. This is due to the fact that the fruits of bergamot are almost never eaten, but are more used for flavoring and as flavor additive because they are very spicy have a bitter-sour taste.

The composition of vitamins, useful and medicinal properties

A person uses the entire plant in various industries: both the fruits, together with the zest, and the flowers and leaves.

These citrus fruits contain so much vitamins that its health benefits cannot be overestimated.

  • Like its ancestor - orange - bergamot is the strongest plant antibiotic, therefore it helps the body fight infectious diseases, strengthens the immune system.
  • Perfectly tones, improves brain activity, has positive impact on nervous system. Its systematic use will help overcome depression, relieve the effects of stress, relieve the feeling of fear and anxiety.
  • Recommended to lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Useful for strengthening blood vessels.
  • Eating bergamot has a positive effect on the digestive tract.
  • Effective in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system. Is auxiliary means to get rid of urethritis, cystitis and even thrush. However, for complex use with antibiotics, it is worth obtaining the permission of the attending physician.
  • For lactating women, the use of 2-3 slices of fruit in the diet helps to improve the quality of milk, increases lactation.
  • The fruit is known as an aphrodisiac: for men and women, it is a wonderful sexual stimulant.

Most of all in this citrus vitamin A (beta-carotene): almost 70mg V 100g fetus. It also contains a lot of B vitamins (B9 - about 17 mg, B4 - 8.4 mg, B3 - 0.5 mg, B5 - 0.2 mg, B1 - 0.1 mg), vitamin C - approximately 45 mg.

Bergamot is different high content minerals required human body. It contains a lot of potassium (as much as 156 mg per 100 g of fruit), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as copper, iron, zinc, manganese.


While it contains great amount nutrients, bergamot has low calorie(on 100g36kcal), so it can be safely introduced into the diet without fear of weight gain. Although it is unrealistic to eat a lot of bergamot because of its specific taste. But tea with bergamot will give a charge of vivacity, help to be in good shape, even on a diet.

Bergamot essential oil - uses and properties

by the most valuable product, produced from bergamot, is oil, which is obtained from peels, pulp, flowers and leaves.

  • In cosmetology, it is used to combat the tendency of hair to quickly grow oily. A few drops of essential oil should be applied to a non-wooden comb and long time comb your hair along the entire length. Also recommended are baths, wraps, the use of masks with bergamot extract.
  • Eliminating inflammatory processes and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, it helps to tidy up oily skin. Moreover, the peel is so rich in essential oils that you can even squeeze it yourself. right amount oils, while obtaining a fresh and high-quality product.
  • To relieve nervous tension, relaxation, it is enough to breathe in the aroma of bergamot. This can be done using incense stick or candles. You can also drink boiled water with a couple of drops of oil, but not more than three times a week.
  • Inhalations with bergamot oil contribute to the liberation respiratory tract during respiratory diseases. And if you add 2-3 drops of it to the glycerin-vaseline mixture, you get excellent tool for rubbing with bronchitis.
  • Based on this essential oil, solutions are prepared for washing in the treatment of fungal and inflammatory genitourinary diseases.
  • You can relieve skin irritation after insect bites and other dermatological problems with a drop of bergamot oil. The same remedy will quickly remove the foci of herpes.
  • In cooking, bergamot oil and extract are also used to give desserts, meat and fish dishes spicy sweet aroma. It is also added to alcoholic drinks.

Harm and contraindications

Doctors and cosmetologists are simply delighted with the effect that the use of bergamot fruits and oil gives, but there are also contraindications, especially they relate to the use of bergamot oils. Usage fruit oil in its purest form Absolutely forbidden, since it is fraught with the occurrence of burns. It should not be allowed to enter the mucous membrane of the eye.

WITH caution it should be treated by people with individual intolerance, prone to allergies, not used in childhood(up to 10-12 years), pregnant women, and also with hypertension and insomnia.

Do not rub yourself with bergamot oil before visiting solarium and during summer heat.

Excessive use of the product can also be harmful to health.

Tea with bergamot won our sympathy due to its fragrant aroma. How does bergamot affect health, what can be the benefits, and what is the harm of the product for human health?

Fragrant "Earl Gray" (other famous name Bergamot tea is usually made from Indian or Ceylon teas by adding bergamot peel oil to tea leaves. The fruit itself, a hybrid of citron and orange, belongs to the citrus family, resembles an orange in shape, and lime in color.

Bergamot gives the tea a unique delicate fragrance and pleasant aftertaste

By the way: Bergamot got its name in honor of the small Italian town of Bergamo, where it was cultivated for the production and subsequent sale of valuable essential oil.

There is a legend that in the 19th century, the English Earl Charles Gray received bergamot tea as a gift from a Chinese nobleman in gratitude for saving his son after a shipwreck. Gray liked the fragrant aroma so much that he contributed to the popularization of the aromatic drink in his homeland, in England.

Chemical composition

  • l-linalyl acetate - used in the beauty industry as an aromatic fragrance for soaps and perfume compositions;
  • linalool - has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • terpineol - has antimicrobial properties;
  • citral - antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent;
  • camphene is needed to make camphor.

The remaining components are mainly used in the production of cosmetics and perfumes.

What is the benefit of the product for men and women

Bergamot attracts not only with its pleasant aroma, it is also loved for its beneficial qualities in the fight against chronic diseases and colds. Tea with him:

  • Helps with diseases gastrointestinal tract, normalizes appetite, improves digestion, alleviates the condition in chronic diseases.

    From correct operation The gastrointestinal tract depends on the condition of the hair, skin of the face and nails. If you have hair loss, acne, or broken and exfoliating nails, this is a reason to see a doctor.

  • Reduces anxiety, helps with stress, invigorates and improves concentration.
  • Regular consumption of bergamot tea normalizes blood pressure.

    A decoction of bergamot tea can be widely used as cosmetic product. A strong infusion is applied to a sponge or cotton wool, and then to closed eyes. The compress must be kept for 15-20 minutes. Such a mask relieves swelling of the eyelids, allows the eyes to rest, pleasantly cools the skin.

It is also useful to use a decoction for make-up removal.

Contraindications and harm

  • There are no contraindications to the use of tea, there are allergic reactions to the essential oil of bergamot itself. People who are prone to allergies should not abuse flavored drinks, as this can cause nausea and even vomiting.
  • In general, bergamot tea can be brewed and taken throughout the day without harm to health, but you should stick to the recommendations recommended by doctors. daily allowance- no more than 4 cups of tea per day.
  • It is worth refraining from excessive use of Earl Gray for women with gynecological problems, overuse may negatively affect women's health: tea stimulates menstruation, in some cases causes uterine contractions.
  • You should not drink tea at night, as its invigorating effect can cause insomnia.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Like any tea, Earl Gray contains caffeine. Despite the fact that there is much less caffeine in tea, nevertheless, it is not recommended to abuse these drinks while in position. Drinking more than ten cups of bergamot tea a day, even ordinary black or green tea may cause unwanted side effects in pregnant women side effects such as heartburn, headache, cardiac arrhythmia, tremor. Normal during pregnancy daily caffeine- 150 mg. In order to avoid any consequences from the use of Earl Gray, it is enough not to exceed the norm of 2 cups per day for a pregnant woman.

During breastfeeding tea with bergamot is not only allowed, but indicated for use. It increases lactation, acts as an antidepressant, has a mild sedative effect. However, you should follow the baby's reaction to bergamot tea. If a child has an allergy after drinking a drink, a nursing mother should refuse it for a while.

Since, in rare cases, bergamot tea can cause uterine contractions, early dates ask permission from the doctor in charge of your pregnancy

Are children allowed

For a baby, well-established drinking regimen. Many parents counting tea harmless drink, boldly offer it to a child under the age of three. It must be understood that digestive system the baby and his body are still adapting to the environment and products. In no case should a baby be given water not only with tea with bergamot, but also with no other! Here are just some of the reasons why flavored drink contraindicated in small children:

  • possible allergic reactions;
  • excitability, hyperactivity;
  • poor sleep, insomnia.

Due to the tonic properties, the introduction of tea into the diet should be postponed at least until the child reaches 3 years of age. Supplements such as bergamot can be offered to a child when his body is fully adapted to ordinary food, and drinking tea will not adversely affect the nervous system of the baby.

Useful properties for weight loss

Good news for those who are forced to diet: bergamot tea helps to normalize metabolism and can even block the accumulation of fat in the body. Scientific research proven that bergamot tea contains polyphenolic compounds that improve performance internal organs and systems, split fat cells. Of course, you should not lose weight on one drink, but after a workout or exercise, a cup of Earl Gray will be very useful.

Don't forget about physical activity: by simply adding tea to daily diet, from extra pounds you won't get rid of

Could it be an allergy

An allergy can be to the essential oil of bergamot, which is part of the tea mixture. Allergy symptoms - skin rashes. A more serious symptom requiring urgent medical care- swelling of the nasopharynx, which entails difficulty breathing. If you are just starting to get acquainted with bergamot and are prone to allergies, then you should not be zealous, a couple of sips of tea are enough.

Tea with bergamot for chronic diseases

Moderate consumption of Earl Gray will not harm people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis. However, diabetics should carefully monitor their blood sugar if the tea is sweet. It is better to drink Earl Gray without sugar or with a natural sweetener, such as stevia. People with chronic kidney disease should also not abuse bergamot tea.

How to brew Earl Gray

The finished tea has a honey-amber hue and rich taste. The noble aroma of bergamot tea is completely incompatible with milk and any other additives that can interrupt it. Useful Instruction help you brew Earl Grey.

It will take teapot pre-dipped in boiling water. For 200 ml of water, 1 tsp is needed. tea leaves. So, for 3 cups of Earl Gray, you need 3 tsp. tea leaves and 600 ml hot boiled water(about 100 degrees). Tea needs a few minutes to infuse.

Do not use one tea leaves more than twice. Bergamot oil is washed out and, as a result, Earl Gray loses its taste qualities and color.

You can serve this tea with pastries or chocolate. Since bergamot is a citrus, it will be in perfect harmony with it during tea drinking. orange pies, lemon tarts, biscuits with filling.

Serving idea for home tea party

Tea with bergamot is not just an amazing taste and aroma, but an excellent tonic that will energize you in the morning and help you tune in to productive work. On cold evenings fragrant drink will warm and cheer up, and in the warm season will gather the whole family at the table or on the country veranda for a fun tea party. Thanks to useful properties bergamot improves health and increases the body's resistance - necessary measures for a comfortable life in a metropolis.

Do you like bergamot tea? Share your recipes, brewing tips and opinions.

Bergamot is a fruit with a very interesting and rich taste and unique aroma. Scientists have long established that this fruit is incredibly useful for the human body. Therefore, it is not surprising that bergamot is so popular today, but not in its natural form. As a rule, the fruit is added to tea, giving it an interesting and bright taste.

For many people this citrus fruit is a simple addition to tea. This fruit belongs to the category of citrus fruits, which were bred as a result of crossing a lemon with a bitter orange. In most cases, it is found in the form of an essential oil or as an additive in green tea. For the production of essential oil, not only fruits, but also leaves with flowers of the plant are passed through the press. But it is the peel of the fruit that brings the most great benefit.

In its pure form, the fruits are practically not found on sale, while the most popular is the essential oil that is found in tea, confectionery etc. Bergamot really has unique qualities- This is a powerful and completely natural antiseptic, which was used as an alternative to antibiotics during the treatment of pathologies that have an inflammatory or infectious nature.

This fruit is also widely used during the course of treatment for various diseases of a cold or viral nature. It is an effective and natural antipyretic and diaphoretic agent, which also has an expectorant effect. The fruit helps to strengthen the weakened immune system restores the protective functions of the body.

  • Under the condition of the systematic intake of tea with bergamot, the skin is cleansed of the problem of pigmentation and freckles, the elasticity of the epidermis increases. This type of tea is useful for owners oily skin, especially when there is a problem of enlarged pores - it is bergamot that helps to narrow the pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • The fruit also benefits the state of the nervous system - a light citrus smell perfectly invigorates, helps to relieve the feeling of severe fatigue, anxiety and anxiety, are minimized Negative consequences after the stress. The aroma of the fruit improves mood and well-being, helps to quickly get rid of a severe depressive state.
  • The valuable properties of this fruit also affect the psycho-emotional state. For example, the fruit enhances brain activity, gives a feeling of inspiration, helps to quickly tune in to work and focus on important issues.
  • Bergamot is one of the effective and safe fruits that help during the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The fruit contributes to the normalization of the state of the entire nervous system, and has a positive effect on the health of blood vessels.
  • This fruit has pronounced aphrodisiac qualities, thanks to which it helps to wake up faster and activates the strength and energy of the body. An unobtrusive and invigorating smell enhances the potency of the stronger sex, increases sexual desire.
  • Another valuable quality this fruit is his unique property speed up the healing process of scratches. That is why it is useful to use it during the therapy of various skin diseases– for example, allergic irritation, herpes, psoriasis, etc. It is recommended to apply bergamot oil after an insect vinegar or burn. This product is widely used in the field of cosmetology.

  • Bergamot is recommended for use in the problem of increased sweating and oily hair. In this case, while washing the strands, it is added to the water a small amount of oil, and the mixture is gently rubbed into the scalp. If you regularly carry out such a simple cosmetic procedure, the hair follicles are strengthened, the problem of dandruff is eliminated. To improve and accelerate hair growth, you can use other means of folk cosmetology.
  • Bergamot has a calming effect, relieves even severe spasms. If you make a simple massage of the abdomen using this oil, the process of digestion and the functioning of the intestines are getting better.
  • Experts advise women, during lactation, to inhale the invigorating smell of bergamot, which allows you to increase volume. breast milk and improve its quality. However, this remedy can only be used if the mother and child are not allergic to this fetus.
  • One of the most known properties tea with bergamot is that this delicious and flavored drink renders positive influence for the process of losing weight. Despite the fact that the substances that make up this fruit have practically no effect on the breakdown of fats, a gradual process of losing weight occurs. A similar effect is achieved only due to the fact that drinking hot drink the stomach fills with fluid and the feeling of hunger is dulled.

In order to lose weight, this tea is best consumed without the addition of sugar or honey. This drink has a mass useful qualities which helps to improve the body's resistance to stress. It is enough to drink just one cup of hot tea, which will help not only strengthen the weakened nervous system, but also get rid of the feeling of fatigue. Since this drink brings great benefits to the body, it is recommended to start the morning with it.

Harm and contraindications

Do not drink this citrus tea before bed if you have a problem with insomnia. If you have an allergic reaction to any citrus fruit, it is recommended to avoid the use of bergamot.

Bergamot perfectly complements the natural taste and aroma of tea. But, true pleasure from the drink can be obtained only if the process of its preparation is subject to certain rules and contraindications are observed.

Benefit and harm

The healing power of bergamot is revealed as follows:

  • Strengthening the immune forces of the body.
  • One of the properties of bergamot is a photosensitizing effect. This allows the plant to be used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of lotions and creams that promote rapid skin pigmentation.
  • Removal of inflammation on the skin, elimination of excess production of sebum.
  • Treatment of acne, irritation.

In shape, bergamot resembles a pear, even the name of the plant, according to one version, is due to its Turkish name"beyarmudu", which means "princely pear".

  • Decreased body temperature with colds.
  • Relief of the course of chronic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Does not allow the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Improvement of appetite and stabilization of digestion.
  • Regulation of low acidity.
  • Removal of fatigue.
  • Tonic properties.
  • Increasing concentration.
  • Mood improvement.
  • Low pressure equalization.
  • Aphrodisiac (increases libido).
  • Regulation of blood sugar levels.


A fragrant plant can cause some negative reactions from the body:

  • Prolonged exposure to very strong aromas (bergamot) can lead to weakness, pressure problems, and a feeling of lack of air. This is due individual features organism.
  • The active substances of bergamot are considered quite strong allergen. If a person is prone to developing such reactions, the drink can provoke the appearance of skin rashes, swelling of the nasopharynx.
  • Excessive consumption of tea can cause nausea and vomiting, which is due to the high content of thymol.


  • Women in position and children under 12 years old.
  • People suffering from sleep disorders.
  • taking antibiotics ( essential oils enhance their effect).

In the fruits of bergamot, it is the peel that is of particular value. It contains essential oils. The oil is also obtained from the leaves and flowers.


The drink can be consumed according to the following indications:

  • Lack of lactation (drink increases the production of breast milk).
  • Stressful situations, fatigue, physical overload.
  • Weak immunity. Period of spread of bacterial and viral infections
  • Runny nose, cough, cold, flu, sore throat (as an auxiliary healing drink).
  • Low pressure.
  • Indigestion, feeling of heaviness after eating, including cramps, abdominal pain, flatulence.
  • Urethritis.
  • Atherosclerosis.

Benefits of bergamot in tea How to collect it


  • This type of drink is usually referred to as herbal teas.
  • The therapeutic effect manifests itself in different ways.
  • The thymol contained in bergamot is a unique natural antiseptic, therefore it improves the condition of the gums and oral cavity.
  • Warm is good to drink after a hearty meal, which will help improve digestion or before starting a busy day.
  • The drink tones, improves brain activity, gives strength.
  • Freshly brewed tea, thanks to its amazing blend, immediately improves mood, helps to feel the rush vitality and thirst for activity. In addition, this tea is useful for diabetics.

How to harvest bergamot

  • Bergamot is a perennial, evergreen tree that ripens by the end of November or at the very beginning of December.
  • For harvesting, it is recommended to use the fruits, leaves, flowers of the plant and its peel.
  • Raw material is dried naturally and stored in tightly closed glass containers, away from pungent substances.

It is noteworthy that the classic variety of bergamot tea was obtained by Sir C. Gray, who served as British Home Secretary. One Chinese mandarin thanked him with a recipe for a successful political intrigue.

Bergamot Tea Recipes

The most useful and popular methods of making tea are presented below.

Refreshing summer drink


  • (large leaf) - 20 g.
  • Bergamot - 20 g.
  • Lemon - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 40 g.
  • Water - 1 l.

Tea preparation method:

  1. Hot porcelain teapot prepare green tea.
  2. In a separate pot hot water bergamot leaves are steamed.
  3. Green tea is mixed with bergamot infusion.
  4. When the product has cooled, it is filtered, poured into molds and frozen.
  5. Juice is squeezed out of lemons and mixed with sugar and the remaining water.
  6. The resulting ice must be crushed into crumbs and transferred to glasses containing lemon water.
  7. The drink is served chilled in the hot summer heat.

Bergamot peel is often used in aromatherapy to improve digestion and eliminate depressive states. The Italians make marmalade from the fruit, and in Greece they make sweet jam.

Tonic, immune-boosting drink during the cold season


  • large leaf - 2 tsp
  • Fresh or dried bergamot - ¼ cup

Cooking method:

  1. Black tea is placed in a preheated teapot and 2/3 of the volume is poured with boiling water.
  2. In a separate glass, the entire volume of bergamot is brewed and infused for 20 minutes.
  3. Herbal infusion pours over to black tea.
  4. Honey is added to a slightly cooled drink and it can be served at the table.

What teas can be brewed with bergamot

The most refined blend can be obtained by combining bergamot with large-leaf and medium-leaf varieties of black and green tea. Tea leaf should not contain additional additives and flavors. The most successful are the classic varieties:

  • "English". Large-leaf Indian and Ceylon tea. It has a pleasant tartness, which softens and complements the bergamot.

If you are pregnant, it is best to consult your doctor before use.

  • "Assam Himalaya". Indian loose leaf tea excellent quality. Red infusion has a tart-sweet taste.
  • "Balinese Tiger". Tea amber color large-leaved long leaf. Possesses fullness of taste and soft aroma.
  • "White-haired monkey". Light fragrance And delicate taste of this green tea takes on a special zest when combined with bergamot.
  • "Bi lochun". A drink with a pronounced aroma goes well with citrus fruits. This is one of the best varieties classic green loose leaf tea.

Types of bergamot teas and brands

If you need to get ready tea with bergamot, it is recommended to pay attention to the following samples:

  • Earl Grey. This is the main type of tea, with this herbal supplement. In the classical sense, this is black tea with oil obtained from the peel of the bergamot fruit. However, there are also green varieties.
  • "Gandpowder Bergamot". fine tea on every day. It has a refined simplicity and unobtrusiveness that true admirers of green tea can appreciate.
  • "Ti teng" green. A tonic drink that gives energy and a surge of strength. The aroma is delicate and light, the taste is classic.

Even such a ritual as a cup fragrant tea in the morning, can bring invaluable benefit if it is tea with bergamot.

The effect of bergamot, mint in tea:
