
The classic recipe for honey whipping from prostatitis step by step. Sbiten honey from prostatitis: composition and properties, therapeutic effect

There are many medicines for prostatitis. However, many drugs have a large number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, in some cases, the attending physician may prescribe the use of natural honey whipped against prostatitis.

But how to cook such a sbiten? How to take it? And what are the health benefits of this drink? Below we will consider these issues.

What is sbiten?

Sbiten is a Slavic drink; it is made on the basis of honey, water, herbs and natural spices. Sbiten was invented by our Slavic ancestors. The exact opening date of the recipe is unknown; for the first time this drink was mentioned in ancient Russian writings, which date back to 1128.

Why is this drink so called? Sbiten was named because of the method of preparation, in which honey and plants were first infused in different barrels along with spices, and then these tinctures were mixed (“churned”). Sbiten is a thick foamy liquid that includes many components.

Until the 13th century, this drink was made only from honey and water, but in the 13th century, various plants and spices began to be added to it. Our ancestors already then understood that sbiten is curative, since it can treat certain diseases (colds, inflammation, and so on).

Also, the recipe for sbitnya can be found in the book "Domostroy", where several recipes for honey sbitnya were presented. For a very long time, sbiten was a popular drink, but over time, its popularity began to decline, and after 1917 the infusion was completely forgotten. It was only in the 1990s that people began to cook sbiten again.

It is believed that this remedy has the following healing effects:

  • Improved well-being;
  • Strengthening the natural immune forces of the body;
  • Relief of symptoms of colds;
  • Elimination of inflammation;
  • Sbiten is also used as a prevention of diseases that are accompanied by inflammation of a particular organ.

Today, various herbs are added to sbiten - oregano, mint, chamomile, thyme, and so on. They can also add various berries and fruits - raspberries, strawberries, lemons, and so on.

It is believed that the substances contained in these herbs, berries and fruits have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Beneficial features

Sbiten with regular use has the following effects on the body:

  1. Eliminates inflammation;
  2. Relieves pain syndrome;
  3. Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system;
  4. Restores potency;
  5. Improves the functioning of the hormonal system;
  6. Normalizes the work of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract4
  7. Activates natural immunity.

honey whip recipe

The recipe for honey whipping is very simple, and even a person who does not have minimal culinary skills can cook it. There are several varieties of honey sbitnya:

  • Classic - it is made on the basis of water, honey and a small amount of spices;
  • Spicy - it is made on the basis of water and honey with the addition of a large number of various spices;
  • Apple - such sbiten is made on the basis of water, honey and spices with the addition of apple juice;
  • Mint - this sbiten is made on the basis of water, honey and mint;
  • Alcoholic - alcohol yeast is added to this sbiten, which ferments the drink, making it alcoholic.

It is very easy to make honey sbiten. To prepare this natural medicine, you do not need any special skills, and all components can be obtained at any major store. Certain difficulties may arise when buying herbs - it is advisable to buy them in a specialized pharmacy.

Many people prefer to buy healing from grandmothers in the market; someone can even harvest these herbs themselves. However, doctors do not recommend this. The fact is that to collect and dry herbs, you need to have certain knowledge and skills, and grandmothers often sell low-quality herbs.

You can make a classic honey sbiten like this:

  1. You will need honey (0.5 kg), some different spices (black pepper, cloves and cardamom - each spice 10 g), water (1.5 l) and herbs (mint, oregano, St. John's wort - each herb 50-80 G);
  2. Now you need to make 2 decoctions;
  3. Put all the honey and 0.75 liters of water into one deep saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil, mix it well, reduce the heat, boil the honey until it dissolves in water;
  4. Pour 0.75 liters of water into another pot, put it on the stove, bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and place the herbs. Herbs should simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to put spices in the decoction, mix the mixture well, after which you should turn off the decoction. After that, the broth should be infused for 20-30 minutes. Then you should strain the broth through cheesecloth;
  5. Then you should mix both broths, place the mixture on medium heat and slightly warm. Then the fire should be turned off, and the broth should be placed for 10-12 hours in a dry, cool place. Sbiten is ready.

Consider another recipe:

  • We take honey (100 g), dry yeast (1-2 tablespoons), water (4 liters), nutmeg (a quarter of a teaspoon), cinnamon (half a teaspoon) and mint;
  • All components must be placed in a deep saucepan and mix well. If the honey does not dissolve well, the mixture can be slightly warmed up;
  • Then you should place the sbiten for 12 hours in a dark place;
  • Then the medicine should be placed in a cold place for 1 day, and then filtered. Sbiten is ready.

The effectiveness of honey whipping

To achieve the maximum healing effect, it is necessary to start drinking this drink when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Sbiten for the treatment of prostatitis drink like this:

  • Classic honey sbiten should be consumed 100 ml 2 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is one and a half months;
  • Yeast-based honey sbiten should be consumed in half a glass 2 times a day (before going to bed and in the morning). The duration of the treatment course is one and a half to two months;
  • If you added apple juice to sbiten, then you need to drink such a drink 200 ml twice a day. The duration of the course is 1.5 months.

  • When boiled, beneficial substances gradually evaporate from sbitnya. Therefore, sbiten should not be boiled for too long. Of course, if you boil the medicine for a long time, then it will not become completely useless, but its effectiveness will be much lower;
  • Sbiten is an absolutely safe drug (except in cases of hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug);
  • It should also be remembered that sbiten can only weaken, but cannot cure the disease itself. Therefore, you should visit a doctor to prescribe you, and sbiten should be used as an adjuvant therapy.

The basis of honey whipping includes components according to a long-standing recipe, which is based on consecrated water.

In what cases is honey sbiten taken?

There are practically no contraindications that exclude allergic reactions to components.

The problem areas of a man’s body that require the use of honey whipping for treatment are as follows:

  • prostatitis in acute, subacute or chronic form;
  • deviations in the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • decreased male libido and erectile function;
  • prolonged neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • immune depletion.

The therapeutic effect of the use of sbitnya in the treatment of prostatitis develops in 3 stages:

  1. Relief of symptoms accompanying prostate pathology. The stage begins to appear within a day after using the folk remedy. Emptying the bladder becomes painless, pressing and burning sensations in the bladder area disappear, vigor returns.
  2. Elimination of the source of the pathology, relief of the inflammatory process in the prostate, return to the normal course of metabolic processes.
  3. Restoration of strength, return to an active lifestyle, including a normal sexual life.

Does sbiten really cure prostatitis?

Patients who have tried many medications and folk remedies believe that they managed to recover only with honey sbit.

During treatment with this remedy, it was noticed that human liver enzymes do not change the biochemical parameters of the blood, there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Its effect is not aggressive, it is characterized by a mild, but fast effect. It is important to observe only the correct preparation and use of a healing drink.

Cooking sbitnya at home

The name of the honey drink "sbiten" has been known for as long as the technology of its production. A sweet liquid dish was served as a dessert in the old days.

Despite the abundance of recipes for preparing a miraculous drink, the correct recipe is unlikely to be found on the World Wide Web, in cookery books and periodicals.

The reason is simple - real consecrated water, which has a unique chemical structure, does not flow from a faucet. After all, water is added to syrup in monasteries, where it is consecrated and "charged" with prayers.

The drink is obtained with a pleasant sweet taste, slightly viscous texture and very beneficial properties for human health.

It is strictly forbidden to add chemicals and drugs to the composition of the recipe. The ingredients for sbitnya are prepared in advance so that they are at hand when preparing a medicine drink.

According to the ancient recipe for a honey remedy for prostatitis, you will need:

  • bee honey produced only by insects at a certain time and in a certain place;
  • consecrated water, which differs from ordinary water in the presence of silver ions and the presence of a special structure;
  • ordinary sucrose, necessary for the patient as a support for strength and enhancing the taste of sweet properties;
  • medicinal herbs, which are collected by hand, are dried in a special way and mixed in strictly defined ratios;
  • spices, selected in a strict ratio and designed to enhance metabolic processes, thereby accelerating the regenerative properties of the glandular tissue of the prostate and facilitating recovery;
  • a vitamin set necessary for the normal functioning of the male genitourinary system (vitamins of group B, nicotinic and ascorbic acids);
  • a mineral complex consisting of compounds of iodine, fluorine, iron and other elements necessary for the normal course of the regeneration process.

Modern recipe for honey sbitnya

It is really possible to buy honey sbiten in the pharmaceutical network both offline and online.

A drink produced according to the classic recipe is best purchased at the monastery.

If all methods of acquisition are not available, you can cook sbiten yourself at home.

The effectiveness of the impact from this may be somewhat lower, but the competition of such a drink with medications in comparison with the monastic honey whip is not weakening.

It is advisable to remember that a drink prepared by yourself is different from that purchased at a pharmacy. It is important to note that there are several recipes for making a honey drink at home.

One of the recipes

Requires fermentation.

To do this, take 100 grams of May honey from wild herbs, dilute it with four liters of water and put it in a warm place for fermentation. To make the mixture ferment faster, add 2 large tablespoons of dry yeast to it.

A foamed mixture means an active fermentation process, so it is put to boil on a burner with a fire. The mixture must be prepared in an enamel pot or bucket.

The burner fire should be made weak. At the beginning of the boiling of the mixture, 0.5 liters of mash, 2 large spoons of apple cider vinegar, 50 grams of chopped nutmeg are added to it.

At the end of the boil, add 50 grams of infusion of cloves, St. John's wort, peppermint and cinnamon. Herbs enhance the soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of the drink.

The burner should be turned off, and the container with the hot drink should be left to cool in a dark place for 16 hours. After straining, the drink is placed in the refrigerator.

Reception of honey whip

Starting treatment for prostatitis, sbiten from the refrigerator is slightly heated to room temperature and consumed twice a day.

It is advisable to combine the receptions of the drink with the meal at breakfast and dinner. A spoonful of honey medicine is diluted in a glass of water. The course of treatment with a folk remedy is continued for 1.5 months.

Adhering to the indicated dosage is important due to allergic reactions to honey in many people.

Although honey sbiten has an advantage over other folk remedies and medications in the treatment of prostatitis, a doctor's consultation will be necessary.

This is due to the state of functioning of other physiological systems: cardiovascular, urinary, endocrine.

Even the rest of those who are healthy in relation to other organ systems cannot claim that honey sbiten, without the use of medications and physiotherapy, is a panacea for them.

Achieving a greater therapeutic effect

It is not always possible to achieve the expected therapeutic effect only when taking honey whipped. In practice, more often you have to deal with a drink that complements the treatment with medications.

For this reason, one should not abandon the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, even with the current or future intake of a honey drink.

First, they are antibacterial agents.

The source of the development of prostatitis is often pathogenic microorganisms.

But the use of antibiotics "idle" is unjustified, since the inflammatory process could result from congestion in the pelvic organs. In this case, antibiotics will harm the body.

If the bacterial nature of prostatitis is proven, it is advisable to use antibacterial agents of a number of fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Lomefloxacin, etc.).

Often, by selection, it is possible to defeat prostatitis with tetracycline agents (Doxycycline or Metacycline) or macrolides (Erythromycin or its analogues).

Secondly, α-blockers.

They are able to relieve pain, adjust the process of emptying the bladder to a normal rhythm.

Interacting with the muscle receptors of the prostate and bladder, α-blockers relax smooth muscle muscles and thereby relieve spasms.

From this group of drugs, the doctor may prescribe Amikacin or Prazonin, but the independent selection of these drugs is fraught with the health of a man.

Thirdly, hormonal drugs.

Treatment with steroid hormones brings a double benefit: the regeneration of prostate tissue and the improvement of erectile function. It is desirable to introduce hormones into the body by electrophoresis (glucocorticoids).

Fourth, the use of muscle relaxants.

It allows you to normalize blood flow in the pelvic organs, improve the outflow of secretions from the prostate gland (Milokalm, Baclofen and their analogues).

Fifth, inflammation in the prostate.

It means a decrease in the body's immune forces, which need to be corrected with the help of immunomodulators (Polyoxidonium).

Together with medications received by the body by oral, intramuscular, physiotherapeutic routes, there is another way - rectal, used for.


Sweet syrup not only treats prostatitis, but also helps other body systems to recover.

It should be used with caution by men suffering from diabetes and sensitive to the components of the drug.

To this end, the individual components of sbitnya have to be replaced with hypoallergenic ones or with fructose additives.

Where do you buy honey sbiten?

Sources of acquisition of folk remedies 2:

  1. Pharmacies in your city;
  2. Internet shops.

There are many offers, but finding a quality product is difficult. Therefore, do not forget about the possibility of cooking sbitny at home with the purchase of ingredients, although, as you noticed, this is not easy to do.

Real reviews

There were no negative reviews on the use of honey sbitnya.

Users with different stages of prostatitis respond to the help of the drug within 1-1.5 months.

Many notice how their sex life has returned to normal and do not want to part with this remedy, buying it in reserve.

Patients who respond positively to sbitna include both elderly patients (or their family members) and younger men.

Given the "rejuvenation" of prostatitis, some girls gave gifts to their young men. The embarrassment of patients with prostatitis was replaced by gratitude both in words and in deeds.

Honey sbitnya is at least 1000 years old. The first samovars in Rus' were designed to brew this drink. Our ancestors practiced its use for colds, gastrointestinal diseases, nervous diseases and, of course, for the treatment of prostatitis.

It was originally non-alcoholic. There was no single recipe for making honey sbitnya. But the effect of tincture on the body has always depended on the ingredients that make up the folk sbitnya.


Sbiten honey from prostatitis, composition:
  1. The main ingredient of honey whipping is bee honey, there is no doubt about its usefulness.
  2. Vitamins C, PP, B in the composition of the tincture normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system and the whole organism.
  3. Spices and spices affect metabolism, relieve inflammation and contribute to the treatment of prostatitis.
  4. Minerals. Men's health always requires zinc, which is complemented by fluorine, calcium, iodine, manganese, sulfur, copper and magnesium.
  5. Sugar.
  6. Water.
  7. plant extracts.

More about herbal extracts

  • Ivan-tea improves urination, reduces the number of urges to urinate;
  • The use of evasive peony extract effectively affects potency, has an analgesic and calming effect.
  • Peppermint, thanks to menthol and essential oils, provides antispasmodic and antiseptic effects.
  • Chamomile extract produces the same effect.
  • Burdock extract dissolves scars and foci of sclerosis in places where inflammation occurs.
  • Stinging nettle provides sperm motility, promotes the growth of their number, enhances sexual activity and sexual desire.
  • Plantain gives bactericidal and analgesic effect.

Sometimes alcohol is included in the folk sbitnya from prostatitis. Then the use should be carried out in moderate doses in order to exclude the appearance of an allergic reaction during the disease. If the patient has gastrointestinal diseases or dermatological problems, alcohol infusion for his body is not recommended for use.

Important! Alcoholic sbiten is prohibited for use by people involved in driving vehicles.

Treatment of prostatitis

This honey product has many advantages and practically no disadvantages. Among the advantages stand out:

  • Removal of pain and inflammation;
  • Strengthening the nervous system of the body, increasing stress resistance;
  • Normalization of the activity of the genitourinary system;
  • Elimination of stagnant processes in the prostate gland;
  • Restoration of erectile function;
  • Good preventive action.

In comparison with pharmacological preparations, the use of honey whip has the following advantages:

  1. Natural composition of the tincture, safe for health;
  2. Prolonged result;
  3. Convenience and ease of use;
  4. A positive effect not only on the organs of the genitourinary system, but also on the entire body.
  5. Patients with a disease such as diabetes can take tincture.
  6. The drink relieves stress and stimulates brain activity.

How can you make honey sbiten from prostatitis yourself? Read more:


Honey sbiten can be bought ready-made at a pharmacy or online store. In the latter case, it is recommended to be careful to avoid fakes. But it's best to cook it yourself.

There are several options for honey whipping from prostatitis and recipes for its preparation. The custard method, for example, involves the fermentation process:

Recipe one:

  • Prepare an enamel pot. Pour in 4 liters of water, add 100 g of honey, put on a slow fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.
  • Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting solution. You will need: mash, nutmeg, vinegar, yeast, as well as spices: ginger with cinnamon, cloves, St. John's wort, in addition, transverse mint and cardamom.
  • The resulting product must be infused. To do this, the infusion is placed for 12 hours in a dark place.
  • After that, the infusion is placed in the refrigerator for two days, then filtered and used.

If prostatitis in the human body does not give complications, you can use another recipe preparations from the same ingredients:

  • Prepare two enameled containers. Pour 800 ml of water into the first, 200 into the second.
  • All the spices are placed in the first vessel, after which the water is brought to a boil.
  • Honey is added to the second container, after which it is heated until foam appears.
  • Both solutions are infused for 2 hours, then mixed.
  • To improve the taste of the resulting tincture, you can add a little fruit juice to it.

Admission rules

Honey sbiten, regardless of whether it was bought ready-made or cooked with one's own hands in case of illness, is consumed in the same way. One tablespoon of tincture dissolves in a glass of boiled water. It is recommended to take it in the evening and in the morning on an empty stomach. Reception is allowed both chilled and hot.

Contraindications for use

Like any drug, the drink has its contraindications. It is prohibited:

  • In chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • With kidney and liver diseases;
  • It should be taken with great care in diabetes mellitus.

Attention! Active ingredients can act as allergens. Therefore, before using the product, consult a specialist.

The course of treatment and features of use

Usually the course of treatment is a month. Patients notice a positive effect after the first use, since the drink neutralizes the main symptoms of the disease.

Sbiten honey- a traditional Russian drink, prepared on the basis of honey and spices. In Rus', they drank it precisely in the cold season. It easily copes with colds and is considered a warming agent. It contains a lot of useful substances that improve well-being and mood.

Fragrant herbs (mint, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, currant, raspberry, strawberry leaf) can be added to this drink, part of the water can be replaced with fruit or berry juice.

Exotic lovers add a little bit of black pepper, ginger and even bay leaf! The addition of citrus fruits gives the drink a special charm: a lemon or an orange can be used together with a crust, but before that it must, of course, be thoroughly washed.

appeared in Rus' quite a long time ago, at least a thousand years ago. By the way, the first samovars were intended specifically for cooking sbitnya, only then they acquired their usual purpose. The composition of sbitnya includes honey as an obligatory component (for the curious in this article), various spices and herbs are added for a specific taste. There are both alcoholic sbitni recipes, when it is the result of yeast fermentation with the addition of hops, and non-alcoholic sbitni. Some 150 years ago, sbitenschiki walked around the markets and squares and sold this wonderful fragrant drink. And now you can join our national traditions.

Sbiten(zbiten) - an old East Slavic drink made from water, honey and spices, which often included medicinal herbal preparations. First mentioned in the Slavic chronicles in 1128.

Hot sbiten has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, so they drank it mainly in the winter.
Cold sbiten was no less popular drink when quenching thirst in a bathhouse or on a hot summer day.

There is an opinion that sbiten takes its name from the verb "churn" because it was prepared in two separate vessels. Honey was infused in one, and herbs in the other, and immediately before use, the contents of the vessels were mixed - “knocked down”, from where the name “sbiten” came from.

There are several recipes for making sbitnya, which differ slightly in the composition and technology of preparing the drink. The only constant and irreplaceable ingredient is honey.

Recipe for original Russian sbitnya


  • 1 kg white molasses
  • 200 g honey
  • 5 cloves
  • 2 g cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • 6-8 cardamom capsules
  • 3 star anise
  • 5-6 liters of boiling water


  • Dissolve molasses in boiling water (honey can be added later, in a chilled liquid up to 40 degrees - so it does not lose its beneficial qualities) and boil for 15 minutes.
  • Add all the spices and boil for another 10 minutes.
  • Then pour hot into mugs and drink like tea.

For our ancestors (Eastern Slavs), sbiten quite a long time and was instead of tea. When cheap Chinese tea poured into Russia, they forgot about sbitna, but in vain!

As mentioned earlier, this drink should not be confused with honey, drinks brewed from honey, water, spices and hops, and then infused, honey beer, in general. Sbiten itself is a non-alcoholic product, but if desired, dry red wine or vodka can be added to it. And it will turn out something similar to grog, but we are now talking about sbits.

Cooking sbitnya at home does not require any colossal knowledge in moonshine or winemaking. You only need to strictly follow the recipe (although you can experiment). In principle, all the ingredients are easy to get at any grocery store. Spices, if possible, take in the bazaar from people of eastern nationality - it is so more reliable. Spicy fees from packages do not go.

Sbiten spicy


  • 150 gr sugar
  • 150 g honey
  • 2 bay leaves
  • cloves, ginger and cinnamon to taste
  • 5 g cardamom
  • 1 liter of water


Sbiten drunk


  • 50 gr sugar
  • 100 gr honey
  • 0.3 g cinnamon
  • 0.2 g cloves
  • 0.2 g mint
  • 3 g hops
  • 0.5 l water


  • Dissolve sugar in boiling water, at the end of the process honey.
  • Add all spices and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  • Strain the resulting gelatinous drink through a sieve and serve hot to the table.

city ​​sbiten


  • 500 g honey
  • 700 g of white molasses (you can thick sugar syrup)
  • 500 g spices (mint, hops, cinnamon, cloves)
  • 6 liters of water


  • Put all the ingredients in boiling water and boil for 30 minutes.
  • Drink hot like good old tea.

Sbiten with wine


  • 150 g honey
  • 1 l dry red wine
  • 2-3 cloves
  • ground cinnamon and nutmeg to taste


  • Warm up the wine to 70-80 degrees.
  • Add honey and spices, heat a little, but do not bring to a boil.
  • Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain and serve hot.

Petrovsky sbiten (favorite drink of the Russian Tsar Peter I)


  • 1 l bread kvass
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 2-3 teaspoons grated horseradish


  • It is advisable to cook kvass on your own, you can even use concentrate, but not bought. (read how to cook homemade kvass in the article).
  • Mix kvass with honey and horseradish, and leave to infuse for a day.
  • Sbiten honey Petrovsky is drunk cold, with ice.

Winter is still long, so recipes for warming drinks will keep us warm. As for sbitnya, drink it when you are very cold or feel that you have caught a cold. You can also use medicinal herbs together with spices: St. John's wort, coltsfoot, etc. Just brew them separately, and only then mix with sbitnem prepared according to one of the above recipes. In summer, drinks can be safely cooled and consumed as a wonderful remedy for thirst.

Be healthy!

Inflammation of the prostate gland in men is quite common, and, according to urologists, the disease is gradually “getting younger”. Prostatitis affects men of young reproductive age, for whom the issue of maintaining normal sexual activity and the ability to conceive is quite acute. However, older men also need to treat inflammation without fail, because this organ plays a large hormonal role. At no age do you want to expose the body to excessive drug stress, so doctors are constantly looking for recipes for natural and safe remedies for the disease. One of these medicines is honey sbiten.

The healing properties of honey sbitn were known even to our distant ancestors.

Main Ingredients

The manufacturer indicates that sbiten, due to its balanced composition, helps to eliminate the main symptoms of prostatitis. The unique combination of ingredients, based on proven ancient Slavic recipes, not only treats inflammation, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Does sbiten have these properties? Let's figure it out by considering the recipe for manufacturing, or rather, the main ingredients:

  • It is natural to assume that bee honey will be included in honey sbiten. It is the base for other components. The healing properties of honey were known to our ancestors, so there is no doubt about the usefulness of the ingredient.
  • Vitamins of groups B, C, PP. The need for these vitamins for the normal functioning of both the genitourinary system and the body as a whole has long been proven.
  • Spices. The recipe for a quality drink, such as honey sbiten, necessarily includes a combination of spices and spices. Most people underestimate their influence, which is categorically wrong. The spices included in the honey drink recipe, even in microscopic quantities, have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, enhance regeneration in the foci of inflammation, thereby contributing to the extinction of prostatitis.
  • Minerals. In the first place, of course, is zinc, without which the functioning of the male reproductive system is impossible. Additionally, the recipe is enriched with iodine, fluorine, manganese, calcium, magnesium, copper, sulfur.
  • Extracts of useful plants. Let's take a look at their properties:
  1. Peony evasive. Such properties of peony as the ability to favorably influence libido and potency have been known for a long time. In addition, the plant has a proven analgesic and sedative effect, which is important for the treatment of prostatitis.
  2. Burdock. According to traditional medicine experts, the extract of the roots of a young plant, included in honey sbiten, promotes the resorption of scars and foci of sclerosis in areas of inflammation.
  3. Stinging nettle. It is not in vain that nettle is included in the recipe according to which honey sbiten is made. Its following properties are known: a positive effect on sperm motility and quantity, increased sexual desire and sexual activity.
  4. Plantain. The properties of the leaves of this unpretentious plant are known to all - these are bactericidal and analgesic effects. It is quite understandable why plantain is included in the recipe.
  5. Chamomile. Antispasmodic, analgesic, antiseptic - this is an incomplete list of properties of unpretentious chamomile.
  6. Mint. The correct concentration of mint in honey sbitna allows you to have antispasmodic, analgesic and antiseptic effects due to menthol and essential oils contained in this pleasantly smelling plant.
  7. Fireweed narrow-leaved or Ivan-tea. A unique storehouse of flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, carotenoids. All the beneficial properties of the plant will be difficult to list briefly. It is included in honey sbiten because of its ability to improve urination and reduce the number of urges to urinate, which is important for men with prostatitis.

  • Purified water.
  • Sugar.

The recipe for making honey sbitny has been tested over the years of use. There is no doubt about the usefulness and effectiveness of the main components, because their properties have long been studied and proven.

What to expect during use

Honey sbiten can be used for various diseases of the prostate. It is easier to list its useful properties, that is, what can be expected during use:

  • Elimination of pain syndrome.
  • Urination improvements: Decrease in the number of urges to urinate, increase in the amount of urine separated at a time.
  • Preventive effect: sbiten prevents the occurrence of exacerbations of prostatitis.
  • Positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Restoring erectile function, enhancing libido, improving the quality of sperm.
  • Elimination of congestion in the prostate.

Before using sbitnya, it is advisable to consult a doctor, although the remedy is not a synthetic medicine.

Of the known contraindications to the use of honey whipping from prostatitis, the following can be indicated:

  1. Intolerance to individual ingredients included in the product.
  2. Diabetes. Be careful: sugar is included in the honey whipped recipe!

Side effects from the use of honey sbiten have not been described, however, like any other natural drug, sbiten can cause an allergic reaction.

We cook ourselves

The preparation of concentrated honey sbiten, purchased from specialized sites, does not require much effort. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of the product to warm boiled water, mix and immediately take it inside. It is recommended to drink a drink 2 r / day, and the course of treatment for prostatitis will be about 4 weeks.

You can cook healthy honey sbiten in a modern kitchen with your own hands.

However, you can successfully make your own honey sbiten with some effort. Popular recipes are listed below.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase honey sbiten, then we will tell you how you can make a healthy drink from prostatitis at home.

  • Honey sbiten with lemon. According to reviews, in addition to a positive effect on the prostate, it has immunomodulatory properties. Recipe:

Bring the water to a boil, at the last moment add spices, honey, lemon (rub the zest and squeeze the juice). Close the pan tightly with a lid and wrap for 30-45 minutes. You can pour the drink into a thermos to keep it warm.

  • White whip. Recipe:

Add the remaining ingredients to boiling water and cook over low heat for 2-3 hours. Strain and refrigerate. Unlike other drinks, this recipe is served cold.

  • Recipe for Moscow honey sbitnya:

Honey and molasses must be added to water and boiled. Add spices and wait another 5 minutes. Turn off, insist 30 minutes. Reviews of experts say that it is better to reduce the amount of ingredients than to re-warm the drink. From this, he may lose some useful properties.


You can buy sbiten at specialized sites, exhibitions and honey festivals. The price of the product may fluctuate. We have analyzed the average prices and present the results to you.
