
Recipes with feijoa with lemon. Recipe with ginger

Feijoa with sugar

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Feijoa is sold only at the end of November. To use this useful fruit in winter, housewives prepare delicious preparations from it.

Feijoa mashed with sugar - recipe

It is also called "raw" jam without heat treatment. With such preparation, feijoa retains more vitamins and nutrients necessary for human health.

For its preparation choose only ripe fruit. They are washed, the pedicels are cut off. You can peel the skin, but you can leave it.

Feijoa will be more tender without skin, but with skin southern fruit save more vitamin C, pectin, antioxidants. Jam reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, oncology, and thyroid diseases.

You will need:

  • 1 kg. – fresh
  • 1 kg. - sugar

How to cook:

1. Feijoa is cut into slices and crushed in a meat grinder.

2. Get a homogeneous emerald mass, which is covered with the same amount of sugar and mixed well.

3. Leave in the room until the sugar is completely dissolved.

5. Stored in the refrigerator.

How to use:

For strengthening, children are given a dessert spoon 1 time per day. The use of such jam contributes to the development. For adults, the use of jam can be increased up to 3 times.

It should not be eaten with milk by pregnant and lactating women. Patients with diabetes and babies up to a year will have to refuse jam. This warning also applies to other feijoa blanks.

Calorie 100 gr. - 193 kcal

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe: Feijoa jam without cooking

Feijoa with honey

Feijoa with honey - recipes for the winter

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg. - fresh feijoa
  • 0.5 kg. —

How to cook:

1. To prepare the workpiece, wash southern fruit, cut the sepals and peel. Scroll the pulp in a meat grinder and mix in equal amount honey.

Feijoa with lemon and honey

Sweet mass can be given even to babies during epidemics of influenza and colds.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg. - fresh feijoa
  • 1 PC. – lemon
  • 100 gr. – honey

How to cook:

1. To prepare a sweet mass, you will have to wash half a kilogram of feijoa, remove the sepals and crumble with a blender.

2. Peel 1 lemon, chop with a knife into small pieces and add 100 gr. warmed honey.

3. Mix all ingredients and put in the refrigerator.

4. To reduce the risk of diseases, you need to eat a small spoon before meals up to 3 times daily.

Calorie 100 gr. - 200 kcal

Bon appetit!

Feijoa with nuts and honey

Feijoa with nuts and honey

The use of this sweet 1 small spoon three times daily will save you from viral and colds.

How to cook:

1. To strengthen immunity, you will need to mix half a glass of crushed and heated honey.

2. In the resulting mass, add half a kilogram of southern fruit chopped in a meat grinder.

3. The mixture is placed in a container, tightly corked and put in the refrigerator.

4. Honey can be used linden, flower, buckwheat.

5. Sweet mass can be added to tea or spread on a bun.

Calorie 100 gr. - 195 kcal

Enjoy your meal!

Feijoa compote and citric acid

Feijoa and citric acid compote recipe for the winter

Due to its wonderful taste, housewives often use feijoa to make compote.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg. - fresh feijoa
  • 200 gr. - sugar
  • a pinch of citric acid

How to cook:

1. It is necessary to wash half a kilogram of feijoa, cut off the sepals and pour the fruits into a sterile glass container for 1/3 of the volume.

2. Pour 2 liters of boiling water into a jar and leave to cool for about 1 hour.

4. The syrup is poured into jars and sealed with lids. Glass containers are overturned and left for a day, warming them with a blanket or a wide towel.

Calorie 100 gr. - 48 kcal

Enjoy your meal!

Feijoa with lemon, ginger and honey

You will need:

  • 0.6 kg. - fresh feijoa
  • 1 PC. – lemon
  • 500 gr. —
  • 3 pinches - ground

How to cook:

1. To prepare a health cocktail, you will have to wash 600 gr. feijoa, cut the sepals from both tips, crumble in a blender.

2. Remove the rind and seeds from the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Chop up the zest.

3. Mix the pulp of lemon and feijoa, 3 pinches of ginger and lemon juice until a homogeneous mixture.

4. Add 500 gr. honey and mix all the ingredients again.

5. The sweet mass is laid out in containers and corked with sterile lids, then put in the refrigerator. Instead of honey, you can use sugar, but the quality will be worse.

Enjoy your meal!

Feijoa jam with pears

Feijoa Pear Jam Recipe

You will need:

  • 1 kg. - fresh feijoa
  • 2 pcs. - large
  • 200 gr. - sugar
  • 250 ml. - white wine

How to cook:

1. You will have to wash 1 kg of feijoa and a couple of pears.

2. Cut the core from the southern fruits and chop into small pieces.

3. Put pieces of both crushed fruits into a container, pour a glass of sugar and pour 250 ml of white wine.

4. Put the composition on the stove, when the wine boils, the container is removed from the stove and cooled.

6. The mixture is poured into sterilized jars, corked with lids and placed upside down until cool.

Calorie 100 gr. - 205 kcal

Enjoy your meal!

Feijoa, kiwi and lemon jam

You will need:

  • 1 kg. - fresh feijoa
  • 0.5 kg. —
  • 1 PC. – lemon
  • 0.5 kg. - sugar
  • lemon acid

How to cook:

1. Wash 1 kg of feijoa and 0.5 kg. kiwi, peel both fruits from the sepals.

2. Dip the lemon in boiling water for a couple of seconds and dry.

4. The composition is poured with half a liter of water and boiled at medium temperature until the mass thickens.

5. Grind the lemon (you can use a meat grinder, you can cut small pieces) and add it to the container with the mixture.

7. Then lay out in sterile jars and cork with sterile lids.

Calorie 100 gr. - 206 kcal

Enjoy your meal!

Feijoa compote recipe with pomegranate seeds

You will need:

  • 1 kg. - fresh feijoa
  • 1 PC. - big
  • 15 gr. - tea rose petals
  • 0.5 kg. - sugar
  • 3 liters - water

How to cook:

1. From 1 kg. cut off the ends of the feijoa and chop into pieces.

2. Take a glass of seeds from the pomegranate.

3. Pour pieces of feijoa, pomegranate seeds, 15 gr. into a glass container. dried tea rose petals, and pour 3 liters of boiling water.

4. After 15 minutes, the water is poured into the pan, boiled and poured into the container again. The boiling process is repeated one more time.

6. sweet syrup poured into jars and sealed with sterile lids. Jars are put upside down and left until the morning.

Calorie 100 gr. - 33 kcal

Enjoy your meal!

2. You can add 100 gr. chopped strawberries or cranberries. Anything, it's to your taste.

3. Ingredients fill the container and pour 100 gr. sugar or honey.

5. The container is placed for half a month in the dark, shaking every day.

7. If you need to make the tincture sweeter or less strong, you should add sugar or water.

8. After adding the tincture, you still need to withstand 3 days.

9. If a precipitate forms, then the tincture should be filtered again.

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe: Feijoa jam and jam - Georgian recipes

In contact with

Honey mixed with this exotic berry (and feijoa is a berry) will be very useful for those who live in regions where there are certain problems with iodine content. And, such, in our country, of course, there are. The effectiveness of this simple mixture is very high, and this is confirmed by studies carried out in this direction. Feijoa with honey is very useful for ours, and besides it, these components will benefit cardiovascular system. Heals this mixture and some diseases, for example, it also helps with angina, solves problems with nervous system(with its increased excitability), but also contributes to the prevention of all these diseases. So this mixture is extremely useful for our body, especially in terms of providing it with iodine.

Feijoa with honey How to prepare this simple remedy, and how to take it?

What is the danger of a shortage of such important component like iodine? Lack of iodine has a very serious effect on our entire body, from the condition of the nails to the hair. And, it really is. If there is not enough iodine in children, then their growth rate slows down, and besides this, the development of the intellect suffers greatly.

When feijoa and honey are mixed, a very useful home remedy is formed, which can significantly help our body and give it required amount iodine. This beneficial substance in feijoa arrives in a fairly easily digestible form for our body. But, iodine, this is not the only trace element that is rich in this exotic berry. It contains many vitamins, various groups (primarily C, B, P), pectin, tannins and others, whose value is also very high. And, there is no less vitamin C in feijoa, if we compare it in this respect with the more familiar to us,

How to cook?

In addition to the above components, you will not need anything else. You need to mix feijoa and honey 1: 1. But, first, the berries are scrolled through a meat grinder, and already in this form honey is added to them and mixed. For storage of this mixture, ordinary glass jar, where it will need to be shifted, after which, place it in the refrigerator.

How to use?

The procedure of admission is also very simple, like the composition itself. It is very easy to remember it - for a day, a teaspoon of this remedy should be taken 3 times.

As you can see, the most difficult thing here is to buy feijoa berries, and mixing them and remembering the frequency of reception is very simple. Ah, about beneficial features feijoa, you will be told in this video. In addition, it will show you how to prepare an infusion from this berry (they will also tell you how to drink it), which will also be very useful.

Feijoa is an exotic evergreen plant related to myrtle and gives rather unsightly, but very useful fruits ripening in late autumn. It is found mainly in the subtropics, but in Lately cultivated in regions with a temperate climate.

Feijoa berries, even when ripe, are bright green, which is why many seem unattractive. They taste like a mixture of kiwi, strawberry and pineapple. In size, as a rule, do not exceed 5 cm, slightly oblong. The main secret of the popularity of this berry is in its benefits. Indeed, feijoa contains a phenomenal amount of iodine and vitamin C, there are other substances necessary for life.

As a rule, they try to use it in fresh or are they preparing vitamin cocktail, adding at least healthy ingredients taste. In many countries where this berry grows, a wide variety of feijoa dishes are prepared. These are salads, and jams, and other desserts, berries are added to meat dishes, liqueurs are made from it. IN northern latitudes, where its cost does not allow it to be purchased in large quantities, as a rule, do vitamin mixtures feijoa with honey and lemon or other ingredients. It turns out something like jam, but without heat treatment, thanks to which everything useful elements stored for the longest time possible.

Feijoa recipe with honey

This mixture is recommended to be consumed daily to maintain immunity throughout the cold season. Just a teaspoon a day is enough to strengthen the body and prepare it for the fight against winter viruses. Feijoa recipe with honey is useful for those who are used to treating a cold folk methods and tries to avoid the use of medication whenever possible.

This mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and it is better not for a very long time (in a tightly closed container it is possible for several months). For a kilogram of feijoa, you will need 400 g of honey. You can also use sugar, but then the benefits will be less. Feijoas need to be washed, dried and the tails removed. Then the berries are passed through a meat grinder, combined with liquid honey, mixed and placed in a clean, dry jar. If desired, add a little crushed nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts).

Feijoa recipe with honey and lemon

Vitamin mixture from previous recipe can be made even more fragrant and healthier. To do this, you need 1 large lemon (per pound of feijoa). Honey is added to taste, but, as a rule, it takes about 200 grams. By the way, there will be walnuts(about a glass). First you need to wash the feijoa, cut off the tops from them and remove the tails, divide into several parts. With a lemon, they do the same, removing from it, if possible, all the bones. Then the fruit is crushed in a blender. The nuts are crushed separately, mixed with honey. Then everything is combined and mixed well. There is another recipe for feijoa with honey and lemon, in which the ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. In this case, the mass is less homogeneous, so that the method of grinding can be chosen as desired. The mixture should be stored in a clean, sealed container in a cool place.

feijoa cocktail

Another simple but original recipe using this tropical berry also helps to replenish the supply of vitamins. However, the dish is not stored for a long time, so it is not worth cooking for the future. For 10 feijoa berries you will need about 150 g of creamy ice cream, a spoonful of honey, the same amount lemon juice, some mint and a glass of natural yogurt.

The washed fruits are crushed in a blender until smooth, add lemon juice, the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Serve immediately after cooking, garnished with mint.

We are accustomed to treating diseases, not preventing their occurrence. For most of us, it is much easier to take a “miracle pill” than to take care of strengthening our immunity. But in nature there is great amount useful plants and herbs that are real healers. Today we want to talk about one such natural miracle - feijoa. An unsightly fruit is fraught with an inexhaustible source of vitamins and minerals. The hard green peel protects the juicy, tender, amazing delicious pulp. The main value of feijoa is the content of a large amount of iodine. Therefore, this berry is simply the perfect treat for people with thyroid disease. Feijoa is also used as a prophylactic and remedy with sore throats, colds, diseases gastrointestinal tract. And in terms of vitamin C content, this berry is not inferior to lemon and other citrus fruits.

The most useful part fruit - peel. It is not very pleasant in taste and due to the large amount of tannins, it leaves an astringent sensation on the tongue. Therefore, most often whole fruit feijoa succumb additional processing: cook compote or jam, grind with sugar or honey. Today we will share with you the recipes for a unique feijoa and honey dessert medicine. This delicacy will be very popular with children who are so difficult to get to eat something healthy.

The combination of honey, feijoa and lemon is a real vitamin bomb. A delicious and indispensable remedy during the autumn-winter colds.

Required Ingredients:

  • feijoa - 0.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • honey - 100 gr

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare feijoa fruits: wash thoroughly, dry on a napkin, cut dried flowers.
  2. Cut the fruit in half and chop in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Peel the lemon, grind the pulp to a mushy state.
  4. Mix feijoa puree and lemon, add honey.

Useful medicine - ready! For the prevention of seasonal colds, you need to take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.

This wonderful recipe walnuts are additionally included - a valuable source of vitamins A, B, E, F. Feijoa with honey and nuts is useful for atherosclerosis, gastritis, enteritis. A daily dose of 3 teaspoons can strengthen the immune system and alleviate the course of chronic diseases.

Required Ingredients:

  • feijoa - 750 gr
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • honey - 450 gr
  • walnuts or hazelnuts - 150 gr
  • dried apricots - 50 gr

Cooking method:

  1. Grind well-washed feijoa fruits and lemon in a blender along with the peel.
  2. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown, and grind with a rolling pin.
  3. Pour boiling water over dried apricots for 2-3 minutes, drain the water and chop finely.
  4. Combine feijoa and lemon puree with honey, dried apricots, nuts. Mix thoroughly. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Morning exercises a set of exercises video How to make kvass at home, how to make sourdough for kvass.

Feijoa - amazing berry, rich in vitamins and minerals, it contains enough a large number of iodine. The taste of feijoa pulp resembles strawberries and pineapple at the same time, and the aroma of fruits is also pleasant. Let's cook for the winter very tasty and useful blank - mashed feijoa with honey. This wonderful mixture will help boost immunity, cope with colds and a number of diseases caused by a lack of iodine in the body. Be sure to cook this healthy and very tasty preparation!


In order to prepare mashed feijoa with honey, you will need:
feijoa - 250 g;
honey - 200-250 g.

From this amount of ingredients, about 500 ml of the workpiece is obtained.

Cooking steps

Prepare food.

Cut each fruit into two halves. In the process of cooking, it should be borne in mind that feijoa, like an apple, quickly darkens, so everything must be done quickly enough. Grind the berries with a blender or meat grinder. Add honey to the resulting mixture (you can use any honey of your choice).

Mix thoroughly, the mass should become homogeneous.

The mixture of feijoa and honey will not be very thick, but it will thicken slightly in the refrigerator.

Place tasty and useful mixture in a dry clean jar, close the lid.

Pureed feijoa goes well with honey, take this delicacy 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon. You can store such a blank in the refrigerator for about 6 months.
