
What to do so as not to get drunk quickly. What to drink so as not to get drunk: folk methods, medicines and feast rules

hardly anyone will refuse. And you have to keep yourself in shape. Therefore, simple tips will tell you how not to get drunk after the first glass.

Tip 1. Before the table.
For a stormy feast, you need to significantly prepare. Unpretentious ways will help in this.

Before the start of the holiday, do not deny yourself ... water! Drink plenty and often.

It will not be superfluous to eat. And the richer, the better. Food should be complete - a snack is not enough here. You can view a map of catering outlets in the city in our catalog.

A few hours, about 2-3 before the feast, a little alcohol will not hurt - so that the body gets used to it.

Before you start drinking alcohol, it will not be superfluous to swallow a small piece of butter or lard, a raw egg, a little fatty cheese. If you do not eat all this, limit yourself to oatmeal. "Why is it there?" - you ask. We answer: these products instantly envelop the walls of the stomach, and this slows down the rate of absorption of the drink with a degree. But do not forget: the proportion of alcohol still penetrates into the blood.

Take a few tablets of activated charcoal. About an hour before the meal. For greater confidence and effective results in the evening, the procedure can be repeated. Ideally, 1-2 tablets every two to three hours.

Tip 2. Table.
When you finally sit down at the table with treats, first of all send fatty foods to the stomach and only then lean on alcohol. Don't forget to have a snack after every drink or glass you drink.

Tip 3. Table.
Drink little and as little as possible. If possible, skip.

Tip 4. Emergency measures.
During the feast, did you feel uneasy from alcohol? Ask your hosts to get freshly squeezed lemon juice for you, or just eat some lemon.

Tip 5: Be consistent.
Drink one drink throughout the evening. Mixing everything that is on the table, as you know, leads to global intoxication. Suitable and .

Tip 6. No - soda!
Try not to drink a drink with carbonated drinks. Their bubbles accelerate the absorption of alcohol into the blood. And if it is difficult to refuse champagne - you really like it - use the trick: to eliminate the bubbles, throw a small piece of chocolate into the glass - this delicacy fights the bubbles.

Tip 7. Eat more lemons, oranges or strawberries - whatever you find on the table. These fruits contain B vitamins, namely B1 and B6, which slow down intoxication.

Tip 8. No smoking!
Try not to smoke. The advice, of course, is difficult to implement, after a glass of alcohol, even non-smokers often pick up cigarettes. At the very least, smoke little and rarely.

Tip 9.
It is better not to combine alcohol and drugs. If taking pills cannot be avoided in any way, then drink a pill no later than three hours or after the same time after the feast. It is better, of course, to find out in advance: perhaps your medications are absolutely incompatible with alcohol. This often happens.

Tip 10: Don't Compete or Chase Your Neighbor
. If you are offered a competition - do not give in. Do not overdrink it, but in the morning it will be bad for you. Therefore, feel the measure and listen to your body.

Tip 11. Undoubtedly, there should be high-quality alcoholic drinks on the table. Not necessarily elite and expensive, but proven. If you doubt the quality of alcohol, it is better to refuse it.

Tip 12.
Undoubtedly, the best way not to get drunk is not to drink at all! But for the owners, you must present a weighty argument for such a decision!

Ambulance, or if you are still a little drunk!

If in the midst of a feast you suddenly feel unwell, force yourself to drink a glass of cognac. After such a "medicine" refrain from alcohol for about forty minutes.

The recipe for instant sobering up is mint tincture. It will not be superfluous if you take a bottle with you for the holiday. To use, drop 20 drops into a glass of water, preferably cool. If there was no mint tincture at hand, find ammonia in any medicine cabinet - 5-6 drops per glass of cold water. Try to drink everything in one go.

If there is absolutely nothing nearby, quickly and intensively rub the ears of an intoxicated person. Such a procedure should bring the victim to his senses.

Be sober and don't go over the holidays - and you will have fun and lightness in the morning!

Methods that prevent intoxication are aimed at stabilizing metabolic processes in the liver, accelerated removal of alcoholic toxins from the blood. Pharmaceutical preparations, a temporary change in diet, advice from traditional medicine will help to “survive” an alcoholic feast, causing minimal damage to health.

How to prepare for a feast

There are many tricks that "experienced" alcohol users resort to in order to stay in a sober mind and solid memory. At parties, the “grafting” method is popular. Its essence lies in taking a small dose of alcohol an hour before the upcoming feast. For example, you can drink 40 ml of vodka or a glass of red wine. Then eat hard. As a result, the liver starts the synthesis of alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme prepares the body to process new portions of alcohol.

If you drink chicken eggs or milk on an empty stomach before a feast, you will not be able to get drunk quickly. Products cover the walls of the gastrointestinal tract with a film, slowing down the absorption of alcohol through the mucous membrane of the stomach and upper small intestine.

You can make the so-called oyster:

  • Mix in a glass of 1 tsp. sunflower oil, egg yolk.
  • Add 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato juice and a teaspoon of cognac.
  • In order not to get drunk from alcohol, you need to salt the anti-alcohol cocktail, pepper and drink in one gulp.
  • Eat toast.

Eat foods high in iodine. Shrimps, mussels, seaweed stimulate the synthesis of thyroid hormones, accelerate the oxidation of alcohol. Ethanol enters the bloodstream 10 minutes after an alcoholic libation, heavy protein food slows down this process by a factor of three. You need to eat a sandwich with butter, but as soon as the alcohol dissolves the oil shell, the person will instantly become intoxicated.

Preparations for the preparation of the body

It is customary to drink activated charcoal immediately before an alcoholic party, the adsorbent absorbs alcohol toxins as soon as they enter the circulatory system. Aspirin (0.3-0.5 g) is useful 12 hours before drinking alcohol. Acetylsalicylic acid enhances the production of microsomal liver enzymes that help convert ethanol into acetic acid and water that are safe for the body.

When trying not to get drunk on alcohol, it is necessary to take into account that some drugs conflict with each other. So, Diakarb, Fonurite, Dehydratin, Veroshpiron can be combined with alcoholic beverages. Of the enzyme preparations, Festal is not used, because it reduces the production of bile acids. B vitamins, micro and macro elements in the composition of Neuromultivit, Kombilipen, Duovit support the liver, strengthen the immune system.

Succinic acid or, scientifically, succinate is an important participant in the Krebs cycle, it oxidizes toxic, incompletely oxidized breakdown products of alcohol. In order not to get drunk on beer, wine or vodka, take succinic acid on an empty stomach. Recommended dose: 2 tablets (100 mg) before drinking. The tool starts working in 30-40 minutes, lasts about three hours. Tablets irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, so the drug is contraindicated for people with gastritis. You can not take acid at the same time as absorbent drugs, the latter will absorb not only alcohol toxins, but also sodium succinate.

Limontar is a mixture of citric and succinic acids. In order not to get drunk on the holiday, you need to drink 1 table. 20-60 minutes before drinking strong alcohol. Like succinates, the drug activates the Krebs cycle, accelerates the evacuation of acetaldehyde, which prevents the development of withdrawal symptoms. Crush the tablet and dissolve in 200 ml of warm water, if you do not add a little baking soda to the glass, you can get heartburn. The agent has antihypoxic and antioxidant effects, neutralizes the toxic effects of alcohol on the central nervous system, liver cells, and abdominal organs. Limontar is also used to treat chronic alcoholism.


If you drink 2.5 tablets of Glutargin before drinking alcohol, it will be much more difficult to get drunk. The active ingredient arginine glutamate is part of AlcoClean. The action of the substance is aimed at normalizing the metabolism in the liver, the drug has a positive effect on the state of hepatocyte membranes. Due to the ability of Glutargin to bind and remove ethanol processing products from the blood in a short time, tablets do not allow an alcoholic to quickly get drunk. The drug is used to prevent the hepatotoxic effect of alcohol, refuse to take it with fever and impaired nitrogen excretion of the kidneys.

Other drugs

In order not to get drunk at a feast, toxicologists recommend drinking enzymes that improve digestion (Mezim forte, Wobenzym, Creon, Pancreatin, etc.). Sometimes antispasmodics, nootropics are taken before the banquet. Piracetam and many of its analogues improve cerebral circulation, eliminate permanent hypoglycemia, characteristic of alcohol poisoning. 1 tab. Activated carbon per 10 kg of body weight will not allow you to get drunk on vodka or other strong alcohol.

The medicine can be replaced by the following adsorbents:

  • Liferan;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Lignosorb.

Motherwort tablets contain pyridoxine and magnesium, which help to eliminate alcohol from the body, fight increased nervous excitability. Vitamin C (tablets of 500 mg) accelerates the period of alcohol oxidation, helps to restore liver cells after a banquet. In order not to get tipsy, it is enough to drink 2 tablespoons of rosehip syrup, brew bile collection No. 2 (1 tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of water).

What to do during a feast

The degree of alcohol intoxication depends on the quality of the snack. In order not to get drunk, you need to snack on alcoholic drinks with fatty fish, mashed potatoes, dress salads with vegetable oil or mayonnaise. Glycine, which is rich in ears, nuts (walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cedar), pumpkin seeds and marmalade, neutralizes toxic ethanol breakdown products. Hot food is preferred. Rice porridge has pronounced absorbent properties.

In order not to get drunk quickly, you need to drink more slowly. It is optimal to consume no more than 75 ml of strong alcohol in 20 minutes.

Secrets of proper nutrition during a feast:

  • Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  • Know your measure.
  • With a decrease in the degree, you can instantly get drunk. If the main drink at the celebration was vodka or cognac, you should not drink beer at the end of the evening.
  • Do not keep alcohol in your mouth. There are blood vessels in the oral cavity, through which ethanol is absorbed into the blood, affects the cells of the liver and central nervous system, bypassing the stomach.
  • When combining alcohol with carbonated drinks, a person will get drunk much faster.

In order to avoid premature intoxication, it is recommended to skip toasts. Food acids and vitamin C, which are found in lemon and other acidic fruits and vegetables, accelerate the elimination of alcohol toxins. As you know, champagne can make you very drunk, which is explained by the presence of carbon dioxide in the drink. A couple of grapes in a glass or a piece of chocolate will reduce the amount of bubbles.

What to do after a feast

Alcohol contributes to dehydration, with strong thirst, you can brew strong black or green tea with lemon. Instead of sugar, add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. You should move more, avoid a sharp temperature drop. Solving logical, arithmetic problems in the mind or just talking with a friend will “cheer up” the brain oppressed by alcohol.

To delay drunkenness, you need:

  • Take a deep breath, exhaling, squat down.
  • Press your forehead to your knees, clasp them with your hands. After 2-3 seconds, slowly straighten up and exhale.
  • Clasp your hands at the back of your head, bend back. Exercise should be done slowly, without jerking.

To increase the blood supply to the brain after drinking alcohol, hold the pose for 3-5 seconds. Then return to the starting position.

After the party, it is important not to smoke, even 2 cigarettes smoked can knock the drinker down. The principle of "knocking out with a wedge" will only harm the body. On the one hand, a glass of vodka relieves irritation, dilates narrowed blood vessels, on the other hand, a hangover dose enhances intoxication from excess alcohol.

To stop intoxication, it is better to spend an hour without alcohol. At this time, it is allowed to drink pure non-carbonated liquid or hydrocarbonate water (Borjomi, Essentuki). A contrast shower or a 10-minute walk in the fresh air will quickly bring the drunkard to his senses.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

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Drinking and not getting drunk is the dream of every man who suffers a hangover in the morning. And is it even possible at all? Yes, it turns out that you need to be able to drink. In order not to sort out and not fall face down in the mud in the midst of a feast, you need to know a few simple recommendations that will help you not get drunk even on New Year's Eve. Consider the most effective means that will help reduce the harmful effects of alcohol.

Medical preparations to help

In order not to get drunk quickly, you need to start doing something even before the feast.

Of course, there are various folk remedies, but sometimes there is no time for them, it is easier to go to the pharmacy and purchase a remedy that will begin to act immediately after use.

The following drugs will help not to get drunk for a long time:

  1. Activated carbon. This is an excellent sorbent, only 5 tablets 2 hours before the feast will save you from intoxication. This remedy absorbs all oils and toxins. It is advisable, of course, to take 2 more tablets just before you sit down at the table.
  2. "Festal" and "Aspirin". If you take one tablet of each drug half an hour before the feast, you can get rid of the effects of a hangover and not burp the next morning.
  3. "Metaprol". This drug has a strong effect, so you need to drink it on special occasions, for example, on New Year's Eve, when you need to drink more than one liter of vodka. You need to drink 2 tablets an hour before drinking vodka. This tool works for more than three hours.
  4. Vitamins. To avoid intoxication, in the morning you can drink any drug that contains vitamin B6 or B1. It will help the liver process alcohol and not get drunk quickly.
  5. Preparations containing enzymes, such as Mezim-forte, Creon or Abomin. They must be taken an hour before the feast.
  6. Succinic acid. You need to drink an hour before you start drinking. It will relieve all the symptoms of a hangover and help you drink and not get drunk. This component is also contained in the Antipokhmelin preparation.
  7. "Alcoclin". Take 2 tablets, the drug will help speed up the withdrawal of alcohol breakdown products.

To avoid irritation of the stomach, all hangover remedies must be drunk correctly. Be sure to drink them with milk or alkaline mineral water.

You can avoid the negative effects of alcohol even before drinking it, using folk remedies.

What can be done before the feast?

How to drink and not get drunk without the help of medical means?

Before you drink alcohol, it is very important to eat, and you need to eat only the right foods. In no case should you drink vodka on an empty stomach, because instant alcohol intoxication is guaranteed. Before drinking alcohol, you should eat something high in calories, such as meat, a piece of lard, or a sandwich with butter and sausage. Fatty food, so to speak, blocks the effect of alcohol. You can also eat something high in iodine (seafood), this contributes to the rapid oxidation of alcohol.

Important! But it is worth remembering that fatty foods do not block the effect of alcohol, but only slow down its penetration into the stomach, so the result will last no more than 40 minutes.

Before the feast for half an hour, you can drink a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, so it will be difficult for alcohol to get into the blood.

As a warm-up for the body, so that a large amount of alcohol consumed does not lead to a sharp intoxication, 4 hours before the event, you need to drink 100 g of vodka or beer. From this moment, the process of producing enzymes for processing alcohol will start. In order not to get drunk quickly, many drink strong tea with mint or coffee with lemon in half an hour.

Eleutherococcus tincture is very effective, this plant prevents severe intoxication. Before drinking alcohol, you need to drink 40 drops of this remedy.

But not only food and drink help to reduce the effects of alcohol. Sports also contribute to this. If you work out for at least an hour and a half 12 hours before drinking vodka, then alcohol will be processed faster and leave the body.

If you follow all the tips, you can not get drunk for a very long time. How not to get drunk if none of the above tips were done before the feast? What to do in this case?

What to do during a feast?

You can prepare to not get drunk not only before the feast, but also during it, especially when it comes to corporate parties, for example, on New Year's Eve.

The advice in this case is as follows:

  • You need to drink only high-quality alcohol. Cheap beer and vodka quickly causes intoxication, as it contains harmful additives in large quantities.
  • Do not mix alcoholic drinks. It is especially contraindicated to mix beer with vodka. If it was not possible to adhere to such advice, then drinks should be consumed as the degree increases.
  • Don't forget to eat. It is best to eat meat, fish dishes, citrus fruits. Avoid exotic food. But you should not eat a lot, because in this case, the load on the stomach increases.
  • You can not drink quickly, a certain time must pass between drinking alcohol, you need to eat something in between.
  • You can not keep alcohol in your mouth, you need to drink vodka in one gulp.
  • You can not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks, because otherwise intoxication will come instantly.
  • Go out to breathe fresh air, but you should not leave a warm room outside in winter.

  • Do not smoke during the event. Cigarettes speed up the process of intoxication.
  • Induce vomiting if there is a feeling that at the very beginning of the feast you are already drunk.
  • When everyone drinks vodka, and you can no longer, then in this case you can pretend that you are drinking alcohol, but in fact you are drinking plain water.

The best recipe for a hangover: do not sit at the table all evening. You can find out about the level of your alcohol intoxication only while in motion. The more a person moves, the faster alcohol comes out of him.

Another recipe for drunkenness. During the feast, you need to talk a lot, because brain activity will help you stay sober for a long time.

Those who prefer traditional beer and vodka cocktails should follow this advice. You need to drink those drinks that contain citrus juices.

To the question of how to drink without getting drunk, the answer is very simple. You do not need to drink a lot, you need to control the amount of alcohol you drink. You can not drink on an empty stomach and after an illness. It is also worth giving up vodka or beer in an oppressed or highly excited state, in which case it will not be possible to refrain from busting alcohol.

If you can't stay sober

Not every person manages to stay sober, many do not understand how to drink and not get drunk, and believe that all advice on this matter is meaningless. But when they drink so much that they have a terrible hangover in the morning, and these people suddenly remember the recipes for a hangover. They are trying to avoid the consequences, although it was necessary to do something to improve their well-being immediately after the feast.

What should be done immediately after the end of the event so that the next morning you do not experience a terrible headache?

First of all, you immediately need to drink enzymes, which are desirable to drink before the feast. If a person is very sick, and he is in an inadequate state, then in this case it is also necessary to take sorbents, which will reduce the effect of toxins. You need to act correctly so as not to aggravate, but to alleviate well-being.

Tips after the feast:

  • While at home, you need to ventilate the apartment, fresh air will help you sober up a little. However, sudden changes in temperature should be avoided. In cold weather, you can’t be outside for a long time, because a person in a state of intoxication may not feel frostbite.
  • Before going to bed, you need to induce vomiting or go to the toilet.

  • Healthy sleep is the best hangover cure. If you can’t fall asleep because of the “helicopters” lying down, you need to sleep in a sitting position or gradually take a lying position in the process of falling asleep. It will be correct during the “helicopters” so that the feet touch the floor.

Another recipe for a quick sobering up is physical activity. It is not necessary to come home immediately after the feast and go to bed, it is best to dance. This will help you sober up a bit. Vomiting will also alleviate the state of alcohol intoxication, it can be caused independently.

Since alcohol has a detrimental effect on the heart, after a feast you need to drink 2 tablets of Aspirin, it will not only thin the blood, but also save you from a morning hangover.

Antipohmelin is also an effective remedy for a hangover. Drugs such as Relanium, Phenazepama or Elenium help well with intoxication. To remove toxins from the body, you can take 2 tablets of motherwort.

But still, than to escape from a hangover, it is better to take preventive measures from intoxication. In some cases, it is the psychological attitude and self-hypnosis that helps. If a person sets a goal for himself that he will not get drunk, determines the amount of alcohol consumed and its type, then in this case he will wake up the next morning without symptoms of a hangover. In some cases, the effect on the psyche is much more effective than medication.

Only a person with alcohol addiction cannot control the level of alcohol they drink, in other cases, everyone can choose the measure of intoxication for themselves, especially if you follow certain tips, and do not promise yourself that I will not get drunk next year.

Rarely what event in our time does without alcohol. Therefore, it is not surprising that the problem of how to drink and not get drunk - tricks, tricks, tricks - worries a large part of the adult population of Western society.

Coming to a party, each of us seeks to relax and enjoy the communication and fun fueled by alcohol, and then prolong the pleasure, remembering the most interesting moments of a successful evening the next day. But no one wants to switch off an hour after the start of the feast, and the next day experience a severe hangover. Unfortunately, in most cases this is exactly what happens.

How to avoid such situations? Are there tricks using which you can drink without thinking about the consequences and really avoid them? To understand this issue, let's first find out the mechanisms of intoxication and a person's hangover.

What is intoxication

Regardless of which alcoholic drink you prefer - beer, wine or vodka - the mechanism of intoxication and the onset of a hangover is always the same. Alcohol, getting into the human body, begins to be absorbed even in the oral cavity, that is, almost from the first seconds. Then the drink enters the stomach, where it is not digested, but begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream.

The brain gets drunk first. In a simplified version, the process diagram looks like this:

  • under the influence of ethanol, erythrocytes begin to stick together and turn into small and large clumps of cells resembling clusters;
  • the size of such clusters significantly exceeds the diameters of the capillaries through which they must pass in order to supply the brain cells with oxygen and take away carbon dioxide;
  • as a result, instead of supplying oxygen, erythrocyte clots simply clog the capillaries, thereby creating oxygen starvation for the cells;
  • this effect of cellular hypoxia, occurring simultaneously in thousands of cells, is felt by us as intoxication. With each new portion of alcohol, the effect is enhanced.

Thus, intoxication is nothing but oxygen starvation of brain cells.

What is a hangover

After 7-10 minutes after the start of starvation, the cell simply dies. The more ethanol got into the body, the stronger the effect of intoxication, and the more cells eventually died.

Often a person, having sorted out vodka, can turn off. From the outside it looks like a dream. In fact, this triggers the body's defense mechanism, which can no longer control the level of oxygen starvation and begins to look for additional resources to restore the vital functions of the brain: turning off the human consciousness, the body slows down its activity, metabolism and thereby lowers the overall need for oxygen.

Hello hangover...

And where do tens and hundreds of thousands of dead cells go? They accumulate in the brain, and if they are not urgently removed, the process of decay will begin very quickly with all the ensuing consequences.

But even in this case, a protective mechanism is activated. Its essence lies in the fact that the body urgently collects water from wherever it can and redirects it to the head in order to remove dead cells. That is why in the morning the head hurts so much: it is bursting with excess water. For the same reason, in the morning a person is very thirsty: the body needs an additional source of moisture. Many have experienced this condition, and it is called the "hangover syndrome."

drunken time

If the mechanisms of intoxication and hangover are the same for everyone, then a natural question arises why some people get drunk from the first glass, while others have fun and drink all evening, but they may not get drunk for a long time.

Each person is individual. This is also manifested in susceptibility to alcoholic beverages. Everyone has their own alcohol limit: for some, this is a glass of wine, and for some, it can withstand 0.5 liters of vodka. There is a whole range of reasons that explain such a strong difference.

The main factor responsible for the speed of intoxication is the amount of alcohol dehydrogenase produced by the body - an enzyme that decomposes ethyl alcohol into water and carbon dioxide. The amount of production of this enzyme is purely individual. If it is too little, then the body can not cope with the processing of alcohol. That is why a person quickly gets drunk even from beer. The more enzyme, the more a person can drink and not get drunk.

And everyone has their own...

Another important point is the metabolic rate, which is also individual. The higher it is in your body, the faster you get drunk. The hangover passes faster, during it you almost do not get sick.

There are other factors that affect the speed and degree of intoxication:

  1. genetic predisposition. If your genetics are weak resistance to alcohol, then no matter how hard you try to eat and drink only the best drinks, you will still get drunk quickly.
  2. Age. Middle-aged people are more resistant to alcohol, when the body is already fully formed, and the aging process has not yet begun. Young people and old people get drunk much faster and in smaller doses.
  3. Floor. The female body is much more susceptible to alcohol and quickly becomes addicted to alcohol.
  4. Body mass. It is well known that the greater the body weight, the greater the dose of alcohol you need to drink to get drunk. However, not everything depends only on mass. Body structure plays a decisive role here: a muscular body is much more resistant to the effects of alcohol than a body with an excess amount of body fat. The fact is that fat cells perfectly absorb alcohol, so obese people always get drunk quickly.
  5. General condition of the body. A strong, healthy, physically active organism copes much better even with those situations when you need to drink a lot.

Resistance to alcoholic beverages is very individual and depends on a number of characteristics of the organism. And if you are faced with the acute question of how to learn to drink in moderation, first of all you need to study these features. Perhaps your physiology is generally incompatible with alcohol. In this case, no matter what tricks and tricks you use, you can’t deceive the body. If he is healthy and strong enough, and the work involves the need to often consume a large amount of alcohol, then in this case you can resort to the experience of those who know what to do in order to drink like everyone else, but not get drunk.

How to drink and not get drunk

There are many ways that people can drink without getting drunk. But we must remember that here everything is individual: what helps one person does not necessarily help another.

Nevertheless, a number of rules can be distinguished, the observance of which will help people who drink in moderation to drink with pleasure and without consequences.

So that you do not get drunk in the first hours of the feast, when the absorption of alcohol is at an accelerated pace, prepare for the evening in advance. To do this, you can use several methods:

  1. A couple of hours before the event, you should eat a hearty meal, but you should not lean on fatty foods, as this will create an additional burden on the liver. The effect of butter and egg yolks as anti-drunk drugs is debatable. To get the desired effect, you will have to eat a lot of these products, which in itself is harmful and can cause severe nausea and even vomiting.
  2. Drink a glass of vodka an hour before the event. In this case, the body will have time to tune in accordingly and hold out longer without getting drunk.
  3. You can also take activated charcoal tablets in advance at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or another sorbent, such as Enterosgel. But remember that sorbents in tablets, powders or gels can prevent rapid and severe intoxication only if they are ingested before the onset of intoxication. Otherwise they are all useless.

If you've done all of this, but are still worried and don't know how not to get drunk during the evening, then you should learn a few more rules of behavior during a party:

  1. Do not mix alcoholic drinks. Pick one and sip on the drink all evening.
  2. If you start drinking vodka, then in no case drink drinks of a lower degree, such as wine or beer. If you take a low-alcohol drink immediately after a strong one, then the process of ethanol breakdown in the body and its penetration into the tissues of the body will be significantly accelerated, which will cause severe poisoning. That's why you can't downgrade.
  3. Significantly increase the speed of intoxication champagne or other gas-containing drink, taken after a stronger one, since carbon dioxide contributes to the accelerated penetration of ethanol into the blood.
  4. Have a good snack, while choosing vegetable or meat, but not very fatty dishes.
  5. Drink more natural juices, but avoid sugary drinks.
  6. The process of intoxication is well inhibited by vitamin C, so from time to time eat slices of lemon or orange.
  7. Just in case, stock up on Mezim or Festal tablets. They can be taken during a party to ease the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Do not smoke. Nicotine significantly enhances the effect of alcohol.
  9. Move more.

If your goal is to take a walk, but not get drunk, follow the above rules. If you are concerned about how to quickly get drunk, do the opposite.

How to get drunk in the evening and not get sick in the morning

It is believed that employees of the special services have to drink most of all at work. But in order to find out all the secrets from the enemy, you yourself always need to stay “in shape”. In this regard, there are many rumors about the existence of special pills, after which intoxication does not occur at all. However, retired scouts claim that in fact nothing of the kind has yet been invented and you can only get drunk if you don’t drink at all.

But the same scouts willingly share information on how not to get sick with a hangover while working in different countries. And what is most interesting, all these methods have nothing to do with the secret developments of the special services, but are only centuries-old local traditions.

  1. In Britain so that a person does not get sick for a long time and recover faster, they use a cocktail called "oyster", which means "oyster" in translation: 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil is thoroughly mixed with egg yolk, 1 tsp. cognac, 2 tbsp. l. tomato juice, salt and pepper and drink in one gulp.
  2. To Finland and the traditional anti-hangover method - dry sauna. The temperature inside should not exceed 80 ºС: it is at this temperature that alcohol toxins are best released. Enough 2-3 calls for 5-7 minutes.
  3. IN THE USA for the speedy removal of alcohol from the body, it is advised to drink a small cup of natural bee honey in the morning on an empty stomach.
  4. Germans with a hangover, they prefer to eat marinated fish, thickly sprinkled with onions, washed down with yogurt.
  5. Local population Mexico as an anti-hangover remedy, a very spicy and thick vitamin-glycine soup is recommended, made from veal legs, chili peppers, a mass of local spices and cornmeal.
  6. Inhabitants of the Caucasus- People who drink a lot. But if you happen to sort out alcohol, then health is restored here with the help of a special fermented milk product - ayran.

Our country also has its own set of techniques:

  • cucumber brine or sauerkraut brine;
  • hot soup or broth, and after a hot shower and sleep;
  • Take 2 aspirin tablets with 2 glasses of water, drink coffee, eat a slice of lemon with toasted bread and take a shower or a hot bath.

But the most effective way to prevent a hangover was invented in China: during the event, vodka or whiskey is washed down with green tea, which contains so many antioxidants that there is simply no hangover in the morning.

How to prepare the body for the effects of a shock dose of alcohol, what to drink so as not to suffer from a hangover in the morning? Many think about this before the upcoming plentiful feast. If a grandiose booze is being prepared and it is impossible to shirk participation in it, you have to look for ways to reduce the consequences of the influence of a large amount of drunk alcohol. What means and methods will help to mobilize the reserves of the body before drinking alcohol? You will learn about the most effective ways to reduce the negative from alcohol and make the morning hangover minimal by reading the article.

Helping the body when drinking alcohol - general provisions

Significant doses of alcoholic beverages upon entry into the body lead to alcohol intoxication, which many organs have to deal with, but primarily the liver, and to a lesser extent, the kidneys. In the utilization of ethyl alcohol and toxins formed as a result of its decay, many links of metabolic processes take part, which need competent support (activation) from the outside. To do this, you can use some pharmacological agents that are freely available (dispensed in the pharmacy network without a prescription), herbal remedies, or food products rich in the necessary substances.

Each of the means of reducing the negative impact of alcohol on the body involves the correct time of its use in relation to the intake of alcohol. Some substances (products) should be taken (eat) ahead of time, others - immediately before the feast. The main steps to properly prepare the body for the upcoming booze should be the following activities:

  • saturation of the body with free iodine;
  • bowel cleansing;
  • preparation of the liver for the processing of ethanol;
  • activation of digestive processes;
  • the right approach to the choice and quantity of snacks.

How to practically implement this, what foods to eat and pills to take, you will learn further.

Role of iodine in alcohol metabolism

Hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland (triiodothyronine, thyroxine) enhance oxidative processes, including the breakdown of ethyl alcohol and intermediate toxic products of its metabolism (acetaldehyde, lactic, pyruvic acids). Stimulates the production of these hormones by taking iodine preparations or eating foods rich in this microelement in the composition of food. Among pharmacy products, you can choose Yodaktiv or Yodomarin. To saturate the body with iodine with the help of products, you need to eat seaweed, seafood (squid, shrimp, rapana).

Iodine that enters the body causes an increased production of thyroid hormones with some delay, so these drugs and products will be effective if you take (eat) them 1.5-2 days before the planned feast. Iodine-containing foods will come in handy in the diet and on the day of the event. In this case, their effect will fall on the day after the party, accompanied by heavy drinking.

Bowel Cleansing Methods

The better the intestines work, the less toxins are absorbed in its walls, which are neutralized by the liver, and therefore put an additional burden on the organ. Enemas are best to cleanse the intestines, but not everyone is willing to voluntarily expose themselves to such procedures. In such a situation, it would be appropriate to take mild laxatives (senna, sorbitol preparations), which will help cleanse the lower intestinal sections. Activated charcoal is best for cleansing the upper intestines. The medicine is taken at the rate of one tablet per 15 kg of body weight 4-5 hours before the start of the event.

Liver preparation

This organ takes the brunt of it, being directly involved in the neutralization of alcoholic toxins, so it is important to help the liver to effectively cope with the assigned function. Here the approach is complex and consists of such beneficial effects:

  • prevention of stagnation of bile;
  • protection of the functional tissue of the organ;
  • activation of the production of hepatic enzymes involved in the breakdown of ethyl alcohol.

To improve the tone of the gallbladder and the outflow of its contents in the morning, on the day of the feast, you need to take cholagogues. These can be medicines (Liv-52, Gepabene), choleretic preparations of pharmacy packaging or self-prepared decoctions of wild rose or corn stigmas. An active outflow of bile will improve the functional state of the liver and its ability to neutralize poisons. In addition, the right amount of bile in the duodenum contributes to the rapid digestion of heavy fats of animal origin, which often abound in food prepared for festive feasts. If this is the case, that is, a lot of fatty snacks are planned, you can repeat the intake of cholagogues 2-3 hours before the start of the event.

Medicines from the group of hepatoprotectors are capable of protecting liver cells from planned overloads and improving their disinfecting function. These include Karsil, Essentiale, crushed milk thistle herb fruits.

B vitamins, especially pyridoxine (B6), will help to activate the production of liver enzymes involved in the metabolism of ethyl alcohol. Saturating the body with these substances on the day of the event will help the liver much easier to cope with the processing of toxins, not only ethanol, but also various impurities contained in alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer. It is possible to resolve the issue by taking complex preparations containing B vitamins (Neuromultivit, B-complex, Neurogamma, Pician) or tablets containing only pyridoxine.

Digestion activation

A hearty snack in combination with alcoholic beverages is a difficult combination for digestion. If the own digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas are not enough for the primary breakdown of food entering the intestines, the latter may ferment or putrefactive processes will develop. This will lead to the formation of a massive portion of toxins, which will additionally load the liver (intestinal poisons, being absorbed into the blood, immediately enter the liver through the portal vein).

To prevent this from happening, just before you start eating and drinking, you need to take enzymatic pharmacological agents (Wobenzym, Unienzym, Mezim-forte, Creon, Abomin). Taking these drugs will help the intestines quickly cope with digestion, evacuation of the food mass and prevent its stagnation.

Additional drugs to speed up the processing of alcohol

These include Glutargin, Succinic acid and regular Aspirin. Glutargin (an analogue of Alkoklin, sold in pharmacies in the form of a powder) consists of two active substances: glutamic acid and arginine. The latter are actively involved in the processing of alcohol by the liver, stimulating the production of enzymes that break down ethyl alcohol. Glutamic acid also protects brain cells from the harmful effects of acetaldehyde and other toxins. It will help to avoid a severe hangover by taking 3 tablets of Glutargin at a dosage of 750 mg about an hour before the scheduled start of the feast.

Succinic acid, tablets of which are very inexpensively purchased at any pharmacy and taken an hour before the event, significantly enhances oxidative processes, being the main link in the Krebs cycle - the biochemical process on which most metabolic reactions are tied. The drug will help to get rid of toxins much faster, including acetaldehyde.

A regular aspirin can significantly alleviate the subsequent hangover state, two tablets (0.5 g each) of which taken in the morning and in the afternoon on the day of the celebration will stimulate microsomal enzymes that are actively involved in the processing and utilization of ethyl alcohol. An additional aspirin tablet taken before bed will relieve the morning headache with a hangover.

How to have a bite

There is an erroneous opinion that the more alcohol you drink, the easier the hangover will be. Snacking is certainly necessary, but "a lot" does not always mean "good." Too much heterogeneous food eaten in a short period significantly complicates digestion (it is difficult for digestive enzymes to access the substrate), while preventing the rapid absorption of ethyl alcohol in the stomach and upper intestines. However, the overflow of the digestive organs only temporarily restrains the penetration of alcohol into the blood - in any case, the entire accepted dose of ethanol will get there with all the consequences.

It is better to have a snack in moderation, trying to minimize the mixing of protein foods (meat, fish, mushrooms) with food containing a lot of starch (potatoes, flour). It is worth giving preference to hot appetizers in combination with fresh vegetable salads. Such food will be more accessible to digestive enzymes, moderately hindering the absorption of alcohol, which will help to better control the actual amount of alcohol consumed.
