
Dried Fruit Immune Boosting Mix. Vitamin Blend Recipe

In the cool season, when the protective functions of each organism are significantly weakened.

Of course, you can choose the easiest option and go to the pharmacy for miraculous drugs, but it’s much better to prepare a remedy with your own hands.

Such a healing product, which can increase immunity and improve the general condition of a person, is a vitamin mixture of dried fruits.

Ingredients needed to prepare a vitamin mixture

In addition to the fact that the mix is ​​natural and healthy, it is also very tasty. This vitamin complex is very easy to prepare.

Pretty lightweight. It is enough just to go to the market or to the store to buy all the necessary ingredients.

The basis of the mixture is dried fruits:

  • raisin,
  • dried apricots,
  • prunes,
  • walnuts
  • lemon.

The mixture can be used as a prophylactic against colds.

However, it must be taken into account that dried fruit energy mix may not suit you. The main reason may be intolerance to the ingredients.

Lemon, honey and nuts are allergenic products, so people prone to allergic reactions are not recommended to use such a mixture or use it as a sweet for tea.

Remember! Only a moderate dose of the product will achieve a positive result.


The benefits of a vitamin mixture of dried fruits - honey nuts

This mixture of nuts and dried fruits ideal for both healthy eating and as an antiviral agent.

  • Walnut is rich in potassium, which can fight arrhythmia and atherosclerosis, vitamins B1, B2, C and P.
  • Dried apricots contain magnesium and vitamin A, so it is useful for people who suffer from diabetes, as well as for those who have problems with the thyroid gland. In addition, this ingredient improves vision and prevents blockage of blood vessels.
  • The value of raisins lies in the fact that it is a source of energy. It contains fiber, a complex of B vitamins, iron and potassium. Ideal for those who have an upset nervous system, as well as problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • No less useful than all the ingredients presented is prunes. It is rich in fiber, vitamins A, PP, C, B and organic acids.

  • Honey contained in the product not only contains a complex of vitamins, pantothenic, and folic acid, but also increases the tone of the body, has a bactericidal effect.
  • And everyone knows about the valuable properties of lemon. Vitamin C contained in it helps during colds and is essential in order to strengthen the whole body.

That's why, mixture of nuts and dried fruits helps a lot:

  • deal with gastrointestinal disorders
  • improve the functioning of the cardiac system,
  • normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood,
  • significantly improve immunity.


Before preparing a mixture of dried fruits, it is better to pour boiling water over prunes, raisins and dried apricots, after which they must be dried.

If the ingredients are dry, it is allowed to soak them slightly. Any nuts used in the composition must first be dried in the oven or in a pan, and if you decide to add peanuts to the mixture, it is better to peel it first.

  1. It is enough to take 200-300 grams of each ingredient while rinsing dried fruits well with hot water.
  2. Grind all ingredients with a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Mix all ingredients.
  4. Put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator in an airtight jar.

The unique properties of dried fruits will allow the product to be stored for a long time.

It is important that such a product is very high in calories and high in sugar, so it is not recommended to use it in the late evening, or in addition to tea.

To achieve the most positive result from the application, you need to know how to take a mixture of dried fruits.

Carefully, this mixture should be given to babies under 3 years old, this is due to the possible occurrence of allergic reactions to honey, nuts or lemon.

Having prepared such a delicacy, you can get a charge of vivacity for the whole coming day, defeat fatigue and depression, prevent colds and cope with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.

In conditions of constant stress, unfavorable environmental conditions and the rapid spread of viral infections, measures to strengthen immunity play a very important role. They can be different, someone prefers pharmaceutical preparations, and someone chooses natural remedies. One of the most effective and effective means among all that are used by traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases is honey. From the article you will learn how to prepare a mixture for immunity with honey.

Types of vitamin mixture for immunity with honey

Honey, as the main ingredient of the immune boosting mixture, is effective in interaction with many other natural ingredients. Among them there are dried fruits, and nuts and some others. There are several types of vitamin mixtures:

  1. honey with ginger;
  2. honey with nuts;
  3. honey with dried fruits.

These are the basic types of honey-based immunity-boosting mixtures. It is permissible to add those ingredients that you consider useful and necessary to them, for example, they are often supplemented with lemons.

In any case, whichever mixture you choose, it will taste very good.

Recipes for honey mixtures to boost immunity

Honey Immune Boost Mix can be prepared in several ways using different ingredients. You can use any honey, it all depends on your desire - sunflower, buckwheat, linden. It is especially important to start taking mixtures at the beginning of the winter period, and preferably earlier - in the middle of autumn.

Immune Blend with Honey, Oatmeal and Apple

This recipe is well suited for both adults and children:

  1. honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  3. apple - 1 pc.;
  4. walnuts - a handful;
  5. lemon - ½ pc.

Oatmeal should be poured with boiling water and left to infuse for about 5 minutes. It is best to take instant oatmeal. At this time, you need to chop the apple with lemon, nuts and mix with oatmeal. Don't forget to add honey to the mixture. This amount is enough for consumption during the day for 3 meals.

Mix for immunity with dried fruits on honey

For the recipe use:

  1. honey - 1.5 tbsp.;
  2. dried fruits (any) - 2 tbsp.;
  3. walnuts - a handful;
  4. lemon - 2 pcs.

In order to prepare a mixture for immunity with honey and dried fruits, you need to stock up on inexpensive, but as natural ingredients as possible. The mixture may contain those ingredients that you like - walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs. Be sure to have honey and lemon. A big plus of the recipe is the arbitrary selection of the number of components that should be crushed and poured with honey.

Take a vitamin mixture of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

a delicious dessert with healing properties can be prepared in many ways from nuts, dried fruits, lemon, ginger

Immune Blend with Honey and Ginger

A mixture for immunity with honey and ginger not only strengthens the body, but also gives additional tone and helps to get rid of extra pounds. Ginger is very useful because of its rich composition - it contains essential oils, vitamins and amino acids. It not only effectively fights colds, but also improves digestion.

To prepare the mixture you need:

  1. honey - 250 g;
  2. ginger - 400 g;
  3. lemon - 1 pc.

Peel and cut the ginger as finely as possible. We do the same with lemon. We put all the ingredients in a suitable container and pour honey. The mixture is eaten 1 teaspoon throughout the day.

Despite all the usefulness, its use is not allowed:

  • people with peptic ulcers;
  • pregnant women;
  • women during lactation.

Nut mixture for immunity with honey

A mixture of honey and nuts is not only healthy, but has a pleasant texture and taste:

  1. dried apricots - 100 g;
  2. dried dogwood - 100 g;
  3. hazelnuts - 100 g;
  4. pumpkin seeds - 100 g;
  5. cashew - 100 g;
  6. walnuts - 100 g;
  7. pine nuts - 100 g;
  8. almonds - 100 g;
  9. honey - at your discretion.

All nuts should be dried but not roasted. They should be washed well with water and allowed to dry. Next, everything needs to be crushed, mixed and seasoned with honey. You need to choose the amount of honey that will make the mixture pleasant in consistency.

You need to use a nut-honey mix 20 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon per day. 1 teaspoon is enough for a child.

The benefits of vitamin honey mixtures for immunity

Whichever cooking option you choose, it will be very useful, because it consists not only of natural products, but is also made on the basis of honey. Each mixture is able to provide not only immunity support during the flu and cold season, but also:

  1. positively affects the content of hemoglobin in the blood;
  2. improves brain function;
  3. helps to strengthen blood vessels and normalize cardiac activity;
  4. gives a general tone to the body and improves well-being;
  5. beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  6. is a source of valuable vitamins and microelements.

In order to increase immunity, it is necessary not only to prepare a vitamin mixture from natural, environmentally friendly products, but also to follow the recommendations for its use. Care should be taken to use honey, for those who are prone to allergies, the same applies to citrus fruits.

Do not forget that not only mixtures with honey help to strengthen the immune system, it is also important to follow a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Only a complete balanced diet, which will be supplemented with vitamin mixtures, can provide you with health in all seasons.

The content of the article:

A mixture of dried fruits flavored with honey is a real vitamin cocktail that strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels, and takes care of heart function. The secret of the benefit of the miracle mixture is that the trace elements and vitamins that make up its composition retain their strength even in dry form. Especially important is the use of such funds in winter and early spring, when the body has exhausted its own vitamin reserves, and the season of fresh fruits is still far away. Knowing the recipes for preparing mixtures of dried fruits for immunity, you can provide the body with the necessary trace elements at any time of the year.

The benefits of dried fruits to boost immunity

A mixture of dried fruits is useful in many aspects: it is a natural substitute for sweets, therefore it is suitable for dieters; it is very tasty and, in addition to benefits, also brings pleasure; due to the fact that it contains a lot of fiber, it improves bowel function. The ingredients for creating the mixture can be chosen for every taste, because today a wide variety of dry fruits are present on store shelves in abundance.

However, there is a classic set of dried fruits that are most useful for strengthening the immune system:

  • Dried apricots. A very useful product, rich in iron, potassium, phosphorus, glucose, vitamins. Dry apricot not only strengthens the immune system, but also improves the condition of blood vessels, activates brain activity. Its plant fibers have a good effect on the intestines, helping to cleanse it. Vitamin B and C give the body extra energy. It is very useful to take dried apricots for anemia and to strengthen vision due to the vitamin A included in its composition. Regular use of dried apricots improves the general condition of the skin and hair by increasing immunity and cleansing the intestines.
  • figs. It contains a large supply of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. This fruit is especially valued for its potassium content, because the lack of this element leads to a disease of the nervous system. If you use this product regularly, it will strengthen the immune system, as well as lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Figs are very useful for colds, relieves coughs and restores the immune system after the flu, no worse than pharmacy vitamins.
  • Raisin. Dry grapes are rich in fats and proteins necessary for a person who often experiences physical exertion, it also strengthens the immune system and provides the body with magnesium, calcium and iron. This product makes bones stronger, cleanses blood vessels, and helps lactating women to improve lactation. B vitamins provide healthy sleep and improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Prunes. These are dried plums, which have a lot of useful properties. Often this product is used as a laxative, it helps to get rid of pathogenic microbes - salmonella and E. coli. Rich in vitamins B and C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses the body.
  • Dates. This is a product that increases efficiency and mental activity due to the energy reserve. Dates contain an amino acid such as tryptophan, which stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone that improves mood and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. The composition also contains more than 20 trace elements and many vitamins, so this fruit must be present in the diet of a person who wants to strengthen the immune system.

Note! The use of dried fruits can replace sweets for a person and get rid of the problem of excess weight, as well as the presence of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Contraindications to the use of dried fruits

Despite the benefits of dried fruits, it is not recommended to consume them in large quantities. In moderate doses, they only benefit the body. However, there are certain exceptions to the rule when these products should be avoided.

When to Avoid Dried Fruits:

  1. With obesity. Despite the natural composition, these products are quite high in calories. So, in 100 g of dried apricots - 215 kcal, dates - 292 kcal, raisins - 265 kcal.
  2. With diabetes. Glucose, which is present in all dried fruits, is an unsuitable substance for diabetics, and frequent consumption of them can become dangerous.
  3. During exacerbation of ulcers of the intestine and duodenum. With these diseases, the stomach cannot digest such hard food. When the ulcer worsens, it is recommended to refrain from eating any fruit.
  4. If a person has an individual allergy to any dried fruit.

Important! When eating dried fruits, keep in mind that this is a heavy food and it is not recommended to eat more than eight fruits at a time. This is bad for the stomach, so it is better to take multicomponent mixtures based on them according to a certain scheme.

Dried fruit mixture recipes for immunity

The beauty of dried fruit mixes is that you can make them to your taste, taking into account individual preferences. Someone likes dried apricots more and does not accept raisins, in this case, you can reduce the content of one ingredient and increase the volume of another. To achieve maximum benefits for the body, it is desirable that different fruits be present in the vitamin mass. In combination, they give a powerful effect: they protect against frequent colds, strengthen the nervous system, and improve the functioning of all organs. There are proven effective recipes for immunity dried fruit mixtures, from which even the most sophisticated gourmet will be able to choose the right one.

Classic mixture for immunity from dried fruits with honey

This recipe is famous not only for supporting the immune system during the cold season, but also provides the body with energy, improves brain function, and nourishes all cells.

In addition to tasty fruits, the vitamin mixture contains honey - a beekeeping product rich in essential trace elements. In particular, fructose and glucose are a source of energy, dilate blood vessels, improve metabolism and nutrition of the heart muscle. Due to the presence of phytoncides in the composition, it has an antimicrobial property, and due to iron and manganese, it improves digestion.

In combination with beneficial dried fruits for immunity, honey gives the mixture a good texture, softens the sourness that is characteristic of prunes and dried apricots, and makes the vitamin mass balanced.

To prepare a mixture for immunity based on honey, you will need: 300 g of dried apricots, 300 g of dried prunes, 200 g of figs, 350 g of linden honey.

The sequence of preparation of the mixture:

  • Dried fruits should be washed well with warm water to wash off the special greasy film with which they are covered.
  • Put the washed products on a dry cloth and let dry.
  • Pure ingredients need to be ground. Some people prefer to grind dried fruits in a blender, but it will be tastier to grind them in a meat grinder or chop them finely. So in the mass pieces of fruit will come across and you can feel the bright taste of each component.
  • Combine chopped dried fruits with honey and mix well.
  • We put the mixture in glass jars and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

Note! The choice of honey should be treated very carefully, only a quality product has useful properties. Buy liquid honey of early varieties.

Dried fruits for immunity with nuts and honey

To get an even richer vitamin mixture, you can add nuts to the recipe. You can add different nuts, because each variety has its own unique set of useful properties.

The most balanced composition in which they are present includes the following ingredients: 200 g dried prunes, 100 g dates, 100 g raisins, 200 g dried apricots, 250 g nuts, 250 g honey. Grind dried fruits, peel nuts and finely chop, but do not grind into crumbs. Mix everything and add honey.

What nuts can be added to the vitamin mixture:

  1. walnut. Rich in vitamins, in particular vitamin K, protects bone tissue from premature destruction, and omega fatty acids are good for the brain and remove cholesterol from the body. Very well protect against frequent colds, strengthening the immune system. Especially useful for the strong half to increase male strength.
  2. Cedar. They increase efficiency, restore strength, have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. Only this kind of nut prevents many diseases of the stomach, brain and heart. The composition is dominated by argenin - a substance necessary for a growing body, so it is useful to eat it for children, pregnant and lactating mothers in the absence of allergies.
  3. Almond. An indispensable product for people suffering from heartburn, bloating, gas. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This variety of nuts is indicated for people with obesity, as it removes bad cholesterol, and its benefits have been proven in the fight against kidney diseases. You need to eat it in moderation, because the hydrocyanic acid that it contains can be life-threatening. You can not eat more than 50 nuts at a time.
  4. Hazelnut. It is considered a product that prevents cancer, fights obesity and slows down the aging process in the body. Vitamin C in this variety of nuts is present in large volumes, so it is especially useful for boosting immunity.
  5. Peanut. Promotes good sleep, improves memory and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Promotes cell regeneration and removes cholesterol from the blood. The polyphenols included in its composition protect against heart disease and the formation of tumors.

Important! If you roast any nuts, the taste will be richer and more interesting. However, if you are preparing a mixture of dried fruits for the future, it is better to use raw ones - they retain useful substances longer.

Vitamin mixture of dried fruits and honey for immunity with lemon

By adding lemon to a mixture of dried fruits and honey, you can not only give this preparation an interesting citrus sourness, but also double its useful properties. Lemon is a source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that saturates the body with microelements and vitamins, most of which are necessary for a person to feel good.

Benefits of lemon for the body:

  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Citric acid helps to remove toxins and toxins, prevents heartburn, bloating.
  • Cleans blood vessels, which improves the functioning of the heart muscle. In addition, lemon is rich in potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Regular use of lemon prevents conditions such as insomnia, depression, panic attacks.
  • Prevents the development of osteoporosis. Calcium, which is present in lemon, is responsible for the integrity of the bones, preventing them from breaking down prematurely. Lemon also removes uric acid, which can accumulate in the joints, causing serious diseases of the skeletal system.
  • Protects against viruses. By consuming lemon daily, a person strengthens his immune system, leaving no chance for viruses and bacteria. This product is very useful, especially in winter.
  • Cleanses the body. Lemon removes toxins from the liver, and this is reflected in the skin and hair. The dermis becomes lighter, age spots disappear, curls acquire a healthy natural shine.
Preparing a classic mixture of dried fruits with lemon is quite simple. To do this, you will need: 200 g of dried apricots, 200 g of walnuts, 100 g of dried prunes, 100 g of raisins, 100 g of figs, one lemon and 200 g of honey. All ingredients must be washed and chopped, and then honey should be added. Ardent lemon connoisseurs can add two fruits for a more pronounced acidity.

Use the whole lemon for this recipe, because its peel contains the maximum amount of vitamin C necessary for immunity. It will give the mixture a slightly tart bitter taste, but sweet dried fruits will balance it.

Honey composition for raising immunity from dried fruits with seeds

Different types of seeds are able to supplement the vitamin mixture with nutrients - fats, proteins and essential amino acids. Metonine is especially valued in the composition of seeds - a substance that actively participates in fat metabolism and restores the optimal level of cholesterol in the blood.

There are several options for seeds that will make the dried fruit mixture even healthier, namely:

  1. Sunflower seeds. They contain vitamins, fats, proteins, which quickly saturate the body with energy. These seeds are rich in vitamin E, which is responsible for visual acuity, metabolism, and also prevents the appearance of tumors. They are the most high-calorie seeds.
  2. Linen. Rich in fats and fibre. Very useful in diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. The polysaccharides that make up the seeds strengthen the human body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and help to cope with colds.
  3. Sesame. In addition to vitamin E and calcium, they are rich in oils that fight cancer cells. Effective for pain in the joints, muscles, as they reduce inflammation. These seeds are rich in calcium: 200 grams provide the body with a daily intake of this element.
  4. Pumpkin. It is widely known that this product helps to get rid of worms, and also has anti-inflammatory and laxative properties. They are recommended to be used to improve metabolic processes in the body, prevent the formation of kidney stones, and also reduce blood cholesterol levels. They are also shown to those who want to lose weight, because they help cleanse the body, normalize sugar levels and saturate the body well due to the content of special dietary fibers.
To prepare a healthy balanced mixture of dried fruits with seeds, combine 200 g dried apricots, 200 g raisins, 100 figs, 100 g dates, 150 g any seeds and 200 honey. All ingredients should be washed well, dried and chopped. Seeds are best added fresh, if they are fried or simply dried in the oven, they may lose some of the nutrients.

Note! The seeds are quite high in calories, so this recipe does not include fatty nuts. Lemon can be added as desired, but it can be out of tune with the flavors that the seeds provide.

How to take a vitamin mixture of dried fruits and honey

The resulting mixture will be rich in useful trace elements and vitamins that improve the functioning of the brain, heart and generally strengthen the immune system. Also, this mass is quite high in calories: 100 grams of the finished product contains an average of 300 kcal. In order not to harm the body, use this sweet paste should be dosed.

Rules for the use of a mixture of dried fruits:

  • For a person who does not suffer from a breakdown, the standard daily intake of a vitamin mixture that provides the body with all the necessary trace elements is 1 tbsp. l. It is recommended to eat it every morning on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before breakfast. So all the elements are better absorbed.
  • If a person experiences chronic fatigue, his emotional state has worsened, or there is a feeling that you are attacked by a cold, the dose can be increased to 3 tbsp. l. in a day. In this case, they must be consumed 20 minutes before a meal.
  • Children are also allowed to eat this mass after three years. Their dose is 1 tsp. to strengthen immunity and 3 tsp. spoons during an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Nursing mothers are advised to take the mixture carefully, especially if it contains nuts or honey. These are the components to which an allergic reaction most often occurs.
  • It is impossible to drink the mixture, as most of the beneficial trace elements can dissolve, and their effectiveness will decrease.
If you notice a rash after taking a vitamin mixture, this may be a symptom of an allergic reaction to one of the components. In this case, you need to stop taking it for a while and check each product in turn, finding out what exactly you are allergic to. After that, the payload recipe can be adjusted.

How to prepare a mixture of dried fruits with honey - look at the video:

Vitamin sweet paste based on dried fruits with the addition of nuts, honey and seeds will be a great alternative to any complex vitamin preparations. The effectiveness of this product will confirm your well-being, which will improve significantly in just a few months.

Strong immunity is the basis of human health. If the defenses for one reason or another are reduced, then the risk of diseases of various organs and systems of the body increases. Among the most effective means to increase immunity is a vitamin mixture of dried fruits. Dry fruits are especially useful in winter and spring, when the body lacks vitamins. A mixture of dried fruits can be used to strengthen the immune system in both adults and children.

Benefits of dried fruit mix

Doctors and nutritionists recommend including a variety of dry fruits and berries in your daily diet, which have many beneficial properties. Any dried fruits contain various vitamins and microelements, mineral salts and organic acids, as well as fiber, pectin and other substances that are very important for our body. Dried apricots, prunes and raisins are especially significant and valuable products. It is these ingredients that are usually included in the vitamin mixture, which is used to increase immunity.

Dried apricots

Dried pitted apricots contain a large amount of potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and a number of other trace elements. Dried apricots are also highly valued for the presence of vitamins A, C, E and group B. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), dry apricots are the strongest natural antioxidant. Dried apricots help to remove toxins, toxins and bad cholesterol from the body. Regular use of dried apricots increases the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses.


Plums of different varieties in dried form are as useful as dried apricots. Prunes contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, E and K. This product is rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and other trace elements. Dried plum is famous for the presence in its composition of dietary fiber necessary for human life. Doctors advise eating prunes to strengthen the immune system, normalize the digestive system, improve the body's water-salt balance.


Dry grapes, like other components of the vitamin mixture, also have strengthening, preventive and healing properties. Due to the high content of vitamins C, K and group B, as well as organic acids and various microelements, raisins can improve immunity. Dried grapes are a very strong natural antioxidant. Among the main advantages of raisins is a calming effect. Dried grapes can relieve nervousness and irritability.

Honey, lemon and walnuts

As a rule, honey, fresh lemon and walnuts are added to the vitamin mixture from dried fruits that increase immunity. In combination with these food products, the beneficial effect of dry fruits on the human body and its immune system increases markedly. Walnut contains various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids. It contains phytoncides - biologically active substances that can destroy harmful microbes in the human body.

The huge benefits of bee honey have been known since ancient times. This tasty and very healthy product is a natural source of vitality, energy, health and longevity. Experts say that honey contains more than 100 substances and elements necessary for humans. It consists mainly of simple carbohydrates, which are fairly quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Honey is famous for its antibacterial, antiviral and antihistamine properties.

Recipe for the mixture

Usually, to prepare a vitamin mixture that enhances immunity, dried fruits are taken in equal amounts. However, this ratio of ingredients is not strictly fundamental. Dried apricots, prunes or raisins may well predominate in the prepared mixture. In any case, you get a healing composition, which will be a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. A mixture based on dried fruits, taken in arbitrary proportions, can significantly strengthen the immune system.

To prepare a healing composition, you can take:

  • a glass of prunes;
  • a glass of dried apricots;
  • a glass of raisins;
  • medium sized lemon;
  • a glass of peeled walnuts;
  • half a glass of honey.

Before preparing the vitamin mixture, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the dried fruits and pour them with warm water for 20-30 minutes. The lemon should be washed, cut into several slices, after which all the seeds must be removed from it. Then dried fruits, lemon with zest and walnuts are passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. The resulting mixture is stirred (for this purpose it is advisable to use a wooden spoon) and poured with liquid honey.

Other ingredients can be added to the mixture. Dried figs, dates, dried persimmons will be quite appropriate. Owners of garden plots can dry grown apples, pears, blackcurrants, and raspberries in the summer. These fruits and berries also have beneficial properties. Walnuts can be supplemented with hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts or hazelnuts. Each of these gifts of nature contains various vitamins and nutrients.

How to take a vitamin mixture correctly

The finished composition is recommended to be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator. The mixture should be taken before meals or in between meals 3 times a day, one teaspoon or dessert spoon. For those whose body is weakened after an illness, you can increase the daily rate to 4-5 tablespoons. Do not use the mixture after 18 hours. Prunes and walnuts are considered heavy foods, so they must be digested in the stomach before going to bed.

After the mixture is finished, it can be prepared again according to the same recipe. After 2-3 weeks of taking this remedy, you should take a week break. People with severely weakened immune systems are recommended to take the medicinal composition continuously for two months. Then you need to take a break for 1 week. A mixture based on dried fruits can be given to a child from the age of 3 if he does not have allergic reactions to nuts, dried fruits or honey containing plant pollen.

At least once in a lifetime, every housewife thought about how to strengthen the immunity of her household with the help of a tasty and healthy, and most importantly, natural remedy. After all, it’s hard enough for a family to please: one does not like dried fruits, because they are too sweet, the other does not tolerate lemon - it is too sour.

It turns out that there is such a remedy - a tasty and healthy vitamin mixture of dried fruits.

All the benefits are in the ingredients

The classic recipe for this tasty concoction includes dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, lemon and honey.

All the ingredients are very healthy and tasty, but if you add other dried fruits and nuts, the medicine will not only not lose its medicinal properties, but will become even more useful.

In addition to all of the above, you can also put seeds in this sweet mass, which will also not be superfluous.

The beneficial properties of such a mixture are in its constituent products:

These are the beneficial properties of each product individually, but if you mix several ingredients, then their benefits will only increase.

Recipes for crafting a potion

There are several options for preparing a vitamin mixture of dried fruits with nuts, honey and lemon.

So, you can use all these ingredients, or you can mix only chopped dried fruits and honey. The seeds added to it will not spoil the taste and healing properties of the treat.

Choose, try and experiment.

The classic cooking

For the classic version, you need to take 200 gr dried apricots, raisins and walnuts, 1 medium sized lemon and 3 tablespoons honey.

Before cooking, dried fruits are recommended soak in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, and dry the dried apricots and raisins. Nuts need to be washed, cleaned of debris, dried, can be calcined in a pan.

Honey is taken liquid, not candied. In no case should honey be mixed with hot nuts, as it loses its healing properties when heated. The lemon is cut into slices and pitted so that the mixture does not start to taste bitter.

Dried fruits and lemon along with zest scroll separately in a meat grinder or blender. You can also finely chop the dried apricots, as you like. Nuts can also be scrolled in a blender, or you can simply break them with your hands.

Pour this mixture with honey and mix thoroughly. The resulting medicine must be put in a glass jar and tightly closed with a lid. Store this healthy mixture only in the refrigerator.

You you can experiment with the composition the way you like it best. You can add more dried fruits, for example , dates, figs, prunes. Except walnuts, include in the mixture hazelnuts and peanuts.

If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you can change it to something you like better. No changes will harm the healing properties of the mixture, but only enhance them.

Mixture of dried fruits with honey

For cooking, take 300 gr dried apricots, prunes and figs and 350 gr honey.

Dried fruits need to be poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, dried, get pits from prunes if they are there. Then grind the prepared dried fruits in a meat grinder or blender. You can just chop them finely, then pieces of fruit will come across in the mixture.

Mix the resulting mass with liquid honey. Pour into a glass jar, cover tightly and refrigerate.

Adding seeds won't ruin the taste

This vitamin mixture is also very beneficial because of the seeds it contains. It is necessary to take 200 grams of dried apricots, raisins and honey, 100 grams of figs and dates and 150 grams of any seeds(you can use a mixture of several types of seeds).

Wash and dry all ingredients well. Seeds are better use fresh , without roasting or drying in the oven, as the high temperature will destroy some of the nutrients. Dried fruits and seeds should be crushed and mixed with honey.

The resulting drug should be transferred to a glass jar, covered with a tight lid and stored in the refrigerator. This recipe does not use nuts, as the seeds themselves are very high in calories. And lemon can be added if desired, but remember, it can spoil the taste of the seeds.

All of these recipes can be tweaked, you can add your favorite ingredients or omit those you don't like or are allergic to.

Feel free to experiment with this healing delicacy, it will not lose its beneficial properties.

Indications and contraindications for use

This vitamin mixture is very loved by everyone who has tried it. It is not only tasty, but also useful.

This medicine will help if a person has the following conditions:

In addition, this vitamin mixture is used for prevention and treatment of certain diseases:

In all these conditions, a useful delicacy has either a therapeutic or prophylactic effect. In addition, this natural medicine stimulates the immune system, which is why it is prescribed during the flu epidemic.

But, like every medicine, it also has its contraindications.

These include the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the vitamin mixture.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Obesity.

But allergy sufferers should not be upset, since the peculiarity of this medicine is that all of it components can be replaced. For example, walnuts can be changed to hazelnut, Allergy-causing dried fruit should be excluded from the composition. Even so useful honey can be replaced by less useful jam.

The dosage of the healing mixture

It is best for babies to start giving a vitamin mixture before they reach the age of three , since the medicine contains allergens such as honey, nuts and lemon.

Children are assigned 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. Adults can take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Best taken in the morning on an empty stomach and between meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks with a week break.

Since the medicine is very sweet, it recommended to drink tea.

Children can make candy. To do this, the healing mixture is rolled into small balls and rolled in coconut flakes. It turns out to be a very useful delicacy.

Give this vitamin blend a try and you will be delighted with its delicious taste and great immune benefits.
