
Description. Amazing Cognac: plant, noodles, natural sponge

What a strange name, you probably thought? What is a sponge - still clear, but "cognac"? Do not be surprised, in the world of beauty and skin care there are the most amazing names, especially if they came to us from Japan, and this interesting sponge is from there.

If you constantly suffer from oily and sensitive skin, which strives to please you with a new pimple or irritation, and other inventions do not suit you well, then you should seriously think about buying such a cosmetic accessory.

So what is a konjac sponge? By the way, you can come across a variety of names, for example, “cognac”, “konjac” or even “cognac”, but still it is more correct to pronounce “cognac”. This is a special type of sponge, which is an exclusively natural product and is made from the roots of a perennial and eponymous plant.

By the way, the Konjac plant has always been a dietary product, in the countries of Southeast Asia it is actively eaten, because it contains a large number of vitamins, fatty acids, dietary fiber and other elements that are extremely beneficial for the health and beauty of the human body. .

How does it work?

Spongy is made from the tubers of this plant, as a result, it boasts a delicate and soft texture that is ideal for cleansing even the most sensitive skin. Such a delicate removal of the keratinized skin layer is achieved due to the Glucomannan fiber, which is part of the konjac plant.

The main advantage of such a cosmetic device is its ability to thoroughly cleanse the pores and polish the skin, while not damaging its surface. The result is fresh, healthy and radiant skin that does not require any additional products other than plain water.

On sale you can find konnyak of different colors, which, depending on the incoming additives, are suitable for different purposes and different skin types. The most common is a pure white konjac sponge, which is usually suitable for everyone, even those with the most sensitive skin.

For example, greenish sponges (with green clay) are designed for oily skin, but with pink clay they are for tired and dehydrated. We will talk about how to use them correctly below, but first, a few general concepts.

After purchase, you will receive a small wrinkled sponge, which must be thoroughly soaked with warm water before use. The service life of such a cosmetic accessory is 2-3 months, depending on how often and with what intensity you use it.

Multiple applications

Due to the fact that konnyaku very gently cleanses the surface of the skin, without irritation and possible damage, as is the case when using scrubs or products containing fruit acids, it becomes especially relevant in the summer.

Manufacturers recommend using it 2-3 times a week, however, depending on the desire, it is also suitable for daily use. Some even recommend it for massaging the area around the eyes, however, you need to be careful in this matter, because it is very delicate and easily injured.

The first use case: take a solid brandy and dip it into a small container with warm water. We are waiting for it to be well saturated with water, then gently wring it out and apply a couple of drops of gel or foam for washing on it.

We knead the sponge a little, foam begins to form on it, after which, with its help, we begin to gently massage the face, gently cleansing it from the stratum corneum and other contaminants. The second option is to soften the brandy in water, squeeze it out and begin to massage the cleansed skin of the face with it.

It is believed that it is this method, without the use of any additional means, that allows the upper surface of the epithelium to be better updated and get rid of peeling.

Results and some features

You will be surprised with what tenderness and delicacy your skin is really cleansed, the pores are smoothed and narrowed, and the surface becomes smooth and matte. To solve skin problems once and for all, regular use of such a remedy is necessary. By the way, it is very important to properly dry the konjac sponge so that bacteria do not accumulate in it, which then may not have the best effect on the condition of your skin.

So, after use, it must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, squeezed out and hung to dry on a rope, which is usually threaded through it. The main thing is not to leave it in the bathroom, it is best to hang it in a well-ventilated area, for example, on a balcony.

The modern market of cosmetic products is regularly updated with new products designed for delicate care of delicate facial skin, which today include a konjac sponge. Reviews about it are spreading with great speed among the owners of a thin sensitive dermis, because absolutely everyone likes its natural composition. In addition to the usual cleansing function, this applicator gently cares for the skin, massages it, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Most of the advantages of a konjac sponge are due not only to the natural properties of the material itself, from which it is made, but also to high-quality additional impregnation from extracts of green tea, turmeric or bamboo charcoal, red or pink clay, lavender, berries, and various medicinal herbs.

Perennial plant Amorphophallus konjac and its processing

On the slopes of the mountains and hills of southeast Asia, in the tropics and subtropics of Indonesia, in southwest China, in the eastern part of Japan and in Thailand, a unique perennial plant Amorphophallus konjac, or konjac, grows, the tubers of which are used in cooking to make flour for shirataki ( noodles) or as a component to salads. The roots of the "snake palm", or "devil's tongue" (as the locals call Amorphophallus konjac (lat.)), are rich in glucomannan, a plant fiber. More than half of this jelly-like product (up to 60%) is dried into glucomannan threads, from which an excellent cosmetic konjac sponge is obtained. Reviews praise the tenderness and delicacy of the applicator when treating the skin, because thanks to the properties of plant fibers, it cleans the epidermis qualitatively, allows you to perform gentle peeling, moisturizes the dermis, and has a noticeable lifting effect. Sponges for washing from konjac tubers are universal: they have long been used by oriental beauties to care for any type of skin.

Forms and varieties of cosmetic sponges made of vegetable threads with a high degree of purification

The konjac sponge that is popular today, reviews of which encourage fans of Asian cosmetics to give preference to it when buying, can be shaped like an oval, heart or hemisphere. This does not affect the quality of the skin treatment and the degree of its cleansing with natural fibers, but allows the owners of a unique sponge to choose a convenient applicator so that it is comfortable to hold it with your fingers while caring for your face and body.

Variants of colored sponges for konjac

Natural reviews that say it is safe even for babies and older children, contains only and is white in color. Green applicator (with excellent care for dry and sensitive skin.

Black and gray konnyaku sponge (with bamboo charcoal) is used to treat oily and problematic skin. Yellow sponge with glucomannan fibers and turmeric extract is great for aging dermis. Brick-colored konjac applicator (with red clay) is recommended by experts for thin, sensitive, as well as irritated and mature skin. The pink Konjac sponge has the combined properties of konjac vegetable fibers and (a mixture of red and white kaolin). Silicon-rich colored sedimentary rock is designed for dry skin types. The sponge, which contains pink kaolin impregnation, does an excellent job of restoring the skin and stimulating the work of epithelial cells, removes irritation, tones all layers of the dermis and improves blood circulation to tissues. A pink sponge is also good for problem skin: it removes oily sheen, cleanses it of comedones and perfectly exfoliates dead skin particles.

General properties of all konjac sponges

The features of any glucomannan fiber applicator promised by the manufacturers include: soft, gentle exfoliation that restores the natural radiance of the skin; anti-inflammatory action, relieving acne; balancing the pH balance of the dermis; guarantee of gentle care for sensitive and irritated skin; natural hydration of the epidermis and deeper layers; ideal match for hypersensitive dermis and affected by atopic skin ailments. Each konjac (reviews about its hypoallergenicity are true) is produced without dyes, preservatives and chemical additives.

Pale jade heart or hemisphere sponge

A konjac washcloth with a hint of green tea is popular with women and girls with mixed or dry skin types. This face and body applicator impregnation ensures that the dermis is treated with the best natural antioxidant containing ascorbic acid, tocopherol, kahetins and natural polyphenol.

It helps to tone small vessels, strengthening them. Laudatory comments accompanying sponges with tea extract advise using them for dermatitis and acne. With regular washing, cleansing of makeup with a konjac sponge with a pale jade tint, turgor, color and skin health noticeably improve in 3-4 weeks.

Konjac sponge with bamboo charcoal

Reviews of a washcloth based on glucomannan fibers of coal (black-gray) color are full of grateful words about the quality care for oily and problematic dermis, prone to rashes and the formation of acne and comedones.

Despite the pleasant soft structure of this sponge, it is very effective: it helps to deeply and effectively remove subcutaneous fat from the pores, narrow them, thereby preventing further penetration of dirt and cosmetics inside.

Natural body washcloth from the konjac plant

Konjac body sponge is considered a natural exfoliant that helps cleanse any skin impurities. Reviews about it indicate that the size of such an applicator is much larger than face sponges. But its effect on the skin is exactly the same.

Extra-exfoliating, abrasive materials for the epidermis are not required when using sponges. User comments of such sponges are advised to wash and massage the skin of the body without the use of scrubs. But a soft gel during the procedure, suitable for this type of skin, will be most welcome.

How to use a fashionable konjac miracle washcloth

Glucomannan fiber sponges can be sold packaged, wet, or unpacked and dry.

The first is a washcloth with a soft and delicate texture, which, when completely dry, takes the form of a hard stone. When placed in warm water, it swells again and increases in size, restoring its original softness. Unpacked konjac sponges have an initially solid structure, during moistening of which the applicator doubles in size and softens, just like its soaked and packaged "brother".

Popular brands of konjac sponges from European and Asian manufacturers

Washcloths with natural glucomannan fibers have conquered girls and women in all corners of our planet. The geography of manufacturers of cosmetic sponges extends from Asia to Europe. In the catalog of well-known brands of konjac sponges, you can find companies from France (Clarette) and Korea (Tony Moly, Ecotools Pure Complexion Facial Sponge and Holika Holika), Japan (Boscia) and China (Valori). It should be noted that any konjac sponge reviews (Valori among them) are admired.

According to the main parameters of quality and skin care, all sponges are almost identical to konjac. European applicators differ from their Eastern "brothers" only in price. Japanese and Korean sponges can be both budget-friendly and quite expensive. Their price varies from small (160-200 rubles) to double for the French Clarette applicator and more (700-900 rubles). The Clarette konjac sponge, reviews of which are often left by grateful customers, miraculously cleanses the skin of the face and massages it in the same way as any oriental counterparts, while at the same time it has a price that is quite affordable for most consumers. Konjac sponge from China (Valori), judging by the comments of users, is not inferior in its properties and reliability to both Japanese and Korean sponges, and French ones.

Konjac sponge: reviews

With bamboo charcoal, green tea extract, colored clay, turmeric, lavender or berries, the cosmetic washcloth gives an amazing amount of foam when washing, which helps to take care of the skin, cleansing it of dirt and cosmetics. Enlarged pores narrow, oily sheen disappears even without the use of special products.

But comedones (black dots), judging by the majority of comments, are not subject to glucomannan fiber sponges. Washcloths only lighten them slightly, but they cannot radically fight them. To eliminate this cosmetic defect, additional drugs and procedures will be required. Teenagers with acne also need to entrust the treatment of the disease to a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. But at the post-acne stage, when the acute phase of the disease has passed, acne spots are perfectly removed on the affected areas of the epidermis with a konjac sponge. A sponge with a gel or mousse for washing deeply cleanses the skin by foaming the product and removes make-up (including foundation) with high quality. Buyers of konjac washcloths from most manufacturers note that with careful handling, applicators last no more than two to three months. Experienced users of konjac sponges are advised not to keep them constantly wet in their original packaging, as pathogenic bacteria can appear and multiply in the porous structure.

After each use, the konjac sponge should be rinsed in running water and hung on a special rope provided by the manufacturer for drying. By the way, on the same rope, the girls hang the konnyak sponge on the water tap in order to soak the applicator with running water as much as possible before the procedure. It should be noted that in the ranking of sponges for washing, natural exfoliant from plant fibers of konjac roots occupies mainly the very top positions.

Properties of Cognac Plant (konjac)

The konjac plant (konjac) is scientifically called Amorphophallus konjac (Latin name Amorphophallus konjac). This is a variety of perennial plants that belongs to the genus Amorphophallus (Amorphophallus) from the Aroid family (Araceae).

It is noteworthy that the unusual and even somewhat frightening appearance of its aerial part determines the local names of this plant. For example, translated from English (devil "s-tongue or snake-palm), its name sounds like a devilish tongue or snake palm, and the Japanese name for the plant is konnyaku (コンニャク).

The natural habitat of this species is the countries of East Asia. In particular, the konjac plant (konnyaku) is most often found in China (Yunnan Province), Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines. It prefers to grow cognac (cognac) in open spaces, in forest thickets and on the outskirts of forests, while certainly at an altitude of 200-3000 meters above sea level.

The cognac plant (konjac) is often cultivated for ornamental purposes, despite the disgusting smell that it emits during flowering. However, as a food plant, it is actively grown in China, Japan and Korea. Of particular value to humans are the slightly glossy tubers of the cognac (konjac) plant, which are distinguished by their brown color and compressed spherical shape.

For more than a millennium, the Japanese have been using the tubers of the konjaku plant for food purposes. Even now, almost every Japanese woman knows the beneficial properties of the konjac (konnyaku) plant. It is especially appreciated for its low calorie content with a fairly rich vitamin composition.

It must be said that the tubers of the konyaku (konnyaku) plant are part of a large number of traditional Japanese dishes. For example, they are used in the preparation of o-den, one of the most popular and widespread dishes in Japan. In fact, this is a mixture of carrots, radishes, lotus roots, boiled eggs and tubers of the cognac (konnyaku) plant, steamed. Some Japanese prefer to add fish sticks or tofu cheese to this dish.

In addition, on the basis of the tubers of the konjac (konnyaku) plant, flour is produced, which acts as a feedstock for the manufacture of noodles and rice. Sometimes cakes are made from it, which are eaten instead of bread. By the way, for breakfast, the Japanese often eat boiled konnyaku with vegetables instead of our usual sandwiches with coffee or corn flakes. The substances contained in the tubers of this plant, improving the functioning of the intestines, normalize weight, increase the tone of the body and accelerate metabolic processes in the human body.

Cognac plant (konjac)- a perennial plant, a representative of the Aroid family. The botanical name is Amorphophallus konjac. In different countries, konnyaku is called differently, for example, in Japan the name sounds like "devil's tongue", the English name is translated as "snake palm". The "devil's tongue" grows in East Asia: in China, Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines. It can be found in open areas, in forests, near the sea. In China and Japan, cognac is used for gastronomic purposes, growing it as a food plant.

Konnyaku is a plant with a brown tuber, green leaves (see photo). Often konjac can be found as an ornamental plant, even a suffocating smell cannot spoil its attractive appearance.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of cognac are due to its composition. The konjac tuber contains fiber and water. Flour known to all Asians is produced from it.

Konjac flour from konjac tuber contains 0 calories and at the same time is a very useful product for human health.

It saturates well, leaving a feeling of lightness. Konjac does not contain gluten, sugar, fat, which makes this product ideal for a dietary diet. Flour is rich in fiber, in fact, konjac is 100% fiber, which our body needs so much. Fiber regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion. It has also been proven beneficial for people who want to lose weight. The fact is that the digestion of food rich in fiber, the body expends more energy than usual. Once in the stomach, it increases in volume and contributes to rapid satiety. Thus, a person loses up to 150 kilocalories per day, practically without changing his lifestyle (this is the same amount as spent during a 20-minute run). Fiber also lowers blood sugar levels. People who regularly consume fiber have a 50% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It has a positive effect on well-being in diabetes mellitus, as well as in diseases of the digestive system. Konjac flour is included in the most famous diets. For example, Dr. Dukan recommends including it in your diet, starting from the Attack stage, you can use it in any quantity. In order to dull the feeling of hunger, you should prepare a mixture of 1 g of flour and 1 tbsp. l. water and drink 30 minutes before meals. Flour absorbs water 200 (!) times more than its weight. So, shirataki noodles made from it contain only 4% flour and 96% water.

The cognac plant is very famous in cosmetology. It is from it that the legendary accessories for washing are made. This hygienic product has been used for over 1500 years in Japan. Manufacturers claim that the konjac sponge perfectly cleanses the skin, kills harmful bacteria on its surface, destroys acne, blackheads. Washing with a sponge is very simple: just hold it in warm water and it will become soft and very pleasant to the touch. Next, the skin is cleansed in the usual way with the addition of a cleansing foam, gel or mousse. A characteristic feature of this sponge is the ability to cleanse the face without the use of special products. It is enough just to drive the sponge over the face, thus making a gentle massage.

Modern Asian manufacturers offer different types of sponges, depending on the additives they contain. So, a black sponge contains bamboo charcoal, which deodorizes well and kills bacteria. A black sponge will be useful for oily skin care, it contributes to the most gentle cleansing of the skin without disturbing the natural balance. The green sponge contains green tea, which effectively soothes the skin, reduces inflammation, does not tighten or irritate. Manufacturers recommend green sponge for people with problematic inflamed skin. It evens out the skin, moisturizes, makes age spots less noticeable. Pink sponge contains pink clay and volcanic impurities. It is suitable for cleansing problematic and aging skin. The white sponge contains white clay and is recommended for sensitive skin, suitable even for babies. The white sponge cleanses and perfectly moisturizes the skin. The orange sponge contains turmeric, a spice that is very beneficial for the skin; it ideally cleanses aging skin, helps fight wrinkles, promotes regeneration, and tones. After using the sponge, it is washed, dried, proper care will extend the life of the product.

Use in cooking

In cooking, the konjac plant is used mainly in oriental cuisine. So, flour is obtained from its tubers, which is known as "konjac" or "cognac". The root itself is more like a huge beet, it can also be consumed raw. For sale, the plant is grown in ecologically clean areas of Indonesia or Japan.

In Asian countries, the konjac plant is as popular as rice.

In South Korea, cognac tubers are consumed as widely as we have potatoes. In Japan, they are used to prepare semi-finished confectionery products that are sold in every store. Root crops are peeled, washed, dried, ground into flour. Flour is a natural food additive, it is used as a thickener E425.

The plant is also used to produce gum, this substance is considered a good gelling agent along with agar-agar. A jelly-like substance is obtained from the rhizome of a plant, it can be of a different shade: brown, milky white, transparent. Sometimes konnyaku is cut into slices like thin noodles, which are called "shirataki". From Japanese, this word is translated as "white waterfall". Shirataki is also known as a dietary noodle substitute. From it you can cook spaghetti, rice, fettuccine, capellini, penne. Shirataki resembles Italian pasta with one difference: it contains no calories and gives a natural feeling of satiety. Since it does not have a pronounced taste and aroma, it can be mixed with completely different products, for example, with sauce, minced meat, etc. First, the noodles are washed with cold water, then they are unwrapped using a fork and poured with boiling water, left for minute, and then drain the water.

Shirataki are often sold floating in water and tied in a knot. In this form, it is customary to add it to nabe and oden - traditional Asian dishes. Nabe is considered a winter dish and is cooked in a boiling pot. This term refers to any dish prepared from a wide variety of ingredients, but always in a traditional Japanese pot. Hot stew in a saucepan is cooked right in front of the guests on the festive table using a portable gas burner. Guests are also directly involved in the preparation of this dish, they enjoy cooked nabe from a common pan. Oden is also a winter traditional Japanese dish. Oden consists of boiled eggs, daikon (Chinese radish), konnyaku and fish cakes stewed in dashi broth.

Konnyaku flour is great for making bread, noodles, pancakes, pastries. Its gelling properties are used in the creation of useful sweets of various kinds: marshmallows, marmalade, jelly, marshmallows. As a thickener, it is suitable not only for sweet dishes, because konjac flour is absolutely tasteless, colorless and odorless. It is also worth noting the efficiency of this product: its consumption is 15 times less than, for example, the consumption of starch. In Japan, konnyaku jelly is very popular, it is dietary and tasty. Shirataki noodles made from konjac flour are often combined with tofu, soy sauce, olive oil, bell peppers, carrots, herbs, and seafood. Noodles can often be seen in salads, cold appetizers, first courses. It is also cooked with chicken, fish, cheeses.

Benefits of the brandy plant (konnyak) and treatment

The benefits of cognac have long been known to Asian medicine. Fiber, which the plant is rich in, lowers cholesterol, regulates the work of the stomach and intestines. Since the product does not contain carbohydrates, starch, it is considered very light and dietary, suitable for people with diabetes. Fiber lowers blood pressure, cleanses the intestines, and normalizes stools.

Konnyaku does not contain fat, which helps to maintain good physical shape. For example, you can cook a low-calorie dish - shirataki noodles with cod and vegetables. Such a dish will contain many times less calories than, for example, regular pasta.

Harm of the plant to cognac (cognac) and contraindications

The product can cause harm to the body with individual intolerance. The absence of harmful chemical additives makes cognac safe and hypoallergenic. However due to the characteristics of the plant itself, it is not recommended to use it for people with low weight, as well as for people who suffer from lack of appetite.

Do not use konjac for people who play sports as an enhanced diet. Also, the plant will not be useful after serious illness or surgery.

For over two millennia, Japanese gourmets have been eating an incredibly tasty, and most importantly healthy product - Shirataki noodles The basis noodles- konjac flour, which is produced from the tubers of konjac, an amazing alpine plant of konjac. It has been known for more than 2000 years, and all these years it has been constantly used by man for food.

Amorphophallus konjac (Amorphophallus konjac)- a species of perennial plants of the genus Amorphophallus of the Aroid family, which is grown in highlands, where the earth and air are clean of toxins. It is mainly used as an ornamental plant, despite the strong smell of rotting meat that it exudes during flowering.

It is a perennial plant growing from a large corm up to 25 cm in diameter. The leaves are up to 1.3 m across, pinnate, and are divided into numerous leaflets. The petioles are about a meter long, dark olive in color with dark and light spots. The leaves are pinnately dissected, juicy green. Peduncle about 50-70 cm long. The spathe of the cob is 25-30 cm long, the cob itself is up to 55 cm long, it heats up to 40°C during flowering.

Its tubers, usually harvested in the fall from a 3-year-old plant, can grow to 10 pounds or more. Cognac tubers resemble beets or potatoes. It is sometimes referred to as "Japanese Konjac Potato". It is grown in Japan and Korea, it is also in China - there it grows like a wild potato. Local names of the plant: "cognac", "konnyaku", "devil's tongue" (English devil "s-tongue), "snake palm" (English snake-palm) and others.

Chemical composition: water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, pantothenic , nicotinic acid, fatty acids, folic acids and dietary fiber. Grown in the highlands, absolutely environmentally friendly fruit, 100% consists of dietary fiber - an indispensable supplier of energy to the human body, along with water, vitamins and mineral salts.

Practical Chinese, Japanese and Koreans also grow it as a food plant. Its tubers are ground into flour, which is used as a food thickener, in addition, konjac gum and glucomannan are made from them, which, along with gelatin, agar-agar or pectin, have strong gelling properties.

Cognac products are used in the preparation of suki yaki, gyudon, and are also eaten as sashimi with miso. To do this, cognac flour is mixed with lime or plain water, algae (in particular hidgiki) are added to give flavor and color, and boiled until thickened. Cognac jellies called lychee cups are popular in Japan and the United States.

Cognac has excellent adsorbing properties, which allows it to be used as a food supplement in the form of a cleanser and as a means to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar. Often used as a natural laxative. Acts as a dietary aid that has many benefits. Its property to swell when mixed with water allows you to fill the stomach. It also passes through the digestive tract very slowly, suppressing appetite over a longer period of time. This characteristic of Amorphophallus konjac is useful in the treatment of obesity.

Amorphophallus konjac can be used as an appetite suppressant as it swells when consumed, making it possible to feel completely full. Therefore, when paired with controlled diet and exercise, it can be a great dietary aid. It can also be used to control diabetes because it has been shown to slow carbohydrate absorption, which in turn can keep
blood sugar at a moderate and manageable level. Since it is a natural sweetener, it is sometimes made into candies and can be used as a sugar substitute.

Spaghetti Shirataki.

In Japan, starch-rich tubers are used to prepare a national dish - cognac. Of these, cognac is made (konjac flour, cognac mannan) - the basis for the production of Shirataki spaghetti, which can be easily processed on equipment used in conventional flour milling processes. Flour is used to produce different types of spaghetti, noodles, vermicelli, rice.
In turn, konjac flour is 100% dietary fiber (dietary fiber). It refers to nutrients like water, vitamins and mineral salts: they do not provide the body with energy, but play an important role in its life.
Dietary fiber is recognized as an integral part of a healthy diet, an element that is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines. The use of fiber normalizes the work of the large intestine and stimulates metabolism: a person loses weight, his immunity increases. Meanwhile, a lack of fiber in the body initiates digestive problems.
Fiber speeds up the process of digestion of food, and also helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and reduce body weight.


From the tubers of this plant, a polysaccharide is obtained - cognac mannan, widely used in cosmetology. On sale it is found in the form of a viscous liquid with a characteristic odor or a slightly greenish powder.

Cognac mannan dissolves easily in water, creating a gel texture. The stability of the gel increases when used simultaneously with xanthan (as a result of a specific intermolecular interaction), and the viscosity of such a gel increases with time. A stable, moderately clear gel can be obtained using 1% cognac mannan and 0.1% xanthan.

Does not lose stability when exposed to high temperatures (70-90 degrees) and low pH 2-4. Cognac mannan perfectly moisturizes dry skin, smoothing its relief. It has exceptional film-forming, moisturizing properties and is able to retain moisture in the skin.
An important feature of "cognac mannan" is the natural stimulation of the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, as a result of which the skin becomes elastic and velvety. Cognac-mannan has excellent moisturizing properties, similar to hyaluronic acid, i.e. forms a matrix on the surface of the skin for additional moisture retention and improvement of skin regeneration processes.

Cosmetic properties

Cognac-mannan molecules are too large and cannot penetrate into the stratum corneum of the skin, but this component has exceptional moisturizing, film-forming properties (similar to hyaluronic acid)
- regenerates the skin
- stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
- tightens and tones the skin
- gives skin elasticity, velvety
- saturates the skin with valuable fatty acids
- evens out skin texture
- Prevents the appearance of cellulite.

Used to make

Moisturizing and rejuvenating masks
- moisturizers, lotions, serums
- scrubs
- eye creams
- means for and after shaving
- shower gels
- toothpastes
- sunscreen cosmetics.

Sponge Cognac

Japanese Folk Sponge - natural sponge for washing the skin of any type of children and adults!Facial care with our new sponge is a tribute to the oriental tradition and the popular passion for organic eco-cosmetics. Such sponges are traditionally used in Japan, Korea and countries where the Amorphophallus konjac plant is common.

Great for cleansing moody and sensitive skin prone to the formation of blackheads, inflammation and comedones. Morning and evening cleansing-massaging the skin with a sponge of natural origin guarantees moisturized and clean skin without blemishes.

The sponge itself can look different - it can be of different shapes and different colors, depending on the additives.

A green sponge with green tea soothes, helps suppress inflammation, eliminates age spots, evens out skin tone and texture.

White sponge with white clay is designed for sensitive skin: it deeply and gently cleanses, moisturizes, and renews the outer layer. Suitable even for kids.

Sponge with pink clay and volcanic minerals is suitable for those who have problems with acne, fatigue and skin irritation.

Black sponge with impurities of bamboo charcoal deeply cleans and polishes. This is ideal for problematic oily skin.

Usually a small string or thread is threaded into the sponge for easy hanging. Can be sold wet or dry.

The sponge consists of active nutrients, 97% water and natural glucomannan fibers.
Cognac sponges are valued for the fact that they are pleasant to massage the skin during washing - with or without foam. A massage on wet skin will provide the effect of light polishing, improving blood microcirculation, removing puffiness and stress from the skin (remember swelling of the eyelids in the morning?).
Make-up and foundation lie especially evenly on the skin, previously renewed with a massage with a konjac sponge (connoisseurs of mineral makeup will appreciate it!)
In truth, the sponge has natural cleansing properties, so additional foam products Not needed(we are not talking about removing waterproof makeup or actor's makeup).

Natural konjac sponge is recommended to be used without soap or other detergents. If you decide to use a foam cleanser, then it is easy to lather it with our sponge. The skin of the face and neck should be cleaned gently and gently, in circular motions without excessive pressure. Yes and toThe skin of the whole body will perfectly accept the cleansing with a konjac sponge. True, you will have to get used to new sensations, but it is easy and pleasant. By the way, after peeling, it is pleasant to renew the skin with this sponge: massage and pressureless peeling, a double benefit! Then apply your usual moisturizer. Try this scheme, and in a week you will definitely fall in love with your skin.

Brief briefing. Before first use, place a dry and hard new sponge in warm water. After a couple of minutes, it will absorb the required amount of water and become soft. Now it is ready for use.
After use, the sponge should be rinsed with plenty of water, gently squeezed in a fist or squeezed between the palms, but not twisted at all, and then hang to dry by a rope. The less moisture you leave in the sponge after use, the longer it will last you. Proper care will extend the service life. Never leave a wet sponge lying down. When dried, the sponge hardens, it will take him about a day or two. So before the next washing, it is enough to throw a dried sponge into water or hold it under running water for a minute.

Life time: 1-3 months depending on how often you use it, but in principle - until it starts to look tired and overly porous.
