
We choose antiparasitic tea - we make the composition with our own hands or buy a ready-made collection. Antiparasitic monastic tea

  • in the presence of allergic reactions of unknown origin on the skin, causeless runny nose in the absence of a cold, tearing from the eyes;
  • with constant chronic fatigue, even if the work was easy and did not require much effort to complete it;
  • in the presence of pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • in violation of appetite and sleep;
  • if there are dark circles under the eyes;
  • with frequent headaches that were not there before;
  • with regular diarrhea and constipation, not caused by a change in diet;
  • with pain in the joints and muscles;
  • when grinding your teeth (especially at night);
  • with incomprehensible nervousness and a sense of anxiety.

Attention! The composition of the collection must be carefully studied before use. It is undesirable to drink this herbal tea for pregnant women, as the composition of the collection includes tansy, wormwood. Only after consulting a pediatrician, you can give this remedy to children under 12 years old.

After the course of treatment, patients note:

  • normalization of digestion;
  • sleep improvement;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • change in skin color, complexion;
  • improved mood, increased vitality;
  • no allergies.

The main composition of tea is supplemented with components that have a beneficial effect on the immune system, psyche and general condition of the body. It is necessary to select the ingredients for the preparation of the mixture for brewing with special attention, and drink it in accordance with the rules.

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Signs of infection

In a broad sense, such tea is a decoction of medicinal ingredients of natural origin with healing properties.

Contraindications include the following factors:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to individual components.

The following components can have a negative effect on the body:

  • St. John's wort with excessive use can cause constipation;
  • with an overdose of elecampane occur;
  • black tea is contraindicated in the presence of certain diseases;
  • rose hips should not be consumed by people with diseases of the digestive system (berries increase the acidity of gastric juice);
  • other components can also disrupt the performance of some body systems in case of individual intolerance or overdose.

What results can be achieved?

How to cook at home?

After mixing the components, it is not worth brewing the entire resulting mixture. The process of preparation of a therapeutic agent is carried out in several stages.

On the second day the dosage increases - tea should be drunk twice a day in the same amount. On the third day the mixture is taken three times before meals, one third of a glass.

Within three weeks, tea is consumed in the same doses. Every morning it must be prepared fresh. A glass of tea is divided into three doses throughout the day.

Signs that indicate the need to give up tea include:, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, general lethargy, fever or headache.

Settling in the body, they can disrupt the functioning of any organ. Sometimes a person is unsuccessfully treated for years for a particular disease. But, since the true cause is the "worms" that feed on cells and useful substances, the medical methods aimed at healing the organ do not lead to success.

Some live and do not cause much harm to their "master", while others can cause serious illness.

Most often they enter the body through:

  • food products that have not undergone the necessary processing;
  • contact with water or soil infected with worms;
  • animals (domestic or outdoor);
  • poor hygiene;
  • insect bites;
  • close contact with the carrier of the infection.

Their size varies from a few millimeters to meters. Their secretions not only poison the body, but also overload the liver, kill the bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract and worsen the state of immunity.

How to recognize harmful creatures?

  • pain in the joints and muscles;
  • allergy;
  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • anemia;
  • change in body weight;
  • teeth grinding during sleep;
  • change in mental state;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • inflammation of the respiratory organs;
  • impaired immunity;
  • oncological diseases.

Diagnosis or prevention

Immediately after infection, it is not easy to recognize their presence. But you can use modern methods of traditional medicine. There are special types of diagnostics that allow you to detect "intruders". When they are carried out, the condition of the internal organs is also assessed and concomitant diseases are identified.

The composition of this tool is simple. It includes a dozen medicinal plants. Each of them is chosen in such a way that one enhances the effect of the other.

The uniqueness of the drink is that it is 100% natural. Manufacturers claim that the herbs it consists of are handpicked in environmentally friendly places. All of them are added in strict proportions that contribute to the achievement of the desired result.

  • chamomile:
  • oak bark;
  • birch leaves;
  • tansy;
  • bitter wormwood;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • burdock;
  • mint;
  • yarrow;
  • cudweeds.

In addition to these, other components can be added, including:

  • carnation;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • ginger root;
  • garlic;
  • thyroid root;
  • grapefruit seeds.

More about herbs

Chamomile is an antioxidant and antiseptic. Since ancient times, it has been used to cleanse the body in general and the skin in particular, and also treat women's diseases. Even today, some mothers bathe their newborn babies in chamomile tea to soften the skin.

Oak bark is able to restore skin health and have an active anti-inflammatory effect.

Birch leaf is an excellent natural antiseptic. It also has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Sage also has antiseptic properties, and in addition, it treats the stomach and easily copes with toothache.

Yarrow is useful in that the camphor in it has a very pronounced anthelmintic effect and also helps with inflammation.

Calendula actively heals wounds, helps with allergies and inflammation.

It is believed that burdock can help even with cancer. It has a cleansing effect, removes stones and treats hemorrhoids, varicose veins.

Sushenitsa fights inflammation, restores bowel function.

The benefits of monastery tea

  • strengthening immunity;
  • stimulation of the digestive tract;
  • destruction of pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses;
  • improving the condition of the liver;
  • elimination of allergies.

As a result of drinking tea:

  • hair, nails and skin look better;
  • immunity is enhanced;
  • sleep is restored;
  • appetite improves;
  • the body is filled with energy and vitality.

Side effects

When buying monastic tea, it is important to know that, as with other medicinal plants, it can cause side effects. Unfortunately, there is no information about them on the packaging.


Carrying out herbal treatment, one should not forget about the prescriptions of the doctor and follow all his recommendations. To avoid re-infection, you must:

  • after communicating with street or domestic animals, as well as coming from the street, always wash your hands thoroughly;
  • all fruits, vegetables and herbs should be rinsed with running water;
  • meat and fish must be prepared with mandatory heat treatment;
  • bed and underwear in the process of treatment should be treated with special means.

In the first case, the components in dried and crushed form are mixed with each other in compliance with all necessary dosages. The main thing that should be strictly adhered to is that tea should be brewed fresh every time. To do this, use clay or ceramic dishes.

A clean kettle must first be doused with boiling water, then pour a teaspoon of the mixture and again pour boiling water over it. Covering with a lid, it is advisable to wrap it additionally in a towel and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Medicinal tea is drunk both hot and cold. Sweet tooth instead of sugar, it is recommended to add a little honey to it.

The duration of the course should be as long as indicated on the package.

Having decided on a course of treatment, they are usually interested in the opinions of other people who have already tried this remedy, as well as the opinions of experienced professionals.

The essential oil of these flowers relieves inflammation, eliminates fermentation in the intestines, disinfects and anesthetizes. Chamomile not only relieves the symptoms of diseases, but also heals. It is especially effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers, inflammation of the colon. Chamomile can be drunk at any age, observing the appropriate dosage. It is combined with other plants. Chamomile has contraindications - it is a low Ph. Overdose leads to suppression of the central nervous system, headache, weakness.

marigold flowers

Calendula has a rich chemical composition, thanks to which you can strengthen the immune system. Flowers contain a lot of vitamin C, bitter and tannins. Bitter and tannic components are detrimental to pathogenic microflora. Calendula has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties. Just like chamomile, it is effective in the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Removes decay products and toxins from the body. It is considered a natural antibiotic, active in the fight against staphylococci and streptococci. Calendula is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, individual intolerance.

tansy flowers

Tansy is effective in the fight against Giardia, relieves inflammation, improves digestion. Good in the treatment of hepatitis, gastritis with low acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The tool has astringent, bactericidal, choleretic, wound healing properties. Contraindicated in pregnant women, small children. It is dangerous with toxic qualities, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, take a maximum of 500 milliliters per day.

Wormwood cleanses the body of worms, fungi and viruses.

A toxic drug that requires compliance with the prescription and recommendations for the duration of use. The bitter taste of wormwood tones and cleanses the body of various microorganisms. Such as worms, chlamydia, trichomonas, yeast bacteria, fungi, viruses, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas. It is not recommended to take more than 14 days. In case of overdose, it can develop renal failure. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, anemia, bleeding, stomach ulcers, low acidity, asthma.

Oak bark properties

aspen bark

Aspen contains a lot of trace elements necessary for a person. Aspen is able to restore blood. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties. Effective in the treatment of giardiasis, opisthorchiasis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. It is undesirable to use with constipation or a tendency to them, individual intolerance.

clove buds

Rich in vitamin complex, minerals, micro and macro elements. They have antimicrobial, analgesic properties. Eliminates gas formation and improves digestion. Effective in the fight against worms and pathogenic microorganisms. Contraindicated in hypertensive patients, pregnant women, people with high acidity, stomach ulcers.


Rich in biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals. Contains bitter and tannins. The herb has soothing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. You can not use with individual intolerance. Contraindicated in pregnant, lactating women and children under 6 years of age. In case of an overdose, sleep disturbance occurs, pain in the heart appears.

sage leaves

They contain many essential oils, bitter and tannins, vitamins and minerals. Sage is considered a natural antioxidant. It has disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antihelminthic properties. Sage leaves treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not take more than a month. The dosage should be strictly observed, since the herb irritates the mucous membranes. Contraindicated in epilepsy, pregnancy, inflammation of the kidneys.

How to make tea at home?

Medicinal herbs for tea can be prepared independently.

In order for the antihelminthic collection to be effective, it is necessary to cleanse the body before using it. Cleaning is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of a person, but the principle of purification remains unchanged. To begin with, the gastrointestinal tract is cleaned. For this, special solutions of salt water, laxative oils or herbs may be applicable. Then the liver is cleansed. Coffee enema is the most gentle and short-term cleansing of this organ.

A course of treatment

You need to drink tea on an empty stomach in a warm form.

There is another way to use the cooked collection. You can take non-brewed dry herbs in powder form. It is necessary to drink bitter herbs with sweet water. To do this, add honey to the water. During treatment, it is necessary to take sorbents to reduce intoxication from dressing. Sorbents are taken only on an empty stomach, not in combination with other drugs. As sorbent preparations, kaolin clay, activated carbon can be used.

Since the flora and fauna of our planet is unique and diverse, a single composition of such tea did not exist before, and it does not exist now. In each region, healers used their own, often secret components, traditionally passed down from teacher to student or from father to son.

For our purposes, the following plants are widely used in the folk pharmacopoeia:

pumpkin seed;
tansy flowers;
citrus seeds, in particular grapefruit;
peel of pomegranate fruit;
wormwood, leaves;
male shield, or rather its root;
ginger roots;
garlic cloves;
clove tree, its buds.

Because in large quantities, its components can be quite dangerous and toxic. In particular, the male thyroid gland, if used improperly and at the wrong dose, can provoke cardiac paralysis and muscle cramps.

To remove safely killed invaders from the body, it is recommended to include plants with a mild laxative effect in the composition of the anthelmintic collection.

In addition, plants with a tonic and antispasmodic action will not be out of place, such as:

birch leaves;
turnip ordinary.

Below we consider in more detail some of these plants.

The potent substance thujone, the active component of the essential oils of this herb, destroys roundworms, pinworms and other types of worms, removes lamblia that have entered the body.

Tansy herb is a powerful choleretic agent that has a positive effect on the liver, it improves the functioning of a weak intestine, increases low blood pressure and reduces heart palpitations.

When collecting a collection with tansy on your own, you need to remember that the maximum amount of active substances falls on tansy inflorescences, but these same inflorescences in this herb are the most dangerous and poisonous.

Again, we draw attention to the fact that the wrong dosage of active substances can provoke disorders of the nervous system, hallucinations and convulsions.

The duration of self-administration of wormwood cannot exceed 2-3 weeks, in the future it is necessary to take a break for a period of 1.5 to 2 months.

But the uncontrolled intake of this herb negatively affects the mucous walls of the gastrointestinal tract, upsetting its functions.

Therefore, the use of centaury in case of peptic ulcer or other problems with the gastrointestinal tract is contraindicated.

Pour in a thermos 1 cup of boiling water 10 gr. bark or fruit peel of the pomegranate tree. Leave for 30 minutes, filter and drink a decoction of 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The composition adversely affects vision with prolonged use.

Take 3 parts of tansy, 1.5 parts of cloves, 1 mass fraction of bitter wormwood, mix the composition until smooth. 1 tablespoon of the composition is poured into 250 ml. boiling water and simmer for half an hour in a thermos. After drain and take before meals for 3 s. l. 3 times a day.

Another variation is to finely grind the above composition and take it in the form of powders or form a kind of pill from a crumb, in the middle of which a bitter mixture is added. Take 1 week before meals 1 time per day according to the following scheme:
- day 1 - 1 tsp. ,
- day 2 - 2 tsp,
- the third and subsequent days - 3 tsp.

Mix 2 parts of wormwood, 2 parts of buckthorn, 1 share of pharmaceutical chamomile and 1 share of tansy grass, pour boiling water in the proportion of 2 teaspoons of the composition to 1 cup of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 10 hours, filter and take 2 times a day (morning and evening) within 5 days.

Take 3 s. l. cloves, 2 s. l. knotweed, dandelion root, thyme and wormwood, 1 s. l. peppermint and tansy, mix. 2 s. l. pour half a liter of boiling water over the finished mixture, leave for 40 minutes and drink 2 s. l. decoction every hour for 2 weeks.
