
What is the safest alcoholic drink? The benefits of alcoholic beverages: cognitive rating

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol, but perhaps there are few who refuse a glass or two of wine or other light alcoholic drink. So we decided to bring to your attention the rating of harmfulness alcoholic beverages.

The process of making vodka is quite simple: fruits or seeds are fermented for conventional yeast, then the fermentation products undergo repeated purification and filtration, and finally the resulting liquid is sent to the usual glass containers.

Calorie content. Since vodka does not contain sugars and other sources of carbohydrates, the calories in it are provided only by alcohol (approximately 7 kcal / g). It turns out that for all its bad reputation, vodka is one of the most "diet" drinks. However, if you drink it, you will not be in pure form, and in the composition of cocktails, the picture can change exactly the opposite.

Pros. As a rule, vodka contains almost no additives - dyes, flavors, etc. - and also passes the most thorough in comparison with other strong drinks cleaning. Therefore, according to the narcologists from the British Medical Association, hangover syndrome after a vodka feast it turns out to be much easier than, say, from whiskey or rum or even wine.
Minuses. For all its "purity", vodka is the culprit of most alcohol poisoning. Due to its relative cheapness, the lack of a pronounced taste and the habit of diluting it with juice or other alcoholic beverages, vodka is drunk relatively easily, which means that the likelihood of abuse is maximum.
Hangover severity 3 out of 10 points.
Made from barley with the addition of hops (for taste) and yeast (to speed up the fermentation process).
Calorie content. Although beer is not the most high-calorie alcoholic drink, it is much easier to drink than the same whiskey; eventually one standard portion contains much more calories.
Pros. The alcohol content in this drink is extremely low (3-8%), and therefore the state of intoxication from beer comes very slowly. In addition, half a liter of beer contains about a quarter of the recommended daily allowance vitamin B and heart-healthy salts folic acid.
Minuses. According to a study by specialists from the Massachusetts General Hospital, the purines contained in beer increase the level of uric acid in the blood, which, in turn, leads to the deposition of salts in the joints and the development of gout.
Beer consumption also increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular system and bowel cancer, and can lead to hormonal imbalances in both men and women.
Hangover severity: 4 out of 10.
White wine
It is made from fermented grapes, pitted and peeled. Calorie content. About 130 kcal per glass (175 ml). How sweeter wine, topics more content calories.
Pros. According to American scientists, white wine contains special chemical compounds that help lower blood cholesterol levels.
Minuses. Over time, sulfites form in white wine; they can also be added by manufacturers to preserve the original color of their product. Be that as it may, it was these substances that scientists called the culprits of severe hangover symptoms that threaten lovers of white wines. In addition, sulfites can cause allergic reactions, migraine and asthma attacks, as well as thinning tooth enamel, increasing your chances of getting tooth decay.
Hangover severity: 6 out of 10.
Red wine
It is also made from fermented grapes, however, both the skin and the seeds are used. The initial color of the liquid is usually white, but during the mandatory storage period of 2-3 years, it changes to a brownish or red in a natural way.
Calorie content. Approximately 120 calories per glass. Red wine tends to have slightly less sugar than white wine.
Pros. This drink is rich in Reservatrol, a natural antioxidant that is almost absent in white wines. IN moderate amounts red wine fights thrombosis, inflammation, lowers cholesterol and thus heals the entire cardiovascular system.

Minuses. Due to the production process, red wine contains two types of alcohol - ethanol and methanol - and our liver processes them alternately. According to British researchers, it is methanol that comes last, and therefore it stays in your body for a long time and causes all the hangover troubles.
Hangover severity: 7 out of 10.
It is made in much the same way as wine, but with the addition of a large amount of yeast to form bubbles.
Calorie content. Approximately 130 kcal per glass. Usually, manufacturers add a little syrup to champagne to improve the taste, so the drink turns out to be more high-calorie than just wine.
Pros. The antioxidants found in sparkling wines, prevent destruction nerve cells and thereby protect against ailments such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the University of Reading, who found in champagne a high content of useful tyrosol and caffeic acid.
Minuses. As you know, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream much faster with bubbles, so it is very easy to get drunk from champagne. Plus, contrary to popular belief, it does nothing to lift your spirits. Alcohol affects our brains in the same way, regardless of its form and source, and, as the British narcologists say, the influence is purely overwhelming. Alcohol consumption reduces the activity of our brain, releasing emotions and dulling common sense. As a result, we become more talkative, excited, sensitive - but certainly not happier.
Hangover severity: 7 out of 10.
Whiskey is a product of the fermentation of barley or wheat, previously cleaned and aged for several years in special wooden barrels.
Calorie content. About 80 kcal per 35 ml.
Pros. According to British chemists, the composition single malt whiskey useful ellagic acid is included, and in enough large quantities. This acid can slow down the growth cancerous tumors a certain type and even kill cancer cells without damaging the healthy ones.
Minuses. Excessive love for this drink threatens, if not with delirium tremens, then with sudden and violent fits of rage for sure. Due to the strength of the drink and the tradition of drinking it undiluted and without a snack, whiskey quickly leads to a state of intoxication and makes the drinker behave extremely unpredictably. As shown by experiments conducted by members of the Royal Society of Chemists of Great Britain, it is precisely ethanol(contained in whiskey) is most quickly absorbed by the body, and within an hour after the first glass, the level of alcohol in the drinker's blood reaches its maximum. This explains the effect of the drink. Another drawback: during storage, all kinds of impurities are formed in whiskey, due to which the hangover from it is 2 times heavier than from the same amount of vodka.
Hangover severity: 8 out of 10.
Brandy is obtained by distilling alcohol from red wine. Expensive varieties also aged in wooden barrels for several years.
Calorie content. OK. 80 kcal per 35 ml.
Pros. As a product derived from red wine, brandy is rich in antioxidants. Studies by Australian scientists have shown that one glass of this drink (35 ml) is equivalent to the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.
Minuses. The love of brandy is fraught with the worst of possible hangover syndromes. According to research by the London National Center for Neurology and Neurosurgery, with an increase in the aging of the drink, the content of harmful substances in it, which are formed during storage, increases accordingly. On the one hand, they provide its taste and smell, on the other hand, the most severe symptoms of poisoning. The same applies to rum, gin and the already mentioned red wine and whiskey.
Hangover severity: 9 out of 10.
The presented rating will help you make the right choice of alcohol, with the least (if I may say so harm) for your body. But even better, if you completely refuse to use any kind of alcoholic products.

It is difficult to imagine a magnificent feast without at least a small decanter of a heady potion - this is already a kind of attribute big holiday Or meeting old friends. You can be an avid teetotaler, but you still put a bottle on the table for guests. If you want to feel like a cucumber in the morning, it is important to know what kind of alcohol to drink so that the harm to the body is minimal.

You probably know that it is good to drink red wine, and champagne intoxicates after the second glass. But with strong drinks the situation is more complicated. Therefore, we have prepared for you a rating of alcohol according to the degree of harmfulness, compiled on the basis of research by the Royal Society of Chemists of Great Britain.

Strong alcoholic drinks

5th place - rum

The drink adored by pirates can be considered almost healthy. In him high content potassium, phosphorus and zinc. So if you suddenly get drunk a large number of this type of alcohol, the likelihood of poisoning is very small. Just keep in mind that we are talking about pure rum, and not about its presence in various cocktails.

4th place - tequila

"Licked, swallowed, bitten!" - this is the slogan of this drink. Yes, tequila is very strong, but it is very useful. Agave contains the polysaccharides fructans, which can regulate stomach acid and help with ulcerative colitis. So in small quantities it is even healing drink. In addition, the use of salt helps retain water in the body, so in the morning it will not be too dry.

3rd place - vodka

Surprised white isn't number one? Although vodka is an infamous alcoholic drink, it is considered one of the least harmful. There are no dyes, flavors in vodka, and it undergoes thorough cleaning. And if vodka is made not on sugar, but on honey, then it can be attributed to diet drinks. But you should not abuse it, because vodka causes poisoning more than others, because it is most often faked. And frequent use of vodka leads to addiction and alcoholism.

2nd place - whiskey

The alcoholic drink- a source of ellagic acid, which fights cancer. They say it can kill cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. But besides this, whiskey has a high concentration of ethanol, which is very quickly absorbed by the body, and after an hour of drinking, the world will float a little in your eyes. And the next morning you will expect a nasty hangover. So think about whether it is worth paying so much money for this drink.

1st place - cognac

35 milliliters of cognac is daily dose vitamin C. But over the long years of storage in the drink, different harmful substances that poison the body. Due to the vigorous cocktail of alcohol fractions, cognac in large doses almost poisonous to nervous system. Although it also dilates blood vessels. Cognac is useful only in an amount of not more than 50 ml.

And yes, a hangover after it on a ten-point scale, we will rate it at eight. Here is such an unexpected first place! But remember that any alcohol in large quantities is harmful and can be addictive. Minimize your drinking, exercise and develop a sense of humor to have fun even without fuel.

It is difficult to imagine a magnificent feast without at least a small decanter of a heady potion - this is already some attribute of a big holiday or a meeting of old friends. You can be an avid teetotaler, but you still put a bottle on the table for guests. If you want to feel like a cucumber in the morning, it is important to know what kind of alcohol to drink so that the harm to the body is minimal.

You probably know that it is good to drink red wine, and champagne intoxicates after the second glass. But with strong drinks the situation is more complicated. Therefore, we have prepared for you a rating of alcohol according to the degree of harmfulness, compiled on the basis of research by the Royal Society of Chemists of Great Britain.

Strong alcoholic drinks

5th place - rum

The drink adored by pirates can be considered almost healthy. It is high in potassium, phosphorus and zinc. So, if you suddenly drink a large amount of this type of alcohol, the probability of poisoning is very small. Just keep in mind that we are talking about pure rum, and not about its presence in various cocktails.

4th place - tequila

"Licked, swallowed, bitten!" - this is the slogan of this drink. Yes, tequila is very strong, but it is very useful. Agave contains the polysaccharides fructans, which can regulate stomach acid and help with ulcerative colitis. So in small quantities it is even a healing drink. In addition, the use of salt helps retain water in the body, so in the morning it will not be too dry.

3rd place - vodka

Surprised white isn't number one? Although vodka is an infamous alcoholic drink, it is considered one of the least harmful. There are no dyes, flavors in vodka, and it undergoes a thorough cleaning. And if vodka is made not on sugar, but on honey, then it can be attributed to diet drinks. But you should not abuse it, because vodka causes poisoning more than others, because it is most often faked. And frequent use of vodka leads to addiction and alcoholism.

2nd place - whiskey

This alcoholic drink is a source of ellagic acid, which fights cancer. They say it can kill cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. But besides this, whiskey has a high concentration of ethanol, which is very quickly absorbed by the body, and after an hour of drinking, the world will float a little in your eyes. And the next morning you will expect a nasty hangover. So think about whether it is worth paying so much money for this drink.

1st place - cognac

35 milliliters of cognac is a daily dose of vitamin C. But over many years of storage, various harmful substances are formed in the drink that poison the body. Due to the vigorous cocktail of alcohol fractions, cognac in large doses is almost poisonous to the nervous system. Although it also dilates blood vessels. Cognac is useful only in an amount of not more than 50 ml.

And yes, a hangover after it on a ten-point scale, we will rate it at eight. Here is such an unexpected first place! But remember that any alcohol in large quantities is harmful and can be addictive. Minimize your drinking, exercise and develop a sense of humor to have fun even without fuel.

The process of making vodka is quite simple: the fruits or seeds are fermented with ordinary yeast, then the fermentation products undergo repeated purification and filtration, and finally the resulting liquid is sent to the usual glass containers.

calories. Since vodka does not contain sugars and other sources of carbohydrates, the calories in it are provided only by alcohol (approximately 7 kcal / g). It turns out that for all its bad reputation, vodka is one of the most "diet" drinks. However, if you drink it not in its pure form, but as part of cocktails, the picture can change exactly the opposite.

pros. As a rule, vodka does not contain almost any additives - dyes, flavors, etc. - and besides, it undergoes the most thorough cleaning compared to other strong drinks. Therefore, according to narcologists from the British Medical Association, a hangover after a vodka feast is much easier than, say, from whiskey or rum or even wine.

Minuses. For all its "purity", vodka is the culprit of most alcohol poisoning. Due to its relative cheapness, the lack of a pronounced taste and the habit of diluting it with juice or other alcoholic beverages, vodka is drunk relatively easily, which means that the likelihood of abuse is maximum.

Hangover severity: 3 out of 10 points.


Made from barley with the addition of hops (for taste) and yeast (to speed up the fermentation process).

calories. Although beer is not the most high-calorie alcoholic drink, it is much easier to drink than the same whiskey; as a result, one standard serving contains a much higher number of calories.

pros. The alcohol content in this drink is extremely low (3-8%), and therefore the state of intoxication from beer comes very slowly. In addition, half a liter of beer contains about a quarter of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B and heart-healthy folic acid salts.

Minuses. According to a study by specialists from the Massachusetts General Hospital, the purines contained in beer increase the level of uric acid in the blood, which, in turn, leads to the deposition of salts in the joints and the development of gout.

Beer consumption also increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular problems, and colon cancer, and can lead to hormonal imbalances in both men and women.

Hangover severity: 4 out of 10.

White wine

It is made from fermented grapes, pitted and peeled.

calories: about 130 kcal per glass (175 ml). The sweeter the wine, the higher the calorie content.

pros. According to American scientists, white wine contains special chemical compounds that help lower blood cholesterol levels.

Minuses. Over time, sulfites form in white wine; they can also be added by manufacturers to preserve the original color of their product. Be that as it may, it was these substances that scientists called the culprits of severe hangover symptoms that threaten lovers of white wines. In addition, sulfites can cause allergic reactions, migraine and asthma attacks, and thin tooth enamel, increasing your chances of getting cavities.

Hangover severity: 6 out of 10.

Red wine

It is also made from fermented grapes, however, both the skin and the seeds are used. The initial color of the liquid is usually white, but during the mandatory storage period of 2-3 years, it changes to a brownish or red in a natural way.

calories. Approximately 120 calories per glass. Red wine tends to have slightly less sugar than white wine.

pros. This drink is high in Reservatrol, a natural antioxidant that is almost absent in white wines. In moderation, red wine fights blood clots, inflammation, lowers cholesterol and thus heals the entire cardiovascular system.

Minuses. Due to the production process, red wine contains two types of alcohol - ethanol and methanol - and our liver processes them alternately. According to British researchers, it is methanol that comes last, and therefore it stays in your body for a long time and causes all the hangover troubles.

Hangover severity: 7 out of 10.


It is made in much the same way as wine, but with the addition of a large amount of yeast to form bubbles.

calories. Approximately 130 kcal per glass. Usually, manufacturers add a little syrup to champagne to improve the taste, so the drink turns out to be more high-calorie than just wine.

pros. The antioxidants found in sparkling wines prevent the destruction of nerve cells and thus protect against ailments such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the University of Reading, who found in champagne a high content of useful tyrosol and caffeic acid.

Minuses. As you know, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream much faster with bubbles, so it is very easy to get drunk from champagne. Plus, contrary to popular belief, it does nothing to lift your spirits. Alcohol affects our brains in the same way, regardless of its form and source, and, as the British narcologists say, the influence is purely overwhelming. Alcohol consumption reduces the activity of our brain, releasing emotions and dulling common sense. As a result, we become more talkative, excited, sensitive - but certainly not happier.

Hangover severity: 7 out of 10.


Whiskey is a fermentation product of barley or wheat, previously cleaned and aged for several years in special wooden barrels.

calories. About 80 kcal per 35 ml.

pros. According to British chemists, single malt whiskey contains useful ellagic acid, and in fairly large quantities. This acid is able to slow down the growth of certain types of cancerous tumors and even kill cancer cells without damaging healthy ones.

Minuses. Excessive love for this drink threatens, if not with delirium tremens, then with sudden and violent fits of rage for sure. Due to the strength of the drink and the tradition of drinking it undiluted and without a snack, whiskey quickly leads to a state of intoxication and makes the drinker behave extremely unpredictably. As experiments conducted by members of the Royal Society of Chemists of Great Britain showed, it is ethyl alcohol (which is also contained in whiskey) that is most quickly absorbed by the body, and an hour after the first glass, the level of alcohol in the drinker's blood reaches its maximum. This explains the effect of the drink.

Another drawback: during storage, all kinds of impurities are formed in whiskey, due to which the hangover from it is 2 times heavier than from the same amount of vodka.

Hangover severity: 8 out of 10.


Brandy is obtained by distilling alcohol from red wine. Expensive varieties are also aged in wooden barrels for several years.

calories. OK. 80 kcal per 35 ml.

pros. As a product derived from red wine, brandy is rich in antioxidants. Studies by Australian scientists have shown that one glass of this drink (35 ml) is equivalent to the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.

Minuses. The love of brandy is fraught with the worst of possible hangover syndromes. According to research by the London National Center for Neurology and Neurosurgery, with an increase in the aging of the drink, the content of harmful substances in it, which are formed during storage, increases accordingly. On the one hand, they provide its taste and smell, on the other hand, the most severe symptoms of poisoning. The same applies to rum, gin and the already mentioned red wine and whiskey.

Hangover severity: 9 out of 10.

What to drink and what not to drink - that is the question!

As you know, the severity of a hangover is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed the day before. However human body reacts not so much to the number of glasses or glasses, but to what was poured into them. And from this point of view, it will be interesting to find out how strong the hangover will be after this or that alcoholic drink.

If you want to feel like a cucumber in the morning, it is important to know what kind of alcohol to drink so that the harm to the body is minimal. Therefore, we have prepared for you a rating of alcohol according to the degree of harmfulness. Compiled on the basis of research by the Royal Society of Chemists of Great Britain and the team's own observations Kernel.

10. Rum(4 points out of 10)

The drink adored by pirates can be considered almost healthy. It is high in potassium, phosphorus and zinc. So, if you suddenly drink a large amount of this type of alcohol, the probability of poisoning is very small. Just keep in mind that we are talking about pure rum, and not about its presence in various cocktails.

9. Tequila(4 points out of 10)

"Licked, swallowed, bitten!" - this is the slogan of this drink. Yes, tequila is very strong, but it is very useful. Agave contains the polysaccharides fructans, which can regulate stomach acid and help with ulcerative colitis. So in small quantities it is even a healing drink. In addition, the use of salt helps retain water in the body, so in the morning it will not be too dry.

8. White wines(5 points out of 10)

White wines are hard to blame for lack of flavor or fragrant properties, especially if we are talking about a good aged drink. However, many manufacturers, seeking to reduce the cost technological process, add sulfites to wine - substances that preserve color. And chemistry, as always, does not lead to good. In addition to possible allergic reactions, sulfites cause not the most pleasant hangover. Sulfites can also cause allergic reactions, migraine and asthma attacks, and even make tooth enamel thinner.

But still, white wine contains a lot beneficial vitamins, trace elements and essential oils, which are not in grape juice. Organic acids in white wine increase appetite, help digest food, and absorb protein and iron most efficiently. Therefore, the maximum benefit from it is for food. And if you eat alcohol well, the hangover syndrome will manifest itself weaker.

And of course, the elegant look of white wine, if you drink from a beautiful glass. And special chemical compounds that help lower blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, try to choose good vintage wines.

7. Vodka(6 points out of 10)

Although vodka is an alcoholic drink with a bad reputation, it is considered one of the least harmful. There are no dyes, flavors in vodka, and it undergoes thorough cleaning. And if vodka is made not on sugar, but on honey, then it can be attributed to diet drinks. Although, if you drink it as part of cocktails ... British scientists tested the product on themselves, after which they boldly declare:

“A hangover from vodka is much easier than from whiskey or cognac.”

And now the sad fact: vodka is the cause of most alcohol poisoning. It's all the fault of poor quality, the habit of mixing it with other drinks, an overdose. You should not abuse it, because vodka causes poisoning more than others, because it is most often counterfeited. And frequent use of vodka leads to addiction and alcoholism.

6. Red wines(6 points out of 10)

But in this drink there is a lot of Reservatrol, a natural antioxidant that you will not find in white wines. In moderation, red wine fights blood clots, inflammation, lowers cholesterol, which heals the entire cardiovascular system.

True, in cheap wines you can often find methanol and ethanol, which have negative impact on the liver. The body (the liver in particular) processes them in turn, starting with ethanol. The second at this time migrates over you, poisoning everything that comes across on the way. Having drunk on the eve of such wine, you are guaranteed to get nausea in the morning, headache and a feeling of fatigue - in general, everything that the people call a hangover.

5. Beer(7 points out of 10)

Although one serving of beer contains less alcohol than (for example) vodka, but there are more than enough calories in a glass of beer. This is fraught with your:

  • figures;
  • cardiovascular;
  • intestines (cancer may occur);
  • increased risk of hormonal imbalance.

Experts from Massachusetts General Hospital added fuel to the fire:

Finally left good news. This is a quarter of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B and heart-healthy folic acid salts, which are contained in 0.5 beer.

4. Champagne(7 points out of 10)

Champagne is considered the best drink For frequent use. First, the bubbles present in it carbon dioxide quickly absorbed into the blood, which will “insert” you even faster. In the morning, the head can hurt for all 8 points, although a lot depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and its quality.

Secondly, syrups are often added to the drink - to complete the taste. This is fraught extra calories. Although, do not care about calories, because this alcohol has antioxidants. The latter prevent the destruction of nerve cells, and protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. At least that's what researchers at the University of Reading think, who suddenly discovered beneficial tyrosol and caffeic acid in alcohol.

3. Whiskey(8 points out of 10)

This alcoholic drink is a source of ellagic acid, which fights cancer. They say it can kill cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. But besides this, whiskey has a high concentration of ethanol, which is very quickly absorbed by the body. And that's not counting the various impurities that form in whiskey during its storage in barrels.

British scientists warn that a person who abuses whiskey becomes unpredictable. How to drink whiskey correctly in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for the body: You elegantly drink undiluted whiskey, and then suddenly you cannot get up from your chair, or you lose your orientation in space. Within an hour of the alcohol ceremony, the concentration of the substance in the blood reaches its maximum. And the next morning you will expect a nasty hangover.

2. Brandy(8 points out of 10)

35 milliliters of brandy is a daily dose of vitamin C. And the longer the drink stands in wooden barrels, the more pleasant its aroma and taste. But scientists at London's National Center for Neurology and Neurosurgery warn:

“Over the years, various harmful substances are formed in brandy that poison the body.”

Thanks to this, the brandy earned an 8 out of 10 hangover severity score. But this does not apply to those who can drink no more than the dose indicated in the first sentence of this paragraph.

1. Cognac(8 points out of 10)

Cognac has a good effect on the body, being consumed in an amount of not more than 100 ml. If you dared to drink more, then in the morning you are expected to have a hangover of 8 points. By the way, old aged cognacs in some cases can hit you in the head even after one sip.

For many years of storage in the drink, various harmful substances are formed that poison the body. Due to the vigorous cocktail of alcohol fractions, cognac in large doses is almost poisonous to the nervous system. Although it also dilates blood vessels.

And the most important thing: Kernel urges not to abuse alcohol! Easy hangover!
