
Coffee cleanses blood vessels. Does coffee really dilate blood vessels?

A person consumes coffee every day and does not think about the effect of the drink on systems and organs. The effect of coffee on blood vessels is different. Some people benefit from caffeine, others don't. irreparable harm. It depends on internal factors and the body's reaction to the product.

The brain and the action of coffee

In terms of its activity and nature of its effects, caffeine is similar to the neurotransmitter adenosine, which is produced by brain cells. The action of the substance is aimed at slowing down the activity of nerve cells. The brain receives a signal to rest and sleep.

When it enters the body a large number of coffee, the place of adenosine is occupied by caffeine. It blocks the transmission of the rest message and narrows blood vessels. After the “processing” of the brain, the pituitary gland, which produces a large amount of hormones, is connected to work. The secretion is sent to the adrenal glands, where it is processed into adrenaline.

When adrenal hormone is released into the blood, a person has characteristic symptoms:

  • quickening of breathing;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • pupil dilation.

In addition to the effect of caffeine on the brain, the substance affects vascular system associated with brain activity.

The mechanism of action of caffeine on the vascular system

The performance of the vasomotor center directly depends on the state of the vessels. Caffeine can narrow or widen the arteries. This leads to various consequences.

After drinking coffee, the coronary vessels begin to increase in size, and the blood is distributed unevenly throughout the system. This causes increased blood supply to some organs and insufficient to others. Muscles come to tone. The nervous system is excited, and the working capacity of the body is activated.

Interesting! It is believed that the effect of natural coffee on blood vessels is different from the effect of instant powder. Both types of drink contain the same number caffeine, but the concentration of trace elements in freshly ground grains is higher.

The effect of caffeine on blood vessels

Some coffee lovers, drinking more than one cup of hot drink daily, are confident in positive influence caffeine on the vascular system and the body as a whole. Others limit coffee consumption to a minimum. The argument is inappropriate - caffeine has a different effect on certain types of blood vessels.


With vasodilation, blood flow increases, more oxygen enters the system, and excretion is accelerated. harmful substances. So coffee acts on the vessels that feed:

  • heart;
  • respiratory system;
  • kidneys;
  • muscles.

The blood vessels that supply the muscles with blood expand and tone the muscle tissue. Temporarily increases mental and physical performance. When a person plays sports or physically works, lactic acid is excreted from the body faster. Damaged muscles recover in a shorter period of time.

The coronary arteries dilate and provide an increased supply of micronutrients and oxygen to the heart. In this case, the frequency of strokes of the organ may increase, but only slightly. In the existing atherosclerotic areas, blood flow increases. In a person who suffers from hypotension, there is a normalization of pressure.

The expansion of the renal arteries contributes to a slight slowdown in the excretion of sodium ions. The vasodilating effect is manifested in the diuretic effect, improving the functioning of the musculature of the organ.


Caffeine has a vasoconstrictive effect on the brain. This leads to the normalization of low blood pressure and relief of migraine. The occurrence of headache is due to the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels. Enlarged ducts press on the nerve endings and cause spasms. Therefore, many people suffering from low blood pressure and headaches seek to improve their condition with a cup of hot and fragrant coffee.

In addition to the influence of coffee on the blood vessels of the central mechanism, the drink can have two effects on the gastrointestinal tract. With narrowing of the vessels that feed the digestive tract, the production of gastric juice and bile increases. The excreted secretion is an aggressive environment, so you should drink coffee only after eating. This is the only way to improve digestion. Otherwise, the chances of developing diseases of the digestive organs are high.

Interesting! Coffee lovers have cold hands, which is due to a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels under the skin.

Benefits of caffeine for the brain

Vasoconstriction of the brain is not the only valuable property coffee. The benefits of the drink are much wider:

  • temporary improvement in mental work;
  • increased pressure with hypotension;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • prevention of the development of coronary disease;
  • normalization of working capacity endocrine system.

An unusual effect of the drink is to prevent tissue oxidation. Acting as an antioxidant, coffee slows down the aging process and reduces the risk of tumor formation. Caffeine is recommended for use by people who have:

  • menstrual and headaches;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • constant feeling of tiredness and drowsiness;
  • lethargy and physical weakness.

IN medicinal purposes coffee is prescribed only by the attending physician after conducting the necessary studies. This will eliminate the pathology of the internal organs and blood vessels of the brain.

Interesting! Caffeine belongs to the alkaloids. This explains its ability to invigorate, but with overuse activity is suppressed.

Who should refrain from drinking coffee?

Coffee cannot be attributed to one of the groups of drugs, but the drink has an effect on the vascular system and internal organs. To avoid unwanted effects, it is recommended to limit the use of caffeine:

  • teenagers;
  • women who are in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • with insomnia or nervous excitability;
  • patients with mental disorders.

Under these conditions, the maximum number of cups of coffee should not exceed 2 per day. The complete exclusion of the drink from the diet is justified in the following cases:

  • early pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypertension;
  • acute disorders of the vascular system of the brain and heart;
  • increased content of sodium ions in the blood;
  • period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • aneurysm;
  • childhood and old age;
  • the recovery period after surgery performed on the heart muscle, arteries or brain;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • atherosclerosis.

It is harmful to drink coffee and at the same time take medications. This will provoke the development of an acute form of diseases of the digestive system.

Coffee without harm - how much is it?

Advice! If it is impossible to refuse coffee, then it is better to buy coffee beans V vacuum packed, which completely preserves the tart flavor.

To reduce the impact of coffee on blood vessels, it is worth adhering to some conditions:

  1. Drink a drink in an amount not exceeding 350-400 ml. Add milk or fresh cream to each subsequent dose.
  2. Prefer ground coffee over instant coffee.
  3. Drink caffeinated beverages only after meals.
  4. Drink coffee with caution if you have heart disease.

For some, one cup a day is enough, but some coffee lovers are not limited to even 4. It all depends on the well-being of a person, the reactions of the system to caffeine. With constant "wear and tear" the body gets physical and nervous exhaustion.

The effect of coffee on blood vessels is due not only to a person's predisposition to certain diseases. More often than not individual characteristics allow the body to consume large amounts of caffeine without apparent harm to health. Addiction is the most harmless consequence of the abuse of caffeinated drinks. The best solution would be the "golden mean" - to make a couple of cups of aromatic coffee a day.

Almost every one of us likes to drink a cup of coffee in the morning or treat ourselves during the day. But what do we know about the effect of coffee on the body? Someone is convinced that coffee and caffeine have a positive effect on blood vessels and pressure, while someone will have convincing objections. Let's take an open mind about the effects of coffee and caffeine on the central nervous system and how coffee affects the vessels of the brain, expanding or constricting them.

There is no doubt that coffee, due to its composition and, of course, the caffeine contained in it, invigorates and has a stimulating effect on the entire body as a whole and, of course, on the human central nervous system. Coffee affects the vessels of the brain. The benefits of coffee for the human body are obvious, but misuse can be harmful to health and adversely affect your well-being. To avoid this, you need to know how coffee works, its composition and daily allowance safe for health.

The composition of coffee, its action

Of course, the most active active ingredient in coffee is caffeine. It is he who has such a stimulating effect, drives away drowsiness, and affects the entire central nervous system of the body. This effect of the drink is not only due to caffeine. Coffee contains many other components and their compounds:

  • carbohydrates
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • iron
  • manganese
  • essential oils

These components in the composition of your favorite drink are useful for a person, and with the reasonable use of coffee, it has a positive effect on the body and our well-being:

  • invigorates and energizes
  • relieves fatigue and increases efficiency
  • significantly enhances mental activity and concentration
  • improves mood

Safe daily allowance for coffee

If you want coffee not only to invigorate you in the morning, but also to positive action on the central nervous system and cerebral vessels, it is important not to exceed the daily intake of the drink. At excessive use, coffee and caffeine contained, will only harm your health - this can manifest itself in:

  • deviations from the norm blood pressure
  • there may be irregular heartbeats
  • headache
  • fatigue and decreased brain activity
  • nervousness as a result of exhaustion of the nervous system

The maximum daily allowance of caffeine that is safe for humans is 600 mg. This is the daily rate, do not use this amount at a time! Reasonable consumption, when coffee can only be beneficial, is no more than 4 cups during the day.

And here we are talking only about normal, natural coffee. Benefits can be obtained by using only natural ground coffee. Let good coffee it costs more, but it is natural coffee that brings benefits. Instant "coffee" in the process of processing loses all its initial properties and almost all useful natural components.

The effect of coffee and caffeine on the vessels of the brain - expands or narrows

When drinking coffee, it constricts the vessels of the brain, which helps to normalize sharply dropped or low blood pressure. After all, it is it that causes migraines, headaches, so people suffering from such ailments should drink coffee, which will make it possible to cope with pain and stop it. Since this effect of caffeine on the central nervous system has long been known to physicians, it is included in most headache medicines. This effect of coffee and caffeine on the vessels of the brain is well known to hypotensive patients, so it is often better to drink a cup of natural coffee to increase blood pressure than to resort to medication.

Did you know that coffee has a vasoconstriction effect on organs? digestive tract while improving its functioning, accelerates metabolism and digestion, stimulates appetite. Just keep in mind that coffee is a rather aggressive drink, and in order not to harm the stomach, it is better not to drink it on an empty stomach.

The effect of coffee on the central nervous system

As you can see, the effect of coffee and caffeine on the vessels of the brain can be very useful. At the same time, one should not forget that the main active substance This drink also affects the nervous system of our body. We are talking about caffeine.

Caffeine actively stimulates the activity and functioning of the brain. When the active work of the brain is stimulated, vasodilation occurs and blood circulation in the nervous system is accelerated. This effect of coffee, or rather the caffeine contained in it, has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, there is an accelerated exchange of nerve impulses in cells and neurons. The acceleration of this process is expressed in a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of strength, and an improvement in mood.

Thanks to this action, every morning we rush to quickly drink a cup invigorating coffee. This is a natural desire to fully awaken the body from sleep, to get a charge of vivacity and clarity of thought. Only a natural product can have such an effect.

It's nice to know that your favorite drink can also be useful. Now drinking coffee will become doubly pleasant, the main thing is to know when to stop.

Coffee has many fans and detractors. on its effect on the human body and cardiovascular system in particular, the opinions of patients vary.

Some patients claim that due to unique composition a positive effect is provided, others consider caffeine to be an enemy of blood vessels, but who is right, and how does it affect the human body? Coffee dilates or constricts the vessels of the brain, is there any benefit from drinking it?

dangerous neighborhood

The invigorating composition affects all systems of the human body. Doctors have proven that not only the cardiovascular, but also the central nervous system falls under its influence. Many consumers claim that it has a positive effect on the endocrine system and enhances the functioning of its organs.

Despite the listed positive qualities, it is necessary to consider in detail the principle of action of the components of the drink on the central nervous system before use. Precautions and knowledge of the rules of correct use will prevent the development of negative consequences.

Composition and action

The main component in the composition is caffeine. The component has the peculiarity of having a psychostimulating effect on the parts of the nervous system.

The effect of a fragrant potion on the body

It has been proven that coffee, subject to measured consumption by people without contraindications, has a positive effect:

  • increases mental activity;
  • improves a person's mood;
  • enhances performance;
  • reduces irritability.

A similar effect is achieved not only due to caffeine, but also to other necessary components:

  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • oils;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • magnesium.

Fact! Caffeine belongs to the methixanthines group of alkaloids. Such substances are capable of exerting a doping effect, significantly reducing the human body's need for rest, while increasing its performance. The action is achieved by psychostimulation of the cerebral cortex.

Roasted grains.

As a result of an overdose, the opposite effect appears - the process of transmission of a nerve impulse by cells slows down. The photo shows high-quality coffee beans, from which you can make a drink that will benefit cerebral vessels. After consumption allowable doses the process of breathing becomes more frequent and the functional activity of the heart and blood vessels changes.

Coffee has an effect on all organs and systems of the body:

  • respiratory;
  • digestive;
  • endocrine;
  • metabolic process;
  • heartbeat;
  • vascular tone.

The active ingredient is present not only in the grains, but also in the leaves. That is why it is necessary to consider in detail the effect of caffeine on the cerebral vessels. Read the article to the end to find out coffee expands or constricts the vessels of the brain.

Benefit or harm?

Daily dose

In order for the effect of coffee on the vessels of the brain to be only positive, it is important to follow the rules for its use. There is a definite allowance daily dose which is beneficial.

Do not exceed allowable limits

Unmetered consumption of caffeine-containing products will harm and cause the manifestation of the following disorders:

  • exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • heart rhythm failures;
  • decreased brain activity;
  • intoxication.

Proven! deadly dangerous dose caffeine - 10 grams per day. Depending on the strength - more than 10 liters of drink. Based on this information, it should be concluded that death from overdose is rare. It is simply impossible to drink such a volume, first of all, the protective reaction of the body will work - the gag reflex.

The daily norm of caffeine is no more than 600 mg. This volume should be divided into several steps. It is permissible to consume no more than 6 mugs of 150 ml per day.

However, it should be remembered that such a dose affects the work of the heart, therefore, with tachycardia and other pathologies, the volume must be significantly reduced. Instructions for use should be followed by everyone, excessive consumption of caffeine does not benefit even a healthy body.

The attention of the consumer should be stopped on the fact that you can only benefit from a natural product. Its price is certainly higher, but only such a composition can be useful. Granulated or freeze-dried coffee goes through many stages of processing, including the process of exposure to extreme low temperatures, during which it loses its original properties.

Useful properties in the process of preparing granules are lost.

Coffee is able to expand the vessels of the heart muscle if its concentration exceeds 50 mg, when consumed in smaller doses, the effect will be invisible. Prolonged use of the drink can become addictive.

The effect of caffeine on the central nervous system

The arteries of the brain and coffee can adequately interact, but the coffee drinker must remember that the active component of the drink has properties similar to neurotransmitters.

Caffeine is a powerful neurotransmitter.

For reference! Neurotransmitters - substances that provide the process of cell synthesis brain activity.

These components are produced by the brain throughout the day, and their amount can vary significantly. Neurotransmitters slow down the activity of such cells and suppress the distress signal - the human body can simply forget that it needs rest.

With excessive use of the drink, not only the cerebral arteries expand, but also the activity of the endocrine system increases. The pituitary gland secretes hormones into the blood, and the adrenal glands provide the synthesis of adrenaline. Against the background of the release of the hormone adrenaline, the patient's heart rate quickens, and the pupils dilate.

The video in this article discusses all the principles of the action of coffee on the human body.

Action on the vascular system

How coffee affects the vessels of the brain is already known, but it is important to understand that it affects the entire cardiovascular system, so it should be consumed with extreme caution. The effect of the drink is based on various mechanisms that can act in different directions.

Interaction can be dangerous

Coffee can have a central and peripheral mechanism of action:

  1. The central effect is the effect of the drink on the central organ of the human body, increasing vascular tone and increasing the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Due to the peripheral action, an effect on the walls of the arteries, their expansion and relaxation is achieved.

Cardiologists and neurologists say that 1 gram of caffeine is the maximum allowable daily amount. When taken in such a volume, the tone of smooth muscles decreases, the arteries expand. Due to this effect, the process of blood supply is established, the cells are saturated with oxygen and freed from free radicals.

Vasoconstrictor action

When using caffeine, the vasoconstrictive effect is achieved not only in the effect on the vessels. The substance has a systemic effect, changes occur in the blood flow system of internal organs.

The process of narrowing the artery

The table will help you understand the vasoconstrictive effect of the drink.

on the organs and systems of the human body
System Effect
Brain Reduced cell oxygen demand
The process of functioning of cortical and subcortical centers is accelerated
Efficient functioning of brain structures is ensured
The body's need for rest is significantly reduced
gastrointestinal tract Increased production of gastric juice
Accelerates the process of splitting nutrients
Slows down the process of intestinal peristalsis
Pelvic organs Reduced pain during inflammation, reduced premenstrual syndrome in girls

Based on this information, it should be concluded that coffee narrows the arteries of the brain. Against the background of such an action, the body's need for rest is significantly reduced and brain function is increased.

We should not forget that the effect of caffeine on the human body is similar to the effect of doping elements - you need to consume the composition with caution. It is important to remember that the substance for the vessels of the head is not a panacea.

Vasodilating action

Coffee leads to relaxation of the walls of arterial vessels and expands them. Caffeinated drinks have an impact not only on the heart, but also on many other body structures.

The vasodilating effect is shown in the photo.

Caffeine provides:

  • the establishment of the process of blood circulation of the heart muscle;
  • prevents the manifestation of pain in angina pectoris;
  • speeds up the heart rate;
  • accelerates blood flow in atherosclerotic vascular lesions;
  • increases the body's ability to exercise;
  • increases muscle contraction and improves blood flow;
  • restores damaged muscle structures;
  • improves blood flow in the kidneys;
  • stimulates the work of the kidney, increasing daily diuresis;
  • provides the process of saturation of the blood passing through the alveoli of the lungs with oxygen.

Despite the fact that the drink has not only a vasodilator, but also a vasoconstrictor effect, it cannot be defined as a neutral element allowed for consumption by all groups of people. In some cases, an invigorating and fragrant drink is beneficial, but it can often be harmful, so there are contraindications. Only a doctor will tell you what the effect of coffee on the cerebral arteries will be, and you should not neglect the advice of a specialist.

When should you drink coffee?

Disputes about the dangers and benefits of drinks containing caffeine have been going on for a long time, but so far leading scientists have not come to the only correct opinion.

Refuse the cup fragrant drink do not do it.

It has been proven that the drink brings pronounced benefits in the following situations:

  • hypotension;
  • slow heart rate;
  • manifestation of edema of the lower extremities;
  • to eliminate fatigue after a grueling workout;
  • severe headache of a compressive nature;
  • pain during menstruation in girls;
  • drowsiness and loss of energy.

Attention! Before using the properties of coffee to speed up the heart rate or increase blood pressure, you need to consult a doctor.

When it's better to be away from a drink

It is impossible to determine the coffee of a medicine, but it is also unacceptable to underestimate the nature of its effect on blood vessels and the heart.

The following groups of people should refuse to use an invigorating and fragrant drink:

  • children under the age of 14;
  • lactating mothers and women during pregnancy;
  • patients with hypertension;
  • with severe tachycardia;
  • with violations of the kidneys;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • age over 75;
  • after serious head injury;
  • patients with severe disorders of the endocrine system;
  • postoperative period;
  • mental pathologies.

The effect of coffee on the vessels of brain tissue can be not only positive, but also negative. If there are any limiting factors, the composition should be abandoned. Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Fact! People who regularly consume coffee should carefully consider its quality. The fact is that a low-grade product is the main enemy of the circulatory system!

Benefit and harm

There is no consensus on the ratio of benefits and harms of caffeine for brain vessels. Many doctors say that it is simply necessary for absolutely healthy people to drink coffee.

Benefit, harm or balance of qualities?

From such a composition, the body draws useful components and the flow of vital processes is ensured:

  • normalization of blood pressure values ​​during hypotension;
  • acceleration of the processes of manifestation of the results of mental labor;
  • ensuring the flow of the metabolic process;
  • slowing down the aging process of the skin;
  • improvement of blood flow;
  • normalization of digestive function.

It is extremely difficult to unambiguously answer the question coffee narrows or expands cerebral arteries. The fact is that it can have a versatile effect, therefore it is worth consuming it with special care.

It is not worth declaring the pronounced harmfulness of the composition - an invigorating drink leads to a general improvement in the patient's well-being and has a positive effect on many systems. The basic rule is measured use and refusal to be taken by patients with contraindications.

From this article, you will learn about whether coffee dilates or narrows blood vessels. Does an invigorating drink have the same effect on the blood supply to all organs, or are there differences (which ones). In what doses can we talk about the benefits of coffee, and when its use is contraindicated.

  • Vasoconstrictor effect of coffee
  • Daily dose of coffee
  • When not to drink coffee
  • side effects of the drink

Coffee, or its active substance, caffeine, has an expanding effect on most blood vessels in the body. The exception is:

  1. Vessels of the brain.
  2. Vessels of the abdominal cavity (except renal).

The effect is associated with the general stimulating properties of the drink: to activate the central nervous system and heart muscle, it is necessary to reduce blood flow in the internal organs. The narrowing of the cerebral vessels leads to the activation of brain activity and a decrease in drowsiness. Expansion of the cardiac arteries improves the functioning of the myocardium in conditions of increased performance.

Vasodilating effect of coffee

Caffeine relaxes the walls of arterial vessels and thereby expands them in:

  • heart muscle,
  • skeletal muscle,
  • kidneys.

The effect of the drink on these structures and organs is presented in the table:

Heart Improved blood supply to the muscle in general

Prevention of angina pectoris pain syndrome

Acceleration of the conduction of the excitation wave at a low pulse

Increased blood flow in areas with moderate impairment of blood flow in atherosclerosis

Increasing resistance to physical stress

Skeletal muscles Increased blood flow in muscles

Acceleration of the excretion of lactic acid after intensive training

Recovery of damaged muscle structures

Increased contractility of muscles

kidneys Moderate stimulation of work and, as a result, an increase in urine output

Improved renal blood flow

Moderate retention of sodium ions

Lungs Improving tissue blood supply

Acceleration of oxygen saturation of blood passing through the alveoli

Vasoconstrictor effect of coffee

Vasoconstriction due to caffeine occurs:

  • in all parts of the brain
  • in the circulatory system of internal organs.

The effects of the drink in this case are presented in the table:

Daily dose of coffee

In order for caffeine to have only a positive effect, it is necessary to strictly observe the daily intake of the drink. Exceeding the recommended dose will cause:

  1. Depletion of the cardiovascular and nervous system.
  2. Increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias.
  3. Violation of cerebral blood flow.
  4. Inhibition of brain functions.
  5. Toxic effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

A lethal dose is considered to be 10 grams of caffeine per day, depending on the type of coffee, this is from 10 to 30 liters, so it is almost impossible to die from a large amount of the drink.

The daily norm of caffeine is up to 600 mg, divided into several doses. It is rather difficult to translate these data into exact volumes: the caffeine content in a cup varies depending on the type of coffee from 60 mg (cappuccino) to 100–150 mg (espresso).

Naturally, what stronger drink, the higher the concentration of caffeine in it and the fewer cups you can drink a day. General recommendations: 4-6 mugs of 150 ml per day.

Popular types of decaffeinated drink still contain about 4 mg of caffeine, so if coffee is contraindicated, then this form is also prohibited. And in cases where the daily amount of caffeine needs to be limited, it is better to drink fresh ground coffee with milk or cream.

If we talk about the beneficial properties of the product in the field of cardiology, then only a natural drink should be consumed. From soluble type, and even more so the option in bags, should be abandoned due to the unpredictability of the effect of exposure. Coffee expands all the vessels of the heart muscle, only if its concentration is more than 50 mg, a smaller dose has practically no effect.

With prolonged use of large doses, resistance develops - the use of any amount of the drink has no effect on the vessels.

Vascular indications for use

In medical and folk practice, coffee can be recommended for use in the following cases:

  • low blood pressure;
  • moderate decrease in heart rate;
  • slight swelling in the feet;
  • the next day after intensive physical training;
  • migraine;
  • painful menstruation;
  • drowsiness;
  • decrease in mental and physical tone.

When not to drink coffee

Even though coffee is not medicine, its effect on the heart and blood vessels is very significant. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications for the use of this drink:

Children under 12 Children from 12 to 18 years old
Pregnancy in the 1st trimester Pregnancy in the 2nd or 3rd trimester
Lactation The tendency to increase blood pressure (upper - from 140 mm Hg, lower - from 90 mm Hg)
Hypertonic disease Insomnia
Acute forms of blood flow disorders in the heart muscle and brain Nervous excitement
Violation of the heart rhythm by the type of tachyarrhythmia Mental illness with severe arousal (psychosis)
Impaired kidney function with large urine output (oliguria)
High blood sodium
Ulcerative lesions of the stomach, intestines during the period of exacerbation
Pathological vasodilation (aneurysm) of any localization
Senile age (over 75–80 years)
Severe atherosclerotic changes in arterial vessels
Early postoperative period (7-10 days) after any surgical procedures on the heart, blood vessels and brain
Traumatic brain injury
Glaucoma (increased pressure inside the eye)

side effects of the drink

The property of coffee to narrow or expand blood vessels is associated with the active agent - caffeine, and, like any active substance, it has a number of adverse effects. Most often they occur when the recommended daily volume is exceeded, but with individual high sensitivity, negative symptoms may appear even after one cup.

Coffee is a fragrant invigorating drink loved by many people. They start the morning, finish dinner, or save themselves from drowsiness during labor day. However, rarely does anyone think about how coffee affects the body and blood vessels, and whether it can be drunk with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases that are widespread among the working population.

People love coffee not only for pleasant taste and a special aroma, but also for the pronounced invigorating effect that the drink has due to the high content of caffeine. But caffeine is not only invigorating. This substance has a lot of other properties, and it is they that determine the ability of coffee to influence blood vessels and blood pressure.

How does caffeine affect the body, is it harmful to drink coffee?

Caffeine is a drug. It is available in the form of solutions for injection and in the form of tablets for internal use. To the main therapeutic effects caffeine include:

  • Stimulation of the central nervous system (CNS).
  • Excitation of the centers of the brain responsible for breathing and blood circulation.
  • Strengthening of heart contractions.
  • Pulse increase.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Accelerating the formation of urine.
  • Stimulation of secretion of gastric juice.
  • Moderate increase in peristalsis.

Caffeine is used in medical practice for the following ailments and conditions:

  • Headaches caused by spasm of cerebral vessels.
  • Respiratory depression and cardiac activity (to stimulate the corresponding centers in the central nervous system).
  • Poisoning with drugs, poisons and drugs that suppress the activity of the central nervous system.
  • Enuresis in children.
  • Reduced physical and mental performance (as a means of temporary assistance).

The usual single therapeutic dose of caffeine for an adult is 500 mg. In a smaller amount, the effect of this substance on the body will not be pronounced. In a regular cup brewed coffee caffeine contains much less - 30-50 mg (in 100 ml). Therefore, after drinking such a cup, a person is unlikely to receive the effects described above. But there will definitely be a temporary feeling of cheerfulness and increased efficiency.

Significantly more caffeine is contained in Espresso - 170-200 mg per 100 ml, but this type of coffee is rarely drunk in large portions. Therefore, it is also impossible to talk about the therapeutic effectiveness of Espresso. It follows from this that coffee moderate amount you can drink without fear that caffeine will act on the body as a medicine.

If a person abuses coffee (drinks more than 3 cups a day), caffeine addiction and insomnia may develop, which are very difficult to get rid of. In addition, excessive intake of caffeine leads to depletion of the nervous system over time - it cannot be constantly in an excited state, so it gets tired sooner or later. Children and future mothers are especially sensitive to caffeine - it is better for them not to use a fragrant invigorating drink.

Does coffee constrict or dilate blood vessels?

The effect of coffee on blood vessels is ambiguous. On the one hand, it causes the expansion of the vessels of the brain, kidneys, heart, skeletal muscles, and on the other hand, it constricts the vessels of the abdominal organs (intestines, stomach). Because of this, the effect of coffee on blood pressure is also ambiguous:

  • With hypotension after a cup strong coffee or dose of caffeine, it rises, that is, it returns to normal.
  • If the pressure is normal, a cup of coffee is unlikely to affect the well-being and functioning of the circulatory system.
  • With hypertension, blood pressure may increase, but only slightly and for a short period of time.

Thus, coffee is a real lifesaver for hypotensive patients suffering from chronic headaches. In such patients, against the background of a general relaxation of blood vessels and a decrease in blood pressure, the vessels of the brain spasm reflexively in order to somehow provide the central organ of the nervous system with oxygen.

After a cup of strong coffee, the heart will begin to contract more actively, the pressure in the vessels will increase, and the arteries of the brain, on the contrary, will relax, and the long-awaited oxygen and energy will come to the nerve cells, which will help reduce migraines and clarify consciousness. However, if migraine and hypotension bother the patient constantly, one invigorating drink is not enough. In such situations, taking caffeine in the form of tablets is indicated.

Can hypertensive patients drink coffee?

If everything is clear with hypotensive patients, then what about hypertensive patients? Taking into account the effect of caffeine on the body, coffee should be contraindicated for them. But doctors say otherwise: the possibility of drinking coffee and other caffeinated drinks by people with arterial hypertension should be determined individually - in each specific situation there may be a different answer to the question under consideration.

reliable data that daily use coffee increases the risk of developing cardiovascular complications in people with hypertension, modern medicine does not. There is also no scientific evidence that this drink can significantly and permanently raise blood pressure. Therefore, the answer becomes natural that you can drink coffee with hypertension, but in moderation.

At the same time, the body of some people may have an increased sensitivity to caffeine. They even have one morning cup invigorating drink can cause tachycardia (increased heart rate), a short-term increase in blood pressure, and even episodic irregular heart rhythms. It is advisable for such sick coffee to be replaced with special mixtures without caffeine. After steaming with boiling water, they taste very much like coffee, but they are prepared not from coffee beans, but from chicory, rye or barley.

Doctors of all countries have long ceased to argue about the fact that coffee constricts or dilates blood vessels. They simply warn and recommend that you always comply with the measure. Only a sober and rational attitude to this drink will help maintain the necessary balance.

What is this aromatic drink?

The smell of brewed coffee sometimes literally "knocks down". I want to drink it immediately, especially if advertising still encourages this. In addition, in the minds of most people, a stereotype has been introduced that coffee increases efficiency, develops mental abilities, and improves health.

Indeed, in a drink made from natural grains, there are many useful components.Among them are:

  • minerals (eg calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium);
  • serotonin;
  • caffeine;
  • dopamine;
  • organic acids.

When cream and sugar are added to the drink, this allows you to diversify its taste, as well as enhance the effect of substances. But it is the taste and smell that can be misleading. Varieties of instant coffee often contain added chemical elements, which are capable of exerting negative impact on the body. Both sugar and cream at the same time also enhance their effect.

This suggests the conclusion that a person himself will make the choice of the coffee that will be healthier and tastier. I must say that the body still needs caffeine. It is only important that its amount does not go beyond a certain limit.

Effect on the body

The human circulatory system consists of the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries. These are elastic vessels that can both expand and contract. In a normal state, a person does not feel anything. But, if a headache, apathy and a breakdown appear, then the thought comes to mind that you need to drink a cup of coffee. This helps in many situations. There is an effect of coffee on the vessels, which narrow in the brain and expand in the muscles. A person feels that the pain has receded, strength has appeared and one can "move mountains." Sometimes after a drink there is an appetite. The vessels of the digestive tract also narrow and the process of digestion of food is activated.

The fact that coffee constricts or dilates blood vessels has long been familiar to pharmacists. They add caffeine to their headache medications. People who suffer from low blood pressure can drink a small cup of drink instead of a pill. But for hypertensive patients, its use should be limited or completely abandoned.

The peculiarity of caffeine lies in the fact that it is an aggressive substance that irritates the mucous membranes. The stomach is at risk. Often Morning coffee on an empty stomach is the cause of gastritis or ulcers.

The essence of the phenomenon is that with vasoconstriction, digestion increases. Gastric juice, bile and enzymes are actively excreted. In the absence of food in the stomach, they begin to act on the mucous membrane.

Coffee also affects the subcutaneous vessels. They narrow and there is a feeling that the hands are freezing. This phenomenon can be observed when using an increased dose of the drink.

The mechanism of action of caffeine

It is correct to say that caffeine does not affect blood vessels. It acts on the vasomotor center. The action of the mechanism is launched, in which the coronary vessels of the heart expand. There is a redistribution of blood. Some organs receive less, while others receive more. The nervous system is excited. The adrenal glands also respond to this by releasing adrenaline. At the same time, the muscles receive more blood, "taking it away from other organs." The body comes into an excited state, it is literally ready for battle.

On the one hand, it's good. But on the other hand, when drinking coffee instead of a pill, you need to be 100% sure that at this moment the pressure is exactly low. After all, if a headache is caused by vasoconstriction, a drink even in a small amount can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

For brain vessels, an overdose of caffeine can be detrimental. In general, coffee can cause a real addiction. So, if a person drinks more than 4 cups during the day, this can lead to tragedy.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the resources of the body are not unlimited. Working "to the limit" every day can one day lead to a breakdown. Nervous exhaustion occurs, because even at night the brain does not rest. A dose of caffeine is excreted from the body within 6 hours. It is able to accumulate and if you do not stop in time, you will have to for a long time deny yourself the pleasure of drinking a fragrant drink.

At caffeine addiction recommend drinking green tea. It has the same effect on the body, that is, it tones and invigorates. However, for health green tea absolutely safe. Doctors recommend giving up coffee completely for the elderly and children, as well as for patients with:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia;
  • glaucoma;
  • with kidney disease;
  • gastritis and ulcer.

What happens to the heart?

A separate topic is the effect of caffeine on the heart. Many people experience heart palpitations after drinking a drink. Indeed, the question is important. If your heart hurts after coffee, then the harm is still more than good.

As already mentioned, the central nervous system is excited in the first place. If a person is healthy, then for him this effect is rather positive. It can work for at least 6 hours without getting tired. But if there are health problems, this condition can become dangerous. A sick heart and blood vessels are under the influence of increased stress.

Once again it is necessary to say about the dosage. Exceeding her even healthy body can lead to negative consequences. The most dangerous is instant coffee where various flavoring additives are used.

Do not increase the strength of the drink. For example, if 1 teaspoon per cup is recommended, then 2 tablespoons is already an overdose. Some varieties of natural coffee, such as ristretto, are also considered strong. Their use can already cause heart palpitations.

It is bad when pain appears in the heart. In this case, an examination by a cardiologist is necessary. This should be done as early as possible, since it is always easier to cure the disease in the early stages. Pain in the heart area after drinking coffee often indicates that the use of the drink should be stopped. At least for the period until the cause of this condition is not clarified.

The recommendations of doctors boil down to the fact that when enjoying a fragrant drink, you need to observe a certain dose. Maximum amount cups of coffee per day should not exceed 2-3. Caffeine is considered an alkaloid. If you use a little, the effect will be invigorating. Exceeding the dose creates the opposite result. You can feel tired, lethargic and apathetic.

There is also the most right time days for drinking coffee - morning. In the evening before going to bed and even after dinner, drinking this drink is not recommended. Of course, the brain will work better, because the processes of inhibition in the cells are weakened. But falling asleep on time and getting a good night's sleep will not work.

There is still no definite answer to the question: "What effect does coffee have on blood vessels, narrows or expands?"

Each person is individual and the effect of this miracle drink is also individual.

You need to listen, first of all, to your body and only then to advertising and public opinion. It's a good idea to consult with your doctor.

For most people, morning is not complete without a cup of strong coffee. One serving is enough for some, and some are not limited morning cup, continuing to drink coffee throughout the day and even pampering yourself with a drink before bedtime, completely without thinking about its effect on the vascular system of the body.

How coffee affects blood vessels

Thanks to their special palatability, invigorating properties, alluring aroma, coffee is one of the most sought after and loved by many drinks. It helps to normalize low blood pressure, relieve fatigue, reduce headache.

Many are sincerely convinced that coffee promotes vasodilation, but not everyone knows that the effect on the body of caffeine, the main element contained in the drink, is ambiguous. Coffee has the ability to both constrict and dilate blood vessels. In the next article, we will list .

From the use of coffee, the vessels of the brain narrow, which helps to normalize the sharply dropped pressure. It is it that causes migraines, headaches, so people suffering from such ailments should drink coffee, which will make it possible to cope with pain and stop it. Since this effect of caffeine on the central nervous system has long been known to physicians, it is included in most headache medicines. Hypotension (people suffering from reduced pressure) also have an idea about the properties of coffee to increase blood pressure, so they often prefer to drink a cup of an invigorating aromatic drink instead of taking a pill.

It is known that coffee has a vasoconstriction effect on the organs of the digestive tract, while improving its functioning, speeds up metabolism and digestion, and stimulates appetite.

However, do not forget that a drink causes a beneficial effect on the digestive organs only if it is not used on empty stomach. Caffeine itself is a rather aggressive substance, and coffee drunk on an empty stomach contributes to active secretion bile and gastric juice, which can irritate the mucous membrane and lead to rather unpleasant consequences in the form of an ulcer or.

Coffee is able to narrow the subcutaneous vessels, which can cause some drink lovers to get cold hands.

In the muscular parts of the body, on the contrary, the blood vessels expand from drinking coffee. At the same time, a person feels cheerfulness, a surge of strength, a desire for physical activity.

How much coffee can you drink per day without harm to blood vessels?

There have been many discussions about the benefits and harms of coffee. Scientists have concluded that the use of caffeinated beverages can have an effect on cardiovascular system and the body as a whole, both positive and negative effects.

Drinking a drink in reasonable quantities, harm to health can not be done. With moderate use of the drink, concentration of attention, memory improves, the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver decreases, diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. The risk of depression and suicidal tendencies is also almost halved. When fatigue overcomes, tends to sleep, the hand automatically reaches for a cup of invigorating coffee.

You should know that in a medium (200 ml) cup natural drink contains an average of 100 mg of caffeine. It is believed that drinking 4 cups of coffee a day will not harm the vessels of a healthy person. However, caffeine affects everyone differently: someone drinks coffee in unlimited quantities and feels great while doing it, and for some, even one cup a day is a lot.

Many scientists are inclined to believe that coffee can be consumed without risk to the health and condition of blood vessels:

  • in the morning after light breakfast(or in the morning);
  • in the amount of 1-2 cups per day (no more than 350 ml per day);
  • V in kind because instant coffee has more harm than benefit;
  • people with heart problems, only on the advice of a doctor;
  • more than four cups, only if you add milk or cream to the drink.

If you really love coffee and cannot deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying it several times a day, give preference to a natural product. It does not undergo any processing other than roasting, retaining absolutely everything beneficial features, and at correct use can only benefit the body.

Grains contain a large amount of calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium, antioxidants that are so necessary for our body. Natural coffe(within reasonable limits) even prevents the development of caries. This truly divine tonic drink is a source of positive emotions and good mood.

What can not be said about instant coffee:

  • holds much more caffeine than grains;
  • the content of the natural product is negligible, mainly dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings and preservatives;
  • increases the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • provokes a violation of the heart rhythm;
  • causes heartburn and the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.
lovers instant drinks you can give advice: buy more expensive varieties, they have fewer all kinds of additives. You should not buy coffee in plastic containers, it is better to pay attention to metal or glass ones, in which the product is stored better.

It is preferable to buy natural grains in vacuum packaging, the aroma is perfectly preserved in it. Any extraneous odors indicate a poor quality product, a violation of the roasting and storage technology.

In a drink, you can reduce the caffeine content by adding milk, cream, lemon to it. Today, there are technologies that allow the production of decaffeinated coffee, which makes it possible for people who, for one reason or another, are contraindicated in the use of caffeine, to enjoy a cup of invigorating morning drink.

Contraindications to taking coffee, dependence on the product

With all the positive qualities of coffee, it is still harmful in some cases. To a person suffering high blood pressure who has problems with cardiac activity, coffee in large doses not worth using. Moderate doses most likely will not harm the body, but it is best to ask a doctor for advice, since this is individual for everyone: in some people, even a small cup of weak coffee can cause tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbance, a sharp jump in pressure, and if abused, even a hypertensive crisis .
  • small children and the elderly;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • sick on;
  • with ischemia;
  • in case of problems with gastrointestinal tract(ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis);
  • people with kidney disease;
  • with glaucoma.
It is not recommended to drink coffee for pregnant women and nursing mothers, people suffering from epilepsy, allergies, smokers (coffee with a cigarette is a time bomb). Overuse the drink leads to addiction: as a result, not getting the right dose of caffeine, a person becomes nervous, nervous, mentally unbalanced.

There are some medical preparations with which you can not combine coffee:

  • antibiotics (the effect can be unpredictable);
  • aspirin in combination with coffee has an extremely negative effect on the stomach;
  • diclofenac with coffee can lead to increased pressure, stomach ulcers.
Thus, coffee is able to both expand and constrict blood vessels. Moderate coffee consumption has a positive effect on blood vessels and will not harm health, but on the contrary, it will keep the body in good shape, give vitality and energy. If you abuse this drink, problems can not be avoided.

Faithful coffee drinkers are often intimidated by stories about the health effects of their favorite drink. The information is the most contradictory. The most popular accusation is increased pressure. True, in other articles, coffee is blamed for the opposite - a decrease in pressure. So, does coffee constrict or dilate blood vessels? We will have to understand this issue thoroughly.

How coffee affects blood vessels

Coffee contains over 500 studied chemical substances. None of them can be harmful or poisonous to the human body. The most active active of the entire list is the natural alkaloid caffeine. It is responsible for most of the processes that occur in the body after a cup of coffee.

The effects of caffeine and other chemical compounds are complex. In other words, all systems of the human body are affected to some extent by it.

The cardiovascular system is a branched mechanism, complex in operation and interaction of its parts. Large and small vessels, interconnected, penetrate all our tissues, pass through all internal organs transporting blood, oxygen, nutrients. It is wrong to imagine that due to caffeine all millions of our blood vessels will begin to shrink or expand at once. Everything is much more complicated.

Caffeine has a dual effect. For the central and peripheral vascular system, it differs.


The vessels of the brain under the influence of caffeine are somewhat narrowed due to an increase in the tone of their walls. This explains the excellent analgesic effect of coffee in the treatment of headaches.

Caffeine is an ingredient in many migraine medications.

The vessels of the brain under the influence of a natural alkaloid not only narrow, but become more resilient and active. Therefore, they better cope with their transport role, tissues are more energetically saturated with oxygen and other active substances.

Peripheral system

The effect of caffeine on the peripheral component is manifested in a decrease in the tone of vascular smooth muscles. Muscles lose their activity, relax slightly, and blood vessels dilate.

It turns out that caffeine has a dual effect, constricting the vessels of the brain and expanding the elements of the peripheral system. However, before making a final conclusion, it is necessary to remember the complex effects of caffeine. It stimulates the release of adrenaline into the blood, which is responsible for the speed of supplying body tissues with blood and oxygen. And how is this achieved? That's right, vasoconstriction, which increases their transport function. Therefore, peripheral vessels do not stay in a relaxed state for long, an additional dose of adrenaline activates the muscle walls again, and they narrow.

In fact, caffeine causes blood vessels to pulsate slightly, constricting and expanding. You should not worry, because the same thing happens under the influence of food, drinks, glucose, as well as a host of external factors. It can be said that such contraction and expansion occurs constantly.

Recently, scientists have found that the perception of caffeine is regulated at the gene level, and therefore the reaction to coffee different people can be very different.

In general, the vessels of a conditionally healthy person from a cup of coffee will not change too much. They expand slightly, then narrow slightly.

The effect of coffee on blood pressure

Modern Scientific research give conflicting information about the relationship between coffee and blood pressure. Studies show that caffeine-containing foods, such as Coca-Cola, increase caffeine levels. And when drinking coffee, an increase in blood pressure does not occur. Of course, one cannot exclude the individual reaction of the body to the drink.

Modern researchers agree on one thing - the direct effect of coffee on the increase in blood pressure has not been identified.

It's about conditional healthy people who do not suffer from functional or pathological disorders of the cardiovascular system.


Coffee, indeed, has an effect on the vascular system, narrowing the vessels of the brain. The peripheral system first experiences an expanding action, then, due to the release of adrenaline, they narrow. Adrenaline also tones the muscles of the vessels and tissues through which they pass. This causes a surge of energy due to the activation of the transport function. All organs are more actively supplied with oxygen, the flow of fresh blood is enhanced. But coffee is not responsible for the increase in blood pressure, unlike other caffeinated products. At least for most of us.

An overdose of coffee that occurs after 6 cups a day can lead to excess accumulation of caffeine and its accumulative effect. In this case, a sharp increase and then a decrease in pressure cannot be excluded.

Observe a reasonable measure in the use of coffee, and excessive constriction or expansion of blood vessels does not threaten.
