
Coffee with milk and sugar. Calorie coffee with sugar, without sugar, with milk ...

Coffee is an invigorating and refreshing drink, without which it is difficult for many to imagine their morning. However, coffee connoisseurs are increasingly concerned about the calorie content of this drink. But will another cup of coffee harm the figure? Should I be concerned about the calories in coffee? Let's try to answer these questions.

How many calories are in 100 grams of coffee

Coffee is a very low calorie drink, if we just mean the coffee itself without any additives. But the method of preparation, the amount and types of additives used can greatly affect the calorie level. Whatever we add to our cup of coffee (cream, sugar, condensed milk, etc.) - the calorie content will greatly increase from this.

So, The calorie content of coffee depends on what kind of coffee you drink and what additives you use. to complement the taste. The same can be said about . For example, if you drink a cup of coffee from ground beans, then you consume only 2 Kcal. While enjoying exquisite taste latte, you already get 250 kcal! And by adding another spoonful of sugar to coffee, you will increase the number of kilocalories to 274!

In addition, those who especially closely follow the figure should pay attention to the volume of the drink, that is, the size of the cup! The amount of calories you get will also depend on how much you drink. You can read about the benefits and dangers of coffee with milk in ours.

Amount of kcal in different types of coffee

The calorie content of coffee drinks may vary, as it is determined by the calorie content of the ingredients in the composition. Consider the most popular species coffee and their calories.

  1. Natural coffe

Black Brewed coffee in grains is considered very low in calories. One hundred milliliters of the drink accounts for 1-2 Kcal. So drinking a cup of natural grain coffee 200 ml, you get maximum 4 kcal. Of course, the calorie content of the drink will remain the same if you do not add sugar or milk to it.

  1. Ground coffee

Ground coffee also does not harm the figure. Cup ground coffee 200 ml will bring you only 2 kcal.

  1. Instant coffee

Instant coffee has more high calorie, which is 7 kcal per hundred milliliters of drink. Drinking a standard mug with a volume of 200-250 milliliters, you get about 14-17.5 Kcal. And if you add sugar and drink such a drink two or three times a day, it can quickly affect your figure. More about the benefits and harms instant coffee can be read. You can learn more about freeze-dried instant coffee: how it is produced, which coffee brands are best to choose.

  1. Americano

Americano coffee is made from espresso and water. Respectively, the calorie content of this drink is low. A 450 milliliter serving of americano will bring you only 15 kcal, as well as a serving. Considering the volume and good taste, we conclude that Americano coffee is a good option.

  1. latte

Latte is composed of espresso, milk and foam. Obviously, the most high-calorie ingredient in latte is milk, which adds “weight” to the drink. Standard portion without sugar contains at least 250 kcal. In our other article, we talk about .

  1. Cappuccino

This drink contains espresso and high-calorie ingredients such as cream and sugar. The surface of the cappuccino is covered with milk foam, which is whipped from fat milk or cream. Naturally, given the composition of the drink, it just can't be low calorie. A serving of 150-180 ml with sugar and cream will bring you at least 210 kcal.

Learn how to make an excellent cappuccino.

  1. Moccachino

Moccaccino contains espresso, milk, chocolate or chocolate syrup. In addition, according to some recipes, caramel is added to mocha instead of sugar. A serving of moccachino has an average calorie content of about 290 kcal. Read all about mochachino coffee and its recipes in the following.

  1. Glace

Glace - another one original drink, which gives a special piquancy to the addition of ice cream. Obviously, such a high-calorie ingredient increases the calorie content of the entire drink. One serving is incredible delicious drink will bring you 125 kcal. you can see the best recipes preparing coffee glass.

  1. Frappuccino

Frappuccino is the most high-calorie view coffee. Usually the drink is served in a large container, so when enjoying a frappuccino, you will get at least 400 kcal! You can read about what a frappuccino is.

  1. Raf coffee

Raf coffee is a coffee drink with a vanilla-milk flavor. The calorie content of a 150 ml serving of this type of coffee is at least 135 kcal, depending on the added ingredients. More detailed information look for such a unique coffee drink as raf coffee.

  1. Coffee 3 in 1 with sugar and milk powder

A standard 3 in 1 coffee sachet is a mixture of coffee, sugar, milk powder. Usually such a bag weighs 20 grams. Half the weight of the mixture is sugar. 10 grams of sugar have a calorie content of 40 kcal. Powdered milk adds another 30 kcal. As we found out, the calorie content of the coffee itself is insignificant. Total we have about 70 kcal in one bag.

If you're a tea and travel lover, then you'll love a rainforest drink made from a plant called Paraguayan holly. And you can find out that it makes excellent mate tea, as well as the properties of this exotic drink.

Calorie Supplements

Coffee without additives is not to everyone's taste. Therefore, most coffee lovers try to improve its taste with various additives. Usually as additional ingredients choose sugar, milk, cream, syrup, condensed milk, chocolate, ice cream. How do such additives affect the calorie content of coffee?


Sugar greatly increases the calorie content of the drink. For example, a teaspoon of sugar has 24 kcal, respectively, adding two tablespoons of sugar, we get 48 kcal.


Cream is the most popular addition to coffee. Cream perfectly softens the taste of coffee, but at times increases the number of calories.. A small 10-gram bag of drinking cream 10% has a calorie content of 12 Kcal, and 20% cream has 20 Kcal. One bag of the same volume of cream in powder form has 45 kcal. But if you use 35 percent cream, then every hundred grams of the product will bring at least 300 Kcal, that is, by adding a tablespoon (20 grams) of such cream, you will increase the calorie content of the coffee drink by 60 Kcal.


Coffee with milk is also very popular. But, how many calories will bring another cup of coffee with milk? It depends on the calorie content of the milk used. Every hundred grams of milk with 1.5% fat content has 45 Kcal, 2.5% - 54 Kcal, 3.2% - 60 Kcal, whole milk powder - 60, 6% baked milk - 85. If we are talking about skimmed milk, then its calorie content is 32 kcal per 100 grams. A tablespoon contains 20 grams of milk, and a teaspoon - 5. Thus, if we, for example, add two tablespoons of 2.5% fat milk to our coffee, then we increase its calorie content by 21.6 Kcal.

Condensed milk

Condensed milk is great for coffee, as it not only softens its taste, but also makes it sweet. Condensed milk with sugar 8.5% has a calorie content of 295 kcal per hundred grams. A teaspoon holds 12 grams of condensed milk, and a tablespoon holds 25. It turns out that each additional teaspoon of condensed milk will add 35.4 kcal to the drink, and a tablespoon - 73.75 kcal. As for sweetened condensed milk, 100 grams of the product contains 131 kcal. The calorie content of a teaspoon of such condensed milk is 15.7 Kcal, and a tablespoon is 32.75 Kcal.

Ice cream

True connoisseurs love to add ice cream to coffee. Each hundred grams of ice cream will add 227 Kcal to the calorie content of your drink, cream ice cream -184 Kcal, milk ice cream - 132 Kcal. The weight of a standard scoop of ice cream is 50 grams. So, adding a ball to coffee, for example, ice cream, we get 113.5 Kcal.


Quite often, chocolate syrup is added to coffee. Average the calorie content of 100 grams of such an additive is 149 kcal. A tablespoon will fit 25 grams of syrup, and a teaspoon - 10. Thus, a tablespoon of syrup will add another 37.25 Kcal to the calorie content of the drink, and a teaspoon - 14.9 Kcal.

  • Milk: 20 grams in a tablespoon, 5 in a teaspoon.
  • Condensed milk: 25 grams in a tablespoon, 10 in a teaspoon.
  • Sugar: 20-25 in a tablespoon, 5-7 in a teaspoon.

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Calorie table of popular coffee drinks

So, each type of coffee has its own calorie content, which is determined by its composition and the presence of additives. The table below will help you estimate the calorie content of the most popular coffee drinks.

So coffee is low calorie drink. However, various coffee drinks have a higher calorie content due to the presence of more high-calorie ingredients in their composition. This should be borne in mind by those who follow their figure. However, always remember that the joy of your favorite drink is much more important than carefully calculated calories.

A healthy lifestyle requires the calculation of nutrition and sports exercises. To do this, you need to know what useful properties possess certain exercises and products. Food-and-Food will help you deal with nutrition. This time we will find out how many calories are in coffee.

A little about coffee

Coffee is a drink made from the roasted seeds of plants from the genus Coffee. Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of coffee, which was the only country where the coffee tree grew until the 16th century. Today, 90 types of coffee are known.

Coffee production proceeds in three stages. The first is mixing. Varieties of coffee are mixed to obtain the "perfect" drink. The second is roasting. Roasting is very important process, because it is the roasting of coffee beans that gives coffee one taste or another. The last stage is grinding. fried coffee beans grind to obtain a water-soluble powder.

Frequent consumption of coffee is addictive, like alcohol. Coffee contains caffeine, which stimulates the activity of the brain and heart, so a cup of black drink invigorates in the morning. Periodic coffee consumption will help to avoid cirrhosis of the liver, as well as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. And moderate use can slightly increase life.

How many calories are in coffee with milk and sugar?

The calorie content of a coffee drink with milk and sugar depends on the volume of your cup or mug and the amount of additives in the drink. So, adding two tablespoons of sugar and four tablespoons of milk to a medium cup of coffee. Let's calculate: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar contains 48 kcal, and the same amount of milk will bring you 9 kcal. In our case, it turned out 132 kcal.

How many calories are coffee with milk without sugar?

The nutritional value of such a drink depends on the amount of milk added to it. It is very easy to calculate this. 1 st. spoon whole milk has 9 kcal. So, if you put three tablespoons of milk, you get 27 kcal, and if 4 tbsp. spoons, then 36, respectively.

How many calories in coffee with sugar without milk?

And if you make coffee without milk, but with sugar, then you should consider that in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar has 48 kcal. Thus, it is very easy to calculate the calorie content of such a drink. The most popular drink is with two or three tablespoons of sugar per medium glass. In two st. spoons of sugar have 96 kcal, and three 144 kcal, respectively.

How many calories are in a cup of coffee?

The calorie content of one cup of coffee without milk, sugar and any other additives is zero, because coffee has no calories.

How many calories are in a cup of coffee with sugar?

The calorie content of a cup of coffee with sugar depends on the amount of sugar added to the drink. Thus, knowing how many calories are in a tablespoon of sugar, you can easily calculate its nutritional value. For convenience, here is a simple formula:

0+n st. tablespoons of sugar * 48 = calories in your cup of coffee.

How many calories are in coffee with sugar and cream?

Vegetable cream has 20 kcal in 1 tbsp. spoon, and the calorie content of sugar, in the same amount, we already know. Here's another one the simplest formula: (20 * n tbsp cream) + (48 * n tbsp sugar) + 0 = the nutritional value your coffee.

How many calories are in a mug of coffee with milk and sugar?

Due to the bitter taste of caffeine, most are sweetened with sugar or milk, and some with both. For the latter, the information below will be useful, as we will calculate the calorie content of such a drink. We learned the calorie content of our supplements above, so it remains only to calculate. So, here is the formula: (9 * n tablespoons of milk) + (48 * n tablespoons of sugar) + 0 = the calorie content of your coffee in one mug.

How many calories are in a cup of coffee with milk?

We will not beat around the bush and immediately proceed to the calculation, because we already know everything we need. Let's make a formula, for convenience: 9 * n st. spoons of whole milk + 0 = calories in your cup of coffee.

How many calories are in 3 in 1 coffee?

As a rule, mixtures of this type are packaged for one cup, so they should be divided into groups:

  1. 12.5 grams;
  2. 15 grams;
  3. 20 grams.

In the first group of mixtures, the calorie content reaches 53 kcal, in the second group up to 65 kcal, and in the third group above 80 kcal.

By itself, coffee has a very low energy value, which tends to zero. But few people use it in vain, because bitterness scares away admirers of this drink a little. The calorie content of coffee with sugar, syrup or milk is a completely different number that can be displayed on the figure.

It is best to drink one to two cups of coffee beans or instant coffee a day. If their number exceeds four, then this is already bad for the body. First of all, the attack is on cardiovascular system and then on digestive and immune. Therefore, your best ally in this case is moderation.

One cup (200 ml) of strong ground coffee without any additives contains only 2 kilocalories, or 331 kcal/100 g of dry beans. But the same volume of prepared instant drink will tighten by 4 kcal. One hundred grams of dry weight in this case equals 119 kcal. That's about 17 teaspoons.

The energy value comes from proteins and monounsaturated fats found in grains. If the product has been overcooked or stored for too long, then its calorie content increases, as more fatty acids enter the drink.

The presence of caffeine makes the taste quite bitter, so some manufacturers introduce various components into the mass - cereal crops, fragrances, powdered milk, chicory, chopped nuts and other additives. They significantly increase the calorie content of a cup of coffee.

Energy value of coffee with sugar

Glucose, i.e. empty carbohydrates, greatly affects the calorie content of the drink. One teaspoon of this supplement (without a slide) weighs 6 grams, which equals 24 kcal. Calculate the energy value of a cup of coffee in specific case quite easy.

A cube of refined sugar weighs 5-10 grams, respectively, it gives 20-40 kilocalories. reed, or Brown sugar considered sweeter, but it is estimated at 25 kcal per teaspoon. Some fans of the drink like to mix it with honey. So here is 1 tsp. this substance will increase total calories coffee up to 67 kcal.

The calculation is very simple - the energy value of a drink with sugar is equal to the calorie content of the latter. This means that you can easily control the amount of energy that enters the body.

If you do not want to give up glucose, a sweetener will help. Today, there are natural and artificial additives that are zero calorie and provide the desired sweetness.

Add milk and cream

Grain and instant drink with milk is tasty and quite mild in taste. But he can't boast zero calorie. Milk 3.5% fat is estimated at 63 kcal / 100 g.

With a decrease in the percentage to 0.5, the calorie content is almost halved. Energy value a cup of coffee with milk and sugar equals 114 kcal. A drink with condensed milk and sugar breaks all records with a value of 324 calories.

Here are the numbers for different creams:

  • product 35% fat, whipped cream - 340 kcal per 100 grams;
  • vegetable cream powder - 40-45 kcal / 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable drinking cream - 20-35 kcal / 1 tbsp. l.
  • A large glass of Starbucks coffee (450 ml) with cream contains about 360 kcal.

Should I use 3 in 1 mixes?

We dare to assure you that the notorious 3 in 1 "coffee" bags will saturate the body much big amount energy than a regular instant drink with a spoonful of sugar and milk.

The average weight of a sachet is 20 g. It contains 10 g of sugar (38 kcal), 5-3 g of coffee (very few calories) and 5-7 g vegetable cream(31 kcal). If you calculate, then in the end you get almost 70 kcal. In addition, manufacturers can make various additives like syrups and flavorings that don't change the number for the better.

Shall we diversify the program?

Sometimes you want to feel light taste the same bitterness, but in a different interpretation, and therefore few people limit themselves to coffee alone.

The most popular are the following drinks:

  • cappuccino with milk based on espresso - 30 kcal per 100 grams, from McDonald's - 29 kcal / 100 g;
  • natural coffee from McDonald's - 0 kcal / 100 g;
  • latte - 32, from McDonald's - 40;
  • mocha from McDonald's - 73;
  • classic glace - 75;
  • espresso - 3.6;
  • americano from Starbucks - 3.3;
  • vanilla frappuccino with cream from Starbucks - 96.

In popular establishments, a glass usually holds 450 grams of liquid. For those who want to lose weight, this is a lot.

This is interesting!

Coffee is not only very tasty and invigorating, it is also famous all over the world for its history and incredible facts. We invite you to brew a cup of fragrant drink and immerse yourself in reading.

Americano appeared during World War II. Soldiers from the States could not enjoy the bitter European drink, so they diluted it with water.

One cup of the drink will give the body about 300 antioxidants, which will fight free radicals for a month.

Every year, all the inhabitants of our planet drink 500 billion cups of coffee, which is about 71 cups per person.

In Japanese salons, visitors are not averse to taking coffee baths. The special mass is heated up to 60 degrees. Only 20 minutes of the procedure will give vivacity and energy even to a very tired person.

The most expensive coffee is considered not from beans, but from the excrement of the animal luwak. She only eats fruits. coffee tree, which in gastrointestinal tract undergo a fermentation process. Connoisseurs are ready to pay a lot of money for a cup of such a drink, and 1 kg of grains costs from 1000 euros.

The tastes of some people can be shocking. Coffee is consumed with pepper, oil and even garlic.

Allow yourself a cup or two of this drink and feel a charge of vivacity in the morning!

coffee calories: 70 kcal*
* average value per 100 ml of drink, depending on the variety, brand of coffee and caloric content of additives

One of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages in the world is coffee. His rich taste And unique aroma able to give a charge of vivacity in the morning for the whole day. Various ingredients can be added to the drink, and most importantly, it is considered low-calorie.

Calorie content of grain, ground, instant coffee

The energy value of coffee varies depending on its type and variety. The benefits of drinking the drink are in large numbers vitamins and minerals, for example, niacin (PP) helps to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, iron contributes to the normalization of hemoglobin, calcium strengthens bones, and potassium improves heart rate.

The calorie content of instant coffee is ~100 kcal per 100 g of dry product, for ground natural coffee it is ~200 kcal, and for grain coffee it is ~230 kcal.

At regular use a drink made from roasted grains improves metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body, stimulates the work of the cerebral cortex.

Instant coffee well-known manufacturers in descending order of calories per 100 g:

  • "Ambassador" - 329 kcal;
  • "Jacobs Monarch" - 100 kcal;
  • "Black Card Gold" - 92 kcal;
  • "Nescafe Gold" - 50 kcal.

For tasty and healthy drink better use whole grains rather than soluble granules. Best way cooking - cooking in a coffee machine or in a Turk.

How many calories in coffee with milk, sugar and cream

To get rid of the bitterness of caffeine, additives are often put into the drink. It is they who seriously change the indicator of energy value. The most common are sugar (in 1 teaspoon - from 15 to 20 kcal) and cream (in 100 ml up to 500 kcal). Read more about in our article. In addition, spices, syrups, alcohol, caramel and chocolate go well with the drink.

The calorie content of black coffee without sugar per 100 ml is only 2 kcal, and with it - already 17 kcal (if you add 2 teaspoons, the numbers will double, etc.). Cream, on the other hand, raises the indicator by an additional 50 units.

If you prepare a drink from soluble granules, the numbers are as follows:

  • without sugar - 7 kcal;
  • with sugar - 22 kcal;
  • with condensed milk - 55 kcal;
  • with medium fat milk - 59 kcal.

Calories in Cappuccino and Latte

IN public institutions fast food many varieties can be purchased invigorating drink. In a McDonald's restaurant, a large glass of cappuccino has a calorie content of about 120 kcal (obtained by adding cream or whipped milk to espresso).

Espresso is distinguished by its strength and low energy value, for 30 g - 1 kcal.

When added to whipped milk, a latte is obtained (about 180 kcal). Those with a sweet tooth will love McDonald's mocha with chocolate and different syrups, however, for those who are losing weight, this option is unacceptable (almost 600 kcal per 250 ml). The calorie content of an American at Starbucks is 15 units, and a cappuccino without sugar (350 g) is 140 units.

Indicators of the value of other drinks (portion - from 350 to 500 g):

  • Frappuccino "Starbucks" - about 500 kcal;
  • Ice cappuccino "Chocolate Girl" - 220 kcal;
  • Mokachino "McDonald's" - 170 kcal;
  • Raf coffee "Chocolate Girl" - 190 kcal.

In each institution, the energy value of hot drinks will vary, but those who are losing weight can choose options for themselves without sugar, with low-fat cream or milk. - see our table.

Coffee calorie table per 100 ml

About the energy value of a hot drink different varieties the calorie table will tell. In addition, it shows how the indicators change when adding ingredients.

Calories in spoon, cup and mug of coffee

During the diet, it is recommended to use green coffee, which converts body fat into energy thanks to the chlorogenic acid contained in the grains. The energy value per 100 ml is 5 kcal. However, any caffeinated beverage should be consumed in moderate amounts- no more than 3 cups per day.

In a teaspoon of natural dry coffee - 2 kcal, in 200 ml of the drink - 4 kcal, and in 250 - 5 kcal.

IN instant drink- 7, 14 and 17 kcal, respectively. When adding 2 tablespoons of sugar, we get more than 50 extra calories. If you want to brew a 3 in 1 bag, it is worth considering that half of its weight (20 g) is sugar with a value of 40 kcal. Add powdered milk (about 30 kcal), the result is 70 kcal per 250 ml mug. In a cup of cappuccino with a volume of 180 ml: milk - 150 g, espresso - 30 g, sugar - 2 teaspoons. As a result, the calorie content will be from 180 to 200 kcal, depending on the fat content of the milk.

Choose your favorite taste and aroma of a hot drink, not forgetting the calories in a cup of morning bliss.

When calculating the calorie content of a meal, information is often required on how many calories are in coffee with sugar, cream or milk. Not everyone likes strong coffee without additives, and a variety of recipes allows you to replace a sweet dish with a low-calorie coffee drink.


Coffee that is brewed with water and no other ingredients is virtually calorie-free. On packages, manufacturers do not always indicate data on energy value, but usually it is 70 - 90 kilocalories per 100 grams. natural product. Since one cup requires 1 - 2 grams ground grains, you can get 1.5 - 2 kilocalories from such a drink.

The calorie content of instant coffee can reach 7 kilocalories per 100 ml of drink.

A different calorie content may have powder in sachets, for example, "three in one". The composition of such products includes granulated sugar, milk powder or flavorings.

When calculating the energy value, it is important to consider the volume of dishes. For example, espresso is prepared in small quantities, while a glass of cappuccino can hold up to 300 ml. Known values ​​for 1 ml or 100 ml must be multiplied by the corresponding volume.

Coffee drinks with additives

The most popular recipe involves the addition of sugar and milk. A drink with 104 kilocalories can be obtained according to the recipe:

  • 1 tsp instant coffee;
  • 1.5 tsp Sahara;
  • 70 g of milk;
  • 30 ml of boiling water.

There are 398 calories in 100 grams of sugar. Adding 10 grams granulated sugar will add almost 40 kilocalories to the dessert. If you do not add milk, then the energy value can only be calculated by the weight of added sugar.

The calorie content of milk may vary. For a product purchased in a store, it can be found on the packaging. regular milk fat content of 3.2% contains 58 kilocalories per 100 ml, and fat-free to 0.1% - 31.

Cream is often added instead of milk. Their calorie content depends on fat content:

  • at 9% - 107 kcal;
  • 15% – 161;
  • 20% – 205;
  • 33% – 322;
  • 35% – 337.

The energy value of dry cream is 579 kilocalories, and whipped cream is 257 kcal.

Popular coffee drinks

There are many recipes for making coffee drinks with milk and other additives.


Popular coffee dessert ice cream has more calories than espresso. It consists of:

  • 2 tsp soluble coffee powder or granules - about 15 kcal;
  • 50 g cream ice cream – 115;
  • 20 g of chocolate syrup - 50.

Glace is served in tall glasses with a volume of 300 ml. One serving contains approximately 180 kilocalories. Sometimes water is mixed with milk, but even without it, a creamy taste is obtained.

Other products are also added to the glaze. The energy value of the most popular of them is shown in the table.


To prepare a cappuccino recipe with ground coffee beans, you need:

  • 40 ml of water;
  • 150 ml of milk - 87 kcal;
  • 1 tbsp ground grains - 5;
  • 5 g of chocolate - 20;
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar - 20.

The number of kilocalories subject to such a recipe is 132.


Irish is an Irish-style coffee dessert that contains a small amount of strong alcohol. It consists of:

  • whipped cream - 5 g;
  • coffee - 1.5 tsp per 100 ml of boiling water;
  • whiskey - 20 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 20 ml.

First in warm glass syrup is poured, then whiskey. The mixture is ignited and then added to it. ready coffee. The glass is decorated with whipped cream. You can sprinkle cocoa on them, powdered sugar or chocolate chips.

The number of kilocalories, if cooking was carried out according to standard recipe, is 114 per 100 ml.


The classic mocaccino recipe includes espresso, milk and chocolate. The number of calories in espresso is minimal, so only the remaining components should be taken into account.

Pour melted chocolate or chocolate syrup into the bottom of the glass. Then milk is poured in a thin stream, and then espresso.

IN popular recipe are used.
