
Fish with champignons in a slow cooker. Diet dish Fish in a slow cooker recipe with photo

Fish with mushrooms and cheese is very interesting and unusual in taste. And besides, it is useful, because there is a lot of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine, selenium, fatty acids, and valuable vitamins in fish. Fish contains the highest quality protein, which is well absorbed by the body.

Fish with mushrooms and cheese in a slow cooker

To cook fish with mushrooms and cheese in a slow cooker, we need:
Fish fillet - 400 g, champignons - 300 g, butter, vegetable oil, onion - 1 pc., Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp., Cheese - 100 g, herbs, salt, pepper, flour.
How to cook fish with mushrooms and cheese in a slow cooker?
1. Rinse and dry the fish fillet, roll in flour.
2. Peel, rinse and chop the onion and mushrooms, grate the cheese.
3. Install the multicooker in the "Frying / Baking" mode, for 20-30 minutes, pour vegetable oil and wait until it heats up. Fry the fish until crispy, put on a plate.
4. Add butter and onion to the multicooker bowl, fry it until transparent, place the mushrooms, continuing to fry, not forgetting to stir, salt, pepper, add sour cream. Divide the finished mushrooms into two parts.
5. Put the fish on a part of the fried mushrooms with onions, spread the remaining mushrooms on top, sprinkle with grated cheese. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for 20 minutes.
6. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Any fish fillet (hake or pollock) -1 kg. Mushrooms-0.5 kg. Lemon-1/4 pc. Butter-100 gr. Cream-200 gr. Flour-2 tbsp Carrots, onions - 1 pc. Salt, pepper - to taste. Greenery for decoration.

Cooking:We're preparing the sauce. We cut the mushrooms into slices, onion-half rings, rub the carrots on a coarse grater - put all this in a slow cooker, add another 50 gr. oil and fry in the "Baking" mode for 10 minutes. Next, add the juice of 1/4 lemon juice, salt, pepper and cook for another 5 minutes (mushrooms with juice should boil). Add more flour and cream there, stir well, and cook in the same mode for another 3 minutes. Drain the sauce into a separate container. Salt and pepper the fish fillet. Melt in a slow cooker 50 gr. oil, put the fillet there and fry in the "Baking" mode on both sides for 5 minutes. Pour the fish with ready-made mushroom sauce and bake in the same mode for 40 minutes, remove the valve from the multicooker. The perfect side dish is mashed potatoes or pasta. Bon appetit!

In principle, any fish is suitable for this recipe, but today we will cook catfish. It is very fond of cooking by those who carefully monitor their figure, as this inhabitant of quiet backwaters and rivers contains the necessary amount of useful and extremely necessary substances for the human body. This river fish contains a lot of vitamins from group B, as well as vitamins E, C, provitamin A. In addition, the composition of the catfish carcass includes all kinds of microelements in a certain combination, fast-digesting proteins, and the most important acids. That is why dishes from such river fish are considered nutritious, tasty and very healthy.

At the same time, catfish is classified as a dietary product and all dishes from it are safely included in various dietary menus.
It is recommended to eat dishes from such river fish as catfish, for those who have reduced immunity due to illness, as well as for those who need to have a good condition of the skin and hair, strengthen the nervous system.

For all its usefulness, catfish has one unpleasant feature - it smells very strongly of mud, but this is not a reason to refuse such a useful product. The smell of mud can be easily eliminated with the help of freshly squeezed lemon juice, in which the catfish should be soaked for thirty minutes.

Those who would like to try a wonderful catfish dish are advised to cook it in, in this case, all useful properties are preserved in such a fish.

Cooking a diet meal.

To prepare a wonderful dietary dish in a slow cooker - “Monastic Catfish”, you will need a set of the following components:

- catfish carcass (1.3 kg);
- spices for fish and sea salt;
- oyster mushrooms or champignons (260 g);
- vegetable oil (two tablespoons);
- fresh cranberries and greens for decoration;
- large onion and carrot (one each).

If the catfish is purchased not in the form of pieces, but as a carcass, then it must be processed and gutted, and after such processing, washed under strong pressure of cold water. The carcass of the catfish should be cut off the head and tail, however, these parts should not be thrown away, since in the future it will be possible to cook a wonderful fish soup from them.

Rinse oyster mushrooms or champignons very carefully, cut into pieces of arbitrary sizes, after the water has completely drained from them. Put the sliced ​​mushrooms into the bowl of the multicooker, pour in deodorized vegetable oil and salt a little.

The processed carcass of the catfish should be laid out on top of the chopped mushrooms, add all the necessary spices and add a little salt, add a layer of carrots cut into rings on top.
Cut the peeled onion into pieces and pour them into the bowl of the multicooker over the carrots. Set the “Baking” or “Frying” mode in the multicooker device, then cook catfish in a monastic style for forty minutes.

Once I was in a cafe, and on the menu I saw stewed fish with salted mushrooms. I could not understand how fish can be combined with mushrooms, and even more so with salted ones. I was so interested, so I decided to order this dish, especially since it was not so expensive. I did not have to wait long for the order, and literally in half an hour it was served on the table. The aroma of this dish was not very bright, but it tasted divine. Soon I cooked stewed fish with salted mushrooms at home in a slow cooker.

It turned out to be outrageously easy and simple to stew fish with mushrooms in a slow cooker. No hassles, and it won't take much time.

White fish stewed with salted mushrooms has a very bright and unusual taste. The fish itself is tender, juicy, spicy and moderately salty. The fish comes off the bone very well. If you do not like fish with bones, then you can use fish fillets to prepare this dish. As for the side dish, mashed potatoes are perfect in my opinion. Although I like this fish better without an additional garnish.

Ingredients for fish stew with salted mushrooms

  1. Fish (marine, white) - 5-6 serving pieces
  2. Salted mushrooms - 200 grams
  3. Onion (large) - 1 piece
  4. Sour cream - 250 ml
  5. Salt, pepper, lemon juice - to taste
  6. Water - 250 ml

How to cook fish stew with salted mushrooms in a slow cooker

To prepare our fish stew with salted mushrooms, we will use white sea fish. Haddock or cod is perfect for our dish. But in my opinion, stewed haddock is tastier than cod. Once, I tried to cook this red fish dish, but I didn’t like it at all. Salt and pepper the fish to taste. Sprinkle it with lemon juice. Put portioned pieces of fish in a pan.

We clean the onion from the husk and cut it into rings or half rings. Put the onion on top of the fish.

Cut salted mushrooms into small pieces or cubes. I use salted mushrooms in my recipe, but you can use other mushrooms as well. The main thing is that the mushrooms should be exactly salted, and not pickled and not fresh (frozen). We put pieces of salted mushrooms on top of the fish and onions. Add 100 ml of cold water. On the slow cooker, set the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes.

10 minutes before cooking the fish, we pour in the rest of the water (150 ml). Add sour cream and salt. If you do not have sour cream at home, then heavy cream is quite suitable. Stew fish with salted mushrooms on the selected mode until the signal.

Stewed fish with salted mushrooms in a slow cooker is ready. Bon appetit!

Until today, it never even crossed my mind to cook fish with mushrooms in a slow cooker. In my case, these are cod and wild mushrooms (but, it seems to me, you can cook from any fish, and replace wild mushrooms with champignons). Probably, I would never have known how insanely delicious it was, if not for the case. Although, it is more correct to say, the circumstances. Indeed, it was thanks to circumstances that today for the first time I cooked cod with mushrooms in a slow cooker.


  1. Cod - 800 gr. (approximately)
  2. Fresh mushrooms (forest or champignons) - 400 gr.
  3. Onion - 2-3 pcs.
  4. Lemon - ½ pc.
  5. Salt - to taste
  6. Pepper (black, ground) - to taste

1. We will need fresh forest mushrooms that do not require pre-boiling. As a rule, these are chanterelles, white, boletus. But the mushrooms must be carefully sorted out, cleaned of dirt, coniferous branches, needles. Then we wash and grind. And cut the defrosted and washed cod carcass into portioned pieces. If the fish is with a head and giblets, then, of course, before that we clean, gut, cut off the head, tail and fins. So, the cod was cut into pieces. Next, sprinkle them with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Let the fish lay down. At this time, we will clean and chop the onions and proceed to the next step.

2. Pour oil into the multicooker pan, put the mushrooms. We turn on the multicooker for "Baking". We will fry some mushrooms for about 6-8 minutes, do not close the lid. To prepare this dish, I did not bring all the moisture from the mushrooms to evaporation.

3. Pour the turnip to the mushrooms. Stir and continue to fry for another 5-6 minutes. "Baking" will turn off.

4. As I already noted in the 2nd step, I do not bring the moisture to complete evaporation. And by the time the “Baking” is turned off, the fried mushrooms with onions look like this (see photo).

5. On the onion-mushroom "pillow", lay out the cod. If the pieces do not fit in one row, put them on top of the first. Then, we close the lid, select the "Fish" mode and the time is 20 minutes. I'll make an explanation. In Oursson MP5010PSD, this mode works without pressure, and the approximate temperature level is 120 degrees. If I cooked the dish in my other multicooker (Redmond m170), I would set the “Stew” mode (Fish product).

6. After the signal, the dish is completely ready. We can carefully remove the fish on a plate. And spread the mushrooms on top or next to it (here, as you like).
