
What does coffee tree mean. Preparation of different types of soil

Exotic coffee tree. The main obstacle to this is the erroneous opinion that growing and caring for it will require very significant efforts and investments, but in fact this statement is not true, because coffee is a plant that is easily grown at home.

Despite the fact that its history began in Africa, it has been cultivated almost all over the world, with the only exception being areas with a cold climate unsuitable for coffee. It will be enough to organize comprehensive care for him, and in a few years you will be able to please yourself with a drink prepared not only with your own hands, but also from fragrant, home-grown grains.

Coffee - home plant

The coffee tree is a shrub with a septenary crown and dark green leaves, the glossy finish of which gives the plant a unique brilliance. The flowers are white, visually similar to jasmine. A coffee plant at home, receiving proper care, can bring an annual harvest, the volume of which will be up to 0.5 kg. green grains. When growing, you should definitely take into account that if you expect to get a flavored drink in the future, you should try to provide the plant with conditions that are ideal for growth and correspond to the hot climate of the tropics.

When choosing seeds that could be used for planting, keep in mind that not all seeds will produce the expected grain growth when grown, and if it is important for you to see the finished result in the form of sprouted shoots as quickly as possible, it is better to give preference to the most popular variety coffee - Arabica. It is this variety that occupies a leading position on most coffee plantations and perfectly adapts to growth at home, without requiring special care.

Since the Arabica coffee plant is the most suitable variety for sprouting, you should know its most common varieties:

  • Abyssinian.
  • Mundo-new.
  • Bourbon is the most productive variety brought by the French to Reunion Island.
  • Maragogype - differs from other varieties of Arabica coffee in the largest coffee beans, being essentially a mutant coffee. It easily adapts to any type of soil, but it also acquires its taste and aromatic features. This variety cannot be considered popular, since it does not have a high yield. That is why its grains will be very difficult to find for planting.


Essentially, coffee is a plant that can only be grown in two ways:

  • By sprouting - the shell of the coffee bean is quite hard, and it is often difficult for the sprout to overcome it in order to germinate, especially when it comes to beans bought in regular store and almost lost the ability to grow. Keep in mind that even a few planted coffee packages may not give you a single sprout, because even out of a hundred seeds that you personally remove from a plant, only a few will sprout in a few months. In order to speed up the process, cut off a small area from the shell or purchase a special liquid from a specialized flower shop that will dissolve it over a certain period.
  • Vegetatively - the easiest way to grow, the only difficulty of which is to acquire the cutting itself, planting which, you will see rapid growth within a year. In addition, in the case of a ready-made sprout, you don’t have to worry about creating a beautiful crown, and when growing from grains, you will have to work hard on it. Such a shoot begins to bear fruit already after 1-1.5 years, however, it must be borne in mind that in the absence of proper care, the plant is more than short-lived.

Coffee - indoor plant, care of which is not difficult due to its unpretentiousness. Do not count on significant growth rates in the early years. The maximum that you can count on is an increase in size by 10-20 cm, but this is already a lot. In the future, the plant begins the process of rapid branching. In this case, you do not even need to carry out additional trimming procedures. Keep in mind that it is better not to use the first crop as a drink, but to try to sprout new shoots from it, because, firstly, in this way you will not be overly worried that the only coffee plant may die, and secondly, the crop will so small that it is enough for only 1-2 mugs of drink.

Seed Features

When planting a coffee plant that is easy to care for, be prepared for the growing process to be a very painstaking task. First of all, this concerns not only the growth rate, but also temperature features in which to contain a pot with a plant.

A pot of grains immediately after planting them in the ground must be placed in a sunny place, constantly maintaining a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Thanks to this, you will provide the sprouts with an additional incentive to grow as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that coffee is a plant that does not like extraneous interference too much. Pruning should be done as little as possible. It is best to do this procedure only if the size of the bush has become much larger than you expected. Also, do not worry that during the flowering period, the pollination process, which is natural for ordinary plants, does not occur and, as a result, you will not get the expected harvest, because the berries are formed as a result of the self-pollination process.

If you plan to use a ripe berry for further planting, it will be necessary to clean it from the pulp and rinse with water. After that, for about 30 minutes, they will need to be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and planted as soon as possible.

Soil features

The most popular question among people who are going to grow a home coffee plant is: "How to care?" First of all, pay attention to the soil in which you are going to plant. The best option is a mixed type of soil with the addition of a mass of various elements that enhance its natural acidity.

The stages of soil preparation differ from the stage in which the plant is growing:

Keep in mind that if you are planting in a vegetative way (from a process), the cut cutting will need to be placed in a special solution for 1-2 hours. All the required components must be purchased at the flower shop in advance, and only after that they should be planted in the ground with a depth of no more than 3 cm. Moreover, as soon as the plant has the first new leaves, it will be necessary to perform a transplant procedure similar to that required for sprouts grown directly from seed.

Flowers and berries

Coffee is a plant that usually blooms only during the warmest months of the year. For the first time, a germinated plant blooms only after 3-4 years from the time of planting. During this period, small bright white flowers are formed in the leaf axils, which, when blooming, have a pleasant aroma. Flowering time usually does not exceed 2-3 days, however, the fruits will ripen much longer. In no case should coffee be sprayed during this period, since in this way you can completely ruin the reproduction process.

After a certain period of time, small, round fruits Green colour. As they ripen, the shade of the fruit changes to a rich red, due to which they begin to visually resemble cherries. Each resulting fruit contains only two grains, which, in fact, are “coffee” in the usual sense for most people. The period of full ripening of fruits for a plant grown at home varies within one year. After that, you can proceed to the direct collection and use of grains.

coffee plant - how to care

When planting, be sure to consider that this plant is extremely photophilous. At the same time, if in the hot climate of the tropics it must be shaded, then in apartment conditions, on the contrary, it is necessary for it to provide full lighting, in the absence of which the plant will not only grow weakly, but also long time will not bear fruit. It is best if coffee is moved to the warmest south side in the house for the winter, but even in this case, one should not forget that the critical temperature mark for this plant is 15 degrees and it is highly discouraged to allow it to drop. Therefore, on particularly cold and cloudy days, it will be necessary to turn on daylight lamps in the immediate vicinity of the plant, which will provide it with vital light and heat.

Coffee is a rather capricious plant, it grows best provided that the lighting to which it gets used does not change its trajectory. Therefore, by turning the plant, you will only achieve beautiful leaves, but lose the long-awaited harvest. In this case, you should not place coffee under direct Sun rays or put the pot on the north side, where the lighting is the weakest.

In the hot season, coffee must be regularly moistened (as the top layer dries) with settled water, the temperature of which should in no case be lower than room temperature. Also, special attention should be paid to the leaves, which will also not be out of place to spray regularly (except for the flowering period).

Remember that if you need to move the pot to a new place, for the first time, the plant must be carefully wrapped with gauze, which will create the usual diffused light and help it optimally quickly adapt to new lighting. At the same time, all that he needs for growth is to make timely transplants that any person can handle, even without proper experience in the process of floriculture, but familiar with the basic requirements for care.


Watering this plant must be given special attention. The water you use should not contain limestone impurities that have a detrimental effect on coffee. In addition, coffee requires constant maintenance of special acidity in the soil, to ensure which it is necessary to add a few drops of vinegar or crystals to settled water prepared for irrigation. citric acid. Despite the fact that the plant loves moisture, its high content in the air should not be allowed.

As a natural top dressing, it is necessary to use mineral liquid fertilizers at least once every 1.5 months, thanks to which you will get the rapid growth of new shoots and provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients.


Regardless of regular top dressing in the spring season, during the period when flowers are expected, it is extremely necessary for this plant to increase the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in the feed as much as possible. Ordinary horn shavings can act as the main source. In addition, do not forget that it is impossible to determine whether the soil has sufficient acidity without special instruments, therefore, to ensure optimal nutrition for the plant, be sure to consult a flower shop to purchase the most suitable top dressing. If for some reason you do not have enough funds to purchase it for the transplant period, use ordinary, finely chopped moss, which can be found in large quantities in forest areas.

If thanks correct application fertilizer, the plant began to grow rapidly upwards, and you are moving precisely to increase its bushiness, carefully pinch the side shoots, and if a certain part of them has dried up, carefully cut them off at the base of the petiole of the covering leaf.

Difficulties you may encounter

When caring for a plant like coffee, be sure to keep in mind that if not enough, the leaves may lose their dark green, glossy hue and discolor. Coffee leaves begin to rapidly turn yellow and eventually dry out completely if the plant does not receive sufficient supply. fresh air. In addition, if the humidity in the room is excessive, the process of decay will begin to occur on the leaves, after which the plant will need to stop. a large number of time to fully recover.

In addition, it would not be out of place to take a few consultations with a coffee grower in the field of leaf protection from the most common pests:

  • Spider mite.
  • Shchitovki.

Only in this way can you be completely sure that your plant will be able to fully develop at home and will delight you with fragrant fruits over time.

The history of human use of coffee beans has a long history.

Description of the coffee tree

The coffee tree belongs to the Rubiaceae family. This plant is actively cultivated in tropical countries, and its homeland is Ethiopia. In the highlands of Asia and Africa, the plant can be found in the wild. About ninety species of the coffee tree are known, but not all of them are of high value to humans. To obtain an aromatic drink, grains (seeds) of Arabian and Congolese coffee trees are used (all known varieties of Arabica and Robusta coffee). Bengali and Cameroonian coffees are also of interest.

Most of species of this plant is a large evergreen shrubs or small trees (plant height does not exceed eight meters). Coffee can be grown at home - in this case, the plant takes the form of a compact bush. Caffeine is present not only in seeds, but also in all parts of the plant - this substance is designed to repel pests. The concentration of caffeine in different types of coffee trees varies significantly.

White coffee flowers exude a strong aroma. They contain both pistils and stamens (they are bisexual and capable of self-pollination). It takes 3-4 months for coffee berries to ripen. In most types of coffee, ripe fruits are burgundy or bright red, but breeders have bred varieties with a different color of berries. The ellipsoid-shaped fruits have a short stem and are located directly on the branches. Each berry has one to three grains inside. The color of raw seeds is close to yellowish-gray-green.

The chemical composition of coffee

In raw coffee beans there are proteins, caffeine, fat, sucrose, monosaccharides, fiber, pentosans, tannins and minerals, organic acids (citric chlorogenic, tartaric, malic, oxalic, coffee). Coffee contains vitamins B2 and PP.

The benefits of coffee

According to studies, when drinking coffee, the alkaloid caffeine has the greatest effect on the human body. Coffee invigorates, increases efficiency, regulates blood glucose levels, speeds up blood circulation (including in the cerebral cortex), improves concentration, increases physical endurance and reaction speed. Coffee is known to affect serotonin production(hormone of joy), due to which the drink from the grains is excellent tool from depression, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. The drink normalizes digestion, improves bowel function (it has mild laxative properties). Coffee helps relieve swelling and reduce muscle pain after intense physical exertion.

Harm of coffee and contraindications

When coffee powder is steamed or brewed with boiling water, caffeol and coffeestrol are released - these substances increase cholesterol levels in blood. Roasted grains contain benzene, a substance that has carcinogenic properties. Frequent use coffee increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It is contraindicated to abuse a fragrant drink for people with high arterial pressure and serious illnesses cardiovascular and nervous systems. Do not get involved in coffee during pregnancy and lactation. It is important to remember that caffeine is an alkaloid and is addictive.

Growing a coffee tree

Before planting coffee tree seedlings, the soil is treated with fungicides and insecticides, and then dug up and fertilized. The plant needs light shading - coffee trees in checkerboard pattern alternate with other plants - with eucalyptus, dates, etc. Two-year-old seedlings are considered optimal for planting (coffee trees begin to bear fruit in the fifth or sixth year of life). Leave at least 1.8-2.2 m between rows of seedlings. Caring for coffee trees consists of weeding, insecticide treatment, watering and top dressing.

Coffee preparation

The harvest of ripe coffee berries is removed once a week. They do this either individually (manually) or in bulk, simply by shaking the berries to the ground (they are raked from the ground with a rake, and then freed from impurities). The berries are either dried in the sun, and then the seeds are freed from the shell, or, without drying, the pulp is washed off with a strong stream of water. The released coffee beans are dried in the sun (the process takes 1-2 months) or in dryers (optimal temperature: 50-60 ° C).

Drink made from coffee beans is very popular among residents different countries peace. Coffee brings to the body great benefit, it is important not to get carried away with them unnecessarily.

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Any grower dreams of growing a coffee tree. After all, this plant is rightfully considered exotic and amazing in its characteristic features. Unfortunately, due to the prevailing opinion that the cultivation of this flower is quite difficult and painstaking, most do not dare to take this step. We can please everyone who dreamed of having a coffee tree in their own home: this information is not true! After all coffee tree (Coffea), like any other home flowers, needs only proper care and care. That is why growing this plant can be a very exciting process for beginner flower lovers.

Planting a flower

Planting a coffee tree is not a complicated procedure. All you need is prepared seeds, flower pots, soil and drainage.

It is very important that each coffee bean is initially planted in a separate pot. At the same time, they are placed at a depth of not less than 1 centimeter. In this case, do not forget to lay out the grains with the convex side up. This will allow the bores to rise faster. After that, the grains are watered and covered with a glass container (you can use a regular jar for this).

After a month and a half, cotyledon leaves appear outside, which are reliably protected by the seed coat. So that the leaves can independently release from the shell, it is necessary to maintain a moist environment in the soil. Only after the leaves are released, they need to be accustomed daily to a drier type of air mass. To do this, every day you need to remove the jar for an indefinite time, after which this period can be slowly increased.

Lighting and location

The coffee tree is not indifferent to bright light. However, placing it on a window from which direct sunlight will always fall is strictly prohibited. After all, if a bright light affects the plant for a long time, its leaves will very quickly begin to turn yellow and dry. Best of all, diffused lighting is perceived and assimilated by a home flower.

The most suitable place in the house may be the southwest or southeast side. If possible, in the summer, it is recommended to take the coffee tree to the balcony or loggia. But you must not forget that the plant does not like drafts. Therefore, it is worth worrying about this in advance.

Pot dimensions

During planting, not only the prepared soil, but also the flower pot is of great importance in the further growth of the plant. Of course, when planting small grains, for the first time you should not put them in too large a pot, because this can negatively affect the development of young shoots.

After the plant has taken root, and began to grow actively, it can be transplanted into a larger pot. It is believed that its size should be 2-3 times larger than its predecessor. But there is no need to get carried away in this situation. After all, if the volume of the pot is too large, then the root system will not be able to receive all the necessary substances when watering and feeding.

Pay attention to the stability of the pot. The plant must grow in complete peace and security!

The quality of the material from which flower pots are made today is quite diverse. In each case, the owner of the flower accepts independent decision on this account. But most experts advise opting for slides made of plastic.

The soil

The soil for growing a coffee tree can be prepared in several ways. Each of the options is suitable for a specific level of plant reproduction. So:

  1. The best soil for a tree is earth, which is mixed with peat, acid humus and coarse sand. The soil must necessarily be a little sour, because the flower may not take root in ordinary soil.
  2. It is possible to prepare the soil for propagation by cuttings as follows: for this, a small part of the mixture of peat and perlite material is taken (it can also be called expanded perlite sand). All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. It is necessary to pay attention to peat from sphagnum moss or peat of marsh origin. In order for the plant to take root better, peat must be sifted through a sieve before planting it. After the peat is mixed with sand, it is poured into a prepared pot and watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Thus, the prepared soil is disinfected.


The fact that the plant needs a transplant is evidenced by the bud that appeared on the top of the flower. As soon as a new pair of young leaves grows on the tree, the flower can be transplanted.

This process is quite painstaking. After all, while the plant is being removed from the pot, it is very important not to damage its root system, which by its nature is quite fragile. The roots can be elongated or collected in bunches. As soon as the plant is removed from the pot, excess soil must be carefully removed from the roots. There is no need to wash them.

When the transplant is completed, the flower is watered and its condition is carefully monitored for several days. It is very important that in a couple of days the flower adapts to new growth conditions.

Fertilizers and top dressing

The coffee tree needs regular feeding or the use of vegetable mineral fertilizers. Most often, top dressing is done during the period of active flower growth. It, in turn, can last from the beginning of May until the end of September.

The best option for feeding a tree can be a mixture that is designed for flowers that belong to the "pink" family.

Usually all these ingredients can be purchased at a flower shop. With a strong concentration of liquid fertilizer, it can be diluted in purified water.

Competent watering

A feature of caring for a coffee tree is its proper watering. In order for the plant to bloom and develop annually, it is very important to adhere to all the rules for regular watering of the flower.

It is best to draw up a special schedule that will help you monitor the periods of flower growth. And there are several of them: a period of wakefulness and a period of rest.

During the wakefulness period, which lasts from March to September, the flower needs daily watering. But at the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor that liquid in large quantities does not collect in the pan. If this happens, then the root system will begin to rot.

During the dormant period, the plant is not fertilized or watered. This is necessary in order for the flower to gain more strength and energy for early fruiting.

Temperature regime

For the normal growth of a coffee tree, the optimal temperature in the room can be from 14 to 22 degrees.

With the onset of heat, the most suitable option for growing a flower is a temperature of 18-22 degrees.

IN winter time the mark on the thermometer should not fall lower than 14-15 degrees.

If the thermometer shows only 12 degrees, then this situation may pose a danger to the continued existence of the plant. If you want to save a flower, then it must be urgently transferred to a warmer room.

Air humidity

Given the place of origin of the coffee tree, it is safe to say that this plant is very good at high humidity. It is for this reason that in the autumn-summer period the flower needs abundant watering and frequent spraying.

It is important to monitor the condition of the soil in the pot. Under no circumstances should the soil become dry!


It is believed that the coffee tree does not really need pruning or the formation of a lush crown of the plant. But still, sometimes it is useful to monitor the appearance of the flower. If necessary, cut off the appeared dry shoots and branches. If this is not done, they will prevent the growth of the entire flower.

It is also very important to cut long shoots. Such a procedure is necessary in order for the flowering process to begin on time. Indeed, in most cases, flowers are formed precisely on early stages stems. Therefore, do not be afraid to shorten them.

Remember that pruning should only be done when the plant really needs it. To a greater extent, the coffee tree must grow and develop on its own.

Severe diseases and possible pests

Most often, the plant becomes ill in cases where it is not properly cared for.

The whole plant must be inspected daily. If small spots begin to form on the leaves white color, then this indicates that the pest destroys the flower.

Aphids can also be destroyed by rubbing the leaves with ordinary alcohol.


The first results of careful plant care can be observed after 3-4 years of active flower growth.

The flowering of the coffee tree begins in early spring. At this time, very beautiful white flowers appear on it, which emit a rather pleasant aroma, which is more very similar to the smell of jasmine.

After a short period of time, small round fruits begin to form. Initially, they are characterized by a greenish tint, after which they gradually turn red, resulting in a very reminiscent of ripe cherries.

It is in these fruits that there are a pair of grains, which got their name "Coffee".

When grown at home, such fruits can ripen for a couple of years. An indicator that the fruit is fully ripe is its rich brown color.

Remember that the flowering of the coffee tree lasts only a few days. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this amazing phenomenon.

Consider the fact that the concentration of caffeine in homemade beans is much higher than that sold in stores!


Coffee tree at home can be propagated in several ways:

  • Seeds.
  • cuttings.

Seeds can be planted immediately after the fruits have been harvested. At the same time, they are immersed to a depth of not less than 1 centimeter. Be sure to lay out the grains with the convex side up. This will allow the sprout to grow faster. The sown seeds are covered with an ordinary jar and kept at a warm temperature. The first shoots usually appear after 1-1.5 months. After that, the plant must be transplanted into a pot.

Propagation by cuttings is much easier and more efficient. After all, this process is several times faster. To do this, you need to select semi-lignified cuttings and carefully cut them out. After that, the process is placed in a container of water and covered plastic bag. It is very important that the cutting is strengthened, otherwise, the plant may never bloom.

Most often, the coffee tree is propagated by seeds.

rest period

For the coffee tree, the dormant period occurs in winter. It is very important for 3 months to reduce the amount of watering and completely abandon the use of fertilizers.

The main condition for a successful wintering is the observance of the temperature regime, which during rest should be 16-18 degrees.

Useful properties and toxicity of the plant

The coffee tree is not poisonous, so you do not have to worry about the health of people and pets.

The grains from which the drink itself is made help fight severe headaches and fatigue. Also, a coffee drink is taken as a drug that dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure. Sometimes it is recommended to use it for poisoning.

Grains that are grown at home are recommended to be fried before use. This will give the drink a pleasant taste and aroma!

You can write poems and fairy tales, poems and novels about coffee! He was dedicated to stories and even music: for example, Bach, commissioned by one coffee house composed the famous Coffee Cantata, a comic work in which the daughter explains to her father why she fell in love with this magic drink. Many writers and poets were avid coffee drinkers.

Do you know someone who doesn't like coffee? In most cases, he simply never tasted a real, properly brewed drink from the best varieties plants, or did not find his own way of preparing it. After all, the taste of coffee cannot leave anyone indifferent, it is both sharp and delicate, rough and refined, it can be bitter and sweet, for some it smells like smoke and cigarettes, for others it evokes associations of childhood and cream cake. In addition, there are countless options for preparing a drink: espresso, cappuccino, latte, macchiato, etc.

If you still return to prose, then coffee is one of the most significant objects of trade today, according to some reports, it even ranks second in terms of world sales after oil. Coffee plantations occupy vast areas in the Old and New Worlds, the volume of coffee exports is increasing every year. But after all, for an inquisitive person it is interesting not just to enjoy the enchanting aroma of a magical drink!

Coffee will not leave anyone indifferent!

The coffee tree is quite unpretentious when grown indoors. It requires uniform watering, bright diffused light, high humidity, and does not tolerate cold. Coffee is relatively easy to propagate, both by seed and vegetatively.

Surely, if an inveterate coffee lover is also a nerd at heart, he will have an irresistible interest in amazing plant, the fruits of which have such a miraculous effect on a person. Oddly enough, the coffee tree is not whimsical at all, quite pretty, and its flowers have a wonderful aroma, reminiscent of the smell of jasmine. In general, growing it in your own apartment will not be difficult for those who are interested in home flora. Now the cultivation of coffee is very fashionable not only here, but even abroad. For those who are not at all accustomed to straining themselves while caring for their pets, some English-language sites sell special kits for germinating coffee beans with instructions for further care of the plant. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to organize a coffee plantation in the apartment and drink individual coffee for breakfast every day. But isn't it nice to at least occasionally have a cup of your own coffee grown by yourself? In addition, it is incredibly interesting to take part in the magic on your own: to follow how those very mysterious coffee beans that we love to grind in a coffee grinder develop in nature. In general, a homemade coffee tree is a plant for us! And for its cultivation, it is enough to get information about the biology of the plant and get acquainted with not so complicated rules care.

Coffee trees in nature (India)

So, about 40 types of coffee are known to science, but those plants that are used for growing on plantations belong to the same species - Arabica coffee. Of course, I will be corrected that another type of plant is used to produce coffee - Robusta coffee. But, I think real coffee lovers, when buying a drink in a store, carefully study the packaging, and will never buy one that contains at least a little robusta. The fact is that the coffee tree of this species grows extremely quickly, so the coffee obtained from it is much cheaper, but it is more bitter, has a much less pronounced aroma and much more caffeine. In general, the difference, as they say, is obvious. Arabica coffee is grown in apartments.

At home, a coffee tree can live up to 60-100 years. It grows up to 1.5 m and above and can become a worthy decoration of any interior. Of course, selection did not stand still here either: compact plant varieties can be purchased especially for indoor cultivation.


The birthplace of coffee is the Ethiopian province of Kaffa. It is easy to understand how the name of the plant came about.

No less interesting is the history of this drink, which is overgrown with mysterious myths and legends. Probably, most coffee lovers are well aware that the plants first learned about the miraculous powers in Abyssinia, on the territory of the Ethiopian Highlands. One shepherd noticed that his goats, chewing the leaves and fruits of the coffee tree, became frisky and active. The shepherd tried the coffee himself and was very pleased with the effect. After he reported his discovery to the abbot of the local monastery, the drink began to enjoy great popularity, and already in the 15th century coffee became widespread in Yemen, and then throughout the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabs were the first to start trading coffee, but for a long time they did not share seeds and cuttings of the magic tree with Europeans. However, the cunning Dutch somehow managed to get a shoot, they tried to grow coffee first in a botanical garden, and then set up coffee plantations in Indonesia. Since then, Europeans have started their own coffee trade.

coffee plantation

Did you know that Indonesian Luwak coffee is the most expensive. It’s even scary to say how it is produced. Coffee berries are fed to small animals - musangs. After they've been through digestive tract animal, coffee beans are dried, roasted and used to make a drink. This coffee costs about $600 for 450 g.

Louis XIV, having tasted a coffee drink, ordered to immediately grow a coffee tree in his own botanical garden. In the 18th century, with great difficulty and adventures, a sprout of a coffee tree came to Martinique, after which a wonderful plant began to be grown on this island. Finally, the turning point in the cultivation of coffee was the moment when the ubiquitous Dutch began its cultivation in the New World. Since the 18th century, after the price of sugar plummeted, coffee cultivation has become one of the most profitable businesses in Brazil. In the 19th century, Brazil became the world leader in coffee production. Brazil retains its world championship in its export to this day, accounting for more than 30% of the world coffee trade. Very quickly, coffee plantations spread in Colombia, but now this country occupies only the third place in the export of coffee. The second is Vietnam. Yes, the climate of Southeast Asia also turned out to be quite suitable for this plant.

Coffee picking in Colombia

Needless to say, the coffee of each country has its own unique taste and aroma. A true coffee lover must have tried different types drink, and easily distinguish Colombian coffee from Brazilian or very expensive varieties from Jamaica.

My coffee story

My history of the coffee tree, unfortunately, is not very interesting. I grew this plant a long time ago, acquired it in the form of a rooted cutting. There were absolutely no problems with caring for it, it grew beautifully on the east window. However, after I changed apartments, I lost sight of my coffee. For some time I came and watered the plant, but now I do not know what has become of it.

Today, coffee is on my list of those plants that I am just going to and dream of buying.


Flowering - key moment in the life of the coffee tree, and after it fruiting naturally occurs. Coffee has rather pretty snow-white tubular flowers, they are located in groups in the axils of the leaves. The flower falls off after about 1-2 days, but the flowers have a wonderful magical aroma. Perhaps even the neighbors will come to enjoy it. Then the fruit ripening begins, which can last up to six months. Because the flowering process itself can last a total of 1-2 months, then the plant very often contains flowers and fruits at the same time. different stages development, and this continues for almost a year.

Usually, a plant obtained from seeds blooms in 3-4 years, and one that is grown from cuttings already in the 2-3rd. To stimulate flowering, experienced flower growers are sometimes advised to give the plant a little stress: significantly reduce its watering in winter. With the onset of spring, normal watering is resumed, and soon the plant should begin to bloom.

Most lovers of the coffee tree also agree that excessive watering plays a negative role in fruiting. In this case, the flowering plant may never produce fruit. On one coffee plantation, as an experiment, flowering plants were intensively watered, after which their fruiting turned out to be significantly lower compared to a plantation where the moisture regime was normal.

coffee blossom

Arabica coffee is a self-pollinating plant, so do not worry about pollination at the time of flowering.

Whatever your goal is when growing coffee - whether you want to get seeds for propagation or a coffee drink from your own "plantation" - in any case, you should wait for the full seed maturation. For about 5 months, the fruits will remain green. Then, after going through the stages from green to red, after about 9 months they should become dark brown, almost black and wrinkled. You should be patient and wait for full ripening, because. seeds from such fruits germinate better and taste better when preparing a drink.

Coffee fruit in the ripening stage, still green

Ripe coffee berries are removed quite easily, by the way, you can taste them, it is quite pleasant. Usually there are 2 grains inside each berry. First, you need to manually remove all the pulp, this is a rather laborious process. The grains are then soaked in water until the pulp is completely separated, usually for several days until bubbles begin to appear in the water. Further, the resulting mucus is completely washed off. After the grain must be dried, best in the sun for 7 days. A sign of the readiness of the grains is that they can be chewed with your teeth, they are dry on the outside, but slightly moist on the inside. This stage is called the parchment stage. Next, you need to remove the outer shell (green skin) on the surface of the grains.

If we want make a drink from our "harvest", after that it is necessary to start roasting. Here, too, special art is required, because. grains should be roasted evenly. In total, roasting lasts about 10 minutes. Sometimes the grains are roasted in the oven, but in this case it is worth preparing for the fact that the smell of coffee will remain in the apartment for a very long time.

The darkest fruits are ripe

Coffee beans are placed in an oven preheated to 120 0 C for about 7 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 220 0 C. After ten minutes, the grains should begin to crackle. After that, they are mixed. Now every two minutes it is necessary to determine the color of the grains until it reaches a color that is only slightly lighter than what you want to achieve in the end. (In the future, as it cools, the darkening of the grains will continue).

When grinding such coffee, its aroma will be clearly felt, it will manifest itself even more strongly in the finished drink.


The best option for a coffee tree is an east window and some direct sun in the morning. However, Western is also quite suitable. If the window is south, then it is better to put the plant not on the windowsill, but near it. It is in this case (near the south window), as the experience of many lovers shows, that the flowering and fruiting of the plant will be the best. At the same time, in very bright light, the coffee tree will be oppressed, it will grow slowly, and burns may even appear on the leaves.

However, even with a lack of lighting, the growth of coffee will slow down, and the leaves may even fall off. Although some flower growers have normal flowering even on the northeast windows.

In winter, it is very good to use artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps for 12 hours. Otherwise, the growth of coffee in winter will slow down, the plant will go into a dormant state.

During flowering, it is better not to turn the plant relative to the light source. It is also undesirable to turn too often seedlings coffee, it can even lead to their death.

young coffee plant

The issue of watering a coffee tree is quite complicated, because. It is the wrong mode of humidification that is most often the main cause of problems with it. Most great harm The plant is usually over-watered. It can cause rotting of the root system, and at best, the plant will begin to lose leaves. When coffee is waterlogged at low temperatures, the leaves begin to turn black. Another sign of overflow is yellowing of young leaves.

Of course, a prolonged lack of moisture in the soil is very harmful to the plant. Watering the coffee tree should be after complete drying. upper layers soil. Of course, everything is very individual, but on average, coffee is watered in the summer about 2 times a week so that the water comes out through the drainage hole. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature and soft. To do this, it is useful to periodically add a few drops of lemon juice to it.


Coffee is fed about once every 2 weeks. You can alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. In the first year of life, the tree is generally not fed until it reaches a height of about 25 cm. Then, when it begins to actively grow roots and vegetative mass, it is better to use full mineral fertilizer, for example top dressing for a lemon. However, when the plant reaches the flowering age (2-4 years), begin to apply fertilizers for flowering plants with a high content of phosphorus. At the same time, in the spring, nitrogen-containing complexes and organics can be used, and, starting from June, switch to fertilizers for flowering plants, while excluding organic top dressing.

Hygiene and shaping

In most cases, the coffee tree branches well, its pruning is not as important as for other plants. However, it is necessary to periodically shorten too long side branches.

The coffee tree, while small, can be washed in the shower, then the leaves should be wiped regularly.

coffee tree grown from the seed, quite simply forms a standard form, even without much outside intervention. During the year, it usually does not branch. In the second year, when the plant has already reached a certain height, dormant buds begin to wake up and side branches form. It is believed that the age of a tree can be determined by the number of skeletal branches. Too long and inward-facing branches are cut off. If there is a desire to get not a tree, but a bush, then you can immediately pinch the apical bud, this stimulates the formation of lateral shoots.

Coffee at the age of 2 years. It can be seen that the plant branches independently

The plant received from a cutting, forms only a bushy shape, its long branches also need pruning.


Coffee prefers high air humidity, it is useful for it to be kept in a pan with expanded clay and regular spraying: in the heat, even 2 times a day. You should never spray the plant in the sun to avoid burns and spots on the leaves. One of the signs of insufficient moisture levels is the appearance of dry rims on the leaves, as well as when the leaves of the plant begin to turn inward.


Coffee is a heat-loving plant, the optimum temperature for it is + 18-22 0 C. At temperatures below these limits, the growth of the tree will slow down. It is advisable not to grow coffee at temperatures below +15 0 C. For a short time, the plant will tolerate low temperatures, even up to +8 0 C, but this will be a strong stress for the tree. In addition, its long-term maintenance in such conditions can lead to the death of the plant, especially if the soil is constantly wet. In general, coffee is one of the first plants to be moved from the balcony in autumn.

The coffee tree does not like drafts, it is better not to ventilate the room where it grows in winter. Even a short maintenance of a coffee tree at sub-zero temperatures will cause the death of the plant. This should be remembered when purchasing it in the winter.

In winter, the coffee tree does not need a dormant period. However, to ensure continuous growth of the plant, additional lighting is needed for 12 hours a day.

coffee tree leaves


Coffee requires a slightly acidic substrate (pH 5.5-6.5). You can use the soil for lemons, but the substrate should be slightly more acidic than for lemon, but not as acidic as, for example, for azalea. Therefore, it is good to mix store-bought soil for lemon with soil for azaleas in a ratio of 1: 2. Coffee does not like calcareous soil. For acidification, peat is added to the soil mixture.

For a mixture own cooking you can shift leaf and sod land in equal proportions and add a little peat and sand. The substrate must be permeable, be sure to use drainage.

There are different opinions regarding the cultivation of coffee in peat and its presence in soil mixtures. Some gardeners complain that negative property peat is that in a peat substrate it is quite difficult to determine the need for watering a plant, because. peat can accumulate a lot of moisture. It is also not recommended to use pure black peat for planting coffee, it is better to dilute it with sand or perlite. Still, the best option today is the use of ready-made substrates for growing coffee from well-known manufacturers. Perhaps it was the wide distribution of soil mixtures with optimal characteristics that caused the widespread and rather successful cultivation of the coffee tree by many flower growers.


Coffee responds quite well to transplanting, although careless handling of the roots can cause severe stress and yellowing of the leaves. Young plants are transplanted annually, gradually increasing the size of the pot. Then the transplant is carried out every 2 years as the roots of the substrate are braided. In the largest plants, you can only change the topsoil.


Although the coffee tree is quite unpretentious, sometimes certain problems arise with it. It is believed that caffeine, which is contained in the leaves of the plant, protects it from pests. However, this protection is obviously not very reliable, because coffee plants still get sick. The first sign of the appearance of pests is the general depressed state of the plant, lack of growth and flowering, leaf fall.

Among the most dangerous pests should be called mealybug, which looks like a cotton-like coating on shoots and leaves. Quite often there is a scale insect in the form of brown scales on the shoots and the underside of the leaf. Unfortunately, spider mites can settle on coffee.

If there are no visible traces of insect activity on the plant, its malaise is usually associated with a violation of the conditions of agricultural technology. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine what exactly the plant “does not like”, because. The influence of the same trait can manifest itself in different ways. We note right away that the most common causes of problems are insufficient or excessive watering, drafts, cold, plant rearrangement, improperly selected substrate, lack or excess of light.

Brown, dry leaf edges usually indicate too much light or too dry air. From excessive lighting, the leaves lose their gloss.

Drying and wilting of the leaves indicates insufficient watering or, more often, very hot conditions for the plant.

Holes in the leaves occur in case of lack of light. As a rule, this slows down the growth of the plant, it stretches. If growth continues unabated, the holes may indicate, on the contrary, sunburn. The first sign of a burn is also the appearance of brown spots on the leaves.

Excessive watering can cause fungal infections, the leaves of the plant turn black or a brown border appears at the edges, young leaves turn yellow.

A very common problem is the blackening of the leaves. As a rule, its cause is the same excess moisture in the soil, especially when low temperatures air. However, sometimes this is a sign of excessive water hardness. Very poorly coffee tolerates calcareous soils with low acidity. Quite often, the oppressed appearance of the plant, the lack of growth and flowering are associated precisely with the wrong substrate. Another sign of improper soil is the blackening of the tips of the leaves.

The reasons for the appearance of spots on the leaves are quite diverse. Dry brown spots for the most part indicate insufficient watering, but soft ones, on the contrary, indicate excessive watering. Black spots can occur under the influence of a draft or as a result of frequent rearrangements of the plant.

Sometimes on young leaves corky crusty growths resembling glue appear. The reasons for their appearance are also quite diverse and are associated with a violation of the rules of care. Usually they appear as a result of excessive moisture, lack of light or a sharp change in growth conditions. For example, irregular watering, temperature changes. Usually such growths are not dangerous, but signal the need to change something in caring for the plant.

If in an outwardly healthy plant only lower leaves, this is a completely normal process and occurs with the age of the plant. (Massive fall of the upper leaves should alert).

Often, in a healthy plant, the leaves become drooping and constantly retain this state, this is normal. However, more often drooping leaves indicate a long absence of watering. For inexperienced flower growers, this sign serves as a signal for the need for urgent soil moisture.


Reproduction is one of the most interesting processes in growing a coffee tree.

Traditionally, there are 2 methods of reproduction: vegetative and with the help of seeds. It should immediately be noted that coffee seeds very quickly lose their germination capacity, so for reproduction it is necessary to use berries that some amateur grower shared with you or that you managed to get on one of your trips. Berries should be ripe: black and shriveled.

From these berries, it is necessary to extract the seeds, as already described above (section), then the grains are dried.

It is said that commercially available green coffee beans can sometimes germinate. Some of them contain a live germ, which is located in the front of the grain near the fold. Such grains require pre-soak within 12-24 hours. At the same time, it is easy to understand which of them are alive: in live seeds, in the anterior part, after soaking, a white embryo about 3 mm long will appear in the form of a protrusion. If an embryo has appeared, such a seed can be planted.

Coffee beans, as a rule, are germinated in a mixture of soddy soil, peat and sand, the grain is placed on the surface of the substrate with the flat side down and buried by 1.5-2 cm. The temperature during germination should not be lower than +21 0 С. As a rule, germination lasts 30-40 days, but can last up to 2 months or more. Sometimes a coffee berry is immediately planted in the soil, without depriving it of its pulp. In this case, coffee can also germinate, but the process will be longer and more complicated, and the skin remaining from the berry will need to be removed from the resulting seedling.

After about 3-4 months, the seedling develops the first 2 leaves, which are not at all like the leaves of an adult plant. At the age of 9 months, a small plant is usually already formed, which is better to transfer to a sufficiently deep pot for the normal development of the root system. seed grown coffee tree will bloom no earlier than 3 years later. It is such a plant that independently forms a standard form.

Seedling coffee (the first leaves do not look like the leaves of an adult plant)

However, quite often the coffee tree is propagated using cuttings, which are obtained by pruning the plant in the spring. Such plants form bushes and never develop like standard plants. According to most flower growers, such a plant is much more stable, less likely to get sick. The main advantage of the vegetative propagation method is that a coffee tree grown in this way blooms after 2-3 years, even if the cutting was taken from a previously infertile plant. The only drawback is that the rooting of the cutting is quite difficult and not always successful.

For vegetative propagation, an apical semi-lignified cutting with two pairs of leaves is usually used. According to the observation of flower growers, the cuttings that form in the lower part of the trunk take root better than those that are cut from the upper side shoots. In any case, it is better to take a cutting from the branches of the previous year, because. buds are already developed on them and the flowering of plants obtained from such cuttings will come faster. The cut is made oblique, treated for 8-12 hours with heteroauxin (but not root): about a quarter of the tablet is diluted in a glass of water. Before planting, the cut of the cutting can be powdered with ash. The cutting is rooted either in a mixture of peat and sand (or perlite). But according to some flower growers, rooting is better in pure sand, pure perlite or sphagnum. Some hobbyists use the usual soil mixture for growing coffee for rooting, but make a hole in the soil, which is filled with sand and the cutting is placed in the sand. Cover the cutting glass jar or plastic bag. An important condition successful rooting is the bottom heating, which can be provided by simply placing the pot with the cutting on the battery.

In about a month, a white growth will appear on the cut - callus, and then after another 1-1.5 months, the first roots will appear. After that, as the cutting grows, it is transferred to a larger pot.


Of course, the benefits or harms of caffeine are constantly disputed in accordance with the results of the latest scientific research. However, it is still impossible to call this substance poisonous or dangerous.

If on vacation

Before leaving, the plant is watered, placed in a tray with wet expanded clay, the soil surface is also sprinkled with wet expanded clay, and the flower pot is placed on the floor away from the window. The plant will survive the absence for 1.5 weeks, but if the departure takes longer, it is advisable to entrust the care of the coffee tree to the neighbors.

Photos used from flickr.com

coffee (coffee), a genus of evergreen shrubs or small trees of the madder family (Rubiaceae). Counts approx. 40 species, of which 19 are of commercial importance, but only three - Arabian (C. arabica), Liberian (C. liberica) and powerful (C. robusta) coffee trees - produce export coffee beans used to make the popular coffee tonic drink . Its name comes from the Arabic word qahwa, meaning "wine". The bulk of the coffee beans on the world market are the seeds of various varieties of the Arabian coffee tree. This is a shrub or tree 4.5-6 m high from the tropics of Asia and Africa. In cultivation, it is cut to a height of 1.8-2.7 m to facilitate harvesting. The bark is thin, gray; Leaves are opposite, dark green, glossy. Fragrant white flowers, similar to jasmine flowers, are collected in groups in the axils of the leaves. The fruits are elliptical red or purple-blue berries with a thin layer of sticky, juicy, sweet pulp and two seeds adjacent to each other with their flat sides. They are covered with a thin silvery skin and a parchment shell: these covers, along with the pulp, are removed before roasting the seeds. Abnormal one-seeded fruits, called "male berries" or "peas", usually develop at the ends of branches. Coffee beans of different types differ in caffeine content, which varies from 0% in the humboltiana variety from the island of Grande Comore to 2.9% in the "Extra Medellin" variety grown in Colombia. For one cup the drink is coming about one and a half coffee beans. The base chromosome number of the genus Coffea (n) is 11. Diploid (n = 22) and tetraploid (n = 44) species of this genus are also known. By hybridization, it was possible to obtain various combinations of hereditary properties.


FRUITS OF THE COFFEE TREE- berries that change as they ripen their color from green to red, and then to dark crimson. The picture shows the Liberian species. It is better adapted to tropical climates and is considered less capricious and more productive than Arabian, which provides the bulk of commercial coffee.

History of coffee. According to legend, the drink coffee appeared in Arabia before the 13th century. They say that one Arab mullah, noticing how goats, having eaten the leaves and berries of a coffee tree, begin to jump excitedly over the hills, he began to give an infusion of coffee beans to his students so that they would not fall asleep during the evening prayer. In the 16th and 17th centuries coffee spread to Persia, Turkey, Europe and America. This drink began to accompany many ceremonies. Some cultures serve coffee as a sign of hospitality. Bedouins pour four sips into a cup as a sign to the guest: "Drink and go." In the East, coffeehouses surpassed mosques in popularity and were banned in places. First European country, which began to drink coffee, was Italy. Shortly thereafter, "cafes" appeared throughout Europe. Charles II closed 3,000 coffee houses in England, calling them "schools of rebels", but after a few days he was forced to cancel his edict under pressure from public opinion.
Cultivation. The "coffee belt" corresponds to a band about 20° wide on each side of the equator and extends from 0 to 1520-1830 m above sea level. The coffee tree grows best and produces beans of the highest quality at an average annual temperature of 20 ° C and an annual rainfall of 1000-1800 mm. Plants grown from selected seeds begin to bear fruit at the age of five, and best harvest give at 8-15 years. Each tree brings 0.45-3.6 (in exceptional cases up to 5.4) kg of grains per year. Some specimens continue to bear fruit up to a hundred years of age.
Collection and processing. The fruits of the coffee tree are harvested by hand: combing the branches with a special comb or plucking one berry at a time. The time and synchronism of their maturation depend on temperature. In Brazil, the harvest sometimes lasts from May to September. It depends on the availability of water whether grains are cleaned by the "dry" or "wet" method. Economically preferable is the second of them: the fruits are soaked overnight in tanks, and then sent along with water for mechanized "peeling" by friction. After that, the remaining mucous pulp is fermented in other tanks and washed off. The grains, still covered with a parchment shell, are dried for 10 days in the sun (taking them indoors for the night) or 24 hours with hot air (this allows better control of the process). Then the parchment and silver shells are peeled off by friction and the grains are sorted by size. Green beans are devoid of a pleasant taste, so they are fried to form aromatic oil coffeeol. Coffee beans can be decaffeinated with organic solvents such as methylene chloride or ethyl acetate, hot water or steam. In practice, it is customary to extract about 97% of the caffeine from them. After removing the decaffeination agent, the beans are dried, roasted, sold as such or ground, or further processed into instant and freeze-dried coffee, which are obtained from a concentrated ground extract. In the case of the usual instant coffee water from the extract is removed by evaporation in a spray dryer, in the case of lyophilized - by freezing and sublimation. Coffee beans are very sensitive to oxygen, so it is best to consume them immediately after roasting and grinding, but if adequately packaged, they retain high quality for at least a few months. In places, it is customary to add chicory to ground coffee.

RIPE BERRIES OF THE COFFEE TREE always collected by hand. Usually each of them contains two seeds called coffee beans.

Products. At the end of the 17th century The Dutch introduced the coffee tree to Java, thus laying the foundation for the East Indian coffee trade. Now the coffee tree is also grown in many countries of the Western Hemisphere. There are four to five billion coffee trees in South America; most of them are the offspring of seedlings brought to the island of Martinique at the beginning of the 18th century. Frenchman Declier, specially sent there for this purpose by Louis XIV. Declié was so zealous in his mission that most travel saved on water - if only the plants survived. From Martinique, seedlings came to French Guiana, and in 1722 to the Brazilian state of Para. At the end of the 18th century Belgian monk Molke brought coffee seedlings to Rio de Janeiro. The coffee tree is grown in almost all tropical and subtropical countries. The largest producers are Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Mexico, Guatemala and India.
Usage. The main product obtained from coffee beans is a drink, i.e. actual coffee. In recent decades, the share of instant coffee consumed in the United States and other economically developed countries has fallen sharply. This is associated with a change in the taste standards of the population and the fear of widespread surrogates. In parallel, the proportion of decaffeinated coffee consumed was decreasing. People are less afraid harmful action caffeine, and besides, there were reports that even decaffeinated coffee raises blood cholesterol levels. Coffee is also used as an aromatic ingredient in baked goods, ice cream, sweets and liqueurs.
physiological action. Although coffee contains various biologically active substances, its main physiological effect is caused by the alkaloid caffeine. Chemically, it is trimethylated xanthine, or 1,3,7-trimethyl-2,6-dioxipurine. It is rapidly oxidized and partially demethylated in the body, excreted in the urine and does not accumulate in the tissues, so its effect on the nervous and other systems is short-lived.

Collier Encyclopedia. - Open society. 2000 .


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