
Useful and harmful effects of decaffeinated coffee on the human body. How is decaffeinated coffee made, or what is decaffeination

How much does decaffeinated coffee cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Such a drink as coffee has long become a favorite on all continents of the planet Earth. The official history of coffee began in the 14th century, when coffee trees were brought from Ethiopia to the Arabian Peninsula. Already at the beginning of the 16th century, European merchants began to buy coffee beans in large volumes in Arab ports. In nature, there are about 90 species of coffee trees.

However, only two main types of plants are used for the production of the drink - Arabica, as well as Robusta. As a result of scientific research, it was found that the chemical composition of coffee contains about 1200 different compounds, 800 of which are responsible only for the original flavor of the drink. Coffee has special invigorating properties, which are due to the content of a significant amount of caffeine in the composition of the drink.

At its core, caffeine is a crystalline alkaloid found in the coffee or tea tree, as well as guarana and some other plants. Caffeine is actively used in the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of medicines that help with headaches, as well as migraines. It is worth noting that caffeine in large quantities is addictive, and also negatively affects the state of human health.

Composition of decaffeinated coffee

That is why decaffeinated coffee is currently very popular and in demand. Coffee beans undergo a decaffeination process. As a result, the chemical composition of coffee is freed from caffeine. In the composition of decaffeinated coffee, there is still a certain amount of a chemical compound harmful to the human body in large quantities. However, it would be more correct to say that decaffeinated coffee contains a meager amount of the substance.

Benefits of decaffeinated coffee

There are several main methods for decaffeination of coffee, which differ in the technique, as well as in the chemical reagents used in the processing of coffee beans. The main benefit of decaffeinated coffee is the low content of caffeine in the chemical composition of the drink. In addition, the benefits of decaffeinated coffee bring the same as a regular drink.

However, true connoisseurs of coffee consider the product without caffeine not invigorating enough. However, decaffeinated coffee will benefit some groups of people, such as pregnant women. Decaffeinated coffee does not have a powerful tonic effect on the human body, unlike the classic types of the product.

The dangers of decaffeinated coffee

However, in addition to the benefits, there is also a danger of decaffeinated coffee for human health, which lies in the chemical composition of the drink. It is worth noting that the harm of decaffeinated coffee, as in the case of conventional types of drink, can occur with regular use of the drink in unlimited quantities. Since decaffeinated coffee contains a certain amount of caffeine, this product is not recommended for use in a children's nutrition menu.

Calorie decaffeinated coffee 194.8 kcal

Energy value of decaffeinated coffee (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 0.1 g (~0 kcal)
: 0 g. (~0 kcal)
: 2.8 g. (~11 kcal)

For many espresso drinkers, decaffeinated instant coffee is not a drink at all, but it does have its fans. For example, those who, for health reasons, are forced to give up caffeine, and do not have the opportunity to brew good ground coffee. The drink does not have a stimulating effect, but it retains the taste and smell of coffee. How is decaffeinated instant coffee made? Is it worth it to drink? How to choose a good decaffeinated coffee from the stores?

How is decaffeinated instant coffee made?

Caffeine is removed at the initial stage of preparation of instant coffee. There are three methods used by manufacturers.

  1. Filling with hot water (Swiss method). Unroasted green coffee is poured with hot water (not boiling water) and allowed to cool, while various substances, including caffeine, pass into the water. The coffee beans are taken out, and the water with all components is filtered using a carbon filter that collects caffeine and allows aromatic substances to pass through. Next, the water with aromatic oils, from which the caffeine was removed, is heated, and the grains are poured into it again. The filtration is repeated 5-6 times to remove 99.9% of the caffeine. With this method of processing, the caffeine in the beans decreases each time, and the amount of aromatic oils does not change, and as a result, decaffeinated coffee is obtained with the preservation of smell and taste. This is the most expensive processing method, but such decaffeinated coffee is as similar to regular coffee as possible, and at the same time it is completely safe for health.
  2. Treatment with carbon dioxide. The grains are doused with steam and placed in a container, where a highly compressed, high-temperature gas is supplied, which in this state turns into a solvent. Coffee is aged for several hours, then the pressure is turned off, carbon dioxide escapes, and the released caffeine is removed by filters. There is no taste of gas in the grains, and the method allows you to remove only caffeine, and preserve the rest of the aromatic components.
  3. Treatment with methylene chloride or ethyl acetate The method used by unscrupulous manufacturers. The beans are either steamed or doused with hot water and placed for several hours in a solvent (usually ethyl acetate, but sometimes methylene chloride) that removes the caffeine. Only caffeine is washed out by the solvent, all other useful substances remain. The grains are then placed in clean water, which removes the solvent, but a small amount of the solvent remains in the grains, and it is not harmless to health.

With the help of various types of processing, various types of instant coffee are obtained:

  • Powder. Ground coffee is brewed for 3-5 hours, extract is obtained and dried.
  • Granulated. The same as with powder, but at the last stage, hot steam is poured over the powder, which causes the powder to stick together into grains.
  • Sublimated. The finished extract is frozen, as a result of which the water is removed, and the coffee sticks together into granules. This is the most expensive and most common way to produce instant coffee.

Drink this coffee in moderation: 5 cups of "instant decaffeinated coffee" can contain about as much caffeine as 1 cup of regular brewed coffee. At the same time, there is a minimum of useful substances, and there are definitely preservatives, flavors and stabilizers.

Instant decaffeinated coffee brands

Consider the 5 most common brands of decaffeinated instant coffee in Russia. Most manufacturers make such coffee sublimated; it is rather difficult to find powder or granulated coffee.

Freeze-dried coffee is made from a mixture of Arabica and Robusta. It has a slight sourness. Medium roast coffee, not very rich taste. The granules are dark, sometimes there is a sediment in the cup.

Price - from 280 to 330 rubles for a glass jar of 100 grams.

Freeze-dried coffee, produced in Switzerland from 100% Arabica. Mild taste, no bitter aftertaste. Intense taste, full preservation of aroma. One of the best options on the market.

The cost is 280-300 rubles for a glass jar of 95 grams.

Freeze-dried coffee, blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. Light granules, not sour, not bitter, dissolves well. The roast is medium, the smell is not too pronounced, the taste is similar to regular coffee, but with caramel and chocolate notes.

The cost of a glass jar of 95 grams is 300 rubles.

Sublimated coffee, with a slight bitterness and sourness. Roasting is quite strong, sediment in the cup is possible. The smell of the granules is more pronounced than that of brewed coffee. 100% Arabica.

The cost of a can of 95 grams is 230-270 rubles.

Sublimated coffee, 100% Arabica beans. There is some bitterness in the taste. The taste is bright, the coffee smell is strong. Dissolves without sediment. The granules are even, do not crumble.

The cost of a can of 95 grams is 400 rubles, which is more expensive than analogues.


  • Instant decaffeinated coffee always has caffeine, even 0.1%.
  • Decaffeinated coffee can be drunk with hypertension, ulcers and gastritis. Pregnant women are allowed only natural decaffeinated coffee; instant decaffeinated coffee should not be drunk, as it contains many chemical additives.
  • Choose only freeze-dried coffee. In our opinion and according to reviews on the Internet, the most similar in taste and smell to the usual custard - Ambassador Platinum Decaf and Carte Noire Decafeine.

What's your favorite decaffeinated instant coffee?

Decaffeinated coffee was an unexpected discovery. No one specifically worked on its creation, but this is what happened: the cargo of an entrepreneur from Germany, L. Rosemus, fell into a serious storm during transportation, bags of coffee beans got wet with salty sea water. Upon arrival at the port, Rosemus was about to throw away the goods, considering them spoiled. But German frugality prevailed: the merchant thoroughly washed the grains, dried them and roasted them. Coffee acquired a marketable appearance, and the taste practically did not differ from the usual one, except that it did not have a strong invigorating effect. So 1903, when decaffeinated coffee was created, went down in history.

How decaffeinated coffee is made in Europe: unroasted coffee beans are poured with hot (not boiling) water, when they open, the liquid is drained, and a solvent is added to the beans to reduce the caffeine content in them. After draining the solvent, the grains are washed in boiling water, dried and roasted. This method is called "European". Further, ground or instant drink can be produced from such grains.

Production technology

Over time, the technology for producing decaffeinated coffee has changed. At the moment, at least a hundred methods are known. The three most popular types are:

  • classic (grains are soaked in water and treated with a solvent);
  • water (invented in 1979 in Switzerland);
  • evaporation (patented by the Germans in 1970).

The surrogate drink is especially popular in the United States. There, they prefer ground to soluble, considering it more natural. In other countries, you can also find different brands of this drink. You should know that the amount of caffeine in the beans depends on the degree of roasting. So, there is more caffeine in the Scandinavian drink, and less in the Italian, roasted more. To reduce the amount of alkaloid, you can add milk to the cup - this will be beneficial.

It is better to buy grain or ground coffee rather than instant coffee. Such species are less susceptible to chemical treatment.

Points for and against

Coffee is contraindicated for many people for various reasons. It is believed that caffeine is the enemy of those who have problems with the heart, blood vessels and kidneys, as well as those suffering from hypertension (that is, high blood pressure) and migraines. Among them, as well as those who are on various diets, decaffeinated coffee has recently become increasingly popular. But is it the right choice? Will such a drink be useful? Scientists are still asking this question and they have not yet come to a mutual decision.

To begin with, you should know that a decaffeinated drink still contains caffeine, however, in a much lower dose - according to the norms, no more than 3 mg, when in a regular cup of coffee - about 85. And according to the calculations of American scientists, instant coffee, on the label of which it is indicated "decaffeinated", ten cups contains as much alkaloid as two regular cups. So lean on a caffeine-free drink is not worth it.

When decaffeination of grains, a special solvent is used - ethylacytate. It is also used as a poison when persecuting insects. This chemical harms the human liver, causing cirrhosis. 100% solvent from coffee beans is not washed out even after washing with boiling water. Therefore, when drinking decaffeinated coffee, a person consumes this solvent in small doses. It turns out that the benefits of decaffeination are questionable.

Such a drink negatively affects the composition of the blood: when it is consumed, the amount of free fatty acids that damage the walls of the arteries increases, and the protein level associated with “bad” cholesterol increases, which can provoke arteriosclerosis. And this, of course, is harmful to the body.

Also, American scientists have proven that a decaffeinated drink has a worse effect on the cardiovascular system than coffee with an alkaloid.

The benefits of decaffeinated coffee have not been proven, so this is more a myth than a fact.

Just as the harm of caffeine for hypertensive patients has not been proven. Scientists conducted an experiment, as a result of which it was revealed that caffeine does not affect blood pressure, other coffee components may have an effect. At the same time, the benefits of drinking coffee by hypotensive patients, people with low blood pressure, have been proven.

Care should be taken when using this drink for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

caffeine-free drink during pregnancy

And will there be any harm in drinking decaffeinated coffee to the unborn child - such a question often worries pregnant women who cannot imagine their morning without a cup of aromatic drink.

The use of caffeinated products during pregnancy can harm the mother and unborn child. At the same time, many women in position still do not deny themselves such pleasure as drinking a cup or two of aromatic drink. Without even suspecting that such behavior can lead to negative consequences, including premature birth, miscarriage or early detachment of the placenta.

At the same time, the benefits of decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women have not been proven either. Such a drink still contains caffeine, with its use there is a risk of atherosclerosis.

If a woman cannot refuse coffee at all, she should drink it as little as possible - no more than 1-2 cups of a weak drink per day.

caffeine and breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, it is also not recommended to abuse this drink, regardless of the presence of caffeine in it. The baby's body will not be able to absorb and remove it. But it will bring harm to the body only when consumed regularly in large quantities.

When choosing a drink, you should be guided by the following:

  • it must be natural and ground;
  • drinking soluble while breastfeeding is not recommended, because it undergoes chemical processing;
  • Do not drink decaffeinated coffee. The benefit of such a drink has not been proven. Rather the opposite. It, like soluble, is processed with a chemical. Plus it still contains caffeine.

A young mother when breastfeeding should follow these rules for drinking coffee:

  • drink only ground, personally prepared drink - it should not be boiled, but poured with boiling water, so there will be less caffeine;
  • choose high-quality brands of coffee;
  • drink it in the morning and after feeding, naturally, in moderation;
  • as well as monitor the body's water balance - it is known that coffee can dehydrate, so you should also drink a glass of water with a cup of aromatic drink;
  • When drinking coffee while breastfeeding, you need to increase the intake of foods that contain calcium, as coffee promotes its excretion. This element is found in cottage cheese, kefir and cheese;
  • when drinking coffee, a nursing mother should reduce the intake of other products containing caffeine. It can be cocoa, chocolate, as well as tea, coca-cola and some medicines.

There is no need to completely give up coffee while breastfeeding. But at the same time, all precautions should be taken into account. In this case, you can pamper yourself and not harm the baby.

Coffee is a drink loved by many. But some, fearful of its harmful health effects, are switching to decaffeinated coffee. And in vain. After all, such a drink is subjected to additional chemical processing, and this, in turn, does not bring benefits. So, if you love this drink, do not refuse it and do not replace it with surrogates, unless, of course, there are serious contraindications. And so - the main thing is to choose a quality product from a well-known brand. And preferably insoluble, which often only remotely resembles the taste and aroma of real coffee.

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Remarkably, decaffeinated coffee was discovered as a result of a combination of circumstances. At the beginning of the 20th century, a German entrepreneur was transporting coffee beans for sale, but on the way he got into a severe storm. The bags with the goods got very wet, the grains were soaked with salty sea water.

After arriving at the place, the merchant planned to get rid of the goods, realizing that it was hopelessly damaged. Nevertheless, German frugality won over common sense and the entrepreneur decided to try to return the beans to their marketable condition. The coffee was thoroughly washed, dried and roasted. The drink obtained from these grains came out fragrant and tasty, but with one drawback - it no longer invigorated and toned. So, quite by accident, a new type of coffee was invented - decaffeinated.

Anyone who is interested in learning about how decaffeinated coffee is made will find information about the evolution of production useful. Over a long period of time, technology has changed and improved. Today, there are three most popular options for the production of decaffeinated coffee:

  • traditional;
  • evaporation;
  • water.

The first option involves soaking coffee beans in water, followed by treatment with a solvent, the second was invented by the Germans and the third is the author's idea of ​​the Swiss.

The decaffeinated bean drink has gained particular popularity in America. In the United States, natural ground coffee is chosen, giving preference to instant coffee, considering it to be stronger and more aromatic. It has its adherents of such coffee in other countries of the world.

The level of caffeine in beans depends on how roasted they are. Even so-called decaffeinated coffee still has a small amount of caffeine. The degree of naturalness is higher in the brewed drink, as instant coffee undergoes chemical processing, which is reflected in its beneficial properties.

Natural decaffeinated grains - do they exist?

Decaffeinated grains are not a myth or a successful publicity stunt. Indeed, there are plants whose fruits, as a result of natural decaffeination, contain practically no caffeine.

The most famous are the fruits of the Coffeaarabica and Coffeacharrieriana trees. In the first case, natural Arabian coffee is obtained, in the second - Cameroonian. The special composition of coffee beans is obtained due to gene mutations to which plants are subjected. Instead of caffeine, they contain completely harmless theobromine.

Wonder trees grow in Brazil. They were opened in 2004, the drink obtained from the fruit is called Coffeaarabica. Experiments are planned with plants in the near future to cross them with trees whose fruits contain caffeine to obtain new types of coffee.

Popular decaffeinated coffee brands

Given the demand for a decaffeinated drink, manufacturers have taken care of expanding its range. Now, almost every manufacturer produces decof. Fans of a drink without a tonic effect can buy it in any supermarket, from the simplest to the elite varieties. The most famous brands of decaffeinated coffee are:

  • Grandos Express;
  • Aromatico;
  • Grandos Extra Mocha;
  • LavAzza.

Coffee blends are produced in Colombia, Germany, America and Switzerland.

About the dangers of caffeine-free pleasure

Due to the content of caffeine in it, traditional coffee can not be drunk by everyone and not always. As an alternative, many people opt for decaffeinated drinks, believing that they are not harmful to health and can be included in the diet in unlimited quantities. In fact, the harm and benefits of specially processed coffee beans are almost the same.

To begin with, we recall that a decaffeinated drink still contains caffeine, albeit in a small amount, especially when compared with regular natural coffee.

On average, 10 cups of a "safe" drink contains about the same amount of alkaloid as two cups of regular coffee. This means that it is not recommended to consume it uncontrollably, especially for people with health problems.

The second point is the use of a special solvent - ethyl acitate for processing grains. It is used for baiting insects. The chemical is dangerous to humans, can cause cirrhosis of the liver. During processing, coffee beans are washed out, but chemical residues remain even after brewing them with boiling water. It turns out that wanting to protect themselves from the effects of caffeine, many unconsciously poison the body with a chemical every day.

The effect of the drink on the composition of the blood is also negative. Its daily consumption will lead to an increase in the number of free fatty acids, which in turn will lead to an increase in protein levels, damage to the walls of the arteries, and sooner or later will cause arteriosclerosis.

The benefits of decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeination is a process that is necessary in order to save drink drinkers from the side effects associated with its consumption. Ready coffee does not tone up, does not change the course of the biological clock and does not give a feeling of happiness, but at the same time it retains its taste, aroma and delivers no less aesthetic pleasure. The beneficial properties of the drink include:

  • lack of dependence;
  • the ability to reduce the risk of developing diabetes and cancer;
  • delicate effect on the nervous system;
  • the ability to speed up metabolism;
  • activation of the process of removing toxins from the body;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • the possibility of consumption during pregnancy without risk to the baby.

For taste, cinnamon, vanilla, toppings, cream and milk are added to the alkaloid-free coffee drink. Even people with heart disease can afford to drink it, but always in moderation. To taste, it is completely identical to classic coffee, while it contains less caffeine than regular black tea.

Non-alkaloid drink for nursing - is it possible or not?

Breastfeeding moms find it hard to give up years of habits, including coffee. However, they understand that caffeine, which is part of their favorite drink, negatively affects the baby, so they are looking for alternative options for lactation.

It is necessary to choose coffee without an alkaloid content, taking into account some features of the drink. It is necessary that the grains are natural, high-quality roasting and grinding. It is better to refuse soluble options both for the period of breastfeeding and after it.

Given the negative properties of decaffeinated coffee, a nursing mother should think several times before making a choice in his favor.

It is not known what will cause more harm - the chemicals used to process beans or the caffeine in the classic version of the drink. One way or another, you can allow yourself to enjoy a cup of a fragrant drink once or twice a day, always after feeding.

As for the brewing method, it would be correct to brew coffee with boiling water, thus reducing the amount of caffeine, if it is present there. Milk, cream, cinnamon can be added, but not forgetting that their number does not affect the caffeine content in a cup of coffee.

In conclusion, we note that for pregnant women, during lactation, decaffeinated coffee is a dubious option. To be sure of the safety of the drink, it is worth choosing proven varieties of natural coffee beans, limiting their consumption to one cup of the drink per day.

As for the rest, again, reviews of decaffeinated coffee are mixed. Someone is sure that ground coffee without alkaloids is just a godsend, someone continues to drink the classic version of the drink, controlling the daily rate.

One way or another, but when making your choice, you need to remember the measure. A few cups a day of your favorite caffeinated or uncaffeinated coffee will certainly not cause significant harm to health, while the lack of control in its consumption will cause problems even for those who choose the best elite varieties.

Caffeine is a popular stimulant, the harm and benefits of which have been debated by doctors and chemists for many years. Almost every year, useful and dangerous properties are found in caffeine, but the main fact is already obvious - the maximum dose of caffeine per day is limited and it is not recommended even for healthy people to exceed it. In order not to deprive coffee lovers of the pleasure of indulging in a fragrant drink without harm to health, manufacturers produce decaffeinated coffee. How is decaffeinated coffee made and what are its features?

Who Invented Safe Coffee

Interestingly, no one invented decaffeinated coffee on purpose. About 100 years ago, one of the ships carrying the coffee of a German businessman received a hole, as a result of which valuable grains were immersed in water. After some time, the goods managed to get out of the holds. The desire to save money prompted the owner to wash some of the beans, roast them, and then conduct quality tests, which showed a significant reduction in caffeine and preservation of the taste properties of the prepared drink.

Decaffeinated coffee production methods

Decaffeinated coffee is produced using various techniques. But almost all of them include pre-soaking the beans in water or steaming - these procedures soften the structure of the grain and facilitate the process of removing caffeine from it. The next step is the immersion of coffee raw materials in chemical solutions that clean them from its main component. As a result, an insignificant residue of the stimulant remains in the grain, which has practically no effect on the body.

The most gentle method of producing decaffeinated coffee is the "water" method. It does not use chemical components, but only a few treatments with water are used. The result is a raw material that has almost the same taste and aroma as regular coffee. The only drawback of this method is the high cost.

How to reduce the caffeine content in a drink

There is a lot of controversy about the dangers and benefits of coffee for caffeine. Opponents of this drink claim that it increases the acidity of the stomach and cholesterol levels, has a negative effect on the functioning of the liver and lungs, and provokes glaucoma. Naturally, we are talking about abuse, not two cups a day.

If you want to drink natural coffee, then simply prepare it in ways that reduce the amount of caffeine. It has been proven that most of the tonic is in. The secret is simple - the longer the drink is cooked, the more caffeine gets into it. Therefore, the softest will be espresso.

The second secret is roasting coffee beans. The lower the degree of roast, the more invigorating the drink will be. For this reason, all lightly roasted (light) varieties are classified as morning varieties, and fragrant, heavily roasted grains are cooked in the evenings.

If coffee is your hobby, take a look at the one dedicated to it, there you will find a lot more useful and interesting information.
