
Bergamot use. Benefits of bergamot tea

Earl Gray tea is one of the most famous varieties tea. The blend has received worldwide recognition thanks to the refined citrus aroma And rich taste. Bergamot oil in the composition of tea has not only invigorating and tonic, but also healing action. At correct brewing drink can be used to strengthen immunity, treat colds, nervous system. Tea with bergamot is rich in beneficial properties, but it also has contraindications that must be considered.

Composition and benefits

Bergamot tea is made from different varieties black tea. Most often it is Chinese, Indian long leaf, Ceylon large-leaved and broken. Today you can also find Earl Gray based on white and green tea. Acts as a flavoring agent essential oil bergamot. IN classical performance tea is rich chemical composition, which includes:

  • tannins;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamins B1, B2, PP, P, C;
  • pantocrinic acid;
  • potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • I-linalyl acetate;
  • linalool;
  • terpineol;
  • citral;
  • camphene.

Citrus notes pair perfectly with Ceylon black tea

Beneficial features

The main beneficial properties of the drink:

  1. Bergamot tea is used to treat colds. It has an expectorant, antipyretic and diaphoretic effect. With the beginning of the application, immunity to viruses is significantly increased.
  2. Hot Earl Gray significantly improves skin turgor, helps cleanse pores. The face acquires a healthy and uniform color, the cells are saturated with water and useful minerals.
  3. Tea is great for drinking evening time. The drink adjusts the body to a healthy and deep sleep calms the nervous system, relieves tension and headache, improves mood and helps get rid of depression.
  4. In the morning, tea with bergamot has the exact opposite effect - it charges you with vivacity and energy for the whole day.
  5. Strongly brewed Earl Gray has a positive effect on female libido and potency in men.
  6. During pregnancy and breastfeeding tea is recommended to normalize lactation and increase milk production.
  7. A drink from large-leaf tea relieves spasms, activates digestive processes.
  8. Drinking bergamot tea with regular mental stress improves memory and attentiveness.

Tea has always been considered the best medicine from colds, relieves chills and relieves sore throat

Contraindications and harm

You can cause significant harm to your body even with such healthy drink like tea with bergamot. To prevent this from happening, it is better to familiarize yourself with the available contraindications and subtleties of use in advance.

First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of tea and the appearance of the tea leaf. Large-leaved varieties are considered the safest and most useful, into which it is difficult to mix third-party substances.

Individual intolerance is another important factor. Bergamot is a citrus fruit, so for those prone to allergies, it may not be a safe tea component.

During pregnancy, Earl Gray can provoke an increase in tone and contraction of the uterus, which is a threat to the fetus.

There is a fine line between the benefits and harms of bergamot

Do not drink tea with bergamot essential oil before the beach, solarium and other solar procedures. The drink affects the production of melanin, so the tan will be uneven.

For those suffering from disorders of the nervous system, insomnia, experts recommend brewing weak tea or postponing tea drinking in the morning or lunchtime.

Daily intake of tea with bergamot

daily rate tea with bergamot depends on the strength of the tea leaves. For an adult, 2–2.5 cups of a well-infused drink is enough. If you prefer a weaker Earl Grey, 3-3.5 cups are fine. In other cases, the daily amount of tea is calculated individually.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers

Pregnant women who do not have pathologies and ailments are allowed to drink tea with bergamot throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The optimal dose is not more than 3 cups per day. At the first adverse symptoms, it is better to refuse citrus tea. This is especially true for women in the third trimester of pregnancy who are at risk of miscarriage or vaginal bleeding. Expectant mothers with the following diseases are also at risk:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart disease;
  • kidney diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • hormonal disorders.

When breastfeeding

Although children under adolescence are not recommended to drink tea with bergamot, it is very useful during lactation. It shouldn't be abused. Weak drink It is introduced into the mother's diet only 3-4 months after childbirth. When warm, it increases breast milk and also soothes, relieves tension and stress.

After the first intake of tea with bergamot, follow the reaction of the baby during feeding. With signs of allergies, it is better to refuse a natural stimulant. If the reaction is normal, you can drink bergamot tea a few hours before you need to feed your baby, 2-3 times a week.

For children

It is best to introduce bergamot tea into the children's diet from the age of 12. The daily norm is no different from an adult and is 2-3 cups per day. With weak immunity, allergies and bronchitis in a child, the use of bergamot should be minimized.

For diseases

Bergamot is equally good at fighting the flu and colds, as well as serious chronic diseases. As part of tea, the remedy perfectly relieves temperature and heat, prevents the development of inflammatory processes. With pancreatitis, it is better to drink tea with bergamot without sugar and milk after meals. For diabetics, tea will help relieve metabolic syndrome and normalize glucose levels. The time for tea drinking is better to choose in the morning.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bergamot oil relieves spasms, normalizes the work of the system and the amount of secreted gastric juice. Daily rate the liquid drunk is the same as for healthy people- 2-3 cups depending on the strength of the tea, however, no more than 4.

Tea with bergamot is useful for colds and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For weight loss

Being on a diet is worth it Special attention give tea with bergamot. Hot drink with a delicate aroma promotes metabolism and improves skin turgor. Regularly drinking several cups of tea a day, you can get rid of extra pounds while maintaining youthfulness and elasticity of the skin.

To enhance the effect of tea with bergamot, it is recommended to use this citrus oil in its pure form. The product can be used for bathing, added to cosmetic products (eg shampoo or cream). The essential oil dissolved in water is suitable for gargling, lotions, compresses, rubbing and inhalation.

Classic brew recipe

The ceremony of brewing tea with bergamot begins with the preparation of dishes. Preheat porcelain teapot before warm state. To do this, you can rinse it with boiling water. Pour 1 tsp. a spoonful of black tea. Use Earl Grey, which is a blend of Ceylon and Indian varieties. Pour the ingredients 250 ml hot water. Optimum temperature- no higher than 85 degrees. Infuse the drink for 4-5 minutes.

Tea with bergamot is brewed in a porcelain bowl

1 tsp will fully help to reveal the taste of tea. a spoonful of honey

Milk and lemon, on the contrary, should not be added at all. These ingredients are absolutely incompatible with bergamot.

Video: tea with bergamot

The premium taste of Earl Gray tea is considered the gold standard. Its tart notes are unique, as are the beneficial properties for which the drink is known. Cooked by classic recipe, he firmly entered the world tea industry. Everyone has the opportunity to join her and try the Count's tea.

One of the rather popular drinks that not only connoisseurs like to treat themselves to, but also from time to time everyone who wants to. A strong and very pleasant aroma makes the tea unusually tasty. However, the benefits and harms of this flavor, the methods of its extraction and use - few people know about this.

Areas of application of bergamot

Bergamot is citrus, which belongs to the Rutov family and is the result of crossing orange and citron. The fruits of this tree are very similar to ordinary lemons, although there are other varieties.

IN industrial scale Bergamot oil is extracted from fruits, leaves and branches, although most of it is in the peel of the fruit. Further, the oil is used in cosmetics, perfumes, aromatherapy, cooking or as a flavoring in tea. Bergamot, the benefits and harms of which have been known since ancient times, should still be used with some caution, as it has some contraindications.

Useful properties of bergamot

In addition to providing aesthetic and gustatory pleasure, bergamot also has many beneficial features for the body. For example, if you add bergamot to any, the benefits of the oil will increase several times due to the analgesic, antiseptic and sedative properties of the plant. Massage with its use will not only relieve pain and relieve muscle tension, but also significantly improve skin condition.

Putting a few drops of bergamot oil into your cream, you can get excellent remedy for the treatment of various skin diseases because it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. With the help of this cream, you can get rid of acne, acne, age spots, abscesses, wounds and cuts, burns, etc. In addition, it regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, soothes the skin, tightens pores, has a deodorizing and antifungal effect. All this makes bergamot an indispensable companion for people with oily or combination skin.

However, most often bergamot oil is used in aromatherapy - a few drops of it can relieve stress, relax and calm the nervous system. It will help get rid of depression, overcome fears and restore self-confidence. In combination with and lavender, bergamot will calm and clear the mind, activate mental abilities and memory, which is especially useful before an important event: an exam, an interview or business negotiations.

Treatment with bergamot

Before using bergamot for the treatment of any disease, the benefits and harms of which for a weakened body have not yet been fully studied, you should definitely consult a doctor, since the plant has some contraindications and side effects. For example, bergamot makes the skin vulnerable to active sunlight, which can lead to burns, especially in people with sensitive skin th. Therefore, you should not use creams or lotions with this oil before going outside.

But there are situations in which the use of this tool will not only be superfluous, but very useful. These are any inflammatory processes in the body - from the common cold to cystitis. Inhalations with bergamot oil help relieve swelling of the nasopharynx, facilitate breathing, clear the sinuses and reduce the temperature.

For the treatment of venereal infections, inflammations genitourinary system it is recommended to use tampons moistened with 2-3 drops of bergamot oil, and trays like additional funds to deal with the problem.

In the treatment of stomatitis, a weak solution of bergamot oil is used: 1 drop in a glass of warm water.

Bergamot: benefits and harms

Despite the huge variety of positive effects, bergamot is contraindicated in some cases. In addition to individual intolerance in some people, bergamot is also not recommended for children under 12 years old. Harm in case of use may exceed the benefits, since serious studies have not been conducted on this subject.

In some cases, bergamot oil can be in a pregnant girl, so it is better to refuse its use. Although it is very useful for young mothers, as it enhances lactation.

Special substances contained in bergamot, furocoumarins, can lead to the appearance of age spots when long-term use or predisposition to them. Therefore, before applying the cream to the face or problem area, you should test it on a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Bergamot in cooking

In cooking and drinks, bergamot is used as a seasoning. Its leaves or fruits are added exclusively in accordance with their taste preferences in any recipes: pastries, sweets, meat and vegetable dishes. Taste characteristics such foods vary greatly, as bergamot has a very intense flavor, so it should be added sparingly.

Often bergamot is added to liqueurs or tinctures, thus providing them with unusual taste and aroma.

Depending on how you use bergamot, the benefits and harms of this fruit will be different. Therefore, you should remember a few simple rules.

  1. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult a specialist.
  2. Test cosmetics with bergamot on healthy and undamaged skin before use.
  3. If a properly conducted aromatherapy session causes discomfort (cough, shortness of breath, dizziness), further use should be abandoned.

Before you buy this oil for yourself or family members, learn how to use bergamot, expert reviews about it, possible contraindications and features. After all, a simple negligence can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Bergamot is a citrus plant of the Rutaceae family, which is an artificial hybrid of citron and orange. For the first time, the fruit was grown in Southeast Asia, which is considered its natural homeland. There are two main versions of the origin of the name bergamot. Firstly, its industrial cultivation (in particular, for the production and sale of oil) began in the city of Bergamo, located in the Italian province of Calabria. On numerous plantations of those territories, the plant was even called "bergama orange". Secondly, the name of the fruit resembles the Turkish phrases “beyarmudu” or “beg armudy”, which means “prince's pear” and “master's pear”, respectively. The adjective indicates the category of aristocratic dishes, and the noun "pear" speaks only of the color and shape of the fruit, but in no way about the genetic connection with pears. Nevertheless, pears have a variety of bergamot, which outwardly strongly resembles the described fruit.

One of the first areas of application of bergamot was perfumery. The essential oil squeezed from flowers and fruits gave the perfume an unusual delicate fragrance. Historical sources report that the pioneers in the use of bergamot were either French perfumers or Florentine monks in the 14th century. The unique solution of bergamot pomace was called "royal water" ("aqua regina") and the composition of the ingredients was carefully concealed. However, after some time, an unknown Cologne pharmacist was able to reveal the secret of the perfume recipe, so later the glory of the birthplace of cologne was attached to this German city (the phrase “Eau De Cologne” is translated from French as “water from Cologne”).

In Latin, a species of bergamot is called Citrus bergamia. Its evergreen tree usually has a height of 2.5 to 11 m, and thin branches are equipped with spines 9–11 cm long. The oval, alternate leaves with petioles have a leathery surface and are slightly pointed at the ends. Their upper side is green and smooth, and the underside is light and matte. White or purple-pink flowers of bergamot are combined in axillary bunches, but may remain solitary. They are very easily recognizable by their strong aroma and fragrant petals. The spherical or pear-shaped fruit is covered with a dense peel of three layers. The lobes of pleasantly sour pulp are easily separated from each other and contain several seeds. Bergamot blooms in early spring, and fruit ripening occurs only at the beginning of winter.

Bergamot is considered the economic symbol of the Ionian coast in the Italian province of Calabria. There, in a small area with the most favorable soil and climatic conditions, the main fruit plantations are located, ensuring its export throughout the world. Planters in Argentina, Brazil and the US state of Georgia are also cultivating the fruit.

The fruits and flowers of bergamot contain an essential oil that is successfully used in perfumery and confectionery production and even in microscopic technology. Among Russians, bergamot gained fame thanks to Earl's tea Gray, in which it is used for fragrance. Medicine knows the photosensitizing properties of furocoumarins, which are part of the fruit. For example, bergapten treats skin problems with pigmentation (vitiligo, baldness). In cooking, jams and other sweets are made from fruit. For example, in the Sicilian marmalade brand Caff? Sicilia bergamot is the main constituent. As in the early history of bergamot cultivation, the plant is actively used in perfumery. The smell of the peel of the fruit is perfectly combined with other smells, forming unique pleasant bouquets of aromas. Some psychologists believe that fragrant bergamot enhances attention during long mental work.

Nutritional value of bergamot and vitamins in its composition

In addition to the main nutritional components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), bergamot contains alimentary fiber And a large number of water. A unique component of the fruit are furocoumarins, which help skin pigmentation and heal it. The famous essential oil of the plant contains limonene, nerol, bergapten, bisabolene and linalicetate.

The nutritional value 100 g bergamot:

  • 0.95 g proteins
  • 0.22 g fat
  • 8.14 g carbs
  • 0.51 g ash
  • 85.78 g water

The abundance of the main irreplaceable vitamins makes bergamot extremely valuable and nutritious fruit. Most of all, it contains vitamin C, which distinguishes all citrus fruits.

100 g of bergamot pulp contains:

  • 71.05 mg beta-carotene (vitamin A provitamin)
  • 11.2 mcg retinol equivalent (A)
  • 45.7 mg ascorbic acid(WITH)
  • 0.13 mg thiamine (B1)
  • 0.039 mg riboflavin (B2)
  • 8.37 mg choline (B4)
  • 0.27 mg pantothenic acid (B5)
  • 0.052 mg pyridoxine (B6)
  • 17.03 mcg folic acid (B9)
  • 0.54 mg niacin equivalent (RR)
  • 0.38 mg nicotinic acid (NE)
  • 0.178 mg tocopherol (E)

Energy value of fresh bergamot

The low calorie content of bergamot makes it harmless to the figure and therefore potentially suitable for dieters. However, due to the specific taste, the fruit is not often consumed raw. But the bergamot oil used by culinary specialists also has low calorie and does not harm the figure.

  • 100 g of bergamot contains 36 kcal.
  • A medium-sized fruit (75 g) contains 27 kcal.

Bergamot oil improves metabolic processes in the body, speeding up metabolism. Therefore, it is able to prevent the appearance of excess fat. IN anti-cellulite massage often use the oil of this particular fruit. popular tea with bergamot has also established itself as a means of losing weight: the drink reduces appetite and catalyzes the decomposition of fatty acids.

Macro- and microelements in the composition of bergamot

Bergamot contains many of the mineral elements needed by the adult body on a daily basis. Most of all, the fruits contain potassium, which ensures the functioning digestive system, and calcium with phosphorus, which are responsible for strengthening bones and teeth.

Macronutrients in 100 g of bergamot:

  • 43.04 mg calcium (Ca)
  • 170.03 mg potassium (K)
  • 10.03 mg magnesium (Mg)
  • 12.03 mg phosphorus (P)

trace elements in 100 g of bergamot:

  • 0.092 mg iron (Fe)
  • 0.023 mg manganese (Mn)
  • 0.077 mg zinc (Zn)
  • 0.046 mg copper (Cu)
  • 0.47 mg selenium (Se)

Useful properties of bergamot

  • Due to the active properties of the antiseptic, bergamot can be used to fight viruses, fungus, inflammation and bacteria in the body. The action of the fruit reduces pain during spasms.
  • Plant oil is actively used to reduce fever and temperature (for example, with acute respiratory infections). During a runny nose, it helps with inflammation of the nasopharynx and clears the sinuses.
  • Fruit strengthens the immune system, which is especially important for bronchopulmonary infections and problems urinary tract. For this reason, it is a frequent ingredient in biologically active additives. Bergamot oil normalizes blood pressure blood vessels and the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Doctors also advise this oil for baldness and vitiligo.
  • Bergamot tea prevents diseases gastrointestinal tract in the early stages, especially if the problems are associated with inflammatory processes. Like the fruits themselves, bergamot tea has antiviral and antifungal effects.
  • The flowers and fruits of the plant contain essential oil, which, when released into the bloodstream, stabilizes the flow of blood and lymph and normalizes the water-lipid balance. This ability of the oil also affects external properties body: the rash disappears, the pores of the skin on the face narrow.
  • With migraine or discomfort in the neck, a massage with bergamot oil is very useful. Remarkably, with a similar massage of the abdomen, appetite improves and digestive processes normalize. This is especially important for the body at the stage of recovery.
  • Rubbing the feet with a mixture of equal parts of petroleum jelly and glycerin, to which a little bergamot oil has been added, is useful for treating bronchitis.
  • Said oil heals greasy hair. To solve this problem, apply liquid to the comb and brush in all directions. The described property has led to the fact that the addition of bergamot oil to hair masks and shampoos, as well as body wraps, is becoming popular.
  • ordinary boiled water with 3-5 drops of bergamot oil and a spoonful of honey treats nervous exhaustion (the drink should be drunk in the morning and evening for 7-9 days).
  • If symptoms of herpes occur, bergamot oil should be applied to the area of ​​inflammation to prevent the development of the disease.
  • Cosmetologists actively use bergamot oil, because it is easy to squeeze out of the fruit, and its anti-inflammatory and tonic properties are manifested to a very noticeable extent.
  • The smell of bergamot invigorates and uplifts, helps to calm down before a stressful situation (for example, an exam or an interview). Perfumes with components of this fruit are considered not only very pleasant in smell, but also useful.
  • Bergamot tea is very fragrant and slightly spicy. delicious drink relieves fatigue and the consequences of strong experiences. It should be remembered that bergamot tea (similar to tea with lemon) not recommended to be taken with milk: These products are not compatible.
  • To give good taste and manifestations of the beneficial properties of bergamot, its oil is added to dessert wines, salads and jams.

Contraindications to the use of bergamot

Bergamot can only be consumed in the absence of certain health problems. The fruit is contraindicated in the following cases.

Refreshing and alluring notes of bergamot are familiar to everyone.

This aroma enhances the taste of tea and is often used among perfumers and aromatherapists.

However, not everyone knows that bergamot is nothing more than citrus obtained by crossing bitter orange and lemon.

A pear-shaped fruit with a sour taste nourishes the body with important vitamins and minerals. Bergamot, whose beneficial properties are beyond doubt, is recommended for both adults and children.

The composition of bergamot and useful properties

The composition of citrus is enriched valuable substances, thanks to which its useful properties and taste qualities.

The composition contains:

B vitamins that calm the nervous system;

Vitamins A, E, C, folic acid;

Unsaturated and saturated fatty acid;

Iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and others minerals.

Bergamot, the benefits of which for the human body are invaluable, except medicinal properties also characterized by diet. There are only 36 kcal per 100 grams of citrus.

Bergamot: beneficial properties for the human body

It is almost impossible to find bergamot for sale in the form of a fruit, but it is possible to buy tea based on this product or essential oil, take the opportunity to "squeeze maximum benefit" for myself.

Why does the body need bergamot (citrus benefits)

1. The fruit effectively fights viral infections and colds. It has been proven that its use promotes expectoration of sputum, fever goes down. In addition, immunity is strengthened.

2. Bergamot-based drink improves skin elasticity. Also, its regular use narrows the pores, which reduces the intensity of the sebaceous glands. It is especially important to drink such tea in the summer.

3. Bergamot favorably affects the condition of the scalp and hair, strengthens the structure of curls, makes them more manageable and soft.

4. What else is bergamot used for? Beneficial features also extend to the nervous system. Citrus relieves feelings of fatigue and anxiety, allows you to get rid of stress and depression, improves mood.

5. Regular use Bergamot helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which speeds up metabolism and improves the digestive process. As a result, a person's predisposition to set decreases. excess weight.

Bergamot: the benefits of citrus in various fields of application

Bergamot has huge amount useful properties, so I use it in various areas- medicine, cosmetology, cooking and others.

1. Antibiotics and pills once did not exist. It was at that time that the ancestors used citrus as an antiseptic. A balm was prepared from it, which perfectly coped with inflammation and skin infections. If a person had a serious wound, the fetus was simply cut into two parts and the pulp was applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

2. Tea with bergamot, the beneficial properties of which are unknown to many, is recommended for adults and children with colds and viral diseases. It tones, stimulates the digestive processes, reduces fever and helps the body fight infections.

3. Bergamot essential oil is often added to shampoos and other cosmetical tools for hair and body care. It soothes the skin, regulates the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing sweating.

4. Citrus oil is often used in combination with other fragrances in the perfume industry. Delicate, slightly sour aroma of bergamot organically fits into any composition.

7. Bergamot can be found in most dietary supplements designed to boost immunity.

Important! If a nursing mother does not have individual intolerance to the fetus, if it is recommended to drink tea with bergamot in order to increase lactation. It is recommended to consult with your doctor beforehand, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Bergamot in cooking: a recipe for delicious homemade marmalade

In cooking, the fruit is not used so often as a separate ingredient because it tastes a little bitter, a little sour. However, in some countries citrus is very popular. Candied fruits are boiled or cooked delicious marmalade. The recipe is not complicated, every housewife can cope with it.

Will be required the following ingredients:

1.2 liters clean water;

Bergamot - 5 fruits (the peel is removed from them and rubbed on fine grater);

1 large lemon;

1 kg of sugar.


1. Grated peel is poured cold water, covered with a lid. She needs to let it brew for three days, while the water changes daily.

2. After 3 days, the crusts must be boiled, the liquid drained, the remaining mass should be covered with sugar.

3. Content is put on slow fire, cooked in the same way as jam.

4. At the very end, it is squeezed out lemon juice, the mass is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator. The next day you can already taste delicious and healthy marmalade.

If it was not possible to find bergamot fruits on sale, they can be easily grown at home, since citrus is very unpretentious, tolerates any weather and is not afraid of direct sun rays. The plant will delight the interior with its attractive appearance, and the fruits themselves can then be used to make tea or marmalade.

The main contraindications to the use of the product

Bergamot, the beneficial properties of which have a positive effect on the general condition of the body, has its contraindications, like any other citrus.

1. Strong tea based on citrus, it is strictly forbidden to use at night for people who have problems with sleep. It is advisable to drink the drink in the morning.

2. The use of bergamot in any form is prohibited if a person has an individual intolerance to citrus.

4. When using bergamot in cosmetic purposes you can not go out in the sun for several hours, otherwise pigmentation may appear on the skin.

5. During pregnancy and lactation, citrus should not be consumed too often, as an allergic reaction may develop in a child.

Bergamot- Very healthy citrus, he does not have so many contraindications, therefore it is not difficult to follow the basic rules for use. The fruit actually has a positive effect on immune system, therefore, if there is no allergy to citrus, delicious and fragrant tea you can drink daily, and once a week arrange aromatherapy at home for the whole family.

Plant bergamot(Citrus bergamia)- not a grass at all, but an evergreen tree with fragrant fruits, belonging to the citrus genus. For the most part grows in Italy. The plant shown in the photo was obtained by crossing citron and orange, which are also citrus fruits. Being very fragrant, bergamot has found its niche among the food and cosmetic addictions of many people.

You will not find it on store shelves, but a lot of personal care products, cosmetics and teas with the addition of bergamot are sold. Also in pharmacies you can see a variety of bergamot essential oils.

Remember the comedy "Truffaldino from Bergamo", and so Bergamo is the birthplace of not only a merry fellow and joker, but also our today's hero - bergamot fruit.

The bergamot tree is capricious, makes high demands on its gardeners, but the Italians cope and produce quite a lot of essential oil from it. The smell of bergamot is sometimes confused with fragrance fragrant grass monard.

Useful properties of bergamot

The benefits of bergamot are amazing. It is a natural antibiotic. Previously, the plant was used to treat colds and various infections and viruses.

The plant has expectorant properties, is diaphoretic and antipyretic. The fruits of the plant can increase defensive forces organism.

Bergamot-orange, as the plant is also called, helps the human psychogenic system well. Its aroma tones, improves mood, promotes relaxation, relieves tension, treats the effects of stress.

Very interesting is the fact that bergamot helps to cope with the syndrome. He helps nervous system start working smoothly and improve the condition of the vessels.

The benefits of bergamot for the body

  • It is antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial agent. Treats inflammation and infections.
  • Antipyretic, diaphoretic, which is very valuable for influenza and SARS.
  • Immunostimulating, tonic.
  • Increases brain activity.
  • Helps the autonomic nervous system to work properly, strengthens blood vessels.
  • Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system, a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Increases the production of breast milk in a nursing woman.
  • Improves the work of the digestive tract.
  • Healing agent.
  • Regular use improves skin tone, increases turgor.

Bergamot essential oil - properties and uses

The essential oil is extracted from the unripe peel of this citrus fruit, 200 kg of fruit is required to obtain only 1 liter of a viscous greenish substance with a unique tonic fresh aroma.

For use, the oil is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Useful properties of bergamot oil:

  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral, including from;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic;
  • wound healing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • antifungal;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • used to lower cholesterol levels.

Application in traditional medicine, cosmetology

It is used for stomatitis, throat diseases, skin diseases, eliminates bad smell from mouth.

In cosmetology, regenerative properties are widely used for acne, irritated, inflamed dry skin. Yes, and the hair will become stronger, relieve them of dandruff, excessive brittleness.

Inhalations with 4-5 drops of bergamot oil will help with bronchitis, sinusitis.

An effective remedy for douching in inflammatory gynecological diseases, baths are made for cystitis, urethritis.

Aromatherapy with this oil will bring you uplifting mood, increasing efficiency.

Contraindications or harm of bergamot

  • Bergamot should not be used at night for insomnia. Since it excites the body, insomnia will only get worse.
  • Allergy to citrus plants.
  • Pregnancy. Using bergamot during pregnancy is fraught with miscarriages.
  • With existing epileptic seizures.
  • For sensitive skin, the use of bergamot essential oil in large quantities may lead to allergic reactions.
  • Photosensitivity may also occur, i.e. there is a risk of sunburn.

Tea with bergamot - what are the health benefits

The most common drink is with bergamot. It is fragrant and well tones. In the morning, this tea will set a positive note and charge us with energy and vivacity for the whole day. By the end of the working day, such tea will relieve fatigue, lift a spoiled mood and give strength.

One of the best teas with bergamot is considered English Earl Grey.

A lesser known variety of tea is green tea with bergamot. Green tea softens the tonic properties of bergamot. This drink can be used both inside and for cosmetic purposes, outside. That is why you can often find many cosmetic preparations on sale using green tea extract and bergamot essential oil.

In fact, the fruits of the plant are not edible. But their peel and unripe fruits contain a lot of essential oil useful for the body. It is because of the essential oil that the value of the plant increases. It gives the tea that bewitching, invigorating and amusing aroma.

Tea with bergamot helps in winter time cope with blues, improve appetite and general state organism. It has a cooling effect that helps with temperature. After all, it is so important to use as few pills as possible. It is bergamot that can help us with this.

Another benefit of tea with bergamot is that it has a beneficial effect on brain activity improves memory and concentration.

How to choose bergamot tea correctly

Remember that not all tea is natural. Now there are a lot of fakes. You need to pay attention to the composition of the finished product.

No matter how small the letters are, you still need to try to read. If you saw on the label instead of bergamot oil, leaves or some other parts of plants, the flavor is identical to natural, you can safely put this tea aside.

It is better to give preference to loose tea rather than tea bags. Of course, it is much more convenient to brew tea in bags, but this is where second-class tea goes. You can't see what's in the package.
