
What is in citrus fruits. Types of citrus fruits, varieties of citrus fruits

Mandarin, kumquat, and then? In this article, we will talk about the most famous varieties citrus fruits that are sold with us, how they differ from each other and what useful properties they have. By the way, citrus fruits have been crossed with each other many times over the past 200 years, and among their many species it is already difficult to say "where the beginning and the end are." Interesting fact: In Costa Rica, citrus fruits are excellently used by capuchin monkeys as a balm against insect bites and as an antifungal agent.

. One of the most acidic citrus varieties. The fruit is usually small in size, round, slightly elongated, bright yellow in color (often confused with lime, which has a green color). The pulp is most often squeezed for juice, which has a sour taste, but is extremely healthy and is used as a medicine in many cultures. The zest is more often rubbed and used as part of various medicines. There are several subspecies of lemon, the main difference between which is taste (lemons are more sour and less sour).

Another favorite type of citrus fruit. Orange - round fruit bright orange (rarely reddish) in color, slightly larger than a lemon. Orange is one of the most commonly consumed citrus fruits in the world, along with lemon, lime and grapefruit. Oranges are eaten on their own or added in a variety of ways. different dishes and drinks. Oranges are an excellent way to cleanse the body and remove toxins and other harmful substances from it. Oranges also have an extremely beneficial effect on human blood, making it less viscous. The orange also has several subspecies, the best known of which is « blood orange», those. orange with reddish flesh. It tastes sweeter than an ordinary orange, but otherwise it is not much different from its counterpart.

Grapefruit. Grapefruit is much larger than lemon and orange and has a slightly bitter taste. The peel of this type of citrus fruit is usually pale yellow color with a reddish or green tint, the flesh is red, white or Pink colour, depending on the variety, however, the color of the pulp is only a “decoration”, it does not affect the taste of grapefruit. Grapefruit is a great way to “throw off” everything superfluous, including kilograms and toxins, the main thing is not to abuse it. It is not recommended to eat more than one grapefruit per day.

Mandarin. Everyone's favorite "New Year's" citrus. Mandarin looks like an orange, only a little smaller and its shape is more “flattened”, and the taste is sweeter. This citrus variety has a very pleasant aroma, but its biggest plus is that it is very easy to peel. Mandarin and tangerine juice- an excellent remedy for SARS and flu. Variety of varieties includes mandarin, juicy honey mandarin, satsuma, sweet and tiny clementines, orange flavored tangerines.

Lime. This variety of citrus fruits is often confused with lemon, but their tastes are very different. Green lime fruits do resemble lemons in shape, but have a more pungent, sour taste and a special unique flavor. Lime, like lemon, is rarely eaten raw, most often juice is made from lime, which is then seasoned with salad or added to drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Few people know about it, but lime is extremely good for teeth! The variety of lime varieties includes Mexican lime, kaffir lime (used in Thai cuisine as a condiment), musky lime and some other varieties.

Pomelo. Pomelo is a type of citrus fruit, very similar to grapefruit, both in appearance and in taste (slightly sweeter than grapefruit). This citrus has a very thick skin, so you will have to work hard to peel it. Pomelo is an excellent source of energy for the whole day, a pomelo eaten in the morning will more than replace the most hearty breakfast and help you stay in good shape until the evening. Also, this citrus, along with tangerines, perfectly helps to recover from various colds and strengthen immunity.

Kumquat. A kumquat can be described as an orange the size of a grape. Unlike most citrus fruits, kumquats are eaten whole, including the skin. Slightly sour in taste, but very aromatic. In China, this citrus variety is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Buddha fingers. The last type of citrus - Buddha's fingers or finger citron - a very fragrant fruit original form resembling fingers. This citron has practically no flesh, but consists only of the skin. It is most often used to make candied fruit or marmalade, and is also used as a condiment in some cuisines around the world.

Here, perhaps, are the main types of citrus that can be found on sale. There are many more varieties, but all of them are either subspecies of those already listed above (for example, bergamot, he is also a bergamot orange), or their own hybrids. Among the common hybrids, for example, tangelo- a hybrid between a mandarin and any other citrus, or coalfruit- a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit. A mineola, which is often brought into stores, is a type of tangelo.

All of them differ from each other in appearance and in their taste, but the "set" useful properties All citrus fruits are about the same. All varieties of citrus fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C, as well as other beneficial trace elements And nutrients. In cooking, citruses are used in their entirety, from juice, pulp and ending with zest and peel.

From fruit peel fragrant oil is obtained, a variety of dishes are seasoned with zest and juice, and the pulp of some citrus fruits is eaten as an independent dessert. When choosing a particular citrus, you should first of all focus on how you will use it (as an independent dish or as a seasoning), since the taste of some citrus varieties may not be very pleasant. However, there is a simple rule, if citrus cannot be eaten, then juice can be squeezed out of it, which will be almost more useful than the fruit itself. Bon appetit!

Svetlana Shakhova

Every person in his life has come across citrus fruits, which our planet is so rich in. We use this type of fruit in Everyday life every day, we just don't always think about it. They are mainly used for food fresh, as dessert dishes, in the form of supplements or spices. Many people use citrus tree oils for massage or aromatherapy, while taking a bath, their antiseptic property helps to fight skin diseases. A huge amount of vitamin C, which is rich in any kind of citrus, makes them popular and useful at the same time. In this article, we will consider those fruits that can not only be bought on the free market, but also, if desired, grown at home as houseplants. Let's not forget to take care of them.

As a separate type of citrus plant, it developed for a very long time, therefore it is considered a hybrid. Its size is small, usually has a light yellow color, in some places it is green, oblong in shape, narrowed towards the ends. One of the most acidic and common fruits around the world, and they use it all - juice, zest and peel.

Lemon has found wide application in cooking, it is almost impossible for them to spoil fish dishes, all types of meat, and desserts with zest or juice always look exquisite on the table. Different kinds drinks with its help gain freshness and muffle cloying, alcoholic cocktails are a success. Essential oils of the fruit are successfully used in medicine and cosmetology.

Growing a lemon at home is easy: usually a tree sprouts from an ordinary mature seed in suitable soil. But care must be strict: temperature, daylight hours, air humidity in the room - all this must be observed when growing lemon on your own.


This fruit is in no way inferior to lemon in popularity. It is large, has a round shape and is most often orange in color. They eat it on their own, the fruit inside is divided into slices, which are perfectly separated from each other. The beneficial properties of an orange go off scale: it has a beneficial effect on the digestive and cardiovascular system. It goes well in drinks as well as desserts, there is great amount jam recipes.


A fruit without which Christmas holidays are not imagined. Much like an orange, but not big size and flattened shape, a sweeter pronounced taste, and nice addition is that it is easy to clean. very much, like other citrus fruits, it is great for baking, desserts and refreshing drinks.


This citrus fruit is green in color with a pleasant specific aroma, sour in taste, sometimes even bitter. Small in size, approximately egg. And one of the subspecies of lime is pursha, but outwardly they cannot be distinguished. Most often it is used in cooking in Asian countries, and the variety of dishes with lime is huge - from soups and salads to desserts and drinks. All over the world this fruit serves chic decoration variety of cocktails. IN healing properties it is also not inferior to its relatives - in addition to the standard useful properties, it has a beneficial effect on the teeth.

A very similar citrus plant to the lime is the limequat. It is a hybrid between lime and kumquat. Limequat is similar in flavor to lime, usually also green in color, but it tastes more like lemon. Very juicy, but the flesh has bitterness, and the peel, surprisingly, on the contrary, is very sweet. Limequat can easily replace lime and lemon for cooking, if those are not available.

Desserts are very exotic, namely pies and puddings, and limequat zest is mainly used for meringues.

This plant is very unpretentious, therefore it is very popular, besides limequat is not afraid of cold weather, and gives its first fruits in very early age. At home, it will not be difficult to grow it, since it does not need special care, and beautiful view This citrus fruit will decorate any home.


Another name for this fruit is pompelmus. It is the pomelo that is considered the largest citrus fruit. In terms of taste, it is very similar to grapefruit, but its peel is bright yellow and quite thick, so it takes a lot of effort to peel the pomelo. Inside, the fruit, like an orange, is divided into slices, between which there are white separating tissues, very bitter in taste, but useful for the human stomach.

The flesh itself can be different in color: red, yellow or even green. Unlike an orange, a pomelo is not the same juicy fruit, so getting a lot of juice from one fruit will not work. One of the most valuable properties pomelo is energy-intensive: one fruit can replace an adult full breakfast and energize for the whole day. It is consumed raw, candied fruit and jam are made, pomelo is rarely used for drinks and desserts. This fruit got its distribution in China. Moreover, for the inhabitants of this country, the fruit of this tree is considered a good gift especially on New Year's Eve.


Outwardly, it resembles dwarf ornamental oranges, the fruits are so small that they can be compared with grapes. It is the same color as an orange, and the peel is thin and fleshy, tasting like a tangerine, but with a slight sourness. The biggest advantage is that the kumquat can be eaten whole without peeling. Inside you can find several slices of the fruit, as well as a couple of seeds.

This citrus fruit is considered very nutritious, therefore it has been valued by many nations for a very long time.

On the table can serve as a beautiful decoration, adds unique taste in salads and desserts, it is perfectly used in the preparation of marmalade, jams and sauces. And if

Citrus (lat. Citrus) is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs of the Rutaceae family. Included in the subtribe Citrus (Citrinae) of the tribe Citrus (Citreae) subfamily Orange (Aurantioideae). Southeast Asia is considered the homeland of citrus fruits.

The word "citrus" in Latin meant "lemon tree".

Of the citrus fruits in Russia, only tangerines grow in the very South of the country. With fruits growing in Russia

Initially, before human cultivation of citrus fruits, the genus of citrus fruits included only species: Lime, Mandarin, Pomelo, Poncirus, Citron - in Asia;

Australian limes: finger lime, Round lime, Desert lime;

You can learn about the exotic fruits of Australia in this article.

Kumquats (it is not clear why they are classified as citrus fruits, because they belong to the genus Fortunella); You can learn about the kumquat fruit in this article.

Papedas: Citrus halimii and Wild Indian Orange.

All other types of citrus fruits were obtained by hybridization or crossing. Learn more about citrus fruit hybrids here.

List of citrus fruit names

Ugli: Crossed in 1914 in Jamaica with mandarin and grapefruit. Has a sweet taste.

Orange: Everyone knows this plant since childhood. You can read about the orange fruit in this article.

Bergamot: Bergamot is obtained by crossing orange and citron. The fruit has a pleasant sour taste.

: Citrus is native to India. It grows mainly in the wild places of India and South Central India. The taste is sour thanks to high content acids, although it also contains some types of sugars. Gayanima peels have an aroma similar to eucalyptus or ginger. It is for this reason that they are also used for pickling in South India.

Grapefruit: The grapefruit is thought to have originated from a cross between a pomelo and an orange. The fruits are very fragrant in taste and have a sour and bitter taste. The grapefruit was discovered in the mid-18th century in the Caribbean.

Rough-skinned lemon: It is a closely related species of common lemon. It is also used as a regular lemon.

wild indian orange: As the name implies, the birthplace of this fruit is India. It is one of the old, primitive ancestors of modern citrus fruits. This plant is an endangered species. This fruit is used for medicinal and spiritual purposes in India.

Kaffir lime: The fruit of this fruit is inedible, but the peel is used in cooking. The juice in the fruit is very acidic. Its leaves are used in cooking. Leaves are used for traditional Thai food Tom yama (sour soup).

round lime: Large shrub or tree, up to 10-12 meters high.

lemon ichansky: Named after the city of Yichang, China. A hardy plant that can grow in temperate areas of Europe and the United States.

wild lemon: Cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. The fruits are used in the same way as the fruits of an ordinary lemon.

: The importance of this fruit lies in the possibility of rootstock to other citrus fruits.

real lime: With lime fruit

lime sweet: It has pleasant taste, juices are made from it.

Lemon: You can find lemon fruit in this article.

meyer lemon: This plant is used as an ornamental because of its compact size. Popular in the US due to recipes used with this fruit. In the mid-20th century, it was a carrier of viruses in the United States, due to which many citrus fruits were destroyed.

Calamondin, Citrofortunella: Used as an ornamental plant.

Clementine: This hybrid was created in 1902. It has delicious fruits reminiscent of a tangerine.

Mandarin: You can read more about the mandarin fruit in this article.

noble mandarin, or royal mandarin: Something between tangerine and orange.

Mandarin Unshiu: This fruit is native to Japan. In Russia it is used as an ornamental plant.

Mineola: It is a hybrid of 'Dancy' mandarin with 'Duncan' grapefruit. Mineola is grown in Florida (USA), China, Turkey and Israel.

A: This plant is the flower of Yamaguchi Prefecture in Japan. It is a hybrid of sour orange (orange) and pomelo. The plant was first discovered in Japan in the 17th century.

orangelo: Chironha or Orangelo is a natural hybrid of grapefruit and sweet orange. The plant is native to the highlands of Puerto Rico. In 1956, fruit specialist Carlos G. Moskosa noticed this plant near coffee plantations. Its fruits were larger and brighter than those of other trees. Chironha is very popular in local markets. The fruits are large, grapefruit-sized, slightly elongated or pear-shaped. The peel is bright yellow or orange, not thick, smooth, rather tight to the pulp but peeled off very easily. The pulp is yellow-orange, soft, tender and very juicy, divided into segments. The fruits are consumed fresh, as a grapefruit is cut in half and the pulp is eaten with a spoon. The fruits are preserved with syrup. Delicious candied fruits are prepared from the peel.

finger lime: Fruit having oval shape. Gaining popularity in Australia. Added to various recipes.

pomelo: Pomelo fruit is the largest of the citrus fruits. The taste of the fruit is sweet to sour. The fruit is eaten fresh. Pomelo juice has a higher value.

Pomeranian: Orange-like fruit. The fruit is used in medicine.

Ponkan: Basically it's a tangerine. It has pleasant taste.

Poncirus: Poncirus fruits are not eaten, but with special processing, drinks can be made from it. Poncirus crosses freely with citrus fruits, which is actively used.

desert lime: Desert lime crosses freely with other citrus fruits. Its fruits are highly valued.

rangpur: Rangpur is a hybrid of mandarin and lemon. The fruits are very acidic. Rangpur is mainly used as a rootstock for citrus fruits.

sweetie or oroblanco: Its name "sweetie" comes from the English word sweet-sweet. It was obtained in the 1970s as a hybrid of pomelo with white grapefruit.

: This is a citrus tree that was discovered in 1973, so she was not given Russian name. It is rare and poorly understood. The fruits of this plant are edible but acidic. The plant is native to Southeast Asia. In the wild, it is very rare, only in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The peel is yellow-orange, thick, poorly separated from the pulp. The flesh is yellow-green, not juicy, with a lot of seeds.

zander: This fruit is not eaten, but used as a flavoring instead of vinegar.

Tangelo: Hybrid obtained in 1897. The fruit has a sour taste.

Tangerine (Mandarin): The tangerine is a species or subspecies of the mandarin.

Thomasville: Poncirus trifoliata × Citrus sinensis × Fortunella

Citron: Fruit pulp tastes sour or sweet-sour. Do not eat fresh. It is used for confectionery purposes. Also a variety of citron is the finger citron or "Buddha's hand". He has a very bizarre fruit shape.

Wilson's citrus: This is a hybrid plant obtained by crossing papeda and grapefruit. The plant is used as a rootstock. The fruits are large. The rind is thick, tough and fragrant. The flesh is juicy, sour and very bitter.

Citrus Kombava: is citrus plant. Its skin is dark green and rough. The fruit itself is inedible, the peel is sometimes used in cooking, but its main value lies in the leaves. There is little juice in the fruit and it is very sour. The bouquet of this citrus is undoubtedly citrus, but it is completely lemon flavor manifests itself if the leaves are torn or cut. Thai cuisine unthinkable without its leaves, they are also used by Malay, Burmese and Indonesian cooks. The leaves are torn into pieces or cut into strips and used in soups (especially sour ones) and in curries. Finely grated zest is sometimes added to fish and chicken dishes. dried leaves keep their flavor for several months if stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place. They are used in much the same way as bay leaves and do not need to be pre-soaked.

: A type of citrus fruit native to Japan, mainly in Hiroshima Prefecture. It is a hybrid derived from grapefruit and mandarin. It was discovered in 1860 in Hiroshima Prefecture. The fruit is currently grown in Japan in large quantities. The fruit is large, similar to an orange or grapefruit, slightly flattened at both ends. The peel is bright yellow, thick, slightly rough. The flesh is not sweet, sour, slightly bitter, refreshing in taste, pale yellow in color, firm but not very juicy, divided into many segments. Hassaku is eaten fresh, cut in half and eaten with a spoon. In cooking, this fruit is practically not used.

Yunos (Yuzu)

One of essential rules growing strong and healthy seedlings - the presence of the "correct" soil mixture. Usually, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either purchased soil mixture, or made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings, to put it mildly, is doubtful. This means that the seedlings will require additional nutrition from you. In this article we will talk about simple and effective top dressing for seedlings.

After a decade of dominance in the catalogs of the original variegated and bright varieties of tulips, trends began to change. At exhibitions, the world's best designers offer to recall the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays of the spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Meeting spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind you that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In the conditions of the apartment they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without strong, healthy seedlings, it's hard to count on good harvest. Gardeners with experience know that it is better to sow cabbage for seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing of seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new indoor plants for themselves, replacing one with another. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because the requirements for their content in plants are different. Lovers of beautiful flowering plants often face difficulties. Indeed, in order for the flowering to be long and plentiful, such specimens require special care. There are not very many unpretentious plants blooming in rooms, and one of these is streptocarpus.

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house, or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems that it has always grown here. Read about interesting ornamental varieties of calendula, as well as the use of calendula in cooking and medicine in our article.

I think many will agree that we perceive the wind well only in a romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy warm house, and the wind is raging outside the window ... In fact, the wind that walks through our plots is a problem and there is nothing good in it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break a strong wind into several weak streams and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect the site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

A shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner is easy to make! This breakfast contains almost everything. necessary products, which will recharge you with energy so that you don’t feel like eating before dinner, while extra centimeters will not appear on your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after perhaps the classic cucumber sandwich. Such a breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you don’t want to eat before lunch.

Modern ferns are those rare plants of antiquity that, despite the passage of time and all sorts of cataclysms, not only survived, but in many respects were able to maintain their former appearance. In a room format, of course, it is not possible to grow any of the representatives of ferns, but some species have successfully adapted to living indoors. They look great as single plants or adorn a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is an Azerbaijani plov, which differs from the traditional oriental plov in the way of cooking. All ingredients for this recipe are cooked separately. Rice is boiled with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately golden brown, pumpkin slices also. Separately, prepare onions with carrots. Then everything is laid in layers in a cauldron or a thick-walled pan, pour in a little water or broth and simmer for small fire about half an hour.

Basil is a wonderful all-purpose seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads- well known to all lovers of the Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil greens are surprisingly versatile. For several seasons now, our family has been drinking fragrant basil tea with pleasure. In a flower bed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, a bright spicy plant also found a worthy place.

Thuja or juniper - which is better? Such a question can sometimes be heard in garden centers and in the market where these plants are sold. He, of course, is not entirely correct and correct. Well, it's like asking which is better - night or day? Coffee or tea? Woman or man? Surely everyone will have their own answer and opinion. And yet ... But what if we approach without prejudice and try to compare juniper and thuja according to certain objective parameters? Let's try.

Creamy red cauliflower soup with crispy smoked bacon - delicious, tender and cream soup which will appeal to both adults and children. If you are preparing a dish for the whole family, including toddlers, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children are not at all against spicy flavors. Bacon for serving can be prepared in different ways - fry in a pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is long-awaited and pleasant chores, for some it is a difficult necessity, but someone thinks about whether it is not easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Whatever it was, even if you refused to grow vegetables, for sure, you still have to sow something. These are flowers, and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you plant.

A lover of humid air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it is an unforgettable sight. Unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of a modest orchid want to be considered endlessly. In room culture, pafinia is rightly credited to the ranks of species that are difficult to grow. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

Pumpkin marmalade with ginger is a warming sweet that can be prepared almost all year round. Pumpkin keeps for a long time - sometimes I manage to save a few vegetables until the summer, fresh ginger and lemons are always available nowadays. Lemon can be replaced with lime or orange to get various tastes Variety in sweets is always nice. Ready marmalade is laid out in dry jars, it can be stored at room temperature but it's always better to cook fresh food.

In 2014, the Japanese company Takii seed introduced a petunia with a striking salmon-orange petal color. By association with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset (“African Sunset”). Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the last two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from shop windows. Where did the orange petunia go?

Traveling abroad means getting to know more than just gorgeous landscapes and culture. Outlandish overseas fruits and unusual berries will help to create a complete taste picture about the location. It is easier to choose from the variety of offers you like with the help of the description.


Considered a fruit. The taste is more inclined towards a vegetable, namely a pumpkin with notes of unripe pear walnut tint. Ripeness is determined by the degree of softness. Inside has big bone. The peel is not edible. Sizes up to 20 centimeters. The soft, oily flesh is eaten raw. Butchering is the removal of the skin and bone. You can try in Vietnam, India, Cuba, Dominican Republic


Visually similar to a red-yellow or orange pear. Ripe fruits are used (immature poisonous) thermally processed, the taste resembles Walnut. Maturity is determined by the openness of the fruit - a ripe one bursts, and the pulp protrudes. It is offered to feast in Brazil, Jamaica, Hawaii.


It has the shape of an oval golden color. Grows in clusters. Rigid rind on the outside, hard prickly bone on the inside. The pulp is sweet, juicy, with a taste of mango and pineapple notes. Places of growth: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines.


The taste is incomparable with those sold in Russia - juicy, fleshy, sweet and sour fruits with bright aroma. Sizes from an average apple to the usual for us. You should choose a pineapple of medium hardness - the pulp will definitely be tasty. It will be possible to take a sample in Brazil, China, the Philippines.

Bail (tree apple)

Fruit with hard skin. Only a hammer will help to divide it in half. On sale is often presented cut. Flesh with hairs, yellow, irritating to the throat. It will be possible to see on sale in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka.


The taste of the fruit resembles borscht with mayonnaise and sour cream. The smell is specific. Cleaning is to free from the crust. They can offer a curiosity on the island of Borneo from the Malaysian side.

banana pink

A miniature species up to 8 centimeters in size with a thick peel. The skin of ripe pink bananas bursts, revealing pulp with many seeds. An unpretentious plant that can be grown even at home. Widespread throughout many warm countries.


Berry with a black color and a neutral taste (not sweet and not sour), similar to lingonberries. It looks like a blueberry. It is possible to try it in the countries of the northern hemisphere - Korea, Japan, Canada, the USA, China and even Russia.

Eye of the Dragon

Round brown fruit. The skin and the bone inside are not edible. The consistency is jelly-like, transparent white. The taste is bright, sweet. Big calorie content. At overconsumption temperature rise is possible. You can buy in Thailand, China, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Strawberry Guava (Cattleya)

Fruits are yellow to red. The size reaches a diameter of 4 centimeters. Juicy, sweet guavas with strawberry flavorExotic fruits India, Africa, Bermuda, America.

Guanabana (soursop)

Fruit with a mass of 3 to 7 kilograms. The shape is round, oval. The green surface of the soursop is covered with processes in the form of soft bells. Inside is white, soft, with a taste reminiscent of citro with sourness. The ripe fruit is pressed with a finger. You will be able to eat in the Bahamas, in Mexico, Peru, Argentina.


Fruits that grow on poles and branches. Grows in clusters. They look like black grapes. The skin is bitter and unfit for consumption. The pulp is like a transparent jelly, sweet, with seeds. Grows in Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Cuba, Peru.


A large green fruit, weighing up to 34 kilograms. It should be purchased already cut. Yellow slices have the taste of melon and duchesse. Possible allergic reaction and difficulty swallowing. The symptom goes away after a few hours. It grows in Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand.


The king of fruits. It has a specific smell of a mixture of onions, garlic and dirty socks. The pulp is soft, sweet and healthy. You should buy cut slices. A whole durian reaches a large size and is covered with thorns. Due to the smell, you can not eat in public places and transport in transport. You can taste the curiosity in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia.

Imbe (African Mango)

Exotic tree with orange fruits. The size is small - up to 3 centimeters. The taste is bright, rich, sweet and sour. Has a coloring effect. You can try in Africa.


The fruit is pear-shaped and blue-violet in color. Weight varies between 80 grams and 8 centimeters in diameter. The skin can be eaten. The taste is juicy, watery, reminiscent of strawberries with an admixture of blackcurrant. You can eat in the Mediterranean countries, the Crimea and Central Asia.

Spanish lime (Giseps)

It looks like a familiar lime only in shape. It looks light green, the peel is not edible, pleasantly sweet inside with a bone. You can eat by removing the tip of the peel and squeezing. Found in Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia.


Yellow-green star-shaped fruit. It has a smooth skin that is edible. The taste is bright, with hints of a flower, similar to an apple. Inside there are seeds that are edible. You can see it on the shelves of Thailand and Indonesia.


Oblong fruit of bright yellow color. The ripened fruit is covered with yellow-orange horns and bright green inside. The cut looks like a cucumber. The taste is a combination of melon, avocado, banana and cucumber. They eat the pulp, cutting the fruit like a watermelon. You can try in New Zealand, Africa, Chile, Israel.


Looks like a hairy potato on the outside and a gooseberry on the inside. Size up to 80 grams and 7 centimeters. The flesh varies from yellow to green with edible black seeds. Choose soft, smooth fruits. The taste is similar to strawberry. Growing countries: Chile, Italy, Greece, Krasnodar region of Russia.


Round, large fruit, reaching 3 kilograms. According to the degree of maturity, it is divided into young and overripe. A young coconut has a tender skin, juicy pulp and milk/juice inside the shell. Overripe coconuts have a hairy surface, a cloudy liquid inside, and a tough inside. The second are found in the countries of importation. Growing countries: Thailand, Vietnam, India.


Exotic fruits of China predominantly. Small citrus fruits 2-4 centimeters long. Inside they have inedible bones. Eaten with skins. The taste is similar to orange, but more sour. You can also try in Japan and Southeast Asia.


Melon shaped fruit. Covered with a red-brown hard crust. The inside is white, sweet-sour with seeds. The most delicious is the fruit that left the tree itself. The trees are located in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia.


Fruit in the form of a cucumber on the outside and corn inside. The ripe color of the fruit is bright yellow. Fiery orange flesh inside. The taste is juicy, sweet, with sour notes. Contains a lot of water. Grows in Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Argentina.


It is similar in appearance to longan, but has a brighter taste and smell. Ripe lychee has a red skin. Transparent smooth pulp has a sweet taste. Contains inedible bone. Where to eat: China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand.


It looks like a longan. Distinguished by a larger size and yellowish skin color. The delicacy inside is similar in shape to garlic. The taste is specific, sweet and sour. The peel is inedible, but useful. You can find it in the markets of Thailand.

magic fruit

Guest from West Africa. Small red fruits reach 2-3 centimeters and grow on trees. They have a bone inside. The magic of the fruit lies in the ability to retain the sweetness of the taste for a long time. Lemons and grapefruits eaten after a treat will also seem sweet.

Mameya (Mammeya)

Similar to apricot in appearance and taste of pulp. Larger in size - up to 20 centimeters in diameter. The skin is light brown. The berry has one to four seeds. The hint of taste goes into mango. Place of offer: Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela.


popular large fruit tropical countries. It is better to cut the fruit with a knife - remove the skin and bone. The color of the fruit changes with the degree of ripeness - from green to orange-red. Taste collected notes of melon, rose, peach and apricot. Growing countries: Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam.


Outwardly, it resembles a persimmon, only the color is dark purple. The skin is thick and inedible. Inside - garlic cloves with a unique sweet-sour taste. Ripe fruit is firm and without dents. Mangosteen peel juice does not wash out. Sample locations: Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand.

passion fruit

Fruits of various colors from yellow to purple. The size is 8 centimeters in diameter. ripe fruit covered with wrinkled skin. The pulp is the same iridescent, depending on the variety, similar to sweet and sour jelly with stones. Is an aphrodisiac. It grows in Vietnam, India, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.


Elongated fruit. The peel is covered with thorns, the degree of maturity is determined by their hardness. Inside are white fruits with a stone. The taste varies from sweet ice cream to light marshmallow. Perishable, not subject to transportation. It grows in Australia, Malaysia and the Philippines.


A perishable fruit that can ferment. The effect also affects animals. The fruits are small, yellow, with a stone. Fresh from light fragrance and not sweet in taste. You can only meet in Africa.


Small fruits in yellow, orange and red hues. Grow up to 5 centimeters. Thin skin hides transparent slices fresh sweet taste. The bone of the fruit is bitter and tightly attached to the pulp. You can find it in India, China, Thailand, Vietnam.


Sunny orange small fruit with brown pits. Unripe tastes like persimmon - tart and viscous. Ripe has flavor and palatability blueberries. Home of the fruit: Egypt, Dominican Republic, Crimea, Abkhazia, southern Russia.


A fruit shaped like a cherry tomato. The hairy fruit progresses through the stages of maturity from green to bright orange. Taste - strawberry-pineapple with notes of mango. Grows in Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica.

Noina (sugar apple)

A fruit with the size of an average apple and the appearance of a green cone. The internal component is soft, sweet, pleasant to the taste. Butchering is difficult due to uneven inedible skin. The maturity of the fruit is determined by its softness. But do not be zealous - the fruit is fragile and can fall apart when checking. Place of growth - Thailand.


The fruit is shaped like a convex green potato. The smell of the fruit is specific - spoiled cheese with mold. The taste is not pleasing - bitter. But at home, it is considered very useful and healing. Noni is the basis of the diet of the poor in southeast Asia. You can meet in Australia and Malaysia.


Fruit in the form of a cylinder. Color from unripe green to mature yellow-orange. The size reaches 20 centimeters. It is more convenient to buy cut. The taste is a melon-pumpkin mixture. Places of cultivation: Bali, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia.


Exotic fruits from Egypt. Large - up to 700 grams. Painted in different shades of yellow with lilac stripes. Inside are seeds that are edible. Ripe fruit should be chosen - it is tender, soft, with a melon note. The peel is removed - it is possible, but unpleasant to eat. You can also try in Peru, Turkey, New Zealand.


oblong fruit bright color(pink, burgundy, yellow). The surface is scaly. You can peel like a grapefruit or cut and eat with a spoon. Inside the pulp is transparent, white or reddish, sprinkled with small grains. It grows in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, Vietnam.


Small brown fruits up to 13 centimeters in diameter. Inside they have a few unusable grains. The inside is white with a tropical taste and aroma. It is used as a base for sherbet and jelly. Habitat: Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil.


Citrus hybrid of orange and grapefruit. It has a large size, reaching up to 10 kilograms. The peel is thick, fleshy, green. The pulp is in film slices that are bitter. The taste is less juicy than grapefruit. You should choose ripe for a bright citrus smell. You can eat in Tahiti, India, China, Japan.


Fleecy fruit of red-violet color. You can open it by twisting it with both hands. different sides. Inside is transparent, with a bright taste. The raw grains are poisonous. Ripeness directly depends on the brightness of the color of the fruit. They will offer to buy in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Thailand.

Buddha Hand (Citron)

Beautiful on the outside and uninteresting on the inside. unusual shape fruit resembles a hand with many fingers. But 70 percent of the fruit consists of a peel, 30 percent of sour-bitter pulp. It is actively used in culinary crafts. You can admire the curiosity in India, Japan, Vietnam, China.


Convex brown fruit with small prickly protrusions. It is advisable to clean with a knife. The inside is divided into 3 parts with a bright sweet taste of persimmon pear. Parameters - up to 5 centimeters. Grows in Malaysia, Thailand.


It has a pear shape of uneven brown color. The rind is inedible and needs to be removed. The pulp is white with a bright mangosteen taste. Seeds have a laxative effect and are used as needed. Grows in Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines.


A small fruit with a thin matte skin. The size of the fetus is 10 centimeters and 200 grams. Taste - milky caramel, causes viscosity in the mouth. Seeds are not recommended. Grows in Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Hawaii.

Sugar palm (Cambodian palm)

"Female" trees bear fruit. Fruit pulp is packed far inside, transparent white. Has refreshing properties. It is the basis for Thai sweet ice. Distributed in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines.

Plums Natal

The fruits of this tree are the only part of the bush that does not harm people. Branches and leaves are unfit for consumption and contain poison. The color of the plums is hot pink with a wrinkled texture, and the taste is sweet. Suitable for use in baking as a filling. Homeland - South Africa.


Berry in the form of an oval with dimensions up to 5 centimeters in diameter. Skin color options: yellow, burgundy, purple. The peel is unhealthy, peeled off with a knife. The taste is currant with notes of tomato. The smell is bright fruity. Located in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile.


Outwardly, it resembles a bean pod with a light brown skin. It is used in the preparation of sweets and sauces for meat. The pulp is dark brown in color with a spicy sweet and sour taste. Has bones. You can try in Sudan, Thailand, Cameroon, Australia, Panama.


A green fruit with a ponytail on top. Weight reaches 45 grams, up to 5 centimeters in size. The peel is thin with an ambiguous taste, sour and causes a viscosity in the mouth. It is recommended to peel the fruit from the skin or cut into two halves and eat with a spoon. The color of the pulp varies from cream to burgundy (the latter indicates the spoilage of the product). The taste is fresh, tropical, with strawberry notes. It grows in South America, Georgia, Abkhazia, the Caucasus.


The unripe fruit serves as a source of nutrition for the inhabitants of African countries. It tastes like bread when cooked. Ripe fruits have a pleasant sweetness similar to banana. The size is large, up to 3.5 kilograms. It is recommended to purchase cut. It is possible to take a sample in Southeast Asia.

Chrysophyllum (Star apple)

The fruit is oval-shaped with a skin color to match the flesh - pale green or lilac. The flesh is sticky, sweet, the consistency of jelly with stones like an apple. Cut like a star. It is recommended to use only ripe fruits. Where it grows: India, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia.


A relative of the pitaya, rounded and with a smooth surface. Inside is a juicy transparent watery pulp with seeds. The taste is tropical, bright, sweet. Eat, cut in half, with a spoon. The skin is not edible. Grown on plantations in Israel.


The surface of the green-colored fruit may be with or without tubercles. The pulp is similar in structure to an orange, but includes the tastes of mango, banana, strawberry with notes of ice cream. Contains hard, inedible grains. Habitat: Asian countries, Israel, Algeria, Australia, Spain.

Black Boot (Chocolate Pudding)

A dark green type of persimmon. The flesh takes on an almost black color. brown seeds. Taste chocolate pudding, sweet and bright. The size reaches 13 centimeters in length. The homeland of the product is Guatemala, Brazil, Southern Mexico.


The shape is similar to bell pepper. The light varies from green to red. White flesh inside. The taste is sweet, watery. Good thirst quencher. It is not subjected to cleaning, it has no seeds. Grows in Sri Lanka, Colombia, India, Thailand.


Small fruits up to 6 centimeters. Smooth, green with brown spots. I have a sweet apple taste and a tropical aroma. delicious fruits- dense, not rigid. The skin is edible, the pit is not. It is found in Japan, China, Thailand, the Caucasus.
