
Why dream of eating soup with the dead. Why dream of Soup in a dream, a dream book to see Soup, what does it mean? Pleasant chores, romantic experiences

Why dream that you had a chance to cook soup? In a dream, this is a clear sign that you will be able to decide your own destiny on your own. The dream book will tell you what you should pay attention to for the correct interpretation of the image.

Miller's prophecy

Miller's dream book is sure: if in a dream a girl cooked liquid hot, then in the future she will not have to deal with homework. She will marry well and have servants.

What do you want?

Why dream at all that in a dream it happened to cook soup? Being the first dish, the soup promises the beginning of significant changes in life. Moreover, their character completely depends on the type and taste of food.

For women, cooking is associated with desires associated with a loved one, but they will only come true if you can decide exactly what you want.

Decoding to taste

The dream book advises to remember the general taste qualities ready meal and some of my actions.

  • Delicious - a pleasant fuss.
  • Tasteless - grief, unpleasant chores.
  • Oversalted - mind-blowing love.
  • Treat soup - to a successful marriage.
  • Shed - to losses.
  • Warm up - improvement of the situation.

In a dream, did you tell the recipe and teach others how to cook soup? The dream interpretation is sure that your existence depends only on the correctness of your actions and choices. Further interpretation of sleep is based on the main food products.

Don't be late!

Why dream pea soup ec? This is a sign that there are delays in business. In addition, the dream book suspects that you will miss your chance or simply be late somewhere.

Had a dream that you cooked pea soup from green peas? There will be success. From canned - dreams will not come true soon, from dry - you have to regret and repent.

In a dream, did you cook pea soup and treat others to it? Success will be followed by a streak of misunderstandings and mistakes.

Date or Crisis?

Had a dream that you were cooking the first cabbage? Dream Interpretation thinks that his own child will bring a lot of problems and sorrows.

Sometimes seeing cabbage stew is a sign of imminent financial difficulties, but the same vision guarantees a date with your loved one.

Did you have a chance to cook cabbage soup in a dream? Be prepared for deceit, lies and betrayal. In addition, you will have to perform boring and monotonous work.

Wait for happiness!

Why dream that it happened to cook stew with rice? The dream interpretation guarantees a slight promotion.

see how rice soup someone else is cooking - means that you will have unusual responsibilities that will help make life happy and complete.

Did you dream that the rice soup turned out to be thick like porridge? In reality, you quarrel with relatives or household members.

Get ready for renovation!

What does it mean if you had to cook mushroom soup in a dream? In reality, you will suspect a loved one of an unpleasant act.

You want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Soup in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Soup

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why dream of Soup in a dream?

Delicious, appetizing - to good news. Seeing people eating soup is a chance to start a family, for families - to mutual understanding. To see how soup is prepared is for friendly support, to cook soup yourself - to marry a wealthy person, read on if you want to know what Soup is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

Soup dreams of good news and peace. This dream also means that you have sincere friends who will support you in difficult times. If you dreamed of people who eat soup, it's time to arrange your destiny. You have every chance to find family happiness. The girl who cooked soup in a dream will not be particularly housewife, as she will marry a wealthy man. I dreamed that in a dream you quickly and tasty cooked soup, then you will successfully and boldly manage your destiny.

Okroshka - Ate okroshka in a dream - you will have to bother about some business. At first glance, it is simple and clear, but success will not be easy to achieve.

Why dream Pea Soup - cook pea soup - to confusion in business.

Beetroot - There is a beetroot - to the trial.

Solyanka - Ate a hodgepodge in a tavern in a dream - you will be in a great mood.

Summer dream interpreter

If Soup is dreaming, what is it for:

There will be fuss around the house, a lot of trouble will appear.

Okroshka - Dreaming in a dream about how you cook everything for okroshka - to numerous guests.

Milk soup - Cooking in a dream milk soup- to the loss of strength.

Burnt soup - Burnt soup dreams of negligence.

Solyanka - You will beg for something with tears.

To family life for many years, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Okroshka - There is okroshka in a dream - to peace in the family.

Milk soup - Cooking milk soup in a dream - to disappointment in life.

Beetroot - There is a beetroot - to unpleasant unrest.

Solyanka - You will be at someone's dinner party, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Spring dream interpreter

For enjoyment.

Okroshka. Eat or cook okroshka - to make the wrong hasty decision, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Milk soup. There is milk soup in a dream - for profit.

Beetroot (soup). - there is a beetroot - to a case that will end in shame.

Solyanka (soup). - there is a hodgepodge - to the hassle.

Summer dream interpreter

Drinking soup in a dream is a disease.

Autumn dream interpreter

Drinking soup in a dream - to drunkenness, as the dream book says about this dream, for details, if Soup is dreaming, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Soup in a dream?

For lovers, such a dream promises a long-term relationship. If you dreamed that you were cooking broth, get ready: you will have to manage not only your own fate, but also the fate of others

Modern dream book

Why dream of Soup in a dream book?

The dream in which you ate the broth portends a strange undertaking, which later turns out to be a very practical enterprise.

Spring dream interpreter

Drink soup - to the disease.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

If Soup is dreaming, what is it for:

If you dreamed about soup, then expect good news and finding a quiet life. If you dreamed that someone was drinking soup, this portends good chances of getting married.

If you dreamed that you yourself were drinking soup, this is a sign of strange events that after a while will turn into benefits for you and your loved ones. Cooking soup for a girl in a dream means that she will not have to take care of the house, as she will marry a wealthy man.

If you dreamed of a quickly boiling soup, this portends that you are successfully using the chance given by fate. Chicken soup is for pleasant meetings in the home circle or for an increase in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what does Soup mean?

Boil - You can cook anything in a dream. But the first thing that comes to mind is cooking. I dreamed that in a dream you were cooking some kind of food, this means that you have to work hard, moreover, for the benefit of yourself and other people. And by how tasty it turns out for you, you can judge how much benefit your business will bring, this means the dream that you had, for more details on why Soup is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What is the dream of Soup for a woman:

Cook - Cook food in a dream - soon you will do a good deed. Cook soup - expect news from afar; cook an ear - a person close to you will leave you for a while; cook borscht - expect money; cook pea soup - feel the need. Cook compote - your debts will be returned to you. Boil glue - for household chores, moving

Spring dream interpreter

Cooking food is a disastrous business.

Old grandmother's dream book

Why does the sleeping Soup dream?

Cooking food - assisting someone in business that turned out to be good luck for you too.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

If Soup is dreaming, what is it for:

If you dreamed that you were cooking food, this is a sign of illness.

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Why are you dreaming and how to solve the Soup:

Cook - If you dreamed that you were cooking food, then soon you would do a good deed. Boil soup in a dream - expect news from afar.

Lunar dream book

Soup in a dream book:

Cooking jam - success in a small business awaits you, but health problems. Virgo. Cooking food - to the disease. 6th house of the horoscope.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

What is the dream of Soup in a dream:

Boil cabbage - gossip.

Kissel to cook and eat - wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Peter I

See Soup in a dream:

Boil something in a saucepan in a dream - you want to radically change your life, you will succeed in this under favorable circumstances.

Cook berry jam - you have a long road ahead.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why dream of Soup in a dream book?

Seen in a dream Cook Cherry jam- a dream means a big undertaking in your life. You will make a decision that will radically change your existence.

Cooking soup - for a woman, such a dream means the successful resolution of family conflicts.

Dream interpretation for girls

Why dream of Soup in a dream book?

We saw in a dream Cooking porridge in a dream - soon circumstances will turn out so that the house and the whole household will remain on your fragile, but already quite independent shoulders. Maybe your parents will need to urgently leave the city due to some unexpected event, and you will have to keep order in the house. Agree, great practice - it will definitely come in handy in life.

Why dream that you had to cook soup? Seers say that this event symbolizes independence, the ability to manage life at your own discretion. And for a more complete decoding, read the dream book, it will explain what else is important to consider.

Miller's predictions

The psychologist believes that if a woman dreamed of cooking liquid hot in a dream, then in reality she would not do household chores. Miller prophesies a successful marriage and a wealthy spouse who can hire a housewife.

Dreamed of pea soup? The dream interpretation indicates the honor of the individual.

your desires

Why dream of cooking soup? The first dish is a harbinger of significant changes. How successful they will be depends on how the food turned out.

For a woman, vision is often associated with a loved one. But the dream book warns: the dream will come true only if you clearly define what you want and correctly formulate the desire.

The taste of the dish

Remember what you felt in a dream after tasting the finished dish, and what are your next steps.

The soup turned out to be very tasty - in reality there will be a lot of pleasant troubles and fuss.

Oversalted - the dream book prophesies a sudden outbreak of passion.

Tasteless - get ready for grief, imposed duties.

Treat people around you with soup - an early wedding will bring happiness.

Shed it in a dream - in reality, losses and losses are expected.

Warm up - the situation that has developed in reality will improve and be resolved successfully.

Shared a recipe in a dream and taught other people how to cook soup? First of all, the correctness of the decisions and actions you make affects your life.

For further decoding, it is necessary to take into account what the food is made of.

have time

Why dream of pea soup? There has been a halt in work. It also increases the chance of being late for an important meeting or missing an opportunity.

It seemed that they cooked pea soup from green peas - unprecedented luck awaits you; canned - the dream book promises a dream come true, but for this you will have to be patient; dry - you will repent and regret what you have done.

Cooked pea soup in a dream and treated others? Luck will turn into a series of missteps, bad luck.

Romantic evening or collapse?

Did you see how you cook the first cabbage? The dream interpretation upsets: your own child will cause a lot of trouble and ruffle your nerves.

In some cases, cabbage soup in a dream is a sign of financial problems. But this dream can also mean a romantic date in reality.

Had to cook cabbage soup? The dream book warns: get ready to be deceived. A loved one will lie and betray you. And you also have to take on tedious and monotonous duties.

Expect luck

Why dream of cooking stew with rice? There is a possibility of a small promotion at work.

But if someone else cooked the soup, then you will acquire new, unexpected and amazing responsibilities. As a result, life will sparkle with bright colors.

Did you see that the rice soup turned out to be very thick? The dream interpretation predicts quarrels with relatives and friends.


Have you started making mushroom soup? In reality, you will suspect a loved one of unworthy actions.

They prepared mushroom soup - global changes are being started at home, perhaps the start of a major overhaul. Did you notice how the dream character boiled mushrooms for cabbage soup? You will be overcome by forbidden desires, discover a shameful secret, or become an object of humiliation.

Dream interpretation cook soup

The broth is the base of the soup. During cooking, it should boil. Well balanced mix food grade ingredients, formed due to the mutual assistance of fire and water, personifies a holistic harmony.

Soup symbols

Soup, as well as broth - signs of purification and relationships. In some nations, at the hour of sacrifice, as an attribute, a bowl of soup was attached to the idols near the mouth. He was slurped during the peace ceremony between the warring nations. Why the process of making soup is dreaming, we will inquire from professionals in solving dreams.

Cooking soup in a dream according to popular dream books

The interpretation of the process of cooking hot dishes is associated with successful, in the field of finance, changes in the life of the sleeper. However, it is understood that the dish is certainly fresh.

Miller's dream book

Why did you happen to see in a dream that the soup was being cooked in a hurry?

This is a guarantee of the ability to control your own destiny.

If the soup was cooked by a young lady of marriageable age, this guarantees her a successful marriage.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

cook fish broth

If you dream about how they cooked fish broth, while salting it, you are destined for disappointments in matters of the heart.

The seer gives encouraging forecasts even for those whose soup escaped and burned in a dream. These are the current affairs of the dreamer, who will encounter minor, easily resolved difficulties, due to an annoying gap in them.

Freud's dream book

The psychoanalyst is sure that in dreams soups reflect our fantasies about love games, pregnancy and conception.

The very process of cooking personifies sexual acts.

If you ate a hot dish immediately after cooking, this indicates good sexual health and tone.

What to expect in relationships

The process of cooking soup in dreams is sometimes interpreted, as various kinds of events in the dreamer's home, his relationship with others.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

I had a chance to cook soup - your house will not be bypassed by quarrels, squabbles, the reason for which you will give yourself. Therefore, be more restrained, calmly respond to comments.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim

If you cooked soup for one serving, this promises welcome and easy chores.

A very unappetizing, and very thinly cooked soup, prophesies grief and trouble.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Dreamed of meat soup

If they cooked meat soup, this indicates frequent bouts of anger in the dreamer..

Why dream about cooking vegetables, or fish soup- this signals an imminent situation when you have to take care of a sick relative.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

I dream of a plot where I happened to cook soup from products that are not included in the recipe - a sign of vain work. Although it seems productive to the dreamer.

What was the first dish

Manifold culinary treats, often leaves an imprint in our dreams. This does not mean that the person who had such a dream is not well off, or is insolvent. What the process of cooking soup is dreaming of is interpreted as receiving good news, interesting conversations, a peaceful feeling. However, there are exceptions here. Let's take a look at some of the most frequently seen fragments in a dream.

Dish Concentration

If in a dream the hostess cooked rich and hearty broth- this is a guarantee of acquaintance with a powerful and wealthy person.

A liquid and unsaturated soup is often dreamed of by unmarried persons, and prophesies to them a penniless existence before marriage.

Vegetarian, or dietary first dishes will be convicted of wasted time.

What ingredients were used

Cook noodle soup in a dream

If noodles were used in the process of cooking the broth, as one of the components of the recipe, then you need to be wary. Someone from your environment is trying to confuse and confuse you.

Milk soups with noodles indicate the likelihood of family troubles. On occasion, if she is undercooked, the forecasts will upset the dreamer. Probably, some kind of situation will be created when he cannot cope without the help of friends.

If, as a result, the noodles are very digested and become sour - this indicates that you have screwed up something badly. And now you need to disentangle both your own and other people's dirty tricks personally.

If you chose rice as an ingredient in milk soup, this promises you huge profit, because you are doing things well and competently.

Wanted to cook vegetable soup with noodles is a guarantee of a one-time, but significant profit. And if you cooked it on meat broth- wait for a profitable offer, which, in no case, should be rejected.

Why cook pea soup in a dream is a warning against useless troubles. But in this case there is an important caveat. - this dish does not prophesy failure, but only advises to wait a while.

It happened to see how during cooking pea broth, a piece of hair got into the container - this is a signal that the dreamer will take all measures to successfully advance the case, but there will still be little use. The reason for this will be the confusing task that the leadership has entrusted to you.

Why watch cooking mushroom soup in a dream - this promises stability in the monetary sphere.

Interpretation chicken broth, which was prepared by a cook, and not by a sleeper, emphasizes his dependence on outside opinion.

If you cooked fish soup in several pots at once, financial support has been prepared for you, which will come as a big surprise to you.

Why the dreamer cooked turtle soup - this convicts him of a penchant for non-standard and dubious sexual games in an exotic style.

If in a dream you cooked food using low-quality or expired products, this indicates a break in relations with your betrothed. It's not worth regretting it.

Mistakes when cooking soups

All curious life situations can be postponed in our subconscious, and it draws pictures of our vanity in night visions for us.

As in life, when we cook something in the kitchen, mistakes can happen, so in dreams you can do things. What dreams warn about, in which either an unsuccessful cook ruined a dish, or an overly quick hostess mixed up the recipe, or did strange things. Let's take a closer look at some situations:

  • the just-cooked dish was already sour - this is a call not to get acquainted with representatives of the opposite sex during the period of separation from your lover, because new acquaintances will lead to disappointment and pain;
  • the soup that escaped on the stove emphasizes your haste when making serious decisions;
  • pouring food that is still in the process of cooking on plates and honoring guests is a sign that your friends will slander you;
  • dreaming about how milk soup was cooked, adding a large number of seasonings is a call to beware of scammers;
  • dreams of a pot of soup boiling violently - a noisy skirmish is coming.

Your mark:

Cooking soup in a dream portends you visiting good old friends who have come from afar. For a young girl, such a dream promises a wealthy fiancé, provided with a house, a car, etc. Oversalted soup suggests that you will fall in love at first sight and to the point of complete insanity.

Eating soup in a dream portends important life changes, treating guests with soup - your friends will slander you behind your back. Spilling soup - to the loss of a loved one. Sour soup - the employer will express his dissatisfaction with you. Buy packaged soup - avoid extra hassle.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Meat

Buying fresh fresh meat in a dream portends the joy of success.

Frozen meat in the store - you will lose something very valuable to you.

Putting meat in the refrigerator or getting it out of there - you will benefit from an unpleasant situation.

Cutting meat - to the successful completion of the work begun, scrolling through a meat grinder - to a serious illness, beating meat - to trouble at work or on vacation.

Cooking meat with seasonings means a loss-making enterprise and a waste of money. To fry meat - to a useless conversation, to cook - you will receive a letter from afar, to stew - through hard work you will achieve material independence.

Baking meat in the oven is a sign of joy and pleasure from communicating with friends. smoke meat products- low income.

Boiled pork in a dream means indigestion.

Bacon - dissatisfaction with oneself and others.

Ham - the return of wealthy relatives. Cooking goulash in a dream is a dissolute life, casual love affairs.

Is in a dream meat delicacies portends a deed that will bring the desired well-being.

Making sausage in a dream is a good deal, eating it is happiness and contentment in the house.

Cooking sausages or sausages - fun and unexpected events await you, cutlets - you will find happiness in marriage.

Salting meat or eating corned beef is a problem with debts.

Lamb in a dream portends success in everything, a lamb's head - profit.

Camel meat portends illness, crow - trouble, wolf - well-being.

Dreaming of beef means the help of friends who will turn away from committing a reckless act.

Pigeon meat portends melancholy and boredom in the company of senile old maids.

The goose that you eat in a dream - to self-doubt in case of failure in business.

Game meat means that you will be satisfied with your fate by marrying a person you love.

Horse meat is a sign of desperation and extreme courage.

Eagle meat, if you dreamed of one, indicates great strength your character, which will help you withstand any life test, and even move mountains in business.

Eat quail meat in a dream - to useless expenses.

Seeing pork in a dream is a bad omen, beware of committing an evil act that is fraught with many complications and troubles for you.

Prepare jelly from pig's head portends an imminent departure and farewell to friends.

Human meat in a dream means well-being in old age.

To be in a dream in a butcher's shop or to see meat rows in the market is a sign of a bloody affair or a serious illness.

Seeing rotten meat is a nuisance in relations with superiors.

A butcher seen in a dream with a bloodied ax is a harbinger of trouble and damage.

A meat cutter in a store - to protracted lack of money and bereavement.

Interpretation of dreams from
