
Preparations for the future stew from a pig's head. pork head stew recipe

All lovers of tasty, satisfying and inexpensive food will like our stew. Everything about her is good. Both taste and appearance are very attractive, and it is quite inexpensive. You can make sandwiches from it, take it with you on a hiking trip, on a picnic, on the road. Prepare to be satisfied. All ingredients are given by eye.


  • pork - meat and lard of pork heads
  • salt - Coarse salt without additives.
  • seasoning - Dried herb seeds - cumin, dill, coriander
  • seasoning - pepper
  • onion - 1 piece
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons
  • bouillon cubes - 1 piece


  1. Wash the pig's head, dry it with a napkin, cut off all the meat, lard, skin.
  2. Cut everything into small pieces.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the pressure cooker so that the stew does not burn, put all the ingredients for stewing and put the pan on the fire, first on a small one, and then on a stronger one.
  4. When you are sure that your cooking process is stable, close the pressure cooker and reduce the heat to a minimum, just so that the cooking process goes on.
  5. After 2-2.5 hours, your stew will be ready.
  6. Arrange the stew in pre-prepared sterile jars and close with sterile lids. Roll up and place upside down to cool.
  7. Preparation time for ingredients is 1 hour.
  8. Cooking time for stew is 2.5 hours.

Rustic pork stew recipe with photo.

Description: A variant of real stew, for those who love not only meat. It takes a long time and it's delicious. As per GOST!

Ingredients for Pig's Head Stew Recipe:

  • Meat (Pig's head. I have no cheeks and tongue, 5 kg.) - 5 kg
  • Salt (And in principle to taste, and depending on the amount of water.) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • Allspice - 10 pcs
  • White pepper (Black ground) - 1 tsp.
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Water (Enough to cover the meat.)
  • Garlic - 4 tooth.

How to cook Pork Head Stew:

Our head. I apologize for the photo, I cleaned and cut half of it, then I remembered that I needed to take a picture! And so in the bazaar they chopped it into 4 parts for me. bring home and soak in warm water for 30 minutes.

We clean the skin, ears, rinse with clean water. mode as it will turn out to put everything more compactly in the pan. Don't forget to cut out the eyes. The process is not pleasant, but necessary! Put everything in a saucepan and add water to cover the meat. We put on fire, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes. drain together with the first water into a clean sink. Rinse with running water.

Place in a saucepan and fill with water. we clean the onion from the husk, leave the buttocks not cut off so that they do not fall apart during cooking. Put the onion in a saucepan and put it on fire. We believe 4 hours after boiling. an hour before the end of cooking, we take out the onion, put allspice, bay leaf, salt in the pan.

At the end of cooking, turn off the meat, take out the bones in a large bowl, filter the broth. let cool a little.

If you try a real stew, then fall in love with this dish once and for all. Unfortunately, almost the entire range of stew offered by stores does not even half correspond to the tenderness and magical taste that a real canned stew can boast of. Fortunately, you can easily cook it yourself, especially if the household has a slow cooker. Pork stew in a slow cooker always turns out so tender that it literally melts in your mouth, and in this article we will tell you how to cook it.

Let's start with perhaps the simplest recipe, which underlies all other methods of cooking pork stew in a slow cooker. You can change the taste of the dish at your discretion by adding certain ingredients, but even if you cook such a “regular” homemade pork stew in a slow cooker, you can win the hearts of even the most fastidious gourmets.

For cooking you will need:

  • boneless pork - 2 kg;
  • black pepper (peas) - 10-14 pcs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.

In the process of stewing, the meat loses a lot in volume, so from 2 kg of raw pork you get a little less than 1 kg of stew.

Cooking pork stew in a slow cooker is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. Rinse the meat in cold water and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Cut the pork into medium sized cubes. It is important that they are approximately the same, otherwise the smaller ones will cook faster than the larger ones, and the consistency of the stew will not be so tender.
  3. Remove the veins and films from the meat.
  4. Transfer the pork to the multicooker pot. Sunflower oil or fat should not be added, since pork is already fatty and will release enough moisture during heat treatment, so adding water can also be omitted.
  5. Set the "Extinguishing" program and set the timer to 5 hours.
  6. After the beep, sprinkle the meat with salt, black pepper and bay leaf. Mix the ingredients well so that the spices are evenly distributed, lower the lid and leave the pork stew in the slow cooker on the “Heating” so that it does not cool down.
  7. At this time, prepare sterile jars if you are going to store the stew for longer than 2-3 months. But usually such a tasty dish can only be stretched out for a week or two, and if this is just your case, then it is not necessary to sterilize the jars - you can just wash and dry them thoroughly.
  8. Arrange the pork stew in a slow cooker in jars, pour evenly with fragrant broth, without adding 2-3 cm to the neck of the jar. Without waiting for the jars to cool, close them with iron lids (also sterilized) and put in a warm place until completely cool.

Helpful Hint: After such a long stew, all parts of the multicooker will smell like pork. The aroma, of course, is pleasant, but it will interrupt the smell of other dishes that you will cook in the future. To neutralize it, pour a liter of cold water into the multicooker pan and dip half a lemon into it. Put on "Cooking" for 15 minutes. After such a procedure, the multicooker will completely get rid of any odors.

Fragrant pork stew in a slow cooker

If you are lucky enough to find inexpensive quality pork, or relatives from the village handed over a generous package after slaughtering a pig, be sure to cook the stew according to this recipe. By the way, it is suitable not only for pork, but also for any other meat and even chicken. You can also combine different types of meat, for example, pork and beef or chicken and turkey - it will also be very tasty.

To prepare a delicious fragrant pork stew in a slow cooker, you will need:

  • pork - 2 kg;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • marjoram - 1/3 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs;
  • a mixture of peppercorns - 1 tsp.
  1. Wash pork thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Cut the meat into small cubes of equal sizes and place them in a multi-cooker pan.
  3. Salt, add spices and herbs, mix well.
  4. Set the "Extinguishing" program, set the timer to 6 hours, lower the lid and go about your business. What makes this dish convenient is that practically nothing is required of you, and you can put the meat to stew overnight, and in the morning you will get a ready-made fragrant dish.
  5. Sterilize glass jars and lids.
  6. After the beep, change the program to “Steaming” and bring the pork stew in the slow cooker to a boil.
  7. Turn off the slow cooker and place the meat in jars.
  8. Pour in the remaining broth and roll up the lids.

You can store such pork stew in a slow cooker in the refrigerator or in the cellar. After cooling, it will harden, and the juice will turn into an elastic jelly. Even one tablespoon of this concentrated meat juice jelly is enough to give any meat broth a marvelous spicy aroma and richness.

Pork stew in a slow cooker with rosemary

Many people love stew, but they do not risk buying it in stores, since this undertaking is akin to walking through a minefield blindfolded. Neither eminent brands, nor high cost, nor the advice of friends can guarantee that you will come across high-quality stew made from real meat, and not offal and fat. Therefore, we propose not to create problems for yourself, but to cook pork stew in a slow cooker on your own, especially since it is not difficult at all!

To prepare a half liter jar of stew, you will need the following products:

  • boneless pork - 1.5 kg;
  • rosemary - 0.5 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • salt - to taste.

If you want to get more stew, increase the amount of raw meat and seasonings accordingly, bearing in mind that 1 kg of pork is doubled.

  1. Rinse the meat in cold water, dry and cut into equal cubes of small sizes.
  2. Put the meat in a slow cooker and put it on "Stew" for 7 hours. You do not need to add water, since the pork itself is fatty and juicy. If you add water, the broth will not turn into jelly when it cools and it will turn out not so concentrated and fragrant. By the way, the stewing time depends on the quality of the meat. If you come across tough pork, stew it for 7 hours, and if you are lucky enough to buy tender meat, 5-6 hours will be enough.
  3. Lower the lid of the multicooker and leave the meat to stew for 3-4 hours. Do not open the lid too often so as not to release the evaporating moisture (future fatty broth). If after the specified time all the broth has evaporated, add not hot water, otherwise the dish may burn. But most often this happens with beef, because, unlike pork, it has very little fat.
  4. An hour before cooking, add all the spices and herbs to the multicooker pan, mix, lower the lid and cook until the signal.
  5. Before transferring the pork stew in a slow cooker to a jar, check it for salt and add salt if necessary.

Properly cooked homemade stew should have a pleasant brownish tint. Put it in a jar, tamp it well and fill it with fatty broth.

Pork stew with onions in a slow cooker

If you are “lucky enough” to buy low-quality stew at least once in a store, you know that in a side dish or soup it spreads ugly with a greasy stain and, to put it mildly, does not improve the taste of the dish. Everything that reminds of stew in such a dinner is limited to aroma, but the greasy film and incomprehensible meat suggest unpleasant thoughts. This will never happen with homemade pork stew in a slow cooker, so it’s better not to play gastronomic “Russian roulette”, but immediately buy high-quality meat and stew it yourself.

What you need to cook pork stew in a slow cooker:

  • pork - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs;
  • allspice - 6 pcs;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Please note that this recipe uses water. It allows you to get more fragrant broth, albeit not as concentrated as in previous cases.

How to cook pork stew in a slow cooker:

  1. Rinse and dry the meat, cut it into small cubes with a side of about 3 cm.
  2. Transfer the pork to the multicooker pot.
  3. Peel the onion from the husk and chop coarsely, add to the meat.
  4. Season the pork with onions with spices, add spices and mix.
  5. Add the required amount of water to the pan and set the “Extinguishing” mode for 5 hours.

After the signal, the pork stew in the slow cooker can be served with a side dish on the table or put in a jar, pour hot broth and roll up the lid. If you are not going to store it for a long time, close the jar with a plastic lid and use it within a week.

Pork head stew in a slow cooker

Pork stew in a slow cooker can be made not only from boneless meat, but also from a pig's head. This recipe is for those who like to eat both meat and cartilage. The preparation is very simple, and the result will exceed all expectations. In addition, the cost of such a stew will turn out to be much lower than pure meat, so you will also save money.

Prepare the following foods:

  • pork head - 5 kg;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • allspice - 12 pcs;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • water;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion - 2 pcs.

The recipe is suitable for large multicookers with a capacious bowl of at least 5 liters. To make pork stew in a slow cooker as tasty and tender as possible, use only fresh meat, but by no means defrosted.

Step by step cooking pork stew in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash the pig's head, clean and cut into several pieces, soak in warm water for 40 minutes.
  2. Remove the skin, separate the ears and cut everything into smaller pieces to fit all the pieces in the slow cooker. If it does not fit, you can stretch the preparation by 2 times. Don't leave your eyes! They must be removed, otherwise the dish may be bitter.
  3. Pour water into the bowl to cover the meat.
  4. Set the “Cooking” mode, bring the water to a boil, leave to boil for 10 minutes, then drain the entire contents of the pan into a clean sink.
  5. Rinse all the pieces thoroughly under running water, transfer them back to the saucepan and cover with fresh water.
  6. Remove the skins from the onions, leaving the top and bottom of the onion uncut so it doesn't fall apart during the cooking process. Put the onions in a saucepan, set the "Extinguishing" mode for 4 hours.
  7. 1 hour before the end of the program, remove the onions, salt the contents of the multicooker, season with pepper and put the bay leaf.
  8. After the beep, remove the pork and place on a plate to cool.
  9. Strain the broth and let it cool down a bit.
  10. When the pork is not so hot, sort through it, separating the meat and cartilage from the bones and tendons. Set aside the parsley, then chop all the edible pieces with your hands.
  11. Peel the garlic and grate on a fine grater.
  12. Mix the stew with garlic, season with black ground pepper and add salt if necessary.
  13. Arrange the stew in sterilized jars, filling them not completely (leave about 3 cm to the neck). Tamp the meat and fill it with broth, not reaching 1 cm from the top.
  14. Wash the pot of the multicooker, put a clean waffle towel for the day and put the jars on it. Pour water into the pan so that it does not reach 1.5-2 cm to the neck of the cans, set the “Steaming” mode and boil for 30 minutes.
  15. Take out the jars and roll up with iron lids. By the way, the lids can be sterilized along with the jars.

Such a stew will be stored for quite a long time, unless, of course, there is enough endurance not to eat everything at once. The dish will perfectly complement any side dish, it will make fragrant gravies and hearty soups.

Pork stew in a slow cooker is good not only for its ease of preparation, but also for the fact that as a result, a large amount of fat is released from the meat, and the more fat, the longer the product can be stored. It can be used instead of sunflower oil for frying foods.

Helpful Hint: To prevent metal lids from rusting on the reverse side, grease them with stew fat before rolling.

Pork stew in a slow cooker: video

If you want to surprise your family with a very tasty and unusual meat dish, then pork head stew is exactly what you need!


Step-by-step recipe for cooking Pork head stew with photo

And the delicacy is prepared like this:

Video recipe Pork head stew

Rabbit stew

And you can also pamper your household with insanely tasty, juicy and tender rabbit stew!

So, in order to cook food according to this recipe, you will need:

rabbit carcasses - 5 pcs.;
internal fat of rabbits or lard - to taste;
salt, spices - to taste.

And the delicacy is prepared like this:

  1. Sterilize jars with lids.
  2. Wash the meat, separate it from the bone, put the fat in a separate container, just cut it into medium pieces.
  3. Put fat in each jar immediately, then bay leaf, peppercorns, cloves, and now put the meat.
  4. Pour salt into containers. Cover again on top of everything with fat.
  5. Cover the prepared containers with lids, lay them on the bottom of the tank, pour in water here, boil it. Put gently oppression on top of the container, stew the meat in this way for 5 hours. That's all, soon a very tasty and tender stew will be ready!

Enjoy your meal!

In our time, when you can buy everything in the store, not many people decide on cooking stew at homeX: you need to put a lot of effort and time, and a one-time purchase of meat will cost a lot. However, the opinion that cooking stew- this is hard work that does not pay off either materially or morally - erroneously. The classic recipe for homemade stew is simple and not too labor-intensive.

Firstly, as with any other preservation that you prepare yourself in the summer, in the case of stew, you know exactly what is included in its composition (and this is only high-quality meat, salt, spices and a little water, and no GMOs, soy, meat waste, etc.). And if you buy products in the village from the owners, then you are sure of the quality of the meat itself, which very few residents of megacities can boast of.

Secondly, such stew at a price is not more expensive than a store, but you eat it with pleasure, without fear for your health and the health of your household.

Third, cooking stew usually takes place in winter, when there is not so much other work, all conservation is already in the cellar.

The recipe for homemade stew gives the amount of products needed to prepare 18-20 half-liter cans of stew.


  • Fatty pork - 3-4 kg. You can buy a whole pork head to save. The average head weight is 9-10 kg. The cost today is 11-13 UAH. per kilogram.

So that the stew is not too oily, the cheek can be cooked separately. The method of preparation is like that of boiled pork. Ears can be used in the preparation of jelly. Cut off the rest of the meat and fat from the bone - it turns out just 3-4 kg.

  • beef - 3-4 kg.

Again, you can save money - buy undercooking, about 25-27 UAH. per kilogram. In the stew, the undercarriage goes great.

  • water - 1.5-2.5 l
  • salt - 2.5-3 tbsp.
  • spices: bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice - to taste.


Wash the meat and lard thoroughly, cut the meat into pieces of 2-3 cm, lard - 1 cm. Put everything in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add salt, bay leaf, spices.

Then we pour it into clean non-sterile jars (the most optimal jars are 0.5 l), cover with lids (but do not roll them up) and sterilize in boiling water for 15-20 minutes.


This is done as follows: put a towel on the bottom of a large wide pot (for several jars) with boiling water, put the jars filled and covered with lids on it so that they are “shoulder-deep” in the water, and sterilize over low heat. After sterilization, we take it out with special tongs (or a towel - so as not to get burned), roll it up and put it on a slow cooling under the covers. All.

If you calculate, the cost of one half-liter can of home-cooked stew will be a little over 11 UAH. ($1.4) Take a look at how much this "strategic product" costs in the supermarket - you will be pleasantly surprised.

This recipe is a real “lifeline” in case you don’t have the opportunity or desire to cook - just boil porridge, add your homemade stew and a delicious dinner of natural meat without harmful additives and E-shek is ready.

Ksenia Poddubnaya

Pork stew at home is an excellent basis for cooking other dishes. It can be used for rich soups, stewed with potatoes and other cereals, or just a snack with black bread. The correct method of canning will allow you to store the stew for a long time.

In order to cook pork stew, it is not at all necessary to own special technologies. Canned meat can be cooked at home, right in the pan. You can store this preparation at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

  1. For stew you need 1 kg of pork. We cut the meat into small pieces, if there is fat, then you can leave it, so the stew will turn out more satisfying. Sprinkle the meat pieces with salt and pepper.
  2. Now let's take three jars of 500 ml each, put two bay leaves and five black peppercorns in each. Banks can not be subjected to heat treatment, as in the process of preparation they themselves will be sterilized.
  3. We mix the meat with two tablespoons of gelatin, but if you do not like stew with jelly, then you can not add the ingredient.
  4. We lay out the pork in jars, leaving a little free space on top. Pour in water, stir to distribute the liquid between the meat pieces. Cover with lids and lower into a saucepan, pour water and put on fire. Stew the meat over low heat for 4 hours, do not forget to add water.
  5. Salo (150 g) cut into small pieces and melt in a pan, cool and pour into a separate bowl.
  6. After 4 hours, we take out the jars, pour the melted lard. If you do not plan to store preservation for a long time, you can do without it.
  7. We twist the banks, turn them over for a few seconds, and then return them to their original position. At the top there should be a rim of lard, and at the bottom - meat juice. We wrap the jars of stew, after cooling we put it in storage.

A slow cooker will allow you to cook delicious homemade stew, but if the device also supports pressure cooker functions, the process will be not only easy, but also fast. Pork stew in a slow cooker in taste and aroma is no different from stew cooked in a different way.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare the stew, you will need 3 kg of pork, which we wash and dry well. The less water gets into the slow cooker, the tastier the braised pork will turn out.
  2. We cut the meat into pieces, put it in a bowl, set the “Extinguishing” mode for 5 hours.
  3. After the beep, add spices, bay leaf to the meat, mix and leave to languish in the "Heating" mode.
  4. We prepare jars for conservation, if you are not going to store the stew for more than three months, then they can not be sterilized.
  5. Arrange the stewed pork in jars, pour the broth, but not to the very neck, leave 2 cm. Roll up the lids and put in a warm place until completely cooled.

Perhaps each of us has already forgotten the real taste of stew, because what we see on store shelves is quite difficult to call meat. Therefore, stewed pork is better to cook at home. This is the only way to get a quality product. And now we will tell you how to cook a hearty stew in the oven.


  • 1.5 kg of pork shoulder;
  • 1 kg of pork ham;
  • 500 g pork flank:
  • three tablespoons of rock salt;
  • allspice;
  • peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the prepared pork (ham and shoulder) into large pieces, put in a deep container, sprinkle with salt, ground black pepper, mix and leave to marinate for an hour.
  2. We take 6 jars of 500 ml, in each we put a bay leaf, allspice and five peas of black pepper.
  3. We lay out the meat in jars, put a piece of fatty flank on top, close the lids, but not tightly.
  4. Pour rock salt onto a baking sheet and set the jars so that they stand exactly on the salt and do not come into contact with the iron pan.
  5. We send jars of meat to the oven on the lowest tier, turn on the temperature of 200 degrees. As soon as the juice appears, reduce the heat to 140 degrees and cook for 4 hours.
  6. After the time has elapsed, we take out the jars, tightly twist them, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool completely. We store the finished preservation in a dark place.

Homemade pork stew in an autoclave

An autoclave is a home installation, thanks to which you can prepare a delicious dish in a short period of time. So the preparation of the stew will take no more than 2 hours and you do not have to lay out hot meat in jars.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare clean and dry half-liter jars for preservation.
  2. In each, put a bay leaf, three peas of allspice and black pepper.
  3. Mix the chopped large pieces of pork with salt and pepper, leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Arrange the meat in jars and close them tightly with lids.
  5. Now place the jars in the autoclave, and pour enough water so that they are completely in the water.
  6. Close the lid, set the temperature to 130°C and the pressure to 2 bar. After 20 minutes, increase the temperature to 150 ° C and cook in a home autoclave, most importantly, make sure that the pressure does not exceed 4 bar.
  7. A day later, homemade pork stew in the autoclave will be ready.

Cooking in a pressure cooker

Using a pressure cooker, you can cook delicious homemade stew. It turns out very tender preservation of pork with the addition of chicken pieces. Many housewives prefer to leave the pressure cooker with the pork cooking in it overnight in order to enjoy the delicious taste and unusual aroma of the cooked dish in the morning.


  • 2 kg of fresh pork;
  • 1 kg of chicken thigh meat;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut pork and chicken meat into pieces, put in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, pepper and mix.
  2. In sterilized jars of half a liter, put a bay leaf and a couple of peas of allspice.
  3. We fill the jars with meat to the bottom edge of the neck and tightly close the lids.
  4. We put it in a pressure cooker, pour water up to the neck, close it, install the valve and turn on the stove. As soon as the valve works, reduce the heat and simmer the meat for 2 hours.
  5. After two hours, turn off the stove, but do not open the pressure cooker until it has completely cooled down. Homemade pork stew is ready.

Pork head stew at home

From the pig's head, you can cook fragrant and tasty homemade stew. To reduce the cooking time, ask the seller to cut the head into several pieces.


  • pork head weighing 8-10 kg;
  • two onions;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the pieces of pork head with water and leave for 20 minutes. Then we remove the eye sockets and clean the skin with a scraper.
  2. We put the pork in a deep saucepan, pour clean water, bring to a boil and drain the first broth. Then again pour clean water, add the peeled onions and cook the meat over low heat for 4 hours.
  3. We disassemble the finished pork, remove the bones, skin and veins. We lay out in jars and pour the strained broth over the shoulders of the jar. We twist the lids and store in a dark place.

Winter pork harvest

  1. Good meat with a layer of fat is suitable for harvesting pork for the winter. Rinse the pork in cold salted water, then, depending on the size of the jar, cut into pieces.
  2. Here you can use two methods of harvesting. So you can put a large piece of meat in jars, and smaller pieces on top. Or cut the pork into small pieces, for example, 3x3 cm in size. You do not need to salt and pepper the meat, as we will prepare the brine.
  3. To prepare the brine, you need a liter of cold water and 15 g of salt. The salt in the water should be completely dissolved and only then pour the meat. Instead of a saline solution, you can use a broth made from cartilage and bones. In cooled jars, the broth will turn into jelly, which will make the meat juicy and allow it to retain all the beneficial vitamins and nutrients.
  4. The filled jars are tightly twisted and placed in a pot of water. The water heating temperature should not exceed 100 ° C, and the preparation of the stew will depend on the volume and material of the cans, from 2.5 to 4 hours.

By the way, homemade stew can be prepared from minced pork. This will turn out an exquisite delicacy that can simply be smeared on bread or used as a filling for pies.

In our time, when you can buy everything in the store, not many people decide on cooking stew at homeX: you need to put a lot of effort and time, and a one-time purchase of meat will cost a lot. However, the opinion that cooking stew- this is hard work that does not pay off either materially or morally - erroneously. The classic recipe for homemade stew is simple and not too labor-intensive.

Firstly, as with any other preservation that you prepare yourself in the summer, in the case of stew, you know exactly what is included in its composition (and this is only high-quality meat, salt, spices and a little water, and no GMOs, soy, meat waste, etc.). And if you buy products in the village from the owners, then you are sure of the quality of the meat itself, which very few residents of megacities can boast of.

Secondly, such stew at a price is not more expensive than a store, but you eat it with pleasure, without fear for your health and the health of your household.

Third, cooking stew usually takes place in winter, when there is not so much other work, all conservation is already in the cellar.

The recipe for homemade stew gives the amount of products needed to prepare 18-20 half-liter cans of stew.


  • Fatty pork - 3-4 kg. You can buy a whole pork head to save. The average head weight is 9-10 kg. The cost today is 11-13 UAH. per kilogram.

So that the stew is not too oily, the cheek can be cooked separately. The method of preparation is like that of boiled pork. Ears can be used in the preparation of jelly. Cut off the rest of the meat and fat from the bone - it turns out just 3-4 kg.

  • beef - 3-4 kg.

Again, you can save money - buy undercooking, about 25-27 UAH. per kilogram. In the stew, the undercarriage goes great.

  • water - 1.5-2.5 l
  • salt - 2.5-3 tbsp.
  • spices: bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice - to taste.


Wash the meat and lard thoroughly, cut the meat into pieces of 2-3 cm, lard - 1 cm. Put everything in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add salt, bay leaf, spices.

Then we pour it into clean non-sterile jars (the most optimal jars are 0.5 l), cover with lids (but do not roll them up) and sterilize in boiling water for 15-20 minutes.


This is done as follows: put a towel on the bottom of a large wide pot (for several jars) with boiling water, put the jars filled and covered with lids on it so that they are “shoulder-deep” in the water, and sterilize over low heat. After sterilization, we take it out with special tongs (or with a towel - so as not to get burned), roll it up and put it on a slow cooling under the covers. All.

If you calculate, the cost of one half-liter can of home-cooked stew will be a little over 11 UAH. ($1.4) Take a look at how much this "strategic product" costs in the supermarket - you will be pleasantly surprised.

This recipe is a real “lifeline” in case you don’t have the opportunity or desire to cook – just boil porridge, add your homemade stew and a delicious lunch of natural meat without harmful additives and E-shek is ready.

Ksenia Poddubnaya

A lot of dishes can be prepared from a pig's head: brawn, and of course delicious stew. Budget, but very tasty pork head stew. Easy to prepare at home. We will prepare this homemade preparation, and a step-by-step recipe with a photo and a multicooker assistant will help us with this.

Pork head stew at home in a slow cooker

This dish, or rather home-made preparation, will take a lot of time, but it's worth it! By opening a jar of this meat, you can cook a second dish quickly and tasty. Pork stew perfectly complements potatoes, any, pasta or rice, as well as saves you time on cooking. According to this recipe, the stew gets almost like according to GOST.

Products for cooking:

Pork head - 5 kilograms

Salt to taste

Bay leaf - 5 pieces

Allspice peas - 5 pieces

Onion - 2 heads


If you buy a pig's head at the market from people you don't know, be sure to check that the pig is not a knur (not a neutered boar). Otherwise, the smell and taste of the stew will be irrevocably spoiled. You can check with a lighter, warm up a piece of meat and sniff, if there is an unpleasant smell, you should not take your head.

about 5-7 half-liter jars come out of one head. The output depends on the size of the head itself.

1. Wash the pig's head, scrape off the dirt. Pour cold water for about five hours, so that the blood comes out. The tongue can be removed, you can say that it is a delicacy and use it for cooking

2. After this time, drain the dirty water and rinse the head thoroughly again. Cut out the eyes (yes, not nice, but it must be done). Then cut it into pieces, put in a pan. Take water and put on the stove. When the meat boils, the first water must be drained. Wash the meat. Pour clean water again, adding peeled onions. Put to cook on low heat for four hours.

3. When the water boils, remove the foam and salt.

4. After three hours of cooking, add spices (bay leaf and pepper). After 4 hours, remove the head and leave to cool. In the meantime, wash with soda and sterilize the jars in the microwave, pouring a little water into them for 15 minutes. Cover the lids with boiling water. It is best to make stew in half-liter jars.

5. Disassemble the cooled meat and onions into pieces. Gently sort the meat, separate from the bones, chop the fat and fat. Arrange in jars along with spices, pour in the broth, which is pre-strained and cover with lids. If you like garlic, you can chop it in a garlic maker and add a little to each jar for flavor. Important: put the meat in jars not to the very top, leave about 1.5 -2 cm.

6. Put a handkerchief on the bottom of the slow cooker, set the jars, pour water up to the shoulders of the jars. Close the lid and set the multi-cook program for 30 minutes.

7. At the end of the program, seal the jars and leave to cool. Once cooled put in the fridge. Let stand at least a day and you can try. Pork head stew is ready!

Bon appetit!

Everyone who has ever gone hiking knows that the main food of a tourist is stew. With its help, you can cook both a rich soup and a hearty second course, and if there is no way to make a fire, then you can use it cold. It is very convenient to prepare such canned food for the winter even if there is no access to a stove and a refrigerator, since they can be stored in any cabinet or box, and heated both in a conventional microwave oven and over an open fire. Unfortunately, today it is quite difficult to find high-quality stew on store shelves, and if this happens, then the price for such a product is too high.

It is much more profitable to cook it yourself, all the more so in this case it is easier to control the quality of the product and the technology of its preservation.


Stew is a dish made from meat or poultry that has been stewed over low heat for a long time. Most often, such a dish is preserved in sterilized jars and stored for a long time, however, it can also be consumed fresh. Stew can be prepared from pork, beef, chicken, rabbit and other types of meat, as well as from a mixture of several types or with the addition of various cereals. Such a product is already ready and is added during the cooking process at the very end, in order to only warm up, and not boil or fry.

At large industrial enterprises, stew is most often packed in tin containers, which have become one of the symbols of the Soviet era. Often such goods can be found as part of military rations or from participants in various expeditionary or tourist trips. At home, the stew is packed in glass jars with tin lids and is often used as a semi-finished product when you need to cook something very satisfying, but there is not enough time to fully stew fresh meat.

The step-by-step process of preparing a semi-finished stew is quite time-consuming and requires exact observance of proportions and time, however, the result in the form of several cans with an almost ready dinner or lunch is worth it.

Product selection

Most often, homemade stew is cooked from pork, namely from the pig's head. This is due to the fact that pork is more fatty and nutritious than chicken or turkey, while being cheaper than beef or veal. In addition, a pork head is one of the cheapest parts of a whole carcass that you can buy. And the jelly-forming components that are contained in its bones will turn the fat frozen in the jar into a kind of jelly. This will allow the product to last longer in a closed jar, sheltered from direct sunlight.

It is best to buy a pig's head from farmers or large livestock farms. Direct purchase guarantees the freshness of chilled products and the absence of numerous frosts and thaws. When buying, you should pay attention to the color of the meat, it should be white-pink on the cut and without dark spots. When pressing on the edge, the pulp should release 1-2 drops of liquid, but no more.

Fresh meat smells almost nothing, but if the pig's head on the counter has a bright or unpleasant aroma, it is better to refuse to buy such a product.


One of the simplest and most commonly used homemade stew recipes involves boiling a large amount of product from a large pork head with the tongue, cheeks, ears and snout cut off at once. If a large pot is available that will fit a large head, then it is boiled whole. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg of pork head;
  • 2 large heads of onions;
  • 5-6 garlic cloves;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

If smaller dishes are used, then when buying, you can ask the seller to cut your head into several parts or do it yourself at home.

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the meat and soak it for 30-40 minutes in warm, but not hot water. After that, thoroughly rinse the pieces of the pig's head again and cut out all the extra parts from it, if any (eyes, brain, tongue, ears, patch). Pieces of meat with bones are placed in a large saucepan and poured with cool water so that it covers the product by 2–3 cm. Medium heat is set on the stove, the liquid is brought to a boil and the meat is cooked for about 8-10 minutes. After that, the boiling water is drained, the meat is poured with fresh cool water and returned to the stove.

Peeled, but not cut into pieces, onions are added to the broth and the meat is cooked under a closed lid for at least 3.5–4 hours. An hour before the dish is ready, you need to add bay leaf, peppercorns and other spices. Cooked and slightly cooled pieces of the pig's head are disassembled into pulp, bones and skin, and all edible pieces are laid out in a separate bowl. Chopped or crushed garlic is added to them. The mixture is laid out in clean sterilized jars and poured with the remaining broth, filtered through gauze or a fine sieve. The container is filled to the brim and twisted with tin lids, after cooling, the jars are put away in the pantry or in the refrigerator.

In a slow cooker

In order to speed up the cooking process or to exclude from it the constant presence and control of the cook, you can use various kitchen appliances, for example, a slow cooker. You will need a large kitchen helper with a bowl that can hold a volume of 5 liters or more. For cooking, you will need a set of ingredients similar to the previous one, while it is best to add a certain amount of pork pulp to the pork head - this will speed up the cooking process even more and at the same time make the finished dish more nutritious.

  • 4 kg of pork head;
  • 1 kg of pork pulp;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

As in the classic pork stew recipe, the meat is soaked for 30–40 minutes, after which it is washed and cut into smaller pieces. Unlike a conventional pan, it is better not to put meat with a skin in a slow cooker, so it will need to be removed before cooking. Sliced ​​​​pieces of the head and pulp are laid out in the multicooker bowl and water is poured in such a way that it covers the entire contents of the bowl completely.

To begin with, the pork must be boiled, for this the “cooking” mode and a timer for 10 minutes are set. The first boiling water will have to be drained and new water drawn into the bowl, and the pieces of meat again thoroughly rinsed with running water. The second time, you can add peeled onions to the meat and set the “stewing” mode on the machine for 3 hours. At this time, you can do other things, since the multicooker does not require constant presence and control. After the timer has worked, you need to add spices to the broth, and set the “stewing” mode for another 1 hour. Upon reaching readiness, the dish is also mixed with garlic, packed in jars and poured with strained broth.

in an autoclave

An autoclave is a special kitchen apparatus in which food is cooked at a pressure several times higher than atmospheric pressure. Because of this, the process is much faster, and the yield of the finished product increases. The main difference between the cooking technology in an autoclave is that the raw product is laid out in containers, and the container is already placed in this kitchen unit. This allows you to use clean jars without pre-sterilization, as it will occur directly at the time of preparation.
