
If you have learned do not be offended. If you have learned not to be offended, it means that you have learned to look into the heart of another


What was Leonardo Da Vinci's last name?

How did mosquitoes kill 52,000,000,000 people?

Autobahn is not what everyone thinks

The autobahn was originally not a high-speed route, the “Autobahn” is the name of the entire German federal highway system (German: Bundesautobahn) with a length of 13,000 km. Approximately 25–30% of the Autobahn's motorways (about 3,500 km) do not have speed limits. But there are strict prohibitions on all types of actions that distract the driver from driving: talking on a mobile phone, eating while driving, etc. - and the fines for violating these prohibitions are very substantial.

Why is the diet incompatible with alcohol?

Alcoholic drinks prevent you from losing weight. The point is not so much that alcohol increases appetite and lowers self-control (and it is), but that the brain, having detected the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood, stops metabolism, including the process of converting fat into glucose, and concentrates on how to remove alcohol and its toxic derivatives from the body as soon as possible.

What Russian surnames are considered amulets?

Dissonant surnames that characterize a person from a negative or funny side, such as Durakov, Zlobin, Bezobrazov, Nezhdanov, Nevzorov, etc., are amulets. It was customary in Rus' to give such surnames to children in order to deceive evil spirits. It was also assumed that the surname would protect against the "evil eye" and would have the opposite effect: Bezobrazov would grow up handsome, Durakov - smart, etc.

Why was Isabella wine banned?

In the US and the EU, the production and sale of wine from Isabella grapes and similar varieties is prohibited. In the process of making wine, during the fermentation of Isabella, poisonous methyl alcohol is formed, and in an unacceptably high concentration. Methyl is dangerous for the kidneys and liver, as well as the optic nerve - the use of this alcohol leads to blindness. Alcohol poisoning can be fatal.

What is real tequila?

According to Mexican state law, only a drink containing at least 51% liqueur made from the nectar of a plant called "blue agave" can be called tequila. When businessmen from South Africa began to produce their own “tequila” from an agave-like plant in the early 2000s, Mexican diplomats made it clear that such a business could negatively affect relations between countries, and the South Africans were forced to give in to such powerful pressure and rename their drink. in Agave.

5 Relatively Good Dictators Who Benefited Their Country

Why is whiskey brown?

Most whiskey varieties do not initially have a noble reddish-brown hue, which, like amber, is admired by connoisseurs of this drink. A fully prepared drink is transparent, like vodka or moonshine. The color is added at the end of production by heating the oak barrels to form a "red layer" on the inside of the wood, thanks to the wood sugar and caramelized tannins. These substances are absorbed by the whiskey and give it a hint of oak.

Dream motif

If you have comprehended the art of enjoying every moment, then you have learned a lot.

Even if you fit - it does not mean that you are in the right place.

To love is not to look at each other, but to look together in the same direction.

If you delay making a decision, then you have already decided to leave everything as it was.

Once you've learned how to save, learn how to earn.

To be offended or not to be offended is your conscious choice. When you are offended, this does not mean that you should be offended. These are different things.

If you argue with a fool, then there are already two fools.

No relationship can reach a level where there will be no problems. If you see a relationship in which there are no problems, this means that the relationship is no more.

Nothing happens in vain. If you have done something, it means that at that particular moment of your life, at that particular stage of your development, there was a sense in this act. And if it seems to you that you could have acted differently, know that you could not.

Learn not to be offended. It's very difficult, but so useful!

Free your soul from insults... and you won't notice how the soul will take off!

In the east there lived a sage who taught his disciples this way:

“People offend in three ways. They may say that you are stupid, they may call you a slave, they may call you mediocre. If this happened to you, remember a simple truth: only a fool will call another a fool, only a slave is looking for a slave in another, only mediocrity justifies what he does not understand himself, with someone else's madness. Therefore, never be offended by anyone, and do not insult yourself.

Start simple: wish all the best to the people who hurt you once.

No need to carry around stupid suitcases of grievances.

If only because if the hands are occupied with something bad, then it is impossible to take something good from them.

No one is interested in hurting you, no one is waiting for an opportunity to hurt you, everyone is busy guarding their own wound.


The inner world does not tolerate a mess. Take a "broom" and get out in the shower. It's time to finally sweep away all the grievances and sorrows that have accumulated there, losses and disappointments. It's time to finally make room for something truly new, bright, clean and beautiful.

You don't forgive others to heal them. You forgive others to heal yourself.

Chuck Hilling

A happy woman cannot be offended...

You can only make her laugh!

If you have learned not to be offended, it means that you have learned to look into the heart of another.

Defiant behavior towards you is not a personal insult to you, it is a measure of a person's suffering. This is how he shows you how much he hurts and how much compassion he needs.

People offend in three ways.

They may say that you are stupid, they may call you a slave, they may call you mediocre. If this happened to you, remember a simple truth: only a fool will call another a fool, only a slave is looking for a slave in another, only mediocrity justifies what he does not understand himself with someone else's madness. Therefore, never be offended by anyone, and do not insult yourself, so as not to be considered stupid mediocre slaves.

Happy people cannot be evil. Only those who are unhappy themselves try to offend others. Your offender did not try to offend you. He was only projecting onto you what was the real purpose of his aggression. (Anthony de Mello)

The more resentment, the more I lose strength.

Resentment is the problem of the one who is offended. This means that it was you who did not have enough mental strength for this person, it was you who could not cope with yourself.

If you are full of strength, energy, if you feel good simply because it is spring outside, and you feel strength and power in yourself - is a person in such a state capable of being offended by someone? When we are full of energy, resentment passes us by. If we are offended, it means that there is already an outflow of energy somewhere, which means that you have not tracked your condition somewhere and have not taken measures to bring yourself back to normal. So what about other people?

Why are you offended that no one thought of you and did not wash the dishes on your birthday? Why didn't you warn about it yourself, didn't you say? Why are you silently, angrily gritting your teeth, doing something, instead of asking someone to help you? Why do you build dramatic images and feel sorry for yourself to tears? Why? Maybe you want to torture yourself?

Any of our resentment is connected with our self-esteem, in other words, with our ego. That is, we are offended that they underestimated us, did not foresee our desires, did not think about us in the first place.

(quotes from the article "Adult children of resentment" - Maria Petrochenko - Wheel of Life June 2013)

When the same people are around you, it somehow turns out by itself that they enter your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you do not become the way they want to see you, they are offended. After all, everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. For some reason, no one can manage their own life.

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

Do not litter your memory with insults, otherwise there may simply not be room for wonderful moments!

Blaming others is such a small trick to use whenever you don't want to take responsibility for what happens in your life. Use it - and you are guaranteed a life without risk and a slowdown in your own development.

Resentment provides two important benefits that are not easy for people to give up. The first is in condemnation, and the second is in a sense of one's own rightness.

Most people get angry because of grievances that they themselves have made up, giving deep meaning to trifles.

No one is able to offend you without your consent.

I still don't understand why people stay angry at each other for a long time. Life is already unforgivably short, it’s impossible to really do anything, there is so little time that, one might say, it doesn’t exist at all, even if you don’t spend it on all sorts of stupid things like quarrels.
Max Fry

No matter for what reason you were insulted, it is best not to pay attention to the insult - after all, stupidity is rarely worthy of indignation, and anger is best punished with neglect.
Samuel Johnson

If a donkey kicks you, don't kick him back.Plutarch

Resentment is actually a way of leaving and protecting one's own "I". (Rollo May - The Art of Psychological Counseling)

Learn not to be offended. It's very difficult, but so useful!

Free your soul from insults... and you won't notice how the soul will take off!)

In the east there lived a sage who taught his disciples this way:
“People offend in three ways. They may say that you are stupid, they may call you a slave, they may call you mediocre. If this happened to you, remember a simple truth: only a fool will call another a fool, only a slave is looking for a slave in another, only mediocrity justifies what he does not understand himself, with someone else's madness. Therefore, never be offended by anyone, and do not insult yourself.

Start simple: wish all the best to the people who hurt you once.

No need to carry around stupid suitcases of grievances. If only because if the hands are occupied with something bad, then it is impossible to take something good from them.

The wiser a person becomes
the less he finds reasons for resentment.

No one can hurt me if I don't allow it myself.

Mahatma Gandhi ---

You should not be offended by the person who offended you - in his soul he is offended more.

No one is interested in hurting you, no one is waiting for an opportunity to hurt you, everyone is busy guarding their own wound.

The inner world does not tolerate a mess. Take a "broom" and get out in the shower. It's time to finally sweep away all the grievances and sorrows that have accumulated there, losses and disappointments. It's time to finally make room for something truly new, bright, clean and beautiful.

You don't forgive others to heal them. You forgive others to heal yourself. Chuck Hilling

A happy woman cannot be offended...
You can only make her laugh!

If you have learned not to be offended, it means that you have learned to look into the heart of another.

Defiant behavior towards you is not a personal insult to you, it is a measure of a person's suffering. This is how he shows you how much he hurts and how much compassion he needs.

People offend in three ways.

They may say that you are stupid, they may call you a slave, they may call you mediocre. If this happened to you, remember a simple truth: only a fool will call another a fool, only a slave is looking for a slave in another, only mediocrity justifies what he does not understand himself with someone else's madness. Therefore, never be offended by anyone, and do not insult yourself, so as not to be considered stupid mediocre slaves.

Happy people cannot be evil. Only those who are unhappy themselves try to offend others. Your offender did not try to offend you. He was only projecting onto you what was the real purpose of his aggression. (Anthony de Mello)

The more resentment, the more I lose strength.

Resentment is the problem of the one who is offended. This means that it was you who did not have enough mental strength for this person, it was you who could not cope with yourself.

If you are full of strength, energy, if you feel good simply because it is spring outside, and you feel strength and power in yourself - is a person in such a state capable of being offended by someone? When we are full of energy, resentment passes us by. If we are offended, it means that there is already an outflow of energy somewhere, which means that you have not tracked your condition somewhere and have not taken measures to bring yourself back to normal. So what about other people?

Why are you offended that no one thought of you and did not wash the dishes on your birthday? Why didn't you warn about it yourself, didn't you say? Why are you silently, angrily gritting your teeth, doing something, instead of asking someone to help you? Why do you build dramatic images and feel sorry for yourself to tears? Why? Maybe you want to torture yourself?

Any of our resentment is connected with our self-esteem, in other words, with our ego. That is, we are offended that they underestimated us, did not foresee our desires, did not think about us in the first place.

(quotes from the article "Adult children of resentment" - Maria Petrochenko - Wheel of Life June 2013)

When the same people are around you, it somehow turns out by itself that they enter your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you do not become the way they want to see you, they are offended. After all, everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. For some reason, no one can manage their own life.

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"
Most people get angry because of grievances that they themselves have made up, giving deep meaning to trifles.

No one is able to offend you without your consent.

I still don't understand why people stay angry at each other for a long time. Life is already unforgivably short, it’s impossible to really do anything, there is so little time that, one might say, it doesn’t exist at all, even if you don’t spend it on all sorts of stupid things like quarrels.
Max Fry

No matter for what reason you were insulted, it is best not to pay attention to the insult - after all, stupidity is rarely worthy of indignation, and anger is best punished with neglect.
Samuel Johnson

If a donkey kicks you, don't kick him back. Plutarch

Resentment is actually a way of leaving and protecting one's own "I". (Rollo May - The Art of Psychological Counseling)
