
Salted pink salmon for salmon: a recipe with a photo. How to pickle pink salmon for salmon at home without any hassle

Salted pink salmon is a very common, inexpensive and healthy product. It contains almost all vitamins and useful elements: vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, vitamin B12, sodium, calcium, fluorine, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acid omega- 3. Experts recommend regularly eating pink salmon meat.

Salted pink salmon is especially good, since during cooking a significant part of the nutrients (like all red fish) disappears. Therefore, many people prefer low-salted pink salmon - both industrial salting and homemade.

When buying salted pink salmon in a store, there is a possibility of using dangerous E additives (see), the interaction of which leads to the formation of the strongest preservative poison - formaldehyde, however, these additives are more often found in industrially salted herring, but do not at all exclude the use in the preparation of others fish species. In this connection it is better to buy the fish yourself and salt it at home.

In the title of the article, I mention salmon. It is not easy to multiply the properties of a given recipe. I stopped buying salmon and trout altogether and now I am content with only pink salmon or coho salmon. The fact is that the expensive types of fish of the salmon family (trout and salmon) sold today are quite a dangerous product, although their taste qualities significantly exceed those of dryish pink salmon.

Salmon and trout are mainly supplied to store shelves from special salmon farms (they are also called cage salmon, which is different from salmon). It is difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish wild salmon from farm-raised fish.

In Norway, China and Vietnam, growing salmon in a cage or on a farm is extremely common - this is a big serious business. And where there is business, the interests and health of consumers, as a rule, do not matter much. Maximizing profit is the main goal.

The fats of such fish are obtained from artificial feed, its flesh is sugary in taste, sprawling. This is not surprising - after all, the fish in the cage does not move much, does not fight for survival, therefore its muscle mass is weak and even the fins are almost atrophied as unnecessary.

Artificial feeds radically change the composition of caged salmon. They add synthetic vitamins and pigments to give fish meat a red color and antibiotics so that the fish does not get sick. Supplements that make fish grow quickly also lead to weight gain in the person who consumes it.

The dye canthaxanthin, which is added to food, is already banned in Europe and the US due to its accumulation in the retina and a serious disease that leads to visual impairment. If canthaxanthin got into the retina from the skin, then from the stomach it also has the ability to get to the retina. Dangerous Canthaxanthin used in fish farms, as it is half the price of the natural astaxanthin pigment.

In 2006, there was a temporary ban on the sale of Norwegian farmed salmon in Russia due to the discovery of high levels of toxic heavy metals in it.

I don’t want to spend a lot of money on the purchase of such a “useful” fish, risking harm to my body, and I decided to buy native pink salmon instead of salmon, which, due to its availability, abundance and low cost, is caught in the Far East from its native oceanic expanses, and is not grown artificially on farms.

Let's finally start salting pink salmon.

How to salt pink salmon

Ingredients :

  • frozen salmon
  • salt
  • water
  • vegetable oil optional


1. Before salting, we separate the fish fillet from the bones.

For salting and not only it is better to take a whole fish: it is not subjected to any pre-treatment and is sold completely in the form in which it was caught. If you buy fillets, they usually soak in phosphates and become more porous and absorb water, which leads to weight gain.

Frozen pink salmon is taken in order to defrost it a little, remove the skin from the fish. This is done quite easily: you just need to cut off the head and slightly pick up the skin in the place of the “cut” - it is removed with a “stocking” from the frozen carcass.

In the same frozen state, the bones and the spine are also easily and conveniently separated.

3. Prepare a solution for salting pink salmon. In 1 liter of cooled boiled water we put 4-5 tbsp. coarse table salt (I advise you to always use only this salt - see) and stir it well until completely dissolved.

We put the pink salmon fillet in the solution and leave for a period of 15 to 30 minutes. The time it takes for the salmon to soak in the brine depends on your taste. I love lightly salted fish and 20 minutes is enough for me, but my daughter likes slightly more salted fish, aged for 30 minutes. Although the difference in the degree of salinity is not large.

4. After laying the fillet on a paper towel or napkins, let the solution soak a little and then put the salted pink salmon in a jar or container, adding a small amount of vegetable oil between the layers.

Pink salmon is not very expensive, but very useful fish in all respects. Pink salmon meat contains a whole complex of trace elements that have a beneficial effect on human health. These include iodine, fluorine, calcium, sulfur and other elements that improve the functioning of the digestive system, the brain, as well as the heart and blood vessels. If the fish is cooked incorrectly, then most of the components will simply disappear. Most of the nutrients remain if pink salmon is not subjected to heat treatment. In this regard, the most suitable option for its preparation is salting.

Nowadays, most housewives do this on their own, since it is not particularly necessary to rely on a purchased quality product. Very often people speak out on the subject of low-quality pink salmon purchased in stores. Basically, this is an expired fish product that can seriously affect human health.

Pink salmon meat is suitable for use in various dishes: it can be boiled into soup, it can be salted, grilled, added to salads or eaten raw. Sliced ​​red fish is always one of the components of the festive table. As a rule, the presence of red fish on the table indicates the level of well-being of the family and its excellent taste.

The recipe for this preparation is very simple and any housewife can master it. This recipe does not involve the use of sugar, therefore, in a very short time, lean pink salmon turns into a dish that can be eaten.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg salmon fillet.
  • 1.3 liters of boiled water.
  • 5 tablespoons of salt.
  • Black peppercorns.

First you need to cut the fillet into suitable pieces. Then proceed to the preparation of the brine. To do this, take already cooled, but boiled water and dissolve the salt in it, stirring the composition regularly. After that, pieces of fish are placed in this brine for about 10 minutes. After this time, the fish pieces are removed from the brine and dried with a paper towel.

At the next stage, these same pieces of pink salmon are neatly stacked in layers in a suitable dish. At the same time, each layer is watered with vegetable oil. The final stage is placing the fish in the refrigerator for about half an hour. After this time, pink salmon so salted can be served at the table, along with herbs, onions and lemon.

Why not salmon, but pink salmon?

Naturally, salmon, if cooked in this way and served at the festive table, will cause a stir, since it is tastier than pink salmon. But there is one "but" that must always be taken into account. The thing is that salmon, like a very tasty fish, is grown artificially in some Western countries, using genetically modified chemical compounds. In addition to the fact that salmon is much more expensive than pink salmon, it can be dangerous to human health.

As for pink salmon, few people grow it artificially. Therefore, it is almost impossible to buy artificial pink salmon. If pink salmon is available for sale, then it is most likely a fish caught in the vastness of the ocean, and not on some farm located in one of the countries of America.

How to prepare fish for salting?

It is very important to properly prepare the fish for the salting process. It is better, of course, if it is fresh fish, but it can only be purchased in those places where it is fished. Most likely, it will be a freshly frozen carcass that needs to be thawed, moreover, correctly. You should never force this process and allow the fish to defrost naturally in the refrigerator. It is necessary to allow all the water to leave, after which it is cut and washed under running water. When cleaning fish, care should be taken to ensure that no bones remain in the meat.

The salmon fillet should be soft. To accurately calculate the right amount of salt, it is advisable to weigh the fillet. It is advisable to also cut off the head with fins and tail. The fillet is cut into pieces, no more than one and a half centimeters thick, so that the meat is well soaked in brine with seasonings.

Simple and inexpensive recipes for salting pink salmon for salmon

There are three easiest and cheapest ways to cook pink salmon. Despite this, pink salmon turns out to be tasty enough to be put on the festive table in the form of cuts or to cook classic sandwiches.

Pink salmon "under the salmon"

To do this, you will need a small assortment of products:

  • 3 tablespoons of salt.
  • So much sugar.
  • 100 ml vegetable (sunflower) oil.
  • 1 kg salmon fillet.

The fish is cut into large pieces. Salt and sugar are mixed together. A dish for salting is taken and a thin layer of sugar and salt is poured onto its bottom. After that, pieces of pink salmon are placed on top of the mixture and sprinkled on top again with a mixture of salt and sugar.

The fish prepared in this way is placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After this time, the excess mixture of salt and sugar is removed from the pieces, after which the fish is poured with vegetable oil.

Light-salted pink salmon in brine under "salmon"

Product range:

  • Pink salmon, fillet.
  • Salt, 5 tablespoons.
  • Water, 1 liter.
  • Sunflower (or other) oil.

Salt dissolves in cold, clean water, preferably boiled. The fish fillet is cut into small pieces. The same fillet slices are placed in brine for half an hour at room temperature. If you wish, you can add some spices, but there should be very few of them, otherwise the whole taste of the fish will be lost. If there are few of them, then they will not interfere.

Pink salmon "under salmon" with lemon

Pink salmon cooked with lemon is especially popular among lovers of fish dishes. In fact, preparing such a delicacy is quite simple even at home.

To prepare this delicious dish, you will need:

  • Pink salmon fish - 1 kg fillet.
  • Salt - one tablespoon.
  • Sugar - one and a half tablespoons.
  • Black ground pepper - 1 pinch.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • Two lemons.

Fillets prepared from pink salmon should be cut into pieces, depending on personal preferences. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that the larger the pieces, the longer they will cook. Salt, sugar and black pepper are mixed together. The pieces are carefully rubbed with a dry mixture on all sides. Lemons are cut into thin slices. Pieces of fish are laid out in the prepared dishes, while each piece should be shifted with a slice of lemon. After that, the fish is left for 10 hours. After this time, the fish is poured with vegetable oil and left for another 3 hours, after which the pink salmon can be served at the table.

How to Serve and Consume Pink Salmon

Since pink salmon meat contains the whole complex of vitamins and microelements, it is desirable to use it every day, which will lead to a balance of all vital components of the human body. Pink salmon is served at the festive table with onions and herbs, cut into small pieces beforehand.

Actually, there are quite a few options. Toasts and sandwiches with red fish, decorated with parsley leaves, are very popular, and someone prefers regular cuts so as not to mix the taste of pink salmon meat with seasonings.

How useful is pink salmon

Pink salmon meat is valued not only for the presence of vitamins and microelements, but also for its protein content, which is easily absorbed by the human body. But all the advantages of pink salmon can be reduced to zero if it is cooked incorrectly.

Before cooking pink salmon, it is better to use some tips, for example:

  1. It is better to buy a whole carcass of freshly caught pink salmon.
  2. To speed up salting, it is desirable to increase the amount of sugar.
  3. Frozen fish is best cut into pieces before defrosting.
  4. Fish will cook faster if you put it under pressure.
  5. The longer the fish is in brine, the saltier it will be, but you cannot keep it in brine for more than 3 days.
  6. In order for the pieces to be evenly saturated with brine, they need to be turned over regularly.
  7. To make the fish lightly salted, it can be soaked in water and dried.
  8. The meatier the fillet, the easier it is to cook.

Have you ever seen how one red fish can be turned into another? If not, then stay with us to learn how to do it and subsequently try to do it yourself.

How to choose and prepare pink salmon for pickling

Now you should be extremely careful and remember or write down everything you read. Because you will read our most secret recommendations regarding the choice of the main product.

  1. The best option for buying fish is a fresh carcass near the sea or at least from an aquarium. But if this option is not about you, then read on;
  2. The weight of an average pink salmon carcass is from 800 g to 1500 g. If it is more or less, then we do not recommend taking it;
  3. Gutted fish should have a pink color of the belly inside, in no case yellow;
  4. Inspect the product for the presence and amount of ice. If pink salmon is fresh, then it cannot contain more than 5% ice. This amount is acceptable to cool a fresh carcass;
  5. The surface of the belly is even in color, without spots and transitions to another color;
  6. It will probably sound strange, but fresh fish will not smell like fish. The only aroma allowed for fresh carcass is sea water or algae;
  7. If the meat is of a delicate or light color, the product has already been frozen several times;
  8. If the belly is pink, then caviar is expected inside;
  9. The belly should also not be swollen. It is rather flat, but there are exceptions - a female with caviar;
  10. The gills of fresh fish should be bright red, never green or nearly black;
  11. If the head of the fish is cut off, then try to consider the color of the meat. It should be carrot pink;
  12. When you click on the fish, a dent should form. When you remove your finger, the dent should immediately disappear. If it straightens long enough, then the fish has already been frozen and due to this has lost its elasticity and firmness;
  13. If you feel blisters under the skin, then this means that the pink salmon was stored in the wrong conditions, or it is already simply old;
  14. In fresh fish, even the minimum amount of mucus on the gills is unacceptable;
  15. You are lucky if pink salmon has a head, because then its freshness can also be determined by the eyes. They should be convex and transparent. If they are already a little flattened and cloudy, then the fish has either been frozen, or has long been lying in this form on the counter;
  16. Many believe that male meat is much juicier, fatter and tastier. To choose a boy, focus on the head - in males it is sharper, and in females it is rounder. You can also look at the rear fin, which is shorter in males. But, in order to correctly choose the sex of the fish, compare carcasses of the same size;
  17. You can also find a guy by comparing the shape of the backs. Males have a pronounced hump on the back, which is absent in females. It is because of him, by the way, that the fish got its name;
  18. The dry tail of the fish will tell you that the fish has already been frozen more than once, or that it has been on the counter for a very long time (which is quite logical);
  19. No cuts, traces of blood or damage are allowed on the surface of the carcass. The scales should be smooth, without defects and mucus;
  20. It is easier to choose a whole and fresh fish, but it will be more expensive, since by gutting it, you will throw away almost half of its weight. But buying fish without a head is more risky. Therefore, it is better to overpay a little, but be sure of freshness.

Salted pink salmon for salmon: recipes



  • 850 g pink salmon;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 110 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 5 g black pepper;
  • 2 lemons.

How much to do - 11 hours and 30 minutes.

How many calories - 196 calories.


  1. It is best to buy the fillet right away so as not to sit still with the cleaning of the carcass. But if you have a whole carcass, then you need to gut it, wash it both inside and out, cut off the head, tail, fins;
  2. After cutting off the peel, the fillet can be washed again, and then cut into pieces. They can be of any size and shape, but it is worth remembering that the thicker the pieces, the longer the delicacy will cook;
  3. Mix salt with sugar, add black pepper;
  4. Mix the components and rub each piece of pink salmon with the resulting mass;
  5. If there is a little fish left, pour it over the fish and knead it with your hands;
  6. Wash the lemon and cut it into thin rings;
  7. Put the fish in a container and cover it with a layer of lemons;
  8. Then put in the refrigerator for eight hours;
  9. After that, get the fish, pour it with oil and remove for another three hours;
  10. When time passes, you can already try the fish.


  • 1250 g pink salmon;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 g sugar.

How much to do - 15 hours and 30 minutes.

How many calories - 175 calories.


  1. Wash the fish, rid it of the head and spine;
  2. Cut off the fins and tail, forming two beautiful fillets;
  3. Inspect the fillet for the presence of bones and if there are, then pull them out with special tweezers for fish;
  4. Next, cut the fillet into equal pieces so that they are also marinated in the same way;
  5. Combine salt with sugar and grate each slice of pink salmon, but leave a little salt for onions;
  6. Peel the bulbs, cut off the ends and remove the peel;
  7. Wash both heads, and then cut them into rings;
  8. Sprinkle the rings with a pinch of salt and grind by hand;
  9. Mix onions and fish with oil and place in a saucepan or saucepan;
  10. Cover the fish with a plate and place some kind of press on top;
  11. Place in refrigerator for fifteen hours.


  • 75 g of salt;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 75 g of sugar;
  • 1 pink salmon.

How much to do - 30 hours.

How many calories - 149 calories.


  1. Dissolve bulk components in water and place it in the refrigerator so that the temperature drops well;
  2. Peel pink salmon from bones, entrails, head, tail and fins;
  3. Cut the carcass into two fillets, and them, in turn, into two more parts;
  4. Place the pieces in a container and pour them with cold water with spices;
  5. Put it in the freezer for a day, then completely defrost;
  6. Rinse the pieces with running cold water, dry and invite relatives to the table.

Secrets of successful salting

Salted pink salmon for salmon turns out to be tastier and richer if you pour it with vegetable oil before serving and let it brew in this form for several hours.

To make the fish in the brine not crawl, but remain as whole as possible, use a press. To do this, cover the fish with a plate during tincture, and put a heavy object on top as a press. It can be a jar or a bottle of water.

When using lemon for salting, be sure to use vegetable oil. The citrus itself will not only dry out the pink salmon, but also make it tough. The oil will fill everything you need.

As you may have learned, the transformation of one fish into another is not magic, but a completely possible action. Try it yourself to see how easy it is!

Pink salmon is a very useful fish. Improper preparation of it can lead to the loss of most of the nutrients. You can save them if the fish is not subjected to heat treatment. An excellent cooking option would be salting. You can quickly and tasty pickle pink salmon for salmon at home, everyone can do it. It is not always possible to get a quality product in stores, as expired goods come across, which negatively affects the human body.

Pink salmon for "salmon": the secrets of salting and cooking

Salmon is grown on special farms, where chemical dyes are added to the feed to make the meat look attractive. Pink salmon is not bred in captivity. Its meat is more environmentally friendly. It is also cheaper than salmon.

Pink salmon, like salmon, is a member of the salmon family. But it is less oily and has a bitter aftertaste. In this regard, the main secret of pickles “for salmon” is odorless vegetable oil and the right mixture of spices for pickling. The oil will make the meat more fatty, similar to salmon, and the mixture will remove the bitter taste.

Useful properties of fish

Pink salmon meat contains vitamins, organic and unsaturated fatty acids, folic acid, trace elements (iodine, calcium, fluorine, sulfur and others), easily digestible protein. It improves the functioning of the digestive tract, brain, heart and blood vessels, restores the function of the thyroid gland.

It plays an important role in the fight against aging. Due to the many antioxidants, the body slows down the aging process. The condition of the skin improves, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Regular consumption of this fish will ensure the restoration of reproductive function in women, and also prevents the appearance of tumors.

Tips on how to salt pink salmon under "salmon":

If a freshly frozen carcass is purchased, then first you need to defrost it. All water needs to be gone. After that, the product should be cut, washed. The fillet should not contain bones. Be sure to cut off the head, fins and tail. Next, cut the meat into small pieces (thickness no more than 1.5 cm) so that the fillet is soaked with brine and spices faster.

Cooking methods

The meat of this fish can be used in different variations: in soups, salads, cuts, consumed as an independent dish, salted, grilled, eaten raw.

Salted pink salmon

  • 1 kilogram of pink salmon fillet;
  • 5 st. l. salt;
  • 1.3 liters of boiled water;
  • 100-150 ml of sunflower oil;
  • peppercorns.

To prepare the brine, you need to take the cooled boiled water, dissolve the salt in it and mix. Then place the prepared pieces of fish in it for 10 minutes. Then take them out, dry them with paper towels and lay them in layers in a container. Drizzle each layer with oil. Next, you need to place the dishes in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Serve with herbs, lemon and onion.

Salted pink salmon

You will need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of fish fillet;
  • 100-150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • three st. l. sugar and salt.

In this recipe, pink salmon must be cut into large pieces. Mix salt and sugar. Then take a container for salting, pour a thin layer of salt and sugar on its bottom, put pieces of fish on top and sprinkle on top with a mixture of sugar and salt. Then place in the refrigerator for three hours. Then remove excess salt and sugar and pour over with oil.

Lemon and Onion Recipes

Lemon will give the fish a particularly pleasant taste and smell. To prepare this delicious dish you need:

Mix sugar, salt and pepper. Grate the pieces of pink salmon on all sides with this mixture. Lemons cut into thin slices. Then put the fish in a container, shifting each piece with lemon slices, and leave for ten hours. Then pour oil and leave for another three hours.

To cook salted fish with onions, it is best to take white, purple or red salad onions. You can use regular, but not spicy.

Required products:

  • 1 kg pink salmon;
  • for 1 st. l. salt half a spoonful of sugar;
  • two bulbs;
  • 5 st. l. sunflower oil.

Cut the fillet into large pieces. Mix sugar and salt, rub the fish with this mixture. Cut the onion into thin rings, grind with a pinch of salt with your hands and add to the pink salmon. Then mix, put in a bowl, pour oil. Then you need to cover the fish with a plate and put it under oppression. Keep 12-15 hours in the refrigerator.

Salted fish "for salmon" in Scandinavian style

It takes a lot of spices to cook. The fish is fragrant and spicy.


The skin from pink salmon should be removed, set aside. It is useful for salting. Grind the coriander in a mortar. Then mix salt, sugar, ground pepper and peas, coriander, dill with vodka. Rub the fish on all sides with this mixture and fold on top of each other. After that, take the set aside skin, wrap it around the fish, and wrap it in cling film on top. Put the resulting bundle in a container, put under pressure and keep in the refrigerator for 30-36 hours.

Salting recipe in a plastic bag

For cooking you need:

Rub the prepared fish pieces with a mixture of sugar, salt and pepper on both sides. Then twist the fillet into a roll and put in a bag. It must be tightly tied, wrapped in parchment and left for a day. Then you need to turn the roll over and leave for another day. Then it is necessary to remove excess salt with a paper towel and pour vegetable oil. Store in refrigerator for up to five days.
