
Italian appetizer.  Italian cuisine: pasta, pizza, cheeses, snacks


Italian cuisine may well compete with museums and monuments for the title of the country's most attractive attraction. Moreover, it is protected no less than any museum value: there is even an Academy of Italian Cuisine, designed to preserve the country's culinary heritage. Academics, of course, do not cook flamingo tongues, which were served in the houses of the nobles of Ancient Rome, but they reverently restore recipes for cooking dishes, for example, from game, which are valued throughout the peninsula. The simplicity of Italian cuisine is all its strength and charm: the products are only fresh and the best, and the cooking process is simple, and you can always determine exactly what is on your plate.


Snacks in Italy are called antipasti(antipasti) - and this is not at all because they have something against pasta, it translates as "before eating." Most often, these are large plates with slices of ham laid out on them. prosciutto(prosciutto) or culatello(With ulatello) - in elegant variations of the dish, melon balls are placed on top; sausage mortadella(mortadella); smoked salmon, artichokes, grilled vegetables, pickled peppers ( peperoncini), anchovies, baked eggplant ( melanzane), mushrooms ( fungi) and various cheeses - for example, mozzarella(mozzarella) And burrata(burrata). Sandwiches familiar to us can also serve as antipasti: bruschetta(bruschetta) (a good slice of toasted bread, grated with garlic, with tomato paste, cheese and olive oil, plus everything your heart desires on top) or crostini(crostini) (smaller slice from another type of bread - but delicious essence is the same).

Bruschetta is an invariable component of Italian cuisine

Italian cheeses


Complete italian lunch something easy is unlikely to succeed (except to order a plate of fruit): what tiramisu(tiramisu), which, it seems, has long become a favorite dessert not only of Italians, but almost of the whole world, which zabayon(zabaglione) (egg cream with liquor) that crostat(crostata) (rustic pie with anything: from forest berries to lemon cream) that nougat torrone(torrone) - very high-calorie sweets, but that's why, perhaps, they are so delicious.

There are regional sweets that are popular in a particular area. For example, traditional cannoli are waiting for you, which you are unlikely to find in other regions.

Italian ice cream, thick and sweet, reputedly the best in the world! Ice cream gelato(gelato), which once appeared at banquets at the Medici, is cooked to the conscience: from real cream in a variety of different flavors and colors. The variety with chocolate pieces is called stracciatella(stracciatella), a variety of semi-frozen ice cream (no matter how strange it may sound) - semifreddo(semifreddo). Italian ice cream is much richer in taste and sweeter than the usual Russian one. A ball usually costs 2 euros, plus or minus. The best ice cream comes from small artisan shops (the one near the central cathedral is simply divine ice cream, the best pistachio ever seen!)


The main and most exported culinary pride of Italy is pasta. Ee there are about two hundred species and forms: and spaghetti(spaghetti), and similar to springs fusilli(fuzilli), and in the form of tubes, like cannelloni(cannelloni), and butterflies farfalle(farfalle). Italians also consider pasta tortellini(tortellini) And ravioli(ravioli) - a similarity of Russian dumplings, and gnocchi(gnocchi) - something like dumplings; all these types of pasta are prepared with different fillings: spinach, pumpkin, mushrooms, cheese and everything that the hostess’s imagination is enough for.

Italian classic - spaghetti bolognese

The choice of pasta shape depends on the sauce with which it will be served. The most popular sauces for pasta -

  • pesto(pesto) (basil, olive oil and pine nuts),
  • bolognese(Ragu alla bolognese) (beef, tomato paste, few vegetables, red wine),
  • carbonara(pasta alla carbonara) (egg, cheese and pancetta - pork cheeks),
  • Arabyatta(arrabbiata) (tomatoes, peppers and lard)
  • and French native bechamel(besciamella) (butter, milk, flour and spices).

Spaghetti is usually served with bolognese sauce. They are also cooked with pesto sauce and seafood ( vongole pasta). With porcini mushrooms and cream sauce will be soon tagliatelle (tagliatelle) - gourmet pasta in the form of thin strips about 1 cm wide. Tagliatelle can also be found with shrimp and salmon ( cream sauce- the best addition to them). Farfalle is served with salmon.

Spaghetti is eaten with a fork and spoon: a ball of pasta is wound on the fork, resting the cloves on the surface of the spoon so that the pasta does not fly off. By the way, since Italian pasta make out durum varieties wheat, it is both satisfying and not as terribly harmful to the figure as one might think.

Dinner in Italian

Italians love to eat hearty, plentiful and tasty. As a rule, an Italian lunch consists of a first course, a second course, a dessert and a glass of wine. Are you waiting for the first dish light lettuce? No, it's not Italian! first course ( primi ) Italians usually consider... lasagne, pasta and risotto. Yes, such a full-fledged portion, after which you already want to fall off the table like a kolobok and have a sweet sleep. But for a real Italian, this is just the beginning. Then there is a full-fledged second course ( secondi ), with a generous piece of meat or fish. AND sweet dessert (dolci ) - polish hearty lunch. And finally - ice lemon liqueur (Limoncello ). So you can forget about the diet in Italy.

Caprese salad (tomato - mozzarella) - a hit of Italian cuisine

Maximum dietary options suggest salad caprese (caprese), or just tomato mozzarella for the first. Especially tasty buffalo mozzarella (mozarella buffalo) from buffalo milk. It is more expensive, but incredibly tender and more dietary. All this with pesto or thick balsamic, with a sprig of basil - very summery and relatively light. How to take the main dish grilled fish, especially if you are in some coastal area, like: it will be just magical, with a green salad and a glass of ice-cold white refreshing wine - the most wonderful dinner in the summer heat.

Save money...or not so much

In Italian restaurants, it is important to remember that a service fee is taken (for the fact that you are sitting at a table, and not standing, for example, in a bar at the counter), and also often included ADDITIONAL tips(immediately 10%, otherwise you suddenly change your mind to pay). So leaving something on top is not at all necessary, only if you really liked it.

The service fee differs depending on the location and can be up to 2 euros per person. You can save money here, for example, by drinking a cup of coffee not at the table, but at the bar. We are not accustomed to, but the Italians love this and actively practice it.

In a restaurant, you can save on wine by taking homemade wine: it is brought in jugs, for bottling. Depending on the location and the high cost of the restaurant, a liter of wine can be found literally for 7.5 euros (the most inexpensive thing that came across in the menu of Italian restaurants). Practice shows that red homemade wines are more often tasteless (at least in simple restaurants, delicious Home wine didn’t come across, but it was quite), but it depends on the region. On the other hand, white wines were wonderful - soft, dry, sometimes with light bubbles, and so pleasantly refreshing and icy ...

In some cases, the price of homemade wine can be less than beer and cola, and comparable to mineral water.

Cheap food in Italy:

The cheapest options for a bite to eat is to take a piece of pizza to go (there are simpler ones, on a thick dough, square shape, but there are just pieces of normal regular pizza large diameter) is 2.5 - 3.5 euros. For about 3 - 3.5 euros you can buy sandwiches in Italian - with local bread, ham and salad ( panini).

Traditional Italian sandwiches - panini

If there is little money, it is better to eat up at lunch (it is usually from 12 to 15 hours) set menu(first and second course, dessert and water or coffee - from 9 euros, usually around 11-12 and above). After 3 pm, many restaurants close until dinner, and rare pizzerias or kebab-type eateries remain (4 - 4.5 euros for a kebab). Dinner starts at 18 - 18:30.

In this book, we offer you recipes for Italian dishes that are perfect for a chic holiday. You will also enjoy a variety of snacks, salads - both traditional and exotic, and hot dishes that will satisfy the most refined taste A holiday in Italian is an extravaganza of aromas, sophistication and harmony!

A series: Taste tested

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by the LitRes company.

Melon with a transparent slice of prosciutto or bruschetta with tomatoes - this, of course, is the most classic Italian appetizers. But why stop at just her? A meal in the Italian spirit is also good to start with carpaccio - meat or poultry with an interesting dressing. Can be limited light salad(to leave room for a hearty main course) by preparing it, for example, with fennel and radicchio or tomatoes and artichokes with sheep cheese; and you can pick up a more detailed snack - say, smoked turkey or tuna tartare. There is also such an option: to make a set of traditional “antipasti” (Italian antipasti - hot or cold appetizer), which usually includes cheeses, a variety of cold cuts, vegetables marinated with herbs, olives, seafood ... Just don't forget to put excellent Italian olive oil on the table and balsamic vinegar.

Salad of fresh vegetables, Parma ham and asparagus

Cut vegetables into cubes, add olives, olives and capers. Season with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Thinly slice the Parma ham. Mix crab meat with mayonnaise until smooth. Blanch the asparagus for 2 minutes.

Put crab meat and asparagus on the ham, wrap in small rolls.

Vegetable salad put on a plate, pour a small amount of balsamic cream sauce, put the rolls on top.

Asparagus has a pleasant, memorable taste and delicate fragrance, besides, it is one of the most useful vegetables, because it contains a whole complex of vitamins (C, E, H, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, provitamin A), rich in fiber and substances necessary for our body, such as potassium and zinc. These facts are of particular importance, since asparagus can be harvested in open field already in April, that is, in poor fresh vegetables season.

Salad with Parma ham, figs and arugula

cut ham thin slices, figs - slices, sun-dried tomatoes - slices.

Prepare the dressing: Whisk together the olive oil, wine vinegar, salt and pepper.

Put arugula on a plate, slices of ham on it, and on top - slices of figs and slices of tomatoes. Drizzle with dressing, sprinkle with ground black pepper.

Salad with asparagus, poached eggs and smoked chicken

Wash lettuce, pat dry and place in a bowl. Finely chop the shallot, chop the chives into large pieces. Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin, remove the seeds, cut into 4 pieces and chop finely.

Blanch the asparagus for 1–1.5 minutes in boiling salted water, then plunge into ice water. Cut into pieces.

Pour vinegar into a saucepan with boiling water, twist the funnel with a whisk and carefully, one by one, release the quail eggs into it. Bring the water to a boil and cook the eggs until they float to the surface. Take them out of the water.

Prepare the dressing by whisking all the ingredients together well.

Cut the smoked chicken breast into thin slices.

Mix corn lettuce with tomatoes, shallots, chives, asparagus and chicken breast. Mix with dressing.

Arrange dressed salad on a round platter, garnish with poached eggs and drizzle with olive oil.

"Caesar" with quail

Cut the quail into fillets without skin and bones, pour over with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Grill with thyme until tender.

Prepare croutons. Bread without crusts cut into cubes, sprinkle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper and chopped garlic. Stir and dry in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Prepare the Caesar sauce. Grind capers, anchovies and garlic, mix with mayonnaise and soy sauce, grated Parmesan and olive oil. Store the finished sauce in the refrigerator until use.

Sort romaine lettuce leaves, wash and tear into large pieces. Add the tomato halves, a portion of the garlic croutons, half of the grated Parmesan and the Caesar dressing. Mix and put on a plate. Spread around the quail pieces and the remaining garlic croutons, sprinkle with parmesan.

End of introductory segment.

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reduced introductory fragment books Festive table in Italian (Collection of recipes, 2014) provided by our book partner -

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Pasta and pizza are the two most popular dishes around the world that gave us sunny Italy. Actually the range traditional dishes of this original country is so rich and diverse that it is difficult to fit it into one article.

However, the editorial website I have selected for you 10 of the most famous and most delicious Italian dishes that you will definitely want to try.


Traditional italian indoor hot sandwich stuffed with ham, Parmesan, tomato and pesto sauce wheat bread became popular all over the world due to its simple yet sophisticated taste.

You will need (for 4 servings):

  • 8 slices white bread
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • 200 g Mozzarella
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp. l. pesto sauce
  • fresh basil leaves to taste


  1. Spread 4 slices of bread with pesto.
  2. Cut mozzarella and tomatoes into thin slices. Place the tomato slices on the pesto halves and top with the mozzarella.
  3. Then, if desired, you can put basil leaves on top, and cover each sandwich with the second half of the bread.
  4. Then heat the pan and fry the panini in butter for 3 minutes on each side.

Panna cotta

A real feast of cream, sugar and vanilla flavors. The name of the amazing dessert is translated from Italian as " boiled cream” and is prepared mainly in the north of the country.

You will need:

  • 1 liter full fat unsweetened pastry cream
  • 150 g grated raspberries (optional)
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 20 berries whole raspberries(not necessary)
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp vanillin


  1. Pour the cream into a small saucepan, put on low heat, add sugar and vanilla.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in a small amount warm water, then pour it into the heated cream, mix everything well until smooth - the gelatin should dissolve. Pour dessert into creamers.
  3. Put raspberries in each glass with butter cream.
  4. Remove the dessert in the cold for at least 4 hours, during which time it should harden well.
  5. Pour the dessert with grated raspberries (or any other berry sauce), bring to the table.

Chicken Parmignan

One of the most popular dishes in the Campania region and in Sicily has become widespread in the United States. Tender chicken fillet baked in tomato sauce with Parmesan, - the perfect complement to spaghetti.

You will need:

  • black pepper - 1/2 tsp
  • breadcrumbs - 2/3 cup
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • hot red pepper - 1/2 pod
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g
  • chicken (breast) - 1 pc.
  • sifted flour - 1/2 cup
  • basil - 1 bunch
  • olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 4 slices
  • large egg - 1 pc.
  • young garlic - 4 cloves
  • large tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • small onion - 1-2 pcs.


  1. Remove skin and bones from chicken breast, wash and dry with a towel. Cut each half lengthwise into 2 pieces. Salt, sprinkle with black pepper, chopped garlic and basil. Add 1-2 tablespoons olive oil, mix and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  2. Prepare the sauce. To do this, fry the onion cut into small cubes until transparent in 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add chopped garlic, simmer for another 5 minutes. Then add grated or chopped tomatoes and flakes in a blender. hot pepper. Simmer for 10-15 minutes to evaporate excess liquid. IN ready sauce put chopped basil greens.
  3. Prepare 3 bowls for breading. Pour flour into the first, break into the second a raw egg, stirred with a small amount of water, and in the third place the mixture breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese, finely grated. Roll each piece of chicken fillet successively in flour, lezon and breadcrumbs and cheese mixture and place on a greased baking sheet or in a baking dish. Place in preheated oven for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the baking sheet with the fillet from the oven, put a layer of tomato sauce and a slice of Mozzarella cheese on each piece. Return the baking sheet with the fillets to the oven and bake for another 5 minutes. Serve garnished with a fresh basil sprig.


The taste of the original Italian gelato dessert cannot be compared with any other ice cream. It is considered to be the best sweet culinary masterpiece this sunny country.

You will need:

  • 250 ml whole milk
  • 250 ml cream with a fat content of 33-35%
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod or 1 tsp. vanilla extract


  1. Pour the milk into a deep non-stick dish, add the cream and half the sugar. Set to heat up slow fire and bring the mass to the appearance of small bubbles, stirring constantly. Do not boil! Remove from heat, add vanilla extract.
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Lightly beat the yolks. You can beat both manually (with a whisk) and with a mixer.
  3. Add the second part of the sugar and continue beating continuously. Pour some more hot mix and continue beating for another 1-2 minutes. Pour the yolk-sugar mixture into the milk-cream mixture and continue beating continuously. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly.
  4. Using a thermometer, measure the temperature of the mixture. It is very important not to allow it to overheat. The custard is ready when it begins to thicken and reaches 185°F (85°C). You can determine the temperature without a thermometer by observing the cooking process. As soon as the mixture begins to bubble, the heating process must be completed. The custard is completely ready when it has become thick and viscous enough. so as to completely cover back spoons or spatulas.
  5. Strain the mixture through a sieve to avoid lumps into a deep bowl dipped in crushed ice. An ice bath will let the hot custard cool much faster and cook immediately. Pour the well-cooled mixture into the bowl of an automatic ice cream maker. The freezing time in the ice cream maker is indicated in the instructions for your device. Usually this time is from 20 to 30 minutes.
  6. Then transfer the ice cream to an airtight container and store in freezer for another 30 minutes.


Along with spaghetti, Italian risotto is considered one of the most common dishes. The rice base allows you to endlessly fantasize with fillings and add any ingredients to your taste.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet (brisket and thighs) - 1 kg
  • stalk of celery - 1 pc.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • butter - 100 g
  • dry white wine - 200 ml
  • Arborio rice - 200 g
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Cut the chicken meat into cubes, do not throw out the bones. Put in a saucepan chicken bones, whole celery, carrots and 1 onion. Add 1.5 liters of water, pepper and salt. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Strain the broth, pour 500 ml of broth into a clean saucepan and heat until it simmers gently.
  2. Melt 65 grams of butter in a saucepan, add 1 finely chopped onion and chicken meat. Stir-fry over low heat for 10 minutes until the chicken is golden brown. Add wine, salt and pepper. Simmer for another 12-15 minutes until the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Add rice and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes, until rice is translucent. Add just enough broth to cover all the rice and cook, stirring constantly, until the broth has boiled away. Then add the broth again and continue cooking, stirring.
  4. Continue this process until the risotto is cooked through (about 20 minutes), then remove the saucepan from the heat and, while the risotto is hot, stir in the remaining butter and grated Parmesan. Cover and wait 5-7 minutes. The dish is ready!


A traditional dish from the city of Bologna, made from layers of pastry mixed with layers of filling, filled with sauce (usually béchamel). Filling layers can be meat stew or minced meat, tomatoes, spinach, other vegetables and, of course, Parmesan cheese.

You will need:

  • ground beef - 400 g
  • onion - 40 g
  • carrots - 100 g
  • celery stalks - 40 g
  • tomato paste - 40 g
  • water - 400 ml
  • wheat flour - 40 g
  • butter - 40 g
  • milk 3.2% - 750 ml
  • nutmeg ground - 1 pinch
  • fresh basil - 4 sprigs
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Parmesan cheese - 80 g
  • pasta dough for lasagna - 8 pcs.


  1. Preparing the bolognese sauce.
    Mixing tomato paste with hot water. Onions, carrots and celery cut into small cubes. We spread the vegetables and minced meat in a saucepan, pour tomato sauce, salt, bring to a boil, simmer over medium heat under the lid for 30 minutes. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add finely chopped basil.
  2. Preparing bechamel sauce.
    Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat without bringing to a boil. Milk must be hot. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour, fry for 2-3 minutes, then gradually add hot milk, stirring so that there are no lumps. Continue to stir and simmer, add salt and nutmeg. The sauce will be ready when it thickens and can be removed from heat.
  3. Lay out the lasagna.
    Grate the cheese. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Grease the bottom of the mold with oil, pour a little bechamel sauce so that the bottom is completely covered, then follow the same principle with bolognese sauce. Lay out 4 sheets of overlapping lasagne dough. Pour sauces on top, sprinkle with cheese, lay dough sheets again, pour sauces and sprinkle with cheese.
  4. Place the mold in a hot oven for 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven, cover with foil and leave to hot oven for another 10 minutes.


fabulous tender delicacy with a mild aftertaste, coffee is traditionally made with Mascarpone cheese and special savoiardi biscuits.

You will need:

  • 500 g cream cheese Mascarpone
  • 4 eggs
  • powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • 300 ml cold strong espresso
  • 1 glass of Marsala sweet wine (or cognac, or rum, or Amaretto - only not glasses, but a few spoons)
  • 200 g cooked savoiardi (or ladyfingers)
  • bittersweet cocoa powder for sprinkling or bittersweet dark chocolate


  1. Beat egg whites into a very strong foam. For greater foam strength, it is advisable to add a little at the end of whipping. powdered sugar. The density of whipped proteins will determine whether the cream will spread or not.
  2. Grind the yolks white with powdered sugar.
  3. Add Mascarpone and stir well (more convenient with a large fork).
  4. Proteins on spoons add to the cream and mix gently.
  5. Mix cold espresso with alcohol. Dip each cookie for 5 seconds in the coffee mixture and place in the mold.
  6. Spread half of the cream on the savoiardi. Place a second layer of coffee-soaked cookies on top.
  7. Put the rest of the cream on them. Decorate with cream from a confectionery syringe on top.
  8. Put the tiramisu in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. During this time, the cream will thicken.
  9. Sprinkle with bittersweet cocoa powder or dark chocolate before serving.


Italian dumplings from unleavened dough with meat, cheese or vegetables. Historical homeland tortellini - Emilia region.

You will need:

  • flour - 2 cups
  • yolk - 1 pc.
  • water (warm) - 100 ml


  • spinach (fresh or frozen) - 2 large bunches (200 g)
  • cheese (ideally Ricotta, but you can use regular cottage cheese) - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt to taste (0.25 tsp)


  • butter - 100 g
  • garlic - 1-2 teeth
  • Parmesan (can be replaced with any hard grated cheese) to taste


  1. We are preparing the stuffing. If the spinach is fresh, then wash it thoroughly, dry it and chop it. If frozen, then defrost, let drain, cut. Warm up in a frying pan a small amount of vegetable oil and fry the spinach for about 7-9 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion. We shift the finished spinach into a separate bowl, and add a little more vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) to the pan and saute the onion until soft for about 5 minutes. Add cheese (Ricotta or cottage cheese) to the spinach, as well as sauteed onions and mix - the filling is ready.
  3. We collect water in a wide saucepan, add salt and put on medium heat so that the water boils.
  4. We knead the dough: for this we combine all the components of the dough according to the recipe, knead it for a while (it is very convenient to first mix everything with a mixer, and then knead with your hands). Then we divide the dough into 2 equal parts and wrap each in cling film so that it is infused and does not dry out.
  5. After 10-15 minutes (or better after half an hour), unfold the dough and roll it into long thin rectangular strips. How thinner dough you manage to roll out, the better.
  6. We spread the filling on one layer of dough in such quantity and at such intervals that the size of the finished tortellini suits you. So, we cover the stuffing placed on one layer of dough with another rolled layer. We press the junctions of the layers of dough with our fingers to form the contours of each dumpling.
  7. As soon as the first part of the tortellini is ready, immediately place them in boiling salted water. As soon as they surfaced, continue to cook for another 3-4 minutes, and then remove with a slotted spoon to a plate.
  8. For dressing, melt the butter and mix it with the garlic squeezed on the press. We put the tortellini in a bowl (pour a little dressing there so that they do not stick to the plate) and pour over the dressing, and sprinkle with grated Parmesan on top, decorate with a leaf of any greenery and start enjoying.
    1. Beat eggs with cream, salt, pepper. When the eggs with cream turn into a homogeneous mixture, add greens.
    2. Heat up a frying pan, add a tablespoon of olive oil. Fry sausages on both sides. As soon as they become soft, with a wooden spatula we divide them into pieces. Continue frying until fully prepared.
    3. Pour the remaining olive oil into the skillet. We put half of our sausages at the bottom. Then pour in the egg-butter mixture. We spread the slices of tomatoes, put Ricotta between them with a spoon. Then lay out the remaining sausages.
    4. Place the frittata in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
    5. When the dish is ready, take it out and cool for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with basil and eat.

Antipasti (“antipasti” or “antipasto”, if in the singular) are Italian snacks, without which no long Italian meal is unthinkable. In the literal translation, “antipasti” is “before eating”, that is, a dish used as a prelude to the main hearty meals lunch or dinner. Below we list in detail the main types of Italian snacks. There will be dishes with smoked meats, and vegetables marinated in oil, and dishes with olives, and caprese, and dishes with cheeses and seafood, and, and, and dishes with pieces fresh fruit and greenery.

The choice of Italian snacks is truly huge. In general, it should be said that if in some institution Catering associated with Italian cuisine, they will not be able to offer it to you, then this will only speak of the unprofessionalism of the local chefs. Generally, the higher the class Italian restaurant, the higher the chance that there you will find a demonstration showcase with snacks, where you can choose those that your heart desires.

Types of antipasti

All Italian appetizers can be divided into three main types: meat antipasti, fish antipasti and vegetarian antipasti.

If you suddenly have to order them in Italy, then my advice to you is to try to order fish antipasti where they definitely know how to cook them, that is, in coastal cities: Catania, Rimini, Livorno, Genoa, Venice and Milan. The latter is not on the sea, but there is always the most fresh fish and virtuoso chefs in fish antipasti.

In the central part of the country, where it is relatively far from the sea (not by our standards), I would recommend trying meat antipasti: in Verona, in Brescia, in Mantua.

Do not forget that white wine is perfect for fish dishes (and this applies to appetizers to the same extent), and it is better to order red wine for meat antipasti. You can even go with fish beer if it comes to that, but by no means take it local vodka(grappa). This is, let's say, an amateur.

Antipasti di pesce - fish snacks

Antipasto di pesce

Antipasto di pesce- Assorted cold fish appetizer. It is characteristic that there should not be a lot of fish in its composition. What should: shrimp, lobsters, crustaceans, barnacles and are allowed small pieces fish.


Capesante is the antipasti of scallops. Translated from Italian means "Holy Head". It so happened historically that in medieval Italy, scallops were ubiquitous and were eaten by the poorest segments of the population, mostly poor monks. They could catch scallops during their long wanderings at any point on the coast and cook them right here on the spot. And they had practically no other food.

Carpaccio di pesce spada (salmone, tonno)

Carpaccio di pesce spada (salmone, tonno)- antipasti in the form of slicing swordfish (salmon, tuna). It happens in the form of cutting all three types, then it is called tris di pesce. The fish must be smoked.

Cocktail di gamberetti con salsa rosa

Cocktail di gamberetti con salsa rosa– carefully cleaned pink shrimps with thick sauce. Very tasty snack!

Cozze and Vongole

Cozze and Vongole- these are mussels and small gray boiled shells, which we call "venerki". Excellent and very healthy dish which goes well with white wine.

Cozze alla Marinara

Cozze alla Marinara- in general, this is the same dish as Zuppa di Cozze, that is, fisherman's mussels. Mussels boiled in own juice(just in a deep bowl without water). In the process of cooking, they open up on their own. To the dish Cozze alla Marinara an empty bowl is also served to dump inedible shells. But if the shell did not open during cooking, then you just need to throw it away entirely - it was spoiled even before they tried to cook it. It is not always possible to determine this in advance. This dish you can pepper abundantly and add tomatoes, then we get another dish - Pepato.

Crudo di mare

It's just another name for a dish. Antipasto di pesce.

Frittura di Calamari

Frittura di Calamari- This is a very heavy fatty fried dish for the stomach. It translates as "deep-fried squid". Other inhabitants of the deep sea may also be found as a supplement in deep fat.

Insalata ai frutti di mare

Insalata ai frutti di mare- funny translation "from marine reptiles». boiled squid, octopuses, mussels and all sorts of other things that were caught in the nets during the night and were taken aboard the fishing boats in the morning. Abundantly watered lemon juice and olive oil.

Moscardini in umido

Moscardini in umido These are antipasti made from small boiled octopuses, which are poured with tomato sauce and served with polenta. Tasty enough even for seafood skeptics.


Pepata- fish antipasti, which is more savory option dishes Cozze alla Marinara. The name translates as "peppered". As we wrote above, the main difference from Cozze alla Marinara is to add tomato and pepper.

Tartara di tonno (di salmone)

Tartara di tonno (di salmone)- tartare from tuna (salmon). Tuna (salmon) is very finely chopped and molded into a patty-like shape. Initially, the ingredient should be lightly salted.

Zuppa di cozze (di pesce)

Zuppa di cozze Cozze alla Marinara.

Zuppa di pesce- (from marine reptiles) will differ in that, in addition to mussels, a couple will be added to it tiger prawns or a couple of crabs. We can say that this dish is a relative of Russian fish soup, though not the closest.

Antipasti di carne - meat appetizers

Affettato misto

Affettato misto- Assorted meat antipasti. May include: p rosciutto crudo(raw smoked ham jamon), salame(smoked sausage) and s oppressa(this is in the Veneto region, dry-cured thick salami).


Bresaola- bresaola. This is beef that was salted for about 2 weeks and then aged for about 2-3 months. Bresaola is consumed raw, is highly digestible and contains almost no fat, but contains a lot of iron and protein. As an option: Bresaola Equina or "Horse Bresaola".

Carpaccio con rucola e grana

Carpaccio con rucola e grana- antipasti of lightly marinated beef, which is cut into thin slices. For this dish classic version add dandelion and some hard cheese, for example - cheese Grana. Also called "carpaccio" and seasoned with lemon juice (fresh) and olive oil.


Mortadella These are antipasti from the city of Bologna. Thinly sliced ​​boiled sausage of solid diameter. Pistachios, olives can be added to the dish.

Prosciutto crudo

Prosciutto crudo is a common Italian antipasti. Dry-cured ham, which is thinly sliced. Simple and tasteful. And perhaps the most famous of the Italian dry-cured hams - Parma ham (Prosciutto di Parma).

Prosciutto e Melone

Prosciutto e Melone- ham with melon and, in fact, a complicated version of the previous antipasti. Melon slices are added to dry-cured ham. It is hard to imagine that this can be successfully combined, but nonetheless.

Tagliere di Salumi

Tagliere di Salumi It's just another name for a dish. Affettato misto. The name translates as "Plate with Smoked Meats".

Italian vegetarian snacks


Bruschetta- in the translation "roast". Bruschetta is dipped in olive oil and garlic. White bread, which is fried and garnished with tomato slices. Delicious and satisfying, and most importantly - very quickly prepared.


caprese- in the nearest translation from Italian “a dish from the island of Capri”, where Maxim Gorky liked to visit a century ago. It's not that far from the city of Naples. Caprese is tomatoes and cheese. Mozzarella"). Well, the ultimate dream of every caprese is to be made from buffalo milk - " Mozzarella di buffala.

Insalata mista

Insalata mista- is both a side dish and an appetizer - you can order it this way and that. Contains: red bitter lettuce, green salad, arugula and carrots. As a dressing, you can use olive oil, balsamic vinegar (you can also use regular), salt and pepper.


Polenta- This is a dish typical of the northern regions of Italy, which came to us from antiquity. - This corn porridge, which can be toasted and thick. Corn replaced millet in the Middle Ages when seafarers brought it from the New World. Depending on the overall satiety of the meal, it can be considered both an antipasti and a second course.

Tagliere di Formaggi

Tagliere di Formaggi- translated into Russian as "Plate with Cheese". Usually, Tagliere di Formaggi It's a slice of cheese. For example, you can serve Gorgonzola or Brie cheeses (soft with mold) and Granu or Parmesan ( hard cheeses). You can also add special jam to the dish - Mostarda.

sandwich recipes

On the pages of this section you will also find sandwich recipes Italian cuisine. Sandwiches and snacks are an integral part of any developed cuisine, including Italian. Distinctive feature Italian sandwiches, like all Italian cuisine in general, can be called the mandatory use of fresh herbs, vegetables and sauces in the vast majority of recipes.

All of the above fully applies to the traditional appetizers of Italian cuisine. So, read and prepare - sandwich recipes and appetizers of Italian cuisine.

Italian appetizers have their own special flavor, bright and sunny. That is why they are loved all over the world. If it is not possible to visit a restaurant, then we recommend trying them at home. Here is a selection of different interesting recipes.

Italian Appetizers - General Cooking Principles

Snacks in Italy are prepared light. Many are specifically designed to be served before pasta. Vegetables and herbs speed up digestion and prepare the stomach for a heavy and hearty meal.

What snacks are made from:

Tomatoes, eggplant and other vegetables;

Parmesan, mozzarella and other types of cheese;

Chicken, meat, seafood.

In gas stations, olive oil, various types of vinegar are often used. The addition of basil is welcome, in some recipes its amount is surprising. Black pepper may be present in snacks, it is better to grind it from peas before use so as not to lose the flavor.

Italian appetizer "Caprese"

Caprese is the simplest type of Italian appetizer. Despite the small amount of ingredients, it turns out to be unusually fragrant and tasty. Basil is one of critical components don't try to replace it with something.


4 sprigs of basil;

150 grams of mozzarella;

5 tomatoes;

5 st. l. oils;

Salt pepper.


1. Wash and dry the tomatoes. Gotta choose ripe tomatoes, which are the same size as balls of cheese. In this case, the appetizer will have not only a harmonious appearance, but also taste.

2. Cut the tomatoes into even circles. Leave on the board. Once again, it is better not to touch the vegetable so that it does not lose juices.

3. Cut the mozzarella in the same circles.

4. Take a flat large plate. Put the appetizer in a circle in the form of a wreath, alternating slices of cheese and tomato, lay reclining.

5. Basil is better to take green. Rinse the sprigs in advance, dry, cut off all the leaves.

6. Lay leaves between tomatoes and cheese. Pour the rest into the center of the formed wreath. You can put for beauty and twigs.

7. Sprinkle a snack on top fine salt, pepper and pour over the wreath with olive oil.

8. Caprese cannot be stored, the appetizer is served in fresh after cooking, so no need to make ahead of time or use the ingredients in in large numbers.

Italian appetizer "Caponata" with eggplant

The main, but far from the only, ingredient in this Italian appetizer is eggplant. In general, in a sunny country they are actively used in cooking, and this is only one of popular recipes.


2 eggplants;

100 ml of oil;

onion head;

1 st. l. capers;

3 stalks of celery;

3 art. l. wine vinegar;

1.5 tablespoons of sugar;

1 st. l. pine nuts;

800 g of tomatoes in their juice.


1. Cut the eggplant in half lengthwise, generously salt the flesh. Leave for about half an hour. Then the vegetables need to be salted, cut into small cubes.

2. Fry eggplants in olive oil for seven minutes. They should become softer, but not fall apart. Transfer to a saucepan, add more oil to this pan.

3. Cut the onion, throw it into the oil. Cook vegetables for a couple of minutes.

4. Add diced celery stalks. Hold for a few more minutes on the fire along with the onion.

5. Add tomatoes to your juice. They can be laid whole or chopped with a blender. We do what we like. Cook over medium heat until the celery is soft. It's about ten minutes long.

6. We shift these vegetables to the eggplants.

7. Add sugar, vinegar and salt, pepper. Lay capers, pine nuts. Stir gently so as not to damage the pieces of vegetables.

8. Cook over low heat for another five minutes, cool. We shift into a bowl with a lid, let it brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Italian appetizer of eggplant with sun-dried tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes are used in many Italian appetizers, but eggplants are especially well combined with them. For your attention one of best recipes fragrant rolls. Additionally, you will need mozzarella, which, if desired, can be replaced with other types of cheese.


Two eggplants;

100 g sun-dried tomatoes;

4 tbsp. l. olive oil;

2 sprigs of basil;

2 balls of mozzarella;

2 cloves of garlic.


1. If the eggplants are not bitter, then immediately cut them into thin long slices, send them to a greased frying pan and fry over medium heat until cooked. If a specific bitterness is present, then pre-soak, then also fry. You should not pour a lot of oil, just grease the surface, and in order for the vegetable to cook inside, just turn down the heat.

2. Chop garlic and basil, transfer to a mortar, add black pepper and knead thoroughly. There will be an amazing aroma.

3. Mix the garlic mass with olive oil. You can replace it with sour cream. Yogurt or mayonnaise if you don't want to get too greasy snack.

4. Lubricate all eggplant plates with sauce.

5. Cut the cheese into roughly the same pieces as tomatoes.

6. Put a piece of cheese and a tomato in each eggplant, roll up the roll.

7. We transfer the rolls to a plate, you can use any greens for decoration, but it’s better to take basil.

Italian appetizer "Bruschetta" with tomatoes and chicken

Bruschetta are Italian sandwiches. Used for appetizers different types cheese, basil, eggplant, tomatoes, but the combination of tomatoes and chicken is especially successful and satisfying.


half white loaf;

250 g chicken;

2 tomatoes;

0.5 tsp coriander;

2 sprigs of basil;

Salt, spices, oil.


1. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for a few seconds. Then rinse cold water and remove the skin. Cut into cubes.

2. Cut the chicken flesh small pieces, throw into a frying pan, fry over high heat until golden brown.

3. Add chopped tomatoes, remove heat, cover the pan and simmer until soft.

4. Season with chopped basil, salt. Crush coriander seeds and add to total mass. Stir.

5. Cut white bread or loaf into slices. Dry in the oven or use a toaster.

6. Lubricate slices of bread with tomato mass, apply generously. Additionally, you can decorate the bruschetta fresh basil.

Italian appetizer of spicy tomatoes

It turns out that for the preparation of Italian snacks, it is not necessary to buy half the store. Sometimes it is enough to have only tomatoes and different spices.


3 tomatoes;

10 ml of apple or wine vinegar;

1 st. l. chopped greens;

2 tbsp. l. olive oils;

1 clove of garlic;

Black pepper;

0.5 tsp. salt and sugar.


1. Tomatoes need to be cut into circles, but do not do it very thinly. About half an inch.

2. Mix vinegar with sugar and salt, pepper, add olive oil and squeeze out a clove of garlic. In general, you can throw everything into a bowl and beat with a blender.

3. Lubricate each tomato with the prepared marinade, laying three pieces on top of each other, lightly press down.

4. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then take out the appetizer, sprinkle with herbs and you can serve!

Italian appetizer "Carpaccio" with beef

Meat variant an Italian appetizer that uses beef. It is very important to use fresh meat High Quality, since in the classic version it is not subjected to heat treatment. But if desired, you can lightly fry.


0.2 kg of meat;

30 grams of parmesan;

A small handful of basil leaves;

15 grams of capers;

3 grams of salt;

20 ml of oil;

15 ml balsamic vinegar


1. Cut the beef into thin layers. We cover cling film, beat off with a hammer. Can be cut into strips if the plates are large.

2. We shift the meat onto a plate, pour over the vinegar, sprinkle with salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil. You can leave to marinate for a while.

3. Now just spread the capers on top, add the grated parmesan.

4. We supplement the dish with fresh basil greens.

Italian appetizer of eggplant with mint

Variant of Italian marinated eggplant with mint. The original recipe uses white varieties. blue eggplant can also be taken, but only with a thin and delicate skin.


700 g eggplant;

1.3 tsp salt;

5 st. l. wine vinegar;

A clove of garlic;

35 g mint;

110 g of olive oil;

10 g sugar.


1. Cut the eggplant into strips along, add 1 tsp. salt, stir. Leave for half an hour.

2. Throw the vegetable in boiling water, boil for a minute, send to a colander.

3. Prepare the vinegar marinade. Oils. Add the rest of the salt, sugar, stir. Pour into a saucepan and heat over low heat.

4. Chop fresh mint, add garlic, stir and pour over the marinade.

5. Transfer the cooked eggplants with the mint mixture. Lay the rest on top.

6. Put in the refrigerator for 5 hours and the Italian appetizer is ready!

Love Italian snacks? Then you need to stock up on basil. It can be dried for the winter and frozen in the same way as regular dill. Your own greens are much more aromatic than purchased analogues, besides, you can thoroughly wash and dry them, which is not always done in factories.

No mozzarella? This cheese can be replaced with other brine types. Something like goat cheese. In any case, the lack of mozzarella is not a reason to refuse Italian snacks.

Eggplant is often used in Italian dishes and they are usually fried. If you don’t like the abundance of fat, then try cooking pieces of vegetable on a grill pan or in the oven, it will turn out no worse.
