
Indian chutney. How to make chutney

Chutney sauce is the common name for over twenty sauce recipes. traditional cuisine ancient India. National character filigree patterns completely merged into the culinary preferences of the people.

Chutney is bright and refined, the history of its recipe has more than one millennium. Presumably, the spread of Chutney around the world began with the conquests of Alexander the Great, continued during the colonial past of India and has reached our days (thanks to numerous tourists and simply admirers of Indian culture around the globe).

Chutney features

Chutney is a favorite product in the native country. Every self-respecting hostess knows how to cook it since childhood. Chutney accompanies any celebrations and feasts, everyday lunches and dinners. Due to its originality and availability, the popularity of the sauce is growing every day. Let's get to know him better:

  • sauce can't count an independent dish, so it is used as an accompaniment to rice side dishes, baked vegetables, to meat or fish;
  • chutney sauce is made from both raw and thermally processed vegetables and fruits;
  • the originality of chutney is directly dependent on the combination of seemingly incompatible tastes and the use of a large amount fragrant seasonings and spices;
  • you can only achieve the authentic taste of Chutney after it has been “infused” for at least a week (sometimes a month), although it is extremely appetizing and freshly prepared;
  • in Chutney, very often sweet is combined with sour, salty or spicy, and fruits or berries are used together with vegetables and herbs to achieve unique taste sensations;
  • using the features in the technology of cooking Chutney, they can be stocked up for future use, which is quite convenient for our summer residents;
  • Chutney can also look like a pureed mass or like small pieces in a viscous sauce.

The variety of chutney types depends on the choice of ingredients as well as the spices used. The most popular of sauces:

  • apple;
  • cherry;
  • pear;
  • pineapple;
  • plum;
  • mango;
  • coconut;
  • pumpkin;
  • onion;
  • squash;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • mint.

indian sauce Chutney can combine fruits, vegetables, as well as certain seasonings:

  • cloves;
  • nutmeg;
  • dry ground black or red hot peppers;
  • ginger;
  • curry;
  • cinnamon;
  • cumin;
  • garlic;
  • mustard seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • rosemary.

How to cook chutney

There are several key rules making sauces that a novice cook needs to know.

In the boiled version:

  • prepared berries, fruits or vegetables, and sometimes all together, are crushed and gradually introduced into the cooking process;
  • salt (sugar) and add spices closer to the end of cooking;
  • hot chutney is distributed in jars and allowed to cool (infuse).

Fresh Chutney:

  • the ingredients are rubbed with a blender;
  • spices and seasonings are also sent there;
  • served chilled.

Important! The chutney should have a thick, smooth consistency.

In the classic version, the sauce can be prepared even by a beginner who does not understand anything in cooking. The main thing is to be patient (it will take a long time to cook) and strictly follow the recipe.

Indian chutney

We will need:

  • 1 kg - red ripe tomatoes(can be salad varieties);
  • 1 kg - green apples (we have Antonovka);
  • 100 gr. - onion;
  • 150 gr. — light raisins;
  • 2 cloves - garlic (in summer it is better to use the spring variety, as it is more fragrant and less pungent);
  • 500 ml - pure water;
  • 200 ml - vinegar (apple is more suitable);
  • 1 tbsp - mustard seeds;
  • 2.5 tbsp - curry;
  • 1 tsp - hot pepper;
  • 2/3 cup - sugar;
  • 2 tbsp - salt.

Cooking method:

  • At the very beginning, we will make a 20:20 cm gauze napkin, placing mustard in the middle, tightly tie it in the form of a bag. In this form, it will be cooked in sauce.
  • Tomatoes need to be peeled. To do this, cut each tomato with a cross at the tip, put it in boiling water in a separate container for a few seconds. Remove the seeds and cut the fruits into small pieces.
  • Peel the washed apples, remove the cores with seeds and chop into small cubes or slices. Laid down in deep stainless steel pan or a basin, pour water, put on low heat and cook from the moment of boiling for about half an hour.
  • We connect the apples with tomatoes and put a bundle with mustard on them. Stir and cook for another ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Peel the onion and garlic from the husk, chop finely, pour into the pan.
  • After a few minutes (5-7), we will send the rest of the ingredients there (washed raisins, vinegar, curry, pepper, sugar and salt).
  • Boil the sauce on the weakest fire until puree. Cook, stirring occasionally, avoiding burning for about two hours. Throw away the gauze bag as unnecessary.
  • Put the chutney in clean, dry jars and close tightly (roll up). Let cool and store like any other canned food.

The sauce is sour-sweet-spicy and fragrant. Serve chutney with any spicy dishes, for example with boiled potatoes or rice, fish or meat.

tomato chutney

The basis of this sauce is ripe tomatoes or tomato paste. We advise you to cook it from homemade, organic tomatoes.

  • fresh tomatoes - 6-8 fruits (depending on their size);
  • butter - 1/4 pack (fat content not less than 72.5%);
  • water - 100 milliliters;
  • mustard (seeds) - 1 tablespoon;
  • curry - 4 teaspoons;
  • Lavrushka - 1 large or 2 small leaves;
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • cloves - 4-5 pieces;
  • dried garlic - 2 teaspoons;
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • ground coriander - 3 teaspoons;
  • dry ground ginger- 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • salt - to taste.
  • First of all, prepare the tomatoes: blanch, remove the skin and seeds, grind in a blender.
  • Melt the butter in a skillet or non-stick skillet over medium heat. Let's lay out the mustard (when heated, it will begin to crackle (burst), so do not forget about the lid). This will take about one minute.
  • Stirring vigorously, fry the rest of the spices for another 1 minute.
  • Add the tomatoes, water, sugar and salt to the half cooked chutney. Reduce the gas, then cook the sauce (without covering) for the next five minutes. If the chutney is thin, boil longer.
  • Take out the cinnamon and bay leaves. Pour the sauce into a clean bowl and let cool.

If you decide to use not tomatoes, but tomato paste

  • a full glass of tomato paste;
  • 2/3 liters of water;
  • the rest of the ingredients are listed above.

As you can see, this sauce can be prepared very quickly. Eat it with pasta, dumplings, seafood, sausages, barbecue. It will be appropriate almost anywhere where tomato sauce is provided.

orange chutney

Orange sauce with a pleasant citrus aroma perfect for cereal dishes or pancakes.

Stock up:

  • 3-4 oranges;
  • 2 sweet apples;
  • juice of 1 lemon or vinegar - 75 ml;
  • 1 glass of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 4-5 cloves;
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp dry ginger;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Wash and peel oranges and apples. Let's cut them into cubes.
  • Let's put the fruits to boil, adding water and ginger under the lid for twenty minutes. We make the fire small.
  • Then add sugar and spices except garlic and lemon juice. Don't forget to stir.
  • Cook for another thirty minutes, add lemon juice and garlic passed through a press.
  • Boil 5 minutes and remove from heat. We remove the cloves and let it brew.

Cucumber chutney

We will make cucumber sauce without cooking. It is refreshing, light and fragrant. Most delicious sauce Chutney will come out of small cucumbers (gherkins).

Let's get:

  • young cucumbers - 300 grams;
  • onion - turnip - 1 medium head;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dill and mint - 2 sprigs each;
  • refined vegetable oil- 2 tablespoons;
  • French mustard - 2 tsp;
  • natural honey - 1 tbsp;
  • alcohol vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Making the sauce:

  • We wash warm water cucumbers and herbs, peel the garlic and onions.
  • Chop cucumbers smaller and put in a liter glass jar. Here we send small chopped onion, dill, mint, garlic gruel and salt.
  • We close the bank nylon cover shake it properly. Let stand for 25-30 minutes.
  • After this time, pour the contents of the jar into the blender bowl and report all other components. Whisk at high speed.
  • The mass should be homogeneous, so grind the vegetables again if necessary.

Put in a gravy boat. Serve chutney chilled.


Have you ever come across recipes for chutneys made from apples, pears, pumpkins, plums, and other fruits and vegetables, but haven't used them simply because you're not quite sure what they are? It's time to learn more about this spicy seasoning and add it to your favorite dishes.

What is chutney?

Chutney is thick sauce Indian origin, which contains fruits or vegetables, vinegar, sugar and spices and is used in cooking as a condiment to give the dish both sweet and tart taste, as well as a spicy and pungent aroma.

In India, it is served with almost every dish, especially curries, but it is also used as a sauce for hot dishes (usually meat).

Although most commonly associated with India, chutney is also popular in Africa and the Caribbean.

There is no single recipe for chutney, and its variations in different regions and countries are endless.

Chutney sauces can be made from a wide range ingredients, usually from mixtures of fruits and/or vegetables and spices. They differ in aroma and taste: from sweet or sour, spicy or mild, or any combination of them.

The unifying feature is that they were originally made by grinding and mixing fresh ingredients with spices, and then boiling to a thick mass.

What is in chutney

Chutney ingredients usually include a combination of fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices, which create a sweet and spicy flavor.

Although there are hundreds, if not thousands possible recipes chutney, of which the most common are fruit base, although unsweetened vegetables or berries can also be used.

Most popular fruits The ingredients used in this seasoning are mango, cranberry, apple, peach, pear, apricot and plum.

In many vegetable recipes chutney uses eggplant, tomatoes, rhubarb, onion, garlic.

Commonly used spices in chutney:

  • coriander;

Most chutneys contain many tropical ingredients such as mango, pineapple, coconut, cashew nuts, and peanuts.

Mint, ginger, tamarind, cumin and cilantro add variety and depth to the flavor.

Chutneys are also made with dried fruits as their texture holds well and the flavor tends to pair well with spices and sugar.

The citrus juice or vinegar in the chutney acts as a natural preservative.

How to choose and where to buy chutney

Currently, chutneys are made in industrial production, whereas at one time it was made exclusively at home.

When choosing finished product in the store, always carefully study the composition, some manufacturers add artificial dyes, flavorings and preservatives. IN good product sugar and vinegar act as preservatives, and the color and smell are acquired from natural fruits, vegetables and spices.

Today, chutney is common enough to be found in the supermarket of large cities or in stores specializing in Asian products.

If neither option suits you, you can always buy chutney online from the world famous online store IHerb.

What do you eat chutney with?

In Indian cuisine, chutney is used for dipping, as a sauce and garnish, and is eaten with many foods throughout the day, even for breakfast. Here are some ideas for what you can eat it with.

  • Chutney sweet and sour taste served with meat, such as chicken, lamb or pork. It goes well with fried chicken. You can use chutney diluted with water.
  • Chutney is eaten with any cooked pork dish (e.g. chops, tenderloin, ham, etc.)
  • Chutney can be used in a variety of ways. delicious meals with fish.
  • It is mixed with rice or couscous.
  • Sweeter versions of chutney are garnished on bagels, breakfast toast, cheese, and crackers.
  • Apple chutneys are perfect with ham, and dark varieties of this sauce pair well with cheddar cheese or duck.
  • Chutney is served with any curry dish.
  • Plum, apricot or cranberry chutneys are fragrant additions for meats and sandwiches.
  • Mix equal parts chutney and mayonnaise. Add as a main ingredient to a sandwich of your choice. It is especially good in a burger with cheese or vegetables.

chutney recipes

To make chutney at home, choose firm fruits and vegetables that are not yet fully ripe. Avoid soft berries like blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries as they lose their flavor when cooked.

Fruit chutney is made in the same way as jam, but with vinegar added to offset the sweetness, making it more suitable for savory dishes.

To get a bright and memorable taste, you need to let the finished chutney brew in the refrigerator for at least one day.

If you want to prepare chutney sauce for future use and enjoy it in winter, then pour it hot into prepared jars, roll it up, wrap it up and let it cool at room temperature.

Classic mango chutney recipe

Mango chutney is the sauce that is called "original" or "classic", and this is the most traditional recipe from all chutneys.

This sharp delicious seasoning perfect for chicken, pork or lamb. It is spicy from ginger, mustard seeds, garlic and red chili peppers, pungent from vinegar, and sweet from mangoes, raisins and sugar.

Preparation time - 15 minutes, cooking - 1 hour.

Yield: 220 grams


  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar;
  • 4 to 5 medium-sized mangoes, peeled and cut into 1.5 x 1.5 cubes
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped;
  • ½ cup light raisins;
  • ¼ cup minced ginger;
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed;
  • 1 teaspoon of whole mustard seeds;
  • ¼ tsp red chili pepper (hot).

Cooking method:

  1. Combine sugar and vinegar in a 5 liter saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and simmer, uncovered, until slightly thick syrup. It will take from 45 minutes to 1 hour. Stir occasionally during cooking.
  3. Pour into clean, scalded hot water jars, leaving a 1-centimeter free space from the top.
  4. Close jars with lids and cool at room temperature before placing in refrigerator.

plum chutney recipe

Plum chutney is delicious with cheese. It also pairs very well with lentils and brown rice.

Product yield: 1.5 liters

  • 4 cups chopped plums;
  • 1 small chopped onion;
  • ¾ cup raisins;
  • 2 glasses brown sugar;
  • 1 ½ cups apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 lemon (squeeze juice);
  • 2 teaspoons sea ​​salt;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 2 tsp fresh grated ginger;
  • ½ tsp cloves;
  • ½ tsp mustard seeds;
  • ¼ tsp red chili flakes.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a wide (larger) saucepan.
  2. Place on stove and bring to a boil at high heat.
  3. Once the liquid starts bubbling, reduce the heat to medium and be sure to stir every minute until it thickens. You know the chutney is done when scooping it up with a spoon doesn't fill the "hole" right away.

Chutney with tamarind

Preparation time - 15 minutes, cooking - 20 minutes.


  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of tamarind concentrate;
  • 1 cup brown sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon of sea salt;
  • ½ tsp cayenne pepper;
  • ½ tsp ground cumin;
  • ½ tsp ginger powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat water over medium heat until boiling.
  2. Add tamarind concentrate and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the liquid thickens to a syrupy consistency, about 20 minutes.
  5. Let cool for 10 minutes. Transfer to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. Use as needed.

Easy apple chutney recipe

To prepare one serving of chutney, you need firm and not very sweet apples. Despite quite a large number of components, the recipe for making the sauce is very simple.


  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • half a teaspoon of zira, turmeric, cardamom seeds and ground pepper Chile;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 4 cloves;
    a small piece of fresh or 5 grams of dried ginger.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the apples, peel, cut the core and chop in small pieces, chop the onion and ginger in a blender or finely chop.
  2. Put the prepared ingredients in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add salt, spices, raisins and vinegar. Simmer the resulting mixture, stirring constantly, for about an hour. Taste the sauce as it cooks to adjust the degree of spiciness or sweetness if desired.
  3. The chutney sauce is ready when the apples are soft and have changed color.

health benefits of chutney

The health benefits of chutney vary by recipe and depend on the ingredients.

  • For example, mango chutney is rich in vitamin C and prevents many diseases, it is useful in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion and biliary disorders. It amplifies immune system organism.
  • Tamarind chutney is rich in fiber, so it is useful for constipation. Fiber also binds bile salts and thus facilitates excretion. bad cholesterol from the body. This type of chutney contains a lot of tartaric acid, which itself is a powerful antioxidant. Tamarind cellulose has laxative properties.
  • Tomato chutney - good source vitamin C, A, K, folic acid and potassium. It is low in sodium and cholesterol, which is good for high blood pressure and is also beneficial for patients with heart failure. This chutney prevents inflammation, which is associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer and arthritis. It also works as a blood purifier and is helpful in preventing urinary infections.

The variety of delicious and healthy chutneys is so great that you should have at least one jar of your favorite flavor in your fridge! This sauce is easy to prepare, and enjoyment is guaranteed.

Chutney sauce is a great opportunity to diversify your home diet and surprise the household with an unusual and exquisite seasoning for various dishes. We bring to your attention the most various options preparation of this supplement. Presented as classic options preparations from apples and tomatoes, and more rare with the addition of peppers, zucchini, plums and other types of vegetables. We hope that Indian seasoning chutney sauce will be to your taste and will become a regular guest in your kitchen.

apple chutney recipe

The same apple chutney recipe can be used to make pear sauce. Try apple chutney with cheese or cold pork. And you can put apple chutney on a ham sandwich.

To get 5 cans of 400 g

  • 2 kg apples
  • 750 g onion
  • 1 liter malt vinegar
  • 500 g seedless raisins
  • 1 kg soft brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons fresh chopped ginger
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon mustard powder
  • 2 tsp salt

Put the peeled and cored apples, cut into pieces, and the peeled and chopped onions in a saucepan with vinegar. Boil for an hour, then add the remaining ingredients and cook for a very small fire stirring constantly until all the sugar has melted.

Bring to a boil again and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour into banks.

tomato chutney recipe

Delicious tomato chutney, perfect for making use of the surplus grown tomatoes. We offer a recipe tomato chutney, which has a rich taste and excellent aroma.

To get 6 cans of 400 g

  • 2.4 kg tomatoes
  • 250 g red onion
  • 300 ml malt vinegar
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 350 g sugar

Put peeled and chopped tomatoes and finely chopped onions in a saucepan with half the amount of vinegar. Boil 20 minutes until soft.

Add salt, paprika, Cayenne pepper and the remaining vinegar. Simmer over low heat for 45 minutes to thicken the mixture.

Add sugar and stir over very low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Bring to a boil again and cook the sauce for 45 minutes until it is quite thick. Sort by banks.

More chutney recipes

Further on this page you will find several more recipes for chutney sauce, which can include a wide variety of ingredients. Choose for yourself suitable recipe chutney sauce and use it as an Indian seasoning for home cooking.

Green tomato chutney

If you have tomatoes left that have not had time to ripen, then this lovely way use them. This sauce is quick and easy to make and tastes amazing.

  • 1.5 kg green tomatoes
  • 2 cooking apples
  • 450 g onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of spices for marinade
  • 500 ml white malt vinegar
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt
  • 400 g sugar

Chop the tomatoes, peel and chop the apples, onions and garlic. Put the spices for the marinade in a gauze bag.

Place all ingredients, except sugar, in a canning bowl. Simmer for about an hour until all contents are soft and smooth.

Add sugar and stir over low heat until sugar dissolves.

Bring to a boil again and cook for 45 minutes to thicken the sauce. Take out the gauze bag of spices. Sort by banks.

plum chutney

Delightful rich taste This sauce goes well with cold meats and cheese.

To make approximately 5 cans of 400 g

  • 1.5 kg plums 750 g onions
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 150 g raisins
  • 1 liter red wine vinegar
  • 750 g soft dark brown sugar
  • 1 orange
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 teaspoon chopped rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Cut the plums in half and remove the stones, put them in a canning pan along with finely chopped onion and garlic, raisins and vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.

Add sugar and stir over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Put Orange juice and grating orange peel, cinnamon, rosemary and salt. Mix well. Simmer for an hour or longer until the chutney is thick like a thick jam.

Take out the cinnamon sticks. Sort by banks.

Sweet pepper chutney

Nice red sauce with a slight spiciness. If you prefer more soft taste, do not add chili.

To get 6 cans of 150 g

  • 6 sweet red peppers
  • 400 g red onion
  • 3 fresh peppers Chile
  • 400 g tomatoes
  • 1/2 st. sweet paprika spoons
  • 1/2 st. spoons of salt
  • 2 teaspoons black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon mustard powder
  • 300 ml red wine vinegar
  • 200 g sugar

Place the chopped peppers, finely chopped onion and chili peppers, and peeled and chopped tomatoes along with all other ingredients except sugar in a canning pot. Boil 45 minutes until soft.

Add sugar, stir over low heat to dissolve, and continue to cook for another 30 minutes, until almost all the liquid has evaporated. Sort by banks.

Zucchini chutney

  • 1.5 kg zucchini
  • 500 g onion
  • 500 g tomatoes
  • 100 g raisins
  • 600 ml white vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons spice mix
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground dried chili pepper
  • 1 teaspoon mustard powder
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt
  • 2 teaspoons black pepper
  • 600 g soft light brown sugar

Place peeled and chopped seedless zucchini, chopped onions, tomatoes, raisins and vinegar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes until everything is soft.

Add spices, salt and black pepper, continue to cook for another 15 minutes, then add sugar, reduce heat to low and stir until completely dissolved. Raise the heat slightly and simmer for another 20 minutes until the sauce thickens and most of the liquid has evaporated. Sort by banks.

Rhubarb chutney

Let this sauce brew for several months. When it is ready, you will enjoy eating it with ham, cheese, chicken and pork.

To make approximately 6 cans of 150 g

  • 1.5 kg rhubarb
  • 500 g onion
  • 2 cooking apples
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 st. tablespoon fresh chopped ginger
  • 1.5 liters of white vinegar
  • 900 g soft brown sugar
  • 500 g raisins
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Place in a canning pot filled with vinegar, chopped rhubarb, chopped onion, peeled and chopped apples, garlic and ginger. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.

Add remaining ingredients and stir over low heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Raise the heat slightly and simmer for another hour, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens. Sort by banks.

Sweet corn relish

Delicious sweet corn relish can be stored for up to 3 months.

To make approximately 6 cans of 150 g

  • 1 kg sweet corn kernels
  • 400 g onion
  • 1 Green pepper sweet
  • 1 red sweet pepper
  • 3 mild chili peppers
  • 1 teaspoon salt and black pepper
  • 500 ml cider vinegar
  • 225 g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon mustard powder
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric

Boil sweet corn within 3 minutes, drain the water.

If you do not know how to cook, then we will reveal 10 recipes to you.

Mysterious and ancient India always attracts the attention of people with its exoticism. Culture, customs, dishes of this country delight with color and centuries-old traditions. It is amazing how such a country managed to preserve its huge and impressive cultural heritage almost in its original form, and did not squander it to please the European colonialists. Original, mysterious India is in no hurry to reveal its secrets. Nevertheless, in the modern life of a huge number of countries, many Indian customs and traditions are gradually taking root, managing to take their rightful place in such a way that they no longer seem exotic, but become quite ordinary and familiar.

Dishes and sauces of Indian cuisine are more and more confidently settled in the menu of Europeans. Exciting appetite during meals, stimulating work digestive system chutney spices - perfectly set off the taste of dishes, allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of magical India, with its original and delicious recipes. Their taste is usually sweet, because these sauces are prepared from vegetables and fruits. While eating, just a couple of spoons of this seasoning is enough for the taste of the served dish to play, become more saturated and original. As a rule, chutney sauce is laid out in small rosettes so that the eater can put it on his plate with a small spoon right amount Indian seasoning and savor the original unusual taste of the seasoned dish for a long time and with arrangement.

The preparation of chutney is a rather time-consuming, time-consuming process, because it involves boiling the components until they are completely boiled. These Indian sauces can also be made from raw ingredients crushed to a paste. Traditionally, tasty chutney is combined with meat and rice, but in modern kitchen Can this condiment be served? different dishes, based on the preferences of gourmets.

There are many tips and tricks on how to make chutney at home. The preparation of chutney seasonings can be divided into the following main steps:

Vegetables and fruits are finely chopped;

Such a mass is mainly boiled on a tiny fire until it turns into a creamy golden brown substance;

Hot finished chutney is usually laid out in glass, preferably sterilized containers, stored in the refrigerator.

It is believed that chutney should be infused for at least a month before use, then its components will be saturated with each other's tastes. However, it is quite possible to use such a seasoning immediately after cooking, after cooling.

On the Internet, it will not be difficult to find a chutney recipe with step by step photos and instructions for its preparation. Suggested selection simple recipes This Indian seasoning will come in handy for hostesses who want to pamper their household and guests with unusual new flavor combinations.

carrot chutney recipe


Carrot - 0.5 kg;

Garlic - 2 things;

Ginger - 10 grams;

Mustard seeds - 1 tsp;

Sugar - 60 grams;

Vinegar - 0.5 tsp;

Indian cumin in seeds - 1 hour;

Black pepper - 1 tsp;

Cayenne red pepper powder - 1 teaspoon;

Ghee (clarified butter) - 2 tbsp.;

Rub the peeled carrots on a grater. Heat up the oil and fry it mustard seeds and cumin seeds until crackling. Grind ginger, garlic, black pepper, put there too. Fry everything together for two minutes. Then add the remaining ingredients. Cook until carrots soften. We cool. Store carrot chutney in the refrigerator.

Chutney - gooseberry recipe


Gooseberries (large, sour, green) - 1.5 kg;

Onion - 0.5 kg;

Sugar - 0.5 kg;

Ginger - 50 grams;

Red hot pepper- 1/4 tsp;

Garlic - 1 head;

Vinegar 3% - 1 tablespoon;

Water - 2 tbsp.

Finely chop the onion. We wash the gooseberries, cut off the antennae and tails. Cook onions and gooseberries, adding all the other ingredients on a small fire for 2.5 hours. After cooking, you will get a paste-like mass.

Chutney: tomatoes with cilantro


Small tomatoes - 6-7 pieces;

fresh leaves cilantro - 2 bunches;

Green chili pepper - 6 pieces;

Grind all the ingredients into a paste-like mass (preferably in a food processor). This chutney is served raw, without cooking.

apple chutney

You will need:

Apples - 2 kg;

Water - 0.5 cups;

Red ground pepper - 2 teaspoons;

Nutmeg - 1 tsp;

Cloves - 1/4 tsp;

Turmeric - 1 tsp;

Ginger - 1 tsp;

Cinnamon - 1 tsp;

Sugar - 6 glasses.

Wash apples, peel, remove cores, add water, cook until softened. Melt the ghee in a frying pan. We fry spices in it and add apples. Cook until the liquid has evaporated. Add sugar. The mixture should turn into jam. Serve chilled chutney.

Apricot chutney


Dried apricots - 1 cup;

Water - 3.5 tbsp.;

Cumin seeds - 1 tsp;

Sugar - 3/4 cup.

Soak the apricots for 6 hours. Boil until softened. Roast the cumin and chili seeds. Mix with apricots, add sugar. Cooking until pasty.

plum chutney


Plums - 250 grams;

Raisins - 250 gr.;

Shallots - 300 gr.;

Onion - 30 gr.;

Sweet pepper - 3 pieces;

Vinegar - 1 tbsp.

Chop onions, shallots, Bell pepper. Boil over low heat in a container with vinegar and raisins for 1 hour. We take out the seeds from the plums, cut them in half, add them to the bulk and cook for 2 hours.

banana chutney


Ghee (clarified butter) - 2 tablespoons;

Green chopped chili - 1 piece;

Cumin seeds - 1 tsp;

Diced bananas - 1 cup;

Water - 6 tablespoons;

Sugar - 2 tbsp

Melt the ghee in a pan, fry the chili and cumin. Mix with bananas, water, add sugar. Boil until thick and creamy.

Onion chutney


Shallots - 8 pieces;

Red pepper - 2 teaspoons;

Indian cumin, salt - to taste;

Zest of 4 lemons;

Juice from 4 lemons.

Chop shallots, put in glassware. Add pepper, cumin, salt. We insist about 5-10 minutes. We mix. It is advisable to grind a little. Pour in a mixture of lemon juice, zest. We insist 24 hours.

Avocado chutney


Avocado - 1 piece;

Salt - 1/2 tsp;

Asafoetida - 1 pinch;

Sugar - 1 tsp;

Lemon juice- 1 tsp;

Cream - 3 tablespoons;

Ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp

Cut the avocado, remove the pit. Separate the pulp from the peel. We knead into a homogeneous mass. We combine all the ingredients, beat into a creamy mass.

Coconut chutney


Fresh coconut pulp, finely grated - 1 tbsp.;

Sugar - 1 tablespoon;

Ground ginger - 1 tsp;

Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons;

Chopped green chilli- 2 pieces;

Chopped coriander - 1 tbsp;

Salt - 1/2 tsp

Mix all the ingredients, cook until thickened.

Recipes with photo chutney- amaze and delight lovers exotic cuisine their simple cooking and original unusual taste obtained sauces. Having prepared this seasoning at least once and having tasted its unusual sour-sweet-salty taste, inhaling the divine aroma of ancient India, it is worth experimenting with various dishes to which it will apply. Meat, poultry, fish, cheeses, various sandwiches - list the dishes that these are served with Indian spices, can be long.

Each gourmet will decide for himself what kind of chutney is best to eat this or that food. In any case, the ten recipes above are by no means an exhaustive list of variations of these seasonings. If you set a goal, you can experiment almost every day of the month with a new chutney recipe, cooking it with new ingredients and in different ways.

Try at least once make chutney at home and you will fall in love with its enchanting taste and smell! Such seasonings can always revive festive table, surprise guests and diversify familiar dishes ordinary cuisine. All guests will appreciate the enchanting aroma and unusual taste qualities your Indian dishes with chutney sauce.

Is it spicy or sour sweet seasoning, which refers to Indian cuisine. This seasoning or sauce goes very well with meat. The chutney is made so spicy you can barely eat it and so sweet you can't put it down. The main task is to balance the taste of the dish.

Exists great amount types of chutney. Boiled chutney is often made from vegetables. It takes a long time to cook, because all the components of the chutney need to be boiled until they are almost completely soft.

It is already known to everyone and maybe homemade, here is this one tomato chutney recipe, may well replenish the preparations of your sauces and seasonings for the winter. Fans of spicy food will especially like chutney, because it will be very spicy. The spiciness can be adjusted to your liking.


  • large tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • apples - 3 pcs.
  • bow -3 pcs.
  • ginger,
  • cinnamon stick,
  • raisins - 2 tsp
  • mustard seeds - 3 tsp
  • vinegar- 50 ml,
  • carnation - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 100 grams,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • dry hot chili pepper - 3 tbsp. l.
  • water - 50 ml.

Spicy tomato chutney - recipe

For chutney, take sour and juicy, and preferably those that will boil during cooking. Peel the apples from the skin, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut apples into small cubes.

Put the apples in a deep ladle and pour water, then put the ladle on the stove. Turn on medium fire.

Ripe and juicy tomatoes peel off the skin. You can do this by dousing them with boiling water. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Peel the onion, then chop into small cubes.

Chutney is made from fruits, dried fruits, berries and vegetables. The ingredients are mixed raw, and then a "raw" chutney is obtained, or boiled down to the consistency of jam with pieces of fruit, only with compound spicy taste. Up to three dozen spices are included in the sauce, combining, at first glance, incongruous: cinnamon and chili, garlic and cardamom, paprika and ginger, cloves and cumin. Be sure to add sugar or milk jam for sweetness and vinegar for sourness and for conservation purposes. The sauce is then infused, the flavors blending and turning into something more than the sum of its parts. The longer the sauce matures, the richer and deeper its flavor and aroma.

Chutney is served to meat, poultry, with cheeses, Indian flatbread(chapati) or bread. Europeans have long appreciated the rich indian taste. In our country, mostly vegetarians are familiar with chutney, which is a pity - it is high time to include it in the list of the most interesting dips.

Today we will prepare a universal chutney - from apples. To dip acquired necessary taste and aroma, soak it in the refrigerator for at least a day. Can be closed for future use. To do this, pour the hot chutney into sterilized jars, seal with lids, cool and send to the cellar or refrigerator. Jars with apple chutney stored in cool place long, good value. After a month you can enjoy it, it's very tasty.

Cooking time 60 / Servings 4


  • apples 700 g
  • white wine or apple bite 100 g
  • cinnamon stick
  • zira 0.5 tsp
  • curry 0.5 tsp
  • ground cardamom seeds 1 pc.
  • carnation 2 pcs.
  • chili flakes 0.5 tsp
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • ginger root 3 cm
  • ground black pepper a pinch
  • raisins 1 tbsp. l.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • brown sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt 0.5 tsp

How to make apple chutney

Peel the apples from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes. Keep the cubes small: you don’t have to mash them during the cooking process, but it’s still better that the pieces in the dip come across medium-sized.

Peel the garlic and ginger. Grate both on a fine grater.

My chutney recipe includes onion. Do not replace it with soft white or sweetish leek - let it be expressive, even sharp onion. Chop it up as finely as possible. Place food in a heavy bottomed saucepan.

Pour in the vinegar, add all the spices according to the list of ingredients and raisins, salt. If you want a spicy chutney, add a fresh chilli along with the seeds. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring. There is no need to pour water: vinegar and apples will give quite a lot of liquid, which will still need to be evaporated.

When the mixture boils, set the quietest fire and cook for 45-50 minutes. The sauce will bubbling slightly, as it should. From time to time it needs to be stirred with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn. Try it in progress. If the chutney is too sour, adjust the taste by adding more brown sugar than indicated.

When the onion is completely softened, the sauce is ready. As you can see, the color changed in the process, becoming a dark pink terracotta.

Fish out and discard the cloves and cinnamon stick. Transfer the sauce to jars and let it brew (at least a day, do you remember?).
Happy tasting!
