
Saffron - what is it? Properties, application and cultivation of fragrant seasoning. Saffron Beyond Cooking

Saffron seasoning is known all over the world, but not everyone had a chance to try it due to the high cost. The spice is rightfully considered one of the most expensive, as evidenced even by the corresponding entry in the Guinness Book of Records. The price is due to the laborious work of collecting saffron. The whole procedure is done manually, and the yield of raw materials is minimal.

Saffron - what is this seasoning?

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, which is obtained from the dried stigmas of the saffron seed. It is also called crocus. Since ancient times, the spice has been valued for its weight in gold, it was added to dishes to enhance the taste and used in medicine to treat many diseases.

The historical homeland of saffron is the Middle East. Its name is of Arabic origin and translates as "yellow-leaved". The priests of the East used the plant for various religious rituals. In ancient Greece, the pistils of the flower were added to the water while taking a bath or strewn with them on the bed. In Europe, the spice appeared thanks to Italian and Swiss traders. For some time, the plant was even grown in Switzerland - in the city of Basel. Today, Iran is considered the world leader in the production of saffron.

Indian saffron in all respects is the highest quality. It is produced in Kashmir, and only the most sophisticated restaurants or wealthy people can afford it.

Taste and what spice looks like

The famous spice saffron is the stigma of the crocus flower, which at one time belongs to the iris family. The plant completely lacks a stem, and flowers and leaves are formed directly from the bulb. No more than three flowers can appear from one tuber. Flowering lasts three days in early autumn. Saffron is the pistil of this very crocus, which consists of three thin tubes. In order for the spice to be of high quality, it must be collected on the day of flowering.

Saffron is harvested by hand, as the plant does not tolerate rough treatment and technique. The collected flowers are laid out on the table, after which the stigmas are plucked from them. The seasoning is dried in a special dryer at a temperature of about 50 degrees, and then placed in water. The last procedure is necessary for sorting. High quality and, accordingly, the price of those pestles that sink to the bottom. Those stigmas that remain floating on the surface of the water are considered the third grade and are slightly cheaper.

In order to get 1 gram of saffron, 150 flowers are required. Accordingly, for 1 kilogram of spice it is necessary to process at least 150 thousand crocuses. 1 hectare of saffron plantation will "give" about 20 kg of finished spice.

In shape, saffron resembles threads of dark red or deep brown color, there may be slight yellow blotches. The spice has a strong original aroma. The taste is bitter, spicy, there is a slight honey tinge.

The correct composition and useful properties

Due to its rich chemical composition, saffron is considered one of the most useful spices. The water-soluble carotenoids of crocetin give the seasoning a special flavor.

The spice contains:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • essential oils - pinene, limonene, geraniol, saffronol.

Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, the calorie content of the product is 315 kcal.

Useful properties of saffron:

  • beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • elimination of various pains;
  • prevention of depression, apathy and drowsiness;
  • blood purification;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle.

If the spice is regularly used for cooking, then in a short time you can get rid of many diseases of the circulatory system. It helps cleanse the blood and liver, improves the condition of the skin, accompanies a good mood, and also adds strength and energy.

Studies show that the use of saffron seasoning accelerates the healing process of even the most serious diseases by 5-8 times.

  1. Saffron helps in the treatment of cancer.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases are treatable even in severe condition.
  3. Restores the liver and kidneys.
  4. Improves brain function, renews skin and nails.
  5. Accompanies natural weight loss by reducing appetite.
  6. Relieves allergies and skin diseases.
  7. It treats diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma.

To achieve the desired result, seasoning must be used regularly.

What kind of food is saffron added to?

Saffron seasoning has found its wide application in cooking.

To achieve perfection of taste, it can be added to the following dishes and drinks:

  • The seasoning goes well with rice, so it is advised to add it to all dishes associated with this ingredient, including pilaf.
  • Fish and meat - the aroma of spices goes well with products, gives them a bright shade. Can be added while stewing or baking.
  • In France and Eastern countries, the spice is used to make fish, vegetable and milk soups. Saffron can give dishes a beautiful golden hue. The spice is an indispensable ingredient in Marseille fish soup, and in China it is added to traditional noodles.
  • Confectionery - seasoning is used for baking buns, cookies or sweet rolls.
  • As a flavoring agent, saffron can be added to liqueurs and wines. It is also used to make cocktails, tea or coffee.

Fans of this exotic seasoning know that in large quantities it can spoil the true taste of the dish. The taste of the spice is not revealed immediately, so if you feel that there is not enough spice, do not rush to add it, let your culinary masterpiece brew a little. It is also not recommended to mix saffron with other spices, there is a risk of spoiling the taste of the dish.

The use of seasoning in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine provides for the use of saffron for many recipes:

  1. A universal infusion that has a beneficial effect on the entire body and improves memory is prepared as follows: 1-2 frayed veins are dissolved in a glass of warm water or milk. Drink daily.
  2. Another universal recipe provides for an infusion of 15 spice veins in 300 ml of hot water. The infusion is taken before meals, 200 ml after the veins settle to the bottom.
  3. With cystitis, I advise you to add 2-3 veins of saffron to cranberry juice, previously diluted with water.
  4. To cleanse the body, prepare the following infusion: 3 spice veins and 10 pcs. raisins are added to half a glass of water, insisted overnight. Take twice a day for 2 months.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite its rich composition, saffron has a number of contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, it is worth adhering to a strict dosage. For one dish, 2-3 strings of spices are enough. In large quantities, it is poisonous and can cause nervous excitement. It is allowed to eat no more than 1 gram of seasoning per year.

How to replace saffron in cooking

Saffron is a seasoning that not everyone can afford. The most common spice analogues are turmeric and safflower. Some sellers generally try to pass off their powder as original saffron. However, spices differ in both taste and shade, which is more like orange.

The spicy spice saffron has been famous for its beneficial properties since ancient times. It not only gives dishes a unique aroma and taste, but also tones, rejuvenates the body, is used in many traditional medicine recipes, used in cosmetology, ophthalmology (plant extract is added to eye drops), recognized as a natural aphrodisiac, antidepressant. Features of its use are associated with the chemical composition of the plant, and the high price of the spice is due to the laborious processes of growing, collecting, manual processing of raw materials for its manufacture.

What is saffron

The spice saffron, famous all over the world because of its high cost, is made from the stigmas of flowers of the saffron plant, better known by its Latin name - crocus. This is a flower from the genus of perennial bulbous herbaceous Iris, low, with narrow leaves and tubular single flowers of yellow or blue. The flowering area includes the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Central and South Asia.

The rich history of this spice, a wide range of uses, labor intensity of production contribute to the growth of demand and prices for this product. To obtain one kilogram of saffron, it is necessary to grow and manually process about 200 thousand plants, because one crocus flower produces only three stigmas, which are used to prepare the spice.

The historical homeland of the spice is the Middle East, the word "saffron" is of Arabic origin, translated as "yellow leaf". Oriental priests used the plant in religious ceremonies, in ancient Greece it was considered the strongest aphrodisiac, pistils of flowers were added to water before taking a bath, strewn with them on beds. The spice was originally brought to Europe by Italian and Swiss traders, for some time the Swiss Basel became the center for growing crocuses. Today, about 90% of the world's crop is grown in Iran.

Where is used

Saffron is not only an exquisite spice that gives dishes and drinks a rich bitter taste and strong unusual aroma, although cooking is its most famous area of ​​​​application. Crocus grass and flowers have been used by folk healers since ancient times, since the plant has a unique chemical composition that determines a number of its beneficial healing properties.

Since ancient times, methods have been known for obtaining orange dye from the stigmas of crocus flowers, which was first used to dye fabrics, and in the modern world is used in food production and the manufacture of expensive hair dyes. Essential saffron oils are used in the preparation of skin masks, since the plant contains natural antioxidants with pronounced anti-aging properties.

Application in cooking

The most famous area of ​​​​application of spices is cooking. The spice is used in most cuisines of the peoples of the world in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes and drinks. In the East and Asia, these are pilaf or other dishes made from rice and peas, as well as milk-based drinks. In Europe, seasoning is added to meat dishes, broths, fish dishes, seafood, and vegetable snacks. The spice is used in the confectionery industry to give an interesting taste to sweet pastries and desserts, in the manufacture of cookies, pastries, and cakes.

Saffron in cooking is not only a way to give food an unusual original taste. The spice has a preservative effect - food cooked with its addition retains excellent taste and nutritional qualities for several days. The spice is also used in the production of alcoholic beverages, to give a variety of liqueurs and cocktails a subtle specific aroma and an original color shade.

Before adding to the cooking dish, saffron threads are lightly fried over high heat for 30-60 seconds, ground into powder, mixed with a teaspoon of water or milk. With this preparation, the aromatic and flavor properties of the spice are released more strongly. It is not worth combining the spice with other spices; you need to add it to the roast, soup and other hot dishes a couple of minutes before the end of the heat treatment. Saffron powder is added to the dough at the kneading stage.

Natural saffron has a pronounced pungent odor, gives the finished dish or drink a slightly bitter aftertaste. It should be added carefully - exceeding the dosage indicated in the recipe can not only spoil pilaf or seafood soup and make it inedible. A one-time ingestion of more than 2 g of spice causes severe poisoning (if we are talking about real saffron).

Seasoning saffron

It is known that saffron (crocus ordinary) is cultivated in Iran, India, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Pakistan and the United States. The most expensive is Indian saffron, called Kashmiri. Two types of Spanish crocus come close to its price, in third place is not so expensive, but no less popular Iranian type. Due to the high price of the spice obtained from the dried stigmas of the flowers of the plant, there are many fakes on the world spice market. Therefore, it is important to know what a real seasoning looks like, and not to overpay a lot of money for its analogues.

The dried stigmas of the pistils of the crocus flower are thin threads of maroon, closer to brown, in color. Imereti saffron, which is made from the stigmas of marigolds, and which is often sold under the guise of Kashmiri saffron, has an orange or orange closer to yellow color. Natural Indian spice in powder has a dark red color, so they often try to pass off turmeric for it.

In culinary recipes and healing decoctions, only a few threads of this spice are used. They are enough for the appearance of a characteristic taste and rich color in a dish or infusion. You have purchased a fake if a very small amount of spice is not enough to get a tart specific flavor. An excess of natural Indian or Iranian seasoning will hopelessly spoil any culinary masterpiece, so it should be added carefully, quite a bit.

Beneficial features

Since time immemorial, spices have been credited with rejuvenating, stimulating, strengthening and restoring properties. Crocus stigma powder is used in cosmetology and folk healing. Regular addition of a small amount of seasoning to food contributes to:

  • rejuvenation of skin cells and the whole body;
  • activation of brain activity;
  • normalization of the digestive organs;
  • strengthening the vascular system, blood purification;
  • improving the functioning of the genitourinary system of a woman, the regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased libido;
  • restoration of a healthy erection;
  • restoration of vision;
  • normalization of the nervous system.

Thanks to the flavonoids contained in the plant, it has an antioxidant, rejuvenating effect. Reception of tinctures or decoctions with the addition of spices frees the body from toxins and toxins, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, and relieves general intoxication in case of food or alcohol poisoning. Infusions made on the basis of crocus stigmas cleanse the kidneys and bladder due to the diuretic, choleretic action. Helps infusion of saffron with cystitis, menstrual irregularities, severe menstrual pain in women.

The composition of some medications for the treatment of eye diseases includes an extract of crocus flowers. In folk medicine, lotions with a decoction and taking tinctures on the stigmas of a crocus flower inside are recommended for the treatment of about a hundred different diseases, including the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis, malignant tumors. Regular intake of infusion of crocus stigmas helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, especially in liver cancer.

The spice is a natural antidepressant. Eating sweet dishes prepared with the addition of this spice improves mood, promotes a surge of energy, and increases the overall tone of all body systems. Doctors recommend brewing dried crocus stigmas with boiling water (1 teaspoon of powder per glass of water), drinking one teaspoon three times a day to prevent more than a hundred diseases.

Traditional healers recommend using an infusion of crocus stigmas in the treatment of conjunctivitis, styes and other inflammations of the eye conjunctiva. Five crushed saffron threads are combined with rose water until a homogeneous gruel is obtained and compresses with the mixture are applied for 10 minutes twice a day to the sore eye. To prepare a rejuvenating mask for the skin of the face, hands and neck 1 tsp. spices are mixed in equal proportions with fatty sour cream, honey, applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

As a means of improving male potency, increasing sexual desire, saffron is added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes in combination with ginger, black pepper. From bouts of insomnia or headaches, lotions are made with an alcohol infusion of stigmas, or they inhale the aroma of a powder tied in a canvas bag for several minutes. Broths with the addition of spices are rinsed with hair in case of problems with their growth or loss.

Chemical composition

Useful properties of spices are due to the chemical composition of the crocus plant. The original color is due to the content of crocins - water-soluble carotenoids of crocetin. The taste and smell of saffron is given by the flavonoid glycoside pyrocrocin and its hydrolysis products. The spice contains vitamins of groups B, A, C, PP, a complex of minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, manganese) and essential oils - saffronol, pinene, terpinene, limonene, cineol, geraniol, linalool. The calorie content of 100 g reaches 315 kcal due to the high content of carbohydrates (more than 60%).

Contraindications and harm

Saffron should be used for medicinal purposes with caution - the spice can have a strong effect on the body, when taken in large quantities it can cause severe poisoning (one-time use in an amount of 2 g or more). It is recommended to refrain from using this spice or decoctions based on it:

  • women during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • children under the age of 2;
  • people with chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • with violations of blood pressure (especially with hypertension);
  • patients with diabetes mellitus.

How to replace saffron

The most common spice analogues are turmeric and safflower. Unscrupulous sellers try to pass off their powder as saffron, but they do not have enough aroma, they are characterized by a different shade of orange. Crushed turmeric, compared to crocus stigma powder, does not have a reddish tint, its orange color is closer to yellow. Safflower has a much less pronounced aroma. To check the authenticity of saffron threads, two pieces are dipped in three liters of water. The natural spice will color the liquid yellow.

How to store

The spice is sensitive to light, high humidity, easily absorbs odors. Store saffron powder or stigmas in an airtight, opaque container. The storage temperature must not exceed 20 °C. Dry saffron quickly loses its aroma, so the threads must be ground into powder or an alcohol tincture prepared in a ratio of 1 to 10. If the storage conditions are observed, the spice retains its properties for two years, the loss of a specific smell indicates a loss of taste and healing qualities of the spice.

How much is saffron

The value of the spice and its high cost is associated with the peculiarities of the collection and preparation of plant materials. The most expensive spice in the world is made from hand-picked stigmas of flowers; to prepare 1 kg of spice, 170 to 200 kg of raw materials are required (approximately 10 kg per 1 ha). The cost of seasoning, depending on the variety of crocuses, ranges from 30 thousand dollars (for the most expensive, Kashmiri saffron) to 500 dollars for Iranian, more common, per kilogram.


In the East spice saffron they call it royal, because from time immemorial legends have been composed and sung about in verses about its spicy taste. This seasoning counts the most expensive, because it has a lot of positive qualities and is in demand in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

Are you interested in what does it look like this magical condiment? Saffron is a fragrant rich yellow powder. On the site site you can find out the useful properties of spices and its use in culinary arts.

Indian saffron seasoning: application

What is Indian made of? powder? A spice is being prepared from the flowers of the crocus seed in the photo, you can see how beautiful this plant is. It takes only 3 stigmas to create a precious spice. Receiving features:

  • The plant is collected only in dry weather.
  • Collection time from 10 am to 11 am.
  • The plant is not found in the wild. Therefore, it is grown only on special plantations.

The most popular varieties are Indian and Turkish. Most often used in Russian cuisine Imeretian spice.

Seasoning saffron: where to add?

You can add this spice to many dishes, as it is very useful for the human body:

  • Stimulates digestion.
  • Has an analgesic effect.
  • It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women.
  • Fights against cancer cells.
  • Oxygenates the brain.
  • Stimulates tissue regeneration, accelerates the growth of nails and hair.
  • Restores liver cells.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Eliminates manifestations of an allergy.
  • Effectively fights flatulence.
  • It is used in the treatment of dermatological diseases. Allowed in the form of masks and for oral administration.
  • Disappear diseases of the genitourinary system in men - impotence and infertility.
  • It cures hysteria, neuralgia and depression.
  • With the help of infusion from the plant, the body is cleansed.

Diseases recede only with regular use of spices. But keep in mind that excessive use of spices can lead to poisoning!

The most expensive seasoning saffron: what is the price?

If you wish buy spice, then you should be prepared for the fact that it price pretty high. This is due to such factors:

  • The plant is produced only on plantations with special conditions for growing.
  • Crocus grows only 2 weeks.
  • Collection by hand!
  • Three stigmas are also torn off only by hand.
  • Special harvest time.

In retail trade, you will pay $ 10 per gram of powder, and the wholesale batch will come out at least 3,000 euros.

Application in cooking

A Where same added is this the royal spice? IN cooking is used with such dishes:

  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Clear soups.
  • Pilaf.
  • Vegetables and legumes.
  • Amazingly delicious coffee.
  • Creams for pastries and cakes.
  • Delicious pastries.

Some nuances of using spices:

  • It is considered a taste stimulant, therefore it is added in minimal quantities, otherwise it can spoil the dish.
  • Rules introduction to the dish - dilute the powder in water, and then pour it into food.
  • Reveals the taste characteristics of the dish.
  • Baking the next day becomes more fragrant.

When using this powder, other spices must be discarded.

Saffron as a spice is the dried stigmas of a fairly common flower known as the crocus. It is famous for its ability to give food a recognizable bitter-spicy taste and a beautiful golden hue, unique medicinal properties and a very high price. The exquisite aroma of saffron cannot be confused with anything else.

Origin and cultivation of saffron seasoning

Crocus is a perennial bulbous herbaceous plant belonging to the iris or iris family (Iridaceae). Easily propagated by separating young bulbs. Likes sunny, sheltered places. It does not tolerate swampy soils and constant dampness.

Flowering crocuses are very beautiful, which has earned them extraordinary popularity as ornamental plants. Among them there are flowers of all possible shades from yellow to dark gold, from light blue to dark purple. White specimens look especially delicate.

Crocuses are distributed throughout the world as garden or indoor flowers, they are not found anywhere in the wild. Therefore, it is not possible to accurately determine the place of their origin. There is an assumption that their homeland is Iran, Asia Minor or.

As a spice crop, saffron is cultivated in India, Pakistan, Turkey, Spain and France. The most famous among them is Kashmiri, produced in India.

The active flowering of crocuses lasts about two weeks, and at this time, in the morning hours, the stigmas of freshly blooming flowers are harvested by hand. Then they are dried for about half an hour in natural conditions, or 12 minutes in a drying chamber at a temperature of 45-50 degrees.

The use of saffron seasoning in cooking

Seasoning saffron has been used for a very long time. Mentions of it are found in the written sources of the Sumerian civilization, medical texts (2600 BC), Egyptian writings (1500 BC), in the Song of Songs and the Old Testament.

As a spice, saffron is used in the preparation of transparent and dishes from, to which, in addition to its exquisite taste, it gives a beautiful golden hue. French cuisine recommends the use of saffron in cooking and seafood.

Saffron is widely used as a spice for baking confectionery (cakes, Easter cakes), and in this case, its ability to color the dough is also used, giving it an appetizing rich look and a special aroma. No wonder it is one of the essential components in the preparation of Easter and Christmas muffins.

In Mediterranean cuisine, saffron is used in soups and sauces. Spanish paella or Italian risotto is unthinkable without it.

The use of saffron spice in other areas

Saffron-based paint is used to dye expensive natural fabrics.

In industrial production, it is used as a food coloring for various types of products: sweets, marmalade, ice cream, cream, butter, dough products.

Medical properties of saffron

Saffron is part of a significant number of medicines. It is used as an analgesic, anticonvulsant, and heart support agent. It can be used as a diuretic and diaphoretic drug. Has a tonic effect.

Being added to food, saffron spice helps to normalize digestion, improves appetite.

Features of the use of seasoning saffron

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices, perhaps the most expensive. This feature of it gives rise to a large number of falsifications, so it is better to buy saffron seasoning from trusted suppliers. It also makes sense to purchase it unground, since dried stigmas are more difficult to fake than powder.

Saffron should be eaten with caution. This is a strong spice, and an overabundance of it can add bitterness to the dish. It is also believed that it can provoke a miscarriage. In large doses, saffron is poisonous.

Irina Surdu specially for the site

Photo — © Elena Moiseeva, Maksym Gorpenyuk | dreamtime.com

Saffron threads are painstakingly harvested from the flowers of the saffron seed (lat. Crocus sativus), dried and sold. Saffron is considered the most expensive spice. Thanks to saffron, the taste of many dishes becomes richer. It is also believed that saffron is beneficial for health and beauty, however, there is no objective evidence for this.


Part 1

Buying saffron

    What flavor to expect. Saffron has a tart, sour flavor with slight sweet floral undertones. If you put too much saffron in the dish, the taste can become bitter.

    • The aroma of saffron is similar to that of vanilla - it is sweet and musky. Both saffron and vanilla complement each other perfectly, but they are not similar enough to be interchangeable.
    • Turmeric and safflower are often used instead of saffron to give the dish a similar color, but the flavor is noticeably different.
  1. Get what you paid for. Harvesting saffron is a very time-consuming and complicated process, so if you want to buy high quality saffron, be prepared to spend quite a lot of money.

    • Before buying, check the quality of saffron. A good saffron should consist of thin threads of the same size, rich red, with an orange tendril on one side and a tube-shaped tip on the other. If the tendril is yellow, then the saffron is most likely real, but of rather poor quality.
    • The strong aroma of saffron indicates its high quality.
    • Fake saffron most often consists of uneven small threads without tendrils, very often pieces of bark can be seen in packages with fake saffron. Such saffron has a weaker aroma, reminiscent of bark.
  2. Buy whole saffron, not powder. Whole saffron in threads has a stronger flavor than powder. Ground saffron can only be a good substitute for whole saffron if you can't find the spice or it's too expensive.

    • If you decide to buy saffron powder, then buy it from a manufacturer you trust. Less honest manufacturers often add other spices to saffron powder, such as turmeric and paprika, to keep costs down.
  3. Store saffron properly. Saffron does not spoil, but it gradually loses its flavor. Proper storage allows the flavor of saffron to last longer.

    Part 2

    Saffron preparation
    1. Warm up the saffron threads. Heating or "roasting" saffron is another common way to extract the maximum flavor from the spice. This is especially true in paella recipes.

      • Place a cast iron skillet on the stove over medium heat.
      • When the pan is hot, put the saffron on it. Roast the saffron strands, stirring constantly, for 1-2 minutes. The saffron should release its aroma and flavor, but should not burn.
      • Cool slightly and grind the saffron threads - use a mortar and pestle for this. The resulting crushed saffron can be pre-soaked or added immediately to the dish.
    2. Grind and add immediately. Although this is not the best way to add saffron, you can still grind saffron and add it directly to the dish when cooking in recipes that use a lot of liquid.

      • Please note that if you use saffron powder, you can simply add it to the dish directly without soaking it.

    Part 3

    Cooking with saffron
    1. Use saffron in small amounts. In large quantities, saffron gives a bitter taste. When cooking, only a small amount of saffron should be used.

      Add saffron to desserts. Since the flavor of saffron is somewhat similar to that of vanilla, saffron can be added to many desserts that include vanilla. For example, saffron can be added to custard, confectionery, and sweet baked goods.

      • If you're making custard, add a pinch of saffron to a recipe for four servings.
      • If you are adding saffron when making pastries or cookies, take 15-20 strands for every 200g of flour. Note that butter will bring out the flavor of saffron much better than margarine.
      • If you are making sweet baked goods, then add 15 strands of saffron for every 450 g of flour - this will create a subtle flavor. If you want a more pronounced taste, you can add up to 60 threads per the above amount of flour.
    2. Combine saffron with other flavors and aromas. If you want saffron to be the main flavor of the dish, then do not use other spices, herbs or flavors. However, when mixed with other spices, saffron can give a dish a deeper flavor.

      • If you add saffron to dishes with other spices and seasonings, then add only a pinch. Add saffron as soon as possible so that the saffron flavor blends well with other flavors and aromas.
      • Very often, saffron is combined with cinnamon, zira (cumin), almonds, onions, garlic and vanilla.
      • If you plan to add saffron to meat or vegetable dishes, opt for lighter (not very strong flavor or aroma) meats and vegetables, such as adding saffron to a chicken or cauliflower dish.

    Part 4

    Saffron Beyond Cooking
    1. Do your own research. While saffron is most commonly used in cooking, especially for baking, it can also be used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. However, we recommend that you study the possibilities of non-culinary uses of saffron very carefully.
