
How to cook bonduelle corn. Choosing a good product

Both adults and children are looking forward to the middle of summer to enjoy sweet and fragrant young corn. Despite the fact that this cereal crop we have a very common one, not every housewife knows how to cook corn properly so that it turns out soft and juicy. Traditionally, cobs are boiled in a pot and served as independent dish with coarse salt or a piece of fresh butter.

There are also many delicious unusual recipes from boiled or canned corn kernels. It is usually added to variety of salads and light snacks. Of course, you can buy ready-made canned product at the bank, but amazing taste fresh boiled corn cooked by yourself cannot be replaced.

Corn is famous not only for its palatability, but also great content beneficial trace elements and amino acids necessary for a person. Therefore, during cooking it is very important to keep in the product as much as possible useful substances. Cooking corn on the cob is not difficult at all. However, some rules must be followed in order to get a good result in the end.

1. Choosing the right product

In summer, it appears on the market and in supermarkets great amount ripe golden cobs. Although outwardly they are all very similar, do not rush to buy the first product that comes across. In order not to be sorry for the effort and money spent, follow simple recommendations to choose good quality corn. So, what should you pay attention to when choosing it?

The first is the degree of maturity and variety. Very often, out of ignorance, the hostess buy fodder varieties instead of food varieties. grains fodder corn, as a rule, are denser and almost unsweetened. They are suitable for cooking. different soups and side dishes. Dried grains of this variety can also be used to make popcorn. For serving boiled, for salads and appetizers better fit sweet corn with tender and juicy grains.

The second tip is to buy raw corn on the cob. The freshness of the product can be determined by the leaves. The leaves of young corn are bright and green, and the stigmas are light and slightly moist. To check the freshness of the product, open the leaves so that the entire cob is visible to the base. The grains should have a soft lemon color and be smooth. Press a little on one of the grains with your fingernail. If tender skin will burst, and milky juice will flow out of it, which means this corn is milky fresh. It is this product that has a pleasant sweet taste and will be especially tender and juicy after cooking. If starch has already appeared in the grains, then they will be quite hard and unsweetened.

2. We prepare the ears before cooking

Before cooking corn on the cob, clean them of dirty or damaged leaves. Remove only the top leaves, leaving a few thin leaves. They will give ready meal pleasant aroma and make it more juicy. For the same purpose, we will not cut off all the stigmas, we will tear off only the upper darkened part of the hairs. Before cooking corn on the cob, rinse it thoroughly under running water.

For cooking, it is better to choose cobs of approximately the same size so that they cook evenly. If they are very large, then before cooking they must be cut in half.

3. How to cook milky corn?

Depending on the degree of ripeness and variety of corn, the time of its preparation will vary. Young corn should be cooked as follows. Pour purified water into a thick-walled deep saucepan and bring it to a boil. Let's add some water granulated sugar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water, as required by the recipe.

This cereal contains many beneficial vitamins and amino acids, which must be preserved during cooking. That is why it is important to follow temperature regime. Experts say that boiled corn retained its beneficial features, it must be cooked at a constant enough high temperature. Dip the cobs in boiling water and wait until the water boils again. Then cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat slightly to medium power. Boil the ingredients for 15-20 minutes.

Young corn is easy to digest, so you need to time the cooking time and strictly adhere to the cooking time. After 15 minutes, check the readiness. If the grains are soft enough, carefully remove the cobs from the water. During cooking, make sure that the cobs are completely submerged in water. As a rule, the top ears float, so they need to be turned periodically so that all the corn cooks evenly.

4. How to cook Bonduelle corn?

This question is of interest to many mothers, because it is this variety (it is also called sugar) that is very useful for baby food. Bonduelle corn takes the same amount of time to boil as it does to cook young cobs.

5. How long does it take to boil old cobs?

Grains of middle-aged corn have a bright saturated yellow color. If you want the grains of boiled corn to remain dense, boil it for 30-35 minutes according to the recipe. In order for the grains to become loose and softer, you need to boil the cobs longer - about 45 minutes.

6. How long and how to cook fodder corn?

Unlike food varieties, cobs of fodder corn should be cooked much longer - 3-4 hours, regardless of its size and age.

7. How to cook corn in a pot?

Regardless of the variety and degree of maturity of the cobs, every housewife needs to know how to cook corn correctly so that it turns out juicy and soft. There are two recipes.

The first recipe is the fastest and easiest. Peeled from the top leaves, the cobs should be placed in a pan as close as possible to each other. Then fill them with cold purified water so that it is 5 centimeters higher than the top cob. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and boil the corn until tender. How much time is needed for this, determine according to the degree of maturity of the cereal crop.

A feature of the second recipe is that the bottom and side walls of the pan must be lined with clean corn leaves. Put the cobs on top so that they do not come into contact with the walls of the pan. From above we also cover the corn with leaves and fill it with cool water. Boil the cobs until cooked, be sure to monitor how long they are on the stove.

8. How to cook cooked corn in milk or cream?

If you like to experiment, try this cereal recipe. Mix 125 ml of pasteurized milk and 60 ml of medium-fat cream and bring the mixture to a boil. Carefully cut the beans off the four boiled cobs and add them to the boiled mixture. Boil the ingredients for 10 minutes. Then add 50 grams of melted butter, mixed with a tablespoon wheat flour. Mix the ingredients and boil them for another 10 minutes, after which we pour 125 ml of dry white wine into the mixture. Let it boil for 10 minutes so that the alcohol evaporates. At the end of cooking, add salt and a little freshly ground black pepper.

9. Check readiness

Now you know how to cook corn so that it turns out delicious.
To check its readiness, you must wait for the time allotted for its preparation, then try one grain. If it becomes soft enough and easy to chew, the dish is ready. To make the corn even softer and more tender, leave the cooked cobs in water with the lid closed for another 5 minutes, as required by the recipe. Then remove from the water, carefully remove the leaves if you boiled the cobs in them and serve the dish hot.

10. Submission

Only after the end of cooking, the cobs should be carefully grated. table salt. According to the recipe, do not salt the corn before cooking or dip the cobs in salted water. Salt speeds up the release of liquid from the grains, so they will turn out tough and less juicy.

Another submission option sweet corn- with butter. A piece of oil is placed on a hot cob and rubbed with fragrant grains. You can also melt the butter first and then dip the corn into it. There are as many recipes and serving options as there are nations. For example, in Mexico it is customary to brush a hot cob with a slice of lemon and sprinkle with salt. The taste is unusual and spicy.

Bon appetit!

Boiled corn, like fresh meadow peas, was not previously sold on the streets by grandmothers. The sown fields were freely available, and everyone had the opportunity to break any number of corn cobs in the field for home consumption. How to cook corn on the cob and how long to cook all our mothers and grandmothers knew.

Many people remember from childhood how, after a trip to the forest for mushrooms, their parents brought and filled up the house with sunflowers and armfuls of corn.

The collective farm fields of that time, especially in Siberia, were full of yellow sunflowers and corn. We had to cook a lot of corn, in a saucepan with a capacity of a large bucket. How long does it take, how to cook corn - a recipe for cooking branded summer dish passed down from generation to generation. Children, along with adults, ate juicy, tasty grains on both cheeks, sprinkling them with salt.

Today delicious treat since childhood, we buy almost everything in the market from villagers, and after cooking, the grains do not always turn out to be juicy, sweet and tasty, as in childhood. Why does it depend?

Corn, like all vegetables, is divided into varieties. Most delicious variety corn is sugar, or it is also called Bonduelle. The cobs of this variety are of medium size, and the grains are small and tasty. Forage varieties that are planted for fattening animals, on the contrary, have a grain larger and less tasty, not as sweet as that of sugar.

When choosing, you need to pay attention Special attention leaf freshness and maturity level. Before you cook corn, choose the right vegetables.

Choice of corn cobs

  1. When biting or pressing hard on a corn kernel, a young grain must necessarily release juice - milk.
  2. If there is juice in the grains, then the cob of milky ripeness.
  3. Another distinctive feature old corn from young corn is the color: overgrown grains are dark yellow, and milky young corn is pale, almost white grains. Young grains in correctly selected heads of cabbage are under the leaves and are arranged in dense rows.
  4. The freshness of the cobs is determined by the presence of dense green leaves on the heads. Heads without leaves should not be bought and cooked. The leaves are removed from the sprouts during cooking, but when buying vegetables, they must be with leaves.
  5. Darkened, black grains located between yellow grains are a signal poor quality product, affected by pests, and such vegetables should not be eaten.

Ingredients for cooking

  • water;
  • salt;
  • corn cobs.
  • butter (optional).

How to cook corn on the cob at home

  1. You can cook corn at home in several well-known home methods: in a microwave, double boiler, slow cooker. We will cook corn in a saucepan on the stove.
  2. We clean the cobs from the leaves. We wash the lower leaves and put a few pieces on the bottom of the pan.
  3. We fold the small ones whole, break the very large ones into two parts.
  4. Pour water into the pan, so that it covers all the vegetables completely.
  5. Cover the pot with a lid, bring to a boil.
  6. After boiling, reduce the fire. Cook the corn over low heat until tender.
  7. How long to cook corn in time depends on the degree of its maturity. This may take from half an hour to 2 hours. To find out exact time cooking, how much to cook, we take out one ear, take out a grain from it with a knife and taste the boiled corn.

    If, when biting, the corn grain is juicy and soft, it means that the corn is ready, it is young and cooked very quickly: 15-20, maximum 30 minutes.

After boiling, pour water out of the pan, transfer the corn cobs to a large plate, sprinkle them with salt on top, grease them with butter if desired and serve the boiled corn hot to the table as an independent dish or as a meal.

How long to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan by time after boiling

How much to cook corn depends on maturity, the cooking time is always determined after boiling water in the pan.

How to cook young corn? How long does young corn cook in a saucepan and how much to salt? The cooking time for young heads of cabbage is at least 15 minutes, after 15 minutes, the pan is removed from the stove, the corn on the cob is allowed to stand for 20 minutes hot water so that the grains do not boil soft, but become juicy, soft and tasty. It is necessary to salt ready-made boiled corn on the cob, otherwise it will cook for a long time.

To find out how to cook not young corn, how much to cook old corn in time, this will require visually determining the maturity of the grains. How richer color grains, the older they are and the longer they need to be cooked. Cooking time from 40 minutes to 2-3 hours.

To cook old corn on the cob of fodder varieties, it takes at least 2 hours for it to be soft, the grains have time to boil and become softer after two hours of boiling in water.

After boiling mature and overripe corn bright with grains yellow color, the water is drained, the pan is wrapped in a warm blanket, the heads of cabbage are allowed to evaporate for 1 hour in warmth, become soft and reach full readiness.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. To boil corn quickly, boil it in unsalted water. Grains with salt during cooking will become not juicy, hard. Salt is sprinkled on top of the cooked heads before serving.

If you liked this method of how to cook delicious corn on the cob, and you agree with the cooking time to properly cook corn on the cob according to this recipe, write about it in the comments, we would be interested to know your opinion!

Hot July has come, which means that it appeared on the shelves - sweet, juicy young corn, which children and adults love so much. Like a bonduelle so as to please the household truly summer treat by following step by step recipes?

Bonduelle corn, she is also "sugar corn" - perhaps the most popular variety this cereal is always well-known, and it is not surprising: in terms of taste and nutritional properties it is far superior to other varieties. Few people know that bonduelle is only tradename, behind which mixed varieties of sweet corn are hidden, such as dobrynya, gourmet and spirit.

How to Boil Bonduelle Corn on the Cob in a Pot with Salt - Step by Step Recipe:

  • remove leaves from corn and rinse well;
  • soak the corn in cold water- if you got old cobs;
  • boil water, put the cobs in a saucepan and cook for 15-20 minutes, reducing the heat;
  • after the corn is cooked, drain the water - the dish is ready;
  • wrap the pan in which the corn remains, wrap it with a terry towel - this way the cobs will keep warm, and the taste of the grains will be better revealed.

It is better to cook corn without salt, as the salt in the water will draw all the moisture out of the cobs and the finished corn will lose its presentable appearance. It is better to salt the finished corn immediately before use. Try putting spices on the table along with salt - curry, coriander or other natural seasoning mixtures. By the way, have you ever tried boiled corn, slightly flavored with fragrant black pepper?

Corn in a slow cooker - ways to cook cobs for the lazy. Corn cooked in a slow cooker will save you time and effort, because by setting a timer, you don’t have to watch it. The method of cooking corn in a slow cooker is almost identical to the traditional one, however, there are also several ways for gourmets:

  • clean and wash the corn, wash the leaves thoroughly, if necessary, cut off the "non-liquid" places;
  • grease the bottom of the multicooker with oil and lay the bottom with leaves;
  • put the corncobs on the leaves, and on top - again the leaves; continue to spread the cobs and leaves to the top;
  • select the "bean" mode, and in its absence - "cooking", "soup" or other identical programs.

Corn leaves will give our dish a special touch, serve it hot, with butter or spices. By the way, great idea summer dinner- boiled corn with butter and dill, only lightly seasoned with pepper - to taste.

Another way to cook corn is to steam it. To do this, fill the slow cooker with water to the mark, according to the instructions, usually the required volume is a quarter of the pan, then install a special mesh, and the cobs into it. You can experiment again with leaves that can be placed under the net. Also give the steamed corn some subtle taste nuances spices put in water will help.

Corn in the microwave - recipes and cooking methods. Few people guessed until the last moment, putting the pan on the fire, that corn can be cooked in the microwave, moreover, in a very unusual way.

  • wash the corn on the cob, but do not remove the leaves;
  • clean the cobs from the "hairs" - the so-called corn stigmas;
  • wipe off excess moisture with a towel;
  • put the corn on a plate - usually up to three ears are placed on a "one run";
  • run the microwave at full power for 3-4 minutes;
  • carefully turn the corn over and start the oven for another 2 minutes;
  • Carefully remove the plate with a kitchen mitt or oven mitt.

The dish is ready, you can start eating. Agree, it is unlikely that you have seen somewhere before that they eat corn, like a banana, gradually peeling the “skin”. However, the leaves will peel off easily, just wait for the cobs to cool.

By the same principle, they cook corn in the microwave in a bag. Of course, before this, the cobs need to be cleaned. Put the peeled corn on a plate and cover with cling film, bending the edges under the bottom. In this way, corn is cooked for 5 minutes at a power of 700-900 watts.

Now you know several ways - how to cook corn comfortably in a saucepan, microwave and slow cooker. Experiment to find the perfect recipe for you, and don't forget, summer is coming to an end, so don't miss the opportunity to benefit right from the fields.

How to cook corn depends on many factors. To be able to enjoy juicy and fragrant pulp product, it must be properly selected, processed and prepared. Depending on the variety and freshness of the product, this can take from 15 minutes to 2 hours (sometimes even more). The process itself is not complicated, you just need to take into account its specifics and adhere to a number of rules.

You can boil a component not only in a saucepan, everything that can be found on home kitchen: a double boiler, an oven, a slow cooker, a pressure cooker and even a microwave. And for those who are wondering how to cook soft corn, it is recommended to study the methods of boiling the product in milk or cream.

How to choose the right corn?

Even old corn or fodder varieties of cereals can be deliciously prepared if you approach the manipulation with all responsibility. True, it will take a lot of time and effort. In order not to create extra hassle When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. We choose cobs that are not too long with perfectly even rows of grains of light yellow or cream color.
  2. To check the quality of the product, you need to separate one grain from the cob, break it or cut it. The appearance of milky white juice is an indicator of the youth and freshness of the component.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the bonduelle product. It retains freshness longer than other analogues, so even after several days or even weeks of storage it can be boiled in the same way as dairy products.
  4. There is another way to make sure that it fell into your hands fresh product, for this, the head of cabbage should be broken in half. It is good if its cut is whitish, light and wet.
  5. To distinguish the sweet food corn from the stern, you need to examine her antennae. They should be tender and light, not thick and brownish.

Initially not the best quality product difficult to bring to an optimal state, even if you strictly follow the recommendations on how to properly boil corn. But there are chances, you just need to choose the best option for influencing the workpiece and clearly withstand right amount time.

The traditional way of boiling cobs

At home, corn lovers most often use classic version boiling cobs. It is simple and affordable, it allows you to process young and old products so that they are juicy.

  • Processing should be carried out immediately after the purchase or collection of cobs. Wash them, clean them from dry and dirty leaves. We remove the clean green leaves, just like the antennae, but do not throw them away.

Tip: Do not immediately pour out the broth in which the product was prepared. If at one time it is not possible to eat all the cobs, then this liquid can be used to store them. However, in any case, in a couple of hours taste characteristics the food will start to deteriorate.

  • In a saucepan with thick walls, spread the bottom with leaves, then put the cobs, pour them cold water. From above we again lay out the leaves and antennae. We wait for the mass to boil, then reduce the heat and tightly close the container with a lid.
  • Particular attention should be paid to how much to cook corn, depending on its initial characteristics. fresh food products and slightly stale cobs of the Bonduelle variety will be ready after 15 minutes of being in boiled water. Feed variety and 2 hours may not be enough.
  • After a set time, we check the component for readiness and act according to the circumstances. Sometimes you have to add water several times until the corn is cooked. In this case, you need to use boiling water.

You should not immediately pull out the finished product, if you let it brew for another 10 minutes in a saucepan, it will turn out really tasty and juicy. Only after that we take out the components, rub them with salt, spices, grease with butter and serve.

How to cook a product in a double boiler, oven, pressure cooker, microwave?

What kind of devices can not be found on modern kitchens. And all of them facilitate the process of boiling corn at home. To prepare the desired dish and not control it every minute, you should use the following approaches:

  • Double boiler. We put the washed cobs in the bowl of the double boiler along with the leaves and tendrils. Do not sprinkle the blanks with salt, as many do. Because of this mistake, boiled corn often turns out to be a bit dry. The product does not need to be processed for a long time. Fresh products and cobs of the Bonduelle variety will be ready in 10-15 minutes. It will take about 40-45 minutes to boil old or feed products.

  • Oven. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, spread the cobs, pour boiling water over them. We place in the oven preheated to medium temperature for 40 minutes, evaluate the result and, if necessary, keep the dish.

  • Pressure cooker. Dairy corn or Bonduelle products should not be boiled like this; a quality component can be overexposed. But this is the best option when frozen or feed products need to be softened as much as possible. Soak it in water and cook for at least 40 minutes.

  • Microwave - option with water. The main thing is that the products are fresh and young. We put it in a container with water, cover with a lid and cook for 45 minutes at medium power. If necessary, add boiling water to the bowl.

  • Microwave - dry approach. A real lifesaver for those who want to know how to boil corn quickly. Divide the cob into 2-3 parts, lay out the leaves and cook in own juice for 5-7 minutes at medium power.

Subsequent processing is no different from that provided for traditional cooking. Ready product rub with salt, oil and spices, serve.

How to properly process dried corn?

To deliciously cook dried cereal, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • In a saucepan, combine dried corn kernels (50 g is about 1 cob) and water. The liquid should cover the mass by 1-2 cm. Immediately add some salt and spices.

Tip: Frozen products must first be thawed, otherwise it will not allow the liquid to boil for a long time, which will negatively affect the final result. Moreover, the defrosting conditions should be natural (without hot or cold water, microwave).

  • Bring the mixture to a boil, keeping the lid open. Then close the lid, reduce the heat and wait just a minute. We insist the mass for 10 minutes, after which it must again be put on the stove.
  • So we continue for 2 hours, gradually adding boiling water so that all the moisture does not evaporate.

Pre-dried corn can be soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours before boiling. Then, during cooking, it will not have to be insisted, it will only be necessary to hold it on fire for an hour.

Features of boiling the product in milk and cream

To cook delicious food familiar product, you can do the following:

  • For 4 cobs of boiled corn we take half a glass of milk, heavy cream, dry white wine and two tablespoons of butter.
  • We remove the grains from the already boiled cobs, pour milk and cream, cook for 10 minutes after the appearance of steam.
  • Melt butter, add to corn. After 10 minutes we introduce wine. After another period of time, add salt, spices and seasonings to taste.
  • We insist the mass under the lid over very low heat for another 10 minutes and serve as an independent dish.

Even boiled corn is a source of many nutrients and nutrients. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, rarely causes allergies and goes well with other foods. It can be served both as a side dish and dessert. In the latter case finished product do not salt, but rub with sugar.

The last part of the hottest time of the year is heaven for corn fans. This cereal is prepared different ways: browned on the grill, dried in the oven or simply boiled.

Cooking takes the least time and effort, so even a beginner can handle this simple culinary solution. It would seem that cooking this cereal should not raise any questions, but in fact, how much time should be devoted to this stage of time in order to get the most delicious product?

It is important to reach the “golden mean” so that the product does not turn out to be overly raw or overcooked.

For more information on how to cook corn, read further in the article.

How to choose corn?

For creating good meal it is important to purchase the right product. Purchase sweet corn, thus it will in any case have a pleasant aftertaste, while varieties bred specifically for feeding animals do not have a pleasant taste.

So, how to distinguish one variety from the second? The fact is that the shape and size of the ears of both varieties can be completely different, which is their common feature. The main difference in the choice of these two varieties may be the shade of the hairy part of the heads.

Forage varieties have brownish hairs, while young sweet cobs have light, sometimes even transparent hairs. More mature sweet varieties have a light hairy part, however, the tips of the hairs may have a brownish color.

After acquiring corn, it is important to talk a little about it. proper storage. It is better not to store the product outside the refrigerator for a long time, otherwise it will lose its juiciness and richness of taste.

In case you buy too much corn, boil most of it and put the rest in freezer. Thus, the cereal will retain its structure, rich taste and juiciness under freezing conditions.

In order to defrost it, just place it on a plate in the conditions room temperature. Thus, the cob will retain its structure without changes in taste and other characteristics.

By the way, often in stores you can find this product in a frozen form. Next, let's talk about how to boil corn on the cob in a saucepan in such a way that the final product leaves a pleasant impression on everyone who tastes your dish.

The choice of this cereal is perhaps key point, which determines its further taste. In a store or supermarket, look for cobs that have a light yellow tint. They have reached the ideal state of ripeness, while darkish varieties will have an unpleasant dryish taste.

Prepare the desired container for cooking. Pour water into it and fill corn on the cob the right amount. Add some salt to the water and turn on the stove. After the water reaches a boil, boil the contents of the pot for about fifteen minutes. After this time, the young corn will be able to reach the correct level of cooking.

According to some cooking techniques, a pinch of sugar may be added to the water in order to enrich the overall taste of the cereal.

Mexicans add syrups and even milk to the water for cooking this product. You need to add sugar with the calculation of 1 tablespoon per dozen heads of cabbage. We will tell you more about how much to cook young corn below.

Check the final product for readiness. To do this, prepare a fork and lightly pierce the boiled cobs. If the corn has reached a suitable level of readiness, the fork will go in easily, it will take a little effort to work on the raw cereal.

For proper cooking make sure that the water level in the saucepan is high enough to completely cover all the contents. If the water is two to three centimeters higher than the fruit, they are guaranteed to cook evenly and correctly.

After the product is cooked, you can bring it to an even more “tasty” state. To do this, rub it with salt, oil or a mixture of various spices.

If you add salt to the water while boiling the cabbages, they will become coarser. Therefore, they need to be salted five minutes before readiness or already during the serving of the finished product.

Do not cook the product on constant high heat. Reduce the intensity of the flame after the water boils.
Best eaten fresh warm product. The fact is that when cooling, the fruit begins to noticeably harden, which significantly reduces its taste.

It is best to lower the cobs not into cold, but into water already brought to a boil.
In addition to sugar, you can add a little butter to the water: this will make the product more tender and soft.

How much to cook young corn

Let's talk a little about cooking young cobs. It is worth considering that the younger the product, the less time it takes to cook.. The same rule works in reverse: the older the corn, the longer it will take to reach full readiness.

So, by placing young products in a cauldron, they will reach a state of readiness in 20-25 minutes. After you remove the water from the pan, cover the container with a lid and wrap it with a warm towel. This method will help the product to steam well, become soft and juicy.

How to cook corn properly

After the water in the pan reaches a boil, you need to slightly reduce the gas and cook it for twenty minutes.

After this time, the water in the cauldron will become more cloudy and begin to foam: in this case, it is urgent to remove the product from the pan. Cloudy water indicates that the cereal has begun to secrete sugar, and if this is not stopped, the fruit will lose its rich, slightly sweet flavor.

There is an idea among the people that this product must be cooked for at least forty minutes. This opinion passed from hostess to hostess from generation to generation until someone decided to reduce the cooking time.

This decision prompted the culinary experts to think that this fruit reaches readiness much earlier than this time and its taste is even more intense.

How long to cook bonduelle corn

This variety corn is a real find for vegetarians and the elderly. The fact is that in the first case, the product is able to give the right amount of protein that can be easily absorbed, and in the second case, it helps prevent atherosclerosis - a disease of cholesterol plaques.

In case you decide to purchase this variety, you will probably be faced with the question of how long it will take to cook bonduelle corn.

To prepare this variety of cereal, you need to deal with its processing. Clean the corn from unnecessary darkened particles, wash thoroughly and place in a container. Hairs and leaves can be placed on the bottom to enrich the overall taste.

Break the cobs that are too large into several pieces so that they can be conveniently placed in a container. If desired, add a pinch of sugar to the cauldron and turn on the stove. After boiling water, boil the contents for ten to fifteen minutes.

After this time, leave the cobs in the water for about five minutes to soften them. Serve on a plate with butter or salt.

To cook cereal in a slow cooker, you will have to go through all the cooking steps described above, but you need to specify the “legume” cooking mode. If this item is not present, you can enable classic mode"cooking" or "soup".

During cooking, you can periodically check the readiness of the product with a fork. Don't forget to fill your kitchen machine to the top and cover the top of the cobs with leaves.

Cooking corn in various ways: cooking time

There are many options for preparing this cereal in such a way as to bring out the multifaceted taste of corn. To successfully create a dish, the cook must be well aware of how much to cook corn on the cob, and what are the tricks to make it as tasty as possible.

To cook the cobs in the oven, you need to prepare a deep baking sheet and grease its surface with butter. Next, sort, clean and wash the cobs thoroughly.

Place them in a baking dish and fill it with water up to half. Next, cover the container with foil and set it to bake for one or two hours. The exact roasting time depends on the maturity of the ears, so in this case, you need to pay attention to the degree of their preparation. More on this will be written later.

Double boiler

The steamer must be filled with water. Grease the grate with butter, place the peeled cobs in it and close the lid tightly. In this case, the cooking time most often reaches forty minutes.


Microwave is that thing kitchen appliances, which is in almost every home. In order to start cooking corn with the help of microwave oven, put the cobs in water for about an hour, then in a plastic bag, pour some water into it and tie it tightly.

Be sure to poke a few holes in the bag to allow steam to escape from it periodically. Turn the microwave on to the highest setting and cook the corn for fifteen minutes.

air grill

To cook the product using an air fryer, wrap them in cling film and post it. Next, set the temperature to about 205 degrees and cook the cobs for forty minutes.

How to check the readiness of corn

We figured out how much to cook corn on the cob, but how do you know if it is ready? There are several ways to understand this. Remove the head of cabbage from the saucepan with a fork, place it on a board or plate and cut off a few grains. Taste them and then determine the degree of readiness of the product. Stick a fork into the grains and determine their softness, and therefore readiness.

The final product can be stored in the refrigerator for a day. After this time, the heads of cabbage will lose their juiciness and become dry. This will make them almost unfit for consumption, which is why you need to calculate the amount of food being prepared.

"Extra" heads of cabbage can be placed in a bag and frozen. Defrosting can take place at room temperature or with a microwave oven.

Overripe corn: can it be fixed?

In order to get rid of the unpleasant qualities of overripe cereal, there is one way. To do this, clean the heads of cabbage, cut them in half and fill with a mixture cow's milk and water in equal proportions.

After four hours, the heads will again become soft, juicy and sweet. Therefore, they are suitable for further use. By the way, old cobs can be boiled for two or even three hours to achieve readiness.

How long to cook beans

We figured out how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, but how long does it take to cook various kinds legumes? Very often, a novice cook is at a loss when thinking about this question, since most packs of legumes do not indicate the exact cooking time. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, we recommend that you read the following recommendations.

For cooking whole peas it will take a lot of time. Before cooking, you need to place the legumes in a container of water and leave it for an hour or an hour and a half. Then drain this water and fill with new cold liquid.

Cooking whole peas will take about an hour and a half, while its halves do not require pre-soaking and cook for about half an hour.

Before cooking large beans, pre-soak the same as in the case of peas. Soak it in cold water for about six to ten hours.

Drain the water and boil it for an hour. Beans from the pods will be ready in seven minutes after the water starts to boil. Frozen beans will take about the same time to cook.

To cook lentils, you need to lower it into boiling water. The variety affects the cooking time: red lentils are ready 10 minutes after boiling, green - after 30, brown - after 40.
