
How to store corn on the cob for the winter. Corn: storage on the cob and grains

In Russia, corn enjoys relatively little popularity. Canned corn is used for holiday salads, someone will remember breakfast cereals or popcorn, and let's not forget the summer treat - boiled corn on the cob. Thus, corn does not hit the table of the average Russian every day. Meanwhile, in the world, among grain crops, corn steadily ranks second after wheat, and in many nations it has, if not the main, then a very noticeable influence on the national cuisine.

As you know, the birthplace of corn is America. It is there that its wild ancestors grow in nature, and cultivars grow best. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is in the cuisine of the American peoples that corn, or, as it is usually called here, maize, is traditionally most popular. Maize was the basis of the diet of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans for many centuries, it was "inherited" by the European colonialists of America, and in our time in the USA, Mexico, Brazil and other countries of the American continent, corn is very popular. It is here that soups are cooked from it, main dishes are made, they are cooked with meat, and with cottage cheese, and with vegetables. Cornmeal is used to make cereals, puddings, dumplings, and numerous pastries. Popcorn and corn dog are also very popular.

But don't think that corn is only eaten in America. Maize is popular in many countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. Suffice it to mention that China is the second largest producer of this crop in the world after the USA, and in Chinese cuisine there is a dish - corn donuts. You may not find maize in the traditional Chinese diet, but on the table of an ordinary Chinese, it occupies a strong place almost on a par with rice. More than two hundred years ago, corn became “their own” in Moldova, where almost the same wide range of dishes is prepared from it as in America.

But back to Russia. As already mentioned, practically the only dish in which maize is cooked and not spilled out of a tin is corn on the cob. And, of course, here, as elsewhere, there are tricks. If hundreds of articles have been written about how to properly boil corn, there is practically no information about how to properly store boiled corn. Let's try to fill this gap.

The main secret to the proper preservation of boiled corn is that it loves moisture very much. It is best to leave the corn in a saucepan with broth after cooking. It may not be very convenient, but it guarantees softness and juiciness of the grains. This is especially true of mature cobs, the grains in which have already lost their "milky" softness. Of course, after a few hours, after the broth has cooled, the pan should be put in the refrigerator. And there, boiled corn can already be stored for several days, if only you have the patience not to eat this yummy immediately after cooking.

As you know, the maximum yield of finished products can only be obtained if they are provided with proper storage conditions. Corn is one of the most popular grain crops in our latitudes, which is very popular among both professionals and amateur farmers.

The two main issues in handling the resulting crop are how to store corn and how long it can retain its basic properties.

1 How to store corn - the most effective methods

An industrial crop can be preserved in several ways:

  • previously- if the grain moisture index is about 12-14%, it can be stored for several years;
  • use different grain processing methods without prior drying for storage at low temperatures - this method is effective for slowing down all processes, but does not differ in duration, since it does not exclude the possibility of infection with various diseases and
  • store corn on the cob.

In the conditions of mass storage of the crop of this crop, it is important to remember its competent pre-treatment - primary cleaning and drying.

This so-called dry storage method is one of the most efficient, because due to the low moisture content of the pre-treated grain, its natural fermentation is significantly slowed down, which guarantees the preservation of the grain mass for a long period of time. This method is more in demand in industrial and agricultural enterprises, in the conditions of large and medium-sized farms.

For storage, it is desirable to use bunkers, in which, with a high probability, it is possible to create the most relevant conditions for storing grain, or to equip small well-ventilated warehouses (kochet) with lattice walls and shelves.

The storage of corn in the raw form, that is, on the cob, is becoming increasingly popular due to the excellent performance of this method. Its first advantage is the absence of clear time limits - in fact, it does not matter how long you store the crop before threshing. In the vast majority of cases, corn cobs are able to keep fresh for several months and even successfully and adequately survive not only the winter period, but also the spring.

1.1 How to store corn on the cob for the winter?

The most common questions among agronomists and farmers are how to properly store cobs and how long it can be done. Corn on the cob tends to keep quite well, no matter how much it is.

If you plan to store young corn at home without preheating it, then there is probably no better way than to save the cobs. Let's take a look at how corn on the cob is stored.

The method of preparing cobs in both cases is simple:

  • clean the head of leaves;
  • remove fibers;
  • place the cobs in airtight bags, making sure they are dry enough beforehand (this will especially affect the shelf life in the refrigerator).

Fresh or cooked corn can be stored this way from a few days (when placed in a refrigerator) to several months (when frozen). It should be remembered that during the storage of raw mass at a low temperature, most varieties quickly lose their taste qualities (primarily sweetness), therefore we recommend applying this storage method only to varieties saturated with sugar with a high taste value.

1.2 Storing young corn on the cob for cooking in winter (video)

2 How to store cobs in bulk?

The process of storing a large number of cobs is somewhat different. In this case, they should be preliminarily dried well without cleaning, having achieved the minimum possible level of humidity (no more than 16%), and placed in bulk in a well-ventilated, dry room, the height of the layer, depending on the size of the room, can reach 1.5-1.7 m.

In order to dry the cobs, it is recommended to hang them in a cool, well-ventilated and dry place. The most convenient way for manual preparation for storage is to bind greens (tops) into peculiar braids, by analogy with onions and garlic. This allows you to store corn at home for quite a long time.

Of course, it is recommended to choose later varieties for storage, the collection period of which falls at the end of September or the beginning of October - in this case, the cobs already have time to fully ripen, but are not yet frozen due to the absence of night frosts.

Keeping corn on the cob, as you can see, is quite simple in any required amount. By the way, the method of freezing for a sufficiently long period of time (up to several years) can also store fermented corn, which is very popular among fishing enthusiasts.

Everyone knows how delicious golden sugar corn cobs are. Lovers of golden grains are happy to eat fragrant ears with the advent of autumn. All of them, as well as the owners of a rich harvest, are interested in an important question - how to store raw and boiled corn? Useful tips from the materials of the article will help you keep the freshness and aroma of cereal without losing vitamins.

Storage Features

Where and how to properly store corn in winter depends on the condition of the raw materials. At home, the principles of industrial storage will help to preserve the useful qualities of culture:

  • The temperature during laying does not play a special role, only the moisture content of the raw material (12-14%) is important.
  • Harvested on industrial fields, corn is cleaned of integumentary leaves and, so that it does not rot, is kept in the so-called sapets - lattice wooden structures blown by the winds.

If you do not have suitable conditions, you can do the following with grains and whole cobs:

  • freeze fresh;
  • freeze after cooking;
  • dry;
  • conserve.

Now we need to say a few words about the varietal characteristics of cereals, since not all of them are suitable for canning and freezing.

Corn is the oldest domesticated cereal. Contrary to popular belief, there are three wild-growing subspecies of this crop, so the theory of its extraterrestrial origin has no good grounds.

  • "Alina";
  • "White cloud";
  • "Golden Batam";
  • "Temptation";
  • "Sugar cob";
  • "Krasnodar sugar".

There are 99 varieties of sweet corn in the registry, and only 5 of them are recommended for freezing:

  • "Fun";
  • "Merkur";
  • "Nika 353";
  • "Zuckerka";
  • "Chell".

What happens if you freeze others? They can also be eaten, but they will be tasteless and unflavored.

Most of the varieties are intended for consumption fresh and boiled, as well as for canning.

Do you know that…

Late crop varieties collected at the stage of milk maturity remain fresh longer. The skin on the grains is not so rough, but strong enough not to burst during processing.

Preparatory stage

Before storing corn cobs for storage, it is necessary to prepare:

  • remove outer leaves;
  • remove the stigmas (brown hairs);
  • cut off the tip with unripe grains;
  • remove all damaged areas with a sharp knife.

After preparation, you can start processing the product.

Cob storage

If you are the owner of a rich crop and have enough space to accommodate it, it will be useful to learn how to store corn on the cob.

Cooking, medicine, the production of alcohol and vegetable oil, folk crafts - such is the use of culture

Freezing fresh

Fresh corn, even under the right conditions, will not remain sweet for long. Gradually the sugars break down. After just 3 days, the cereal will lose its original sweetness, and after a week it will become bland and tough.

A cling film will help to prolong freshness a little:

  • Unwashed, peeled cobs are wrapped in polyethylene and placed on the vegetable shelf of the refrigerator.
  • If there is too much harvest, a part can be placed in the freezer immediately after packaging.

Freezing is the best way to prepare corn for future use. This method allows you to fully preserve its taste characteristics.

To prevent the product from becoming "rubber", it is subjected to a special treatment - hardening:

  1. Prepare two large pots. In one, pour cold water along with ice cubes, and in the second, the water should boil.
  2. Take the cob with tongs and dip in boiling water for 2 minutes. The same time period he should lie in ice water.
  3. Repeat hardening 3-5 times.
  4. Remove the product and place on a thin towel, wait for the moisture to drain completely.
  5. Wrap each cob in cling film and place in the freezer.

The product will please with a delicate taste until the next harvest.

Tip of the day

Do not cook frozen cobs. Wait for them to completely thaw, and then heat them. If you throw them directly into boiling water, the skin of the grains will become too hard.

Freezing after boiling

Boiled corn is incredibly tasty and healthy immediately after harvest. If you have cooked more cobs than you could immediately eat, it is better not to remove them from the broth. The liquid will help keep tender grains for another 2-3 days, but only in the refrigerator. Corn sours very quickly at room temperature.

Corn is a high-calorie product, and the most high-calorie crop among all cereals.

How to freeze corn on the cob after boiling? If you know in advance that part of the boiled crop needs to be stored, repeat the hardening procedure at the final stage of cooking. After that, wrap the corn with cling film and send it to the freezer.

Tip of the day

Ensure that the packaging is completely sealed, otherwise the grains will certainly absorb odors during storage.


Drying is another common way to store corn at home. But the method has an important nuance - only cobs that have reached milk or wax maturity are suitable for drying. If the grain is fully ripe, then after drying it will become suitable only for feeding animals.

Dry the cobs in a dark place with good ventilation. An attic is suitable for these purposes. Do the following manipulations:

  1. Remove the leaves towards the base, but do not cut them off.
  2. Pierce the base of the cob with an awl and thread a large metal paperclip hook or a harsh thread.
  3. Suspend, providing air access from all sides. You can tie the leaves in pairs or weave a corn braid.

Monitor the level of humidity, periodically inspect the crop for damage.

Do you know that…

The dried product is subject to long-term heat treatment. Boiling time is 4-6 hours.


You can also store corn on the cob for the winter using the conservation method. For these purposes, small specimens are suitable, which, after processing, can be consumed together with the core. Such a side dish will be appreciated even by small picky eaters.

The entire canning technology is shown in this video:

Glass jars will stand in the cellar or basement for up to 3 years. Even at home, under the bed, canning will not deteriorate if the humidity is maintained no higher than 75%, and the temperature background is up to 25 ⁰C.

Grain processing

All of the above recipes for storing corn on the cob are applicable to grains.

Freezing fresh grain

To freeze fresh grains, the cob is subjected to "hardening". This procedure will seal the moisture in the grain, preserving the original juiciness.

After drying on a towel, carefully cut off the grains from the core. Place the product in the freezer on a baking sheet, shake occasionally as it solidifies. After freezing, pack the grain tightly and put it in the freezer.

Frozen corn kernels are a great ingredient for homemade vegetable mixes.

There is another way:

  1. Place the prepared cobs in a wide container and fill with a special solution.
  2. For every liter of water with ice cubes, take 1 teaspoon and lemon juice.
  3. After 20 minutes of soaking, remove the cobs, let the liquid drain.
  4. Place in sealed bags or food containers and place in the freezer.

Do you know that…

Grain that has been frozen, comes to readiness during cooking much faster than fresh.

Freezing a boiled product

Proceed as follows with boiled grains:

  1. Boil the corn traditionally.
  2. Remove from decoction and cool.
  3. Trim the kernels with a sharp knife, holding the cobs upright.
  4. Put the grains in a plastic bag.
  5. Send to the freezer.

Keep as long as you like, just do not defrost.

Tip of the day

To defrost, drop the grains into boiling salted water. After 1-2 minutes, the most fragrant corn is ready.

Drying grain

The grains separated from the cob are dried in the open air or in special dryers for 6-24 hours. Store them in cloth bags, food containers in a cool dry place.

Do you know that…

Humidity during storage of grain should be at the level of 13%. A suitable place for large volumes can be an attic, for small ones - a mezzanine or storage room.


Everyone is familiar with tin cans from the store, inside of which juicy grains are hidden. Such a product is ideal for salads and side dishes, but it is stored for only 2 years due to tin containers.

After opening, the contents must be transferred together with the brine into a glass container so that oxidation processes do not start. Without brine, the grains will become unusable much faster.

It has an advantage in taste and shelf life. The finished product must be consumed within 3 years, and if it is in a warm place, it is better to reduce the period to six months.

Try to cook such canned food according to the recipe from this video:

Now you know that storing corn at home is a simple process. Harvesting for the future will help you enjoy the useful gift of autumn throughout the winter.

Store properly and be healthy!

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Such a grain crop as corn is known to many farmers in our country. When harvesting, the grain of this plant has a significant moisture content of 25% or more. High-quality storage of seeds in this form is impossible, through spontaneous combustion with a further process of decay, therefore, before laying in the storage, the seeds must be cleaned of debris and dried to a moisture content of 13-14%. How to properly store the grain will be discussed in our article.

Storage conditions

In practice, several methods of preserving corn raw materials are used. If grain is used for laying in the storage, then the primary mass must be cleaned of weed seeds and dried on special equipment. In the case of laying cobs for storage, there is no need to clean the raw materials. Heads of cabbage should be laid out in a thin layer on a well-lit area under cover and dried until the moisture content of the grain reaches 12-14%. In this state, the raw material can be stored for a long time.

Another method of storing corn is seed cooling. In this case, the grain stops the evaporation of moisture, but under conditions of sterility, the shelf life of corn is short, because various pests can spoil it. You can store corn for various purposes:

  • for seeds;
  • as pet food;
  • for processing into cereals, etc.

Depending on the type of product received, warehouses for storing the crop in question can be floor-standing, as well as bunker and silo. For similar purposes, granaries are also used. So floor storage is a small one-story building with special mechanisms for loading or unloading grain. Bunker warehouses are made in the form of a cone-shaped container, which allows raw materials to be fed to vehicles by gravity through special hatches. A silo is a huge reservoir whose height is at least 1.5 times its diameter. The lower part of the tank is usually cone-shaped or round, which allows unloading grain by gravity.

Corn cobs are often stored in compartments divided into sections by slatted walls, which are used to remove excess moisture from the grain. For the same purpose, a ventilated bunker or a mechanical working tower elevator is used. In addition to tanks and specially equipped premises for storing corn crops, sheds or open areas with concrete or asphalt cover can be used. Grain is stored on the cob until it is threshed during the winter. Sometimes heads of cabbage can lie until the middle of summer of the next year.

How long can you store corn

Corn is supplied to the markets in the form of grain. Before storage, such raw materials must be checked for moisture and the presence of harmful impurities and pathogens. So the moisture content of corn cobs should not exceed 16%. This product is stored in mounds up to 3.5 meters high throughout the winter.

Grain with a moisture content of 16-18% is stored in mounds up to 3 meters in height for a short time, after which the corn is sent for drying. Seeds with a moisture content of 18-20% are usually kept in small mounds up to 2.5 meters in well-ventilated warehouses or special areas. Grain with a moisture content of more than 20% is stored in specially equipped rooms with horizontal and vertical ventilation (air is supplied by powerful engines).

If corn cobs are stored in open areas or warehouses without a ventilation system, they are checked for the presence of mold and pathogens before being stored. Cobs are laid in mounds up to 3 meters high, keeping the distance between adjacent piles within 1.5 meters. In this state, the heads of cabbage are stored until threshing, usually until the very spring.

Sweet and fragrant corn is a wonderful gift of summer, which is adored by almost all adults and children. Unfortunately, the time when you can enjoy a boiled cob passes very quickly, just instantly. It remains to wait for next summer, when the corn will ripen again. Of course, a delicious vegetable can be eaten throughout the year in canned form. However, the taste of canned food, no doubt, cannot be compared with the pleasure that you get from juiciness. As a result, many families are thinking about whether it is possible to store corn on the cob. And no less relevant is the question of where to store corn on the cob so that it does not deteriorate.

How to prepare corn on the cob for the winter - the first way

Perhaps the only way to store corn on the cob for the winter is to use the freezer in your refrigerator. This approach will save not only most of the vitamins, but also the inherent taste. To do this, the corn is thoroughly cleaned of leaves and hairs, washed and dried. Probably the best way to store corn on the cob in the fridge is to put three or four of them in a plastic bag. Zip bags are also good for this purpose. It remains only to get the corn out of the freezer and cook, as usual, without defrosting.

How to store corn cobs at home - method two

The second option is also based on freezing corn. But at the same time, the ears must be subjected to additional heat treatment. This option can be considered more laborious, but it allows you to feast on the cob as soon as possible.

Again, peeled corn is washed under running water. After that, I blanched the cobs, that is, as if hardened. To do this, you will need to collect water in a pot of a suitable size and boil it. And immediately prepare another pan with very cold water. Cobs are first very carefully placed in boiling water for ten to fifteen seconds, after which they are taken out and placed immediately in cold water. Then the cooled corn is removed from the pan, rubbed and dried. Cobs are packed in bags or cling film, and then sent to the freezer of the refrigerator. It is this method, freezing corn on the cob for the winter, when the corn is first exposed to instantaneous high and then sharply low temperatures, that allows you to keep the taste as close as possible.

After such treatment in winter, corn is cooked in just 5-8 minutes.
