
Why put citric acid in compote. Secrets of home cooking: preparing strawberry compote for the winter

One of the most fragrant homemade compotes for the winter is strawberry. Just a handful of berries colors and saturates the water with a delicious smell, tones and refreshes with natural sourness. Currants, blueberries, cherries, other berries and stone fruits are processed in a similar way. With a minimum of fruits, such a preparation can be confidently called budgetary, convenient for storage in rooms with room temperature.

Often there are recipes for strawberry compote for the winter, when berries folded in a jar are poured with boiling water and sugar, corked and cooled under a warm blanket. Slow cooling is equivalent to sterilization, and the method is true for selected strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, berries with high content acids (gooseberry, yoshta, currant, cranberry).

But if you doubt the quality of berries / fruits (too juicy, overripe, sweet), be sure to carry out additional sterilization and use citric acid as a preservative. The sweetness is balanced and the safety of the workpiece is guaranteed for a long period.

So, wanting to "preserve" the summer in a jar, take the products on the list - fresh strawberries, granulated sugar, water, citric acid.

Before heat treatment for a happy and long storage berries should be reviewed - discard rotten, moldy, sluggish or immature. To remove small dirt, dust, villi, soil residues, soak the calibrated strawberries for 10 minutes in a bowl of cold water.

Then rinse under running water for a thorough clean.

Tear off the petioles from each berry. At this stage, you can rinse again (some douse with boiling water).

Strawberry compote with citric acid for the winter they prepare both from whole berries, and from quarters, halves. In order for strawberries to give the juice to the maximum, I recommend cutting clean berries.

Let me remind you winter preparations require sterile containers - both jars and lids must be washed with soda before starting the process, rinsed thoroughly, sterilized in a water bath or in a hot oven. We lower the strawberry slices into a sterile glass jar 1 liter, fill almost to the top boiling water, throw a cover (without sealing!). We insist 10-15 minutes at room temperature.

Drain the pinkish liquid into a saucepan. Add granulated sugar and citric acid, boil over the top heat, reduce heat and boil for 5 minutes, stir and dissolve hard grains. The rate of sugar and citric acid can be changed to your own taste.

We return the compote to a jar with steamed and discolored berries, install a lid (do not cork!), and additionally sterilize. We lower the workpiece into a spacious pot of water up to the "shoulders", lay a napkin at the bottom. After boiling the surrounding water, sterilize for 10-15 minutes.

Wipe the wet walls of the jar with a towel, tightly roll up the lid. We turn the jar of strawberry compote upside down to check the reliability of seaming.

After the final cooling at room temperature, we transfer the strawberry compote with citric acid for the winter to the pantry / cellar. For some time, the liquid continues to be colored.

Bon appetit all year round!

As I said in a previous post, this year is incredibly apple. Therefore, I can’t just watch how the fruits of apples fall off in our garden, I hasten to realize them as much as possible. Just yesterday I cooked wonderful, and today I decided to make apple compote from whole apples. Grows in my garden White filling, apples are small and they can easily fit into a three-liter jar, and in order for the compote to be more saturated, I do not regret the fruits and fill the entire jar as much as possible.

For cooking you will need:

  • Apples
  • Sugar -1 cup per 1 three-liter jar
  • Citric acid -1/3 tsp per jar.
  • Water.

Before spinning, it is necessary to rinse the jars well and process thoroughly. It is important that the jars do not have cracks. Processing is sterilization. I have no special device, so I just turn the jar upside down on a boiling kettle, in this position I have them for at least 10 minutes. I also process the lids, boil for several minutes.

We carefully sort the apples so that there are no worms, we wash them under running water
and be sure to blanch. You can just scald it with boiling water, but it seems to me that this is not very effective, so I threw them into boiling water and boiled for a few seconds. Hot apple fruits are immediately sent to the jar.

We cook syrup. You can, of course, sprinkle apples with sugar, and then hot water, but this method is not always of high quality, it happens that the sugar does not completely dissolve, so I cook the syrup separately, I even boil it for a few minutes for my peace of mind. I add sugar, citric acid to boiling water, pour the syrup into jars, roll it up with a key.

Be sure to turn the jars over on a paper towel or a plain piece of paper to make sure the lid does not leak. We send it to jars in a dark place for about a day upside down, and only then you can lower ready compote in the cellar until the cold, harsh winter.

Whole apple compote for the winter ready.

Enjoy the taste.

There are many ways to preserve sweet strawberries for the winter. One of the most popular is the preparation of compote, which allows you to keep it throughout the year until the new season. Every hostess has her own signature recipe preservation of compotes. And they turn out perfectly. different drinks- with sourness or fairly sweetened. It all depends on the added components.

For example, strawberry compote with citric acid is very refreshing and pleasant to taste. In addition, by adding a lemon, you can be sure that the jars will not explode and will be preserved.

If you cook strawberry compote correctly, then it manages to keep all the vitamins and the most useful substances. This means that in winter you can not only quench your thirst with a delicious drink, but also get health benefits. Its main feature is the ability to have an antioxidant effect on the body. It contains all the micro and macro elements we need to ensure the normal functioning of all organ systems. Strawberry compote perfectly restores strength, strengthens the immune system and strengthens the heart muscle. In a cold winter or on a dull autumn evening, such a drink can cheer you up, quench your thirst, and remind yourself of summer.

Cooking features

In most recipes for preserving berries, a lot of attention is paid to keeping their rich taste, so they try to make syrups concentrated. This leads to the fact that the compote is too sweet and cloying. IN strawberry compote there are no such shortcomings. Citric acid gives a touch of freshness and makes taste light and enjoyable.

Strawberry compote recipe without sterilization

This product is prepared without the use of a sterilization method. So, you need to choose berries especially carefully and meticulously. Only ripe strawberries are suitable, and each berry must be cut into two halves. Even if it is too small, you do not need to leave it whole. From the surface, you need to carefully cut off all damage or unripe places.

Before pouring prepared, washed and chopped strawberries into a jar, the container must be sterilized. On three-liter bottle you will need 400 grams of ripe berries. We also send citric acid there: a teaspoon will be enough.

Meanwhile, prepare the syrup: pour 300 grams of sugar into 2.8 liters of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5-6 minutes. Then pour the syrup into a jar: first 300 ml of the entire contents, and after 1-2 minutes everything else.

To eliminate the risk of cracking the glass container, it is better to place it on a metal surface. The lids must be sterilized and immediately put on a container with compote without transferring from boiling water to any surface. We cork the jar, turn it over, warm it with a thick blanket. This is necessary so that the berries are well saturated with acid and sugar syrup.
When the container has cooled down, it can be removed cool place and store for a whole year. But it is better not to forget about this storehouse of vitamins and the source of Have a good mood cold winter evenings.

In compotes, strawberries go well with other berries, especially cherries or gooseberries. It is important that the total volume does not exceed 400 grams per 2.8 liters of syrup. The more berries are packed in a jar, the richer and more concentrated the drink will turn out.

Recipe for strawberry compote with mint and citric acid

Prepare berries of approximately the same size. It is best to taste one to determine how much sugar is needed. For this recipe, we still need a few sprigs of fresh mint and citric acid.

We lay 300-350 grams of the main product in three-liter jars. Pour a teaspoon of citric acid into each of them and put mint. Pour boiling water to the top, leave for 3-4 minutes, covered with lids. Then we drain the water into a large container, add granulated sugar at the rate of 250 grams for each bottle. Boil the syrup for 4-5 minutes, pour it around the edges into jars. We cork, turn over and wrap with a blanket or blanket.

frozen strawberry recipe

If in freezer there are frozen berries, they can be used for fast food fragrant and delicious drink. For 300 grams, you will need an incomplete glass of sugar and 2 liters of water. Bring water to a boil, add sugar, and lastly add frozen strawberries. Add a pinch of citric acid at the very end. Leave on fire for 4-5 minutes after boiling. You can drink this product both hot and cold. In the heat, it quenches thirst especially well.

The addition of citric acid relieves every housewife of worry: the compote does not deteriorate and does not “explode”, it is well stored. So you can enjoy the summer taste and aroma in the frosty winter in the absence of any vitamins and minerals. fresh vegetables and fruits.

Delicious fruit compotes very useful for human body. Homemade drinks do not contain a single gram of preservatives, flavors and other artificial additives. Plus, they have an excellent refreshing effect and are ideal for roasts. summer day. Today we will tell you how to cook compote from fresh fruit.

For the preparation of fragrant home-made drinks, absolutely any seasonal berries and fruits. It can be apples, feijoa or pears. It all depends solely on your imagination and on what is grown in your personal summer cottage. For cooking compotes, you can use one variety of fruit. But many housewives who are not afraid of culinary experiments often combine several varieties.

It is important to choose ripe fruit that do not show signs of mold or other damage. Before cooking compote from fresh fruits, they are washed and freed from stones. And only after all these manipulations, you can proceed to the main stage. The base for the drink is poured with sweet hot water, boiled on the small fire for a few minutes and remove from the stove. In order for the fruits to evenly release the juice, it is advisable to cut them into approximately the same pieces. And to save maximum number vitamins in boiling water, you can add a little citric acid.

For those who do not know how much to cook fresh fruit compote, you need to remember that the duration of heat treatment largely depends on the variety of vegetable raw materials used. Soft fruits are cooked for no more than ten minutes, and hard ones - from 10 to 20 minutes. Bananas, quince, pomegranates and persimmons should not be used as a basis for. Store the finished compote at a temperature of 2-14 degrees. And in order for it to acquire a rich taste and pronounced aroma, it is pre-infused for several hours.

Pear variant

This fresh fruit compote contains only natural and very healthy ingredients. Therefore, they can drink not only adults, but also kids. To prepare it you will need:

  • half a kilo of ripe pears;
  • liter of filtered water;
  • juice squeezed from a whole lemon;
  • mint and sugar (to taste).

You need to start cooking compote from fresh fruits with the preparation of syrup. To do this, add to a pot of boiling water right amount sugar and wait for the complete dissolution of the grains. Then the washed and chopped pears are gently dipped into the bubbling syrup. All this is brought to a boil and boiled for ten minutes. Shortly before the end of the heat treatment, mint is added to the pot with the drink. Immediately after the fire is turned off, it is poured there lemon juice. Ready drink leave to infuse at room temperature, and after a few hours put in the refrigerator.

Feijoa variant

Thanks to unusual combination fruits used, this drink has amazing taste and easy pleasant aroma. In addition, it has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. So, it is equally useful for both the older and younger generations. For making such a compote from fresh fruits you will need:

  • a dozen feijoa fruits;
  • a couple of ripe apples;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water.

As in the previous case, you first need to deal with the syrup. Dissolve sugar in a pot filled with boiling water. Washed fruit slices are carefully laid out in the resulting liquid and boiled all this over low heat for no longer than ten minutes. The resulting drink is equally good both warm and cold.

Cherry variant

This fragrant summer drink has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. It is ideal for quenching thirst and eliminating vitamin deficiencies. For preparation of such a compote from fresh berries and fruits you will need:

  • 300 grams of ripe apples;
  • liter of drinking water;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 300 grams of cherries.

Sugar is added to an enamel pot filled with boiling water and apple slices. All this is boiled over low heat for five minutes. Then washed cherries are laid there and continue to cook. Ten minutes later, the finished drink is removed from the burner and insisted for several hours.

Plum variant

We suggest you pay attention to another recipe for fresh fruit compote. A drink brewed on it is much tastier and healthier than purchased soda and packaged juices. It lacks various chemical additives, so it can be fearlessly given even to children. To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 grams of plums;
  • half a kilo of peaches;
  • 400 grams of apples;
  • a couple of glasses of sugar;
  • 400 grams of cherries;
  • whole lemon;
  • 6 liters of drinking water.

Washed fruits and berries are pitted, cut into roughly equal slices and sent to a large saucepan. The right amount of cold water is poured there and sugar is added. All this is put on the stove, brought to a boil and boiled for seven minutes. Then the pan is removed from the burner, squeeze the juice of one lemon into it, cover with a lid and wait for the drink to cool.

Option with apricots

Compote prepared according to the technology described below has not only a pleasant taste, but also a delicious aroma. Plus he's rich. big amount valuable vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. To brew such a drink, you will need:

  • a kilo of apricots;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • liter of purified water.

Before cooking compote from fresh fruits, they are washed, sorted and freed from stones. Apricots prepared in this way are put in a saucepan, covered with sugar, poured drinking water and sent to the stove. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, the fire is reduced to a minimum. The contents of the pan are boiled for two minutes and removed from the burner. In order for the finished drink to acquire a rich taste, it is infused at room temperature for at least an hour.

Variant with peaches

A drink brewed according to the method below has pleasant taste and a light fruity aroma. Its preparation does not take much time and does not require specific culinary skills. To make such a compote, you will need:

  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 3 liters of filtered water;
  • a kilo of ripe peaches.

In a suitable enamel saucepan connect the net drinking water and sugar. All this is sent to the stove and brought to a boil. As soon as bubbles begin to form on the surface of the liquid, the peaches cut into slices are carefully placed in it. Literally a minute later, the pan is removed from the burner, covered with a lid and infused at room temperature for about a quarter of an hour.

Red currant variant

This drink is considered an excellent source valuable substances. He has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and light berry flavor. To prepare it you will need:

  • 300 grams of juicy peaches;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 200 grams of red currant;
  • a couple of liters of drinking water.

You need to start the process by making syrup. To do this, add to the pan cold water and sugar. All this is sent to the fire, boiled until the sweet sand is completely dissolved and removed from the burner. In the resulting hot syrup add washed currants and thin slices of peaches, previously peeled. All this is covered with a lid and insisted for at least three hours.

Variant with apples

This simple and delicious compote fresh fruits can be cooked not only in summer, but also in winter. He will become great alternative packaged juices or boring tea. To prepare it you will need:

  • 600 grams of apples;
  • a couple of liters of drinking water;
  • 200 grams of sugar.

Washed and chopped apples are added to a pot of boiling water. The right amount of sugar is poured there. All this is kept on a small fire for a quarter of an hour. As a rule, this time is enough for the fruit to become soft. The finished drink is removed from the burner and insisted under the lid for at least four hours.
