
Strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization - how to roll strawberry compote for the winter - a step by step recipe with a photo. Strawberry compote for the winter

Strawberry compote with whole mouth-watering berries is a real decoration for both everyday and festive tables. Sweet and fragrant, it will perfectly complement any dish. To enjoy a bright berry taste even in the cold season, it is worth closing the strawberry compote for the winter.

Strawberry compote for the winter - a classic recipe

The easiest and fastest recipe suggests using a minimum of products. In addition to berries (550 g), you will also need to take 320 g of sugar and water. From the indicated amount of products, it will be possible to cook about 2.5 liters of a sweet drink.

  1. You need to start the cooking process by sterilizing the jars. Metal lids for them must be boiled.
  2. Each berry gets rid of leaves and is thoroughly washed. Crumpled blackened strawberries are not suitable for compote, but slightly unripe ones can be safely used. Water when washing berries will need to be changed several times.
  3. Clean strawberries are carefully placed in prepared containers.
  4. Banks are filled with boiling water and covered with lids. Let the containers warm up for about 12 minutes.
  5. The water from the cans is drained and brought to a boil again.
  6. Sugar is added to the liquid. The syrup should boil after the next boil for about 3-4 minutes.
  7. The liquid returns to the berries. Now the banks can be rolled up.

Containers with compote are turned upside down, wrapped in a warm cloth and left to cool completely. Then they can be moved to a cold place.

Recipe for cooking without sterilization

If you don’t want to mess around with boiling water and jars for a long time, you can choose the most simplified recipe. It will be understandable even for those who have never rolled up vegetable and berry treats for the winter. For such a drink is used: 600 g of small ripe strawberries, 190 g of granulated sugar, 3 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2.6 liters of purified drinking water.

  1. Washed berries are dried with a paper towel and placed in a three-liter container. Strawberries should be miniature so that they are better saturated with sugar syrup and eventually do not ferment.
  2. The jar does not need to be sterilized. Wash it well inside and out with plenty of baking soda. The containers must be completely dry before placing the strawberries.
  3. Berries in a jar are sprinkled with sugar.
  4. Drinking water is brought to a boil in a saucepan. First, half of the jar is filled with it, and then the rest.
  5. Through a special drain cover, the water returns back to the pan and cooks for 3-4 minutes after boiling. 30 seconds before the end of the process, lemon juice is added to the liquid. It will play the role of a preservative.
  6. The container is closed with a tin lid using a special machine.

Such a compote is perfectly stored all winter in a cool place.

With added citric acid

This recipe is also very simple, quick, but requires sterilization of glass containers. In addition to fresh even strawberries (450 g), you need to prepare: 1 tsp. lemons (citric acid), 2.8 liters of pure water, 270 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Glass containers must be sterilized using an oven. To do this, the jars are washed with soda, dried, sent to a cold oven, which is then heated to 150 degrees. It is enough to keep them warm for 6-7 minutes.
  2. Berries are laid out in containers. The minimum fullness is 1/5 of the can, the maximum is half.
  3. Containers with strawberries are poured with boiling water to the upper limit and left under the lids for 12-15 minutes. Then the liquid is drained and sugar is added to it. The syrup is boiled after boiling for 2-3 minutes.
  4. The berries are sprinkled with lemon and poured over with sweet boiling water.
  5. The containers are closed with clean, dry lids, placed on a soft cloth and wrapped.

After complete cooling, the jars can be transferred to the cellar for further storage.

How to cook compote in a slow cooker?

You can even cook strawberry compote for storage throughout the winter months using a slow cooker. Any device is suitable, regardless of its model. To prepare a sweet drink according to this recipe, you need to take: 3 liters of filtered drinking water, 750 g of fresh strong berries, 3 g of lemon, 550 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Jars and tin lids for preservation are prepared in advance. First they are washed with soda, and then sterilized. This process can also be organized using a multicooker.
  2. To do this, a special container for steaming is installed on the device, jars are placed on it, and the “Multi-cook” mode is turned on for 5 minutes. The lid does not close.
  3. Next, the containers are turned over on a towel to drain drops of water.
  4. Covers are also processed directly with rubber bands.
  5. A syrup of sugar and water is boiled in the same mode for 12 minutes. Sand during this time should completely melt.
  6. Thoroughly washed berries are distributed in 3 jars. 1 g of citric acid is poured into each.
  7. It remains to fill the containers with syrup and roll up.

If desired, you can also add a couple of fresh mint leaves to the strawberry compote.

Cooking with apples

Some other berries and fruits go well with strawberries in compote. For example, apples. Enough 1 large sour fruit. You also need to take: 350 g of berries, 5 tbsp. sugar, 3 liters of purified drinking water.

  1. Strawberries get over and get rid of the tails. All unsuitable darkened or rumpled fruits must be removed. Next, the strawberries are placed in a colander and lowered into a container of water. The liquid is changed several times until it becomes completely transparent.
  2. 3 l. water is brought to a boil. Washed, cored and sliced ​​apples are lowered into the pan. The skin may not be cut off.
  3. After a couple of minutes, you can add strawberries and granulated sugar to the pan.
  4. Let the liquid boil for 5-7 minutes on minimum heat.
  5. It remains to pour the compote into sterilized jars and roll up.

Apples give the drink a pleasant sourness.

Frozen strawberry compote

If only a frozen berry was at hand, then it can also be used to make compote. In addition to strawberries (350 g), you need to prepare: ¾ cup of granulated sugar and 2 liters of clean water.

  1. Syrup is made from sugar and water.
  2. Strawberries, previously thawed at room temperature, are poured into a boiling liquid.
  3. Together, the ingredients are cooked for about 25 minutes.
  4. Then you can cool and serve the compote to the table, or pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up.

If you plan to store the drink until winter, then you will also need to use 1 g of lemon for each jar as a preservative.

Recipe with raspberries

A particularly bright and rich taste of compote is obtained if you take not only strawberries, but also raspberries for its preparation. 300 g and 150 g respectively. Since both types of berries are sweet, 1.5 tbsp is enough for 2 liters of water. Sahara. Also used and 1 tsp. citric acid.

  1. For the future compote, only strawberries are washed. Raspberries cannot be pre-processed, as in water they will break up into separate parts.
  2. The berries are laid out in pre-sterilized jars, and a lemon is poured on top of them.
  3. Syrup is boiled from sugar with water for 5-7 minutes after boiling. The resulting liquid is filled with berries in jars.
  4. Further, the containers can be rolled up with tin lids, turned over and wrapped in a blanket.

It is allowed to rearrange the compote in the cold only after the cans have completely cooled.

Strawberries appear on the market one of the first.

This is not only a tasty and fragrant berry, but also a natural remedy for anemia, atherosclerosis, neurasthenia, hypertension, insomnia, liver and kidney stones.

Its berries contain vitamins C and B9, tannins, essential oils, phosphorus, copper, iron, citric, malic, and quinic acids.

Housewives are happy to prepare all kinds of desserts from it in the form of cold delicacies and delicious pies.

Strawberries quickly depart, so they try to prepare them for future use. They make jam, jams from it, roll up compotes.

Preparation for cooking strawberry compote for the winter

The bombing of cans often occurs due to poor quality sterilization of both the product itself and the cans. Therefore, prepare the container in advance. For this purpose, glass jars are best suited, which are corked with metal lids.

Wash the jars with soda, and then put in boiling water for a few minutes. You can also sterilize jars in the oven. So that they do not burst from a temperature drop, they are placed in a cold oven and only then they start heating.

Wash the lids, put them in a pot of water and put on fire. Let them simmer a little.

Turn clean jars upside down on a towel and keep in this form until use.

In addition to jars, you will need a basin for keeping berries in syrup and a wide-bottomed pan for sterilizing finished products.

If the recipe requires compote pasteurization, then it is better to take a container with a capacity of no more than a liter. In such jars, the berries are not too deformed, and the color is preserved as much as possible.

Subtleties of cooking

For compote for the winter, varieties with intense color and dense texture are best suited. Such a berry is less boiled and deformed during heat treatment.

Strawberries spoil quickly and should not be stored. Immediately after collection or purchase, you need to start processing it.

  • Sort the berries by size, removing debris.
  • Wash the strawberries very carefully, trying not to crush. Therefore, put the berries in small portions in a colander and dip several times in cold water. Strawberries can also be washed under running water with low pressure.
  • Carefully remove the sepals from the berries. Now you can start making compote.

Strawberry compote for the winter: the first recipe

  • strawberries - 3 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 600 g.

Cooking method

  • Rinse strawberries by dipping a colander with berries in a container of clean cold water. Let the liquid drain.
  • Carefully remove the stalks with sepals from the berries.
  • Place the strawberries in the prepared half-liter jars, filling them 2/3 full.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, put sugar. Boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Strain through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve.
  • Pour hot syrup over berries.
  • Close jars tightly with tin lids. To prevent the increased pressure inside the jar from tearing off the lid, it is fixed with a special clip. If there is none, then cover the jars with compote with clean lids, and roll them up only after sterilization.
  • Place in a wide pot of hot water. At the bottom of the dish, pre-place a wooden grate or a circle so that the jars do not burst when heated.
  • Bring the water to a boil and sterilize the jars with compote for 10 minutes at a temperature of 80 °, starting the countdown from the moment the water boils.
  • Take the jars of strawberries out of the water. Seal. Turn upside down. Place on a flat surface covered with a soft cloth. Refrigerate like this.

Strawberry compote for the winter: the second recipe

Ingredients for ten 0.5 l cans:

  • strawberries - 3 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 700 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, wash. Remove the sepals. Fold the berries in an enamel basin.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, put sugar. Put on fire. Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Fill them with berries. Soak them in syrup for two hours. It is impossible to mix, but for better soaking of the berries with syrup, the basin must be shaken gently from time to time.
  • After such exposure, pour the berries with syrup into half-liter jars. Close with lids.
  • Place jars of compote in a pot of water and sterilize for 20 minutes at 85°.
  • Seal with lids. Turn upside down and cool in this position.

Strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization

Ingredients (based on a 3 liter jar):

  • strawberries - 800 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 1-1.5 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Sort out the strawberries. There should not be a single berry that would arouse suspicion.
  • Put the strawberries in a colander in small portions and rinse, immersing several times in a container of cold water.
  • Taking care not to crush the berries, remove the sepals.
  • Arrange the strawberries in sterilized jars, filling them 1/5 full.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan. Bring to a boil.
  • Pour boiling water over berries. Cover with a clean lid and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the berries will warm up well, and the water, on the contrary, will cool down.
  • Close the jar with a plastic lid with small holes. Through them, drain the pinkish water back into the pan. Put on fire.
  • As soon as the water boils, add sugar according to the norm. After the sugar dissolves, boil the syrup for 2-3 minutes.
  • Pour boiling syrup over strawberries all the way to the top.
  • Roll up the lids.
  • Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket or something warm. Leave until completely cool.

Strawberry compote for the winter with mint

Ingredients (calculated for a 1 liter jar):

  • strawberries - 150 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 900 ml;
  • mint - 2 leaves;
  • citric acid - 3 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort out the strawberries. Rinse. Carefully remove the sepals.
  • Prepare jars in advance: wash them with baking soda, rinse well. Before filling with strawberries, hold them over the steam, placing them neck down on a regular kettle.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, put sugar. Put on fire and cook until sugar dissolves.
  • Arrange the berries in hot jars. Pour in boiling syrup.
  • Add mint.
  • Cover the jars with tin lids and leave for 10 minutes to warm up the berries well.
  • From each jar, pour the syrup into the pan using a nylon lid with holes. Remove mint leaves from jars.
  • Bring the syrup back to a boil.
  • Add citric acid to each jar and immediately fill the berries to the very top with boiling syrup.
  • Seal tightly. Turn upside down. Leave until completely cool.

Note to the owner

  • Strawberry compote in jars closed with tin lids is stored in a dark, cool place: in the cellar, basement, pantry. But there should not be damp, otherwise the lids will rust.
  • If you put more sugar in the compote, then it will turn out to be concentrated, and it can be diluted with boiled water or mineral water.
  • Strawberry compote is boiled with the addition of lemon or orange peel, as well as cinnamon.

Fragrant strawberry compote according to this simple recipe can be easily prepared at home and stored for the winter. In the midst of a fragrant berry, many hostesses make a huge number of all kinds of strawberry preparations: jam, jam, marshmallow, close it in syrup or its own juice, freeze or dry it. But it is strawberry compote that is the real summer in a jar, which in winter will remind you of warm days and gentle sunlight.

The recipe for this homemade drink is very simple, and the preparation process is not intricate. To prepare strawberry compote for the winter, we will use the double filling method, and I suggest the proportions for one jar with a capacity of 1 liter. If you use larger dishes, increase the products accordingly. The amount of sugar can be changed to your liking, but I would not recommend reducing it.


Cooking step by step with photos:

We sort out the strawberries (non-standard, that is, wrinkled, can be used to make strawberry jam or marshmallow, and the spoiled ones are safely thrown away) and mine. To do this, we collect cold water in a large container, put berries in it and let them swim for just a minute - this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stalks until the berries are clean. Otherwise, strawberries will absorb a large amount of water and become sour. We remove the stems.

Then you need to carefully prepare the jar and lids in any way convenient for you. Since even for compotes I use jars with a capacity of no more than one liter, they fit perfectly in the microwave, in which the sterilization process takes place. Thoroughly wash the cans with soda or detergent, then rinse in cold water and pour about 100 milliliters of water into the bottom of each. We put it in the microwave and steam it on the highest power. For one jar - 5 minutes, and 4 banks together is enough for 10 minutes. I just wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour water (to completely cover the lids) and boil for about 5 minutes. We put the berries in prepared jars - I gave the proportions for one liter jar, if you remember. In other words, we put 200 grams of berries in one liter jar.

Cover with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the berries will color the water. By the way, in this way they are sterilized.

Drain the strawberry infusion into a saucepan and put on fire. Bring to a boil, stir until the sugar dissolves, and cook at a moderate boil for just a minute or two.

What you need to know to make the right strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization? The first is the exact proportions so that it turns out to be moderately sweet, with a rich taste, but also budget-friendly, and not a kilogram of berries per jar. The second is the correct way to prepare canned strawberry compote so that the jars stand well all winter. This is what will be discussed below. You will learn how to make compote for the winter using the double pour method - first with boiling water and then with hot syrup. The method is universal - in exactly the same way it will be possible to make compotes from any berries. This lesson is not burdensome and somehow addictive, which is not surprising, because compotes turn out to be very tasty, so prepare a place for building three-liter jars.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar of compote:

  • 1-1.5 cups of medium-sized strawberries (you can even small ones)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • Water - about 3 liters (how much will go in)

How to make strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization

To prepare strawberry compote, you need to choose ripe, but dense strawberries. It should be of medium size. You can even use small strawberries. A large berry is not suitable for such a preparation, since it may not be steamed.

Wash the strawberries well.

We remove the stems.

Let the strawberries dry. We do not need water on the berries.

In the meantime, sterilize the jar. Pour one glass of sugar into a jar.

Pour 1-1.5 cups of strawberries into a jar (depending on what concentration of compote you want to get).

Pour boiling water into the jar and cover the jar with a metal lid. Let stand for 10-15 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan. We act carefully so as not to get burned. Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and pour into jars again. Immediately roll up with sterile lids.

We turn the jar over, wrap it up and leave to cool. As soon as the compote has cooled down, it can be sent to a cold place to wait for winter. If you open the compote immediately, it will not be as tasty as it will be in 2-3 weeks. During this time, all the taste and color of the berries will pass into the water. Compote will infuse and become tasty and fragrant.

If you open a jar of strawberry compote in winter, you get the impression that it has just been brewed from fresh strawberries. Compote is stored for 2-3 years. It does not grow moldy, as strawberries like to do, and it is perfectly preserved without loss of taste.


Strawberry compote for the winter The perfect replacement for any dessert drink. Such canned compote will turn out to be incredibly rich, tasty, sweet and, of course, healthy. In such a compote, you will not add anything other than strawberries, sugar and plain water. A sweet strawberry drink is perfect for children who are more susceptible to artificial colors. In addition to the strawberries themselves, you can add other berries to such a compote, thereby creating a whole cocktail of summer flavors.

A step-by-step recipe for how to cook strawberry compote with a photo will tell you how to close strawberry compote at home in a simple and quick way. You have never tasted such a gentle and cool drink in your life!

In the summer, it is very popular to engage in all kinds of preparations, just because at this time all the products for closing are the freshest and most natural. The same applies to various compotes.

If strawberries don't seem to be enough then for astringency and richness of taste, you can add some cherries, sweet cherries or red currants to the compote. An amazing delicate taste of compote will be guaranteed.

Let's get started as soon as possible on the preparation and corking of strawberry compote for the winter, so that on one of the cold days we can get a jar of compote from the cellar and enjoy the real tastes of warm July!


Cooking steps

    Choose medium-sized firm young strawberries for making compote. Carefully sort the berries for spoilage, separate the green stalks and thoroughly rinse all the strawberries.

    Rinse the jars chosen for closing the compote in very hot water, then sterilize and dry slightly. For a third of the total volume of the jar, fill it with previously prepared strawberries.

    At the next stage, we pour the required amount of sugar into sterilized jars with strawberries. Nothing if there is a little more sugar or, conversely, a little less: you can vary the sweetness of your strawberry compote yourself.

    In prepared jars with strawberries and sugar, pour boiling water to the top and carefully twist the lids. After that, gently and lightly shake each jar.

    Our jars of strawberry compote should be cooled upside down, as in the photo, and under a warm thick blanket. After 24 hours, these jars must be moved to a dark and cool place for further storage.

    A delicious strawberry compote for the winter is ready.

    Bon appetit!
