
Red alcoholic drink. How low-alcohol drinks won the love and wallets of buyers

It's no secret that alcohol in large quantities adversely affects health. However, despite this, alcohol remains very popular. Alcoholic brands are among the most expensive brands, and alcohol production volumes around the world reach incredible proportions. And every year there are more and more new types of alcoholic beverages.

Such is our mentality that not a single feast passes without alcohol. However, even choosing one or another type of alcohol, few people know by what method it is produced. Well, let's fix it. So, in today's publication, we will consider what types of alcohol exist today and how the process of making this or that alcoholic drink goes.

Let's start with the fact that all types of alcoholic beverages are divided into groups depending on the fortress. Therefore, there are such groups:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium alcohol;
  • strong.

Low alcohol drinks

Low-alcohol drinks include those types of alcohol, the alcohol content of which does not exceed 8%. These can be counted:

  • beer, which is obtained by fermenting malt wort under the action of brewer's yeast. Beer also contains hops. Despite the fact that beer has many useful qualities, drinking it in large quantities is bad for the body;
  • Braga- a mixture obtained by fermenting various plant products - vegetables and fruits. Most often it serves as a raw material for the preparation of moonshine;
  • cider- apple drink prepared without the use of yeast;
  • toddy- a fermentation product of the juices of some palm trees;
  • kvass- not considered alcohol, but contains ethanol in small quantities;
  • koumiss- a very useful fermented milk product based on mare's milk, which also contains a small amount of alcohol.

In small doses, low-alcohol drinks are practically harmless to the body. However, if they are used frequently and in unlimited quantities, this will lead not only to alcohol intoxication (with the exception of koumiss), but also to disruption of the work of many organs of our body.

Medium alcohol drinks

Medium alcohol drinks contain up to 30% ethyl alcohol. These include:

  • wine- fermented grape juice, which in a small amount is very useful for the body and is even approved by doctors. However, due to the content of ethyl, wine can be quite harmful to our health if it is abused;
  • mead- an alcoholic drink made from honey;
  • mulled wine- wine with fruits and spices, prepared by boiling;
  • grog- diluted rum;
  • sake- rice wine, a traditional Japanese alcoholic drink;
  • punch- wine diluted with juice.

With these products, you should also be careful not to exceed the allowable rate.

Strong alcoholic drinks

Strong alcoholic drinks are characterized by an alcohol content that can reach up to 80%. Therefore, the abuse of strong types of booze is most dangerous for the body. These products include:

  • vodka- made from rectified alcohol mixed in various proportions with water. Alcohol is mainly obtained from potato and grain raw materials;
  • cognac- an alcoholic drink made from special varieties of grapes;
  • rum, or cane vodka, made from cane syrup - a waste product of sugar cane production;
  • sambuca- vodka with the addition of anise or herbal collection;
  • gin- a distillation product of wheat alcohol, also contains juniper berries;
  • whiskey- a type of alcohol obtained by a complex process of fermenting malt and distilling cereals;
  • brandy- a distillation product of grape or apple wine;
  • liquor- an alcoholic drink based on various juices;
  • absinthe- the strongest alcohol, which contains up to 70% alcohol and is made using wormwood;
  • tincture- an alcoholic drink, which is obtained by insisting alcohol on various berries and spices.

Here, in principle, are all the main types of alcohol that are most often found at feasts. We did not include exclusive alcoholic drinks in the list, since there are a lot of them.

List of spirits of the world

It has long been proven in practice that alcohol is excreted from the human body after twenty-one days ... That is, never. Judge for yourself how you can resist if the modern alcohol market is replete with various alcohol-containing creations in bright, catchy bottles. Man drank many, many millennia ago and continues to drink to this day.

The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the consequences may not be the most favorable. But everyone, as they say, is responsible for himself, and I will only remind our dear readers for the hundredth time that "excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health." My classmates often joked that if they were expelled from the university, they could easily turn in all the bottles of alcohol and enter the paid department. Fortunately, nothing like this happened, but today is not about that! From the moment a person first thought of creating an alcoholic drink, he continues to think in this direction and produce more and more alcoholic masterpieces in incredibly large quantities.

Demand creates supply, so as long as the demand for these goods in the world is high (and it is not going to decrease), the list of alcoholic beverages will only grow. Today, the list of drinks containing ethyl alcohol in their composition is endless. Moreover, “newcomers” are constantly included in it. Each nation, each country has its own personal alcoholic drinks, the list of which is not limited to one or two options. All drinks are special, they are distinguished by a different composition, different origins and individual characteristics. Today I will try to pay attention to each of the existing types of alcohol-containing liquids - known and not so, strong and weak, sweet and sour. Yes, you can see for yourself. So, alcohol drinks list.

Kvass (eng. kvass). Do not be surprised, because this traditional Slavic drink loved by everyone has a strength of 1.2%. It is born by way of incomplete lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation of the wort.

Beer (English beer, French bière, German bier). It is no exaggeration to say that the whole world loves beer! The first creator of beer, obtained by fermenting malt wort with yeast and hops, is still unknown, but it is believed that the roots of this drink go back to 9500 BC. Today, this oldest product is sung all over the world by such countries as Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Ireland, Russia and some others. The strength of "beer" is usually from 5 to 14%, and most often it is referred to as low-alcohol drinks.

Wine (English wine, French vin, Italian vino, German wein). How can you talk about wine in two sentences? This is an impossible mission. There are red, white, and rosé wines, as well as bruts, dry, sweet, semi-sweet and semi-dry drinks, each of which is created during the fermentation of grape juice. The strength of the medium-alcohol "drink of truth" is from 9 to 22%, and France is considered the leader in the wine industry.

Port wine (eng. port, port. porto, German portwein). This is a traditional Portuguese drink, which is a fortified grape wine, with a strength of about 17-20 degrees. Port wine is a "serious" drink, as it has the category of "name controlled by origin".

Madeira (Port. Madeira). This is another type of Portuguese fortified wine. This medium alcohol product usually has a strength of about 20%. A feature of Madeira is the aging of wine material at high temperatures from 60 to 80 ° C.

Sherry (eng. sherry, Spanish jerez, port. xerez). A very interesting medium-alcohol drink produced in Spain through the fermentation of grape must under the film of the so-called fleur, a type of sherry yeast. The alcohol content in this type of wine is about 20%.

Marsala (Italian marsala). If we are to believe the words of Admiral Nelson, then this is "a wine worthy of a meal of any most fastidious lord." Moreover, the lord must be very persistent, since the fortress of marsala is about 17-18%. This strong dessert wine from Italian Sicily is somewhat similar to Madeira, but has a higher sugar content.

Malaga (Spanish malaga). Refers to dessert wines, which are the merit of the inhabitants of the Spanish province of Malaga. The strength of the drink ranges between 13 and 22%, and a separate fermentation of three different types of wort in different ways is considered a feature of its production.

Tokai (eng. tokai, hung. tokaji). Experts distinguish this wine, produced in Hungary and Slovakia, as a separate type of alcoholic beverage. The strength of Tokaya is about 10-12%, and its characteristic honey bouquet cannot be found in any wine existing in the world.

Vermouth (English vermouth, Italian vermut, French portwein, German wermut). Its creation is attributed to Hippocrates himself, who was “treated” by him back in the 5th century BC. Vermouth is a fortified wine (16-18%) flavored with various herbs and medicinal plants, where the main role is played by wormwood. Superiority in the issue of creating vermouth belongs to Italy, and France is on its heels today.

Cider (English cider, French cidre, German apfelwein). This low-alcohol drink (from 2 to 7%) is made by fermenting apple juice without adding yeast. The peculiarity of cider is its obvious champagne. France (the regions of Brittany and Normandy) has distinguished itself as the creator of the highest quality ciders.

Perry (eng. perry, fr. poiré, germ. birnenmost). According to the principle of production and features, it resembles cider, but it is based on pear juice, and the sugar level of perry is much higher. The alcohol content is from 5 to 8.5%. Great Britain, Spain and, of course, France are the main experts in "pear" alcohol.

Champagne (fr. champagne). This is the most solemn and mysterious medium-alcohol drink with a strength of about 8-13%, made exclusively in the French province of Champagne by the method of secondary fermentation of wine in a bottle. Hence the bubbles of carbon dioxide in this sparkling wine.

Sake (English sake, Japanese 酒). The traditional medium-alcohol drink of Japan, the strength of which reaches 14.5-20 degrees. It is easy to guess what the Japanese make their drink from - of course, from rice. So, sake is obtained by fermenting rice.

Sato (or hai). This is the name of the traditional wine of Thailand, produced by fermenting rice. The strength of sato is slightly lower than the standard strength of wine - about 7-10 degrees.

Absinthe (eng. absinth, fr. absinthe, czech absint). Also known as the "green fairy" or "best friend" of Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. More than once, this strongest drink in the world (from 70 to 86 degrees) was driven from many countries for its toxic component - thujone, which can cause hallucinations in a person, and then returned again. It is known that absinthe first appeared in Switzerland, and today it is prepared in the Czech Republic, France, Italy and some other countries.

Akvavit (English aquavit, Swedish aquavit, Norwegian akevitt). Undoubtedly, Russians would like this strong drink (from 38 to 50%) of a yellowish color, as it is made from our favorite potatoes! The idea of ​​​​creating this “water of life” (literal translation “aqua vitae” from Latin) belongs to Sweden and Norway, which prepare a drink based on alcohol obtained from the processing of potatoes.

Arak (English arrack, French arak, German arrak). If you drink a lot of this drink, you will sweat a lot. At least, that's what arrack producers say - masters of the Middle East, Southeast Europe and Central Asia. Arak is a strong alcoholic drink (from 40 to 55 degrees), obtained by distillation, and depending on the country, the procedure for its manufacture and the raw materials are very different.

Pastis (fr. pastis). France has been delighting us with this strong drink (40-45%) since 1915. It owes its appearance to the ban that Europe imposed on absinthe at the beginning of the 20th century, which caused a huge demand for its substitutes. Pastis, a substitute for absinthe, is a French spiced aniseed vodka.

Mastic (Bulgarian mastic). You should be careful with this drink, as its 47% strength can even knock down a horse! This strong alcohol is prepared in Bulgaria on the basis of anise extract. However, Macedonian manufacturers are seriously competing with Bulgarians today.

Brandy (eng. brandy). A fairly general term for the products of the distillation of grape wine. The strength of brandy, as a rule, is from 40 to 60%. Below are seven existing in the world of drinks related to the "kind" of brandy.

Cognac (fr. cognac). Many critics consider it the most noble of spirits. Cognac is a type of brandy produced in France, in the Charente region, from grapes using a special technology. With cognac in France, everything is strict, its production is clearly controlled by government officials, and the strength of the drink should not exceed 40 degrees. However, there are exceptions.

Armagnac (fr. armagnac). If the French gave the cognac to the world, then, as French wisdom says, armagnac was left to itself. Apparently, he is incredibly good! This strong drink is prepared in Gascony (France) from varietal grapes by distilling grape wine. The alcohol level is about 40%.

Grappa (Italian grappa). A drink that has risen from the very bottom, as initially economical Italians prepared it from the waste left after wine production. Today, grappa is a popular drink with 40 to 50% ABV, resulting from the distillation of grape pomace.

Calvados (fr. Calvados). The credit for creating apple brandy, obtained by distilling cider, belongs to France. The strength of the drink that came from Lower Normandy is 40 degrees. Sometimes Calvados is made from a mixture of apples and pears.

Kirschwasser. A drink with a strength of about 40%, obtained by distilling black cherry must. Kirschwasser is a fairly old type of alcohol that first appeared in Germany and then in the east of France in the 17th century.

Slivovitz. By the name, you can guess that this is brandy (45% ABV) from fermented plum juice. The drink is sometimes called rakija and is made in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Croatia.

Metaxa. The drink is named after its creator, the Greek Spears Metax, who in 1888 obtained it by mixing grape brandy with grape wine and adding herbal infusion to this “explosive mixture”. So Spears Metax made Greece the leader in the production of metax, the strength of which does not exceed 40 degrees.

Vodka. The main guest at all Russian feasts! The drink is a clear water-alcohol solution with an alcohol content of 40 to 53%. Russia and Poland are considered the main producers of vodka, but for the first time it was prepared by a certain Persian doctor in the 10th century.

Schnapps. It is rather a general name for some alcoholic beverages with a strength of at least 40%, obtained by distillation of mash from grain (or fruit). Schnapps enters the world market from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Scandinavian countries.

Whiskey. As the Scots, the creators of this drink, assure, there is no such person in the world who does not like whiskey, he just has not yet found his variety. Whiskey is a drink with a strength of 40 to 50%, made from grain by malting, distillation and aging. Classic Scotch whiskey is called the fashionable word "scotch", and Ireland is also considered the traditional producer of the drink.

Bourbon. The same whiskey, only American. Bourbon is prepared (strength 40-50%) in the USA from corn using a cunning technology.

Gin. A strong liquor (38-45%), a favorite of London dandies and English gentlemen. In the 1680s, England “copied” the gin recipe from Holland, where it first appeared and is now the leader in its production. This drink is the result of the distillation of wheat alcohol with the addition of juniper.

Maotai. This strong (35-53%) drink, born in China, is special, as it is customary to drink it only on the most solemn occasions. In China, maotai is made from kaoliang (a plant of the cereal family) and is considered a national and diplomatic drink.

Ouzo. It is a distillate of a mixture of ethyl alcohol and aromatic herbs, among which anise is always present. Today only Greece produces ouzo with a strength of 40 to 50%.

Cancers. This drink will be able to try all the tourists vacationing in Turkey. You should be careful with it, since the strength of the crayfish fluctuates between 40 and 50%. Turkish national drink is the result of the distillation of grape wine, which is then infused with anise root.

Rum. I would like to add: "Yo-ho-ho"! This rather strong alcohol (from 30 to 78%) is prepared in the Caribbean with the help of fermentation and further distillation of cane syrup and molasses.

Chacha. Stalin himself once said about her: "This is the best of all types of vodka." But the “leader of the peoples” immediately corrected himself: “True, I don’t drink it myself. I prefer light wines. You can’t call chacha light, since its strength is from 45 to 60%. Chacha is a Georgian alcohol reminiscent of grape brandy.

Tutovka. In Transcaucasia (Armenia, Georgia, South Ossetia), masters make this alcoholic drink with an approximate strength of 75-80% from black and white mulberries (a genus of plants of the mulberry family). In Armenia, where this drink is most common, the mulberry is called Artsakh.

Khanshin. This is the merit of China, its traditional drink made from millet or chumidza (black rice). Hanshin is also called Chinese wheat vodka, the strength of which varies from 40 to 55 degrees.

Tutovka Artsakh
Bambuse. What grows in Indonesia? Of course, bamboo. It is from its seeds that the Indonesians prepare a strong alcoholic drink bambuse (40-50%). I don’t know if I would dare to try it, because it contains hallucinogens and wood alcohol, which can lead to vision loss. Well, the inhabitants of Indonesia use it as a cult and ritual drink, relying on the will of the Almighty.

Cynar. This 17% alcoholic drink is made in Italy by distilling artichoke juice. In general, Italians love to “flavor” everything, let’s remember at least vermouth. They also add various aromatic herbs and spices to cynar.

Yagachi. Or hunting tea, which is overwhelmingly popular among skiers. This drink is prepared in Austria from a mixture of honey, tea, red wine and schnapps.

Kizlyarka. This is a grape vodka with a strength of about 40%, the name of which comes from the city in the north of the modern Republic of Dagestan - Kizlyar. Today, Kizlyarka is produced by the State Unitary Enterprise "Kizlyar Cognac Factory".

Tequila. Salt. Lemon. Without these important "companions", this drink is already hard to imagine today. This strong alcohol (35-55 degrees) was born in the vicinity of the city of Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico. The raw material for tequila is the core of a plant traditional for Mexico called the blue agave.

Moonshine. This is a classic source of income for the grandmothers of any remote village. But let's not talk about it, because in many countries, including Russia, the manufacture and sale of moonshine is prohibited. So, this alcoholic "miracle" is a drink obtained as a result of the distillation of mash (using a moonshine still) from potatoes, cereals, fruits, beets, etc. The strength of the drink varies in accordance with the wishes of the manufacturer, but, as a rule, marks 40 % it reaches.

Stark. An original rye vodka aged in an oak wine barrel. Also, apple leaves, pear and linden flowers are added to the stark. The alcohol level of such a fragrant masterpiece is 40-43%, and Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and some regions of Russia “conjure” over its creation.

Liquor. In the Middle Ages, it was considered the "elixir of life", and today it is very popular. It is a sweet, flavorful drink, the alcohol content of which varies from 15 to 40%. Italy produces liqueurs in large quantities from alcoholized fruit and berry juices with the addition of spices, herbs and roots.

Limoncello. A type of liqueur made in Italy by infusing lemon peel. After tasting strong fragrant limoncello (30-43%), your body receives a huge dose of vitamin C.

Bitter. It is a bitter tincture based on extracts of roots, herbs, stems, medicinal plants and spices. For example, bitter can be infused with anise, ginger, wormwood, and its strength is 20-45%. Many countries are engaged in "gathering", including Italy, Venezuela, the Czech Republic, Germany and others.

Campari. Italian liqueur-bitter from the famous bartender Gaspar Campari, created on the basis of fruits and aromatic herbs. The standard strength of the drink is approximately 20.5-28%, but there are also more "harmless" Campari with an alcohol content of only 10%.

Tincture. An easy-to-prepare alcoholic drink with a strength of up to 45%. It can be taken orally, both for pleasure and for medicinal purposes, as it is infused with various spices, seeds, fruits, medicinal and fragrant herbs. In general, on anything!

Fucked up. The most famous bitter tincture on the root of horseradish, which has gained popularity and wide distribution in Ukraine and Russia. The fortress can vary and sometimes reaches 45%.

Pouring. An alcoholic drink similar to tincture, but differs from it in a higher sugar content and lower strength - 18-20%. It is prepared from alcoholized juices of berries and fruits.

Krambambulya. Traditional quite strong (up to 40%) tincture from Belarus on spices and honey. Belarusians use it both chilled and hot.

Balm. A separate type of tincture on medicinal herbs with the addition of roots, essential oils and fruits, common in Russia. The strength of this "medicine" reaches 40-45 degrees.

Mescal. A distinctive "sign" of the drink is a pickled caterpillar floating at the bottom of the bottle, and a bag of salt from the same mashed caterpillar living in agave shoots. A drink with a standard strength of about 38-43% is prepared in Mexico from fermented blue agave juice.

Koumiss. An alcoholic drink made from mare's milk, obtained by alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation "with the assistance" of yeast and lactic acid sticks. Kumis has always been prepared in the countries of Central Asia and Mongolia. This is an interesting drink, the strength of which can vary markedly: from 0.2%, 2.5%, 4.5% and up to 40% (Kazakh version).

Khuremge. This low-alcohol drink (with a strength of 2 to 8%) based on fermented whey from cow's milk and special bacteria is prepared in the Republic of Buryatia, Russia.

Bilk. What happens when you add the words beer (beer) and milk (milk)? It turns out bilk (bilk) - a low-alcohol drink with a characteristic "beer" strength, made from milk, to which brewer's yeast and hops are added. The Japanese came up with such an original drink. I hope that after tasting it, the stomach will not sound the alarm!

Archi. Another strong drink (up to 40%), made on the basis of milk. In fact, this is milk vodka, which is produced by the peoples of Northern China, Mongolia and Southern Siberia.

Tarasun. Another type of milk vodka (up to 40%), the creation of which consists in fermenting milk with yeast. The result is the aforementioned khuremge drink, which serves as the basis for tarasun. The inhabitants of Buryatia also distinguished themselves in this matter.

Rechoto. An Italian drink that belongs to the category of table wines and has a corresponding strength from 10 to 15%. The essence of this drink is that it has been prepared for 2000 years from rare grape varieties with the help of “appassimento” (that is, withering of grape fruits).

Pinot de Charan. French wine drink with a strength of 16 to 22%. It is prepared from a mixture of fresh grape juice and cognac spirits, which must be at least 1 year old.

Pommeau de Normandy. Medium-alcohol drink of France, which is prepared in Normandy from a mixture of apple brandy (calvados) with unfermented apple juice. As a result, a drink with an approximate strength of about 18% is formed.

Sambuca. All lovers of trendy drinks are familiar with coffee beans at the bottom of the glass, the bluish light of burning sambuca and a sweet aftertaste. This strong drink (38-42%) belongs to the category of liqueurs and is prepared in Italy from anise, wheat alcohol, sugar, extract from flowers or elderberries, as well as aromatic herbs.

Cachaca. It has the same “power” over Brazilians as vodka has over Russians. The drink is quite strong - 39-40% - and is prepared in Brazil from sugar cane extract by a single distillation.

Icevine. It would be possible to attribute this drink to ordinary wine, but it is really unusual! This drink is produced by Canada, Austria and Germany from the juice of frozen grapes, which the masters deliberately do not collect with the onset of the first frost. Approximate icewein fortress - 9 degrees.

Flock de Gascony. This is a special drink made from fresh grape juice and Armanka spirit of 60% strength. The level of alcohol in the finished product is from 16 to 18 degrees, and it is produced by the masters of Gascony, France.

Pisco. It is a grape vodka with a strength of at least 30 percent. The drink is prepared in Chile and some other countries from high quality varietal grapes.

Chicha. One of the oldest drinks in the world, which is traditionally prepared as follows: women chew dry maize grains, and the resulting mass is poured with water and left to ferment. In many countries, this drink is banned, as it is considered a carrier of diseases, and according to all traditions, chewed chicha is made in Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Costa Rica. The strength of the drink can be either very low (5-8%) or high (50%). By the way, "eyewitnesses" claim that the most severe hangover comes from chichi. I don’t know if they tried the Soviet “Three Axes”?

Togba. According to legend, this is the favorite drink of the yeti who ransack the villages in the hope of "hangover". The drink is prepared in mountainous Nepal from boiled and fermented millet. Despite the fact that the strength of the togba is low, it can easily get drunk from it, as it is customary to drink it hot through a thin straw.

Pulque (or octli). This drink was invented by the divine possum, who, out of curiosity, climbed into the thickets of the blue agave and strained the fermented juice for himself. Well, this is just one of the myths! Today, pulque is not very popular, it is prepared in Mexico by fermenting agave juice in very small quantities. The strength of the drink is from 6 to 18 degrees.

Khandi. This drink is made in East India and only by women who bathe and change into clean clothes before work, and they are forbidden to talk while preparing the drink! Handi fortress is about 8-10 degrees, and a drink is obtained from fermented rice, hay and local bitter herbs and roots.

Mamajuana is a tincture from the Dominican Republic with the addition of tree bark, leaves, herbs and spices. Prepared on the basis of rum (sometimes whiskey), red wine and honey. For the first time, ready-to-eat mamajuana was released only in 2005.

With this, I propose to complete this list of alcoholic beverages for now. Of course, the global alcohol industry does not stand still, we are closely monitoring its development and, as new products appear, we will supplement this already long list. It's amazing what people don't make alcohol out of. The most unexpected and shocking products can become raw materials! For example, how do you like pizza-flavored beer that the Americans invented, or Chinese rat wine, which is infused on newborn rats who have not yet opened their eyes? And this is not all that human fantasy (or stupidity?) can offer. However, alcohol is no joke, so drink only high-quality, proven spirits and only in moderation!

Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia warns: smoking is harmful to your health!
Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health!

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All over the world there are a considerable number of types of strong alcoholic beverages, there is also a very strong beer. Today is Friday and the Night "INFORMER" decided to figure out which of the alcoholic drinks is the strongest and why.

Continuous distillation has long been the most efficient and best method of making spirits. This method was invented back in the nineteenth century. In the preparation and distillation of strong alcohol, different raw materials are used, which largely determines what product will turn out in the end. Due to the peculiarities of the local flavor, different types of strong alcoholic drinks appeared.

Distillation is a method for obtaining strong alcohol. In Russia and Poland, vodka is made using wheat for this. Rum is produced in sugarcane-rich Latin America. Tequila and mezcal are made in Mexico from blue agave. Southern Europe is famous for cognac and brandy, for the preparation of which grapes growing there are used. In places where the climate is colder, potatoes are used in the production of strong drinks, resulting in whiskey and aquavit.

There are the following types of spirits: tequila, gin, cognac, calvados, brandy, mezcal, rum, armagnac, sake, absinthe, vodka. They can be divided into those that are necessarily aged according to technology (whiskey and cognac) and unaged drinks (grappa, gin, vodka). But aquavits, brandies and rums can be aged or not aged, depending on the technology.

Alcoholic drinks stronger than 40 degrees

Strong alcoholic drinks are presented to a person in a wide variety. We are talking about drinks that are stronger than forty degrees. So, a drink prepared on the basis of wormwood is called absinthe. The alcohol content in it is from seventy percent. It is this alcoholic drink that is considered not just a drink, but a narcotic and hallucinogenic drug. For a long time it was banned in many countries. Only since the end of last year, absinthe began to return, once again gaining popularity.

The strength of gin is in the range from forty-six to fifty-five degrees. Its second name is juniper vodka. The drink is obtained by distilling wheat alcohol with juniper. It is usually used in cocktails. Italian grappa resembles whiskey. It is made from grape pomace, and the fortress varies from forty to sixty degrees. Grappa is also compared to the Spanish drink Orujo and Georgian Chacha.

A strong drink like armagnac, similar to cognac, is prepared from grape spirit. This is essentially brandy, it is valued even more than cognac. Its fortress is forty-fifty-five degrees.

Alcoholic drinks that are stronger than forty degrees also include vodka, brandy, tequila, whiskey, rum, etc. In addition to these well-known types of strong drinks, there are unusual, exotic ones. Chicha is such, her homeland is Latin America.

To prepare this drink, local women have to chew dry maize grains. All this is then poured with water and insisted until the maize ferments. Experts believe that chicha causes the longest and worst hangover. The strength of the drink is more than forty degrees.

Another example of a non-standard drink is rat wine, which is made in China. Its fortress is fifty-seven degrees. To prepare a drink, newborn rats that have not yet opened their eyes are poured with rice vodka.

However, in addition to traditionally strong drinks, there is also beer that can compete with many alcoholic drinks. The strongest beer was brewed in 2012 by the Scottish brewery Brewmeister. The strength of this beer with the name "Armageddon" is equal to sixty-five degrees. The beer has a rich aroma. It is made from oatmeal, wheat, caramel malt based on Scottish spring water.

In 2013, the same brewery brewed an even stronger beer called Snake Venom. The alcohol content in it is sixty-seven and a half percent. Strong beer has hop aroma, malty body and strong alcohol notes.

What is stronger: whiskey, cognac or vodka?

Alcoholic drinks differ in the degree of strength. So in vodka - forty percent alcohol. It is prepared from ethyl alcohol and water. Today it is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world.

Another strong alcoholic drink that is on a par with vodka is cognac. Unlike vodka, it is made from grapes. The strength of this drink is from forty to forty-two degrees. Whiskey is considered one of the most noble drinks. Its fortress is usually in the range of forty-fifty degrees, but there are varieties whose fortress reaches sixty.

The strongest alcohol in the world:

There is alcohol in America that is currently banned in thirteen states. Its name is Everclear or devil's water. The drink is prepared on the basis of corn or wheat alcohol, and the alcohol content in it is ninety-five percent.

Rarely consumed on its own, the odorless and colorless Devil's Water is added as an ingredient to various cocktails. Records are set not only by strong alcohol. According to uznayvse.ru, a bottle of not the strongest Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley wine costs $20,000 per bottle. But there is wine that is ten times more expensive.

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There are many types of strong alcoholic drinks all over the world, there are also very strong beers. It is interesting to understand which of the alcoholic beverages is the strongest and why.

Types of strong alcoholic drinks

Continuous distillation has long been the most efficient and best method of making spirits. This method was invented in the nineteenth century. In the preparation and distillation of strong alcohol, different raw materials are used, which is largely determined by what products are traditional for a particular area. Thanks to this, different types of strong alcoholic beverages appeared.

So in Russia and Poland they make vodka using wheat for this. Rum is produced in sugarcane-rich Latin America. Tequila and mezcal are made from blue agave by Mexico. Southern Europe is famous for cognac and brandy, for the preparation of which grapes growing there are used. In places where the climate is colder, potatoes are used in the production of strong drinks, resulting in whiskey and aquavit.

There are such types of spirits: tequila, gin, cognac, calvados, brandy, mezcal, rum, armagnac, sake, absinthe, vodka. They can be divided into those that are necessarily aged according to technology (whiskey and cognac) and unaged drinks (grappa, gin, vodka). But aquavits, brandies and rums can be aged or not aged, depending on the technology.

Alcoholic drinks stronger than 40 degrees

Strong alcoholic drinks are presented to a person in a wide variety. We are talking about drinks that are stronger than forty degrees. So, a drink prepared on the basis of wormwood is called absinthe. The alcohol content in it is from seventy percent. It is this alcoholic drink that is considered not just a drink, but a narcotic and hallucinogenic drug. For a long time it was banned in many countries. Only since the end of last year, absinthe began to return, once again gaining popularity.

The strength of gin is in the range from forty-six to fifty-five degrees. Its second name is juniper vodka. The drink is obtained by distilling wheat alcohol with juniper. It is usually used in cocktails.

Italian grappa resembles whiskey. It is made from grape pomace, and the fortress varies from forty to sixty degrees. Grappa is also compared to the Spanish drink Orujo and Georgian Chacha.

A strong drink similar to cognac is prepared from grape alcohol, such as Armagnac. This is essentially brandy, it is valued even more than cognac. Its fortress is forty-fifty-five degrees.

Alcoholic drinks that are stronger than forty degrees also include vodka, brandy, tequila, whiskey, rum, etc. In addition to these well-known types of strong drinks, there are unusual, exotic ones. Chicha is such, her homeland is Latin America. To prepare this drink, local women have to chew dry maize grains. All this is then poured with water and insisted until the maize ferments. Experts believe that chicha causes the longest and worst hangover. The strength of the drink is more than forty degrees.

Another example of a non-standard drink is rat wine, which is made in China. Its fortress is fifty-seven degrees. To prepare a drink, newborn rats that have not yet opened their eyes are poured with rice vodka. The infusion is soaked for a whole year.

The strongest beer

There is a beer that can compete with many hard liquor. The strongest beer was brewed in 2012 by the Scottish brewery Brewmeister. The strength of this beer with the name "Armageddon" is equal to sixty-five degrees. The drink has a rich taste and aroma. It is made from oatmeal, wheat, caramel malt based on Scottish spring water.

In 2013, the same brewery brewed an even stronger beer called Snake Venom. The alcohol content in it is sixty-seven and a half percent. Strong beer has hop aroma, malty body and strong alcohol notes.

What is stronger: whiskey, cognac or vodka

Alcoholic drinks differ in the degree of strength. So in vodka - forty percent alcohol. It is prepared from ethyl alcohol and water. Today it is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world.

Another strong alcoholic drink that is on a par with vodka is cognac. Unlike vodka, it is made from grapes. The strength of this drink is from forty to forty-two degrees. Whiskey is considered one of the most noble drinks. Its fortress is usually in the range of forty-fifty degrees, but there are varieties whose fortress reaches sixty.

The strongest alcohol in the world

There is alcohol in America that is currently banned in thirteen states. Its name is Everclear or devil's water. The drink is prepared on the basis of corn or wheat alcohol, and the alcohol content in it is ninety-five percent.

Rarely consumed on its own, the odorless and colorless Devil's Water is added as an ingredient to various cocktails.

Records are set not only by strong alcohol. According to the website, a bottle of Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley, not the strongest wine, costs $20,000 a bottle. But there is wine that is ten times more expensive. Learn all about the most expensive wine.
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Different types of alcoholic products are popular everywhere. The range is so huge that the variety is dizzying. Alcoholic drinks are divided into light (weak), medium, strong. They are elite and domestic, safe and dangerous.

Alcoholic beverages are products made from ethanol. It is obtained by fermentation. Alcoholic drinks are produced from the following raw materials:

  • rice, millet, wheat, rye, corn, barley;
  • apricots, pineapples, pears, plums, apples, grapes;
  • sweet potato, agave, sugar cane, potato.

In the manufacturing process, various herbs and spices, flavors and honey, dyes and other substances are often added.

Strong alcohol

Such products vary in their strength from 21 to 80% alcohol content. Currently, the range of alcoholic beverages in this category is represented by common and well-known types of relevant products. The most popular today are:

  1. Vodka. Such an alcoholic drink has always been famous for its strength. This is a colorless alcohol, the basis of which is rectified alcohol, made from potato or grain raw materials. The strength of the drink ranges from 40-53%.
  2. Cognac. This alcoholic product is produced according to a special technology, using special grape varieties. Such alcoholic beverages are distinguished by their excellent aroma and amber color. Cognac is classified by aging, as well as the place of production.
  3. Rum. This alcoholic drink is made from cane. In color, it is transparent or light, dark or amber. Light rum does not have a pronounced taste. It is often used to make cocktails. Golden-colored rum is produced in oak barrels, in which caramel and spices are added. Dark products are distinguished by a pronounced taste and aroma of caramel and molasses.
  4. Tequila. It is performed by distillation of blue or mixed agave juice.
  5. Whiskey. Such aromatic alcohol is made from rye, barley, wheat or corn. Alcohol is kept in oak barrels for a long time. This drink is brown or light in color. Whiskey is traditionally produced in Ireland or Scotland. Alcoholic products are classified into grain, malt, mixed, and bourbon.
  6. Brandy. This drink is obtained by distillation of grape or apple juice.
  7. Sambuca. At its core, this is ordinary vodka, to which herbal collection and anise are added. This drink is sweet and clear. It has a bright aroma and contains 38-42% ethanol. There are also dark types of sambuca. The drink is made from sugar and wheat, anise and elderberry flowers, various berries. Although the ideal composition of sambuca is kept secret.
  8. Gin. This alcohol is made from grain alcohol, as well as various spices such as citrus fruits, coriander, cinnamon, juniper berry and almonds. They give the drink a special smell and taste.
  9. Liquor. Such a sweet and aromatic alcohol, made from berry or fruit juices, contains a large amount of sugar (25-60%), spices and herbs. The fortress of liqueurs is 15-75%. They are the most high-calorie products among all alcoholic beverages.
  10. Tinctures. This drink is made by infusing alcohol on various herbs and berries. Tinctures are sweet, bitter, semi-sweet. The product has a pleasant aroma and taste, it is used as a drink or as a medicine.
  11. Absinthe. The basic component of such a drink is bitter wormwood. This is a strong alcoholic drink containing 75-86% alcohol. Absinthe is classified by color (black, red, yellow, green), strength (70-85% and 55-65%), thujone content (a substance with a pungent odor, reminiscent of menthol).

Alcoholic drinks containing a large amount of ethanol should be consumed only on special holidays in minimal doses. They are very high in calories.

Medium strength drinks

  1. Wine. Performed by fermentation from various grape varieties. They are divided into dessert and table wines, red and white, dry, sweet, semi-sweet, sparkling or carbonated.
  2. Mead. This drink is made from yeast, honey and flavorings. The classification depends on the ingredients, the time of adding honey, its sterilization, strength, production time.
  3. Mulled wine. Hot alcohol made by boiling fruits with spices in wine.
  4. Punch. A cocktail of fruit juice, fruits and alcohol.
  5. Grog. The same rum, only diluted with sweetened water or sweet tea.
  6. Such drinks are often used as a prevention of various ailments.

    Low alcohol drinks

    Such alcohol is considered the most harmless. The alcohol content in it is up to 8%:

    1. Beer. This low-alcohol product is now considered the most common. It is made from hops, brewer's yeast and barley. Beer is obtained by fermentation. This drink is non-alcoholic or strong. Beer is classified by color (red, dark, light), by the raw materials used (corn, rye, rice), by strength, and by the method of fermentation (top or bottom).
    2. Cider. Such a drink is made by fermenting pear, apple or other juice without the use of yeast. This is carbonated alcohol, with a strength of 1-8%. It has a bright apple smell and a greenish or golden color.
    3. Braga. It is subdivided into pruno, keel, brawanda. Used for distillation into moonshine. Fortress - 3-8%.
    4. Kvass. It is not considered an alcoholic beverage, but it does contain a small amount of alcohol. Traditional Slavic drink made from flour, malt, rye bread. Sometimes berries, fruits, honey and herbs are added.
    5. Toddy. It is a palm wine obtained from sugar, coconut or wine palms through fermentation.

    In addition to the products described above, there are many other drinks. There are various varieties of cocktails obtained by mixing several types of alcohol. The production of alcohol is now widely popular. Therefore, the range of alcoholic beverages is regularly expanding.
