
Cook apple jam with transparent slices. How to cook apple jam slices

Apple jam for the winter can be prepared in a variety of ways. This is a five-minute meal without much hassle, and a complex jam with unusual ingredients, and just a blank for pies. In any case, the principle of preparing apples in almost any recipe is the same. Wash the apples thoroughly, cut into 6-8 pieces and remove the core with seeds. The peel, if it is tough, is better to remove, although this will deprive your jam of a tangible dose of vitamins. Especially if you are making a "quick" jam. To soften the skin and especially hard apples, it is better to blanch the fruits in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, and then cool in cold water. The water in which the apples have been blanched is good for making syrup. For simplicity and speed, a wonderful device was invented, with the help of which an apple is cut into 8 parts in one step and the core is immediately removed. Let's try to make apple jam, and in winter we will enjoy a wonderful aroma and taste.

1 kg of peeled apples,
1 kg of sugar
1 stack water,
3 g citric acid.

Peeled apples cut into slices and put in salted or acidified water so as not to darken. Make syrup from water and sugar. Throw the apples on a sieve, dip in boiling syrup, shake the basin so that all the apples are covered with syrup, and leave for 5-6 hours. Then put the bowl of jam on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat again and leave for 5-6 hours. Repeat again. If the jam is too sweet, add citric acid at the end of cooking.

Antonovka jam

Pour the peeled apple slices in layers with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours (or overnight). Then put a bowl of jam on the fire, pour in water at the rate of 1 stack per 1 kg of apples, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 10-12 hours. Then cook the jam until done.

1 kg of apples
1.2 kg of sugar,
2 stack water.

Cut the stalks off the ranetki or chinese by about ⅔. Prick each apple in several places, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then cool in ice water. Dip apples into boiling syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Repeat 2-3 more times, letting the jam stand for 10-12 hours.

1 kg of paradise apples,
1.5 kg of sugar,
1 stack water.

Cut the apple stalks shortly, prick the fruit with a wooden toothpick and blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Cool down in cold water. Use the water in which the apples have been blanched to make the syrup. Dip apples into boiling syrup, bring to a boil and let stand for several hours. Then put on fire and cook the jam until the apples become translucent. Soak the finished jam in a cool place for a day, then transfer to prepared jars and roll up.

3 kg apples,
2 cups of sugar.

Pour the apples cut into slices with sugar, shaking the basin so that the apples are evenly covered with sugar, and leave for 1-2 days in a cool place (not in the refrigerator). During this time, stir the apples several times. Put on fire, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Arrange hot in sterilized jars, roll up.

3-4 kg of apples,
1 - 1.5 sugars,
1 sachet of vanilla sugar or 1 vanilla bean
cinnamon, citric acid - to taste.

Put the apple slices in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Leave overnight. The next morning, put the pan on the fire and cook for about 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool. Repeat 2 more times. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon, vanilla and citric acid, place hot in sterilized jars and roll up.

1 kg of apples
1 kg of oranges
2 kg sugar
1 stack water.

Cut apples into slices and remove seeds. Peel oranges and cut into slices. Make syrup from sugar and water by boiling it for 10 minutes. Put fruit in boiling syrup, bring to a boil three times and cool. Pour the jam into sterilized dry jars and roll up.

1 kg of apples
2 oranges
1 kg of sugar
1 stack water,
cinnamon - to taste.

Cut the oranges together with the peel into quarters, pour boiling water (1 cup) and cook until the peel softens. Then add sugar and boil the syrup. Cut the peeled apples into slices, remove the seeds and blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes. Put the apples into the boiling syrup with oranges and simmer until the apples are ready. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon to taste. Roll up.

2 kg apples,
2 lemons
750-850 g of sugar,
1 tsp citric acid,

Cut the peeled and seeded apples into slices, cut the lemons into semicircles along with the peel. Pour the fruit with a little water and cook over medium heat until tender. When fruit is soft, add sugar, increase heat and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Shortly before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars, roll up.

2 kg apples,
700 g sugar
1 stack water,
1 tbsp ground cinnamon.

Pour the prepared apples with sugar and leave for 6 hours. After that, put the bowl with apples on the fire and bring to a boil. Add cinnamon, boil for another 5 minutes and pour into jars. Roll up.

1.5 kg of apples,
1 stack blackcurrant berries,
1 stack dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots or prunes),
2 kg sugar
1 stack water,
1 lemon.

Cut the apples into slices and remove the seeds, rinse the dried fruits thoroughly with hot water and dry, cut the lemon into slices. Prepare a syrup of sugar and water, boil it and dip all the ingredients into it. Cook from the moment of boiling for 30 minutes, pour hot into jars, roll up.

1 kg of apples
1 kg of sugar
400 ml of water
zest from 1 lemon
some vanilla.

Boil the syrup from sugar and water, boil it to thick drops (when a drop of syrup does not spread on a plate). Peel apples, remove seeds and cut into cubes or slices. Drop the apples into the syrup and simmer for 30 minutes, being careful not to overcook the apples. Remove the zest from the lemon and add along with a pinch of vanilla to the jam. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up.

Harvesting apples for the winter. Cut the peeled and seeded apples into small pieces and put to stew under the lid. Pour a little water into the bottom of the dish so that the apples do not burn. When the apples soften, add sugar to taste, mix and let it boil for about 5 minutes. Quickly pack the hot mass in sterilized jars, roll up.

1 kg of peeled apples,
150-200 g of sugar.

Cut the apples into pieces and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for an hour, stirring occasionally. After the appearance of juice, put a bowl of jam on low heat, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and place in sterilized jars. Roll up.

3 kg apples,
2 stack Sahara.

Peeled apples grate on a coarse grater (or with a food processor - it's faster). Moisten the bottom of the bowl for cooking jam with water, lay out the apple mass and sprinkle with sugar. Put on fire, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring. Boil for 5-7 minutes. Pour quickly into sterilized jars and roll up immediately. Turn over, wrap.

Five-minute jam from apples with oranges

1 kg prepared apples
1 kg of sugar
1 orange.

Pass the orange through a meat grinder along with the peel (after removing the seeds). Cut apples into cubes. Put the fruits in a container for cooking jam, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally, boil for 5 minutes and immediately place in sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over, wrap up.

1 kg prepared apples
150-200 g of sugar.

Sprinkle the apples with sugar and put the bowl in the oven with medium heat. Stir the jam occasionally. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the apples become translucent, spread the jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

Apples without sugar

Grind apples without peel and seeds in a meat grinder or with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Put in a bowl and cook until thickened. In order for the apple mass not to burn during the cooking process, make a water bath and cook the workpiece on it. When the apple mass is boiled down enough, put it in sterilized jars, cover with lids and set to sterilize for 10-15 minutes from the moment the water boils. Roll up.

3 kg sweet and sour apples,
2 stack Sahara.

Peeled apples, cut into slices, put in a bowl or pan and sprinkle with sugar. Leave overnight. In the morning, put a bowl of jam on medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 5 minutes after boiling and immediately place in sterilized jars. Roll up.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Apple jam slices are a favorite homemade treat. The thick syrup has the consistency of jelly, and the whole apple slices are like sweet gummies. An open jar of such jam will not last longer than one day, as it is eaten by a friendly family in one sitting. Amber syrup and magical aroma retain a piece of summer, cheer up in the cold season. Jam will be a good filling for sweet pastries, slices of boiled apple can be used to decorate cakes and pies. There are so many reasons to make this dessert for the winter, and it's very, very easy to make.
Transparent apple jam with slices can be considered a masterpiece, but even a novice hostess can handle the preparation of such yummy. The main task is to keep the slices intact, so we will cook apple jam with lemon. The juice of this citrus keeps the apples from falling apart. Without lemon, not jam will come out of apple pulp, but jam (the essence of jam is in whole pieces, or rather beautiful slices). Varieties of apples are better to take crispy, dense, sour. I have a sour variety of Semerenko, but you can also cook an Antonovka treat just as tasty. Although golden or fuji jam will also come out excellent. The color of apples, as well as the variety, does not really matter. If the apples are sweet, you will need less sugar than indicated in the ingredients of the recipe. By the way, at the last stage of cooking, you can add cinnamon. The combination of this spice with an apple is a classic and is used everywhere. In addition to cinnamon, a whole bouquet of spices is well suited to an apple: anise, cardamom, ginger and cloves. In addition to lemon, orange slices can also be added to the jam - this will make the delicacy even more aromatic, adding citrus notes. You will find other successful ones at the link, but for now let's prepare the simplest, very beautiful and delicious amber apple jam with slices.


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • 3 art. water.

How to cook clear apple jam in slices

1. Rinse the lemon thoroughly with a sponge to remove the layer of wax that covers it to extend the shelf life. Cut the lemon into small half rings.

2. Put the slices in a deep saucepan.

3. Fill the lemon with granulated sugar.

4. Pour in water and put the pan on medium-low heat so that the sugar does not burn.

5. In the meantime, cut the apples into slices, remove the seeds and stalks. The skin can be left, with it the pieces keep their shape better. In addition, the skin contains many useful substances.

An apple is 80% water. The rest is organic acids, carbohydrates and fiber. The fruits contain vitamins A, C, E, minerals (especially iron), pectin, tannins and tannins. Red apples are sweeter, contain less acid and are recommended for people with digestive problems. Green apples have a higher percentage of iron, they are useful for anemia. And the fruits of green color help to absorb heavy food.

6. The syrup boiled, darkened, the sugar dissolved. Boil everything for a minute and remove from the stove.

7. Put the apples in another large saucepan. In it we will cook an amber delicacy. To prevent the jam from burning, it is advisable to use a non-enamelled container; a stainless steel or non-stick pan is well suited. Let the syrup cool for a minute and pour over the apples.

8. We put the fruit under the press so that they let the juice out better and are evenly saturated with syrup. Let it sit for a few hours, preferably overnight.

9. The next day, open and see: the apples let the juice out. On some slices the skin has darkened, but the pieces have not yet been completely saturated with syrup.

10. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, immediately remove and send to cool. You can’t boil apples - hot slices can break and turn into mashed potatoes. The shorter the cooking time, the more beautiful the jam is. If you need to mix, we do it only when it has completely cooled down, as hot fruits are too fragile. There will be a lot of juice, but it will thicken, this can be seen in the last photo in the recipe. The mass becomes thicker thanks to the pectin contained in apples. Sometimes when cooking jams, jams and preserves, pectin is separately added to the mixture to achieve the desired consistency.

11. Slices of apples are gradually soaked in syrup and become translucent. Bring the jam back to a boil and remove from the stove. Waiting for cooling.

12. Look: the slices have become transparent, the jam has thickened, which means we did everything right. Bring the mixture to a boil again.

13. Carefully pour hot into sterilized jars.

14. We roll up with sterilized lids, you can not wrap or turn the jars over. The blank is well stored all winter in a dark, cool place. For seaming, use cans of small volume.

15. Amber fragrant apple jam for the winter is ready. Bon appetit and sweet winter!

Apple slices have become transparent, they taste somewhat like marmalade.

And The photo below shows how thick the cooled syrup has become thanks to pectin.

The recipe for apple jam has certain subtleties, without observing which, we will get ordinary jam with pieces boiled in mashed potatoes (well, okay, not jam, but something jam-like). Delicious, of course, but for a change I want another result. I want real, transparent, like glass, amber apple jam - it has its own charm: the taste of apples is more saturated, and the color is more intense.

It is not difficult to cook transparent apple jam with slices, but the process takes quite a lot of time. The fact is that the jam is prepared in three doses at intervals of 6-10 hours. This is the only way to get amber syrup and transparent apple slices. In addition, it is important to choose the "right" apples. Late varieties with hard (strong) fruits are suitable, whose slices will not fall apart, but will only be saturated with syrup. And pay attention: the harder and greener the apples, the more transparent the slices will turn out!

Cooking time: approximately 30 hours. Yield: 1 l.


  • For 1 kg of apples, you will need 0.7-1 kg of sugar, depending on how sweet you like the preparations.

How to make apple jam with slices

Wash the apples, cut into 4 parts, remove the core, cut the resulting parts into slices 0.5-1 cm thick, each can be cut into two more parts if the apple is large.

You also need to choose the right pot for cooking. For jam, many people use aluminum dishes, because in it the fruits warm up quickly and do not burn. But this is only in the case of cooking "five minutes". It is impossible to keep jam in such a pan for a long time, because aluminum will react with sour apples, which will lead to the formation of harmful substances unnecessary in the preparation. Therefore, we exclude the aluminum pan.

Put apple slices in layers in a pan of a suitable volume, sprinkling each layer sparingly with sugar.

Close the pan with a lid and leave for 8-10 hours. During this time, the apples will give the necessary amount of juice in order to start cooking.

Place the saucepan over medium heat, bring the syrup to a boil, and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Do not mix apples! Even if the syrup does not completely cover them, you can only press them lightly with a spoon so that they are in the syrup. It is important that the apples are not mixed even once throughout the cooking of the jam so that the slices do not deform.
Remove the pot from the heat, cover with a lid and leave to cool completely, this will take at least 6 hours. This is what the slices will look like after the first cooking and cooling.

Bring the jam back to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, cool (again at least 6 hours). After the second cooking, the slices are even more saturated with sweet syrup.

It remains to boil the apples for the last third time. And now the jam is ready. You can lay it out in clean, sterilized jars and roll it up or close it with lids. Banks are prepared taking into account that about a liter jar of jam is obtained from 1 kilogram of apples.

Often, a little ground cinnamon is added to such apple jam or boiled with vanilla, which makes the taste even brighter.

Like most blanks, apple jam is stored in slices in a darkened cool room.

Hello dear hostesses and readers of our site. If you are a happy owner of a personal plot on which apple trees grow, then during the harvest season, the topic of processing them is relevant for you. You can cook a lot of different blanks from apples, in this article I share recipes for jam.

A sweet treat will come in handy as a filling for pies or as decorations for cakes, and in general, such jam can be added to absolutely any pastries. It will bring even more pleasure and pleasure in addition to a fragrant cup of hot tea. Whoever likes it better, the taste and color, as they say.

The variety of apples for jam does not matter. It's just that if you have fruits with a pronounced sourness, then most likely you will need to add a little more sugar than indicated in the recipe. Feel free to try and edit the recipe for yourself. Let's finally get started!

1. Apple jam for the winter

The beautiful amber color of the treat fascinates, and the aroma will be simply unique. Citric acid diluted in water will help preserve the color of the sliced ​​apples and prevent them from darkening.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 800 g
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon

Cooking steps:

1. Wash the apples, sort through. Cut into large pieces, removing the core with seeds. Transfer to a basin and fill with water mixed with citric acid, a teaspoon is needed per liter. Let them stand for a quarter of an hour, no more.

3. After that, move the dishes to the stove, bring the future jam to a boil over medium heat, boil for 10 minutes, then set aside to cool.

4. The second time after boiling the jam, cook for 15 minutes. The procedure will need to be repeated a third time.

5. Arrange the finished delicacy in pre-washed and sterilized jars for further storage and close tightly with lids.

Success in cooking and excellent results to you!

2. Transparent apple jam with slices

Amazing in taste and appearance sweet apple dessert. Jam is perfect for serving with tea, and for adding to various pastries. A little strength, patience and a miracle delicacy will delight the whole family.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg
  • Soda - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon

Cooking steps:

1. Wash the apples thoroughly under running water, then cut them into thin slices, removing the middle with the seeds. Transfer the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits to the basin, then they need to be poured with salted water. Add a teaspoon of salt per liter of water. Keep the apples in the solution for about 10 minutes.

The saline solution will prevent the cut fruit from changing color.

2. Then mix baking soda with water at the rate of a couple of teaspoons per liter of water. Rinse the apple slices and soak in the baking soda solution for 5 minutes.

The soda solution will prevent overcooking and keep the slices intact.

3. Rinse the fruit in clean water, transfer to a saucepan or other container for cooking jam, sprinkle with sugar on top. Wait for the juice to stand out.

4. Put the dishes on the stove, bring the mass to a boil with moderate heat and remove from heat.

5. Wait a break of 6 hours for the jam to cool completely, repeat the procedure 2 more times. During cooking, the apple slices will swell slightly and become translucent.

6. Prepare jars, wash, sterilize in a way convenient for you. And then fill them with ready, fragrant and still hot jam.

Happy drinking and have a nice day!

3. Fragrant apple jam in syrup

On cold winter days, it is nice to warm up with a cup of hot tea and fragrant jam with a bite. To make the jam even more beautiful, boil it in sugar syrup. Difficulties are reduced to zero, and you will certainly like the result.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - glass

Cooking steps:

1. Dry the apples washed from dirt, cut into thin slices - slices. Remove the seeds with seeds.

2. To prevent the cut slices from changing their color, sprinkle them lightly with lemon juice.

3. Take a saucepan, it is desirable that it has a thick bottom. Pour a glass of water into it and pour in most of the sugar from the required amount.

4. Put the pan on the stove, do not turn on the big fire. On moderate heating of the stove, stirring, wait until all the sugar has dissolved, then the syrup should boil.

5. After that, immediately transfer the apple slices to the pan.

6. Cook, stirring gently so as not to damage the slices, it is best to use a wooden spatula for this.

7. Sprinkle more sugar on top, bring the contents of the pan to a boil.

8. Next, leave the jam to cool, preferably overnight. Bring back to a boil the next day. It is not difficult to check the readiness of the treat, put a drop on a flat plate, if it does not spread, then the sweet dessert is ready.

9. You can treat your relatives with hot jam right away. To prepare for the winter, pour the treat into clean jars and roll up the lids.

Happy tea drinking!

4. Apple jam with cranberries and mint

This sweet dessert is not suitable for long-term storage for the winter. But I could not help but share this amazing recipe for just magic jam. Such a delicacy is suitable in addition to pancakes or pancakes for breakfast, for example. If you don't like cranberries, substitute lemon.


  • Apples - 3 pcs
  • Cranberries - a handful
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Maple syrup - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Cider - glass
  • Mint - 2 sprigs

Cooking steps:

1. Wash the apples, cut two of them into medium-sized cubes.

2. Transfer the pieces to a saucepan, add cranberries. Pour in olive oil and maple syrup. By the way, the syrup can be replaced with any other, or you can not add it at all.

3. Pour in sugar, pour in the cider fruit and berry mass.

4. Sprigs of mint should be chopped as small as possible, put in a saucepan.

5. Send the saucepan to the fire, which should be moderate. Stirring gently, bring to a boil, and then reduce the heating temperature of the stove to the minimum.

6. Apple slices should become very soft, the liquid from the dishes should evaporate in moderation. Cut the remaining apple into thin slices, transfer to jam, mix. Cover the saucepan with a lid, keep on the stove for 5-7 minutes, so that the fresh apple slices soften slightly.

That's all, such a beautiful dessert with apples of different textures in the composition will not leave anyone indifferent. The scent is amazing, I highly recommend you give it a try.

Have a great day and good mood to you!

5. A simple recipe for apple jam in the microwave

Such a dessert in large volumes is difficult, of course, to prepare. But, like the previous recipe, it is ideal as a quick sweet filling for baking or in addition to it. Cinnamon is added at will, it is quite possible to do without it.


  • Apples - 300 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Lemon - 1/2 piece
  • Cinnamon - to taste

Cooking steps:

1. Peel the washed apples, cut into cubes. The size doesn't really matter here, do as you like.

2. Sprinkle fruit pieces with sugar.

3. Sprinkle juice from half a lemon on top, mix.

4. Apple slices should release juice, it won't take long.

5. Then you can immediately send the bowl to the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power.

6. As soon as the microwave signal sounds, remove the bowl, pour in a pinch of cinnamon and send it back for another minute, mixing the contents.

Enjoy the taste and aroma of a sweet dessert!

6. Apple and pear jam with lemon slices for the winter

Sweet jam with amazing taste, lemon will be the highlight. It will give the delicacy a slight sourness. Preparing a treat for the winter is easy, you can easily cope with this task, the main thing is to start.


  • Apples - 2 kg
  • Pears - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking steps:

1. Washed and dried from moisture apples in advance, cut into random pieces of small size. Place them in a saucepan in which you will cook jam.

2. Add chopped pear fruits to the apple slices.

3. Pour the fruits with sugar, mix gently, leave for half an hour on the table. We need juice from them.

4. Then put the pan on the stove, cook a sweet dessert on a low heat of the stove for about half an hour or a little longer. Watch the consistency, the fruit should become much softer.

5. A few minutes before readiness, add the lemon cut into small cubes, mix.

6. Fill sterilized, clean jars with the resulting apple-pear jam with lemon, close the lids. After the jars have cooled at room temperature, they can be moved to a cool place for further storage.

Eat with pleasure, treat your friends!

7. Video - Amber apple jam with slices

Happy drinking and have a great day!

Simple, easy, and in most cases, making apple jam at home will not take you much time. Do not be afraid to try something new, this is a very good opportunity to diversify your jam preparations that you make year after year. Thus, you will please yourself and your loved ones by opening and tasting a sweet treat according to a new recipe.

Amber apple jam is not only tasty, but also a beautiful delicacy. Elastic and at the same time soft slices in a transparent and thick syrup simply smell of cinnamon. It is not a shame to serve such jam even on the festive table, but in a neatly decorated jar - to present as a sweet gift. How to cook apple jam, I will tell you all the secrets and useful tips today.

Apple jam, of course, can be cooked according to a variety of recipes, and each time the result will surely please. But in the preparation of just such a dessert, there are some nuances - for example, how to achieve the transparency of the syrup or maintain the integrity of the apple slices. By clearly following the step-by-step recommendations and you will get the same apple jam as in the picture, I promise.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The recipe for amber apple jam includes only two main ingredients - apples and granulated sugar. As an aromatic additive, I use cinnamon - 1 stick is enough. You can leave it out if you don't like it. In addition, vanilla, cardamom or star anise are perfect here - any spices of your choice.

How to cook apple jam so that it turns out to be truly tasty, transparent and appetizing? Everything is simple - all you need is desire and time. Apples for this dessert, be sure to take sweet and sour varieties. The fruits must be firm and without flaws, that is, not broken or wrinkled. Otherwise, it will hardly be possible to ensure that the slices remain intact in the finished apple jam, and the syrup is transparent. My apples, cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Carefully cut out the seed pods and stems. Now we cut each quarter lengthwise into 3 more parts - as a result, 12 identical slices are obtained from one medium-sized apple. So we process all the fruits so that the prepared raw material for jam is 1.5 kilograms.

We take a suitable volume (I have a four-liter pan) dishes, always with a thick bottom. We put apple slices into it in layers, sprinkling with sugar.

Gently shake the pan so that the sugar is evenly distributed among the apples. If you add fragrant spices, put it right now - I have a cinnamon stick. We cover the dishes with a lid or gauze (so that annoying insects do not get in) and leave at room temperature for 4-12 hours. In this case, time is more than a relative concept and depends on the variety of apples, as well as the temperature in the room. For example, the juicier the fruit, the more juice they contain - then it will take less time. Well, in the heat, apples, of course, let the juice go faster. You can cover apples with sugar in the evening and leave them until the morning, and then cook the jam.

This is how my apple slices looked after just 6 hours. The sugar has almost completely dissolved (only a couple of spoons remained at the bottom of the pan), and the apples let out juice. During this time, I gently shook the pan a couple of times, as if stirring the apples.

We put the dishes with fruit slices in sugar syrup on the stove. Turn on the strongest fire and bring the contents to a boil under the lid. Then remove the lid and boil the apples in syrup over high heat for exactly 5 minutes. See how they got up? And there was more syrup, as even more juice was released during heat treatment. It is imperative to cook apples over high heat - so the slices will retain their integrity. If you simmer them at a low temperature, the apples will gradually turn into mashed potatoes. In addition, we do not interfere with the whole process of cooking apple jam - just shake the pan from side to side (again, so as not to damage the slices).

We leave our future apple jam until it cools completely - 5 hours, I think, is enough. You can leave it overnight if you cook apples in the evening - it is not necessary to get up at night. During this time, the apple slices will begin to absorb the syrup and gradually sink into it. Bring the fruit in syrup to a boil over high heat again and cook for 5 minutes. Cool completely to room temperature.

This is what the contents of the pan looked like after the second cooking and cooling of apples in syrup. You may need 3-4 boils - as you like. Look: the slices absorbed the syrup and became transparent, while retaining their shape, not sour into porridge. At this stage, you can complete the preparation of apple jam and close it for the winter. But in this case, the syrup remains quite liquid, so I suggest thickening it by boiling.

Using a slotted spoon (a wide spoon with holes), carefully remove the apple slices from the syrup and transfer them to another bowl. We put the syrup itself on medium heat and cook, stirring, until the desired density. I usually boil for about 5-7 minutes.

We return the apples to the boiling syrup, bring everything to a boil again and cook for about 3-4 minutes over high heat. Transparent apple jam with slices is ready - we will close it for the winter.

In almost every recipe for homemade preparations for the winter, I tell you how to prepare jars and lids. I won’t repeat myself (I’m probably already tired of you) - just
