
How to create a pleasant aroma in the house. So that the suitcase and things in it survive the journey without an unpleasant musty smell ...

The easiest way to make your home cozy is to use scents. The aroma of the house should always be pleasant and welcoming. Smell is the main component of a comfortable and cozy home. The mood of its inhabitants and the attitude towards the guest house depends on how it smells in the house. If the house will always stand nice smell, everyone will return there with pleasure.

Each person has their own and unique perception of smells, and when choosing a fragrance for your home, you need to be guided by the preferences of all its inhabitants. With the help of aroma, you can bring harmony into your home, improve relations between households. A lot depends on the smell, you just need to learn how to skillfully use the aroma. And then nice smell in your home will create an atmosphere of calm and mutual understanding.

You can create comfort in any home, even poorly furnished, with the help of various essential oils. The house will not only be filled with a pleasant aroma, but essential oils will also have a healing effect on your health. It is best to create a unique scent for every room in the house.


The hallway is the first place we enter the house. Of course, the aroma of the hallway should be inviting and, of course, pleasant. For the hallway, the most suitable aromas are oranges, lemons, bergamot and fir. You can also prepare a mixture of fragrances for the hallway - mix 4 drops of cinnamon oil, a drop of eucalyptus and 2 drops of lime.


The cuisine is rich in various, sometimes not very pleasant, aromas. The kitchen should smell of bread, coffee and fruit. The aromas of mint leaves, lemon balm, basil and cloves will make the kitchen more comfortable. In order to eliminate unpleasant smells in the kitchen, for example, from cooking fish, simply prepare a mixture of oils - mix 5 drops of cloves with 4 drops of limette.

Also, the kitchen can be filled with a unique aroma of coffee, for which put 4 drops of any essential citrus oil on ground coffee. And in order to avoid an unpleasant smell on kitchen utensils, you need to put a couple of drops of rosemary in the detergent.


Peace and quiet should reign in the bedroom. Therefore, avoid strong odors that excite the nervous system in the bedroom. Ideal, most suitable fragrances for the bedroom are ylang-ylang, lavender and rose. Light smells of apple, vanilla and juniper will also be good in the bedroom.


The smell in the bathroom largely depends on what powders you wash, what shower gels and bubble baths you use. In the bathroom, you can use the smells of cedar, fir, rosemary, lemon or bergamot. If you want to relax in the bath, then use the scents of lavender, rose, jasmine or tea tree.

Try these little tricks and let nice smell will never erode from your home!

It is pleasant to enter the house and feel the smell filled with subtle aromas. But before aromatizing the air, it must be purified. There are many ways to do this. First, use the simplest of them - ventilation. An open window may not be enough: fresh air must enter your house with pressure to force out stagnant air. The best option is a draft. You yourself can hide behind a closed door in any of the rooms, but then do not forget to ventilate it too.

Green tea is in the air

A very simple and affordable way to purify the air with the help of tea bags (preferably green). You need to hang three tea bags in the doorway, window opening and under the chandelier (if the room is small, then two are enough) and arrange a slight draft. Tea (especially green, that is, unfermented) not only purifies the air, but also disinfects it perfectly. That is why in children's rooms, as well as where there are patients, it is advisable to hang a couple of bags of such tea, and then only change them (1 time in 2-3 days). You can also do a more thorough "cleaning" of the air with tea. To do this, pour a whole pack of green tea (100 g) into a saucepan, pour a little water into it, close the saucepan with a lid and put on a slow fire. Tea should be steamed for about 5-10 minutes. When the lid is opened, the room will be filled with a tart, bitter smell. And after it wears off, you'll find that the bad smell you've been struggling with has also disappeared.

Coffee as a room deodorant

If there is an unpleasant smell in the room, you can get rid of it with coffee. Coffee is generally a powerful air purifier. To destroy any unpleasant odor, you just need to take a handful of ground coffee, pour it into a pan and warm it up well (fry, stirring). If the smell in the room is long-standing, just “ingrained” into the walls and furniture, you will have to do a similar procedure with coffee several times. To maintain the effect, you can put coffee in a vase (ground or grains) and put it somewhere in the room. From time to time, coffee, of course, will have to be replaced.

Orange pomander is a magical deodorant

To make the house always smell good, you can make a pomander. If someone is not familiar with this definition: a pomander is a fragrant ball that is made from fruits and citrus fruits that are soaked in spices. That is, the aroma is created by two smells: fruit or citrus and spices.

The simplest pomander is citrus. It's easy to make. Orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit should be pricked with a sharp stick, generously sprinkled and rubbed with cinnamon powder. After that, stick whole clove seeds into the holes and put the fruit for 2 weeks in a dark, warm place to wilt a little. After that, the pomander can be tied with a ribbon and hung anywhere in the house: it will exude a pleasant aroma for six months.

Of course, cloves and cinnamon are the "standard". You can choose the scent you like. The main thing is that it is combined with a citrus aroma. The smell of nutmeg, allspice, violet root harmonizes very well with citrus.

It is good to hang the pomander near the light source. For example, attach to a floor lamp, table lamp or even a chandelier. Heated by the light, it will smell very bright.

Flower pomander - a ball of petals and scents

Flower pomanders are made from flowers that you like to smell. To do this, it is enough to tie the flower heads with short stems into a ball and hang it on a ribbon. Such a pomander does not "live" for long, but how much fun! By the way, you can make winter flower pomanders. Of course, you will have to use dried flowers, which, alas, do not smell, but you can put the same orange peels and spices in the middle of the flower ball.

Refreshing pine scent

The smell of pine needles brings freshness. If there is a coniferous tree in the house, it will not only flavor the air, but also purify it. Of course, a large coniferous tree cannot be placed in the house, and the branches will not give much benefit - they will dry out. But you can put coniferous bonsai indoors. This is both useful in the sense of health, and original as an interior decoration, and the smell will be pleasant. The difficulty may be that the conifers themselves in the house may be uncomfortable. For example, junipers practically do not take root in the house. The reason is too high temperatures, especially in winter when the heating is on. Therefore, it is best to choose pine bonsai - this plant is very resistant. But still it is better to place it away from the battery.

The smell of flowers all year round

A pleasant smell for the house can be "prepared". In summer, you need to collect rose petals, jasmine, lilac (or other strong-smelling flowers whose aroma you like). Put a layer of petals in a glass jar or large glass, sprinkle fine kitchen salt on top. Lay another layer of petals on top of the salt and "salt" again. Thus, the glass or jar is filled completely, to the brim. After that, pour a few tablespoons of alcohol or vodka into the container. For a capacity of 0.5 liters, 8-10 teaspoons of alcohol are enough. Cover a glass or jar with glass on top and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this period, the air freshener is ready. Sometimes remove the glass that covers the glass and enjoy the smell that will fill the whole room.

As soon as we enter the house, we can clearly hear its smell. Interestingly, each house has its own, and often we associate this fragrance with the owner.

For example, your girlfriend's apartment might smell like her perfume, your parents' house might smell like homemade food. A pleasant smell in the apartment is a kind of visiting card of the owner of the house.

The smell in the apartment is affected by a very large number of factors at the same time.

This is the layout of the house, and the presence of a hood in the kitchen, and pets, and the cleanliness of the owner himself.

The most common odor problem is the smell of "cooking" from the kitchen, when things and the whole apartment smell like fried, and even worse - acrid greasy or burnt. You can solve the problem by installing a hood in the kitchen and installing doors (if the rooms are walk-through). Also open the window more often while cooking. This can be done even in winter, putting it on air.

Unpleasant smell can be created by our pets. Therefore, carefully monitor your pet and educate him so that he does not prepare unpleasant surprises for you. They also do not always smell pleasant, and also do not wash well!

Change bedding in time and start a “big wash”. Do not forget about general cleaning at least once a week. Maintaining cleanliness and order is the key to a pleasant and fresh smell in your home, because in a dirty room, even air flavors will not help create the natural lightness and freshness that cleanliness brings!

How to create a pleasant smell in the house?

The desire to create a pleasant smell in the house often arises among housewives, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. Very often, women, trying to show everyone their cleanliness and accuracy, are so addicted to this occupation that completely different sources of smells mix in the house (candles, sprayers, the smell of washing, detergents, etc.), which adversely affects the receptors and obviously does not attract guests.

How to make a pleasant smell in the apartment?

Sources of pleasant aromas in your home can be:

  1. Aroma candles.
  2. Air diffusers.
  3. Scented bags or pillows.
  4. Aroma oils.

Each of these options deserves to be used at some point. Some can be used around the clock, while others have a more intrusive smell, their use is more appropriate in the evening.

scented candles

Scented candles are best used in the evening. This will create a special coziness and romantic mood, as well as help complete relaxation after a hard day's work.

Candles can be used in absolutely any room, even in the bathroom! It looks beautiful and very gentle.

It should be borne in mind that the smell from them will not last for a long time, so the pleasure will last only a few hours. If your goal is to get a long and lasting aroma around the apartment, then this option is most likely not suitable.

If you just want to relax and unwind, candles will be economical helpers in this matter.

The aroma of candles can be chosen absolutely any. In winter, it can be tangerine or ginger, chocolate and cinnamon. Something warm and inviting. In summer and spring, it is better to choose floral and fruity scents.

Air diffusers: yes or no?

The use of air diffusers has the longest effect. The settings of some atomizers allow you to create a certain mode, thanks to which the fragrance will be renewed every half an hour. If you have achieved the desired effect, then the device can be turned off.

There are a variety of scents available, so you should choose the one that suits your taste. The price of such devices is quite high, and everyone decides for himself whether it is worth buying them.

At the moment, there are at least 3-4 popular manufacturers on the market that produce various lines of fragrances - from bath to bedroom.

It is worth noting that the disadvantage of atomizers is not only their price, but also harsh unnatural aromas. You can choose the right one only by sampling, because you can’t test such tools!

Scented bags and pillows

One of the most discreet options to add a touch of freshness or spice to your home is scented items. It can be pillows, bags and even children's toys!

Mixtures of herbs and flowers (lavender, barberry, violet) are sometimes added to ordinary sofa cushions. For convenience, you can simply buy a ready-made bag with contents and put it on the table. This is a very light veil that will gently envelop your home.

You can also create such a bag yourself by studying what herbs you need. For example, a life hack for young parents is soft children's toys with aromatic content. Often, for better sleep or to calm the baby at night, they enclose a furry friend with a set of necessary herbs. It is very important to observe the proportions, because the children's body can react in completely different ways - from allergies to complete overexcitation of the nervous system.

Aroma oils

An excellent option for creating a cozy and delicious smelling atmosphere in the house is the use of aromatic oils.

They can be used in different ways:

  1. In the form of incense sticks - special sticks (2-3 pieces) are placed in a container with oil, after a while they are replaced.
  2. Buying an aroma lamp - drop a little oil into the container of the aroma lamp, then light a candle below.
  3. Diffuse oil on pillows and into the air - create your own atomizer and "charge" the room with a special aroma.
  4. Dropping oil into a vacuum cleaner bag is an interesting method to make it feel fresh after cleaning.

For colds, it is appropriate to use a couple of drops of eucalyptus. For better sleep and nervous disorders - lavender oil, sage. With weakness and body aches - peppermint oil.

Each of the above methods is effective in its own way, depending on your requirements. Experiment, and you will definitely be able to choose the right option for constantly maintaining freshness in the apartment!

The unpleasant smell leaves the appropriate impression, as it affects the situation in the apartment, house, office space. That is why there are a huge number of chemicals to eliminate unpleasant odors. But what if there is no desire to use them, how to make a pleasant smell in the apartment? The answer to this question, you will find in the lines of this article.

What smells in your house?

Perhaps few people think about this, but smells are actually able to positively influence the atmosphere in the apartment directly, create a positive mood. At the same time, perfumes for the home are not only familiar air fresheners in spray cans.

You can purchase special aromatic sprays that can be sprayed even on upholstered furniture, interior textiles to make a pleasant smell in the apartment. The result in this case will last much longer than from an ordinary air freshener. In addition, you can use popular essential oils.

Of course, it is best if the house smells like freshly baked bread, but this is more like a fairy tale. It is clear that not all housewives will bake something every day, which is why you can fill the apartment with other wonderful smells. The following aromas are rightfully considered the most positive and favorable:

  • green tea or verbena;
  • rose;
  • smells of needles;
  • citrus aromas;
  • mint;
  • cinnamon or natural coffee.

Which scent to choose for each room?

Absolutely every room in your apartment can have its own scent:

  1. In the kitchen, coniferous aromas will be more appropriate, which perfectly eliminate the smell of burnt food.
  2. And if the room is often smoked, coffee, spice aromas or cinnamon will help to neutralize the unpleasant smell that comes from tobacco.
  3. For the living room, it is advisable to use fresh, invigorating aromas of citrus fruits, as well as mint.
  4. The bedroom may well smell of romantic roses. Although there are also attractive smells of jasmine or lavender, which you, of course, can choose according to your own preference.

How to neutralize bad odors?

Sometimes there are situations when unpleasant aromas settle in the house for unknown reasons. In this case, the question arises about the effective disposal of them. Most often, the cause of such aromas lies on the surface, which is why it must be eliminated.

Use dishwasher bombs

If you own a dishwasher, you probably know that after a few months, not the most pleasant smells appear in it. Therefore, try a simple recipe that will make your car sparkle like new and make a pleasant smell in the apartment.

Important! Another plus is that you only need to cook these bombs once, and they will last you at least 6 months.

What does that require:

  • 2 tbsp. baking soda;
  • 3 art. l. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 10 drops of any essential oil, such as lemon or mint;
  • parchment paper;
  • table vinegar 2 cups.

How to prepare a bomb to make a pleasant smell in the apartment:

Super Absorbent Refrigerator Odor Remover Blend

Quite often it is the refrigerator that spoils the pleasant smell in the apartment. In addition, overly fragrant dishes impregnate other products with their smell. At best, your refrigerator should be absolutely odorless. That is what we will be striving for.

What is needed for this:

  • 10-11 sprigs of lavender;
  • baking soda;
  • mug for powdered sugar.

Mode of application:

  1. Fill the mug about ¾ full with baking soda, add the lavender and stir. Close the lid.
  2. Put it against the farthest wall of the refrigerator and do not forget to change the filling every 2-2.5 months.

Throughout this time, you are very reliably protected from absolutely any unpleasant odors.

The best DIY fresheners

Having neutralized the fetid amber from household appliances, it is necessary to proceed to the second stage of the process - to make a pleasant smell in the apartment. We offer you some of the simplest recipes that will fill all rooms with a refined aroma and will contribute to your energy, good mood, lightness and good rest.

Air freshener of natural origin

For this you will need the following ingredients:

Cooking method:

  1. Mix vodka with water and essential oils - you can reduce the amount of essential oils as desired.
  2. Pour everything into a spray bottle.
  3. Add lemon zest, cinnamon, and rosemary to intensify the smell and give an aesthetic look to your home air freshener.
  4. Shake well before spraying.

Ground coffee freshener

In order to eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen, bathroom or any other room, grind the coffee beans and leave the fresh mixture in a fully open container for 2-3 hours.

Important! Ground coffee is very effective in removing unpleasant odors from the refrigerator. Fill 2 small containers with fresh coffee grounds or ground coffee, and then leave them for 1 night in the refrigerator.

You can add a few drops of vanilla essence to enhance the flavor of the coffee.

Cotton balls for cleaning

Apply a few drops of your favorite perfume to a cotton ball, then place in a vacuum cleaner trash bag. While vacuuming, a gentle, pleasant aroma will fill the room and also freshen the air in the rooms in which you vacuum.

Important! Cotton balls, just like coffee, can be used to freshen up the refrigerator. In such cases, put a cotton pad or a swab soaked in vanilla extract in the refrigerator on a shelf.

fresh citruses

It is the aroma of citrus fruits that will perfectly cope with the task of how to make a pleasant smell in the apartment. Choose a fruit that is convenient for you and a method of application, and you will forget about the problem of mustiness and specific amber in the house.


Put a few slices of lemon on a plate and leave it in the room you need. In just a few hours, the air will acquire freshness and aroma.

Important! To eliminate the smell from the refrigerator, wet a sponge with lemon juice and leave it in it for 2-3 hours.

In order to freshen the air throughout the apartment, office space, add lemon peel, cloves, cinnamon, and apple peel to hot water. A pleasant aroma will reach all corners of the apartment.


To freshen the air in the kitchen after cooking, you can use fresh oranges. Boil the orange peel in a saucepan and leave the container open for several hours. The air that hovers in the kitchen will be refreshed.

How to refresh an apartment with spices and herbs?

Completely abandon special products for rooms that flavor the air, it is better to prepare wonderful fresheners with your own hands. The benefits of this approach will be much greater than from household chemicals with a dubious composition.

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A pleasant smell in the house, like a pleasant aura, slowly and imperceptibly cheers up, disposes to oneself, creates comfort and encourages the whole family to strive to go home as soon as possible. And vice versa, musty, damp, stale air in the apartment at times reduces both the tone and the impression of you as a hostess. How to achieve a pleasant smell in the house, he will tell you tochka.net .

In fact, everything is simple. Pleasant in the house depends not so much on the frequency of cleaning, but on the fact that it is not littered. A trash can that was not taken out in time, dishes accumulated in the sink, a bag lying around in the refrigerator, a naughty cat or damp shoes in the hallway - this is the reason to fight terrible “aromas”, and also wonder how to make a pleasant smell in the house.

Sometimes it is enough just to remove the fetid source, and the homely atmosphere will again smell of comfort. But there are times when the causes of unpleasant odors are hidden in such a way that it is not easy to identify them. And you have to, if you want to achieve a pleasant smell in the house.


What to do if the cause of an unpleasant smell in the apartment is pets:

  • Carpets can be cleaned using baking soda, which has the ability to absorb odors. Sprinkle the carpet with soda, and after 15-20 minutes, vacuum the room.
  • A wet stain from fresh urine will be more easily absorbed into newspaper and paper towels. Then rinse the dirty area with water and blot again with napkins.
  • You can also use special carpet cleaners, stain removers or an animal odor neutralizer.


How to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the house due to sewerage:

  • The characteristic smell from the sewer can be compared to a rotten egg.
  • To make sure that these problems are the cause of unpleasant odors in the house, pour a teaspoon of peppermint oil into the sewer pipe. So you will get rid of the smell, and you can determine where the problem arose.
  • Run hot water down the drain. If the smell of mint is noticeable in another part of the house, then look for a leak in the pipe there. You may need to call a plumber.


Unpleasant smell in the apartment appeared due to cigarette smoke

  • Place small containers of vinegar around your home to get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke. Vinegar neutralizes odors well, so let it sit until the cigarette flavor is completely gone.
  • Wipe the furniture and floors with a diluted vinegar mixture at the rate of 1 part vinegar and 5 parts water.
  • It is good to take out furniture and things for ventilation, as well as ventilate the apartment itself.
