
Tomatoes in own juice without skin. Delicate peeled tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

Skinless tomato blanks have a huge plus, because many do not eat tomato skins, preferring to eat only soft, juicy pulp. Quick tomatoes skinless is an easy way to make a great appetizer in minutes. Most of the time will be spent on cleaning tomatoes, but if they are scalded with boiling water beforehand, then everything will be much easier and faster. In addition to tomatoes, you can add other vegetables, for example, Bell pepper and onion. The snack will taste better.


  • 500 g tomatoes
  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 1 bulb
  • 5-6 sprigs of dill
  • 250 ml water
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • spices to taste


1. Choose strong for salting, ripe tomatoes without traces of damage or damage. Wash and trim the ponytails. Soak them in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Cuts can be made on the peel to make it easier to peel later.

2. Drain the boiling water and peel the tomatoes. Leave the place where the stem was attached.

3. Measure right amount salt and sugar. You can also add any spices for more bright taste and piquancy.

4. Wash and peel the sweet pepper from the inside, remove the stalk. If you take another variety, for example, ratunda, then the appetizer will turn out with piquant aftertaste. Onion clean and cut into halves of the rings. Wash the dill sprigs and chop finely.

5. Place half of the vegetables and herbs in a container or jar.

6. Place one or two layers of tomatoes on top of peppers, onions and dill.

This recipe is very popular with kids! After all, tomatoes are already without skins and they are convenient and easy to eat. Of course, you will have to tinker a bit with peeling, but in winter, just chop the vegetable on a fork and eat right away. Tomatoes are well marinated without peel and will not lose their shape, which is important. The main thing is to buy good, solid, fleshy, juicy tomatoes or grow your own.

You can also prepare a tomato for the winter. She is very helpful in the winter.

To cook a tomato without a peel in a marinade for the winter, we need 50 minutes, the number of servings is 5.


  • Tomatoes varieties Volgograd - 800 grams
  • Laurel - 3 pieces
  • Garlic - 1 piece
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1/2 pieces
  • Dill dry - to taste
  • Allspice in peas - 2 pieces
  • Ground salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons
  • Pure water - 200 milliliters.

Tomatoes without peel for the winter in the marinade - a recipe with a photo step by step:

Tomatoes are main vegetable our workpiece. Therefore, the choice of variety is important so that the tomato does not become limp in the jar and the skin is removed well. We need varieties like cream, I took Volgograd.

The fruit is tight, the peel is not thick, there is a lot of pulp, few seeds, they are just right for our preservation.

Tomatoes need to be washed, ponytails removed. To remove the peel quickly, there is one secret. Place a pot of water on the stove, half full. Throw the tomatoes into boiling water and count to 20, then remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon and put in a bowl.

Let the fruits cool for a couple of minutes.
In the meantime, we already have jars ready for conservation, sterile. We put dry dill in a jar, you can use umbrellas, allspice, laurel and a clove of garlic for flavor.

Now we remove the peel from the tomato, this is easy to do, just pierce the peel a little with a fork and then peel with your fingers. Put all the tomatoes in a jar of spices.
The fruits lay down well and densely. Add bell pepper on top, I had a fleshy red one.

Preparing a quick marinade for tomatoes.

Pour water, vinegar and salt into a saucepan. The water boils, turn off and pour the tomatoes, let stand in the marinade for 10 minutes. Then pour it back into the saucepan, boil and pour over the tomatoes again.

I got a liter Eurobank, spin it clean lid and turn the jar over so that the marinade mixes well. When the workpiece has cooled, move it to the basement, where all the pickles and jams are stored.

Tomatoes without peel in the marinade are ready! Everything is easy and simple!
Tomatoes are just awesome, juicy, fragrant, well, really tasty and no peel!

tomatoes in own juice- it's not only great snack for meat or fish dish, but also a great product that can be used to make all sorts of sauces throughout the winter. For example, I often do .

I already wrote about for the winter, oh,. And I want to say that by preparing summer vegetables for the future, you significantly save on buying the same spins in stores during the cold season.

So do not think about what to make preparations for the winter, it is very difficult. In fact, everything is much easier. Of course, you need to devote time to this, but the result is worth it!

As in most cases, there are many recipes for tomatoes in their own juice. But the main thing in them is one thing - they retain their taste and aroma. But more importantly, they will be made by your own hands and without the use of all kinds of thickeners and various chemicals, which are so stuffed with store products. Let's get started!

The easiest recipe for tomatoes in their own juice for the winter without sterilization

This is really the simplest recipe in which there are no spices, salt and vinegar. Nothing... just tomatoes!

These tomatoes are perfect for making various sauces for pasta or pizza. They can be used not only in sauces, but also as an appetizer for any dish.

We will need:

  • tomatoes.


First, pour the water with a spatula so that there is not too sharp a temperature drop. And then you can pour it from a saucepan or kettle.

It is better to use large, juicy fruits for this.

Tomatoes in their own juice with vinegar - you will lick your fingers!

Vinegar is often used in twists. He gives tomatoes extra flavor and aroma. But it also acts as a preservative, thanks to which jars of tomatoes will be stored for a very long time.

We will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons per 1 liter of tomato juice;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of tomato juice;
  • apple or vinegar 6% - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter jar.


Based on 1 liter tomato puree 1.5 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Delicious tomatoes for the winter with horseradish

This recipe mixes a whole range of flavors and flavors. summer vegetables. These are sweet peppers, and tomatoes, and garlic. And horseradish completes this incredible composition, filling the tomatoes with its aroma. An incredibly healthy dish that you can enjoy all winter!

We will need:

  • ripe tomatoes for juice - 3 kg;
  • tomatoes of medium ripeness - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 100 g;
  • horseradish - 100 g;
  • sweet pepper - 500 g;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tablespoon;
  • peppercorns - optional;
  • chili pepper - optional.


If you like it spicy, you can also chop the chili pepper.

Thanks to this hole, our hard tomatoes will marinate faster.

Video how to cook tomatoes in your own juice for the winter without peel

In this video you will learn how to make peeled tomatoes. After all, many do not like it, but prefer to eat only the pulp. That is why there is such a wonderful recipe!

I want to warn you that you will have to tinker with the cleansing of the skin. But the result is worth the candle! I'm sure your loved ones will be pleasantly surprised.

We will need (per 1 liter jar):

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • cherets fragrant peas;
  • hot peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cinnamon - optional;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter without vinegar

And of course, for those cooks who don't like using vinegar, there is always an alternative. All we need for spin is tomatoes and salt. Great recipe definitely worth a try this summer.

We will need:


For every liter of tomato juice, add 10 g of salt. For 2 liters - 20 g, etc.

  1. We put the pan on the fire, let it boil and cook for about three minutes at a low boil.
  2. Pour the juice into a jar.

Place the jar on the blade of a knife to prevent it from bursting.

The water should be the same temperature as the tomato sauce.

The first tomatoes are already beginning to ripen, which, of course, will be eaten in fresh. But very soon there will be so many of them that it will be necessary to process them somehow. And I advise you to make a couple of cans of tomatoes in your own juice. And how - now you will definitely know!

Bon appetit!

Tomatoes in their own juice delicious recipe useful to every housewife. Tomatoes and juice from them are especially useful for people who have digestive problems. Half a glass of juice a day - and the stomach works like a clock. Additional zest and additional labor costs in this diet recipe- this is what we pickle tomatoes without skins.

For this recipe, cream tomatoes are suitable, small, oval shape or small round, up to 3-4 cm in diameter.

How do we start canning tomatoes in our own juice and without skins? right, we think how to peel a tomato fast and easy.

To do this, we sort out the tomatoes, wash, blanch for 1-2 minutes. in boiling water, and then cool under cold water. You can blanch with a colander or directly in the pan. After the tomatoes have been in hot and cold water, it is easy to remove the skin (skin) from them.

Now you need to know how to tomato juice. We will prepare it separately. We will make it from the remaining tomatoes that did not fit in size or for other reasons. It can be large, overripe, rumpled fruits.

Preparation of tomato juice.

We wash the prepared tomatoes several times in water, discard the stalks, damaged areas from diseases and sunburn, with greenery, cut into pieces and boil until soft. We wipe the cooled contents of the pan through a sieve to separate the skin and seeds from the juice.

Add salt to it, you can bay leaf, black pepper and boil. To prepare a marinade from tomato juice, 1 liter of juice will require 20-30 g of salt. Tomato juice for marinade is ready.

Now, we need to make our preparation faster, since the shelf life of the juice is 1 hour. Then the juice starts to ferment. If we want to pickle a large number of tomatoes, then the juice will have to be prepared in several stages.

Important: To raise the boiling point of water at home to 108-110 ° C, you need to add close to 2 tbsp to a pot of boiling water. spoons of salt.

Tomatoes in their own juice according to this recipe taste like fresh. And although tomato juice and salt (without vinegar) act as a preservative, they are stored for a long time. This recipe for harvesting tomatoes is good because there is no waste - the tomatoes are eaten and the juice is drunk.

Step 1: Remove the skin from the tomatoes.

Choose ripe, firm tomatoes large size. We make a shallow cruciform incision on each from the side opposite to the seal left from the stem. And then drop the tomatoes on 30-40 seconds into a pot of boiling water. Then immediately, using a slotted spoon, transfer the tomatoes from the pan to a plate with cold water and pieces of ice. After all these manipulations, you will see that where you made the incision, the peel has moved away from the pulp. You just have to take the skin with your fingertips and remove it.
After peeling, cut the seals off the tomato. This completes the preparation of vegetables and the most troublesome part of cooking pickled tomatoes without skins.

Step 2: Marinate the tomatoes.

And now we just have to pickle tomatoes without skins. To do this, arrange the peeled tomatoes in sterilized jars. Let the vegetables fit snugly together. When the jars are filled with vegetables, pour in the same boiling water, cover with lids and leave to 10 minutes.

Drain the water from the tomato back into the saucepan and bring it back to a boil. Dissolve the salt in it and granulated sugar. At the very end, when you are already removing the boiling marinade from the fire, add vinegar to it. Stir and pour back into jars with tomatoes. Add spices and herbs if desired, and at the very end close the lids tightly.
Turn the pickled tomatoes over, put them on the lids and wrap several layers with a blanket or kitchen towels. In a day, approximately, or when the banks have cooled to room temperature, they need to be unwrapped, turned back upside down and sent to stand with other blanks, pickles and jams.

Step 3: Serve the skinless pickled tomatoes.

Pickled skinless tomatoes are a great appetizer, but they also make an easy base for any meal. tomato sauce. Therefore, I recommend spinning more jars at once, so that there is enough for a snack, and for making the sauce, and just to eat in the evening with onions or garlic and bread.
Bon appetit!

Tomatoes keep well in open jars in the refrigerator, just make sure that vegetables are always immersed in brine.

Parsley and pepper, both fragrant and bitter, do not need to be added. Without all kinds of spices, but only in the marinade, tomatoes are also very tasty.

Best for preparing blanks this recipe suitable tomatoes varieties "Plum".
