
Strawberry jam without cooking. raw jam

Required products:

Strawberries - 1 kg
- one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar

Cooking features:

Select beautiful, whole, undamaged fruits. The quality of the selected berries plays an important role in the preparation winter harvest without heat treatment. Wash the strawberries in a colander, leave for a while to drain the water, remove the berry stalks. In a deep bowl, grind the strawberries with an immersion blender. Do not immediately add sugar to the bowl, it is better to add it in 3-4 doses. Sugar should be evenly mixed with strawberry puree. Mix the resulting mass. Pack up small plastic containers, freeze.

There is also the option of preparing a blank, which can be stored in a regular pantry. Prepare boiled lids and liter jars. Pour jam into jars to the top. When packaging, it is convenient to use a ladle. Pour one teaspoon of alcohol on top, set fire to a match. As soon as you hear a slight hiss, immediately cover the contents with a lid without extinguishing the match. Roll up containers.

Recipe with raspberries

Gently sort out 1 kg of raspberries, remove excess, dip for a minute in saline solution(dissolve 20 g of salt in a liter of water), drain the emerging bugs, if they are in the fruit. Wash the fruits with clean water, dry a little. Rub the raspberries through a sieve, rub well. Combine the resulting puree with two kilograms of granulated sugar, mix well.

Lemon jam without cooking


Sand sugar - 1 kg
- lemons - 1 kilogram

The preparation is prepared from lemons with peel. Rinse the fruits thoroughly, pour over them boiling water, wipe, cut off the "butt". Divide the prepared lemons into quarters, cutting lengthwise, free from stones. Pass the prepared raw materials through a meat grinder. Add granulated sugar, stir, distribute in steamed jars.

Recipe with lemon and banana

Required products:

Lemon juice - 1/3 cup
- Orange juice- 1/3 cup
- sugar - a couple of glasses
- banana - 6 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Select bananas. When choosing them, focus on what kind of workpiece you want to end up with. If "textured" - select slightly unripe fruits, if “boiled”, then overripe. Pick up a saucepan with a thick bottom, set the fire to minimum, bring the sugar to a beautiful brown color, pour in the lemon and orange juice. From the very beginning, stir the contents without interruption so that the sugar does not burn. Add bananas to the resulting mixture, increase the heat to medium intensity, cook with stirring until the mass is completely softened and thickened. Transfer the workpiece to a container. Use refrigerator for storage.

Try and .

Quince jam

Thoroughly clean the quince fruits with a toothbrush. Wash the fruits, rub them on coarse grater. Rub the quince in such a way that the seed area is not damaged. The seed box should remain in your hands. Transfer the grated quince to a container, sprinkle with sugar. Take sugar and fruit equal amounts. Stir the mass well, let stand at room temperature for 8 hours. The fruits should have time to give juice. Stir the preparation again. Pack the mass in sterile jars, cover with nylon lids, put in the refrigerator for storage.

Prepare and.

Feijoa jam without cooking: recipe

You will need:

Sand sugar - 1 kg
- feijoa - 1 kg

Subtleties of preparation:

Wash the berries, pour boiling water over them for a couple of minutes to make them tender and soft. Drain the water. Do not worry that after this the feijoa will change its color. This is fine. Cut off the tails of the berries with a knife. Puree the berries in a blender. Mix it with sugar. Until the sugar crystals dissolve. Feijoa no-boil jam should be thick, a bit like jelly. Distribute the mass into cooled sterile glass containers. Store in cool place.

Blackcurrant variant

You will need:

2 kg sugar
- blackcurrant - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Wash the berries thoroughly. To do this, it is better to put them in a colander, rinse from leaves, dirt and specks. Scatter the washed berries on a towel, the remaining moisture should be absorbed. Put in a blender, beat. Make sure that there are no foreign objects in the mass. Transfer the currant gruel to a bowl, add sugar. Add it in parts and stir at the same time. Leave the mass for 12 hours, stir so that the granulated sugar is well dispersed. Pour currant jam into steamed jars, tighten with airtight lids.

Consider and.

Cold jam is amazing healthy treat, which will not take you much time to prepare. Cook it for your family and you won't regret it!

The beginning of summer is the favorite time of the sweet tooth. Indeed, at this time, many berries begin to ripen, and especially strawberries. It is also called the queen of berries. Except healthy sugars, it contains vitamins of group B, folic acid, carotene and pectides. It also contains a lot of antioxidants that help the body cope with adverse environmental conditions. So do not limit yourself, strawberries contain a lot of vitamins and useful elements, and we love its taste since childhood. But her season, unfortunately, is not long. Let's try to save a piece of summer and enjoy strawberries at any time of the year! Let's talk about strawberry jam. Long winter evenings it will remind you of a warm summer and give you a supply of vitamins.

In order for the blanks to be well stored, it is important to use only good berry. Choose only whole dry fruits, without damage and bruising. Overripe or, on the contrary, greenish ones are also not suitable.

Pay attention not to the leaves: if they have dried up or turned yellow, the berry was collected a long time ago.
In all recipes we use only dried pure berries. First you need to tear off the green tails. Then gently rinse under running water, let the water drain and put on a towel to dry.

A few more words about dishes. It is convenient to cook jam in a wide and low dish. The most optimal capacity is a saucepan made of of stainless steel or enamel basin. We will also need a wooden or silicone spatula for mixing.

Aluminum and other oxidizing dishes are not suitable for blanks from berries. Most the best option, which was also used by our grandmothers - this is a copper basin.

Well, now to our recipes! We will prepare jam for every taste:

  • Classic recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries
  • Strawberry jam without cooking

You can simply freeze strawberries for the winter, this method has its advantages: much faster, less sugar is used. But I don't represent long winter no strawberry jam! Precisely jams - in small jars, with bright sparkling syrup and whole berries. I do both options for the winter - I freeze and cook.

Classic recipe with whole berries

Jam is obtained with a transparent fragrant syrup and whole berries. Great for decoration confectionery, and the syrup can be added to children's smoothies, ice cream or even porridge. For this option, try to choose fruits of similar size, preferably medium-sized ones, so that they all boil evenly.

Proportions for strawberry jam:

Sugar will need the same amount as strawberries, that is, the ratio is 1: 1. For 2 kg of prepared berries, 2 kg of sugar will be required.

We take the most common sugar - sand. Make sure that the package with it is stored in a dry place. Wet sugar is heavier. Better take white sugar- the whiter it is, the less foam.

Step by step cooking recipe:

We sort the berries, tear off the tails. We will wash in cold water and dry it on a towel.

Transfer prepared strawberries to a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and shake well. It is not necessary to mix, otherwise the berries will be crushed.

Leave for 4-10 hours, covered with clean gauze. Berries will give juice, sugar will gradually dissolve.

Now place the container on the stove for small fire wait until it boils. Next, reduce the heat and cook for another 5 minutes, constantly removing the foam.

Our future jam is better not to interfere often, you just need to shake the dishes in different sides. Stir very gently, along the bottom, preferably with a silicone spatula.

Remove from heat and leave for another 6-10 hours.

At this time, we prepare jars and lids. Banks must be thoroughly washed. I use regular soda. Next, choose a sterilization method convenient for you: you can hold it for 15 minutes over steam; warm in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature not lower than 180 C. Boil the lids for jars for about 5 minutes, be sure to remove the rubber ring from the lid. If the lids are screw - just boil.

We put our workpiece on the fire again, bring it to a boil over a fast fire, so that it boils faster. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.

With this method of preparation, the berries remain whole and even.

Pour hot jam directly into glass jars and screw on with sterile caps. Turn the jars upside down and let cool completely.

Strawberry jam without cooking

And you can not cook strawberries, but cook in a different way. Here the main difference is that the berries themselves do not pass heat treatment, and therefore more preserved. The berries will turn out whole and save a lot of vitamins.

To prepare it, we need:

Strawberries - 2 kg
Sugar - 1 kg
Half glass of water.

Step-by-step recipe for making jam without cooking:

Prepare the berries as usual: sort, rinse and dry on a towel. We do everything very carefully, strawberries are very tender. It is better to wash in a basin in cold water.

We transfer the prepared berries to a bowl with thick walls (so that the syrup cools more slowly).

Now let's get to the syrup. We combine sugar with water, put on fire.

After the sugar is completely dissolved, cook for another 10-15 minutes. The syrup should thicken but not turn white.

Immediately pour it into the berries, leave to cool completely.

After that, through a colander, drain the syrup back into the pan and put on fire.

Again, heat and boil for 10-15 minutes, then re-fill the berries.

You need to spend 3-4 such cycles. Each time the syrup will become brighter in color.

Before the last time, arrange the berries in jars. It remains only to fill it with hot syrup right in the jar and twist.

Jam "Five minutes" from strawberries

Proportions for five-minute jam

To prepare it, we need sugar and berries in equal proportions. If you take less sugar, the jam will have to be stored in the refrigerator. For 2 kg prepared and sorted take the berries the same amount of sugar.

Cooking order:

Put the prepared berries in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar.

The berries do not need to be mixed, just shake the pelvis well so that the sand evenly wakes up between the berries.

We leave for a couple of hours so that the berries give the juice.

Now we put our container on a low fire. Stir a little so that the bottom layer does not stick. But very carefully. Remove the foam that appears with a clean spoon.

Better yet, just shake the pan every 2 minutes so that the berries turn over.

After the jam boils, cook for another 5 minutes over medium heat.

After that, pour into clean sterilized jars, twist with boiled lids.

Pureed strawberries with sugar without cooking for the winter

The advantage of this option is that you can use berries different sizes, and slightly broken fruits, but by no means spoiled. In addition, with this method of harvesting, strawberries save more beneficial vitamins, because they are not destroyed by temperature during cooking.

Proportions for pureed strawberries:

Sugar will be needed in the same amount as berries (1: 1 ratio)

Step by step recipe:

First you need to mash the strawberries. You can do this with a masher, meat grinder or blender.

The last option is the fastest, it will create a uniform consistency, without lumps. But I prefer just crushed berries, with in small pieces. Try it in advance small portions and make it to your liking.

Now add sugar and mix very well.

Now it remains only to spread the jam in pre-prepared sterile jars and close with boiled lids.

It is better to use small jars - 500, 600 grams and liter.

Store in a cool place, cellar or refrigerator.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

The main advantage of this recipe, like all others using a slow cooker, is the availability of free time that the hostess can use for herself while something delicious is being cooked inside. And in the slow cooker in the extinguishing mode, the temperature is maintained just below 100 degrees. This allows you to save more vitamins and the berries remain intact.

Proportions for jam:

As for other strawberry sweets, you need to prepare the same amount of sugar as for berries, for example, 1 kg per 1 kg.

Step-by-step recipe for making jam in a slow cooker:

As in other recipes, first prepare the berry - sort it out, tear off the leaves, rinse well in a basin with cold water and we'll discuss. Now we shift the berry into the multicooker bowl, alternating layers of berries and sugar. We start with berries.

Let stand for a few hours so that the juice appears.

Be sure to remove the valve through which hot air so that the jam does not “run away”. You can also leave the lid ajar.

Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. After 20-30 minutes, you need to remove the foam, then the syrup will remain transparent.

After 60 minutes, spread the hot jam in sterile jars and twist.

It is important to note that the option is suitable for all types of multicookers - both the Redmond type, where you set the cooking time yourself, and the Polaris type, when the program is automatic.

Now you know exactly how to deal with autumn blues and winter depression - just open a jar of fragrant treats. As the favorite children's character Carlson said: “Is there still a little jam left?”

What is your favorite strawberry jam recipe?

Jam without cooking also called " raw", although it should have been vitamin.
Without unnecessary heat treatment in the berries is preserved the largest number nutrients and trace elements.

Basic cooking rules

Seedless berries are best suited for such a preparation: strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, honeysuckle, black, red and white currant, blueberries and .
To mix different types berries for jam without cooking is undesirable, as they will lose their taste and aroma.

Most berries will require 1.5 kg of granulated sugar per 1 kg of peeled pulp.
If the berries are watery, loose or sour, then the amount of sugar can be increased to 2 kg. Conversely, if the berry is sweet and dense, then it can be reduced to 1 kg.

So that the jam does not ferment, the jars and lids for it must be sterilized by any convenient method (steamed, in boiling water or hot oven). The berries themselves must be ripe, unspoiled and well washed.

Store jam without cooking should only be in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.

Soft types of berries without a dense skin are best crushed with a wooden crush for mashed potatoes or rubbed through a sieve. So the loss of berry mass will be minimal.
Thick-skinned berries (black currant, gooseberry, sea buckthorn) are appropriate to pass through a meat grinder or blender to achieve uniform consistency jam.

Liquid honey can be added to “raw” jam, ground spices(cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, vanilla) or zest. By traditional recipes they should be introduced and stirred immediately after the berry mass is combined with sugar.

Blackcurrant - jam without cooking
The recipe is designed for proportions of 1: 2 (for 1 kg of berries 2 kg of sugar)

Currants, sort, rinse, remove brushes and leaves. Let it dry slightly, scattering it on an old cloth napkin (which is not a very pity, since the blackcurrant juice that stands out will immediately color it).
Grind with a pestle or pusher, gradually adding sugar. It is better not to use a blender, as it will turn the mass into a puree, and pieces of berries are very tasty in this raw jam. Add all the sugar, mix well.
Pour into clean, dry jars.

Cranberry jam without cooking
But after trying cranberry jam according to this recipe, which has not been on fire for a minute, you will change your mind that jam must be cooked.
Cranberries - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 0.5 kg, liquid honey -1 tbsp. l., cloves - 4 buds, cinnamon - 1 tsp, l.

Peel cranberries from litter, put in a colander, rinse in cold water and wait until they are completely dry.
Transfer the berries to an enamel saucepan, add sugar and grind the berries with it using a wooden pusher. You can grind with a blender. Add cloves and cinnamon to the finished gruel and leave the mass to soak in the aroma of spices for 30 minutes.
Sterilize a 1.5-liter jar over hot steam for 15 minutes, keep the lid in boiling water for 2 minutes.
Place grated cranberries in jars, pour 1 tbsp. l. honey and tightly close them with lids. Store in a cold place.

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Favorite treat that good housewives pamper their household in winter - this, of course, is jam. Made from berries and fruits that have been absorbed all summer sunlight, it cheers up and gives strength, especially if you eat it with hot tea and with your family.

Fragrant blanks

Summer, holidays, countryside... Those who were lucky enough to spend time with their grandmother in their childhood definitely keep in their memory the best memories of these wonderful days. And, of course, it is unlikely that one will be able to forget the smell that fills almost every village house at the time of ripening berries and fruits - the smell of jam. And how wonderful it smells delicious raspberry jam!

The industriousness of our mothers and grandmothers in general can be envied, because how much strength and patience you need to put in to fill the shelves with pickles, marinades, compotes and everything that is usually stocked up for the winter.

Modern young housewives, who are trying to keep up with more experienced ones, have a hard time, because homemade preparations take a lot of time and effort, plus experience and proven recipes are also very important. In order not to fall face down in the mud, you can use more easy ways Surprise your loved ones with homemade treats. The first step may be to make raspberry jam according to a simplified recipe.

Note to young housewives

It is not necessary to spend the last days of summer fussing around the stove to make a couple of jars of jam. Try cooking that requires cooking and you will love this method. Need ripe fruit or berries, sugar and 15 minutes of time.

Such raw jam is much healthier, because it does not undergo any heat treatment, which means that all vitamins and useful material are fully preserved. The taste of raw jam is not as rich and delicate as that of cooked, but it most closely resembles the taste of fresh fruits.

Storage conditions for raw jam are also different. You need to store it in the refrigerator or in a very cold basement, and for more long-term storage you can even freeze.

Why Raspberry

Raspberry jam without cooking, the recipe of which will be given below, is very tasty and healthy. It is recommended to start experiments on making raw jam with this berry. Raspberries contain a huge list of substances useful for the body:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, strengthens bones and teeth, promotes wound healing;
  • vitamin B - normalizes the nervous system;
  • vitamin A - improves vision, is responsible for skin health, growth and skeleton formation;
  • vitamin PP - normalizes the work of the stomach, improves blood circulation, fights cancer cells;
  • as well as glucose, magnesium, iron, essential oils and many others.

Raspberry jam helps with colds due to its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. And raspberries improve appetite.

Children especially love raspberry jam, but babies should be fed with this delicacy in moderate amount, because it contains a large number of Sahara. If your baby is allergic, then pay attention to the yellow-fruited and chokeberry raspberries(yes, there is one too).

Raspberry jam without cooking. Recipe

Today you can buy pectin of various trademarks, but it is very important to follow the instructions on the package. Under influence high temperatures pectin loses its properties, so it is added at the end of cooking. If you want to make raspberry jam thicker without cooking, the recipe must be supplemented with special pectin, a product with which you can store in the refrigerator or freeze.

The main advice that all hostesses give is that pectin should be stirred very well, otherwise jelly lumps will form in the jam.

Important: a clean jar and the correct lid

One of the reasons why jam or any other preparations will not be stored is unsterilized dishes. Many ways have been invented for a couple, in a pot of boiling water, in a microwave, in a double boiler, some even manage to sterilize dishes with alcohol.

We recommend using the most convenient and proven method - in the oven. It is necessary to wash the jars and put them wet in cold oven neck down. Then turn on the gas and set the temperature to about 160-170 degrees. Sterilization in this way takes about 10 minutes, but immediately remove the jars from the hot oven do not do it. You just need to turn off the gas, open the door and let glass containers cool down.

How to close raspberry jam

As for the lids, it is most convenient to boil them in a pot of water for 10 minutes, but this should be done immediately before use. jam, cooked traditional way, it is best to roll up, but it is better to close the "five-minute" raspberry jam and raw jam with a plastic lid or metal lid threaded.

In the recipe, strawberries are not boiled or boiled, but simply aged in hot syrup, that is, the berries are not directly cooked. They evaporate, by analogy with compote. Strawberries keep their natural taste, density and shape, but becomes a little paler, as it gives its color and aroma to the syrup. The recipe will appeal to those who do not like to fiddle with blanks for a long time. It will be necessary to boil the syrup three times, but this is 10 minutes, the rest of the time is spent on passive waiting. A minimum of effort - and the jam is ready!

Total time: 6 hours / Prep time: 10 minutes / Yield: 400 ml


  • small strawberries - 500 g
  • sugar - 400 g
  • water - 70 ml

Cooking strawberry jam without boiling berries

Small berries are ideal for rolling, whole, sweet and dense, with a pronounced aroma. I sort out the fruits, leaving only healthy ones, wash them under running water and let all the liquid drain. I cut off the leaves and stems.

Next, in an enamel pan or in another non-oxidizing container, boil the syrup. I measure right amount sugar and pour it with a little water. I put the container on medium fire. Stirring, boil for 4-5 minutes until the sugar grains are completely dissolved and the syrup becomes transparent.

I put the prepared strawberries in a bowl, enamel pan or pelvis. Better to cook in one go a small amount of fruits, no more than 1 kilogram, so that they do not wrinkle. I pour the berries with boiling syrup. I leave for 2 hours, until completely cooled. At first, there will be little liquid, but as the berries heat up, they will release their juice and completely immerse themselves in the syrup, coloring it.

After it has cooled completely, pour the syrup into a saucepan. I bring it to a boil again and boil for 5 minutes, removing the foam.

I pour the boiling syrup over the strawberries again. I leave until completely cool.

Thus, you can boil and pour the berries with syrup in 3 doses, each time letting them cool completely. As soon as I boil last time, I lay out the berries in sterilized jars and fill them with boiling syrup to the top. I roll it up, turn the cans upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them until the morning to evaporate.

This is such a wonderful strawberry jam without boiling berries. The fruits perfectly retain their shape, and the syrup acquires saturated color and aroma. Store jars of jam should be in the cellar or in another dark and cool place. Shelf life - 1 year.
